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  1. Chains of Reference in Computer Simulations.Franck Varenne - 2013 - FMSH Working Papers 51:1-32.
    This paper proposes an extensionalist analysis of computer simulations (CSs). It puts the emphasis not on languages nor on models, but on symbols, on their extensions, and on their various ways of referring. It shows that chains of reference of symbols in CSs are multiple and of different kinds. As they are distinct and diverse, these chains enable different kinds of remoteness of reference and different kinds of validation for CSs. Although some methodological papers have already underlined the role of (...)
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  • Why It Is Time To Move Beyond Nagelian Reduction.Marie I. Kaiser - 2012 - In D. Dieks, S. Hartmann, T. Uebel & M. Weber (eds.), Probabilities, Laws and Structure. Springer. pp. 255-272.
    In this paper I argue that it is finally time to move beyond the Nagelian framework and to break new ground in thinking about epistemic reduction in biology. I will do so, not by simply repeating all the old objections that have been raised against Ernest Nagel’s classical model of theory reduction. Rather, I grant that a proponent of Nagel’s approach can handle several of these problems but that, nevertheless, Nagel’s general way of thinking about epistemic reduction in terms of (...)
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  • How to build and use agent-based models in social science.Nigel Gilbert & Pietro Terna - 2000 - Mind and Society 1 (1):57-72.
    The use of computer simulation for building theoretical models in social science is introduced. It is proposed that agent-based models have potential as a “third way” of carrying out social science, in addition to argumentation and formalisation. With computer simulations, in contrast to other methods, it is possible to formalise complex theories about processes, carry out experiments and observe the occurrence of emergence. Some suggestions are offered about techniques for building agent-based models and for debugging them. A scheme for structuring (...)
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  • Social Epistemology and Validation in Agent-Based Social Simulation.David Anzola - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1333-1361.
    The literature in agent-based social simulation suggests that a model is validated when it is shown to ‘successfully’, ‘adequately’ or ‘satisfactorily’ represent the target phenomenon. The notion of ‘successful’, ‘adequate’ or ‘satisfactory’ representation, however, is both underspecified and difficult to generalise, in part, because practitioners use a multiplicity of criteria to judge representation, some of which are not entirely dependent on the testing of a computational model during validation processes. This article argues that practitioners should address social epistemology to achieve (...)
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  • Capturing the representational and the experimental in the modelling of artificial societies.David Anzola - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-29.
    Even though the philosophy of simulation is intended as a comprehensive reflection about the practice of computer simulation in contemporary science, its output has been disproportionately shaped by research on equation-based simulation in the physical and climate sciences. Hence, the particularities of alternative practices of computer simulation in other scientific domains are not sufficiently accounted for in the current philosophy of simulation literature. This article centres on agent-based social simulation, a relatively established type of simulation in the social sciences, to (...)
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  • What Kind of Science is Simulation?Robb Eason, Robert Rosenberger, Trina Kokalis, Evan Selinger & Patrick Grim - 2007 - Journal for Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 19:19-28.
    Is simulation some new kind of science? We argue that instead simulation fits smoothly into existing scientific practice, but does so in several importantly different ways. Simulations in general, and computer simulations in particular, ought to be understood as techniques which, like many scientific techniques, can be employed in the service of various and diverse epistemic goals. We focus our attentions on the way in which simulations can function as (i) explanatory and (ii) predictive tools. We argue that a wide (...)
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  • From Past to Present: The Deep History of Kinship.Dwight Read - 2019 - In Integrating Qualitative and Social Science Factors in Archaeological Modelling. Cham: pp. 137-162.
    The term “deep history” refers to historical accounts framed temporally not by the advent of a written record but by evolutionary events (Smail 2008; Shryock and Smail 2011). The presumption of deep history is that the events of today have a history that traces back beyond written history to events in the evolutionary past. For human kinship, though, even forming a history of kinship, let alone a deep history, remains problematic, given limited, relevant data (Trautman et al. 2011). With regard (...)
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  • Creating Agent-Based Energy Transition Management Models That Can Uncover Profitable Pathways to Climate Change Mitigation.Auke Hoekstra, Maarten Steinbuch & Geert Verbong - 2017 - Complexity:1-23.
    The energy domain is still dominated by equilibrium models that underestimate both the dangers and opportunities related to climate change. In reality, climate and energy systems contain tipping points, feedback loops, and exponential developments. This paper describes how to create realistic energy transition management models: quantitative models that can discover profitable pathways from fossil fuels to renewable energy. We review the literature regarding agent-based economics, disruptive innovation, and transition management and determine the following requirements. Actors must be detailed, heterogeneous, interacting, (...)
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  • The Logic of the Method of Agent-Based Simulation in the Social Sciences: Empirical and Intentional Adequacy of Computer Programs.Nuno David, Jaime Sichman & Helder Coleho - 2005 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (4).
