Results for 'writing pedagogy'

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  1. Pedagogies in the Wild—Entanglements between Deleuzoguattarian Philosophy and the New Materialisms: Editorial.Evelien Geerts & Delphi Carstens - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).
    Whether we are said to be living in the Anthropocene, the Capitalocene, or are witnessing the start of the Chthulucene, as feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway (2016) would describe the current post-anthropocentric era, there is a demonstratable need for affective, entangled, transversal forms of thinking-doing today. Writing this editorial almost a year after the COVID-19 pandemic erupted, and that as inhabitants of Belgium and South Africa—countries with complex ongoing capitalist-colonial legacies, socio-political presents, and heavily but also differently (...)
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    Writing the Feminist Internet: a Chthonian Feminist Internet Theory for the twenty first century.Nancy Mauro-Flude - 2021 - Continuum Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 35 (5):788-804.
    This paper analytically responds to the collaborative performance work Writing the Feminist Internet as a motif of fourth wave feminism. It probes at the edge of Internet dark spaces that are often occupied by those who point to complacency in engagement with networking systems, by drawing auxiliary attention to the apparatus. Further examination sheds light on the valences and anarchy of technopolitics that transpired and reflects on the call for ‘hybrid of feminist activist efforts’ noted by Emma A. Jane. (...)
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  3. Making it your own: Writing fellows re-evaluate faculty resistance.Judith Halasz, Maria Brincker, D. Gambs, D. Geraci, A. Queeley & S. Solovyova - 2006 - Across the Disciplines 3.
    Faculty resistance to Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) is an issue that has been recognized by WAC program directors and practitioners for decades, yet it remains unresolved. Perhaps the problem is not resistance per se, but how we interpret and react to it. Faculty resistance is typically viewed as an impediment to the pedagogical change WAC programs hope to achieve. Moreover, the label of "resistance" is often used without further examination of the underlying causes. Based on research and experience (...)
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  4. Education Sensitive to Origin: Pedagogical Framework that Finds Foundation in the Thought of Edith Stein.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2023 - Cuadernos de Pensamiento 36 (2660-6070):343-369.
    In the predominant pedagogical frameworks of our days, rationalist, voluntarist or sentimentalist reductionisms are seen, from which it is about educating people regardless of their Origin and the singular and unrepeatable originality with which they have been given to existence. Faced with this anthropocentric confinement, Sensitive Education arises so that every person, regardless of their culture and creed, remains sensitive to their Origin and captures their own originality, which in the end is what they must accept and try to manifest (...)
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    Spacious Grammar: Agency and Intention in the Teaching of Research Writing.Katja Thieme - 2022 - Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie 32:281-299.
    Standardized academic English is now understood to be rooted in histories and practices that are colonial, classist, nationalist, heteronormative, ableist, and sexist. Current teaching of academic English carries an ethos of making practices of research writing accessible to students from marginalized backgrounds through explicit attention to language patterns and genre structures. In the context of both ideological critique and explicit pedagogy, I discuss three pragmatic elements of research writing—positionality, citation, and evaluation—with examples from one of my courses. (...)
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  6. Pedagogies of Reflection: Dialogical Professional-Development Schools in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Advances in Research on Teaching 22:113 – 136.
    This chapter discusses a form of pedagogy of reflection suggested to be defined as the dialogical-reflective professional-development school (DRPDS)  a framework that develops and empowers students by engaging them in a process of continual improvement, responding to diverse situations, providing stimuli for learning, and giving anchors for mediation. The pedagogy of reflection relates to dialogue not only from a theoretical historical context but also by way of example  that is, it offers empowering dialogues within the traditional (...)
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  7. Writing with ChatGPT.Ricky Mouser - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (2):173-191.
    Many instructors see the use of LLMs like ChatGPT on course assignments as a straightforward case of cheating, and try hard to prevent their students from doing so by including new warnings of consequences on their syllabi, turning to iffy plagiarism detectors, or scheduling exams to occur in-class. And the use of LLMs probably is cheating, given the sorts of assignments we are used to giving and the sorts of skills we take ourselves to be instilling in our students. But (...)
