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Algebraic foundations of many-valued reasoning

Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by Itala M. L. D'Ottaviano & Daniele Mundici (1999)

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  1. Substructural Logics: A Primer.Francesco Paoli - 2002 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The aim of the present book is to give a comprehensive account of the ‘state of the art’ of substructural logics, focusing both on their proof theory and on their semantics (both algebraic and relational. It is for graduate students in either philosophy, mathematics, theoretical computer science or theoretical linguistics as well as specialists and researchers.
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  • Truth and Falsehood: An Inquiry Into Generalized Logical Values.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The book presents a thoroughly elaborated logical theory of generalized truth-values understood as subsets of some established set of truth values. After elucidating the importance of the very notion of a truth value in logic and philosophy, we examine some possible ways of generalizing this notion. The useful four-valued logic of first-degree entailment by Nuel Belnap and the notion of a bilattice constitute the basis for further generalizations. By doing so we elaborate the idea of a multilattice, and most notably, (...)
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  • Logics of left variable inclusion and Płonka sums of matrices.S. Bonzio, T. Moraschini & M. Pra Baldi - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic (1):49-76.
    The paper aims at studying, in full generality, logics defined by imposing a variable inclusion condition on a given logic $$\vdash $$. We prove that the description of the algebraic counterpart of the left variable inclusion companion of a given logic $$\vdash $$ is related to the construction of Płonka sums of the matrix models of $$\vdash $$. This observation allows to obtain a Hilbert-style axiomatization of the logics of left variable inclusion, to describe the structure of their reduced models, (...)
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  • Leibniz filters and the strong version of a protoalgebraic logic.Josep Maria Font & Ramon Jansana - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (6):437-465.
    A filter of a sentential logic ? is Leibniz when it is the smallest one among all the ?-filters on the same algebra having the same Leibniz congruence. This paper studies these filters and the sentential logic ?+ defined by the class of all ?-matrices whose filter is Leibniz, which is called the strong version of ?, in the context of protoalgebraic logics with theorems. Topics studied include an enhanced Correspondence Theorem, characterizations of the weak algebraizability of ?+ and of (...)
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  • On łukasiewicz's four-valued modal logic.Josep Maria Font & Petr Hájek - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):157-182.
    ukasiewicz''s four-valued modal logic is surveyed and analyzed, together with ukasiewicz''s motivations to develop it. A faithful interpretation of it in classical (non-modal) two-valued logic is presented, and some consequences are drawn concerning its classification and its algebraic behaviour. Some counter-intuitive aspects of this logic are discussed in the light of the presented results, ukasiewicz''s own texts, and related literature.
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  • MV-Algebras and Quantum Computation.Antonio Ledda, Martinvaldo Konig, Francesco Paoli & Roberto Giuntini - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):245-270.
    We introduce a generalization of MV algebras motivated by the investigations into the structure of quantum logical gates. After laying down the foundations of the structure theory for such quasi-MV algebras, we show that every quasi-MV algebra is embeddable into the direct product of an MV algebra and a “flat” quasi-MV algebra, and prove a completeness result w.r.t. a standard quasi-MV algebra over the complex numbers.
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  • Duality, projectivity, and unification in Łukasiewicz logic and MV-algebras.Vincenzo Marra & Luca Spada - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):192-210.
    We prove that the unification type of Łukasiewicz logic and of its equivalent algebraic semantics, the variety of MV-algebras, is nullary. The proof rests upon Ghilardiʼs algebraic characterisation of unification types in terms of projective objects, recent progress by Cabrer and Mundici in the investigation of projective MV-algebras, the categorical duality between finitely presented MV-algebras and rational polyhedra, and, finally, a homotopy-theoretic argument that exploits lifts of continuous maps to the universal covering space of the circle. We discuss the background (...)
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  • Hájek basic fuzzy logic and Łukasiewicz infinite-valued logic.Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (4):361-370.
    Using the theory of BL-algebras, it is shown that a propositional formula ϕ is derivable in Łukasiewicz infinite valued Logic if and only if its double negation ˜˜ϕ is derivable in Hájek Basic Fuzzy logic. If SBL is the extension of Basic Logic by the axiom (φ & (φ→˜φ)) → ψ, then ϕ is derivable in in classical logic if and only if ˜˜ ϕ is derivable in SBL. Axiomatic extensions of Basic Logic are in correspondence with subvarieties of the (...)
