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  1. (1 other version)The validity of first-person descriptions as authenticity and coherence.Claire Petitmengin - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (10-12):10-12.
    This article is devoted to the description of the experience associated with listening to a sound. In the first part, we describe the method we used to gather descriptions of auditory experience and to analyse these descriptions. This work of explicitation and analysis has enabled us to identify a threefold generic structure of this experience, depending on whether the attention of the subject is directed towards the event which is at the source of the sound, the sound in itself, considered (...)
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  • Why Is There No Hermeneutics of Natural Sciences? Some Preliminary Theses.Gyorgy Markus - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (1):5-51.
    The ArgumentContemporary natural sciences succeed remarkably well in ensuring a relatively continuous transmission of their cognitively relevant traditions and in creating a widely shared background consensus among their practitioners – hermeneutical ends seemingly achieved without hermeneutical awareness or explicitly acquired hermeneutical skills.It is a historically specific – emerging only in the nineteenth century – cultural organization of the Author-Text-Reader relation which endows them with such an ease of hermeneutical achievements: an institutionally fixed form of textual and intertextual practices, normatively posited (...)
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  • The Janus head of Bachelard’s phenomenotechnique: from purification to proliferation and back.Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):689-707.
    The work of Gaston Bachelard is known for two crucial concepts, that of the epistemological rupture and that of phenomenotechnique. A crucial question is, however, how these two concepts relate to one another. Are they in fact essentially connected or must they be seen as two separate elements of Bachelard’s thinking? This paper aims to analyse the relation between these two Bachelardian moments and the significance of the concept of phenomenotechnique for today. This will be done by examining how the (...)
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  • Fabricated Truths and the Pathos of Proximity: What Would be a Nietzschean Philosophy of Contemporary Technoscience?Hub Zwart - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (3):457-482.
    In recent years, Nietzsche’s views on (natural) science attracted a considerable amount of scholarly attention. Overall, his attitude towards science tends to be one of suspicion, or ambivalence at least. My article addresses the “Nietzsche and science” theme from a slightly different perspective, raising a somewhat different type of question, more pragmatic if you like, namely: how to be a Nietzschean philosopher of science today? What would the methodological contours of a Nietzschean approach to present-day research areas (such as neuroscience, (...)
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  • The Errors of History.Alison Ross - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (2):139-154.
    This paper critically evaluates Foucault’s relation to Bachelard and Canguilhem. It reconsiders the relevance of the concept of “influence” for treating this relation in order to register the more sceptical position Foucault adopts towards knowledge practices than either of these figures from twentieth-century French epistemology.
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  • Relativités et puissances spectrales chez Gaston Bachelard.Charles Alunni - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (1):73-110.
    La Valeur inductive de la relativité est sans conteste l'ouvrage le plus méconnu de toute l'oeuvre «philosophique» de Gaston Bachelard. Au silence presque total, à l'absence de lectures, ne répondent que des interprétations du« premier genre», appuyées sur un certain ouï-dire discursif, mais qui font l'autorité des pseudo-standards. Les positions bachelardiennes sont ici confrontées à La Déduction relativiste d'Émile Meyerson. Le poids de l'analyse portera essentiellement sur un dépl(o)iement du dispositif bachelardien d'induction et de construction. L'appareillage « inductif » doit (...)
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  • Herschel in Bedlam: Natural History and Stellar Astronomy.Simon Schaffer - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (3):211-239.
    In his comprehensive survey of the work of William Herschel, published in the Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes for 1842, Dominique Arago argued that the life of the great astronomer ‘had the rare privilege of forming an epoch in an extended branch of astronomy’. Arago also noted, however, that Herschel's ideas were often taken as ‘the conceptions of a madman’, even if they were subsequently accepted. This fact, commented Arago, ‘seems to me one that deserves to appear in the history (...)
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  • Re-Imagining Social Science.Timothy Rutzou - 2016 - Journal of Critical Realism 15 (4):327-341.
