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  1. Globalisation, Environmental Degradation and Ulrich Beck's Risk Society.Brent K. Marshall - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (2):253-275.
    This paper is organised in three interconnected parts. First, contemporary political economic approaches to understanding the structure of the global economic system are outlined and synthesised. Specifically, it is suggested that the current structural configuration of the globe is a transitional phase between the spatially-bounded configuration hypothesised by world-system theory and the configuration hypothesised by globalisation theorists. Second, the contemporary problem of environmental degradation is situated in a global structural context. Third, an outline and critique of Ulrich Beck 's theory (...)
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  • Bio-, Agro- or even Social Fuels: Discourse Dynamics on Biofuels in Germany.Kirsten Selbmann - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (4):483-510.
    Within the EU, Germany took a pioneering role in the production and promotion of biofuels. To explain this role the article analytically examines public discourses on biofuels. The analysis points out how the subject is interpreted and positioned by relevant actors and thus results in a specific public perception of biofuels in Germany. This perception in turn influences political decision-making processes. Since the analysis of discourses contributes to a better understanding of today's biofuel policy in Germany, the article characterises the (...)
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  • Naturalness or Biodiversity: Negotiating the Dilemma of Intervention in Swedish Protected Area Management.Anders Steinwall - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (1):31-54.
    Whether and how to intervene in nature to maintain or restore values is a contested issue among scholars within ecological restoration, protected area management and environmental ethics, but also among the practitioners and public officials who shape how nature is actually managed. This article analyses how the issue of intervention is debated in the case of protected forest area management in Sweden, a country with a traditionally strong preservationist discourse centred on maintaining areas as ‘untouched’ as possible. The analysis shows (...)
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  • Beyond Components of Wellbeing: The Effects of Relational and Situated Assemblage.Sarah Atkinson - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):137-144.
    Despite multiple axes of variation in defining wellbeing, the paper argues for the dominance of a ‘components approach’ in current research and practice. This approach builds on a well-established tradition within the social sciences of attending to categories whether for their identification, their value or their meanings and political resonance. The paper critiques the components approach and explores how to move beyond it towards conceptually integrating the various categories and dimensions through a relational and situated account of wellbeing. Drawing on (...)
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  • Cultivating Carrots and Community: Local Organic Food and Sustainable Consumption.Gill Seyfang - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (1):105-123.
    This paper examines the social implications of sustainable consumption through an empirical study of a local organic food initiative. It sets out an analytical framework based upon Douglas's Cultural Theory to categorise the range of competing value perspectives on sustainable consumption into 'hierarchical', 'individualistic' and 'egalitarian' worldviews, and considers how these various worldviews might each adopt locally-grown organic food as a sustainable consumption initiative. Tensions between the paradigms are evident when attention is turned to a case study of a local (...)
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  • The frames of global environmental policy in UNCED: No alternatives to construct social reality?Jyrki Luukkanen & Jari Kaivo-Oja - 1999 - World Futures 54 (2):103-134.
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  • Environmentalism in Ireland: Ecological Modernisation versus Populist Rural Sentiment.Liam Leonard - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):463-483.
    The recent phase of economic growth in the Republic of Ireland has led to an increase in industrial and infrastructural development across the island. One offshoot of this accelerated growth has been a rise in community based environmental movements, as environmentalists and concerned communities have come to mobilise campaigns to protect local communities and hinterlands. This paper examines the contestation of two forms of environmentalism, institutional ecomodernism versus a grassroots ecopopulism within the context of the ongoing dispute between a local (...)
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  • Instrumentalization theory and reflexive design in animal husbandry.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (1):29 – 50.
    In animal husbandry in The Netherlands, as in a wide variety of other societal areas, we see an increased awareness of the fact that progress cannot be attained anymore by simply repeating the way we modernized this sector in the decades before, due to the multiplicity of the problems to be dealt with. The theory of reflexive modernization articulates this macro-social phenomenon, and at the same time serves as a prescriptive master-narrative. In this paper, I analyse the relationship between Feenberg's (...)