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  • The Dual Adjunction between MV-algebras and Tychonoff Spaces.Vincenzo Marra & Luca Spada - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (1-2):253-278.
    We offer a proof of the duality theorem for finitely presented MV-algebras and rational polyhedra, a folklore and yet fundamental result. Our approach develops first a general dual adjunction between MV-algebras and subspaces of Tychonoff cubes, endowed with the transformations that are definable in the language of MV-algebras. We then show that this dual adjunction restricts to a duality between semisimple MV-algebras and closed subspaces of Tychonoff cubes. The duality theorem for finitely presented objects is obtained by a further specialisation. (...)
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  • Free łukasiewicz and hoop residuation algebras.Joel Berman & W. J. Blok - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):153 - 180.
    Hoop residuation algebras are the {, 1}-subreducts of hoops; they include Hilbert algebras and the {, 1}-reducts of MV-algebras (also known as Wajsberg algebras). The paper investigates the structure and cardinality of finitely generated free algebras in varieties of k-potent hoop residuation algebras. The assumption of k-potency guarantees local finiteness of the varieties considered. It is shown that the free algebra on n generators in any of these varieties can be represented as a union of n subalgebras, each of which (...)
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  • Implicit connectives of algebraizable logics.Xavier Caicedo - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1-2):155 - 170.
    An extensions by new axioms and rules of an algebraizable logic in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi is not necessarily algebraizable if it involves new connective symbols, or it may be algebraizable in an essentially different way than the original logic. However, extension whose axioms and rules define implicitly the new connectives are algebraizable, via the same equivalence formulas and defining equations of the original logic, by enriched algebras of its equivalente quasivariety semantics. For certain strongly algebraizable logics, all (...)
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  • Product Ł ukasiewicz Logic.Rostislav Horčík & Petr Cintula - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (4):477-503.
    Łu logic plays a fundamental role among many-valued logics. However, the expressive power of this logic is restricted to piecewise linear functions. In this paper we enrich the language of Łu logic by adding a new connective which expresses multiplication. The resulting logic, PŁ, is defined, developed, and put into the context of other well-known many-valued logics. We also deal with several extensions of this propositional logic. A predicate version of PŁ logic is introduced and developed too.
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  • Fuzzy Galois Connections.Radim Bêlohlávek - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):497-504.
    The concept of Galois connection between power sets is generalized from the point of view of fuzzy logic. Studied is the case where the structure of truth values forms a complete residuated lattice. It is proved that fuzzy Galois connections are in one-to-one correspondence with binary fuzzy relations. A representation of fuzzy Galois connections by Galois connections is provided.
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  • Finiteness in infinite-valued łukasiewicz logic.Stefano Aguzzoli & Agata Ciabattoni - 2000 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9 (1):5-29.
    In this paper we deepen Mundici's analysis on reducibility of the decision problem from infinite-valued ukasiewicz logic to a suitable m-valued ukasiewicz logic m , where m only depends on the length of the formulas to be proved. Using geometrical arguments we find a better upper bound for the least integer m such that a formula is valid in if and only if it is also valid in m. We also reduce the notion of logical consequence in to the same (...)
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  • The existence of states based on Glivenko semihoops.Pengfei He, Juntao Wang & Jiang Yang - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):1145-1170.
    In this paper, we mainly investigate the existence of states based on the Glivenko theorem in bounded semihoops, which are building blocks for the algebraic semantics for relevant fuzzy logics. First, we extend algebraic formulations of the Glivenko theorem to bounded semihoops and give some characterizations of Glivenko semihoops and regular semihoops. The category of regular semihoops is a reflective subcategory of the category of Glivenko semihoops. Moreover, by means of the negative translation term, we characterize the Glivenko variety. Then (...)
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  • Compact representations of BL-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Laurentiu Leustean - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):737-761.
    In this paper we define sheaf spaces of BL-algebras (or BL-sheaf spaces), we study completely regular and compact BL-sheaf spaces and compact representations of BL-algebras and, finally, we prove that the category of non-trivial BL-algebras is equivalent with the category of compact local BL-sheaf spaces.
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  • Products of classes of residuated structures.Bjarni Jónsson & Constantine Tsinakis - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):267 - 292.