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  8. How to Write a Good, or Really Bad, Philosophy Essay.Bryan Frances - manuscript
    This is an essay written for students regarding how to write a philosophy paper.
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  9. When win-argument pedagogy is a loss for the composition classroom.Grosskopf Wendy Lee - 2015 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (1):243-266.
    Despite the effort educators put into developing in students the critical writing and thinking skills needed to compose effective arguments, undergraduate college students are often accused of churning out essays lacking in creative and critical thought, arguments too obviously formulated and with sides too sharply drawn. Theories abound as to why these deficiencies are rampant. Some blame students’ immature cognitive and emotional development for these lacks. Others put the blame of lackadaisical output on the assigning of shopworn writing (...)
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  10. Lab Notes: Write-up of an experiment in collaborative anthropology.Meg Stalcup - 2011 - In Paul Rabinow (ed.), The Accompaniment: Assembling the Contemporary. University of Chicago. pp. 132-139.
    What are the actual practices of intellectual co-laboring? In the spring of 2006, we began an experiment in collaborative anthropology. There was a dual impetus to our efforts: a desire to deal head-on with inadequacies in our academic environment; and a strong feeling that the classic norms of qualitative inquiry needed to become contemporary. Collaboration struck us as potentially key to both. We drew a parallel to laboratory experiments. In the textbook version, one begins with a question, formulates a hypothesis, (...)
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  11. Tinkering with Technology: How Experiential Engineering Ethics Pedagogy Can Accommodate Neurodivergent Students and Expose Ableist Assumptions.Janna B. Van Grunsven, Trijsje Franssen, Andrea Gammon & Lavinia Marin - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey (eds.), Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-311.
    The guiding premise of this chapter is that we, as teachers in higher education, must consider how the content and form of our teaching can foster inclusivity through a responsiveness to neurodiverse learning styles. A narrow pedagogical focus on lectures, textual engagement, and essay-writing threatens to exclude neurodivergent students whose ways of learning and making sense of the world may not be best supported through these traditional forms of pedagogy. As we discuss in this chapter, we, as engineering (...)
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  12. ChatGPT, The CUPID Model, and Low-Stakes Writing.Casey Landers - forthcoming - Aapt Studies in Pedagogy.
    Educators are increasingly concerned with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in student writing. Much of the concern focuses on the issue of students using ChatGPT to complete their work. I introduce the CUPID model for instructors to use when thinking about how to pedagogically handle ChatGPT. The CUPID model lays out five general approaches: Catch, Utilize, Prevent, Ignore, and Disincentivize. I suggest that instructors should especially consider using certain assignments that fall under the approach “Disincentivize”. Philosophy instructors in (...)
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  13. Kant’s Lectures on Philosophical Theology -- Training-Ground for the Moral Pedagogy of Religion?Robert R. Clewis - 2015 - In Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 365-390.
    How serious was Kant about his suggestion, in the first edition Preface to Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason (6:10), that he hoped his book would be suitable for use as compulsory reading for a philosophy class that theology students of the future would be required to take in their final year of study? This chapter (of a forthcoming anthology that will include chapters on all of Kant's lecturing activity) begins by sketching the pedagogical themes that develop progressively throughout (...)
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  14. How to Write a Philosophy Paper.Brendan Shea - manuscript
    This is a guide to writing philosophy papers aimed at introductory students prepared by the philosophy faculty at Rochester Community and Technical College. It includes sections on reading philosophy and writing philosophy, as well as an explanation of common grading criteria for essays in philosophy.
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  15. A More Practical Pedagogical Ideal: Searching for a Criterion of Deweyan Growth. [REVIEW]Shane Jesse Ralston - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (3):351-364.
    When Dewey scholars and educational theorists appeal to the value of educative growth, what exactly do they mean? Is an individual's growth contingent on receiving a formal education? Is growth too abstract a goal for educators to pursue? Richard Rorty contended that the request for a “criterion of growth” is a mistake made by John Dewey's “conservative critics,” for it unnecessarily restricts the future “down to the size of the present.” Nonetheless, educational practitioners inspired by Dewey's educational writings may ask (...)