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  • Landscape discourses and rural transformations: insights from the Dutch Dune and Flower Bulb Region.Susan de Koning - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1431-1448.
    Rural landscapes are facing a loss of biodiversity. To deal with this challenge, landscape governance is seen as an alternative and addition to sectoral policies and a potential way of realizing transformative change for biodiversity. To study transformative change in the Bulb Region, the Netherlands, this study uses a discursive-institutional perspective. A mixed methods approach was used including 50 interviews, participant observation and document analysis. The structuration and institutionalization of three competing landscape discourses were analyzed: a hegemonic discourse rejecting any (...)
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  • No farm is an island: constrained choice, landscape thinking, and ecological insect management among Wisconsin farmers.Benjamin Iuliano - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1631-1646.
    Agriculture has long struggled to reconcile production with biodiversity conservation. Industrial farming practices that erode structural complexity within crop fields and across entire landscapes, as well as widespread pesticide use, have resulted in declining insect abundance and diversity globally. Recognition of socio-environmental consequences have spurred alternative pest management paradigms such as integrated pest management (IPM) and conservation biological control (CBC), which emphasize ecology as the scientific foundation for a sustainable agriculture. However, adoption of these approaches at scales large enough to (...)
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  • What is spatial planning saying? A conceptual and methodological framework to assess the institutionalization of nature using critical discourse analysis.Rúben Mendes, Teresa Fidélis, Peter Roebling, Filipe Teles & Michael Farrelly - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (3):274-292.
    Spatial planning policies are fundamental blocks for the implementation of sustainable development goals. Still, despite the growing adoption of environmental proxies, as it is nature-based solutions, the study of their institutionalization in policy and spatial planning is in the early stages. Simultaneously, the use of discursive and interpretative methods to unfold the social structures related to environmental issues is growing, nonetheless, their application is more common to supranational narratives. This article proposes a conceptual and methodological approach to using critical discourse (...)
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  • Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure.Nina Klimburg-Witjes & Michael Clormann - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5):960-985.
    Like other forms of debris in terrestrial and marine environments, space debris prompts questions about how we can live with the material remains of technological endeavors past and yet to come. Although techno-societies fundamentally rely on space infrastructures, they so far have failed to address the infrastructural challenge of debris. Only very recently has the awareness of space debris as a severe risk to both space and Earth infrastructures increased within the space community. One reason for this is the renewed (...)
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  • Techniques of futuring: On how imagined futures become socially performative.Maarten A. Hajer, Jesse Hoffman & Jeroen Oomen - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2):252-270.
    The concept of the future is re-emerging as an urgent topic on the academic agenda. In this article, we focus on the ‘politics of the future’: the social processes and practices that allow particular imagined futures to become socially performative. Acknowledging that the performativity of such imagined futures is well-understood, we argue that how particular visions come about and why they become performative is underexplained. Drawing on constructivist sociological theory, this article aims to fill this gap by exploring the question (...)
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  • “Opening Up” and “Closing Down”: Power, Participation, and Pluralism in the Social Appraisal of Technology.Andy Stirling - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (2):262-294.
    Discursive deference in the governance of science and technology is rebalancing from expert analysis toward participatory deliberation. Linear, scientistic conceptions of innovation are giving ground to more plural, socially situated understandings. Yet, growing recognition of social agency in technology choice is countered by persistently deterministic notions of technological progress. This article addresses this increasingly stark disjuncture. Distinguishing between “appraisal” and “commitment” in technology choice, it highlights contrasting implications of normative, instrumental, and substantive imperatives in appraisal. Focusing on the role of (...)
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  • Making a Difference: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Urban Energy Policies.Simon Marvin, Simon Guy & Robert Evans - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (1):105-131.
