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  1. Affectivity in Heidegger I: Moods and Emotions in Being and Time.Andreas Elpidorou & Lauren Freeman - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):661-671.
    This essay provides an analysis of the role of affectivity in Martin Heidegger's writings from the mid to late 1920s. We begin by situating his account of mood within the context of his project of fundamental ontology in Being and Time. We then discuss the role of Befindlichkeit and Stimmung in his account of human existence, explicate the relationship between the former and the latter, and consider the ways in which the former discloses the world. To give a more vivid (...)
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  • Affectivity in Heidegger II: Temporality, Boredom, and Beyond.Lauren Freeman & Andreas Elpidorou - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):672-684.
    In ‘Affectivity in Heidegger I: Moods and Emotions in Being and Time’, we explicated the crucial role that Martin Heidegger assigns to our capacity to affectively find ourselves in the world. There, our discussion was restricted to Division I of Being and Time. Specifically, we discussed how Befindlichkeit as a basic existential and moods as the ontic counterparts of Befindlichkeit make circumspective engagement with the world possible. Indeed, according to Heidegger, it is primarily through moods that the world is ‘opened (...)
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  • Phenomenology and Artificial Life: Toward a Technological Supplementation of Phenomenological Methodology.Tom Froese & Shaun Gallagher - 2010 - Husserl Studies 26 (2):83-106.
    The invention of the computer has revolutionized science. With respect to finding the essential structures of life, for example, it has enabled scientists not only to investigate empirical examples, but also to create and study novel hypothetical variations by means of simulation: ‘life as it could be’. We argue that this kind of research in the field of artificial life, namely the specification, implementation and evaluation of artificial systems, is akin to Husserl’s method of free imaginative variation as applied to (...)
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  • What is an Animal? A Philosophical Reflection on the Possibility of a Moral Relationship with Animals.Hub Zwart - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (4):377-392.
    Contemporary ethical discourse on animals is influenced partly by a scientific and partly by an anthropomorphic understanding of them. Apparently, we have deprived ourselves of the possibility of a more profound acquaintance with them. In this contribution it is claimed that all ethical theories or statements regarding the moral significance of animals are grounded in an ontological assessment of the animal's way of being. In the course of history, several answers have been put forward to the question of what animals (...)
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  • The body as gift, resource or commodity? Heidegger and the ethics of organ transplantation.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):163-172.
    Three metaphors appear to guide contemporary thinking about organ transplantation. Although the gift is the sanctioned metaphor for donating organs, the underlying perspective from the side of the state, authorities and the medical establishment often seems to be that the body shall rather be understood as a resource . The acute scarcity of organs, which generates a desperate demand in relation to a group of potential suppliers who are desperate to an equal extent, leads easily to the gift’s becoming, in (...)
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  • Do antidepressants affect the self? A phenomenological approach.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (2):153-166.
    In this paper, I explore the questions of how and to what extent new antidepressants (selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) could possibly affect the self. I do this by way of a phenomenological approach, using the works of Martin Heidegger and Thomas Fuchs to analyze the roles of attunement and embodiment in normal and abnormal ways of being-in-the-world. The nature of depression and anxiety disorders — the diagnoses for which treatment with antidepressants is most commonly indicated — is also explored (...)
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  • What is an organ? Heidegger and the phenomenology of organ transplantation.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (3):179-196.
    This paper investigates the question of what an organ is from a phenomenological perspective. Proceeding from the phenomenology of being-in-the-world developed by Heidegger in Being and Time and subsequent works, it compares the being of the organ with the being of the tool. It attempts to display similarities and differences between the embodied nature of the organs and the way tools of the world are handled. It explicates the way tools belong to the totalities of things of the world that (...)
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  • On (the) nothing: Heidegger and Nishida.John W. M. Krummel - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (2):239-268.
    Two major twentieth century philosophers, of East and West, for whom the nothing is a significant concept are Nishida Kitarō and Martin Heidegger. Nishida’s basic concept is the absolute nothing upon which the being of all is predicated. Heidegger, on the other hand, thematizes the nothing as the ulterior aspect of being. Both are responding to Western metaphysics that tends to substantialize being and dichotomize the real. Ironically, however, while Nishida regarded Heidegger as still trapped within the confines of Western (...)
