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  1. Protoalgebraic logics.W. J. Blok & Don Pigozzi - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):337 - 369.
    There exist important deductive systems, such as the non-normal modal logics, that are not proper subjects of classical algebraic logic in the sense that their metatheory cannot be reduced to the equational metatheory of any particular class of algebras. Nevertheless, most of these systems are amenable to the methods of universal algebra when applied to the matrix models of the system. In the present paper we consider a wide class of deductive systems of this kind called protoalgebraic logics. These include (...)
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  • Filter distributive logics.Janusz Czelakowski - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (4):353 - 377.
    The present paper is thought as a formal study of distributive closure systems which arise in the domain of sentential logics. Special stress is laid on the notion of a C-filter, playing the role analogous to that of a congruence in universal algebra. A sentential logic C is called filter distributive if the lattice of C-filters in every algebra similar to the language of C is distributive. Theorem IV.2 in Section IV gives a method of axiomatization of those filter distributive (...)
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  • The deduction theorem for quantum logic—some negative results.Jacek Malinowski - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):615-625.
    We prove that no logic (i.e. consequence operation) determined by any class of orthomodular lattices admits the deduction theorem (Theorem 2.7). We extend those results to some broader class of logics determined by ortholattices (Corollary 2.6).
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  • Algebraic study of Sette's maximal paraconsistent logic.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (1):89 - 128.
    The aim of this paper is to study the paraconsistent deductive systemP 1 within the context of Algebraic Logic. It is well known due to Lewin, Mikenberg and Schwarse thatP 1 is algebraizable in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi, the quasivariety generated by Sette's three-element algebraS being the unique quasivariety semantics forP 1. In the present paper we prove that the mentioned quasivariety is not a variety by showing that the variety generated byS is not equivalent to any algebraizable (...)
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  • Expansions of Semi-Heyting Algebras I: Discriminator Varieties.H. P. Sankappanavar - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):27-81.
    This paper is a contribution toward developing a theory of expansions of semi-Heyting algebras. It grew out of an attempt to settle a conjecture we had made in 1987. Firstly, we unify and extend strikingly similar results of [ 48 ] and [ 50 ] to the (new) equational class DHMSH of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras, or to its subvariety BDQDSH of blended dual quasi-De Morgan semi-Heyting algebras, thus settling the conjecture. Secondly, we give a criterion for a unary expansion (...)
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  • Behavioral Algebraization of Logics.Carlos Caleiro, Ricardo Gonçalves & Manuel Martins - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (1):63-111.
    We introduce and study a new approach to the theory of abstract algebraic logic (AAL) that explores the use of many-sorted behavioral logic in the role traditionally played by unsorted equational logic. Our aim is to extend the range of applicability of AAL toward providing a meaningful algebraic counterpart also to logics with a many-sorted language, and possibly including non-truth-functional connectives. The proposed behavioral approach covers logics which are not algebraizable according to the standard approach, while also bringing a new (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Über eine verallgemeinerung der robinsonschen modellvervollständigung I.Klaus Kaiser - 1969 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 15 (1-3):37-48.
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  • A Finite Basis Theorem For Residually Finite, Congruence Meet-semidistributive Varieties.Ross Willard - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):187-200.
    We derive a Mal'cev condition for congruence meet-semidistributivity and then use it to prove two theorems. $\mathbf{Theorem A:}$ if a variety in a finite language is congruence meet-semidistributive and residually less than some finite cardinal, then it is finitely based. $\mathbf{Theorem B:}$ there is an algorithm which, given $m < \omega$ and a finite algebra in a finite language, determines whether the variety generated by the algebra is congruence meet-semidistributive and residually less than m.
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  • Finitary Extensions of the Nilpotent Minimum Logic and (Almost) Structural Completeness.Joan Gispert - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):789-808.
    In this paper we study finitary extensions of the nilpotent minimum logic or equivalently quasivarieties of NM-algebras. We first study structural completeness of NML, we prove that NML is hereditarily almost structurally complete and moreover NM\, the axiomatic extension of NML given by the axiom \^{2}\leftrightarrow ^{2})^{2}\), is hereditarily structurally complete. We use those results to obtain the full description of the lattice of all quasivarieties of NM-algebras which allow us to characterize and axiomatize all finitary extensions of NML.
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  • Note on deducibility and many-valuedness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):563-566.
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  • Undecidable properties of finite sets of equations.George F. McNulty - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (3):589-604.
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  • Abstract Beth Definability in Institutions.Marius Petria & Răzvan Diaconescu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1002 - 1028.
    This paper studies definability within the theory of institutions, a version of abstract model theory that emerged in computing science studies of software specification and semantics. We generalise the concept of definability to arbitrary logics, formalised as institutions, and we develop three general definability results. One generalises the classical Beth theorem by relying on the interpolation properties of the institution. Another relies on a meta Birkhoff axiomatizability property of the institution and constitutes a source for many new actual definability results, (...)