    The central result of this paper provides a simple equational basis for the join, IRLLG, of the variety LG of lattice-ordered groups (-groups) and the variety IRL of integral residuated lattices. It follows from known facts in universal algebra that IRLLG=IRL×LG. In the process of deriving our result, we will obtain simple axiomatic bases for other products of classes of residuated structures, including the class IRL×s LG, consisting of all semi-direct products of members of IRL by members of LG. We (...)
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  • Interpretation of De Finetti coherence criterion in Łukasiewicz logic.Daniele Mundici - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):235-245.
    De Finetti gave a natural definition of “coherent probability assessment” β:E→[0,1] of a set E={X1,…,Xm} of “events” occurring in an arbitrary set of “possible worlds”. In the particular case of yes–no events, , Kolmogorov axioms can be derived from his criterion. While De Finetti’s approach to probability was logic-free, we construct a theory Θ in infinite-valued Łukasiewicz propositional logic, and show: a possible world of is a valuation satisfying Θ, β is coherent iff it is a convex combination of valuations (...)
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  • Expanding Quasi-MV Algebras by a Quantum Operator.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):99-128.
    We investigate an expansion of quasi-MV algebras ([10]) by a genuine quantum unary operator. The variety of such quasi-MV algebras has a subquasivariety whose members—called cartesian—can be obtained in an appropriate way out of MV algebras. After showing that cartesian . quasi-MV algebras generate ,we prove a standard completeness theorem for w.r.t. an algebra over the complex numbers.
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  • The logic of equilibrium and abelian lattice ordered groups.Adriana Galli, Renato A. Lewin & Marta Sagastume - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (2):141-158.
    We introduce a deductive system Bal which models the logic of balance of opposing forces or of balance between conflicting evidence or influences. ‘‘Truth values’’ are interpreted as deviations from a state of equilibrium, so in this sense, the theorems of Bal are to be interpreted as balanced statements, for which reason there is only one distinguished truth value, namely the one that represents equilibrium. The main results are that the system Bal is algebraizable in the sense of [5] and (...)
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  • Commutative basic algebras and non-associative fuzzy logics.Michal Botur & Radomír Halaš - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (3-4):243-255.
    Several investigations in probability theory and the theory of expert systems show that it is important to search for some reasonable generalizations of fuzzy logics (e.g. Łukasiewicz, Gödel or product logic) having a non-associative conjunction. In the present paper, we offer a non-associative fuzzy logic L CBA having as an equivalent algebraic semantics lattices with section antitone involutions satisfying the contraposition law, so-called commutative basic algebras. The class (variety) CBA of commutative basic algebras was intensively studied in several recent papers (...)
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  • Expressivity in chain-based modal logics.Michel Marti & George Metcalfe - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):361-380.
    We investigate the expressivity of many-valued modal logics based on an algebraic structure with a complete linearly ordered lattice reduct. Necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for admitting a suitable Hennessy–Milner property are established for classes of image-finite and modally saturated models. Full characterizations are obtained for many-valued modal logics based on complete BL-chains that are finite or have the real unit interval [0, 1] as a lattice reduct, including Łukasiewicz, Gödel, and product modal logics.
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  • Completeness with respect to a chain and universal models in fuzzy logic.Franco Montagna - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):161-183.
    In this paper we investigate fuzzy propositional and first order logics which are complete or strongly complete with respect to a single chain, and we relate this properties with the existence of a universal chain for the logic.
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  • On the Structure of Pseudo BL-algebras and Pseudo Hoops in Quantum Logics.A. Dvurečenskij, R. Giuntini & T. Kowalski - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1519-1542.
    The main aim of the paper is to solve a problem posed in Di Nola et al. (Multiple Val. Logic 8:715–750, 2002) whether every pseudo BL-algebra with two negations is good, i.e. whether the two negations commute. This property is intimately connected with possessing a state, which in turn is essential in quantum logical applications. We approach the solution by describing the structure of pseudo BL-algebras and pseudo hoops as important families of quantum structures. We show when a pseudo hoop (...)
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  • Non-commutative Łukasiewicz propositional logic.Ioana Leuştean - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):191-213.
    The non-commutative counterpart of the well-known Łukasiewicz propositional logic is developed, in strong connection with the algebraic theory of psMV-algebras. An extension by a new unary logical connective is also considered and a stronger completeness result is proved for this system.
