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  1. The Structure of Bias.Gabbrielle M. Johnson - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1193-1236.
    What is a bias? Standard philosophical views of both implicit and explicit bias focus this question on the representations one harbours, for example, stereotypes or implicit attitudes, rather than the ways in which those representations are manipulated. I call this approach representationalism. In this paper, I argue that representationalism taken as a general theory of psychological social bias is a mistake, because it conceptualizes bias in ways that do not fully capture the phenomenon. Crucially, this view fails to capture a (...)
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  • Stereotypes, Prejudice, and the Taxonomy of the Implicit Social Mind.Alex Madva & Michael Brownstein - 2016 - Noûs 52 (3):611-644.
    How do cognition and affect interact to produce action? Research in intergroup psychology illuminates this question by investigating the relationship between stereotypes and prejudices about social groups. Yet it is now clear that many social attitudes are implicit. This raises the question: how does the distinction between cognition and affect apply to implicit mental states? An influential view—roughly analogous to a Humean theory of action—is that “implicit stereotypes” and “implicit prejudices” constitute two separate constructs, reflecting different mental processes and neural (...)
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  • (1 other version)Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs (2006).Charles S. Taber & Milton Lodge - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (2):157-184.
    We propose a model of motivated skepticism that helps explain when and why citizens are biased information processors. Two experimental studies explore how citizens evaluate arguments about affirmative action and gun control, finding strong evidence of a prior attitude effect such that attitudinally congruent arguments are evaluated as stronger than attitudinally incongruent arguments. When reading pro and con arguments, participants (Ps) counterargue the contrary arguments and uncritically accept supporting arguments, evidence of a disconfirmation bias. We also find a confirmation bias—the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs (2006).Charles S. Taber & Milton Lodge - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (2):157-184.
    We propose a model of motivated skepticism that helps explain when and why citizens are biased information processors. Two experimental studies explore how citizens evaluate arguments about affirmative action and gun control, finding strong evidence of a prior attitude effect such that attitudinally congruent arguments are evaluated as stronger than attitudinally incongruent arguments. When reading pro and con arguments, participants (Ps) counterargue the contrary arguments and uncritically accept supporting arguments, evidence of a disconfirmation bias. We also find a confirmation bias—the (...)
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  • Cognitive systems for revenge and forgiveness.Michael E. McCullough, Robert Kurzban & Benjamin A. Tabak - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):1-15.
    Minimizing the costs that others impose upon oneself and upon those in whom one has a fitness stake, such as kin and allies, is a key adaptive problem for many organisms. Our ancestors regularly faced such adaptive problems (including homicide, bodily harm, theft, mate poaching, cuckoldry, reputational damage, sexual aggression, and the infliction of these costs on one's offspring, mates, coalition partners, or friends). One solution to this problem is to impose retaliatory costs on an aggressor so that the aggressor (...)
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  • Does Identity Politics Reinforce Oppression?Katherine Ritchie - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (4):1-15.
    Identity politics has been critiqued in various ways. One central problem—the Reinforcement Problem—claims that identity politics reinforces groups rooted in oppression thereby undermining its own liberatory aims. Here I consider two versions of the problem—one psychological and one metaphysical. I defang the first by drawing on work in social psychology. I then argue that careful consideration of the metaphysics of social groups and of the practice of identity politics provides resources to dissolve the second version. Identity politics involves the creation (...)
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  • Implicit social cognition: From measures to mechanisms.Rebecca S. Frazier Brian A. Nosek, Carlee Beth Hawkins - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (4):152.
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  • Good Without Knowing it: Subtle Contextual Cues can Activate Moral Identity and Reshape Moral Intuition.Keith Leavitt, Lei Zhu & Karl Aquino - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):785-800.
    The role of moral intuition has been increasingly implicated in business decisions and ethical business behavior. But troublingly, because implicit processes often operate outside of conscious awareness, decision makers are generally unaware of their influence. We tested whether subtle contextual cues for identity can alter implicit beliefs. In two studies, we found that contextual cues which nonconsciously prime moral identity weaken the implicit association between the categories of “business” and “ethical,” an implicit association which has previously been linked to unethical (...)