    Infrastructure management has traditionally been based on a logic of predict and provide in which rising demand was met with an increase in infrastructure capacity. However, recent changes in political, economic, and environmental priorities mean that projects such as new roads, which simply expand supply, have become more controversial, and that reducing demand is now a key challenge. This article is about the different ways in which infrastructure managers have tried to achieve reductions in demand, as well as the range (...)
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  • Talking ‘facts’: identity and rationality in industry perspectives on genetic modification.George Cheney, C. Kay Weaver & Alison Henderson - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (1):9-41.
    Despite the potential political impact of industry attempts to influence public policy about genetic modification, little research has focused on critical understanding of industry perspectives. This article explores the rhetorical and discursive construction of public messages about this controversial issue by two major New Zealand export industries. The kiwifruit industry advocates a very cautious public policy position, while the dairy industry has been a strong advocate for the commercial development of genetic modification. We demonstrate that these industries draw on multiple (...)
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  • Closing the Future: Environmental Research and the Management of Conflicting Future Value Orders.Erik Westholm & Jenny Andersson - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (2):237-262.
    This paper examines a struggle over the future use of Nordic forests, which took place from 2009 to 2012 within a major research program, Future Forests—Sustainable Strategies under Uncertainty and Risk, organized and funded by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. We explore the role of strategic environmental research in societal constructions of long-term challenges and future risks. Specifically, we draw attention to the role played by environmental research in the creation of future images that become dominant for (...)
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  • Green conflicts in environmental discourse. A topos based integrative analysis of critical voices.Anders Horsbøl - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (4):429-446.
    ABSTRACT‘Green’ concerns about nature, the environment or the climate have traditionally been juxtaposed with concerns about economic growth or job creation. Recently, however, a new type of conflict has appeared, in which different green concerns, for instance regarding mitigation of climate change and protection of landscape qualities, seem to collide. These environmental conflicts have so far received little scholarly attention. This article addresses the issue by a study of national and in particular local news media discussion on the construction of (...)
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  • Greening critical discourse analysis: Applications to the study of environmental law.Joshua C. Gellers - 2015 - Critical Discourse Studies 12 (4):482-493.
    While scholars have expended great effort analyzing environmental discourse and applying a critical lens to environmental law, scant work has used critical discourse analysis to study environmental law. This is surprising given the rising prominence of CDA and the continued development of critical environmental law scholarship. The present article seeks to correct for this oversight by highlighting the particularities of environmental law which compel the use of CDA, and outlining a method by which social science researchers can use CDA to (...)
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  • The Dynamics of Framing Environmental Values and Policy: Four Models of Societal Processes.Clark A. Miller - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (2):211-233.
    While the subject of framing has achieved considerable recognition recently among social scientists and policy analysts, less attention has been given to how societies arrive at stable, collective frames of meaning for environmental values and policy. This paper proposes four models of societal processes by which framing occurs: narration, modelling, canonisation and normalisation. These four models are developed, compared, and explored in detail through a case study of the framing of the impacts of climate change on human societies in US (...)
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  • Towards a transnational industrial-hazard history: charting the circulation of workplace dangers, debates and expertise.Christopher Sellers & Joseph Melling - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (3):401-424.
    We argue that industrial hazards have remained an integral feature of the international and ‘global’ economy since the early modern period, and invite historians of science into the study of their history. The growth and dissemination of knowledge about these hazards, as well as the production and trade that generate them, continue to generate deep inequalities in just who is exposed to them, as illustrated by the shifting impact of the asbestos-related disease plague in the past half-century. Exposure levels in (...)
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  • The Theory of Reflexive Modernization.Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss & Christoph Lau - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):1-33.
    How can one distinguish the concept of second modernity from the concept of postmodernity? Postmodernists are interested in deconstruction without reconstruction, second modernity is about deconstruction and reconstruction. Social sciences need to construct new concepts to understand the world dynamics at the beginning of the 21st century.Modernity has not vanished, we are not post it. Radical social change has always been part of modernity. What is new is that modernity has begun to modernize its own foundations. This is what it (...)
