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Are The Statue and The Clay Mutual Parts?Lee Walters - 2017 - Noûs:23-50.details
Endurantism vs. Perdurantism?: A Debate Reconsidered.Ofra Magidor - 2015 - Noûs 50 (3):509-532.details
(1 other version)Is Weak Supplementation analytic?Aaron Cotnoir - 2019 - Synthese:1-17.details
Universalism and Junk.A. J. Cotnoir - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):649-664.details
Composition and the Logic of Location: An Argument for Regionalism.Cody Gilmore & Matt Leonard - 2020 - Mind 129 (513):159-178.details
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Atoms, combs, syllables and organisms.Alessandro Giordani & Claudio Calosi - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1995-2024.details
(1 other version)Forms of Luminosity: Epistemic Modality and Hyperintensionality in Mathematics.David Elohim - 2017 - Dissertation, Arché, University of St Andrewsdetails
On the possibility of submergence.Claudio Calosi - 2017 - Analysis 77 (3):501-511.details
What does “nothing over and above its parts” actually mean?Jeroen Smid - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (1):e12391.details
Mutual Indwelling.Aaron Cotnoir - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (2):123-151.details
An Extensional Mereology for Structured Entities.Ilaria Canavotto & Alessandro Giordani - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87:2343-2373.details
Mereological Bimodal Logics.Li Dazhu & Yanjing Wang - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):823-858.details
A Note on Priest's Mereology.Aaron Cotnoir - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (4):642-645.details
A Puzzle Concerning Boundaries, Dependence, and Parthood.Jeroen Smid - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (2):169-176.details
What is it to be located?Matt Leonard - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):2991-3009.details
What is Field's Epistemological Objection to Platonism?Ylwa Sjölin Wirling - 2019 - In Robin Stenwall & Tobias Hansson Wahlberg, Maurinian Truths : Essays in Honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th Birthday. Lund, Sverige: Department of Philosophy, Lund University. pp. 123-133.details
How Many Angels Can Be in the Same Place at the Same Time? A Defence of Mereological Universalism.Aaron Cotnoir - 2016 - Mind 125 (500):959-965.details
Universalism doesn’t entail extensionalism.Roberto Loss - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):246-255.details
Why neither diachronic universalism nor the Argument from Vagueness establishes perdurantism.Ofra Magidor - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):113-126.details
Maurinian Truths : Essays in Honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th Birthday.Robin Stenwall & Tobias Hansson Wahlberg (eds.) - 2019 - Lund, Sverige: Department of Philosophy, Lund University.details
Conceivability, Essence, and Haecceities.David Elohim - manuscriptdetails
Too Many Omissions, Too Much Causation?Björn Petersson - 2019 - In Robin Stenwall & Tobias Hansson Wahlberg, Maurinian Truths : Essays in Honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th Birthday. Lund, Sverige: Department of Philosophy, Lund University.details
Whitehead’s principle.Ben Blumson & Manikaran Singh - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):115-27.details
Two-faced compliments.Lucy McDonald - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):255-263.details
On Cotnoir’s two notions of proper parthood.Massimiliano Carrara & Jeroen Smid - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (9):2787-2795.details
A Mereological Study of Lowe’s Constituting Parthood Theory.Giulio Sciacca - 2023 - Metaphysica 24 (2):203-223.details
(1 other version)Forms of Luminosity: Epistemic Modality and Hyperintensionality in Mathematics.David Elohim - 2017details
Non-Perdurantist Unrestricted Composition.Zhaohui Wen - unknowndetails