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  1. Tba.Juliet Floyd - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):7-89.
    [This Invited Paper will be published in December 2016.].
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  • Russell's multiple relation theory of judgment.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (2):213 - 247.
    The paper describes the evolution of russell's theory of judgment between 1910 and 1913, With especial reference to his recently published "theory of knowledge" (1913). Russell abandoned the book and with it the theory of judgment as a result of wittgenstein's criticisms. These criticisms are examined in detail and found to constitute a refutation of russell's theory. Underlying differences between wittgenstein's and russell's views on logic are broached more sketchily.
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  • Signs, Toy Models, and the A Priori.Lydia Patton - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (3):281-289.
    The Marburg neo-Kantians argue that Hermann von Helmholtz's empiricist account of the a priori does not account for certain knowledge, since it is based on a psychological phenomenon, trust in the regularities of nature. They argue that Helmholtz's account raises the 'problem of validity' (Gueltigkeitsproblem): how to establish a warranted claim that observed regularities are based on actual relations. I reconstruct Heinrich Hertz's and Ludwig Wittgenstein's Bild theoretic answer to the problem of validity: that scientists and philosophers can depict the (...)
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  • Russell on the nature of logic (1903–1913).Nicholas Griffin - 1980 - Synthese 45 (1):117 - 188.
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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein.Anat Biletzki & Anat Matar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Tractarian Form as the Precursor to Forms of Life.Chon Tejedor - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4:83-109.
    Interpreters are divided on the question of whether the phrase ‘form of life’ is used univocally in Wittgenstein’s later writings. Some univocal interpreters suggest that, for Wittgenstein, ‘form of life’ captures a uniquely biological notion: the biologically human form of life. Others suggest that it captures a cultural notion: the notion of differently enculturated forms of human life. Non-univocal interpreters, in contrast, argue that Wittgenstein does not use ‘form of life’ univocally, but that he uses it sometimes to highlight a (...)
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  • The Unity of a Tractarian Fact.Colin Johnston - 2007 - Synthese 156 (2):231-251.
    It is not immediately clear from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus how to connect his idea there of an object with the logical ontologies of Frege and Russell. Toward clarification on this matter, this paper compares Russell’s and Wittgenstein’s versions of the thesis of an atomic fact that it is a complex composition. The claim arrived at is that whilst Russell (at times at least) has one particular of the elements of a fact – the relation – responsible for the unity of the (...)
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  • Family resemblances and criteria.Heather J. Gert - 1995 - Synthese 105 (2):177-190.
    In §66 ofPhilosophical Investigations Wittgenstein looks for something common to various games and finds only an interconnecting network of resemblances. These are family resemblances. Sympathetic as well as unsympathetic readers have interpreted him as claiming that games form a family in virtue of these resemblances. This assumes Wittgenstein inverted the relation between being a member of a family and bearing family resemblances to others of that family. (The Churchills bear family resemblances to one another because they belong to the same (...)
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  • Wittgenstein's “Most Fruitful Ideas” and Sraffa.Mauro Luiz Engelmann - 2012 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (2):155-178.
    In the preface of the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein says that his “most fruitful ideas” are due to the stimulus of Sraffa's criticism, but Sraffa is not mentioned anywhere else in the book. It remains a puzzle in the literature how and why Sraffa influenced Wittgenstein. This paper presents a solution to this puzzle. Sraffa's criticism led Wittgenstein away from the calculus conception of language of the Big Typescript (arguably, an adaptation of the calculus of the Tractatus), and towards the “anthropological (...)
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  • Wittgenstein on rules: Implications for authority and discipline in education.James D. Marshall - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 19 (1):3–11.
    James D Marshall; Wittgenstein on Rules: implications for authority and discipline in education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 19, Issue 1, 30 May.
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  • Editorial Approaches to W ittgenstein's Nachlass: Towards a Historical Appreciation.Christian Erbacher - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (3):165-198.