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  • Toward a Metaphysical Freedom: Heidegger’s Project of a Metaphysics of Dasein.François Jaran - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2):205-227.
    The 'Metaphysics of Dasein ' is the name which Heidegger gave to a new philosophical project developed immediately after the partial publication of his masterwork Being and Time. As Heidegger was later to recall, an 'overturning' took place at that moment, more precisely right in the middle of the 1929 treatise On the Essence of Ground. Between the fundamental-ontological formulation of the question of being and its metaphysical rephrasing, Heidegger discovered that a 'metaphysical freedom' stood at the root of Dasein (...)
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  • The role of biosemiosis and semiotic scaffolding in the processes of developing intelligent behaviour.Anna Sarosiek - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 70:9-44.
    Biosemiotics deals with the processes of signs in all dimensions of nature. Semiosis is the primary form of intelligence. Intelligent behaviour becomes immediately understandable in this approach because semiosis combines causality with the triadic structure of the semiotic sign. Intelligence is a process created in a given context. In the course of evolution organisms have learned to create increasingly sophisticated internal representations of external state. Semiosis is the precursor of the emergence of a feature we consider intelligence. Biosemiotics also draws (...)
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  • Care for Language: Etymology as a Continental Argument in Bioethics.Hub Zwart - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):645-654.
    Emphasizing the importance of language is a key characteristic of philosophical reflection in general and of bioethics in particular. Rather than trying to eliminate the historicity and ambiguity of language, a continental approach to bioethics will make conscious use of it, for instance by closely studying the history of the key terms we employ in bioethical debates. Continental bioethics entails a focus on the historical vicissitudes of the key signifiers of the bioethical vocabulary, urging us to study the history of (...)
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  • Nietzsche, Einverleibung and the Politics of Immunity.Vanessa Lemm - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (1):3 - 19.
    (2013). Nietzsche, Einverleibung and the Politics of Immunity. International Journal of Philosophical Studies: Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 3-19. doi: 10.1080/09672559.2012.746271.
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  • Transcendental Idealism and Strong Correlationism: Meillassoux and the End of Heideggerian Finitude.Jussi Backman - 2014 - In Sara Heinämaa, Mirja Hartimo & Timo Miettinen (eds.), Phenomenology and the Transcendental. New York: Routledge. pp. 276-294.
    The chapter discusses Quentin Meillassoux's recent interpretation and critique of Heidegger's philosophical position, which he describes as "strong correlationism." It emphasizes the fact that Meillassoux situates Heidegger in the post-Kantian tradition of transcendental idealism that he defines in terms of a focus on the correlation between being and thinking. It is argued that Meillassoux's "speculative" attempt to overcome the Kantian philosophical framework in the name of absolute contingency should be understood as a further development and dialectical overcoming of its ultimate (...)
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  • Three Difficulties in Phenomenological Discourse: Husserlian Problems and a Heideggerian Solution.Tyler Klaskow - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (1):79-101.
    Phenomenological descriptions are supposed to be revelatory and coincide with the self-showing of the things themselves. These features of phenomenological descriptions lead to the peculiar character of their expression, which has the effect of making them difficult to communicate. That is, the problem with communicating the findings of phenomenological researches is a consequence of the descriptive nature of the endeavor and the disclosive character of phenomenological descriptions. In the Logical Investigations Edmund Husserl recognized that the problem has three facets: how (...)
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  • The Problem of das Man—A Simmelian Solution.Carleton B. Christensen - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (3):262-288.
    Current interpretations of Heidegger's notion of das Man are caught in a dilemma: either they cannot accommodate the ontological status Heidegger accords it or they cannot explain his negative evaluation of it, in which it is treated as ontic. This paper uses Simmel's agonistic account of human sociality to integrate the ontological and the ontic, indeed perjorative aspects of Heidegger's account. Section I introduces the general problem, breaks the exclusive link of Heidegger's account to Kierkegaard and delineates the general form (...)
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  • Ernst Cassirer, Theoretical Biology, and the Clever Hans Phenomenon.Gregory B. Moynahan - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (4):549-574.