    The classical theory of computation does not represent an adequate model of reality for simulation in the social sciences. The aim of this paper is to construct a methodological perspective that is able to conciliate the formal and empirical logic of program verification in computer science, with the interpretative and multiparadigmatic logic of the social sciences. We attempt to evaluate whether social simulation implies an additional perspective about the way one can understand the concepts of program and computation. We demonstrate (...)
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  • Is Collective Agency a Coherent Idea? Considerations from the Enactive Theory of Agency.Mog Stapleton & Tom Froese - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn (ed.), Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag. pp. 219-236.
    Whether collective agency is a coherent concept depends on the theory of agency that we choose to adopt. We argue that the enactive theory of agency developed by Barandiaran, Di Paolo and Rohde (2009) provides a principled way of grounding agency in biological organisms. However the importance of biological embodiment for the enactive approach might lead one to be skeptical as to whether artificial systems or collectives of individuals could instantiate genuine agency. To explore this issue we contrast the concept (...)
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  • Zones of cooperation in demographic prisoner's dilemma.Joshua M. Epstein - 1998 - Complexity 4 (2):36-48.
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  • Toward a formalism of modeling and simulation using model theory.Saikou Y. Diallo, Jose J. Padilla, Ross Gore, Heber Herencia-Zapana & Andreas Tolk - 2014 - Complexity 19 (3):56-63.
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  • Computing the perfect model: Why do economists Shun simulation?Aki Lehtinen & Jaakko Kuorikoski - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (3):304-329.
    Like other mathematically intensive sciences, economics is becoming increasingly computerized. Despite the extent of the computation, however, there is very little true simulation. Simple computation is a form of theory articulation, whereas true simulation is analogous to an experimental procedure. Successful computation is faithful to an underlying mathematical model, whereas successful simulation directly mimics a process or a system. The computer is seen as a legitimate tool in economics only when traditional analytical solutions cannot be derived, i.e., only as a (...)
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  • Limits of Optimization.Cesare Carissimo & Marcin Korecki - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):117-137.
    Optimization is about finding the best available object with respect to an objective function. Mathematics and quantitative sciences have been highly successful in formulating problems as optimization problems, and constructing clever processes that find optimal objects from sets of objects. As computers have become readily available to most people, optimization and optimized processes play a very broad role in societies. It is not obvious, however, that the optimization processes that work for mathematics and abstract objects should be readily applied to (...)
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  • Agent‐based computational models and generative social science.Joshua M. Epstein - 1999 - Complexity 4 (5):41-60.
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  • The explanatory potential of artificial societies.Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3):539 - 555.
    It is often claimed that artificial society simulations contribute to the explanation of social phenomena. At the hand of a particular example, this paper argues that artificial societies often cannot provide full explanations, because their models are not or cannot be validated. Despite that, many feel that such simulations somehow contribute to our understanding. This paper tries to clarify this intuition by investigating whether artificial societies provide potential explanations. It is shown that these potential explanations, if they contribute to our (...)
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  • Evolutionary Economics, Responsible Innovation and Demand: Making a Case for the Role of Consumers.Michael P. Schlaile, Matthias Mueller, Michael Schramm & Andreas Pyka - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):7-39.
    This paper contributes to the (re-)conceptualisation of responsible innovation by proposing an evolutionary economic approach that focuses on the role of consumers in the innovation process. After a discussion of the philosophical foundations and ethical implications of this approach, which bears an explanatory potential that has not been adequately considered in previous discussions of responsible innovation, we present a first step towards capturing the important but often neglected role of consumers in innovation processes (including responsible innovation): We propose an agent-based (...)
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  • Evolving a predator-prey ecosystem of mathematical expressions with grammatical evolution.Manuel Alfonseca & Francisco José Soler Gil - 2015 - Complexity 20 (3):66-83.
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  • Bootstrapping knowledge about social phenomena using simulation models.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    Formidable difficulties face anyone trying to model social phenomena using a formal system, such as a computer program. The differences between formal systems and complex, multi-facetted and meaning-laden social systems are so fundamental that many will criticise any attempt to bridge this gap. Despite this, there are those who are so bullish about the project of social simulation that they appear to believe that simple computer models, that are also useful and reliable indicators of how aspects of society works, are (...)
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  • The “can you trust it?” Problem of simulation science in the design of socio‐technical systems.Jeffrey Johnson - 2000 - Complexity 6 (2):34-40.
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  • Disagreement in discipline-building processes.David Anzola - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 25):6201-6224.
    Successful instances of interdisciplinary collaboration can eventually enter a process of disciplinarisation. This article analyses one of those instances: agent-based computational social science, an emerging disciplinary field articulated around the use of computational models to study social phenomena. The discussion centres on how, in knowledge transfer dynamics from traditional disciplinary areas, practitioners parsed several epistemic resources to produce new foundational disciplinary shared commitments, and how disagreements operated as a mechanism of differentiation in their production. Two parsing processes are examined to (...)
