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Kant und das problem der metaphysik

Bonn,: F. Cohen (1929)

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  1. Toward a Metaphysical Freedom: Heidegger’s Project of a Metaphysics of Dasein.François Jaran - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2):205-227.
    The 'Metaphysics of Dasein ' is the name which Heidegger gave to a new philosophical project developed immediately after the partial publication of his masterwork Being and Time. As Heidegger was later to recall, an 'overturning' took place at that moment, more precisely right in the middle of the 1929 treatise On the Essence of Ground. Between the fundamental-ontological formulation of the question of being and its metaphysical rephrasing, Heidegger discovered that a 'metaphysical freedom' stood at the root of Dasein (...)
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  • Leibniz's Models of Rational Decision.Markku Roinila - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal (ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 357-370.
    Leibniz frequently argued that reasons are to be weighed against each other as in a pair of scales, as Professor Marcelo Dascal has shown in his article "The Balance of Reason." In this kind of weighing it is not necessary to reach demonstrative certainty – one need only judge whether the reasons weigh more on behalf of one or the other option However, a different kind of account about rational decision-making can be found in some of Leibniz's writings. In his (...)
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  • How to investigate subjectivity: Natorp and Heidegger on reflection. [REVIEW]Dan Zahavi - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (2):155-176.
    Is it possible to investigate subjectivity reflectively? Can reflection give us access to the original experiential dimension, or is there on the contrary reason to suspect that the experiences are changed radically when reflected upon? This is a question that Natorp discusses in his Allgemeine Psychologie, and the conclusion he reaches is highly anti-phenomenological. The article presents Natorp's challenge and then goes on to account in detail for Heidegger 's subsequent response to it in his early Freiburg lectures, in particular (...)
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  • (1 other version)Immanuel Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Georg Mohr & Marcus Willaschek (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Der Kommentar zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft bietet eine textnahe Erschließung der zentralen Begriffe, Thesen und Argumentationsgänge von Kants Hauptwerk auf aktuellem Forschungsstand. Es ist der erste Kommentar zur KrV, der den gesamten Text in der Fassung der ersten und zweiten Auflage gleichmäßig und lückenlos berücksichtigt. Davon profitieren vor allem die „Transzendentale Dialektik“ und die „Methodenlehre“, die in früheren Gesamtkommentaren meist nicht hinreichend berücksichtigt worden sind. Die Beiträge wurden nach einheitlichen Richtlinien verfasst, wobei unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und Interpretationsansätze zur Geltung kommen. (...)
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  • Heideggers Auffassung der Dichtung als hinweisendes Sehenlassen der Seinsweisen.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2023 - Horizon. Studien Zur Phänomenologie 12 (2):433-456.
    The goal of this article is to understand the concept of poetry in the broad context of Heidegger’s “early” thought, around 1919 and 1930. To that end, we seek to disclose a relation that in Heidegger remains implicit and in the secondary literature absent. This is the relation between poetry and the ways of Being (existence, ready-to-hand, present-at-hand, etc.). Since Heidegger did not explicitly thematize poetry in this broad context, the setup of this article consists of three main steps, in (...)
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  • Ernst Cassirer face à Martin Heidegger: un débat qui n’en fut pas un.Sidonie Imogène Kellerer - 2021 - In Emmanuel Faye, J. Lassègue & F. Rastier (eds.), Cassirer et Heidegger. Un Siècle après Davos. Paris IIe: Kimé. pp. 45–65.
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  • Mitdasein und Seinsfrage.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2021 - Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
    Diese Untersuchung hat zum Ziel, das Wesensverhältnis zwischen Interexistenzialität und Seinsfrage immanent offenzulegen. Die systematische Herausarbeitung erwächst aus zwei einfachen Fragen: Wie wird der Mitmensch in der seinsvergessenden Uneigentlichkeit in seinem Sein vortheoretisch verstanden? Wie ist im Gegenzug dazu, das eigentliche Verständnis des Mitmenschen hermeneutisch-phänomenologisch zu entschlüsseln und zu exponieren? Im Rahmen der Fundamentalontologie Heideggers konstituiert sich das spezifische Thema aus Sachfeld (Interexistenzialität), Sachhorizont (Seinsfrage), Sachhinsicht (Uneigentlichkeit und Eigentlichkeit) und Leitfaden (Flucht). Der Einblick in diesen Sachzusammenhang macht ganz allgemein zweierlei (...)