    The ArgumentBiology, understood in turn-of-the-century Germany to include psychology, held a central but enigmatic place in the philosopher Ernst Cassirer's work. From his earliest studies with Hermann Cohen through his long engagement with the theoretical biology of Jakob von Uexküll and Adolf Meyer-Abich, Cassirer consistently used the history and practice of biology to examine and delineate a set of characteristic tensions between the natural and cultural sciences. This paper examines Cassirer's treatment of this theme by addressing two contrasting interpretations he (...)
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  • Heidegger’s way to poetic dwelling via Being and Time.Onur Karamercan - 2021 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 1 (10):268-285.
    Although Heidegger’s explicit account of “poetic dwelling” belongs to his later philosophy, there are important indications that he was already engaging with the core matter of the notion in his early thought. Contrary to the idea that in Being and Time, “dwelling” amounts to mere practical coping with the environment, we would like to demonstrate that the notion is already a poetic issue in his early thought, as it requires the appropriation of our relation to the world via an authentic (...)
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  • From the Ultimate God to the Virtual God: Post-Ontotheological Perspectives on the Divine in Heidegger, Badiou, and Meillassoux.Jussi Backman - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (Special):113-142.
    The Heideggerian account of the ontotheological constitution of Western metaphysics has been extremely influential for contemporary philosophy of religion and for philosophical perspectives on theology and the divine. This paper introduces and contrasts two central strategies for approaching the question of the divine in a non- or post-ontotheological manner. The first and more established approach is that of post-Heideggerian hermeneutics and deconstruction, inspired by Heidegger’s suggestion of a “theology without the word ‘being’” and by his later notions of an “ultimate (...)
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  • Two ways of being a left-Heideggerian: The crossroads between political and social ontology.Kurt C. M. Mertel - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (9):966-984.
    This article is concerned with the question of the relative priority between political and social ontology within left-Heideggerianism, a tradition recently reconstructed by Oliver Marchart. Although the title seems to imply that this question is an open and live one within left-Heideggerianism – that the two paths at the crossroads have been clearly delineated when, in fact, the current predicament of left-Heideggerianism resembles more a one-way street – this is somewhat misleading: the identification of left-Heideggerianism with a post-foundationalist political ontology (...)
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  • ¿Pobres Y ricos de mundo? Repensando la noción heideggeriana de la animalidad.Hernán Neira & Diana Aurenque - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (38):315.
    Heidegger genera la idea de que el animal es “pobre de mundo”, a diferencia del Dasein, que es “configurador de mundo”. Sobre esta distinción entre animales y el Dasein caben dos hipótesis: si se trata de algo puramente descriptivo, no implica jerarquía de lo humano sobre lo animal. Si, en cambio, en la descripción se mezclan aspecto valóricos o agrega aspectos de dominio de lo humano sobre lo animal, entonces Heidegger restablece algunos rasgos de la metafísica de lo animal, contrariamente (...)
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  • Lagarteando: problemas ontológicos e sem'nticos na hermenêutica da natureza viva de Heidegger.Róbson dos Reis - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):225-243.
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  • El impenetrable corazón animal: Descartes y Condillac ante los animales.Hernán Neira - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (3).
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  • El animal no es cosa: Sobre la ambigüedad del animal en la analítica existencial del Dasein.Diana Aurenque - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (2):131-144.
    En diversas concepciones antropológicas, la definición del hombre aparece como una modificación o una especificación del ser animal. Martin Heidegger es uno de los pocos filósofos que, por el contrario, no define al hombre como ser humano, sino como Dasein, escapando así de una conceptualización antropomórfica. Contrario a la tradición, el animal para Heidegger no es cosa, pero tampoco existente. En este sentido, la noción Heideggeriana del Dasein permite investigar los límites entre el ser animal y el ser humano de (...)
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  • Hermenéutica existencial en Ser y tiempo de Martín Heidegger.Miguel Ángel Barragán D. & Juan Cepeda H. - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):115-142.
    El paradigma hermenéutico ha abierto un horizonte amplio a la hora de interpretar y comprender textos, pero ha cerrado las posibilidades existenciales que ya en Ser y tiempo abriera Heidegger. Lo que se intenta aquí es señalar esos presupuestos ontológico-existenciales que indicara acertadamente el filósofo alemán en su momento. El avance que se presenta hace parte del proyecto de investigación “Ontología en América Latina” que lidera el Grupo de Investigación Tlamatinime. La primera parte tiene como objetivo fijar cuatro lineamientos que (...)