    Building on the unpublished correspondence between Ludwig Wittgenstein's literary executors Rush Rhees, Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright, this paper sketches the historical development of different editorial approaches to Wittgenstein's Nachlass. Using the metaphor of a ladder, it is possible to distinguish seven significant “rungs” or “steps” in the history of editing Wittgenstein's writings. The paper focuses particularly on the first four rungs, elucidating how Rhees, Anscombe and von Wright developed different editorial approaches that resulted in significant differences in (...)
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  • From Russell's Paradox to the Theory of Judgement: Wittgenstein and Russell on the Unity of the Proposition.Graham Stevens - 2004 - Theoria 70 (1):28-61.
    It is fairly well known that Wittgenstein's criticisms of Russell's multiple‐relation theory of judgement had a devastating effect on the latter's philosophical enterprise. The exact nature of those criticisms however, and the explanation for the severity of their consequences, has been a source of confusion and disagreement amongst both Russell and Wittgenstein scholars. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of those criticisms which shows them to be consonant with Wittgenstein's general critique of Russell's conception of logic and which serves (...)
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  • The power and the limits of Wittgenstein's N operator.James W. McGray - 2006 - History and Philosophy of Logic 27 (2):143-169.
    The power of Wittgenstein's N operator described in the Tractatus is that every proposition which can be expressed in the Russellian variant of the predicate calculus familiar to him has an equivalent proposition in an extended variant of his N operator notation. This remains true if the bound variables are understood in the usual inclusive sense or in Wittgenstein's restrictive exclusive sense. The problematic limit of Wittgenstein's N operator comes from his claim that symbols alone reveal the logical status of (...)
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  • Searching for the neural realizers of ownership unity.Rex Welshon - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (6):839 - 862.
    An argument is developed for the conclusion that certain neurological conditions and disorders are directly relevant for understanding the self?'s embodiment and the ownership of conscious experience enjoyed by such an embodied self. Since these neurological conditions and disorders provide evidence that there can be shifts of, and compromises to, ownership, they help identify neural substrates and realizers of such ownership. However, even if recent neuroimaging and neuropsychological nominees for neural substrates of ownership unity are core realizers of ownership, they (...)
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  • How original a work is the tractatus logico-philosophicus?Laurence Goldstein - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (3):421-446.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus is widely regarded as a masterpiece, a brilliant, if flawed attempt to achieve an ‘unassailable and definitive … final solution’ to a wide range of philosophical problems. Yet, in a 1931 notebook, Wittgenstein confesses: ‘I think there is some truth in my idea that I am really only reproductive in my thinking. I think I have never invented a line of thinking but that it was always provided for me by someone else’. This disarming self-assessment is, I believe (...)
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  • Wittgenstein and Family Concepts.Odai Al Zoubi - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (1):31-54.
    In this paper, I examine the three interpretations of sections 65-67 in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, where he answers the question “do we call different things by the same word because of a common feature?” Interpretation A holds that we call different things by the same word because of overlapping similarities between them; Interpretation B adopts a socio-historical reading, where concepts evolved and extended historically on the basis of some similarities; and interpretation C includes aspects of the first two interpretations, but (...)
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  • Later Wittgenstein On Essentialism, Family Resemblance And Philosophical Method.Sorin Bangu - 2005 - Metaphysica 6 (2):53-73.
    In this paper I have two objectives. First, I attempt to call attention to the incoherence of the widely accepted anti-essentialist interpretation of Wittgenstein’s family resemblance point. Second, I claim that the family resemblance idea is not meant to reject essentialism, but to render this doctrine irrelevant, by dissipating its philosophical force. I argue that the role of the family resemblance point in later Wittgenstein’s views can be better understood in light of the provocative aim of his philosophical method, as (...)
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  • Wittgenstein and Irigaray: Gender and Philosophy in a Language (Game) of Difference.Joyce Davidson & Mick Smith - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):72 - 96.
