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Remaking the science of mind: Psychology as a natural science

In Christopher Fox, Roy Porter & Robert Wokler, Inventing Human Science: Eighteenth Century Domains. University of California Press. pp. 184–231 (1995)

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  1. Animals.Gary Hatfield - 2008 - In John Carriero & Janet Broughton, Companion to Descartes. Blackwell. pp. 404–425.
    This chapter considers philosophical problems concerning non-human (and sometimes human) animals, including their metaphysical, physical, and moral status, their origin, what makes them alive, their functional organization, and the basis of their sensitive and cognitive capacities. I proceed by assuming what most of Descartes’s followers and interpreters have held: that Descartes proposed that animals lack sentience, feeling, and genuinely cognitive representations of things. (Some scholars interpret Descartes differently, denying that he excluded sentience, feeling, and representation from animals, and I consider (...)
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  • The Passions of the soul and Descartes’s machine psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (1):1-35.
    Descartes developed an elaborate theory of animal physiology that he used to explain functionally organized, situationally adapted behavior in both human and nonhuman animals. Although he restricted true mentality to the human soul, I argue that he developed a purely mechanistic (or material) ‘psychology’ of sensory, motor, and low-level cognitive functions. In effect, he sought to mechanize the offices of the Aristotelian sensitive soul. He described the basic mechanisms in the Treatise on man, which he summarized in the Discourse. However, (...)
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  • Mastering the Appetites of Matter. Francis Bacon's Sylva Sylvarum.Guido Giglioni - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 149--167.
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  • Hume's Experimental Method.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (3):577-599.
    In this article I attempt to reconstruct David Hume's use of the label ?experimental? to characterise his method in the Treatise. Although its meaning may strike the present-day reader as unusual, such a reconstruction is possible from the background of eighteenth-century practices and concepts of natural inquiry. As I argue, Hume's inquiries into human nature are experimental not primarily because of the way the empirical data he uses are produced, but because of the way those data are theoretically processed. He (...)
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  • The brain's 'new' science: Psychology, neurophysiology, and constraint.Gary Hatfield - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):388-404.
    There is a strong philosophical intuition that direct study of the brain can and will constrain the development of psychological theory. When this intuition is tested against case studies on the neurophysiology and psychology of perception and memory, it turns out that psychology has led the way toward knowledge of neurophysiology. An abstract argument is developed to show that psychology can and must lead the way in neuroscientific study of mental function. The opposing intuition is based on mainly weak arguments (...)
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  • The history of psychological categories.Roger Smith - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (1):55-94.
    Psychological terms, such as ‘mind’, ‘memory’, ‘emotion’ and indeed ‘psychology’ itself, have a history. This history, I argue, supports the view that basic psychological categories refer to historical and social entities, and not to ‘natural kinds’. The case is argued through a wide ranging review of the historiography of western psychology, first, in connection with the field’s extreme modern diversity; second, in relation to the possible antecedents of the field in the early modern period; and lastly, through a brief introduction (...)
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  • Carelessness and Inattention: mind-wandering and the physiology of fantasy from Locke to Hume.John Sutton - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 243--263.
    1. The restless mind[1] Like us, early modern philosophers, both natural and moral, didn’t always understand the springs of their own actions. They didn’t want to feel everything they felt, and couldn’t trace the sources of all their thoughts and imaginings. Events from past experience come to mind again unwilled: abstract thought is interrupted by fantastical images, like the ‘winged horses, fiery dragons, and monstrous giants’ by which Hume exemplified ‘the liberty of the imagination’[2]. Then, as now, a failure to (...)
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  • Durkheim and representations.W. S. F. Pickering (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    By arguing that his use of representations at the core of Durkheim's sociological thought, this book makes a unique contribution to Durkheimian studies which have recently been dominated by postivist and functionalist interpretaions, and reveals a thinker very much in tune with contemporary developments in philosophy, linguistics and sociology.
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  • Is There a Problem with Mathematical Psychology in the Eighteenth Century? A Fresh Look at Kant’s Old Argument.Thomas Sturm - 2006 - . Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 42:353-377.
    Common opinion ascribes to Immanuel Kant the view that psychology cannot become a science properly so called, because it cannot be mathematized. It is equally common to claim that this reflects the state of the art of his times; that the quantification of the mind was not achieved during the eighteenth century, while it was so during the nineteenth century; or that Kant's so-called “impossibility claim” was refuted by nineteenth-century developments, which in turn opened one path for psychology to become (...)