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  • Does Exposure to Counterstereotypical Role Models Influence Girls’ and Women’s Gender Stereotypes and Career Choices? A Review of Social Psychological Research.Maria Olsson & Sarah E. Martiny - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Commentary: Connecting Müller's Philosophical Position-Taking Theory of Emotional Feelings to Mechanistic Emotion Theories in Psychology.Agnes Moors - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):269-273.
    Müller proposes a position-taking theory to account for the manifest image of emotional feelings as “feelings towards”. He reduces the process of position-taking to goal-based construal, which is akin to the stimulus-goal comparison process central in appraisal theories. Although this reduction can account for the heat of emotional feelings and the intuition that non-linguistic organisms can also have feelings, it may fail to keep the position-taking aspect on board. Moreover, the image of emotional feelings as active position-takings may itself be (...)
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  • Distance, anger, freedom: An account of the role of abstraction in compatibilist and incompatibilist intuitions.Chris Weigel - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (6):803 - 823.
    Experimental philosophers have disagreed about whether "the folk" are intuitively incompatibilists or compatibilists, and they have disagreed about the role of abstraction in generating such intuitions. New experimental evidence using Construal Level Theory is presented. The experiments support the views that the folk are intuitively both incompatibilists and compatibilists, and that abstract mental representations do shift intuitions, but not in a univocal way.
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  • Songs for the Ego: Theorizing Musical Self-Enhancement.Paul Elvers - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Affective compatibility with the self modulates the self-prioritisation effect.Merryn Dale Constable, Maike Lena Becker, Ye-In Oh & Günther Knoblich - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):291-304.
    The “self” shapes the way in which we process the world around us. It makes sense then, that self-related information is reliably prioritised over non self-related information in cognition. How mig...
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  • On the gender–science stereotypes held by scientists: explicit accord with gender-ratios, implicit accord with scientific identity.Frederick L. Smyth & Brian A. Nosek - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Stimulus valence moderates self-learning.Parnian Jalalian, Saga Svensson, Marius Golubickis, Yadvi Sharma & C. Neil Macrae - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):884-897.
    Self-relevance has been demonstrated to impair instrumental learning. Compared to unfamiliar symbols associated with a friend, analogous stimuli linked with the self are learned more slowly. What is not yet understood, however, is whether this effect extends beyond arbitrary stimuli to material with intrinsically meaningful properties. Take, for example, stimulus valence an established moderator of self-bias. Does the desirability of to-be-learned material influence self-learning? Here, in conjunction with computational modelling (i.e. Reinforcement Learning Drift Diffusion Model analysis), a probabilistic selection task (...)
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  • Their Pain, Our Pleasure: How and When Peer Abusive Supervision Leads to Third Parties’ Schadenfreude and Work Engagement.Yueqiao Qiao, Zhe Zhang & Ming Jia - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):695-711.
    Abusive supervision negatively affects its direct victims. However, recent studies have begun to explore how abusive supervision affects third parties. We use the emotion-based process model of schadenfreude as a basis to suggest that third parties will experience schadenfreude and increase their work engagement as a response to peer abusive supervision. Furthermore, we suggest that the context of competitive goal interdependence facilitates the indirect relationship between PAS and third parties’ work engagement on schadenfreude. We use a mixed-method approach to test (...)
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  • Evaluative conditioning in social psychology: Facts and speculations.Eva Walther, Benjamin Nagengast & Claudia Trasselli - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):175-196.
    The aim of the present paper is to examine the contribution of evaluative conditioning (EC) to attitude formation theory in social psychology. This aim is pursued on two fronts. First, evaluative conditioning is analysed for its relevance to social psychological research. We show that conditioned attitudes can be acquired through simple co‐occurrences of a neutral and a valenced stimulus. Moreover, we argue that conditioned attitudes are not confined to direct contact with a valenced stimulus, but can be formed and dynamically (...)
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  • Exploring the relationship between math anxiety and gender through implicit measurement.Orly Rubinsten, Noam Bialik & Yael Solar - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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  • Orderliness/Disorderliness Is Mentally Associated With Construal Level and Psychological Distance.Kaiyun Li, Yingqi Lv, Yingchao Dong, Tianze Wang, Jiayi Wu, Zhenxing Zhang, Xinrui Li, Ruikang Han & Fengxun Lin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Self-esteem modulates automatic attentional responses to self-relevant stimuli: evidence from event-related brain potentials.Jie Chen, Qing Shui & Yiping Zhong - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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  • Implicit attitudes and implicit prejudices.René Baston & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):889-903.