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  • The Cultural Mind: Environmental Decision Making and Cultural Modeling Within and Across Populations.Scott Atran, Douglas L. Medin & Norbert O. Ross - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):744-776.
    This paper describes a cross-cultural research project on the relation between how people conceptualize nature and how they act in it. Mental models of nature differ dramatically among and within populations living in the same area and engaged in more or less the same activities. This has novel implications for environmental decision making and management, including dealing with commons problems. Our research also offers a distinct perspective on models of culture, and a unified approach to the study of culture and (...)
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  • Emergence and Communication in Computational Sociology.Mauricio Salgado & Nigel Gilbert - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (1):87-110.
    Computational sociology models social phenomena using the concepts of emergence and downward causation. However, the theoretical status of these concepts is ambiguous; they suppose too much ontology and are invoked by two opposed sociological interpretations of social reality: the individualistic and the holistic. This paper aims to clarify those concepts and argue in favour of their heuristic value for social simulation. It does so by proposing a link between the concept of emergence and Luhmann's theory of communication. For Luhmann, society (...)
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  • Usefulness of simulating social phenomena: evidence. [REVIEW]Pablo Lucas - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):355-362.
    This paper discusses partial results of an ongoing project focused on analysing the current usefulness and implications of developing research on agent-based social simulation models beyond academic, hobbyist or educational purposes. Design, development and testing phases of such modelling are discussed along with common issues evidence-driven modellers often face whilst collecting, analysing and modelling quantitative and qualitative data into social simulations. It also includes a discussion on the evidence gathered in published literature and structured interviews with researchers that have lead (...)
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  • Simulating rational social normative trust, predictive trust, and predictive reliance between agents.Maj Tuomela & Solveig Hofmann - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (3):163-176.
    A program for the simulation of rational social normative trust, predictive `trust,' and predictive reliance between agents will be introduced. It offers a tool for social scientists or a trust component for multi-agent simulations/multi-agent systems, which need to include trust between agents to guide the decisions about the course of action. It is based on an analysis of rational social normative trust (RSNTR) (revised version of M. Tuomela 2002), which is presented and briefly argued. For collective agents, belief conditions for (...)
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  • Incentives and the needham paradox: An agent‐based perspective.Chee Kian Leong - 2013 - Complexity 18 (2):18-28.
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  • Assumptions in Decision Making Scholarship: Implications for Business Ethics Research. [REVIEW]Kirsten Martin & Bidhan Parmar - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):289-306.
    While decision making scholarship in management has specifically addressed the objectivist assumptions within the rational choice model, a similar move within business ethics has only begun to occur. Business ethics scholarship remains primarily based on rational choice assumptions. In this article, we examine the managerial decision making literature in order to illustrate equivocality within the rational choice model. We identify four key assumptions in the decision making literature and illustrate how these assumptions affect decision making theory, research, and practice within (...)
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  • Brave new modeling: Cellular automata and artificial neural networks for mastering complexity in economics.Janette Aschenwald, Stefan Fink & Gottfried Tappeiner - 2001 - Complexity 7 (1):39-47.
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  • Leaving the "gothic cathedral" of economics.Massimiliano Ugolini - 2005 - Mind and Society 4 (2):239-252.
    Studies in economics and humanities generally have intrinsic problems that this work illustrates, along with innovations for overcoming them. The main limitations and weak-points of orthodox theory necessitate the use in their stead of other multi-disciplinary approaches, like complexity science, agent-based simulations and artificial life simulations. An example of an artificial life simulation applied in the economics field concerning the exchange process shows the benefits of such new conceptual and methodological instruments.
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  • Improving understanding, learning, and performances of novices in dynamic managerial simulation games.Hakan Yasarcan - 2010 - Complexity 15 (4):NA-NA.
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  • A general theory of complex living systems: Exploring the demand side of dynamics.Graeme Donald Snooks - 2008 - Complexity 13 (6):12-20.
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  • Results of a beer game experiment: Should a manager always behave according to the book?Mert Edali & Hakan Yasarcan - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):190-199.
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  • Adaptive Logistics - Using Complexity Theory to Facilitate Increased Effectiveness in Logistics.Fredrik Nilsson - unknown
    Logistics is gaining increased attention in companies since interconnectivity is increasing, and the interdependence among actors is enhanced due to challenges organizations are facing today . While the logistics discipline has been characterized by an efficiency focus based on positivistic assumptions, the challenges of today require a focus on effectiveness i.e. adaptive logistics based on extended assumptions. As firms are becoming more complex themselves in their relationships with suppliers and customers, and there is increased turbulence facing almost all industries, this (...)
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