    In 2015 IACR held its annual conference at Notre Dame (USA) around the theme of Re-Imagining Social Science. It is rather fashionable to acknowledge that there is a crisis in the social sciences to...
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  • In the Beginning was the Genome: Genomics and the Bi-textuality of Human Existence.H. A. E. Zwart - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (1):26-43.
    This paper addresses the cultural impact of genomics and the Human Genome Project on human self-understanding. Notably, it addresses the claim made by Francis Collins that the genome is the language of God and the claim made by Max Delbrück that Aristotle must be credited with having predicted DNA as the soul that organises bio-matter. From a continental philosophical perspective I will argue that human existence results from a dialectical interaction between two types of texts: the language of molecular biology (...)
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  • Gaston Bachelard face aux mathématiques.Charles Alunni - 2015 - Revue de Synthèse 136 (1-2):9-32.
    La question du rapport de la pensée bachelardienne à la mathématique contemporaine a longtemps été éludée au profit exclusif d'une interprétation fautive. Un Bachelard formé à la physique et à la chimie qui n'auraitjamais donné sa véritable place à l'étude mathématique est l'interprétation qui prédomine depuis le colloque de Cerisy (1974). Le logicien Roger Martin affinne qu'il existe un silence coupable autour du problème des fondements (problématique ensembliste, axiomatique et logicisme). À partir d'une analyse serrée des textes, cette étude renoue (...)
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  • What is Critique? Critical Turns in the Age of Criticism.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2017 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 18 (1):28-60.
    Since the Enlightenment, critique has played an overarching role in how Western society understands itself and its basic institutions. However, opinions differ widely concerning the understanding and evaluation of critique. To understand such differences and clarify a viable understanding of critique, the article turns to Kant’s critical philosophy, inaugurating the “age of criticism”. While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the (...)
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  • Some Mathematical, Epistemological, and Historical Reflections on the Relationship Between Geometry and Reality, Space–Time Theory and the Geometrization of Theoretical Physics, from Riemann to Weyl and Beyond.Luciano Boi - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (1):1-38.
    The history and philosophy of science are destined to play a fundamental role in an epoch marked by a major scientific revolution. This ongoing revolution, principally affecting mathematics and physics, entails a profound upheaval of our conception of space, space–time, and, consequently, of natural laws themselves. Briefly, this revolution can be summarized by the following two trends: by the search for a unified theory of the four fundamental forces of nature, which are known, as of now, as gravity, electromagnetism, and (...)
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  • Specula.Charles Alunni, Éric Brian & Laurent Nottale - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (1):147-183.
    La théorie de la relativité d'échelle développe les conséquences de l'abandon de l'hypothèse de différentiabilité des coordonnées spatio-temporelles. La première est le caractère fractal, c'est-à-dire explicitement dépendant des résolutions, qu'acquiert l'espace-temps. On redéfinit alors les résolutions comme caractérisant l'état d'échelle du référentiel, puis on postule un principe de relativité d'échelle, suivant lequel les lois de la nature doivent être valides quel que soit cet état. Il s'agit ainsi de construire une extension des théories existantes de la relativité, qui s'appliquaient jusqu'à (...)
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  • Predictive success, partial truth and Duhemian realism.Gauvain Leconte - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3245-3265.
    According to a defense of scientific realism known as the “divide et impera move”, mature scientific theories enjoying predictive success are partially true. This paper investigates a paradigmatic historical case: the prediction, based on Fresnel’s wave theory of light, that a bright spot should figure in the shadow of a disc. Two different derivations of this prediction have been given by both Poisson and Fresnel. I argue that the details of these derivations highlight two problems of indispensability arguments, which state (...)
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  • The Concept of Materials in Historical PerspectiveDas Konzept von Werkstoffen in historischer Perspektive.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (1):107-123.
