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  1. A computational model of word segmentation from continuous speech using transitional probabilities of atomic acoustic events.Okko Räsänen - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):149-176.
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  • Learning the unlearnable: the role of missing evidence.Terry Regier & Susanne Gahl - 2004 - Cognition 93 (2):147-155.
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  • Ambiguity, Competition, and Blending in Spoken Word Recognition.M. Gareth Gaskell & William D. Marslen–Wilson - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):439-462.
    A critical property of the perception of spoken words is the transient ambiguity of the speech signal. In localist models of speech perception this ambiguity is captured by allowing the parallel activation of multiple lexical representations. This paper examines how a distributed model of speech perception can accommodate this property. Statistical analyses of vector spaces show that coactivation of multiple distributed representations is inherently noisy, and depends on parameters such as sparseness and dimensionality. Furthermore, the characteristics of coactivation vary considerably, (...)
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  • A simplicity principle in unsupervised human categorization.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Nick Chater - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):303-343.
    We address the problem of predicting how people will spontaneously divide into groups a set of novel items. This is a process akin to perceptual organization. We therefore employ the simplicity principle from perceptual organization to propose a simplicity model of unconstrained spontaneous grouping. The simplicity model predicts that people would prefer the categories for a set of novel items that provide the simplest encoding of these items. Classification predictions are derived from the model without information either about the number (...)
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  • MDLChunker: A MDL-Based Cognitive Model of Inductive Learning.Vivien Robinet, Benoît Lemaire & Mirta B. Gordon - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1352-1389.
    This paper presents a computational model of the way humans inductively identify and aggregate concepts from the low-level stimuli they are exposed to. Based on the idea that humans tend to select the simplest structures, it implements a dynamic hierarchical chunking mechanism in which the decision whether to create a new chunk is based on an information-theoretic criterion, the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. We present theoretical justifications for this approach together with results of an experiment in which participants, exposed (...)
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  • Language learning in infancy: Does the empirical evidence support a domain specific language acquisition device?Christina Behme & Helene Deacon - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):641 – 671.
    Poverty of the Stimulus Arguments have convinced many linguists and philosophers of language that a domain specific language acquisition device (LAD) is necessary to account for language learning. Here we review empirical evidence that casts doubt on the necessity of this domain specific device. We suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the early stages of language acquisition. Many seemingly innate language-related abilities have to be learned over the course of several months. Further, the language input contains rich (...)
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  • No need to forget, just keep the balance: Hebbian neural networks for statistical learning.Ángel Eugenio Tovar & Gert Westermann - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105176.
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  • Universals of listening: Equivalent prosodic entrainment in tone and non-tone languages.Martin Ho Kwan Ip & Anne Cutler - 2020 - Cognition 202 (C):104311.
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  • (1 other version)Learning a Generative Probabilistic Grammar of Experience: A Process‐Level Model of Language Acquisition.Oren Kolodny, Arnon Lotem & Shimon Edelman - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (2):227-267.
    We introduce a set of biologically and computationally motivated design choices for modeling the learning of language, or of other types of sequential, hierarchically structured experience and behavior, and describe an implemented system that conforms to these choices and is capable of unsupervised learning from raw natural‐language corpora. Given a stream of linguistic input, our model incrementally learns a grammar that captures its statistical patterns, which can then be used to parse or generate new data. The grammar constructed in this (...)
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  • Linguistic Constraints on Statistical Word Segmentation: The Role of Consonants in Arabic and English.Itamar Kastner & Frans Adriaans - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S2):494-518.
    Statistical learning is often taken to lie at the heart of many cognitive tasks, including the acquisition of language. One particular task in which probabilistic models have achieved considerable success is the segmentation of speech into words. However, these models have mostly been tested against English data, and as a result little is known about how a statistical learning mechanism copes with input regularities that arise from the structural properties of different languages. This study focuses on statistical word segmentation in (...)
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  • The metamorphosis of the statistical segmentation output: Lexicalization during artificial language learning.Tânia Fernandes, Régine Kolinsky & Paulo Ventura - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):349-366.
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  • Words in a sea of sounds: the output of infant statistical learning.Jenny R. Saffran - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):149-169.
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  • A computational study of cross-situational techniques for learning word-to-meaning mappings.Jeffrey Mark Siskind - 1996 - Cognition 61 (1-2):39-91.
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  • A Probabilistic Computational Model of Cross-Situational Word Learning.Afsaneh Fazly, Afra Alishahi & Suzanne Stevenson - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (6):1017-1063.