    Drawing Wittgenstein's and Irigaray's philosophies into conversation might help resolve certain misunderstandings that have so far hampered both the reception of Irigaray's work and the development of feminist praxis in general. A Wittgensteinian reading of Irigaray can furnish an anti-essentialist conception of "woman" that retains the theoretical and political specificity feminism requires while dispelling charges that Irigaray's attempt to delineate a "feminine" language is either groundlessly utopian or entails a biological essentialism.
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  • Probabilistic foundations for operator logic.B. H. Slater - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (3):517-530.
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  • Anscombe's Moral Epistemology and the Relevance of Wittgenstein's Anti-Scepticism.Michael Wee - 2020 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 64:0081-100.
    Elizabeth Anscombe is well-known for her insistence that there are absolutely prohibited actions, though she is somewhat obscure about why this is so. Nonetheless, I contend in this paper that Anscombe is more concerned with the epistemology of absolute prohibitions, and that her thought on connatural moral knowledge - which resembles moral intuition - is key to understanding her thought on moral prohibitions. I shall identify key features of Anscombe's moral epistemology before turning to investigate its sources, examining the roots (...)
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  • Logical form and logical space in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Oliver Thomas Spinney - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-23.
    In this article I offer a novel explanation of Wittgenstein’s claim, in his Tractatus, that to represent the logical form of a proposition would require our being positioned outside of logic. The account here presented aims to exploit a connection, widely noticed, between the logical forms of objects and those of the propositions in which the names of those objects figure. I show that the logical forms of propositions may, on Wittgenstein’s view, be identified with places in logical space, and (...)
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  • Some observations on Skinner's moral theory.John A. Mills - 1982 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 12 (2):141–160.
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  • Wittgenstein on grammar and analytic philosophy of education.Fazal Rizvi - 1987 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 19 (2):33–46.
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  • Psychological investigations: the private language argument and inferences in contemporary cognitive science.C. D. Meyers & Sara Waller - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):135-156.
    Some of the methods for data collection in experimental psychology, as well as many of the inferences from observed behavior or image scanning, are based on the implicit premise that language use can be linked, via the meaning of words, to specific subjective states. Wittgenstein’s well known private language argument (PLA), however, calls into question the legitimacy of such inferences. According to a strong interpretation of PLA, all of the elements of a language must be publicly available. Thus the meaning (...)
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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein.B. Anat & M. Anat - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Private Language and the Mind as Absolute Interiority.Ralph Stefan Weir - 2021 - In Ralph Stefan Weir & Benedikt Göcke, From Existentialism to Metaphysics: The Philosophy of Stephen Priest. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. pp. 105-122.
    For several decades, Stephen Priest has championed a picture of the mind or soul as a private, phenomenological space, knowable by introspection and logically independent of behaviour. Something resembling this picture once dominated Western philosophy, but it suffered a severe setback in the mid-twentieth century as a result of Wittgenstein’s ‘private language argument’. While Priest has written about the threat posed by Wittgenstein’s argument to the picture of the mind that he favours, he has not explained how advocates of that (...)
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  • Nonsensical representation and senseless interpretation: Wittgenstein on nonsense judgments.Daniel H. Cohen - 1993 - Philosophia 22 (3-4):407-424.
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  • The Quest for Purity.Martin Stokhof - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):275-294.
    This short note takes another look at the ideas proposed by the ‘New Wittgen steinians’, focusing on a feature of the discussion these ideas have generated that hitherto seems to have received comparatively little attention, viz., certain assumptions about the conception of philosophy as an intellectual enterprise, including its relation to the sciences, that seem to be adopted by both the New Wittgensteinians and (many of) their critics.
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  • Wittgenstein and Searle's Assertion Fallacy: A Second Pass.Farnum Brown - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (2):154-161.
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  • Objects and possible worlds in thetractatus.Anton Mikel - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (3-4):383-403.
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  • A czar's ukase explained: An analysis oftractatus 5.54 FF.Stefano Predelli - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 71 (1):81 - 97.
