Results for 'aurality'

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  1. Reason and Resonance: A History of Modern Aurality.Veit Erlmann - 2010 - Zone Books.
    Hearing has traditionally been regarded as the second sense--as somehow less rational and less modern than the first sense, sight. Reason and Resonance explodes this myth by reconstructing the process through which the ear came to play a central role in modern culture and rationality. For the past four hundred years, hearing has been understood as involving the sympathetic resonance between the vibrating air and various parts of the inner ear. But the emergence of resonance as the centerpiece of modern (...)
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  2. Architecture, Acoustics, Auralization & Emotions.Jeff Hawley & Alaa Algargoosh - 2024 - Live Sound International 5 (May):16-19.
    An interview with Dr. Alaa Algargoosh, a research fellow at MIT Media Lab.
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  3. Reflection in communicative jazz action.Mattias Solli & Thomas Netland - 2023 - In Bengt Molander, Thomas Netland & Mattias Solli, Knowing our ways about in the world: Philosophical perspectives on practical knowledge. Scandinavian University Press. pp. 140-163.
    This chapter aims to deepen Donald Schön’s insight about jazz playing as an example of what he calls “reflection-in-action” (RiA) by situating this notion within the enactive view of humans as linguistic bodies. Our main claim is that the knowl-edge or skills displayed by expert jazz musicians must be understood as aural and communicative in nature. After presenting the notions of RiA and linguistic bodies, we develop our view through a critical discussion of four statements from Schön’s passage on jazz (...)
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  4. The Listening Eye: Jean-Francois Lyotard and the Rehabilitation of Listening.Malgorzata Szyszkowska - 2016 - International Journal of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture 1 (1):39-58.
    The author points out to the rehabilitation of listening which occurs in Lyotard's philosophy in the field of his aesthetic analysis. The philosophical grasping of time and especially the instant is being explained in Lyotard through the listening mode and in invoking the aural experiences and the experiences of sound. The author suggests that the category of listening is often used in place of the category of aesthetic and as metaphor of the aesthetic perception. In contrast to seeing, listening can (...)
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  5. The Soundscape of the Huainanzi 淮南子: Poetry, Performance, Philosophy, and Praxis in Early China.Peter Tsung Kei Wong - 2022 - Early China 45:515-539.
    This article proposes that oral performance was, in some cases, a philosophical activity in early China. The focus is on the Huainanzi, a densely rhymed philosophical treatise compiled by Liu An in the second century b.c.e. I show that the tome contains various sound-correlated poetic forms that are intended not only to enable textual performance but also, by means of aural mimesis, to encourage the intuitive understanding of its philosophical messages. Thus scholars of ancient poetry, philosophy, or intellectual history, despite (...)
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  6. Getting Carried Away: Evaluating the Emotional Influence of Fiction Film.Stacie Friend - 2010 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 34 (1):77-105.
    It is widely taken for granted that fictions, including both literature and film,influence our attitudes toward real people, events, and situations. Philosopherswho defend claims about the cognitive value of fiction view this influence in apositive light, while others worry about the potential moral danger of fiction.Marketers hope that visual and aural references to their products in movies willhave an effect on people’s buying patterns. Psychologists study the persuasiveimpact of media. Educational books and films are created in the hopes of guidingchildren’s (...)
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  7. Emotions as Transitions.A. Grzankowski - manuscript
    In order to uncover the inner workings of our capacities, we look to ‘effects’. Most of us have the capacity to distinguish between spoken ‘ba’ and ‘fa’ sounds. One thought is that this is achieved through aural sensitivities that detect changes in vibration picked up by the eardrum. But the McGurk Effect suggests that there is more to the story. Without changing the incoming vibrations, sound experience can be modulated by showing a video of a mouth making a ‘ba’ sound (...)
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  8. Widzimy uszami i słyszymy oczami. Jak technika wykształca w nas synestezję.Adrian Mróz - 2014 - In Rogowski Łukasz, Techno-widzenie. Media i technologie wizualne w społeczeństwie ponowoczesnym. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM. pp. 89-98.