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  16. The Cathedral of Being: Re-enchantment and the Writings of the Popes.Robert Tilley - 2015 - Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 5 (1):Article 2.
    A rarely discussed issue that bears upon the topic of education is that which takes seriously the relationship between medium and message; how is the content of what is taught shaped by the way in which it is taught? It is a question of especial pertinence today when in all areas of pedagogy we find people advocating the use in education not only of computers but on-line access and the wonders of the virtual world as well. The argument of (...)
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  17. Critical Discourse Analysis of Barack Obama's 2012 Speeches: Views from Systemic Functional Linguistics and Rhetoric.Bahram Kazemian - 2014 - Theory and Practice in Language Studies 6 (4):1178-1187.
    In the light of Halliday's Ideational Grammatical Metaphor, Rhetoric and Critical Discourse Analysis, the major objectives of this study are to investigate and analyze Barack Obama's 2012 five speeches, which amount to 19383 words, from the point of frequency and functions of Nominalization, Rhetorical strategies, Passivization and Modality, in which we can grasp the effective and dominant principles and tropes utilized in political discourse. Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis frameworks based on a Hallidayan perspective are used to depict the orator’s deft (...)
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  18. Reviving the Philosophical Dialogue with Large Language Models.Robert Smithson & Adam Zweber - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (2):143-171.
    Many philosophers have argued that large language models (LLMs) subvert the traditional undergraduate philosophy paper. For the enthusiastic, LLMs merely subvert the traditional idea that students ought to write philosophy papers “entirely on their own.” For the more pessimistic, LLMs merely facilitate plagiarism. We believe that these controversies neglect a more basic crisis. We argue that, because one can, with minimal philosophical effort, use LLMs to produce outputs that at least “look like” good papers, many students will complete paper assignments (...)
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  19. Encouraging Critical Engagement with Course Readings Through Focused Reading Responses.Laura Wildemann Kane - 2022 - Currents in Teaching and Learning 13 (2):28-37.
    In this paper I demonstrate how Focused Reading Responses motivate students to 1) critically engage with reading assignments, and 2) write more substantive reading responses. A focused reading response asks students to reflect upon several aspects of a reading assignment by responding, in writing, to a number of prompts that serve to engage students in critical thinking while also limiting the overall length of the response. Each prompt can be adjusted to accommodate the instructor’s subject matter and teaching modality. (...)
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  20. Breaking the Language Barrier: Using Translations for Teaching Introductory Philosophy.Carmen Adel & Joseph Ulatowski - 2017 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 3:33-52.
    Some students who possess the same cognitive skill set as their counterparts but who neither speak nor write English fluently have to contend with an unnecessary barrier to academic success. While an administrative top-down approach has been in progress for many years to address this issue, enhancement of student performance begins in the classroom. Thus, we argue that instructors ought to implement a more organic bottom-up approach. If it is possible for instructors to make class content available in other languages, (...)
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  21. Course Design to Connect Theory to Real-World Cases: Teaching Political Philosophy in Asia.Sandra Leonie Field - 2019 - Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9 (2):199-211.
    Students often have difficulty connecting theoretical and text-based scholarship to the real world. When teaching in Asia, this disconnection is exacerbated by the European/American focus of many canonical texts, whereas students' own experiences are primarily Asian. However, in my discipline of political philosophy, this problem receives little recognition nor is it comprehensively addressed. In this paper, I propose that the problem must be taken seriously, and I share my own experiences with a novel pedagogical strategy which might offer a possible (...)
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    First-Year International Students and the Language of Indigenous Studies.Katja Thieme & Jennifer Walsh Marr - 2023 - College Composition and Communication 74 (3):522-550.
    We advocate for the inclusion of Indigenous studies within first-year writing and academic English courses, particularly those taught to multilingual, international students. We argue that asking international students to learn about local and international Indigenous issues productively intersects with coursework in academic English. Our pedagogical approach emphasizes metalanguage and allows Indigenous studies and explicit language instruction to work in tandem, thereby recognizing the agency of Indigenous scholars and guiding non-Indigenous students in relation to it.