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  • Projective Geometry in Logical Space: Rethinking Tractarian Thoughts.Pablo Acuña - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (1):1-23.
    Customary interpretations state that Tractarian thoughts are pictures, and, a fortiori, facts. I argue that important difficulties are unavoidable if we assume this standard view, and I propose a reading of the concept taking advantage of an analogy that Wittgenstein introduces, namely, the analogy between thoughts and projective geometry. I claim that thoughts should be understood neither as pictures nor as facts, but as acts of geometric projection in logical space. The interpretation I propose thus removes the root of the (...)
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  • Wittgenstein on Verification and Seeing-As, 1930–1932.Andreas Blank - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (6):614 - 632.
    Abstract This article examines the little-explored remarks on verification in Wittgenstein's notebooks during the period between 1930 and 1932. In these remarks, Wittgenstein connects a verificationist theory of meaning with the notion of logical multiplicity, understood as a space of possibilities: a proposition is verified by a fact if and only if the proposition and the fact have the same logical multiplicity. But while in his early philosophy logical multiplicities were analysed as an outcome of the formal properties of simple (...)
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  • Justification and praxeological foundationalism.Rudolf Haller - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):335 – 345.
    At least since Descartes the epistemological turn derived its impetus from the sceptical challenge to provide a justification for all knowledge claims. According to a foundational view, a claim to know something is justified only when the justification refers to ultimate grounds in the form of self?supporting propositions. This paper's title suggests that justification may be seen from a different perspective, namely that of acting. Wittgenstein's examples show that the sceptic's maxim ? doubt everything ? breaks down because some beliefs (...)
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  • Sankey's Personal Understanding.Jim Mackenzie - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (9):943-959.
    This paper takes issue with Derek Sankey's: ‘Minds, Brains, and Differences in Personal Understanding’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 39 (2007), pp. 543–558 on the questions of the post-pedagogical classroom and the forms of knowledge. I then try to show that a theory of meaning framed in terms of normative pragmatics is better able than the brain science Sankey relies on to account for the concept of a person or self; the central educational concept of personal understanding; the relation between being (...)
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  • The general form of the proposition: The unity of language and the generality of logic in the early Wittgenstein.Denis McManus - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (4):295-318.
    The paper presents an interpretation of the thinking behind the early Wittgenstein's "general form of the proposition." It argues that a central role is played by the assumption that all domains of discourse are governed by the same laws of logic. The interpretation is presented partly through a comparison with ideas presented recently by Michael Potter and Peter Sullivan; the paper argues that the above assumption explains more of the key characteristics of the "general form of the proposition" than Potter (...)
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  • Deflationism and the true colours of necessity in Wittgenstein's tractatus.José Medina - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (4):357–385.
    This paper articulates a deflationary interpretation of the notions of meaning and necessity in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. This interpretation is developed through a new account of the socalled color‐exclusion problem and of why the formalism of the Tractatus fails to solve it. According to my analysis, this failure calls into question whether the limits of the sayable and the thinkable can be drawn from within language and thought by means of a purely formal logical analysis. I argue that the lesson to (...)
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  • Intermingling and confusion.Katherine J. Morris - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (2):290 – 306.
    Abstract An understanding of Descartes? concept of ?confusion? is important both for making sense of his epistemological enterprise and for grasping his doctrine of the union of mind and body. An analysis of Descartes? notion of confusion is offered which is grounded in the (more or less controversial) theses that confused thoughts are thoughts, that confusion is confusion by a thinker of one thought with another, and that confusion both can and should be avoided or ?undone?. This analysis takes its (...)
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  • Artificial intelligence and symbols.Chris Moss - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (4):345-356.
    The introduction of massive parallelism and the renewed interest in neural networks gives a new need to evaluate the relationship of symbolic processing and artificial intelligence. The physical symbol hypothesis has encountered many difficulties coping with human concepts and common sense. Expert systems are showing more promise for the early stages of learning than for real expertise. There is a need to evaluate more fully the inherent limitations of symbol systems and the potential for programming compared with training. This can (...)