    In diesem Beitrag lege ich dar, dass in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts das Konzept von Werkstoffen (materials) als charakteristischer ontologischer Typus eines neuen Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsstils aufkam. Das soll nicht heißen, dass Werkstoffe niemals zuvor wissenschaftlich bearbeitet worden wären. Zweifellos hatten sich zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Disziplinen mit den Eigenschaften einer ganzen Reihe von Werkstoffen befasst. Doch wurden dabei Werkstoffe nicht als generische, also alle Arten von Stoffen umfassende, Entität betrachtet.Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist zu verstehen, wie Werkstoffe als Gattungseinheit entstanden (...)
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  • Granger and science as network of models.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1987 - Manuscrito 10 (2):111-136.
    The discovery of the role of models in science by Granger parallels the analogous discovery made by Mary Hesse and Marx Wartofsky. The role models are granted highlights the linguistic dimension of science, resulting in a 'softening' of Bachelard's rationalistic epistemology without lapsing into relativism. A 'linguistic' theory of metaphor, as contrasted with Bachelard's 'psychological' theory, is basic to Granger's account of models. A final paragraph discusses to what extent Granger's 'mature' theory of models would imply a revision of his (...)
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  • Albert Lautman et le souci brisé du mouvement.Charles Alunni - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):283-301.
    Nous posons l'oeuvre d'Albert Lautman comme une sorte d'opérateur de brisure de symétrie dans le cadre de l'opposition traditionnelle de la philosophie spéculative et des sciences physico-mathématiques. L'enjeu pour la philosophie en est, à de très rares exceptions près, encore très mal perçu. Sur ce plan, nous reprenons la question du « platonisme » supposé de Lautman, et nous le confrontons à sa lecture fondamentale de Martin Heidegger. Les conséquences de cette inscription dans le sillon heideggérien sont fondamentales pour une (...)
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  • Aesthetic appreciation of experiments: The case of 18th-century mimetic experiments.Alexander Rueger - 2002 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16 (1):49 – 59.
    This article analyzes a type of experiment, very popular in 18th-century natural philosophy, which has apparently not led to insights into nature but which was aesthetically especially attractive. These experiments--"mimetic experiments"--allow us to trace a connection between aesthetic appreciation in science and in art contemporaneous with the science. I use this case as a problem for McAllister's theory of aesthetic induction according to which aesthetic standards in science tend to be associated with empirical success and propose an alternative mechanism that (...)
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  • Ontological relativity and meaning‐variance: A critical‐constructive review.Christopher Norris - 1997 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):139 – 173.
    This article offers a critical review of various ontological-relativist arguments, mostly deriving from the work of W. V. Quine and Thomas K hn. I maintain that these arguments are (1) internally contradictory, (2) incapable of accounting for our knowledge of the growth of scientific knowledge, and (3) shown up as fallacious from the standpoint of a causal-realist approach to issues of truth, meaning, and interpretation. Moreover, they have often been viewed as lending support to such programmes as the 'strong' sociology (...)
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  • Quantum gravity: Meaning and measurement.John Stachel & Kaća Bradonjić - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (2):209-216.
    A discussion of the meaning of a physical concept cannot be separated from discussion of the conditions for its ideal measurement. We assert that quantization is no more than the invocation of the quantum of action in the explanation of some process or phenomenon, and does not imply an assertion of the fundamental nature of such a process. This leads to an ecumenical approach to the problem of quantization of the gravitational field. There can be many valid approaches, each of (...)
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  • Popular Science and Politics in Interwar France.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):459-471.
    ArgumentThe interwar period in France is characterized by intense activity to disseminate science in society through various media: magazines, conferences, book series, encyclopedias, radio, exhibitions, and museums. In this context, the scientific community developed significant attempts to disseminate science in close alliance with the State. This paper presents three ambitious projects conducted in the 1930s which targeted different audiences and engaged the social sciences along with the natural sciences. The first project was a multimedia enterprise aimed at bridging what would (...)