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  • Empiricist heresies in early modern medical thought.Charles T. Wolfe - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 333--344.
    Vitalism, from its early modern to its Enlightenment forms (from Glisson and Willis to La Caze and Barthez), is notoriously opposed to intervention into the living sphere. Experiment, quantification, measurement are all ‘vivisectionist’, morally suspect and worse, they alter and warp the ‘life’ of the subject. They are good for studying corpses, not living individuals. This much is well known, and it has disqualified vitalist medicine from having a place in standard histories of medicine, until recent, post-Foucauldian maneuvers have sought (...)
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  • Empiricism and Its Roots in the Ancient Medical Tradition.Anik Waldow - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 287--308.
    Kant introduces empiricism as a deficient position that is unsuitable for the generation of scientific knowledge. The reason for this is that, according to him, empiricism fails to connect with the world by remaining trapped within the realm of appearances. If we follow Galen’s account of the debate ensuing among Hellenistic doctors in the third century B.C., empiricism presents itself in an entirely different light. It emerges as a position that criticises medical practitioners who stray away from the here and (...)
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  • Minding Matter/Mattering Mind: Knowledge and the Subject in Nineteenth-Century Psychology.John Carson - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (3):345-376.
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  • Victories for Empiricism, Failures for Theory: Medicine and Science in the Seventeenth Century.Harold J. Cook - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 9--32.
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  • Empiricism without the senses: How the instrument replaced the eye.Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 121--147.
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  • Practical Experience in Anatomy.Cynthia Klestinec - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 33--57.
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  • Making the Humanities Scientific: Brentano’s Project of Philosophy as Science.Carlo Ierna - 2014 - In Rens Bod, Jaap Maat & Thijs Weststeijn, The Making of the Humanities. Volume III: The Making of the Modern Humanities. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 543-554.
    On July 14, 1866 Franz Brentano stepped up to the pulpit to defend his thesis that “the true method of philosophy is none other than that of the natural sciences”. This thesis bound his first students to him and became the north star of his school, against the complex background of the progress and specialization of the natural sciences as well as the growth and professionalization of universities. I will discuss the project of the renewal of philosophy as science in (...)
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  • Soul and Body.John Sutton - 2013 - In Peter R. Anstey, The Oxford handbook of British philosophy in the seventeenth century. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 285-307.
    Ideas about soul and body – about thinking or remembering, mind and life, brain and self – remain both diverse and controversial in our neurocentric age. The history of these ideas is significant both in its own right and to aid our understanding of the complex sources and nature of our concepts of mind, cognition, and psychology, which are all terms with puzzling, difficult histories. These topics are not the domain of specialists alone, and studies of emotion, perception, or reasoning (...)
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  • Mental Acts and Mechanistic Psychology in Descartes' Passions.Gary Hatfield - 2007 - In Neil G. Robertson, Gordon McOuat & Thomas C. Vinci, Descartes and the Modern. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 49-71.
    This chapter examines the mechanistic psychology of Descartes in the _Passions_, while also drawing on the _Treatise on Man_. It develops the idea of a Cartesian “psychology” that relies on purely bodily mechanisms by showing that he explained some behaviorally appropriate responses through bodily mechanisms alone and that he envisioned the tailoring of such responses to environmental circumstances through a purely corporeal “memory.” An animal’s adjustment of behavior as caused by recurring patterns of sensory stimulation falls under the notion of (...)
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  • Embodied Empiricism.Charles T. Wolfe - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 1--6.
    This is the introduction to a collection of essays on 'embodied empiricism' in early modern philosophy and the life sciences - papers on Harvey, Glisson, Locke, Hume, Bonnet, Lamarck, on anatomy and physiology, on medicine and natural history, etc.
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  • Philosophy of Psychology as Philosophy of Science.Gary Hatfield - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:19 - 23.
    This paper serves to introduce the papers from the symposium by the same title, by describing the sort of work done in philosophy of psychology conceived as a branch of the philosophy of science, distinguishing it from other discussions of psychology in philosophy, and criticizing the claims to set limits on scientific psychology in the largely psychologically uninformed literatures concerning "folk psychology' and "wide" and "narrow" content. Philosophy of psychology as philosophy of science takes seriously and analyzes the explanatory structures, (...)
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  • John Locke and Helmontian Medicine.Peter R. Anstey - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 93--117.