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  • Remembering without storing: beyond archival models in the science and philosophy of human memory.Ian O'Loughlin - 2014 - Dissertation,
    Models of memory in cognitive science and philosophy have traditionally explained human remembering in terms of storage and retrieval. This tendency has been entrenched by reliance on computationalist explanations over the course of the twentieth century; even research programs that eschew computationalism in name, or attempt the revision of traditional models, demonstrate tacit commitment to computationalist assumptions. It is assumed that memory must be stored by means of an isomorphic trace, that memory processes must divide into conceptually distinct systems and (...)
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  • Can I Have Your Pain?Severin Schroeder - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (1):201-209.
    In the so-called private language argument, Wittgenstein argues both against the alleged epistemological privacy of sensations and against their alleged ontological privacy, that is, the common view that somebody else cannot have my pain. A prominent proponent of the claim of sensations' ontological privacy was Gottlob Frege, whose position has recently been defended by Wolfgang Künne. This paper reconsiders Wittgenstein's objections to ontological privacy and attempts to defend Wittgenstein's position against Künne's Frege-inspired arguments.
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  • Taking Exception: Philosophy of Technology as a Multidimensional Problem Space.Dominic Smith - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):155-170.
    This essay develops three key claims made in my 2018 book, Exceptional Technologies. Part one argues for ‘trivialising the transcendental’, to remove stigmas attached to the word ‘transcendental’ in philosophy in general and philosophy of technology in particular. Part two outlines the concept of ‘exceptional technologies’. These are artefacts and practices that show up as limit cases for our received pictures of what constitutes a ‘technology’ and that force us to reassess the conditions for the possibility of these pictures. I (...)
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  • Des Remarques philosophiques aux Recherches philosophiques.David Stern - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):9-34.
    La discussion sur le langage privé que l’on trouve dans les Recherchesphilosophiques a été écrite entre 1937 et 1945, après que les 190 premières remarques de la partie I du livre eurent presque atteint leur forme finale. Les textes post-1936 sur le langage privé constituent un nouveau départ, dans sa lettre et son esprit, par rapport au matériau d’avant 1936.Néanmoins, entre 1929 et 1936, Wittgenstein s’est penché à plusieurs reprises sur l’idée d’un langage « que moi seul peux comprendre ». (...)
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  • Ockham and Wittgenstein. On the Scope and Boundaries of the Thought-Language Relationship.Jean Paul Martínez Zepeda - 2018 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 12:69-93.
    For Ockham and Wittgenstein the analysis of knowledge is based on language. Both authors uphold the conception of the world from a logical-philosophical dimension configured by the close thought-language relationship. This construct is developed on the basis of the following three aspects: first, concepts are signs of things; second, propositions describe “state of affairs”; and third, knowledge in terms of “habits” is expressed in propositions structured in terms of the “uses” of language. These propositions are established by the thought considered (...)
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  • Beyond H acker's W ittgenstein: Discussion of HACKER, P eter (2012) “ W ittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism” Philosophical Investigations 35:1, J anuary 2012, 1–17. [REVIEW]Danièle Moyal-Sharrock - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (4):355-380.
    In “Wittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism,” Peter Hacker addresses what he takes to be misconceptions of Wittgenstein's philosophy with respect to (1) the periodisation of his thought and to what should properly be counted as part of his work; (2) his conception of grammar since the Big Typescript (1929–33); and (3) his conception of philosophy as grammatical investigation. I argue that Hacker's restrictive conception of what ought to be considered part of Wittgenstein's philosophy and his conservative view of Wittgensteinian (...)
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  • Desire, negation and creativity: Deleuze and Wittgenstein on the creative act.Emiliano La Licata - 2013 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 17 (1).
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  • Odors and private language: Observations on the phenomenology of scent. [REVIEW]Uri Almagor - 1990 - Human Studies 13 (3):253-274.
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