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  1. Anonymous Arguments.Andrew Aberdein - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-13.
    Anonymous argumentation has recently been the focus of public controversy: flash points include the outing of pseudonymous bloggers by newspapers and the launch of an academic journal that expressly permits pseudonymous authorship. However, the controversy is not just a recent one—similar debates took place in the nineteenth century over the then common practice of anonymous journalism. Amongst the arguments advanced by advocates of anonymous argumentation in either era is the contention that it is essential if the widest range of voices (...)
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  2. Should Science Journalists Know Science?Viviane Fairbank - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
    Which epistemic skills or attributes must a journalist possess in order to produce competent science journalism? I aim to answer this question by bringing together insights from journalism, science communication, and epistemology. In §1, I outline the Epistemic Challenge for Science Journalism. In §2, I present the dominant answer in the literature, the Knowledge-Based Solution, and argue against it. In §3, I propose an alternative, the Confirmation-Based Solution. In §4, I argue that this solution can address recent concerns regarding journalistic (...)
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  3. Fake news & bad science journalism: the case against insincerity.C. J. Oswald - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Philosophers and social scientists largely agree that fake news is not just necessarily untruthful, but necessarily insincere: it’s produced either with the intention to deceive or an indifference toward its truth. Against this, I argue insincerity is neither a necessary nor obviously typical feature of fake news. The main argument proceeds in two stages. The first, methodological step develops classification criteria for identifying instances of fake news. By attending to expressed theoretical and practical interests, I observe how our classification practices (...)
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  4. How do lines of inquiry unfold? Insights from journalism.Susanna Siegel - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Epistemology: Special Issue on Applied Epistemology.
    I analyze a type of practice related to inquiry: treating things as zetetically relevant to questions, and argue that this practice is a central normatively evaluable way to extend lines of inquiry. My strategy is to introduce the practice and its normative features by examining its relationship to something already well-understood: the ways that news stories produced by journalists frame events. I then argue that the same core zetetic practice can be found across domains, just not in journalism. Finding the (...)
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  5. Deliberative Newsworthiness: A Normative Criterion to Promote Deliberative Democracy.Rubén Marciel - 2025 - Journal of Media Ethics 40 (1):28-42.
    What should be news in a democracy? This article offers a deliberative answer to this question by developing a deliberative account of newsworthiness. Drawing from the deliberative theory of democracy, I define the general criterion of deliberative newsworthiness as a mandate that commands journalists to seek, select, and report the contents that are most capable of stimulating high-quality deliberation. I then develop a two-step process through which journalists may apply this criterion. First, journalists should select the most newsworthy issues, which (...)
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  6. Science Journalism and Epistemic Virtues in Science Communication: A defense of sincerity, transparency, and honesty.Carrie Figdor - 2023 - Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology (n.a.):1-12.
    In recent work, Stephen John (2018, 2019) has deepened the social epistemological perspective on expert testimony by arguing that science communication often operates at the institutional level, and that at that level sincerity, transparency, and honesty are not necessarily epistemic virtues. In this paper I consider his arguments in the context of science journalism, a key constituent of the science communication ecosystem. I argue that this context reveals both the weakness of his arguments and a need for further analysis of (...)
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  7. On citizens' right to information: Justification and analysis of the democratic right to be well informed.Rubén Marciel - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (3):358-384.
    The idea that citizens have a right to receive information that is relevant for their suitable exercise of political rights and liberties is well established in democratic societies. However, this right has never been systematically analyzed, thus remaining a blurry concept. This article tackles this conceptual gap by conceptualizing citizens’ right to information. After reviewing previous approaches to this idea, I locate citizens’ right to information on the map of communication rights, and put forward a systematic framework for both justifying (...)
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  8. El peligro de la posverdad en la era poscovid: elementos para una reflexión actual sobre el valor de la verdad.Martin Montoya - 2023 - In Mauro Marino Jiménez (ed.), La ética y el derecho a la información: nuevas audiencias activas en la era pos-Covid. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola - Fondo Editorial. pp. 15-29.
    La posverdad es un fenómeno mediático referido a la tergiversación de la verdad en los medios de comunicación, especialmente por la proliferación de noticias falsas. En este artículo definiré los principales elementos de este fenómeno, los hechos que han generado su aparición, y un marco filosófico para su análisis ético profundo. Explico además por qué la simple asociación de la posverdad con la mentira es insuficiente, y planteo que la ampliación del marco conceptual para su análisis, con la introducción de (...)
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  9. Periodismo automatizado y fake news: del algoritmo a la infoética.Leonardo Suárez Montoya - 2023 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Edited by Vicente Caballero de la Torre.
    El propósito de este capítulo es argumentar la vitalidad de una ética cívica frente a una robotización del ejercicio periodístico. Para ello se contrasta la idea de que la inteligencia artificial se basta a sí misma para luchar contra los bulos con una infoética digital o algorítmica, que pone en valor los principios de la ethica cordis.
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  10. El rol de una comunicadora en España. Entrevista a Marta Ramos Matas.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Argus-A. Artes and Humanidades (44):1-5.
    Esta entrevista se realizó a la comunicadora española Marta Ramos Matas. En ella, expone las experiencias gratificantes que ha tenido al desempeñarse a nivel profesional, ya sea a través de la radio o el periódico a nivel. Para conseguir ese resultado, ella revela que le sirvió mucho tener como referentes a Àngels Barceló, Iker Jiménez, Carmen Porter y Alberto Matas. Por otro lado, ejercer esta función en su país es para ella ha generado percibir un alto nivel de competitividad, ya (...)
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  11. Truth in Journalism.Zeynep Soysal - 2019 - In James E. Katz & Kate K. Mays (eds.), Journalism and Truth in an Age of Social Media. Oxford University Press. pp. 103–116.
    In order to fulfill their role in society, professional journalists must deliver truths. But truth-telling is not the only requirement of the goal of journalism. What is more, some of the other requirements of journalism can make it difficult for journalists to deliver truths, and may even force them to depart from truth in certain ways. In this paper, I make the requirements of the goal of journalism explicit, and I explain how conflicts between them can arise. I then make (...)
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  12. Is objective news possible?Carrie Figdor - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers (ed.), Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 153.
    This chapter discusses the nature of objective news and the debate regarding its possibility. It then assesses the main arguments for the unattainability of objective news. A close examination of these arguments shows that, contrary to widespread belief, journalists who try to provide objective news are not striving in vain. The chapter discusses the effect of competing journalistic aims and other limitations on our efforts to generate objective news. It suggests that the unwarranted skepticism regarding the possibility of objective news (...)
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  13. Objectivity in the news: Finding a way forward.Carrie Figdor - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1):19 – 33.
    Many media critics believe news reports are inevitably biased and have urged journalists to abandon the objectivity norm. I show that the main arguments for inevitable bias fail but identify factors that make producing objective news difficult. I indicate what the next steps should be to understand bias in the news and to combat it.
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  14. Constitutive Rhetoric as an Aspect of Audience Design: The Public Texts of Canadian Suffragists.Katja Thieme - 2010 - Written Communication 27 (1):36-56.
    This article offers a way of using the theory of audience design—how speakers position different audience groups as main addressees, overhearers, or bystanders—for written discourse. It focuses on main addressees, that is, those audience members who are expected to participate in and respond to a speaker's utterances. The text samples are articles, letters, and editorials on women's suffrage that were published between 1909 and 1912 in Canadian periodicals. In particular, the author analyzes noun phrases with which suffrage-skeptical women are addressed, (...)
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