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  • Sentient nature and human economy: the ‘human’ science of early Nationalökonomie.Richard Bowler - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (1):23-54.
    Over the course of the 18th century, scholarly examinations of animal nature and behavior rejected ‘mechanical’, overly deterministic hypotheses, suggesting instead that animal action proceeded from a psycho-physiological sentient capacity. Though the ultimate causes of this capacity appeared to elude explanation, they expressed themselves in behaviors that scholars described and analyzed. Interpretations of sentient, animal nature also bore on the contemporary understanding of human nature: like animals, human beings were also considered to possess a psycho-physiological nature that motivated them to (...)
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  • Koffka, Köhler, and the “crisis” in psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):483-492.
    This paper examines the claims of the Gestalt psychologists that there was a crisis in experimental psychology ca. 1900, which arose because the prevailing sensory atomism excluded meaning from among psychological phenomena. The Gestaltists claim that a primary motivation of their movement was to show, against the speculative psychologists and philosophers and Verstehen historians, that natural scientific psychology can handle meaning. Purportedly, they revealed this motivation in their initial German-language presentations but in English emphasized their scientific accomplishments for an American (...)
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  • Alkahest and fire: Debating matter, chymistry, and natural history at the early Parisian academy of sciences.Victor D. Boantza - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 75--92.
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  • Bibliography.[author unknown] - 2008 - In Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe, A Companion to Hume. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 529–552.
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  • Embodied Stimuli: Bonnet's Statue of a Sensitive Agent.Tobias Cheung - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 309--331.
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  • Lamarck on Feelings: From Worms to Humans.Snait B. Cheung - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 211--239.
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  • (1 other version)Naturalizing the Soul: Self and Personal Identity in the Eighteenth Century.Raymond Martin & John Barresi - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by John Barresi.
    It fills an important gap in intellectual history by being the first book to emphasize the enormous intellectual transformation in the eighteenth century, when...
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  • Early Modern Empiricism and the Discourse of the Senses.Alan Salter - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 59--74.
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  • Becoming Human: Romantic Anthropology and the Embodiment of Freedom.Chad Wellmon - 2010 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Examines the crisis of a late eighteenth-century anthropology as it relates to the emergence of a modern consciousness that sees itself as condemned to draw its norms and very self-understanding from itself"--Provided by publisher.
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  • Memory and Empirical Information: Samuel Hartlib, John Beale and Robert Boyle.Richard Yeo - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 185--210.
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  • The philosophy of cognitive science.Daniel Andler - 2009 - In Anastasios Brenner & Jean Gayon, French Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Research in France. Springer.
    The rise of cognitive science in the last half-century has been accompanied by a considerable amount of philosophical activity. No other area within analytic philosophy in the second half of that period has attracted more attention or produced more publications. Philosophical work relevant to cognitive science has become a sprawling field (extending beyond analytic philosophy) which no one can fully master, although some try and keep abreast of the philosophical literature and of the essential scientific developments. Due to the particular (...)
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  • Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being.John Harfouch - 2018 - Albany: SUNY.
    The mind-body problem in philosophy is typically understood as a discourse concerning the relation of mental states to physical states, and the experience of sensation. On this level it seems to transcend issues of race and racism, but Another Mind-Body Problem demonstrates that racial distinctions have been an integral part of the discourse since the Modern period in philosophy. Reading figures such as Descartes, Leibniz, and Kant in their historical contexts, John Harfouch uncovers discussions of mind and body that engaged (...)
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  • The Emergence of Psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2014 - In W. J. Mander, The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 324–4.
    This chapter challenges the view that psychology emerged from philosophy about 1900, when each found its own proper sphere with little relation to the other. It begins by considering the notion of a discipline, defined as a distinct branch of learning. Psychology has been a discipline from the time of Aristotle, though with a wider ambit, to include phenomena of both life and mind. Empirical psychology in a narrower sense arose in the eighteenth century, through the application (in Britain and (...)
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  • Kant’s racial mind–body unions.John Harfouch & John Elias Nale - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):41-58.
    Eric Voegelin’s writings on the historical development of the concept of race in the early 1930s are important to philosophy today in part because they provide a model upon which scholars can further integrate modern philosophy with the critical philosophy of race. In constructing his history, Voegelin’s methodological orientation depends on the centrality of both Kant’s work and the problem of the mind–body union to the concept of race. This essay asks how one might hold these premises if Kant seems (...)
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