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  • A Framework for Sustainability Transition: The Case of Plant-Based Diets. [REVIEW]Markus Vinnari & Eija Vinnari - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):369-396.
    Societal and technological development during the last century has enabled Western economies to achieve a high standard of living. Yet this profusion of wealth has led to several outcomes that are undesirable and/or unsustainable. There is thus an imperative need for a fundamental and rapid transition towards more sustainable practices. While broad conceptual frameworks for managing sustainability transitions have been suggested in prior literature, these need to be further developed to suit contexts in which the overall vision is arguably clear, (...)
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  • Terminology Matters: A Critical Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility Terms. [REVIEW]Denise Baden & Ian A. Harwood - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):615-627.
    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance and impact of terminology used to describe corporate social responsibility (CSR). Through a review of key literature and concepts, we uncover how the economic business case has become the dominant driver behind CSR action. With reference to the literature on semiotics, connotative meaning and social marketing we explore how the terminology itself may have facilitated this co-opting of an ethical concept by economic interests. The broader issue of moral muteness and (...)
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  • (1 other version)Paradise proclaimed? Towards a theoretical understanding of representations of nature in land use planning decision‐making.Jean Hillier - 1998 - Philosophy and Geography 1 (1):77 – 91.
    Land use planning, based in either traditional liberalist philosophy or the emerging pragmatist philosophy formalizes an anthropocentric, reductionist division within itself: between nature (land) and society (use), ignoring the socially constructed character of both terms. Representations of nature become political issues mediated through the planning system, with the various actants and their networks attempting to exert power over others in order to influence the outcome. Based on a theoretical understanding of, by deconstructing the different representations of nature/the environment and identifying (...)
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  • Representing the politics of the greenhouse effect:: Discursive strategies in the British media.Anabela Carvalho - 2005 - Critical Discourse Studies 2 (1):1-29.
    This article aims to identify the discursive strategies of political actors and the media in their re-constructions of climate change. The analytical framework employed in this research project builds on the tradition of critical discourse analysis and has both diachronic and synchronic axes. On the one hand, by tracing the biography of the greenhouse effect as a public issue, the article will look at continuities and discontinuities in its representation and at the historically constitutive power of discourse. On the other (...)
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  • A Teleological Approach to the Wicked Problem of Managing Utría National Park.Nicolás Acosta García, Katharine N. Farrell, Hannu I. Heikkinen & Simo Sarkki - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (5):583-605.
    Utría National Park is a remote biodiversity hotspot in Colombia. It encompasses ancestral territories of the Embera indigenous peoples and borders territories of Afro-descendant communities in El Valle. We explore environmental value conflicts regarding the use of the park, describing them as a Wicked Problem that has no clear solution. Juxtaposing how the territory is perceived by different communities, we employ Faber et al.'s heuristic of the three tele of living nature to search for deficiency in the third telos, service, (...)
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  • The citizen-consumer hybrid: ideological tensions and the case of Whole Foods Market. [REVIEW]Josée Johnston - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (3):229-270.
    Ethical consumer discourse is organized around the idea that shopping, and particularly food shopping, is a way to create progressive social change. A key component of this discourse is the “citizen-consumer” hybrid, found in both activist and academic writing on ethical consumption. The hybrid concept implies a social practice – “voting with your dollar” – that can satisfy competing ideologies of consumerism (an idea rooted in individual self-interest) and citizenship (an ideal rooted in collective responsibility to a social and ecological (...)
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  • The introduction of the precautionary principle in danish environmental policy: The case of plant growth retardants. [REVIEW]Søren Løkke & Per Christensen - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (3):229-247.