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  • Logic and Natural Selection.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2010 - Logica Universalis 4 (2):207-223.
    Is logic, feasibly, a product of natural selection? In this paper we treat this question as dependent upon the prior question of where logic is founded. After excluding other possibilities, we conclude that logic resides in our language, in the shape of inferential rules governing the logical vocabulary of the language. This means that knowledge of (the laws of) logic is inseparable from the possession of the logical constants they govern. In this sense, logic may be seen as a product (...)
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  • A Categorical Equivalence for Stonean Residuated Lattices.Manuela Busaniche, Roberto Cignoli & Miguel Andrés Marcos - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):399-421.
    We follow the ideas given by Chen and Grätzer to represent Stone algebras and adapt them for the case of Stonean residuated lattices. Given a Stonean residuated lattice, we consider the triple formed by its Boolean skeleton, its algebra of dense elements and a connecting map. We define a category whose objects are these triples and suitably defined morphisms, and prove that we have a categorical equivalence between this category and that of Stonean residuated lattices. We compare our results with (...)
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  • Bi-intuitionistic implication structures.Daniel Skurt - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (1):20-34.
    In this contribution, we will present some results concerning the connectives of bi-intuitionistic logic in the setting of Arnold Koslow’s implication structures. Furthermore, we will present soundness and completeness results of Koslow’s implication structures with respect to bi-intuitionistic logic.
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  • Formalization, primitive concepts, and purity: Formalization, primitive concepts, and purity.John T. Baldwin - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):87-128.
    We emphasize the role of the choice of vocabulary in formalization of a mathematical area and remark that this is a particular preoccupation of logicians. We use this framework to discuss Kennedy’s notion of ‘formalism freeness’ in the context of various schools in model theory. Then we clarify some of the mathematical issues in recent discussions of purity in the proof of the Desargues proposition. We note that the conclusion of ‘spatial content’ from the Desargues proposition involves arguments which are (...)
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  • A Semantic Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Inference Operations and Choice, Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy, 1994, no 10.Sten Lindström - manuscript
    This paper presents a uniform semantic treatment of nonmonotonic inference operations that allow for inferences from infinite sets of premises. The semantics is formulated in terms of selection functions and is a generalization of the preferential semantics of Shoham (1987), (1988), Kraus, Lehman, and Magidor (1990) and Makinson (1989), (1993). A selection function picks out from a given set of possible states (worlds, situations, models) a subset consisting of those states that are, in some sense, the most preferred ones. A (...)
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  • (1 other version)Bases of supermaximal subspaces and Steinitz systems. I.Rod Downey - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1146-1159.
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  • (1 other version)Post Completeness and Free Algebras.G. Sambin & S. Valentini - 1980 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 26 (22-24):343-347.
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  • (1 other version)Logics Projectively Generated from [ℳ] = by a Set of Homomorphisms.Ventura Verdú - 1987 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 33 (3):235-241.
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  • Binary Relations and Permutation Groups.Hajnal Andréka & Ivo Düntsch - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):197-216.
    We discuss some new properties of the natural Galois connection among set relation algebras, permutation groups, and first order logic. In particular, we exhibit infinitely many permutational relation algebras without a Galois closed representation, and we also show that every relation algebra on a set with at most six elements is Galois closed and essentially unique. Thus, we obtain the surprising result that on such sets, logic with three variables is as powerful in expression as full first order logic.
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  • Elementary Epimorphisms.Philipp Rothmaler - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):473 - 487.
    The concept of elementary epimorphism is introduced. Inverse systems of such maps are considered, and a dual of the elementary chain lemma is found (Cor. 4.2). The same is done for pure epimorphisms (Cor. 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, this is applied to certain inverse limits of flat modules (Thm. 6.4) and certain inverse limits of absolutely pure modules (Cor. 6.3).
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  • On the notion of algebraic closedness for noncommutative groups and fields.Abraham Robinson - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):441-444.
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  • (1 other version)Quasi-Boolean Algebras, Empirical Continuity and Three-Valued Logic J. P. Cleave in Bristol.J. P. Cleave - 1976 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 22 (1):481-500.
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  • The word problem for free fields.P. M. Cohn - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (2):309-314.
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  • On the predecessor relation in abstract algebras.Karl-Heinz Diener - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):492-514.
    We show the existence of a high r. e. degree bounding only joins of minimal pairs and of a high2 nonbounding r. e. degree. MSC: 03D25.
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  • (1 other version)Automorphisms and Recursive Structures.R. G. Downey & J. B. Remmel - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (4):339-345.