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  • Über den Menschen, der kein Tier sein will, und den Menschen auf Verwandtensuche.Hartmut Böhme - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (1):97-113.
    Wir leben in einem Zeitalter der Angst, im Phobozän, wie Jens Soentgen sagt, der die global grassierende Angst der Tiere vor den Menschen zu erfassen sucht. Von daher wird die Traditionslinie der europäischen Philosophie untersucht, die das Verhältnis von Mensch und Tier bestimmt, indem sie es zugleich zerstört. Charakteristisch ist dabei die Heraushebung des Menschen aus der Gemeinsamkeit mit den Lebewesen; der Mensch hat eine Sonder- und Höherstellung im Kreis des Seienden inne. Das ist sein Speziesismus, der sich schon in (...)
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  • Freedom, Normativity and Finitude: Between Heidegger and Levinas.Wenjing Cai - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (3):397-411.
    The present article aims to illuminate a notion of finite freedom in both Heidegger and Levinas. Levinas criticizes the Heideggerian ontology for holding an egoistic, unconstrained notion of freedom. The article first responds to such a criticism by showing that the Heideggerian notion of freedom as self-binding involves normativity. It then argues that both Heidegger and Levinas propose a notion of finite freedom as the unity of autonomy and heteronomy. Finally, the article also sheds light on what different approaches to (...)
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  • Fixating the World’s Most Caring Cornerstone: Heidegger on Self-Sacrifice.Alin Cristian - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (1):1-9.
    Prior to having its authenticity and transparency examined the openness of human existence may be said to need preservation as is, regardless of its receptivity and responsiveness to the truth of Being. Paradoxically, in self-sacrifice the fulfilment of Dasein’s ownmost potentiality-for-being is dependent upon a most radical disowning of itself. This investigation approaches self-sacrifice on the basis of its analogy with the creation of the work of art – as the peculiar fixation of the existing, already disclosed world of everydayness (...)
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  • A noção de indicação formal: uma questão de método?Mario Fleig - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (2):116-126.
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  • The Explorative Nature of Heideggerian Logic.Marc Heimann - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):139-150.
    This paper argues for a fundamental re-reading of Heideggerian philosophy, especially regarding the logical structures presented by Heidegger in the thirties and onward. The field, which this logic organizes, shows an explorative formal element of language in and of itself, and is therefore different from an analytic concept of logic. An analytic conceptualization of logic is understood here as a reflection on the inner structures of already existing notions. An explorative logic, on the other hand, explores the relations between already (...)
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  • Finding Oneself Well Together with Others: A Phenomenological Study of the Ontology of Human Well-Being.Jonas Holst - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):41.
    Based on critical readings of Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, the paper offers a phenomenological study of the ontology of well-being that transcends the opposition between subjective and objective being. By interpreting the Heideggerian notion of Befindlichkeit as the fundamental way in which humans find themselves in the world, being affected by and faced with their own existence, the paper opens a way to understanding well-being that locates the possibility of elevating one’s own being not inside (...)
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  • Umwelträume and Multisensory Integration. Mirror Perspectives on the Subject–Object Dichotomy.Jonathan Hope - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (1):93-105.
    This paper concerns epistemic developments in the field of sensory perception. I argue that Uexküll’s concept of the Umwelträume and certain principles of multisensory integration explain and describe in similar terms the manner in which different sensory modalities interact. Indeed, they both concern knowledge, describing in spatial terms how the mind makes itself up, makes up its objects, and how the objects, in turn, make up the mind. My intention is to set side by side these two trends of thought (...)
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  • Motility, Potentiality, and Infinity—A Semiotic Hypothesis on Nature and Religion.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (3):369-389.
    Against any obscurantist stand, denying the interest of natural sciences for the comprehension of human meaning and language, but also against any reductionist hypothesis, frustrating the specificity of the semiotic point of view on nature, the paper argues that the deepest dynamic at the basis of meaning consists in its being a mechanism of ‘potentiality navigation’ within a universe generally characterized by motility. On the one hand, such a hypothesis widens the sphere of meaning to all beings somehow endowed with (...)