    In this paper, we investigate the Precautionary Principle (PP) in action. Precaution is a fairly new concept in environmental policy. It emerged back in the 1960s but did not consolidate until the 1980s, as it formed part of the major changes taking place in environmental policies at that time. The PP is examined in three contexts. Firstly, we look at the meaning of the concept and how it is disseminated through the media and public discourses to the political arenas of (...)
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  • People's Conceptions and Valuations of Nature in the Context of Climate Change.Gisle Andersen, Kjersti Fløttum, Guillaume Carbou & Anje Müller Gjesdal - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):397-420.
    This paper investigates how people conceive and evaluate nature through language, in a climate change context. With material consisting of 1,200 answers to open-ended questions in nationally representative surveys in Norway, we explore what semantic roles and values the respondents attribute to nature as well as to how they interact with the public debate about climate change. We observe that different conceptions and valuations of nature are tied to different perspectives on the climate change issue: some address the responsibilities of (...)
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  • Public conceptions of publicness in the wake of the Copenhagen killings.Anders Horsbøl - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (5):458-478.
    The deadly attacks on a public meeting and on a Jewish citizen in Copenhagen in February 2015 have given rise to a vast amount of public discussion and interpretation of the events themselves, their background, their causes, their significance, and their repercussions. During these discussions, various conceptions of publicness and public space have been articulated. Indeed, one may view the killings as a ‘critical discourse moment’ in which a range of discourses have been employed to help interpret, understand, and deal (...)
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  • ‘Moral offset’: Competing framings of pro-environmental lifestyle choices.Mayar Sabet - 2014 - Critical Discourse Studies 11 (1):95-116.
    A critical discourse analysis of three pro-environmental behaviour initiatives promoting low-carbon lifestyles in the UK showcased on BBC Radio 4 illustrates the discursive struggles over meaning involved in the various framings of climate change mitigation policies. Climate change mitigation policies are framed in various competing and coalescing ways in political circles, most commonly as economic opportunities but in some instances as an ethical obligation. While the ‘win-win’ framing associated with the ecological modernisation and green consumption discourses is the most dominant (...)
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  • Corporate Perceptions of Climate Science.Sandra Rothenberg & David L. Levy - 2012 - Business and Society 51 (1):31-61.
    Although there has been some growing recognition of the role of private actors in international environmental regimes, little attention has been paid to the role of the private sector at the science–policy interface. Because the automobile industry plays a crucial role in mitigation of greenhouse gases, successful policy requires not just the assent but the active cooperation of this sector. Such cooperation, however, requires some institutional acceptance that climate change is indeed a significant risk. In this article, the authors look (...)
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  • Moral Steaks? Ethical Discourses of In Vitro Meat in Academia and Australia.Tasmin Dilworth & Andrew McGregor - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):85-107.
    The profile and possibilities of in vitro meat are rapidly expanding, creating new ethical conundrums about how to approach this nascent biotechnology. The outcomes of these ethical debates will shape the future viability of this technology and its acceptability for potential consumers. In this paper we focus on how in vitro meat is being ethically constructed in academic literatures and contrast this with discourses evident in the mainstream print media. The academic literature is analysed to identify a typology of ethical (...)
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  • Science and Social License: Defining Environmental Sustainability of Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture in South-Eastern Tasmania, Australia.Peat Leith, Emily Ogier & Marcus Haward - 2014 - Social Epistemology 28 (3-4):277-296.
    Social license reflects environmental and social change, and sees community as an important stakeholder and partner. Science, scientists, and science policy have a key role in the processes that generate social license. In this paper, we focus on the interaction between science and social license in salmon aquaculture in south-eastern Tasmania. This research suggests that social license will be supported by distributed and credible knowledge co-production. Drawing on qualitative, interpretive social research we argue that targeted science, instilled by appropriate science (...)
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  • Regime Resistance against Low-Carbon Transitions: Introducing Politics and Power into the Multi-Level Perspective.Frank W. Geels - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (5):21-40.