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  23. Tinkering with Technology: An exercise in inclusive experimental engineering ethics.Janna B. Van Grunsven, Trijsje Franssen, Andrea Gammon & Lavinia Marin - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey (eds.), Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-311.
    The guiding premise of this chapter is that we, as teachers in higher education, must consider how the content and form of our teaching can foster inclusivity through a responsiveness to neurodiverse learning styles. A narrow pedagogical focus on lectures, textual engagement, and essay-writing threatens to exclude neurodivergent students whose ways of learning and making sense of the world may not be best supported through these traditional forms of pedagogy. As we discuss in this chapter, we, as engineering (...)
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  24. Spinoza on Ingenium and Exemplarity: Some Consequences for Educational Theory.Johan Dahlbeck - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (1):1-21.
    This article turns to the neglected pedagogical concept of ingenium in order to address some shortcomings of the admiration–emulation model of Linda Zabzebski’s influential exemplarist moral theory. I will start by introducing the problem of the admiration-emulation model by way of a fictional example. I will then briefly outline the concept of ingenium such as it appears in a Renaissance context, looking particularly at the pedagogical writings of Juan Luis Vives. This will set the stage for the next part, looking (...)
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  25. Curricular Aspects of the Fogarty Bioethics International Training Programs.Sam Garner, Amal Matar, J. Millum, B. Sina & H. Silverman - 2014 - Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics: An International Journal 9 (2):12-23.
    The curriculum design, faculty characteristics, and experience of implementing masters' level international research ethics training programs supported by the Fogarty International Center was investigated. Multiple pedagogical approaches were employed to adapt to the learning needs of the trainees. While no generally agreed set of core competencies exists for advanced research ethics training, more than 75% of the curricula examined included international issues in research ethics, responsible conduct of research, human rights, philosophical foundations of research ethics, and research regulation and ethical (...)
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  26. Teoria do Conhecimento e Educação no Pensamento de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Manoel Carvalho - 1969 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Ceará
    The initial problem which motivated the writing of this thesis arose from reading of Emile by Rousseau. In this work, it was possible to detect the influence of different theoretical approaches, such as rationalism and empiricism, inspiring the development of the educational plan designed by Rousseau for his imaginary student (Emile). The very core question of the present thesis regards to whether there was a theory of knowledge pertaining to Rousseau’s philosophical thinking and, if so, how it was related (...)
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    Gender bias in the classroom has become an issue of global concern. This phenomenon is evident in textbooks, pedagogy, and the hidden curriculum. Since persons of all genders can equally contribute to national development, any factor that hinders persons of a particular gender from realising their full potentials should be examined and redressed. One of the areas where gender kurtosis is evident is in communication. This study, therefore, investigated the prevalence of gender skewness in academic communication. Data came from (...)
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  28. Kierkegaard on the Need for Indirect Communication.Antony Aumann - 2008 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This dissertation concerns Kierkegaard’s theory of indirect communication. A central aspect of this theory is what I call the “indispensability thesis”: there are some projects only indirect communication can accomplish. The purpose of the dissertation is to disclose and assess the rationale behind the indispensability thesis. -/- A pair of questions guides the project. First, to what does ‘indirect communication’ refer? Two acceptable responses exist: (1) Kierkegaard’s version of Socrates’ midwifery method and (2) Kierkegaard’s use of artful literary devices. Second, (...)
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  29. American Philosophy as a Way of Life: A Course in Self-Culture.Alexander V. Stehn - 2023 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 6:80-103.
    This essay fills in some historical, conceptual, and pedagogical gaps that appear in the most visible and recent professional efforts to “revive” Philosophy as a Way of Life (PWOL). I present “American Philosophy and Self-Culture” as an advanced undergraduate seminar that broadens who counts in and what counts as philosophy by immersing us in the lives, writings, and practices of seven representative U.S.-American philosophers of self-culture, community-building, and world-changing: Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), Frederick Douglass (1818–1895), William Ellery Channing (1780–1842), Henry David (...)