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  • The Bounds of Transcendental Logic.Dennis Schulting - 2021 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The book addresses two main areas of Kant’s theoretical philosophy: the doctrine of transcendental idealism and various central aspects of the arguments from the Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions, as well as the relation between the deduction argument and idealism. -/- Among the topics covered are the nature of objective validity, the role and function of transcendental logic in relation to general or formal logic, the possibility of contradictory thoughts, the meaning of the Leitfaden at A79 and the unity of cognition, (...)
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  • Intensive Technics: Immediate Materiality and Creative Technicity in Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophy.Julius Telivuo - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    This work examines Gilles Deleuze’s concept of intensity and the role of this concept in his philosophy of technology. The work has two main objectives. First, it analyses the role of Deleuze’s theory of intensity in his metaphysical system and in his philosophy of technology. Second, on the basis of this theory, it presents an original analysis of the creative potential of technology. The importance of the concept of intensity in Deleuze’s philosophy has been acknowledged, but so far, his views (...)
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  • On the Necessity of the Categories.Anil Gomes, Andrew Stephenson & Adrian Moore - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (2):129–168.
    For Kant, the human cognitive faculty has two sub-faculties: sensibility and the understanding. Each has pure forms which are necessary to us as humans: space and time for sensibility; the categories for the understanding. But Kant is careful to leave open the possibility of there being creatures like us, with both sensibility and understanding, who nevertheless have different pure forms of sensibility. They would be finite rational beings and discursive cognizers. But they would not be human. And this raises a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Time and Information in the Foundations of Physics.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (25):1-12.
    The paper justifies the following theses: The totality can found time if the latter is axiomatically represented by its “arrow” as a well-ordering. Time can found choice and thus information in turn. Quantum information and its units, the quantum bits, can be interpreted as their generalization as to infinity and underlying the physical world as well as the ultimate substance of the world both subjective and objective. Thus a pathway of interpretation between the totality via time, order, choice, and information (...)
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  • From Gegenstand to Gegenstehenlassen: On the Meanings of Objectivity in Heidegger and Hegel.Johan de Jong - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):390-410.
    One of Heidegger’s enduring concerns was to develop an original meditation on the meaning of (the presence of) the present. Integral to this attempt is his critique of the understanding of the being of beings in terms of the objectivity of the object. In this paper, I trace Heidegger’s analyses of objectivity, through which Heidegger consistently establishes objectivity as non-primordial and derivative. In order to do this, however, Heidegger had to identify a specific, narrow (spatio-temporalized) conception of objectivity (in terms (...)
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  • Мъртвият Бог? Хегел, Ницше, Хайдегер.Vasil Penchev - 2007 - Sofia: "М. Михайлов".
    The relation of "God" and "human being" as two fundamental concepts in philosophy is considered in the trdition of Western philosophy: Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger ...
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  • Can Religion be the Basis for Dialogue at the Global Level?Reinhard Hesse - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 21 (3):157-162.
    As human beings do we at all have a common ground for dialogue and mutual understanding? Yes: what we as human beings have in common, is that we can use and understand arguments. In other words: that we are rational beings. 2. Is our capability for argumentation the only ground we have in common as the basis for dialogue and mutual understanding? There is no argumentation against argumentation. Argumentation can´t be transcended. Thus argumentation, more precisely: the capability of argumentation – (...)
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  • A interpretação heideggeriana da Crítica da Razão Pura: a questão da imaginação.Sílvia Bento - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:121-137.