    While most studies of low-carbon transitions focus on green niche-innovations, this paper shifts attention to the resistance by incumbent regime actors to fundamental change. Drawing on insights from political economy, the paper introduces politics and power into the multi-level perspective. Instrumental, discursive, material and institutional forms of power and resistance are distinguished and illustrated with examples from the UK electricity system. The paper concludes that the resistance and resilience of coal, gas and nuclear production regimes currently negates the benefits from (...)
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  • An experiment in digital government at the United States National Organic Program.Stuart W. Shulman - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):253-265.
    Digital communications technology isreconfiguring democratic governance. Federalagencies increasingly rely on Internet-basedapplications to improve citizen-governmentinteraction. Early efforts in the area ofdigital government have created newparticipatory opportunities as well asformidable governance challenges. Federalagencies are working within and across theirboundaries to find an e-rulemaking format thatis cost-effective, legally appropriate,user-friendly, and well suited to diverse modesof rulemaking activities. One of the overridingissues emerging from this process is thedefinition of meaningful public participationin rulemaking. An examination of an early caseinvolving the USDA's National Organic Programproposed rule (...)
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  • A Critical Realist Perspective on Decoupling Negative Environmental Impacts from Housing Sector Growth and Economic Growth.Jin Xue - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (4):438-461.
    The question that motivates this article has been a matter of dispute: Is it possible to combine perpetual economic growth and longterm environmental sustainability based on the premise that economic growth can be fully decoupled from negative environmental impacts? The article addresses this question from the position of critical realism. An empirical study focusing on the housing sector is conducted, indicating that housing stock growth and economic growth have been, at best, weakly decoupled from environmental impacts. In the long run, (...)
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  • Erasing knowledge: The discursive structure of globalization.Benjamin K. Sovacool - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (1):15 – 28.
    This article identifies two common academic discourses about globalization: that it is a “new” process unleashing fundamentally novel changes on society, and that it is an “old” process merely extending and building from previous events. Drawing from recent advances in social, cultural, and political theory, the article critiques both of these discourses and articulates four discursive themes—homogenization, aggrandizing, flexibility, and erasure—that occur in the way that both proponents and opponents conceive of globalization. Instead of treating globalization as homogeneous and all-encompassing, (...)
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  • Book Review: Bio-invaders. [REVIEW]Kezia Barker - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (2):243-245.
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  • Antibiotic responsibility and agricultural publics: diverse stakeholder perceptions of antibiotic use in animal agriculture.David M. Lansing & Jaime Barrett - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    This paper examines diverse perspectives around the concept of responsibility concerning antibiotic use in animal agriculture. Antibiotic use in agriculture has been identified as a source of antimicrobial resistance, one of the largest public health threats today. In the United States, efforts to curb antibiotic use in farming draws on a diverse range of actors—including farmers, veterinarians, consumers, and public health advocates—and relies on a mix of industry standards and federal guidelines around responsible use. The paper selects a similarly diverse (...)
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  • Vocabularies of Motive for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Emergence of the Business Case in Germany, 1970–2014.Nora Lohmeyer & Gregory Jackson - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2):231-270.
    The business case constitutes an important instrumental motive for corporate social responsibility (CSR), but its relationship with other moral and relational motives remains controversial. In this article, we examine the articulation of motives for CSR among different stakeholders in Germany historically. On the basis of reports of German business associations, state agencies, unions, and nongovernmental organizations from 1970 to 2014, we show how the business case came to be a dominant motive for CSR by acting as a coalition magnet: the (...)
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  • Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture.Ethan Gordon, Federico Davila & Chris Riedy - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):809-826.
    Agriculture occupies 38% of the planet’s terrestrial surface, using 70% of freshwater resources. Its modern practice is dominated by an industrial–productivist discourse, which has contributed to the simplification and degradation of human and ecological systems. As such, agricultural transformation is essential for creating more sustainable food systems. This paper focuses on discursive change. A prominent discursive alternative to industrial–productivist agriculture is regenerative agriculture. Regenerative discourses are emergent, radically evolving and diverse. It is unclear whether they have the potential to generate (...)