    Words are the essence of communication: They are the building blocks of any language. Learning the meaning of words is thus one of the most important aspects of language acquisition: Children must first learn words before they can combine them into complex utterances. Many theories have been developed to explain the impressive efficiency of young children in acquiring the vocabulary of their language, as well as the developmental patterns observed in the course of lexical acquisition. A major source of disagreement (...)
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  • Can I cut the Gordian tnok? The impact of pronounceability, actual solvability, and length on intuitive problem assessments of anagrams.Sascha Topolinski, Giti Bakhtiari & Thorsten M. Erle - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):439-452.
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  • A Bayesian framework for word segmentation: Exploring the effects of context.Sharon Goldwater, Thomas L. Griffiths & Mark Johnson - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):21-54.
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  • What infants know about syntax but couldn't have learned: experimental evidence for syntactic structure at 18 months.Jeffrey Lidz, Sandra Waxman & Jennifer Freedman - 2003 - Cognition 89 (3):295-303.
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  • Syntactic categorization in early language acquisition: formalizing the role of distributional analysis.Timothy A. Cartwright & Michael R. Brent - 1997 - Cognition 63 (2):121-170.
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  • (1 other version)Learning a Generative Probabilistic Grammar of Experience: A Process‐Level Model of Language Acquisition.Oren Kolodny, Arnon Lotem & Shimon Edelman - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (4):227-267.
    We introduce a set of biologically and computationally motivated design choices for modeling the learning of language, or of other types of sequential, hierarchically structured experience and behavior, and describe an implemented system that conforms to these choices and is capable of unsupervised learning from raw natural-language corpora. Given a stream of linguistic input, our model incrementally learns a grammar that captures its statistical patterns, which can then be used to parse or generate new data. The grammar constructed in this (...)
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  • Bootstrapping the lexicon: a computational model of infant speech segmentation.Eleanor Olds Batchelder - 2002 - Cognition 83 (2):167-206.
    Prelinguistic infants must find a way to isolate meaningful chunks from the continuous streams of speech that they hear. BootLex, a new model which uses distributional cues to build a lexicon, demonstrates how much can be accomplished using this single source of information. This conceptually simple probabilistic algorithm achieves significant segmentation results on various kinds of language corpora - English, Japanese, and Spanish; child- and adult-directed speech, and written texts; and several variations in coding structure - and reveals which statistical (...)
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  • Varieties of consciousness.Paolo Bartolomeo & Gianfranco Dalla Barba - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):331-332.
    In agreement with some of the ideas expressed by Perruchet & Vinter (P&V), we believe that some phenomena hitherto attributed to processing may in fact reflect a fundamental distinction between direct and reflexive forms of consciousness. This dichotomy, developed by the phenomenological tradition, is substantiated by examples coming from experimental psychology and lesion neuropsychology.
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  • Simplifying Reading: Applying the Simplicity Principle to Reading.Janet I. Vousden, Michelle R. Ellefson, Jonathan Solity & Nick Chater - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (1):34-78.
    Debates concerning the types of representations that aid reading acquisition have often been influenced by the relationship between measures of early phonological awareness (the ability to process speech sounds) and later reading ability. Here, a complementary approach is explored, analyzing how the functional utility of different representational units, such as whole words, bodies (letters representing the vowel and final consonants of a syllable), and graphemes (letters representing a phoneme) may change as the number of words that can be read gradually (...)
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  • Consequences of phonological variation for algorithmic word segmentation.Caroline Beech & Daniel Swingley - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105401.
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  • Do Infants Learn Words From Statistics? Evidence From English‐Learning Infants Hearing Italian.Amber Shoaib, Tianlin Wang, Jessica F. Hay & Jill Lany - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3083-3099.
    Infants are sensitive to statistical regularities (i.e., transitional probabilities, or TPs) relevant to segmenting words in fluent speech. However, there is debate about whether tracking TPs results in representations of possible words. Infants show preferential learning of sequences with high TPs (HTPs) as object labels relative to those with low TPs (LTPs). Such findings could mean that only the HTP sequences have a word‐like status, and they are more readily mapped to a referent for that reason. But these findings could (...)
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  • Make It Short and Easy: Username Complexity Determines Trustworthiness Above and Beyond Objective Reputation.Rita R. Silva, Nina Chrobot, Eryn Newman, Norbert Schwarz & Sascha Topolinski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Human simulations of vocabulary learning.Jane Gillette, Henry Gleitman, Lila Gleitman & Anne Lederer - 1999 - Cognition 73 (2):135-176.