    A análise de Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik [Kant e o Problema da Metafísica] de Heidegger constitui o propósito do nosso artigo. Publicado em 1929, o ano do “debate Heidegger-Cassirer” em Davos, Kant e o Problema da Metafísica fornece uma interpretação controversa e peculiar da Crítica da Razão Pura de Kant. Debruçando-se sobre a primeira edição da Crítica de Kant, Heidegger apresenta uma interpretação ontológica da subjetividade transcendental kantiana. Contra a atenção neo-kantiana dedicada à lógica e à espontaneidade subjetiva, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hermann Cohen and Kant's Concept of Experience.Nicholas F. Stang - 2018 - In Christian Damböck (ed.), Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen. Springer. pp. 13–40.
    In this essay I offer a partial rehabilitation of Cohen’s Kant interpretation. In particular, I will focus on the center of Cohen’s interpretation in KTE, reflected in the title itself: his interpretation of Kant’s concept of experience. “Kant hat einen neuen Begriff der Erfahrung entdeckt,”7 Cohen writes at the opening of the first edition of KTE (henceforth, KTE1), and while the exact nature of that new concept of experience is hard to pin down in the 1871 edition, he states it (...)
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  • Kants Architektonik der reinen Vernunft -- eine Aufklärung über eine weltbürgerliche Weisheit.Guang Zhang - 2017 - Dissertation, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
    Sie ist eine systematische und dialektische Auseinandesetzung mit Kants Architektonik der reinen Vernunft in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Damit zeigt Sie uns an, dass die Kritik der reinen Vernunft sich mit der Unterscheidung von Anschauung und Begriffen als eine Aufklärung einer praktischen Zweckmäßigkeit unserer Vernunft vorstellt.
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  • Síntese e formação de conceitos empíricos na crítica da razão pura.Elliot Santovich Scaramal - 2013 - XV Colóquio Kant da Unicamp: Intuições Sem Conceitos São Cegas (Caderno de Resumos).
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  • (2 other versions)Los marcos doctrinales y la aprtura fenomenológica. Vías de la exploración kantiana.Ezra Heymann - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 49:87-102.
    El artículo trata de una reflexión que presupone un largo trajinar con los textos de Kant, ofrece pautas para la lectura de la obra filosófica. En primer lugar, atender a su incompletud, dado que es de su ser el ser continuada en la reflexión de los problemas que trata. En el caso específico de la filosofía de Kant, se enfatiza en la polivalencia de sus conceptos fundamentales, así como en la mundaneidad de los mismos.
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  • Heidegger’s phenomenology of the invisible.Andrzej Serafin - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (2):313-322.
    Martin Heidegger has retrospectively characterized his philosophy as “phenomenology of the invisible”. This paradoxical formula suggests that the aim of his thinking was to examine the origin of the phenomena. Furthermore, Heidegger has also stated that his philosophy is ultimately motivated by a theological interest, namely the question of God’s absence. Following the guiding thread of those remarks, this essay analyzes the essential traits of Heidegger’s thought by interpreting them as an attempt to develop a phenomenology of the invisible. Heidegger’s (...)
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  • Conhecimento humano e a ideia de afecção na Ética de Espinosa.Levy Lia - 2013 - Analytica. Revista da Filosofia 17 (2): 221-247.
    A tese de que o conceito espinosista de ideia de afecção, introduzido na Ética, expressa o sentido mais preciso do que seja, para o autor, o conceito de ideia da imaginação. Este texto pretende problematizar essa leitura, procurando fornecer subsídios para a hipótese de que ela não é nem inequivocamente corroborada pelo texto da Ética, nem exigida pela doutrina aí apresentada. -/- It is widely accepted by scholars that Spinoza’s concept of idea of affection, introduced in the Ethics, states his (...)
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  • Phänomenologische Ontologie des Sozialen.Rastko Jovanov (ed.) - 2015 - IFDT.
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  • Space as Form of Intuition and as Formal Intuition: On the Note to B160 in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Christian Onof & Dennis Schulting - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (1):1-58.
    In his argument for the possibility of knowledge of spatial objects, in the Transcendental Deduction of the B-version of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant makes a crucial distinction between space as “form of intuition” and space as “formal intuition.” The traditional interpretation regards the distinction between the two notions as reflecting a distinction between indeterminate space and determinations of space by the understanding, respectively. By contrast, a recent influential reading has argued that the two notions can be fused into (...)