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  • Epic narratives of the Green Revolution in Brazil, China, and India.Lídia Cabral, Poonam Pandey & Xiuli Xu - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):249-267.
    The Green Revolution is often seen as epitomising the dawn of scientific and technological advancement and modernity in the agricultural sector across developing countries, a process that unfolded from the 1940s through to the 1980s. Despite the time that has elapsed, this episode of the past continues to resonate today, and still shapes the institutions and practices of agricultural science and technology. In Brazil, China, and India, narratives of science-led agricultural transformations portray that period in glorifying terms—entailing pressing national imperatives, (...)
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  • Where Are the Politics? Perspectives on Democracy and Technology.Harro van Lente & Roel Nahuis - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (5):559-581.
    The politics of innovation involves displacements between various interrelated settings ranging from the context of design to the context of use. This variety of settings and their particular qualities raise questions about the democratic implications of displacements, which have been addressed within science and technology studies for decades from different perspectives and along various theoretical strands. This article distinguishes five different traditions of conceptualizing the relation between technological innovation and democracy: an intentionalist, a proceduralist, an actor—network, an interpretivist, and a (...)
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  • Value-Laden Technocratic Management and Environmental Conflicts: The Case of the New York City Watershed Controversy.Leland L. Glenna - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (1):81-112.
    Environmental controversies are often framed as conflicts between environmentalist and antienvironmentalist positions. The underlying dimensions of ethics and justice tend to be overlooked. This article seeks to integrate insights from environmental ethics and sociological observations through a case study of a watershed conflict. A controversy emerged in the 1990s when residents of the New York City watershed filed a lawsuit to block NYC’s proposed regulations for the land surrounding the streams and reservoirs that supply NYC’s drinking water. The conflict was (...)
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  • Culture and Green Advertising Preference: A Comparative and Critical Discursive Analysis.Shubo Liu & Xiaoyuan Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • In the Name of Science and Technology: The Post-Political Environmental Debate and the Taranto Steel Plant (Italy).Lidia Greco & Francesco Bagnardi - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):489-512.
    This article contributes to the environmental justice debate by analysing the case of the ILVA steel plant in Taranto, Italy. It accounts for the radical polarisation of the public debate between industrialists and environmentalists. These dominant perspectives are polarised but not politicised. In the reading of the crisis, both fronts adopt similar techno-scientific arguments while failing to problematise the multiple dimensions of environmental injustice and to connect the crisis to broader social relations of production. This article contends, therefore, that the (...)
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  • Critical realist critical discourse analysis: A necessary alternative to post-marxist discourse theory.Elmar Flatschart - 2016 - Journal of Critical Realism 15 (1):21-52.
    This article discusses the metatheoretical foundations of a critical realist approach to critical discourse analysis and counterposes them to insufficiently realist tendencies in Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, on the one hand, and anti-realist post-Marxist discourse theory on the other. The first section argues that Fairclough's approach is progressive in many ways, but lacks metatheoretical rigour with respect to important demarcation problems. These mainly concern CDA's understanding of discourse as mediating entity, its underlying dialectical-relational approach and overarching concept of social (...)
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  • Coexistence of plants and coexistence of farmers: Is an individual choice possible? [REVIEW]Rosa Binimelis - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (5):437-457.
    The introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe has been characterized by controversy. In 2002, the European Union introduced the concept of “coexistence” as a compromise solution that, through the establishment of science-based technical measures, should allow the market to operate freely while reducing policy conflicts on GMOs. However, the concept remains highly contested and the technical measures difficult to apply. This paper presents qualitative research on the conceptualization and implementation of the coexistence framework in two regions of Spain (...)
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