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  • A Characterization of the free n-generated MV-algebra.Daniele Mundici - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):239-247.
    An MV-algebra A=(A,0,¬,⊕) is an abelian monoid (A,0,⊕) equipped with a unary operation ¬ such that ¬¬x=x,x⊕¬0=¬0, and y⊕¬(y⊕¬x)=x⊕¬(x⊕¬y). Chang proved that the equational class of MV-algebras is generated by the real unit interval [0,1] equipped with the operations ¬x=1−x and x⊕y=min(1,x+y). Therefore, the free n-generated MV-algebra Free n is the algebra of [0,1]-valued functions over the n-cube [0,1] n generated by the coordinate functions ξ i ,i=1, . . . ,n, with pointwise operations. Any such function f is a (...)
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  • ★-autonomous Lattices.Francesco Paoli - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (2):283-304.
    -autonomous lattices are the algebraic exponentials and without additive constants. In this paper, we investigate the structure theory of this variety and some of its subvarieties, as well as its relationships with other classes of algebras.
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  • Fuzzy Topology and Łukasiewicz Logics from the Viewpoint of Duality Theory.Yoshihiro Maruyama - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (2):245-269.
    This paper explores relationships between many-valued logic and fuzzy topology from the viewpoint of duality theory. We first show a fuzzy topological duality for the algebras of Łukasiewicz n -valued logic with truth constants, which generalizes Stone duality for Boolean algebras to the n -valued case via fuzzy topology. Then, based on this duality, we show a fuzzy topological duality for the algebras of modal Łukasiewicz n -valued logic with truth constants, which generalizes Jónsson-Tarski duality for modal algebras to the (...)
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  • Proving properties of binary classification neural networks via Łukasiewicz logic.Sandro Preto & Marcelo Finger - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (5):805-821.
    Neural networks are widely used in systems of artificial intelligence, but due to their black box nature, they have so far evaded formal analysis to certify that they satisfy desirable properties, mainly when they perform critical tasks. In this work, we introduce methods for the formal analysis of reachability and robustness of neural networks that are modeled as rational McNaughton functions by, first, stating such properties in the language of Łukasiewicz infinitely-valued logic and, then, using the reasoning techniques of such (...)
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  • Quantum computational logic with mixed states.Hector Freytes & Graciela Domenech - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (1-2):27-50.
    In this paper we solve the problem how to axiomatize a system of quantum computational gates known as the Poincaré irreversible quantum computational system. A Hilbert-style calculus is introduced obtaining a strong completeness theorem.
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  • A discrete free MV-algebra over one generator.Antonio Di Nola & Brunella Gerla - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3-4):331-339.
    In this paper we give a representation of the free MV-algebra over one generator as a structure of functions having finite domain.
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  • Quantum Computational Structures: Categorical Equivalence for Square Root qMV -algebras.Hector Freytes - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):63 - 80.
    In this paper we investigate a categorical equivalence between square root qMV-algehras (a variety of algebras arising from quantum computation) and a category of preordered semigroups.
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  • Products of Ideals in MV -algebras.P. L. Belluce, A. Lettieri & S. Sessa - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3-4):341-350.
    We look at a hierarchical arrangement of ideals in an MV -algebra. The principal classes of ideals studied are the maximals, the primes, the local and perfect ideals and the semi-locals. Beyond these special classes of ideals are the general ideals. Herein we study some relationships among these classes and, more specifically, the products of ideals of these classes. Among the results obtained are the square of a prime ideal is a local ideal, the finite product of prime ideals is (...)
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  • Sufficient triangular norms in many-valued logics with standard negation.Dan Butnariu, Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar & Mirko Navara - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):829-849.
    In many-valued logics with the unit interval as the set of truth values, from the standard negation and the product (or, more generally, from any strict Frank t-norm) all measurable logical functions can be derived, provided that also operations with countable arity are allowed. The question remained open whether there are other t-norms with this property or whether all strict t-norms possess this property. We give a full solution to this problem (in the case of strict t-norms), together with convenient (...)
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  • Fuzziness in Italy – Traces of a scattered history.Gianpiero Cattaneo, Giulianella Coletti, Antonio Di Nola, Mario Fedrizzi, Giangiacomo Gerla, Gabriella Pasi, Marco Elio Tabacchi, Settimo Termini & Aldo Ventre - 2017 - Archives for the Philosophy and History of Soft Computing 2017 (1).