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  30. Caution: There is No COVID 19 Article in this Issue.Joseph Reylan Viray - 2020 - Mabini Review 9:i-iv.
    The year 2020 was arguably the most disruptive in modern history. It has a profound impact on research and pedagogy. There was a dramatic increase of COVID-19 scholarship within the areas of health science, social science, and humanities. Slavoj Zizek, a radical philosopher, was one of the first scholars to write a book on pandemic outside of natural and pure science (Zizek 2020). The book was published approximately 100 days after China informed the World Health Organization that the then-unnamed (...)
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  31. Encounters with Deleuze.Constantin V. Boundas, Daniel W. Smith & Ada S. Jaarsma - 2020 - Symposium 24 (1):139-174.
    This interview, conducted over the span of several months, tracks the respective journeys of Constantin V. Boundas and Daniel W. Smith with the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Rather than “becoming Deleuzian,” which is neither desirable nor possible, these exchanges reflect an array of encounters with Deleuze. These include the initial discoveries of Deleuze’s writings by Boundas and Smith, in-person meetings between Boundas and Deleuze, and the wide-ranging and influential philosophical work on Deleuze’s concepts produced by both Boundas and Smith. At (...)
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  32. Benedictus Pererius and the ordo doctrinae. Lessons and texts in the first Jesuits' philosophy.Cristiano Casalini - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):204-232.
    Contrary to a long-lasting caricature, which depicted the Jesuits as prone followers of the pedagogical dictate of Aristotle, the Jesuits were among the firsts to challenge his established order of books and questions. In the second half of the Sixteenth century, some Jesuit professors of philosophy, such as Benet Perera, the Coimbrans, and Francisco Suárez, consistently and purportedly modified the traditional order of discipline for dealing with philosophical issues, according the rational order of doctrine. In particular, this paper presents the (...)
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  33. "Is There Life in This Author?: The Living Author and the Business and Importance of the Humanities in South Asia".Mark J. Boone - 2022 - In Waseem Anwar & Nosheen Yousaf (eds.), Transcultural Humanities in South Asia: Critical Essays on Literature and Culture. Routledge.
    Original meaning generally and authorial intent specifically are relevant to textual meaning. The author is not dead—a reasonable common-sense view in the absence of extremely good contrary evidence. If anyone should offer such evidence, they will not be able to take credit for it—at least not for writing it down! Accordingly, humanities teachers should train students to understand original meaning and authorial intent. This is one reason the humanities will continue to be relevant to other fields of study. Finally, (...)
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  34. Kurt Smith, The Descartes Dictionary. Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (4):225-227.
    Smith’s Descartes Dictionary is geared specifically for undergraduate students and contains an Introduction, a Terms and Names section and a Bibliography. It is a good resource for students coming to Descartes’ writings for the first time and has the potential of being an even better pedagogical and study aid once its wrinkles are smoothened out, maybe in a second edition.
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  35. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master (review).Joshua P. Hochschild - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 219-220 [Access article in PDF] Jack Zupko. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. Pp. xix + 446. Cloth, $70.00. Paper, $40.00. What does the name "John Buridan" call to mind? For many, including medievalists, not much at all—at best, perhaps, a set of apparently unrelated ideas: nominalism; an impetus theory of (...)
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  36. Enhancing Language Acquisition: A Case Study of TESL Lesson Plans in an International School.Nur Amalina Mohd Sharif, Siti Maftuhah Damio & Hazrat Usman Mashwani - 2023 - Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Mjssh) 8 (10):1-13.
    The fourth goal in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) spells out Quality Education that demands teachers across all disciplines to teach effectively. The available literature suggests that teaching effectiveness starts from good planning, which should be evident in the documentation of lesson plans. However, when it comes to English teachers, their demanding roles that are attributed to the value-laden content, the grading of essays, the performance pressure of high-stake testing, and the requirement of culturally appropriate pedagogies (Loh & Liew, 2016)have caused (...)
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  37. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s Father: Biographical Aspects.Yaryna Yurynets - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:11-27.
