Results for 'Warburg'

12 found
  1. Panofsky - Warburg - Cassirer. From Iconology to Image Science.Martina Sauer - 2020 - In Homo Pictor. Image Studies and Archaeology in Dialogue [Freiburger Studien zur Archäologie & Visuellen Kultur 2], ed. by Jacobus Bracker, Heidelberg: Propylaeum. pp. 159-171.
    Neither the art historians Panofsky and Warburg nor the philosopher Cassirer had any interest with their cultural-historical research in fact-based, historical questions. An approach that had become common in the 19th century due to the loss of validity of the speculative aesthetics. On the contrary, instead of this substantial understanding as the documentary concept represents, these researchers focused on a functional understanding of art historical sources. Nevertheless, in contrast to this starting point, Panofsky invented a methodological procedure, the so-called (...)
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  2. Warburg und die Natur(-wissenschaft): Affektpsychologische Fundierung von Kultur im Hamburger Kreis um Warburg, Cassirer und Werner und deren Nachwirkungen.Martina Sauer - 2020 - Visual Past, 5/2018, Special Issue: Image Senses.
    What distinguishes humans form animals? Acknowledging that humans are part of nature, that can process psychologically their affective-vital reactions to nature, and thus be held responsible for cultural processes, is the result of art historical, cultural-philosophical and life science research over the past two centuries. This line of argumentation led to the consideration that there must also be a connection between affective-psychological reactions and formal, a-historical mechanisms that are usually used by the arts. However, influenced by classical aesthetic theory, no (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Verantwortung - Vom Aufladen mit Bedeutung in Kunst und Sprache. Zu den Konsequenzen aus den kulturanthropologischen Ansätzen von Cassirer, Warburg und Böhme.Martina Sauer - 2013 - In Oxen, Kathrin und Sagert, Dietrich (Hrsg.): Mitteilungen - zur Erneuerung evangelischer Predigtkultur, Leipzig 2013 (Kirche im Aufbruch ; 5). pp. 15-33.
    So many things have a meaning for us. How is it possible and how can we deal with it? In "gestures of attention" (rituals) we understand it, Hartmut Böhme says, and we produce it ourselves, Aby M. Warburg and Ernst Cassirer are suggesting. That means the producer and the recipient are responsible for their doing. -/- So vieles in unserem Leben hat für uns eine Bedeutung. Wie kommt das und wie können wir damit umgehen? In "Gesten der Zuwendung" (Rituale), (...)
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    The Warburg Effect, Homeostasis, and the Universal Law of Balance.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
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  5. Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse.Martina Sauer & Jacobus Bracker (eds.) - 2022 - IMAGE, Journal of Interdisciplinary Image Science 36, 7.
    This book is an anthology about transformation processes. It brings together contributions that were made during the 16th International Congress of the German Society for Semiotics 2021. Due to the Corona pandemic, it was finally not held in attendance at the TU Chemnitz, in Germany, but took place online. 11 sections with different focuses from archaeology, architecture, design, digital humanities, on the body, from the field of literature & youth and subcultures, media, fashion, environment, and carto/atlas semiotics and sign philosophy (...)
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  6. Responsibility: The Charge of Meaning in Art and Language.Sauer Martina - 2021 - Art Style International 8:153-167.
    This article starts from the assumption that there is a connection between art and language and responsibility. What is it based on? It follows on from the research of the Hamburg Circle in the 1920s by Ernst Cassirer and Aby M. Warburg, and was strengthened in the 2000s by Hartmut Böhme. Their joint starting point is the emotional life of human beings. Thus, they assume that already the perception is shaped by it and can be increased in rituals. Comparably (...)
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  7. Shining and Automation: The Phenotechnology of Ornament.Lars Spuybroek - 2023 - Architectural Research Quarterly 27 (3).
    This essay follows the fascinating mythology of grace and gift exchange to construct an argument about appearances as transcending the boundaries of things through a form of radiance or shining. The latter is based on the primary figure of the Graces, Aglaea, whose name literally signifies shining. The question arises how the obligatory rules of gift exchange—giving, receiving, and returning—apply to appearances, which leads to a cyclical “alternating current” of shining and working. It now becomes clear why the ancient Greeks (...)
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  8. Where Images Make Their Wonder: An Introduction.Alessandro Cavazzana & Francesco Ragazzi - 2021 - JOLMA - The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind, and the Arts 2 (1):7-20.
    The paper is an introduction to the third issue of the Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts. The authors give an account of the theories that have most enriched the study of images since the second half of the twentieth century: analytical philosophy and visual culture studies. A distinction is made between the two philosophical traditions. On the one hand, in particular within the context of analytic philosophy, images have been studied as single entities in relationship (...)
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  9. El vientre de los modernos. Psicología, fisiologia y filologia de la consciencia historíca.Filippo Fimiani - 2017 - Boletín de Estética 39:7-42.
    “La ‘modernidad’ a través de la imagen de la comida y la digestión”. Ésta es la tarea y el programa de la genealogía fisiológica y psicológica identificada con claridad por Nietzsche en un fragmento del otoño de 1888 y firmemente perseguida en toda su obra. El diagnóstico es implacable y es posible por un uso extendido de la metáfora gastronómica, aplicada a todos los campos de la experiencia y el lenguaje por una escritura temeraria de la historia. Como Valéry y (...)
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  10. La coincidenza degli opposti. Giordano Bruno tra Oriente e Occidente. [REVIEW]Aniello Montano - 2005 - Bruniana and Campanelliana (2):613-615.
    Sarebbe troppo facile dire che sullo scrittoio di Bruno non c’erano né testi buddistici né scritti di Lao tse. Resta il fatto che queste assonanze ci sono, e non solo sul punto della metasomatosi, che è il più ovvio. Esistono sintonie più profonde che riguardano anzitutto il concetto del divino e quel caposaldo teorico che è il concetto bruniano di materia. Sono sintonie e assonanze che pongono complessi problemi di ordine teorico, con i quali si sono misurati pensatori come Cassirer (...)
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  11. John of Salisbury and Pseudo-Plutarch.H. Liebeschüfenzitz - 1943 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 6 (1):33-39.
    Argues that John of Salisbury's Institutio Traiani is a pseudo-classical forgery. 34: "In my opinion this framework within which John presents his opinions is a pseudo-classical invention of his own, and an invention which in its combination of clerical and classical features is characteristic of the author.".
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  12. Correggio's amori di giove.Egon Verheyen - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):160-192.
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