    In social psychology, the concept of implicit attitudes has given rise to ongoing discussions that are rather philosophical. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of implicit prejudices from a philosophical point of view. Since implicit prejudices are a special case of implicit attitudes, the discussion will be framed by a short discussion of the most central aspects concerning implicit attitudes and indirect measures. In particular, the ontological conclusions that are implied by different conceptions of implicit attitudes (...)
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  • Gender Stereotypes in a Children's Television Program: Effects on Girls' and Boys' Stereotype Endorsement, Math Performance, Motivational Dispositions, and Attitudes.Eike Wille, Hanna Gaspard, Ulrich Trautwein, Kerstin Oschatz, Katharina Scheiter & Benjamin Nagengast - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Moral Values Reveal the Causality Implicit in Verb Meaning.Laura Niemi, Joshua Hartshorne, Tobias Gerstenberg, Matthew Stanley & Liane Young - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (6):e12838.
    Prior work has found that moral values that build and bind groups—that is, the binding values of ingroup loyalty, respect for authority, and preservation of purity—are linked to blaming people who have been harmed. The present research investigated whether people's endorsement of binding values predicts their assignment of the causal locus of harmful events to the victims of the events. We used an implicit causality task from psycholinguistics in which participants read a sentence in the form “SUBJECT verbed OBJECT because…” (...)
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  • Return of the ego--Self-referent information as a filter for social prediction: Comment on Karniol (2003).Joachim I. Krueger - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (3):585-590.
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  • Tests of multiplicative models in psychology: A case study using the unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept.Hart Blanton & James Jaccard - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):155-166.
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  • Group Membership, Group Change, and Intergroup Attitudes: A Recategorization Model Based on Cognitive Consistency Principles.Jenny Roth, Melanie C. Steffens & Vivian L. Vignoles - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Beliefs are Object-Attribute Associations of Varying Strength.Jonathan Jong - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (3):284-301.
    Associative theories of cognitive representation begin with an ontology of two kinds of entities: concepts and associations. According to most social cognitive theories of attitudes, attitudes are object-evaluation associations of varying strength, where strength is defined in terms of accessibility. This paper proposes a cognitive account of belief such that beliefs are object-attribute associations of varying strength: thus, insofar as evaluative concepts are examples of attribute concepts, attitudes are a species of belief. This cognitive account of belief also denies that (...)
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  • Is the Implicit Association Test a Valid and Valuable Measure of Implicit Consumer Social Cognition?Brian C. Tietje - unknown
    This article discusses the need for more satisfactory implicit measures in consumer psychology and assesses the theoretical foundations, validity, and value of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) as a measure of implicit consumer social cognition. Study 1 demonstrates the IAT’s sensitivity to explicit individual differences in brand attitudes, ownership, and usage frequency, and shows their correlations with IAT-based measures of implicit brand attitudes and brand relationship strength. In Study 2, the contrast between explicit and implicit measures of attitude toward the (...)
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  • Why so little faith? A reply to Blanton and Jaccard's (2006) skeptical view of testing pure multiplicative theories.Anthony G. Greenwald, Laurie A. Rudman, Brian A. Nosek & Vivian Zayas - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):170-180.
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  • What underlies death/suicide implicit association test measures and how it contributes to suicidal action.René Baston - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology:1-24.
    Recently, psychologists have developed indirect measurement procedures to predict suicidal behavior. A prominent example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association Test (DS-IAT). In this paper, I argue that there is something special about the DS-IAT which distinguishes it from different IAT measures. I argue that the DS-IAT does not measure weak or strong associations between the implicit self-concept and the abstract concept of death. In contrast, assuming a goal-system approach, I suggest that sorting death-related to self-related words takes effort because death-related (...)
