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Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability.Barbara Applebaum - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):862-875.details
Emancipation without Utopia: Subjection, Modernity, and the Normative Claims of Feminist Critical Theory.Amy Allen - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):513-529.details
Towards a Genealogical Feminism: A Reading of Judith Butler's Political Thought.Alison Stone - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (1):4-24.details
The Politics of Sex and Gender: Benhabib and Butler Debate Subjectivity.Fiona Webster - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (1):1-22.details
Deleuzian Concepts for Education: The subject undone.Elizabeth Adams StPierre - 2004 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (3):283-296.details
Hope in a Vice: Carole Pateman, Judith Butler, and Suspicious Hope.Amy Billingsley - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):597-612.details
A Minoritarian Feminism? Things to Do with Deleuze and Guattari.Pelagia Goulimari - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):97-120.details
The return of the subject?: Power, reflexivity and agency.David Stern - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (5):109-122.details
Psychologism and Phenomenological Psychology Revisited, Part II: The Return to Positivity.Larry Davidson & Lisa Cosgrove - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (2):141-177.details
Bodily Integrity and Conceptions of Subjectivity.Mervi Patosalmi - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (2):125 - 141.details
Islam and Gender in Europe: Subjectivities, Politics and Piety.Maleiha Malik, Christine M. Jacobsen & Schirin Amir-Moazami - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):1-8.details
Classing Queer.Mariam Fraser - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (2):107-131.details
Subject trouble: Judith Butler and dialectics.Marcel Stoetzler - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (3):343-368.details
The Regulation of Gender in Menopause Theory.Sylvie Gambaudo - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):549-559.details
Performatividad: la teoría especial y la general.Sonia Reverter-Bañón - 2017 - Isegoría 56:61-87.details
Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms.Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin (eds.) - 2024 - Edinburgh University Press.details
Escribir como mujer en los albores del siglo XX: construcción de identidades de género y nación en la crítica de Inés Echeverría a las puestas en escena de teatro moderno de compañías europeas en Chile.María de la Luz Hurtado - 2008 - Aisthesis 44.details
P.j. Huntingdon, ecstatic subjects, utopia, and recognition: Kristeva, Heidegger, Irigaray.Mechthild Nagel - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (2):251-256.details
America Goes to College: Political Theory for the Liberal Arts.John E. Seery - 2012 - SUNY Press.details
Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler.Aret Karademir - unknowndetails
Narrative as a site of subject construction: The `Comfort Women' debate.Maki Kimura - 2008 - Feminist Theory 9 (1):5-24.details
Discourses of ‘border-crossers’: Peruvian domestic workers in Lima as social actors.Carola Mick - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (2):189-209.details
Freedom can also be productive: The historical inversions of "the conduct of conduct".Carlos Palacios - 2018 - Journal of Political Power 11 (2):252-272.details
CHAPTER 18 The Politics of Feminist New Materialisms: Insights from Experimenting with Academic Practices.Doris Allhutter, Brigitte Bargetz, Katja Brøgger, Olga Cielemęcka, Ana M. González Ramos, Hanna Meißner, Beatriz Revelles-Benavente, Monika Rogowska-Stangret, Whitney Stark, Dorthe Staunæs & Kathrin Thiele - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin (eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 384-406.details
Dossier: What do we talk about when we talk about queer death?Mattia Petricola (ed.) - 2021 - Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies.details
'Back to the rough ground!' : Wittgenstein, essentialism, and feminist methods.Cressida Jane Heyes - unknowndetails