    The history of Fuzziness in Italy is varied and scattered among a num- ber of research groups. As a matter of fact, “fuzziness” spread in Italy through a sort of spontaneous diffusion, and, also subsequently, no one felt the need to cre- ate some “national” common structure like an Association or similar things. Since a cohesive retelling would be next to impossible, a few members of the Italian fuzzy community have been asked to recount their experience and express their hopes (...)
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  • How to Produce S-Tense Operators on Lattice Effect Algebras.Ivan Chajda, Jiří Janda & Jan Paseka - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (7):792-811.
    Tense operators in effect algebras play a key role for the representation of the dynamics of formally described physical systems. For this, it is important to know how to construct them on a given effect algebra \( E\) and how to compute all possible pairs of tense operators on \( E\) . However, we firstly need to derive a time frame which enables these constructions and computations. Hence, we usually apply a suitable set of states of the effect algebra \( (...)
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  • Boolean Skeletons of MV-algebras and ℓ-groups.Roberto Cignoli - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):141-147.
    Let Γ be Mundici’s functor from the category $${\mathcal{LG}}$$ whose objects are the lattice-ordered abelian groups ( ℓ -groups for short) with a distinguished strong order unit and the morphisms are the unital homomorphisms, onto the category $${\mathcal{MV}}$$ of MV-algebras and homomorphisms. It is shown that for each strong order unit u of an ℓ -group G , the Boolean skeleton of the MV-algebra Γ ( G , u ) is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of factor congruences of G.
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  • The Toffoli-Hadamard Gate System: an Algebraic Approach.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Antonio Ledda, Giuseppe Sergioli & Roberto Giuntini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (3):467-481.
    Shi and Aharonov have shown that the Toffoli gate and the Hadamard gate give rise to an approximately universal set of quantum computational gates. The basic algebraic properties of this system have been studied in Dalla Chiara et al. (Foundations of Physics 39(6):559–572, 2009), where we have introduced the notion of Shi-Aharonov quantum computational structure. In this paper we propose an algebraic abstraction from the Hilbert-space quantum computational structures, by introducing the notion of Toffoli-Hadamard algebra. From an intuitive point of (...)
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  • On normal forms in Łukasiewicz logic.A. Di Nola & A. Lettieri - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (6):795-823.
    Formulas of n variables of Łukasiewicz sentential calculus can be represented, via McNaughton’s theorem, by piecewise linear functions, with integer coefficients, from hypercube [0,1] n to [0,1], called McNaughton functions. As a consequence of the McNaughton representation of a formula it is obtained a canonical form of a formula. Indeed, up to logical equivalence, any formula can be written as an infimum of finite suprema of formulas associated to McNaughton functions which are truncated functions to $[0,1]$ of the restriction to (...)
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  • Representation of MV-algebras by regular ultrapowers of [0, 1].Antonio Di Nola, Giacomo Lenzi & Luca Spada - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (4):491-500.
    We present a uniform version of Di Nola Theorem, this enables to embed all MV-algebras of a bounded cardinality in an algebra of functions with values in a single non-standard ultrapower of the real interval [0,1]. This result also implies the existence, for any cardinal α, of a single MV-algebra in which all infinite MV-algebras of cardinality at most α embed. Recasting the above construction with iterated ultrapowers, we show how to construct such an algebra of values in a definable (...)
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  • The Intimate Relationship Between the McNaughton and the Chinese Remainder Theorems for MV-algebras.Eduardo J. Dubuc & Yuri Poveda - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):483-485.
    We show the intimate relationship between McNaughton Theorem and the Chinese Remaindner Theorem for MV-algebras. We develop a very short and simple proof of McNaughton Theorem. The arguing is elementary and right out of the definitions. We exhibit the theorem as just an instance of the Chinese theorem. Since the variety of MV-algebras is arithmetic, the Chinese theorem holds for MV-algebras. However, to make this paper self-contained and entirely elementary, we include a simple proof of this theorem inspired in Ferraioli (...)
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  • Atomic Effect Algebras with the Riesz Decomposition Property.Anatolij Dvurečenskij & Yongjian Xie - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1078-1093.
    We discuss the relationships between effect algebras with the Riesz Decomposition Property and partially ordered groups with interpolation. We show that any σ-orthocomplete atomic effect algebra with the Riesz Decomposition Property is an MV-effect algebras, and we apply this result for pseudo-effect algebras and for states.