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  • Exploiting data dependencies in many-valued logics.Reiner Haähnle - 1996 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6 (1):49-69.
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  • (1 other version)A Language for Type-Free Algebra.William S. Hatcher - 1978 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 24 (25-30):385-397.
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  • Pairings on Lambda Algebras.W. S. Hatcher & Marcel Tonga - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (19-22):343-352.
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  • (1 other version)Closure Algebras and T 1 ‐Spaces.G. J. Logan - 1977 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 23 (1-6):91-92.
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  • (1 other version)Binary Relations Over the Category of Enumerated Sets.A. Orlicki - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (3):265-276.
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  • A completeness theorem for correlation lattices.Dietmar Schweigert & Magdalena Szymańska - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (8):427-434.
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  • Connections between axioms of set theory and basic theorems of universal algebra.H. Andréka, Á Kurucz & I. Németi - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (3):912-923.
    One of the basic theorems in universal algebra is Birkhoff's variety theorem: the smallest equationally axiomatizable class containing a class K of algebras coincides with the class obtained by taking homomorphic images of subalgebras of direct products of elements of K. G. Gratzer asked whether the variety theorem is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice. In 1980, two of the present authors proved that Birkhoff's theorem can already be derived in ZF. Surprisingly, the Axiom of Foundation plays a crucial role (...)
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  • Theory and Reality : Metaphysics as Second Science.Staffan Angere - unknown
    Theory and Reality is about the connection between true theories and the world. A mathematical framefork for such connections is given, and it is shown how that framework can be used to infer facts about the structure of reality from facts about the structure of true theories, The book starts with an overview of various approaches to metaphysics. Beginning with Quine's programmatic "On what there is", the first chapter then discusses the perils involved in going from language to metaphysics. It (...)
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  • From Curry to Haskell.Felice Cardone - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):57-74.
    We expose some basic elements of a style of programming supported by functional languages like Haskell by relating them to a coherent set of notions and techniques from Curry’s work in combinatory logic and formal systems, and their algebraic and categorical interpretations. Our account takes the form of a commentary to a simple fragment of Haskell code attempting to isolate the conceptual sources of the linguistic abstractions involved.
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  • A Remark on Ascending Chain Conditions, the Countable Axiom of Choice and the Principle of Dependent Choices.Karl-Heinz Diener - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (3):415-421.
    It is easy to prove in ZF− that a relation R satisfies the maximal condition if and only if its transitive hull R* does; equivalently: R is well-founded if and only if R* is. We will show in the following that, if the maximal condition is replaced by the chain condition, as is often the case in Algebra, the resulting statement is not provable in ZF− anymore . More precisely, we will prove that this statement is equivalent in ZF− to (...)
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  • Canonical measure assignments.Steve Jackson & Benedikt Löwe - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):403-424.
    We work under the assumption of the Axiom of Determinacy and associate a measure to each cardinal $\kappa < \aleph_{\varepsilon_0}$ in a recursive definition of a canonical measure assignment. We give algorithmic applications of the existence of such a canonical measure assignment (computation of cofinalities, computation of the Kleinberg sequences associated to the normal ultrafilters on all projective ordinals).
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  • (1 other version)Universal functions in partial structures.Maurizio Negri - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):253-268.
    In this work we show that every structure [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A] can be expanded to a partial structure [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]* with universal functions for the class of polynomials on [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]*. We can embed [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]* monomorphically in a total structure [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]º that preserves universal functions of [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]* and that is universal among such structures, i.e. [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A]º can be homomorphically embedded in every total structure (...)
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  • The undecidability of the DA-Unification problem.J. Siekmann & P. Szabó - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):402 - 414.
    We show that the D A -unification problem is undecidable. That is, given two binary function symbols $\bigoplus$ and $\bigotimes$ , variables and constants, it is undecidable if two terms built from these symbols can be unified provided the following D A -axioms hold: \begin{align*}(x \bigoplus y) \bigotimes z &= (x \bigotimes z) \bigoplus (y \bigotimes z),\\x \bigotimes (y \bigoplus z) &= (x \bigotimes y) \bigoplus (x \bigotimes z),\\x \bigoplus (y \bigoplus z) &= (x \bigoplus y) \bigoplus z.\end{align*} Two terms (...)
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  • Universal Logic as a General Theory of Logic.Musa Akrami - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 6 (10):44-61.
    Nowadays, we are confronted with important debates concerning “pluralism”, “monism”, “relativism”, and “absolutism” in logic on the one hand, and “combinations of logics”, and “translations of logics into each other”, on the other hand. In a global reaction to the plurality of logics. Some important researches have been done in the framework of an extensive project called “universal logic” with two readings: 1) “universal logic as the general theory of logic” or “universal logic as a general theory of logic”; 2) (...)
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