    The key scholarly issue of contemporary Ukrainian research is not only a return to existing problems and figures but also a search for new figures and the filling of historical and biographical gaps. The present article is dedicated to the biography of Kyiv Theological Academy graduate Serhii Hrushevskyi (1830–1901), a figure who has rarely appeared in research previously. He was a talented teacher and gained credibility and respect among his contemporaries. More attention should be paid to his publications in periodicals, (...)
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  38. Women Academe and Criticism of Nigerian Culture: The Input of Mabel Evwierhoma through Theatre Scholarship.O. B. I. Nwagbo Pat & Fidelis Chukwujekwu Ndigwe - manuscript
    The giant strides to be taken in becoming an academic do not just entail acquiring knowledge through formal education but demand further steps to master, philosophize and profess knowledge. Apart from the credentials to show that quality conditions were fulfilled in a higher education, volumes of well researched publications in peer review academic journals are vital. In Nigeria, when this form of learning came through colonial education women were not as privileged as men to acquire it immediately. So, men become (...)
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  39. Impact of Unprepared Competence and Difficulty in Competence of Mathematics Teachers During Online Learning.Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan & Hendrikus Male - 2022 - Jurnal Teori Dan Aplikasi Matematika 6 (4):876-892.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the form of teacher readiness and difficulty when implementing the mathematics curriculum in high school, measured from four teacher competency assessments. Schools in Indonesia are still 50% learning from home until 2022, this situation has an impact on the achievement of student learning outcomes. In 2020, the ministry conducted a survey of 4000 students and the results of the survey and out of 100% of the participants, 58% were of the opinion that (...)
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  40. On Poetry and Philosophy: Healing an Ancient Quarrel.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    In the tenth book of the Republic, Plato famously writes: "There is an ancient quarrel between poetry and philosophy." In this essay I reflect upon this "quarrel" through an analysis of a passage from Dante's Inferno. I conclude by suggesting that, when employed well, poetry and philosophy complement each other in helping us reflect upon the deep issues of life. (This paper was originally presented at the 19th Annual Conference of Association for Core Texts and Courses) .
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  41. Ideational grammatical metaphor in scientific texts: a Hallidayan perspective.Bahram Kazemian - 2013 - International Journal of Linguistics 4 (4):146-168.
    Scientific Texts are generally concentrated on highly technical terms, and they are troublesome to understand due to their complexity in forms and meanings. Grammatical metaphor is divided into two broad areas: ideational and interpersonal. This paper focuses on the first type i.e. Ideational Grammatical Metaphor, which includes process types and nominalization. This paper adopts Hallidayan Systemic Functional Grammar to pinpoint and analyze nominalization and the role played by it. With a corpus of 10 authentic scientific texts drawn from very influential (...)
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  42. Using Mobile-Assisted Language to Encourage EFL Learning among Indonesian Learners of English.Andi Kaharuddin - 2021 - Linguistica Antverpiensia 2:766-779.
    Digital Literacy (DL) is defined as the ability to use information and communication technology to communicate with cognitive and technical skills. One of the Digital Literacy is Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) or mobile phones-based language learning. Merits of this study are worthy of helping learners easier understand the language learning materials presented by either guided face to face in the classroom or self-learning out of the school. The study used experimental and control classes to compare the results that the significance (...)
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  43. Burke lettore di Rousseau: note a margine di "A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly".Giacomo Maria Arrigo - 2021 - Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics 23 (2):655-668.
    Edmund Burke, known for his full condemnation of the French Revolution, has ascribed to the French philosophes the making of that turn of mind which eventually created the conditions for the total subversion of France. This paper aims at investigating Burke’s interpretation of Rous- seau: in fact, him he considers to be the father of that disposition – which he calls vanity – that has inflamed the spirits of an entire population. «A silent revolution in the moral world preceded the (...)
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  44. Segno e scrittura in Così parlò Zaratustra.Gaetano Licata - 2002 - Idee 49 (3):55-88.
    Deleuze’s interpretation of Nietzsche, the function of biological dialectic and the symbolic value of sign and writing in “Also sprach Zarathustra”. Sexual difference and Derridian interpretation of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra.