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  • Putting a label on someone: impact of schizophrenia stigma on emotional mimicry, liking, and interpersonal closeness.Mathilde Parisi, Stéphane Raffard, Pierre Slangen, Till Kastendieck, Ursula Hess, Heidi Mauersberger, Tifenn Fauviaux & Ludovic Marin - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1015-1031.
    Affiliation is both an antecedent and a consequence of emotional mimicry (i.e. imitating a counterpart’s emotional expression). Thus, interacting with a disliked partner can decrease emotional mimicry, which in turn can further decrease liking. This perpetuating circle has not been investigated in the context of mental health stigma yet. The present study tested the influence of the label “schizophrenia” on liking, interpersonal closeness, and emotional mimicry. In an online experiment (n = 201), participants recruited from the general population saw several (...)
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  • Two flaws concerning belief accounts of implicit biases.Baston Rene - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):352-367.
    The current scientific discourse offers two opposing viewpoints about the roots of implicit biases: are they belief states or subdoxastic attitudes? The goal of this paper is to show that belief accounts of implicit biases are too demanding and lack a satisfying reasoning theory. Firstly, I will outline the concept of attitude and its relation to implicit biases. Next, I will briefly outline Mendelbaum’s view, who gives a paradigmatic example of a belief account of implicit biases. Afterward, I will concern (...)
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  • Bridging Social Circles: Need for Cognition, Prejudicial Judgments, and Personal Social Network Characteristics.Petru L. Curşeu & Jeroen P. de Jong - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Proximity Begins with a Smile, But Which One? Associating Non-duchenne Smiles with Higher Psychological Distance.Yevgen Bogodistov & Florian Dost - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Toward a Glossary of Self-related Terms.Alain Morin - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • The implicit association test's D measure can minimize a cognitive skill confound: Comment on McFarland and Crouch.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    McFarland and Crouch reported substantial positive correlations between the Implicit Association Test and response speed and between IATs assessing racism or self-esteem and ostensibly unrelated control IATs. Using an IAT measure in millisecond-difference score format, they concluded that the IAT was confounded with general cognitive ability. A reanalysis of these data using the D measure eliminated the speed of responding confound, although it did not eliminate the correlation between the control and racism IATs. The study was replicated and the two (...)
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  • Postscript: Perspectives on the Reply by Greenwald, Rudman, Nosek, and Zayas (2006).Hart Blanton & James Jaccard - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):166-169.
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  • What we can do.Katherine Ritchie - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):865-882.
    Plural first-person pronouns have often been ignored in the literature on indexicals and pronouns. The assumption seems to be that we is just the plural of I. So, we can focus on theorizing about singular indexicals and about non-indexical plurals then combine the results to yield a theory of plural indexicals. Here I argue that the “divide and conquer” strategy fails. By considering data involving plurals, generics, and complex demonstratives, I argue for a referential semantics on which we can refer (...)
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  • Implicit association test: Validity debates.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    Note posted 9 Jun 08 : Modifications made today include a new section on predictive validity, and addition of recently published article and in in-press article, both by Nosek & Hansen, under the "CULTURE VS. PERSON" heading, which replaces a previously listed unpublished ms. of theirs. I continue to encourage all interested to send material that they are willing to be included on this page. Please also to let me know about errors, including faulty links.
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  • Selected articles & chapters, by date.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    Lane, K. A., Banaji, M. R., Nosek, B. A., & Greenwald, A. G. (2007). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: IV. What we know (so far) (Pp. 59–102). In B. Wittenbrink & N. S. Schwarz (Eds.). Implicit measures of attitudes: Procedures and controversies . New York: Guilford Press. PDF - 652KB ].
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  • Why so little faith? A reply to Blanton and Jaccard's (2006) skeptical view of testing pure multiplicative theories: Postcript.Anthony G. Greenwald, Laurie A. Rudman, Brian A. Nosek & Vivian Zayas - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):180-180.
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  • Interpersonal trust: an event-based account.Bernhard Hommel & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Development of a German Implicit Measure of Religiosity.Robin E. Bachmann - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (2):214-232.
    This study addressed the lack of implicit measures of religiosity in German research by developing a German Single Category Implicit Association Test for measuring the associative religious self-concept. The SC-IAT was applied to a sample consisting of 389 German students with different subjects of study and internally consistent. To estimate the psychometric criteria of construct validity, SC-IAT scores were correlated to the Centrality of Religiosity Scale, whose construct psychological approach can be theoretically linked to the concept of associative representations in (...)