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  • Introduction: Communicating Science: National Approaches in Twentieth-Century Europe.Arne Schirrmacher - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):393-404.
    In a recent book onThe Publics of Science; Experts and Laymen Through History, Agustí Nieto-Galan introduced his subject of a (mostly Western) history of public science, covering the times from the Scientific Revolution to the twenty-first century, with reference to Sigmund Freud. In one of his essays of cultural critique, Freud had, so to speak, put culture itself on his couch, and this session also featured talk about science and technological application.Civilization and Its Discontentsidentified a factor of disillusionment in the (...)
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  • Hacia una imagen no deformada de la actividad científica.Jaime Carrascosa Alís, Daniel Gil Pérez & Isabel Fernández Montoro - 2001 - Endoxa 1 (14):228.
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  • Introducing the cell concept with both animal and plant cells: A historical and didactic approach.Pierre Clément - 2007 - Science & Education 16 (3-5):423-440.
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  • Épistémologie 1900 la tradition Française.Castelli Gattinara - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):347-365.
    L'article s'interroge sur la tradition française en matière d'épistémologie et analyse la réaction du milieu philosophique du début du xxe siècle face à la crise des acquis philosophiques traditionnels provoquée par le développement des sciences. Les interventions au premier congrès international de Philosophie de 1900 montrent que la philosophie essaie de continuer à exercer une hégémonie sur les sciences, mais que, pour réagir à la crise, elle doit s'engager dans l'histoire des sciences. L'histoire des sciences devient alors le moyen employé (...)
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  • Bachelard et la pulsation mathématiqueBachelard and the mathematical pulsationBachelard e la pulsazione matematica.René Guitart - 2015 - Revue de Synthèse 136 (1-2):33-74.
    Le mathématicien au travail sait faire un geste que l'on appelle la« pulsation mathématique», qui s'exprime en tennes de bougé créatif nécessaire dans les diagrammes de pensée et d'interprétation des écrits mathématiques. Dans cette perspective Je statut d'objet est définitivement en révision, sous condition du jeu des relations. Le but ici est de construire aujourd'hui cette pulsation à partir de ce que Bachelard proposait hier comme épistémologie, aussi bien de la mathématique que de la science dite physique mathématique. Les liens (...)
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  • Wonders, Logic, and Microscopy in the Eighteenth Century: A History of the Rotifer.M. J. Ratcliff - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (1):93-119.
    The ArgumentContrary to the dominant historiography of microscopy, which tends to maintain that there was no microscopical program in the Enlightenment, this paper argues that there was such a program and attempts to illustrate one aspect of its dynamic character. The experiments, observations, and interpretations on rotifers and their management by scholars of that period show that there did exist a precise axis of research that can be followed historically. Indeed, the various controversies these scholars engaged in imply that they (...)
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  • The Bee-haviour of Scientists: An Analogy of Science from the World of Bees.Ben Trubody - 2011 - Between the Species 14 (1):6.
    I am going to compare the strategies and communication bees use in order to locate and retrieve nectar to the world of science and the scientist. The analogy is intentionally anthropomorphic but I wish to argue that if successful bees made assumptions they would be similar to those of the scientist: flowers can be regarded as facts, nectar as knowledge, honey as technology and their ‘waggle-dance’ as communication of ideas. I would like to say that this is to be used (...)
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  • “The Superorganic,” or Kroeber’s Hidden Agenda.Michel Verdon - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (3):375-398.
    Kroeber’s "The Superorganic" (1917) stands as the first extreme statement of cultural holism. Some have compared it to Durkheim, the majority to Boas; some have denied any evolutionary message, others read in it a theory of "emergent evolution" arising from his transcendental holism. What was it, exactly? When understood as part of a trilogy comprising two other articles (one from 1915, the other from 1919), it emerged that his extreme brand of cultural holism was a necessary tool to carry out (...)