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  • Revisiting the Heidegger–Cassirer Debate.Frank Schalow - 2012 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 4 (2):307 - 315.
    In his book Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos, Peter E. Gordon attempts to reconstruct the historical circumstances which shaped Martin Heidegger’s and Ernst Cassirer’s debate at Davos in 1929, as well as outline the key points of contention in their arguments. Gordon argues that the primary source of disagreement between Heidegger and Cassirer lies in their different concepts of what it means to be human. In this review essay, I argue that rather than a “conceptual” or “thematic” divide, the divergence (...)
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  • The Times of Desire, Hope and Fear: On the Temporality of Concrete Subjectivity in Hegel’s Encyclopaedia.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (2):197 - 219.
    The aim of this article is to show that the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit in Hegel’s mature Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences contains the outlines of a philosophically rich notion of the constitutive temporality of subjectivity. The temporality of the being of Hegel’s concrete subject is intimately connected with embodiment and sociality, and is thus an essential element of its fully detranscendentalized inner-worldly nature.
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  • Schemata, Hammers, and time: Heidegger's two derivations of judgment. [REVIEW]Stephan Käufer - 2003 - Topoi 22 (1):79-91.
    In his Kant interpretations of the late 1920s and in Being and Time, Heidegger develops two distinct, yet related, derivations of the possibility of judgment from temporal conditions. This paper presents each derivation, establishes the strict analogy between the two, and uses it to explain the structure and shortcoming of the interpretation of ecstatic temporality as the unitary ground of objective experience.
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  • On Heidegger on logic.Stephan Käufer - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (4):455-476.
    This paper interprets Heidegger's frequently misunderstood criticisms of logic by presenting them in their historical context. To this end, it surveys the state of logic in the late 19th century and presents the main systematic conception of neo-Kantian logical idealism, noting Heidegger's own early involvement in these schools of thought. The paper goes on to present arguments from Heidegger's earliest lectures in which he develops both the phenomenology of everydayness and his criticisms of logic in an attempt to undermine the (...)
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  • Perception of duration presupposes duration of perception - or does it? Husserl and Dainton on time.Dan Zahavi - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (3):453-471.
    In his recent book The Stream of Consciousness, Dainton provides what must surely count as one of the most comprehensive discussions of time-consciousness in analytical philosophy. In the course of doing so, he also challenges Husserl's classical account in a number of ways. In the following contribution, I will compare Dainton's and Husserl's respective accounts. Such a comparison will not only make it evident why an analysis of time-consciousness is so important, but will also provide a neat opportunity to appraise (...)
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  • The pragmatist domestication of Heidegger: Dreyfus on ‘skillful’ understanding.Alexander Albert Jeuk - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-19.
    In the following I show that Hubert Dreyfus’ account of skill rests on a misguided interpretation of Martin Heidegger’s work on understanding in Being and Time. Dreyfus separates understanding according to the analytic philosophical concept pair, so called ‘know-how’ and ‘knowledge-that’, that corresponds for him to the pragmatist differentiation between skillful acting and theoretical conceptual thinking. Contrary to that, Heidegger argues that only one form of understanding exists that is neither captured by ‘know-how’, ‘knowledge-that’ or a combination of both. Instead (...)
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  • Heidegger’s Metaphysics, a Theory of Human Perception: Neuroscience Anticipated, Thesis of Violent Man, Doctrine of the Logos.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (11).
    In this essay, our goal is to discover science in Martin Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics, lecture notes for his 1935 summer semester course, because, after all, his subject is metaphysica generalis, or ontology, and this could be construed as a theory of the human brain. Here, by means of verbatim quotes from his text, we attempt to show that indeed these lectures can be viewed as suggestion for an objective scientific theory of human perception, the human capacity for deciphering phenomena, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Time: From the Totality to Quantum Information.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 13 (24):1-14.