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  • Self-discrepancy and suicidal ideation.Michelle M. Cornette, Timothy J. Strauman, Lyn Y. Abramson & Andrew M. Busch - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (3):504-527.
    The purpose of this study was to determine whether certain self-discrepancies predicted the extent to which individuals experienced suicidal ideation. The Selves Questionnaire (an idiographic measure of self-beliefs) was administered to 152 undergraduate participants, who also completed measures of hopelessness, depression, and suicidal ideation. Three kinds of self-discrepancies were associated with suicidal ideation: actual:ideal, actual:ought, and actual:ideal:future. Covariance structure analyses indicated a best-fitting model suggesting that, actual:ideal and actual:ideal:future self-discrepancies contribute to hopelessness, which in turn contributes to depression and suicidal (...)
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  • Terror in time: extending culturomics to address basic terror management mechanisms.Mark Dechesne & Bryn Bandt-Law - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):492-511.
    ABSTRACTBuilding on Google's efforts to scan millions of books, this article introduces methodology using a database of annual word frequencies of the 40,000 most frequently occurring words in the American literature between 1800 and 2009. The current paper uses this methodology to replicate and identify terror management processes in historical context. Variation in frequencies of word usage of constructs relevant to terror management theory are investigated over a time period of 209 years. Study 1 corroborated previous TMT findings and demonstrated (...)
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  • Cognition and the Structure of Bias.Gabbrielle Johnson - 2019 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    I argue that there exists a natural kind social bias that subsumes seemingly heterogenous cases of implicit bias and other forms of social cognition. I explore the implications of this explicated notion of bias for the organization of the mind, theories of consciousness, and the system-dependence of biases.
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  • Exploring the Nature of Teachers’ Math-Gender Stereotypes: The Math-Gender Misconception Questionnaire.Anna-Sophia Dersch, Anke Heyder & Alexander Eitel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Stereotypes of girls having weaker mathematical abilities than boys are one factor reducing women’s representation in mathematics. Teachers, as powerful socializers, often hold math-gender stereotypes. Reducing math-gender stereotypes in teachers thus may foster women’s representation in mathematics. Yet knowing the stereotypes’ underlying assumptions is crucial to reducing it. Do math-gender stereotypes reflect elaborate, disproven theories about gender differences in math, meaning math-gender misconceptions? And if so, which math-gender misconceptions are behind math-gender stereotypes? This is the focus of the present research. (...)
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  • Towards a multifaceted understanding of revenge and forgiveness.Ramzi Fatfouta, Arthur Jacobs & Angela Merkl - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):21-21.
    We focus on two aspects: First, we argue that it is necessary to include implicit forgiveness as an additional adaptive behavioral option to the perception of interpersonal transgressions. Second, we present one possible way to investigate the cognitive-affective underpinnings of revenge and forgiveness: a functional MRI (fMRI) approach aiming at integrating forgiveness and revenge mechanisms into a single paradigm.
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  • Clarifying the role of the “other” category in the self-esteem IAT.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    A. Karpinski (2004) recently criticized Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures of self-esteem, arguing that their measurements of self-associations are compromised by their contrasting self with a putatively extremely negative second category, the nonspecific other. The present data show, to the contrary, that the nonspecific other category in the self-esteem IAT is near neutral in valence. Validity of the self-esteem IAT is most appropriately assessed by examining its correlations with conceptually related measures. That has been done in several previous studies that (...)
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  • Implicit and explicit attitudes toward Germany as news-choice predictors among Muslims with migration backgrounds living in Germany.Narin Karadas & Florian Arendt - 2020 - Communications 45 (4):440-462.
    The present study investigated whether implicit and explicit attitudes predict news choice among Muslims with migration backgrounds living in Germany. We used both attitude constructs to predict a selection bias for news about the same event stemming from the host country (Germany) vs. from other countries. Using a survey (N = 1,107), we found that favorable implicit and explicit attitudes toward Germany increased a participant’s tendency to select German news. Each attitudinal construct predicted a unique variance in news choice. Using (...)
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