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  • The role of exposure to isolated words in early vocabulary development.Michael R. Brent & Jeffrey Mark Siskind - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):B33-B44.
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  • The statistical signature of morphosyntax: A study of Hungarian and Italian infant-directed speech.Judit Gervain & Ramón Guevara Erra - 2012 - Cognition 125 (2):263-287.
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  • An alternative view of the mental lexicon.Jeffrey Elman L. - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (7):301-306.
    An essential aspect of knowing language is knowing the words of that language. This knowledge is usually thought to reside in the mental lexicon, a kind of dictionary that contains information regarding a word’s meaning, pronunciation, syntactic characteristics, and so on. In this article, a very different view is presented. In this view, words are understood as stimuli that operate directly on mental states. The phonological, syntactic and semantic properties of a word are revealed by the effects it has on (...)
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  • The Role of Embodied Intention in Early Lexical Acquisition.Chen Yu, Dana H. Ballard & Richard N. Aslin - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (6):961-1005.
    We examine the influence of inferring interlocutors' referential intentions from their body movements at the early stage of lexical acquisition. By testing human participants and comparing their performances in different learning conditions, we find that those embodied intentions facilitate both word discovery and word‐meaning association. In light of empirical findings, the main part of this article presents a computational model that can identify the sound patterns of individual words from continuous speech, using nonlinguistic contextual information, and employ body movements as (...)
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  • In defense of epicycles: Embracing complexity in psychological explanations.Ansgar D. Endress - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1208-1237.
    Is formal simplicity a guide to learning in humans, as simplicity is said to be a guide to the acceptability of theories in science? Does simplicity determine the difficulty of various learning tasks? I argue that, similarly to how scientists sometimes preferred complex theories when this facilitated calculations, results from perception, learning and reasoning suggest that formal complexity is generally unrelated to what is easy to learn and process by humans, and depends on assumptions about available representational and processing primitives. (...)
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  • From Universal Laws of Cognition to Specific Cognitive Models.Nick Chater & Gordon D. A. Brown - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (1):36-67.
    The remarkable successes of the physical sciences have been built on highly general quantitative laws, which serve as the basis for understanding an enormous variety of specific physical systems. How far is it possible to construct universal principles in the cognitive sciences, in terms of which specific aspects of perception, memory, or decision making might be modelled? Following Shepard (e.g., ), it is argued that some universal principles may be attainable in cognitive science. Here, 2 examples are proposed: the simplicity (...)
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  • Distributional Information: A Powerful Cue for Acquiring Syntactic Categories.Martin Redington, Nick Chater & Steven Finch - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (4):425-469.
    Many theorists have dismissed a priori the idea that distributional information could play a significant role in syntactic category acquisition. We demonstrate empirically that such information provides a powerful cue to syntactic category membership, which can be exploited by a variety of simple, psychologically plausible mechanisms. We present a range of results using a large corpus of child‐directed speech and explore their psychological implications. While our results show that a considerable amount of information concerning the syntactic categories can be obtained (...)
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  • Simplicity: A unifying principle in cognitive science?Nick Chater & Paul Vitányi - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):19-22.
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  • On Leveraged Learning in Lexical Acquisition and Its Relationship to Acceleration.Colleen Mitchell & Bob McMurray - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (8):1503-1523.
    Children at about age 18 months experience acceleration in word learning. This vocabulary explosion is a robust phenomenon, although the exact shape and timing vary from child to child. One class of explanations, which we term collectively as leveraged learning, posits that knowledge of some words helps with the learning of others. In this framework, the child initially knows no words and so learning is slow. As more words are acquired, new words become easier and thus it is the acquisition (...)
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  • When forgetting fosters learning: A neural network model for statistical learning.Ansgar D. Endress & Scott P. Johnson - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104621.
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  • Language Learning From Positive Evidence, Reconsidered: A Simplicity-Based Approach.Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater & Paul Vitányi - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):35-55.
    Children learn their native language by exposure to their linguistic and communicative environment, but apparently without requiring that their mistakes be corrected. Such learning from “positive evidence” has been viewed as raising “logical” problems for language acquisition. In particular, without correction, how is the child to recover from conjecturing an over-general grammar, which will be consistent with any sentence that the child hears? There have been many proposals concerning how this “logical problem” can be dissolved. In this study, we review (...)
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  • The Utility of Cognitive Plausibility in Language Acquisition Modeling: Evidence From Word Segmentation.Lawrence Phillips & Lisa Pearl - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1824-1854.