    The paper justifies the following theses: The totality can found time if the latter is axiomatically represented by its “arrow” as a well-ordering. Time can found choice and thus information in turn. Quantum information and its units, the quantum bits, can be interpreted as their generalization as to infinity and underlying the physical world as well as the ultimate substance of the world both subjective and objective. Thus a pathway of interpretation between the totality via time, order, choice, and information (...)
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  • Rejecting Dreyfus’ introspective ‘phenomenology’. The case for phenomenological analysis.Alexander A. Jeuk - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):117-137.
    I argue that Hubert Dreyfus’ work on embodied coping, the intentional arc, solicitations and the background as well as his anti-representationalism rest on introspection. I denote with ‘introspection’ the methodological malpractice of formulating ontological statements about the conditions of possibility of phenomena merely based on descriptions. In order to illustrate the insufficiencies of Dreyfus’ methodological strategy in particular and introspection in general, I show that Heidegger, to whom Dreyfus constantly refers as the foundation of his own work, derives ontological statements (...)
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  • The Public Power of Judgement: Reasonableness Versus Rationality—Setting the Ball Rolling.Karolina M. Cern, José Manuel Aroso Linhares & Bartosz Wojciechowski - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):3-15.
    The chief concern of the paper is to initiate discussion on the difference between the private and public power of judgement. The inspiration comes from Kant and his conception of the power of judgement, customs, morality and provisional law.
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  • Davos 1929. Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger in Front of Kant.Domenico Scalzo - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):169-199.
    The essay focuses on the dispute over the Kantian legacy that took place in Davos, in 1929, between Cassirer and Heidegger. The relationship between imagination, freedom and politics is at its core. Two different readings of Kant stand in a discrepancy that generates dismay. An opposition, not a hermeneutical leveling, stands between the two. It is a philosophical opposition that is intimately linked to the positivity of what is posed - and not necessarily opposed — next to the opposite position; (...)
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  • (1 other version)Husserl’s Criticism of Kant's Transcendental Idealism: a Clarification of Phenomenological Idealism.Dominique Pradelle - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):25-53.
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  • El animal no es cosa: Sobre la ambigüedad del animal en la analítica existencial del Dasein.Diana Aurenque - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (2):131-144.
    En diversas concepciones antropológicas, la definición del hombre aparece como una modificación o una especificación del ser animal. Martin Heidegger es uno de los pocos filósofos que, por el contrario, no define al hombre como ser humano, sino como Dasein, escapando así de una conceptualización antropomórfica. Contrario a la tradición, el animal para Heidegger no es cosa, pero tampoco existente. En este sentido, la noción Heideggeriana del Dasein permite investigar los límites entre el ser animal y el ser humano de (...)
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  • What is a Problem?Andrew Haas - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):71-86.
    What is a problem? What is problematic about any problem whatsoever, philosophical or otherwise? As the origin of assertion and apodeiction, the problematic suspends the categories of necessity and contingency, possibility and impossibility. And it is this suspension that is the essence of the problem, which is why it is so suspenseful. But then, how is the problem problematic? Only if what is suspended neither comes to presence, nor simply goes out into absence, that is, if the suspension continues, which (...)
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  • A Tale of Two Schisms: Heidegger’s Critique of Husserl’s Move into Transcendental Idealism.George Heffernan - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (5-6):556-575.
    The history of the early phenomenological movement involves a tale of two schisms. The Great Phenomenological Schism originated between 1905 and 1913, as many of his contemporaries, for example, Pfänder, Scheler, Reinach, Stein, and Ingarden, rejected Husserl’s transformation of phenomenology from the descriptive psychology of his Logical Investigations into the transcendental idealism of his Ideas I. The Phenomenological-Existential Schism started between 1927 and 1933, as with Being and Time Heidegger moved away from Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology of consciousness toward an ontological (...)
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  • Levinas, Rosenzweig and the Deformalization of Time: Toward an Ethical Destruction of the Schematism.Adonis Frangeskou - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (4):263-277.