    Seeing with Ears, Hearing with Eyes. How Technology Molds Synesthesia Within Us -/- The subject of consideration within this lecture is the contribution of existing scientific discoveries on the visual and musical connection within the perceptual plane. Points of reference are the studies of Amir Amedi, Jacob Jolij and Maaieke Meurs, Harry McGurk, as well as, the works of Iwona Sowińska, Roger Scruton, Oliver Sacks, and a cultural analysis of Joshua Bell’s performance. I will also consider how the senses effect (...)
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  9. Sonic Booms in Blanchot.David Appelbaum - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):144-157.
    Blanchot’s rejection of vision as the fundamental philosophical metaphor is well known: “Seeing is not speaking” (The Infinite Conversation (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1993) 25). Furthermore, his central idea of the limit-experience (borrowed from Bataille) is a “detour from everything visible and invisible” (210). As part of his Heideggerian heritage, the increased importance of hearing (and aurality in general) lacks the critical appraisal it deserves. Pari passu for voice. Blanchot’s investigation of voice, spoken, interior, literary, is extensive. Various (...)
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  10. Sound and Image.Mark Eli Kalderon - forthcoming - In Limbeck Christoph & Stadler Friedrich, Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. De Gruyter.
    We hear sounds, and their sources, and their audible qualities. Sounds and their sources are essentially dynamic entities, not wholly present at any given moment, but unfolding through their temporal interval. Sounds and their sources, essentially dynamic entities, are the bearers or susbtrata of audible qualities. Audible qualities are qualities essentially sustained by activity. The only bearers of audible qualities present in auditory experience are essentially dynamic entities. Bodies are not, in this sense, essentially dynamic entities and so are not (...)
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  11. The politics of national diversity.Wolfgang Grassl & Barry Smith - 1987 - Salisbury Review 5:33--37.
    On the consequences of the interplay between the diversity of ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic groupings in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
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  12. (1 other version)The most important book never written: a media history of Saul Kripke’s scholarly szamizdat MANUSCRIPT.Margie Borschke - manuscript
    This paper considers the significance of the informal publication and circulation in the work of one of the most important analytic philosophers of the late 20th Century, Saul Kripke. I argue that everyday copying technologies such as tape recording and photocopying enabled academic philosophers in the 1970s and 1980s to create and reproduce living documents whose private preservation and circulation offered a way to make and maintain a community of interest, carve out a space for oral discourse and, most significantly (...)
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  13. Soundwalk as a multifaceted practice.Kamila Staśko-Mazur - 2015 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (2):439-456.
    The soundwalk was invented as part of the initiatives undertaken by the World Soundscape Project group with an acoustic ecology profile, which emphasised the noise pollution that exists in people’s sonic environment and the need to reacquire our ‘lost skill’ of conscious listening. Initially, the practice of soundwalking was used as a method allowing us to ‘hone our hearing’ (to boost our sonological competence), to show the human condition with respect to modern reality. Soon, the soundwalk became an inspiration for (...)
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    Artaudian Writing, Imagery, and Sounds that Conjure the Sublime: Performances Nearing Philosophy.Hazel Antaramian Hofman - 2023 - International Journal of Arts Theory and History 18 (2). Translated by NA NA.
    The fragmentary nature of the aesthetic in Artaud lies in its intensity and trauma. As found in his invented language, recorded utterances, drawings of portraits, hieroglyphic texts, and an irregular cadence of his recorded voice—most of which are exquisitely captured in the Artaud Diptych—this article not only seeks the connection to what is described as forms of “language” and the sublime but also informs the privation communicated in the embodied works of Artaud. As such, Artaud is approached within selected theories (...)
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  15. Mulsemedia in Special Education: A Novel Teaching Approach for the Next Generation.Ravindra Kumar Kushwaha, Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Jamiu T. Sulaimon & Sarfaraz Ahmad - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (4):85-92.
    Technology-enhanced learning settings are changing quickly and complexly in the contemporary digital era, making it possible for students with disabilities to learn more effectively than before. The words "multisensory" and "media" together, however, suggest that this strategy entails incorporating several sensory modalities in educational media to improve learning experiences for children with disabilities. It can entail integrating visual, aural, tactile, and kinesthetic elements to meet various learning requirements and styles. This article examines how Mulsemedia, one of these cutting-edge technologies, enhances (...)
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