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  • Perfect Effect Algebras and Spectral Resolutions of Observables.Anatolij Dvurečenskij - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (6):607-628.
    We study perfect effect algebras, that is, effect algebras with the Riesz decomposition property where every element belongs either to its radical or to its co-radical. We define perfect effect algebras with principal radical and we show that the category of such effect algebras is categorically equivalent to the category of unital po-groups with interpolation. We introduce an observable on a \-monotone \-complete perfect effect algebra with principal radical and we show that observables are in a one-to-one correspondence with spectral (...)
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  • Type-Decomposition of an Effect Algebra.David J. Foulis & Sylvia Pulmannová - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1543-1565.
    Effect algebras (EAs), play a significant role in quantum logic, are featured in the theory of partially ordered Abelian groups, and generalize orthoalgebras, MV-algebras, orthomodular posets, orthomodular lattices, modular ortholattices, and boolean algebras.We study centrally orthocomplete effect algebras (COEAs), i.e., EAs satisfying the condition that every family of elements that is dominated by an orthogonal family of central elements has a supremum. For COEAs, we introduce a general notion of decomposition into types; prove that a COEA factors uniquely as a (...)
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  • The Universal Group of a Heyting Effect Algebra.David J. Foulis - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):407-424.
    A Heyting effect algebra is a lattice-ordered effect algebra that is at the same time a Heyting algebra and for which the Heyting center coincides with the effect-algebra center. Every HEA is both an MV-algebra and a Stone-Heyting algebra and is realized as the unit interval in its own universal group. We show that a necessary and sufficient condition that an effect algebra is an HEA is that its universal group has the central comparability and central Rickart properties.
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  • Pavelka-style completeness in expansions of Łukasiewicz logic.Hector Freytes - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (1):15-23.
    An algebraic setting for the validity of Pavelka style completeness for some natural expansions of Łukasiewicz logic by new connectives and rational constants is given. This algebraic approach is based on the fact that the standard MV-algebra on the real segment [0, 1] is an injective MV-algebra. In particular the logics associated with MV-algebras with product and with divisible MV-algebras are considered.
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  • A common generalization for MV-algebras and Łukasiewicz–Moisil algebras.George Georgescu & Andrei Popescu - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (8):947-981.
    We introduce the notion of n-nuanced MV-algebra by performing a Łukasiewicz–Moisil nuancing construction on top of MV-algebras. These structures extend both MV-algebras and Łukasiewicz–Moisil algebras, thus unifying two important types of structures in the algebra of logic. On a logical level, n-nuanced MV-algebras amalgamate two distinct approaches to many valuedness: that of the infinitely valued Łukasiewicz logic, more related in spirit to the fuzzy approach, and that of Moisil n-nuanced logic, which is more concerned with nuances of truth rather than (...)
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  • The Variety of Lattice Effect Algebras Generated by MV-algebras and the Horizontal Sum of Two 3-element Chains.Radomír Halaš - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (1):19-35.
    It has been recently shown [4] that the lattice effect algebras can be treated as a subvariety of the variety of so-called basic algebras. The open problem whether all subdirectly irreducible distributive lattice effect algebras are just subdirectly irreducible MV-chains and the horizontal sum of two 3-element chains is in the paper transferred into a more tractable one. We prove that modulo distributive lattice effect algebras, the variety generated by MV-algebras and is definable by three simple identities and the problem (...)
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  • Some (non)tautologies of łukasiewicz and product logic.Petr Hájek - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):273-278.
    The paper presents a particular example of a formula which is a standard tautology of Łukasiewicz but not its general tautology; an example of a model in which the formula is not true is explicitly constructed. Analogous example of a formula and its model is given for product logic.
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  • A classification of certain group-like FL $$_e$$ e -chains.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2095-2121.
    Classification of certain group-like FL $_e$ -chains is given: We define absorbent-continuity of FL $_e$ -algebras, along with the notion of subreal chains, and classify absorbent-continuous, group-like FL $_e$ -algebras over subreal chains: The algebra is determined by its negative cone, and the negative cone can only be chosen from a certain subclass of BL-chains, namely, one with components which are either cancellative (that is, those components are negative cones of totally ordered Abelian groups) or two-element MV-algebras, and with no (...)
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