    This essay reveals the destructive possibility inherent in the deformalization of the Kantian notion of time governing Levinas' engagement with Rosenzweig. It demonstrates that this programme of deformalization not only retains Rosenzweig's idea that the abstract aspects of time can be deformalized, and thus grounded concretely, in the biblical events of temporality, but also moves toward an ethical destruction of the schematism understood as an exposition of the temporality of the Other which can be distinguished essentially as a threefold grounding (...)
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  • From the Ultimate God to the Virtual God: Post-Ontotheological Perspectives on the Divine in Heidegger, Badiou, and Meillassoux.Jussi Backman - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (Special):113-142.
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  • Death and temporality in Deleuze and Derrida.Bruce Baugh - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (2):73 – 83.
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  • Contingency or Necessity? Schelling and Hegel on the Modal Status of Logical Space.Markus Gabriel - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):5–23.
    Speech given by Markus Gabriel within the international meeting “Presente del idealismo alemán” organized by the Philosophy Department of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. This conference was held on October 9, 2009.
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  • Some Remarks on Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant.Natalia Artemenko - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):186-202.
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  • La autocomprensión de la filosofía y vida fáctica.Francisco Abalo - 2019 - Studia Heideggeriana 8:113-128.
    En el siguiente artículo se aborda el problema de la concepción de sí misma de la filosofía en conexión con la noción de vida fáctica en las lecciones que Heidegger dictara entre los años 1919-1923 en Friburgo. La hipótesis hermenéutica aquí ensayada propone avanzar primero en el modo en que Heidegger plantea la pregunta por la filosofía y cuál es ahí el núcleo problemático, y sólo luego intentar ver cuáles son los elementos formales a los que el tratamiento de la (...)
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  • Kant über die Vollständigkeit der „Tafel der Kategorien der Freiheit“.Stephan Zimmermann - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (3):426-452.
    Kant’s repeated statement in the Critique of Pure Reason that the so-called table of judgements and, as a consequence, the table of pure concepts of the understanding or categories, is fully exhaustive is well-known. This ambitious assertion has worried and challenged generations of authors. However, thus far the entire discussion has completely disregarded the fact that in his Critique of Practical Reason Kant undertakes a coordinate venture. For the “Table of the Categories of Freedom”, which he sets out, with only (...)
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  • Michel Henry and the phenomenology of the invisible.Dan Zahavi - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (3):223-240.
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  • (1 other version)Mou Zongsan’s Critique of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant and his Solution: A Transcultural Discourse on Human Finitude and Infinitude.Taklap Yeung - 2022 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 5 (1):195-215.
    Mou Zongsan (牟宗三) extols Heidegger’s interpretation of human Dasein as “being-capable” and admits that he was inspired by Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant in many ways; however, although he, like Heidegger, emphasizes that human finitude is the basic premise of Kantian philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise to Kant’s philosophy as a whole. He argues, for Kant, “human beings are finite but can be infinite.” Moreover, he, on the one hand, criticizes Heidegger for withdrawing the dimension of absolute spontaneity, infinitude, (...)
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  • The rigour of Heidegger's thought.Martin Weatherston - 1992 - Man and World 25 (2):181-194.
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  • The problem of a priori in fundamental ontology: A priori perfect and the existential-temporal concept of philosophy.Anton Vavilov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):141-169.
    Based on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger the article presents the possibility of actualizing Heidegger’s main question about the meaning of Being in the context of the analysis of so-called “a priori perfect.” During the development of fundamental ontology in the second half of the 1920s, Heidegger ponders the approach to Being in the history of philosophy and identifies such a feature of Being as a priori, a kind of antecedence of Being in relation to being. Although tradition invariably understands (...)
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  • Disentangling Heidegger’s transcendental questions.Chad Engelland - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (1):77-100.
    Recapitulating two recent trends in Heidegger-scholarship, this paper argues that the transcendental theme in Heidegger’s thought clarifies and relates the two basic questions of his philosophical itinerary. The preparatory question, which belongs to Being and Time , I.1–2, draws from the transcendental tradition to target the condition for the possibility of our openness to things: How must we be to access entities? The preliminary answer is that we are essentially opened up ecstatically and horizonally by timeliness. The fundamental question, which (...)
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