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  45. Ang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ni Jose Rizal Bilang Mga Post-kolonyal na Babasahin: Isang Paglalarawan sa Umuusbong na Kultura ng Pagtuturo at Pagkatuto sa Mga Piling Paaralan sa Lungsod ng Marikina, Metro Manila.Axle Christien Tugano - 2021 - Kawing Journal 5 (1):11-54.
    The masterful works Noli Me Tangere (1887) and El Filibusterismo (1891) can be considered as post-colonial writings because they are constantly studied and used as tools for raising awareness and remembering the violence and personal experiences of the Filipino society. This is an indirect description of the colonial period in the perspective of modern times. However, the teaching and appreciation of these writings become complicated because they are often neglected or otherwise considered as a subject that needs to be covered (...)
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  46. NOMINALIZATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL GENRES: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS PERSPECTIVE.Bahram Kazemian - 2014 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) 2 (3):211-228.
    Language, science and politics go together and learning these genres is to learn a language created for codifying, extending and conveying scientific and political knowledge. Grammatical metaphor is divided into two broad areas: ideational and interpersonal. This article focuses on the first type of grammatical metaphor, i.e. the ideational one, which includes process types and nominalization. The principal objective of the current work is to analyze a corpus comprising 10 scientific and 10 political texts. The Ideational Grammatical Metaphor framework was (...)
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  47. La Aracneida, Fernand Deligny y la tentativa de una filosofía gestual.Luis Guerra - 2024 - Arte Individuo y Sociedad 36:15-24.
    This article explores the work and thought of French pedagogue Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), focusing on his last project commonly referred to as the Tentative des Cévennes, developed between 1967-1996. From this experience that Deligny forged together with his collaborators, the article exposes the generation of a particular form of knowledge, a philosophy subordinated to a gestural solidarity network formed by human and non-human bodies, environments and situations, minimal gestures, everyday actions, and contingent events, visible only through a series of aesthetic (...)
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  48. Students' awareness, willingness and utilisation of facebook for research data collection: Multigroup analysis with age and gender as control variables.Valentine Joseph Owan, Moses Eteng Obla, Michael Ekpenyong Asuquo, Mercy Valentine Owan, Godian Patrick Okenjom, Stephen Bepeh Undie, Joseph Ojishe Ogar & Kelechi Victoria Udeh - 2023 - Journal of Pedagogical Research 7 (4):369-399.
    Previous research has extensively analysed teachers' and students' Facebook use for instructional engagement, writing, research dissemination and e-learning. However, Facebook as a data collection mechanism for research has scarcely been the subject of previous studies. The current study addressed these gaps by analysing students' awareness, willingness, and utilisation of Facebook for research data collection [RDC]. This study aimed to predict students’ Facebook use for research data collection based on their awareness and willingness and to determine age and gender differences (...)
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  49. Teaching Gloria Anzaldúa as an American Philosopher.Alexander Stehn - 2020 - In Margaret Cantú-Sánchez, Candace de León-Zepeda & Norma Elia Cantú (eds.), Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities. University of Arizona Press. pp. 296-313.
    Many of my first students at Anzaldúa’s alma mater read Borderlands/La Frontera and concluded that Anzaldúa was not a philosopher. Hostile comments suggested that Anzaldúa’s intimately personal and poetic ways of writing were not philosophical. In response, I created “American Philosophy and Self-Culture” using backwards course design and taught variations of it in 2013, 2016, and 2018. Students spend nearly a month exploring Anzaldúa’s works, but only after reading three centuries of U.S.-American philosophers who wrote in deeply personal and (...)
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  50. Beyond Information Recall: Sophisticated Multiple-Choice Questions in Philosophy.J. Robert Loftis - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:89-122.
    Multiple-choice questions have an undeserved reputation for only being able to test student recall of basic facts. In fact, well-crafted mechanically gradable questions can measure very sophisticated cognitive skills, including those engaged at the highest level of Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of outcomes. In this article, I argue that multiple-choice questions should be a part of the diversified assessment portfolio for most philosophy courses. I present three arguments broadly related to fairness. First, multiple-choice questions allow one to consolidate subjective decision making (...)
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