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  • Realität und Wirklichkeit. Zur Ontologie geteilter Welten.Tom Poljansek - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Dass wir alle in einer gemeinsamen Wirklichkeit leben, setzen wir meist unhinterfragt voraus. Sehen Andere die Welt dann doch einmal anders, mag es uns scheinen, als sähen sie diese einfach nicht so, wie sie wirklich ist. Schwerer fällt uns anzuerkennen, dass andere zuweilen in ganz anderen Wirklichkeiten unterwegs sind als wir selbst. - Tom Poljansek zeigt, wie sich die Vorstellung einer Pluralität menschlicher Wirklichkeiten mit der Annahme einer wahrnehmungsunabhängigen Realität vereinbaren lässt, ohne sich in einen Relativismus der vielen Wirklichkeiten zu (...)
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  • “Lizard-things”: Semantical and ontological issues in Heidegger's hermeneutic of living nature.Róbson Ramos dos Reis - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):225-243.
    In this paper I approach the hermeneutic of living nature as suggested by Martin Heidegger in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. On the basis of complex hermeneutic procedures, Heidegger held the well-known thesis about the animal’s poverty of world. My hypothesis is that the relevance of this thesis should be minimized for the sake of the acknowledgment of a poverty in the world proper to human beings. Poverty in the world refers to the main result of a comparison between the (...)
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  • Emoções quotidianas e emoções éticas em Aristóteles e Heidegger.Hélder Telo - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2):218-227.
    This article studies an aspect of the relation between emotions and ethics that is usually neglected in the recent debate on moral emotions. By focusing on the contributions of common or everyday emotions to the development of moral behaviours and attitudes, the debate loses sight of the emotional side of the ethical attitude and the way it involves different, specifically ethical emotions. In contrast, such emotions play an important role in Aristotle’s and Heidegger’s thought. As will be shown, both authors (...)
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  • Extramundanidade e sobrenatureza/Outerworldliness and supernature.Marco Antonio Valentim - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (2).
    A partir de uma explanação inicial sobre o significado e os limites da ontologia fundamental de Martin Heidegger, este ensaio procura investigar a possibilidade de uma ontologia não-antropogenética por meio do conceito problemático de extramundanidade. Essa investigação toma como fio condutor a ideia do “perspectivismo cosmológico”, elaborada por Eduardo Viveiros de Castro através de uma interpretação filosófico-antropológica do pensamento ameríndio. Lida como correlato positivo da extramundanidade, a noção perspectivística de sobrenatureza é contrastada com o conceito existencial de ser para confirmação (...)
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  • The coming of history: Heidegger and Nietzsche against the present. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Mitchell - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (3):395-411.
    Heidegger’s 1938–1939 seminar on Nietzsche ’s On the Utility and Liability of History for Life continues Heidegger’s grand interpretation of Nietzsche as a metaphysical thinker of presence. Nietzsche ’s conceptions forgetting, memory, and even life itself, according to Heidegger, are all complicit in the privileging of presence. Simultaneous with his seminar, Heidegger is also compiling the notebook, Die Geschichte des Seyns, 1938–1940, wherein he sketches his own conception of history. Examining Heidegger’s criticisms of Nietzsche in the light of his contemporaneous (...)
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  • Towards a Non-human Speciophilosophy.Enrico Giannetto - 2020 - Ethics in Progress 11 (2):9-30.
    After the publication of Jaques Derrida’s book, L’animal que donc je suis, anti-speciesism has been looking for a theoretical foundation for its ethical content. In my opinion, the defect of all these philosophical perspectives is that they still reduce animals to objects of human philosophy. Here, I develop a new framework in which animals are considered as subjects of their own philosophy. In analogy to the concept of ethnophilosophy, the concept of speciophilosophy is here introduced. The different ways of thinking (...)
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  • Not Coming to Terms: Nonhuman Animals and the Edge of Theory.Juliane Prade - 2014 - Society and Animals 22 (3):309-328.
    In the emerging field of animal studies, criticism turns to questions of ethics and animal rights by reading representations of nonhuman animals in philosophy and literature. A rhetoric of coming to terms often shapes such readings and points to a lack of satisfactory answers to two questions: why read nonhuman animals, and why now? These questions are crucial to animal studies but can only be answered by understanding this critical approach as an element of the anthropological discourse, fundamental to philosophy. (...)
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