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  • The Synthetic Cell as a Techno-scientific Mandala.H. A. E. Zwart - 2018 - International Journal of Jungian Studies 10.
    This paper analyses the technoscientific objective of building a synthetic cell from a Jungian perspective. After decades of fragmentation and specialisation, the synthetic cell symbolises a turn towards restored wholeness, both at the object pole and at the subject pole. From a Jungian perspective, it is no coincidence that visual representations of synthetic cells often reflect an archetypal, mandala-like structure. As a symbol of restored unity, the synthetic cell mandala compensates for technoscientific fragmentation via active imagination, providing a visual aid (...)
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  • What Is Critique?Sverre Raffnsøe - unknown
    Since the Enlightenment critique has played an overarching role in how western society understands itself and its basic institutions. However, opinions differ widely concerning the understanding and evaluation of critique. To understand such differences and clarify a viable understanding of critique, the article turns to Kant’s critical philosophy, inaugurating the “age of criticism”. While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the (...)
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  • Buddhist Epistemology and Western Philosopy of Science.Elías Manuel Capriles - 2016 - Culture and Dialogue 4 (1):170-193.
    Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, always showed knowledge and perception to be inherently delusive. “Higher” forms of Buddhism have a degenerative philosophy of history according to which a sort of Golden Age was disrupted by the rise and gradual development of knowledge and the delusion inherent in it, which have reached their apex in our time – the final phase of the “Era of Darkness.” From this standpoint, this paper intends to show (...)
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  • The Birth of the Clinic and the Sources of Archaeological History.François Delaporte - 2018 - Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 4:8.
    The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of a classic of the historiography of sciences, Michel Foucault’s The birth of the clinic: An archaeology of medical gaze. In different parts of the world, events were organized to reflect on this important work. The article argues that if one cannot draw a direct line linking the work of the leading historians-philosophers of the twentieth-century sciences in France to Michel Foucault’s archaeological study of the clinic, we must recognize that (...)
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  • Alcune note sulla ricezione anglosassone di Jacques Derrida.Luca Gianconi - 2011 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 2 (1):41-62.
    The paper investigates some aspects of the relations between Derrida’s thought and the XX century american mainstream of thought in philosophy. In order to do this, it deepens the relevant perspective of deconstruction through frequent comparisons with crucial standpoint in history of philosophy, such as Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger.
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  • The Pedagogical Dimension of Indoctrination: Criticism of Indoctrination and the Constructivism in Education.Mariana Momanu - 2012 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 4 (1):88-105.
    This study proposes a critical analysis of indoctrination in the field of education. We shall first discuss the meaning of this word trying to identify two fundamental dimensions: the pedagogical dimension and the ideological one. After approaching the relationship between indoctrination and authority in education, we classify the types of indoctrination identified by O. Reboul based on these two dimensions. For the analysis of indoctrination in the teaching process we used a four-dimensional model that includes: the intention, teaching contents, teaching (...)
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  • From Technological Skill to the Poetic Competence of the Imagination.Miguel Angel Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2012 - Pensamiento y Cultura 15 (1):45-59.
    Este texto muestra cómo la tradición fenomenológica de la filosofía de la tecnología ha interrogado y cuestionado a la tecnología moderna entendida como ciencia aplicada y neutral. El análisis inicia con la indagación ontológica sobre el significado de la técnica para el hombre llevada a cabo por Heidegger y Ortega, para señalar luego la pertinencia de encontrar vínculoscon otros modos de considerar la acción práctica del hombre y explicitar con ello el acercamiento entre la racionalidad técnica con el poder humanizante (...)
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  • Daniel P. Todes, Pavlov’s Physiology Factory: Experiment, Interpretation, Laboratory Enterprise, Baltimore: John Hopkins, 2002. [REVIEW]Gabriel Finkelstein - 2005 - Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 14 (1):70-71.
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