    The informativity of a computational model of language acquisition is directly related to how closely it approximates the actual acquisition task, sometimes referred to as the model's cognitive plausibility. We suggest that though every computational model necessarily idealizes the modeled task, an informative language acquisition model can aim to be cognitively plausible in multiple ways. We discuss these cognitive plausibility checkpoints generally and then apply them to a case study in word segmentation, investigating a promising Bayesian segmentation strategy. We incorporate (...)
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  • Pupillary entrainment reveals individual differences in cue weighting in 9-month-old German-learning infants.Mireia Marimon, Barbara Höhle & Alan Langus - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105054.
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  • Does morphological complexity affect word segmentation? Evidence from computational modeling.Georgia Loukatou, Sabine Stoll, Damian Blasi & Alejandrina Cristia - 2022 - Cognition 220 (C):104960.
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  • Chunking and data compression in verbal short-term memory.Dennis Norris & Kristjan Kalm - 2021 - Cognition 208 (C):104534.
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  • Using Predictability for Lexical Segmentation.Çağrı Çöltekin - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (7):1988-2021.
    This study investigates a strategy based on predictability of consecutive sub-lexical units in learning to segment a continuous speech stream into lexical units using computational modeling and simulations. Lexical segmentation is one of the early challenges during language acquisition, and it has been studied extensively through psycholinguistic experiments as well as computational methods. However, despite strong empirical evidence, the explicit use of predictability of basic sub-lexical units in models of segmentation is underexplored. This paper presents an incremental computational model of (...)
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  • Exploiting Multiple Sources of Information in Learning an Artificial Language: Human Data and Modeling.Pierre Perruchet & Barbara Tillmann - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):255-285.
    This study investigates the joint influences of three factors on the discovery of new word‐like units in a continuous artificial speech stream: the statistical structure of the ongoing input, the initial word‐likeness of parts of the speech flow, and the contextual information provided by the earlier emergence of other word‐like units. Results of an experiment conducted with adult participants show that these sources of information have strong and interactive influences on word discovery. The authors then examine the ability of different (...)
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  • A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Melody Perception: An Exploration Using TRACX2.Daniel Defays, Robert M. French & Barbara Tillmann - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13283.
    Are similar, or even identical, mechanisms used in the computational modeling of speech segmentation, serial image processing, and music processing? We address this question by exploring how TRACX2, a recognition‐based, recursive connectionist autoencoder model of chunking and sequence segmentation, which has successfully simulated speech and serial‐image processing, might be applied to elementary melody perception. The model, a three‐layer autoencoder that recognizes “chunks” of short sequences of intervals that have been frequently encountered on input, is trained on the tone intervals of (...)
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  • Infants' developing sensitivity to native language phonotactics: A meta-analysis.Megha Sundara, Z. L. Zhou, Canaan Breiss, Hironori Katsuda & Jeremy Steffman - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104993.
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  • Phonotactic cues for segmentation of fluent speech by infants.Sven L. Mattys & Peter W. Jusczyk - 2001 - Cognition 78 (2):91-121.
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  • Statistical learning of tone sequences by human infants and adults.Jenny R. Saffran, Elizabeth K. Johnson, Richard N. Aslin & Elissa L. Newport - 1999 - Cognition 70 (1):27-52.
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  • Learning Diphone-Based Segmentation.Robert Daland & Janet B. Pierrehumbert - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (1):119-155.
    This paper reconsiders the diphone-based word segmentation model of Cairns, Shillcock, Chater, and Levy (1997) and Hockema (2006), previously thought to be unlearnable. A statistically principled learning model is developed using Bayes’ theorem and reasonable assumptions about infants’ implicit knowledge. The ability to recover phrase-medial word boundaries is tested using phonetic corpora derived from spontaneous interactions with children and adults. The (unsupervised and semi-supervised) learning models are shown to exhibit several crucial properties. First, only a small amount of language exposure (...)
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  • How much does prosody help word segmentation? A simulation study on infant-directed speech.Bogdan Ludusan, Alejandrina Cristia, Reiko Mazuka & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2022 - Cognition 219 (C):104961.
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  • What Mechanisms Underlie Implicit Statistical Learning? Transitional Probabilities Versus Chunks in Language Learning.Pierre Perruchet - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):520-535.
    In 2006, Perruchet and Pacton (2006) asked whether implicit learning and statistical learning represent two approaches to the same phenomenon. This article represents an important follow‐up to their seminal review article. As in the previous paper, the focus is on the formation of elementary cognitive units. Both approaches favor different explanations on what these units consist of and how they are formed. Perruchet weighs up the evidence for different explanations and concludes with a helpful agenda for future research.
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