Results for 'Weierstrass'

14 found
  1. Infinitesimals as an issue of neo-Kantian philosophy of science.Thomas Mormann & Mikhail Katz - 2013 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (2):236-280.
    We seek to elucidate the philosophical context in which one of the most important conceptual transformations of modern mathematics took place, namely the so-called revolution in rigor in infinitesimal calculus and mathematical analysis. Some of the protagonists of the said revolution were Cauchy, Cantor, Dedekind,and Weierstrass. The dominant current of philosophy in Germany at the time was neo-Kantianism. Among its various currents, the Marburg school (Cohen, Natorp, Cassirer, and others) was the one most interested in matters scientific and mathematical. (...)
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  2. Frege on the Foundation of Geometry in Intuition.Jeremy Shipley - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (6).
    I investigate the role of geometric intuition in Frege’s early mathematical works and the significance of his view of the role of intuition in geometry to properly understanding the aims of his logicist project. I critically evaluate the interpretations of Mark Wilson, Jamie Tappenden, and Michael Dummett. The final analysis that I provide clarifies the relationship of Frege’s restricted logicist project to dominant trends in German mathematical research, in particular to Weierstrassian arithmetization and to the Riemannian conceptual/geometrical tradition at Göttingen. (...)
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  3. Hasdai Crescas and Spinoza on Actual Infinity and the Infinity of God’s Attributes.Yitzhak Melamed - 2014 - In Steven Nadler (ed.), Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 204-215.
    The seventeenth century was an important period in the conceptual development of the notion of the infinite. In 1643, Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647)—Galileo’s successor in the chair of mathematics in Florence—communicated his proof of a solid of infinite length but finite volume. Many of the leading metaphysicians of the time, notably Spinoza and Leibniz, came out in defense of actual infinity, rejecting the Aristotelian ban on it, which had been almost universally accepted for two millennia. Though it would be another two (...)
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  4. Deleuze and the conceptualizable character of mathematical theories.Simon B. Duffy - 2017 - In Nathalie Sinclair & Alf Coles Elizabeth de Freitas (ed.), What is a Mathematical Concept? Cambridge University Press.
    To make sense of what Gilles Deleuze understands by a mathematical concept requires unpacking what he considers to be the conceptualizable character of a mathematical theory. For Deleuze, the mathematical problems to which theories are solutions retain their relevance to the theories not only as the conditions that govern their development, but also insofar as they can contribute to determining the conceptualizable character of those theories. Deleuze presents two examples of mathematical problems that operate in this way, which he considers (...)
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    Early Analytic Philosophy: Origins and Transformations.James Conant & Gilad Nir (eds.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
    The past few decades have seen considerable interest in the history of analytic philosophy. As this field has developed, complex and provocative questions have emerged about the very nature of analytic philosophy, challenging long- standing assumptions and spawning new research paradigms. In this outstanding collection an international team of contributors examine these questions and contribute to these debates, exploring the idea of analysis, the essence and status of logic, the nature of the proposition and its linguistic expression, the logical act (...)
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    O conceito de "número real" em Frege.C. Bismarck Silva Xavier - 2021 - Revista Inquietude 12:44-53.
    The present work consists of a discussion about the concept of real number in Frege. It is intended to explain how Frege tries to define the real numbers, highlighting the importance that the notion of “magnitude-ratio” plays in this definition. In Part III, in Volume II of the Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (1903) (from now on only: Grundgesetze), Frege presents his theory of real numbers, which is followed by a long criticism of the real number theories in force at that time, (...)
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  7. Dimensional theoretical properties of some affine dynamical systems.Jörg Neunhäuserer - 1999 - Dissertation,
    In this work we study dimensional theoretical properties of some a±ne dynamical systems. By dimensional theoretical properties we mean Hausdor® dimension and box- counting dimension of invariant sets and ergodic measures on theses sets. Especially we are interested in two problems. First we ask whether the Hausdor® and box- counting dimension of invariant sets coincide. Second we ask whether there exists an ergodic measure of full Hausdor® dimension on these invariant sets. If this is not the case we ask the (...)
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    A Polynomial Approximation Method for Welfarist Axiology.Walter Barta - manuscript
    DRAFT Several philosophers have suggested that it is impossible to formulate a theory of population ethics that simultaneously satisfies all of the necessary conditions set by our ethical intuitions (Arrhenius, 2000; Blackorby et al., 2004). However, we will attempt to demonstrate that, using the Stone-Weierstrass method, starting from scratch with a completely underspecified polynomial approximation function for commensurable cardinal utility (used here as a synonym for welfare) in a domain of commodities and populations, there are possible sets of functions (...)
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  9. Non-archimedean analysis on the extended hyperreal line *R_d and the solution of some very old transcendence conjectures over the field Q.Jaykov Foukzon - 2015 - Advances in Pure Mathematics 5 (10):587-628.
    In 1980 F. Wattenberg constructed the Dedekind completiond of the Robinson non-archimedean field  and established basic algebraic properties of d [6]. In 1985 H. Gonshor established further fundamental properties of d [7].In [4] important construction of summation of countable sequence of Wattenberg numbers was proposed and corresponding basic properties of such summation were considered. In this paper the important applications of the Dedekind completiond in transcendental number theory were considered. We dealing using set theory ZFC  (-model of ZFC).Given (...)
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  10. Frege, Thomae, and Formalism: Shifting Perspectives.Richard Lawrence - 2023 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 11 (2):1-23.
    Mathematical formalism is the the view that numbers are "signs" and that arithmetic is like a game played with such signs. Frege's colleague Thomae defended formalism using an analogy with chess, and Frege's critique of this analogy has had a major influence on discussions in analytic philosophy about signs, rules, meaning, and mathematics. Here I offer a new interpretation of formalism as defended by Thomae and his predecessors, paying close attention to the mathematical details and historical context. I argue that (...)
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  11. Schizo‐Math.Simon Duffy - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (3):199 – 215.
    In the paper “Math Anxiety,” Aden Evens explores the manner by means of which concepts are implicated in the problematic Idea according to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. The example that Evens draws from Difference and Repetition in order to demonstrate this relation is a mathematics problem, the elements of which are the differentials of the differential calculus. What I would like to offer in the present paper is an historical account of the mathematical problematic that Deleuze deploys in his (...)
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  12. Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Thomas Mormann & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):73 - 88.
    To explore the extent of embeddability of Leibnizian infinitesimal calculus in first-order logic (FOL) and modern frameworks, we propose to set aside ontological issues and focus on pro- cedural questions. This would enable an account of Leibnizian procedures in a framework limited to FOL with a small number of additional ingredients such as the relation of infinite proximity. If, as we argue here, first order logic is indeed suitable for developing modern proxies for the inferential moves found in Leibnizian infinitesimal (...)
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  13. Linguistic Functions.W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, K. Ilanthenral & Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    In this book, for the first time, authors try to introduce the concept of linguistic variables as a continuum of linguistic terms/elements/words in par or similar to a real continuum. For instance, we have the linguistic variable, say the heights of people, then we place the heights in the linguistic continuum [shortest, tallest] unlike the real continuum (–∞, ∞) where both –∞ or +∞ is only a non-included symbols of the real continuum, but in case of the linguistic continuum we (...)
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  14. Set Theory INC_{∞^{#}}^{#} Based on Infinitary Intuitionistic Logic with Restricted Modus Ponens Rule (Part III).Hyper inductive definitions. Application in transcendental number theory.Jaykov Foukzon - 2021 - Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 36 (8):43.
    Main results are: (i) number e^{e} is transcendental; (ii) the both numbers e+π and e-π are irrational.
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