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  1. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment: Exploring Multiple Mediation Mechanisms. [REVIEW]Omer Farooq, Marielle Payaud, Dwight Merunka & Pierre Valette-Florence - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (4):1-18.
    Unlike previous studies that examine the direct effect of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on affective organizational commitment (AOC), this article examines a mediated link through organizational trust and organizational identification. Social exchange and social identity theory provide the foundation for predictions that the primary outcomes of CSR initiatives are organizational trust and organizational identification, which in turn affect AOC. The test of the research model relies on data collected from 378 employees of local and multinational companies in South (...)
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  • Is the Perception of 'Goodness' Good Enough? Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Organizational Identification.Ante Glavas & Lindsey N. Godwin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):15-27.
    Drawing on social identity theory and organizational identification theory, we develop a model of the impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees’ organizational identification. We argue that employees’ perceptions of their company’s social responsibility behaviors are more important than organizational reality in determining organizational identification. After defining perceived corporate social responsibility (PCSR), we postulate how PCSR affects organizational identification when perception and reality are aligned or misaligned. Implications for organizational practice and further research are discussed.
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  • Scrutinizing Social Identity Theory in Corporate Social Responsibility: An Experimental Investigation.Agnieszka Paruzel, Martin Danel & Günter W. Maier - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Corporate social responsibility is widely established by companies that aim to contribute to society and minimize their negative impact on the environment. In CSR research, employees’ reactions to CSR have extensively been researched. Social identity theory is often used as a theoretical background to explain the relationship between CSR and employee-related outcomes, but until now, a sound empirical examination is lacking, and causality remains unclear. CSR can unfold its effect mainly because of three theoretically important aspects of CSR initiatives, which (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Collective OCB: A Social Identification Perspective.Xiao-Hua Wang, Jun Yang, Rujiao Cao & Byron Y. Lee - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • How and When Does Perceived CSR Affect Employees’ Engagement in Voluntary Pro-environmental Behavior?Qing Tian & Jennifer L. Robertson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):399-412.
    Scholarly interest in employees’ voluntary pro-environmental behavior has begun to emerge. While this research is beginning to shed light on the predictors of workplace pro-environmental behavior, our understanding of the psychological mechanisms linking the various antecedents to employees’ environmentally responsible behavior and the circumstances under which any such effects are enhanced and/or attenuated is incomplete. The current study seeks to fill this gap by examining: the effects of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees’ voluntary pro-environment behavior; an underlying mechanism that (...)
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  • Mechanisms of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership.Ashita Goswami, Kimberly E. O’Brien, Kevin M. Dawson & Meghan E. Hardiman - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (8):644-661.
    Literature reviews have repeatedly emphasized the need to further investigate relationships between corporate social responsibility and micro-organizational variables. The present research attempts to address this call by examining the direct and indirect relationship between individual perceptions of CSR and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors. Multiphasic data from 207 workplace supervisor–subordinate dyads recruited from an online panel were analyzed to show that organizational identification mediated the relationship between CSR and OCBs. Furthermore, supervisor transformational leadership style moderated the mediation, such that the indirect (...)
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  • Business for Good? An Investigation into the Strategies Firms Use to Maximize the Impact of Financial Corporate Philanthropy on Employee Attitudes.Emily S. Block, Ante Glavas, Michael J. Mannor & Laura Erskine - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):167-183.
    Most research on the corporate philanthropy of organizations has focused on the external benefits of such initiatives for firms, such as benefits for firm reputation and opportunities. However, many firms justify their giving, in part, due to the positive impact it has on their employees. Little is known about the effectiveness of such efforts, or how they can be managed strategically to maximize impact. We hypothesize a main effect of office-level corporate philanthropy on average employee attitudes in that office, but (...)
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  • Congruence in Corporate Social Responsibility: Connecting the Identity and Behavior of Employers and Employees.Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lonneke Roza & Lucas C. P. M. Meijs - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):35-51.
    The multi-disciplinary interest in social responsibility on the part of individuals and organizations over the past 30 years has generated several descriptors of corporate social responsibility and employee social responsibility. These descriptors focus largely on socially responsible behavior and, in some cases, on socially responsible identity. Very few authors have combined the two concepts in researching social responsibility. This situation can lead to an oversimplification of the concept of CSR, thereby impeding the examination of congruence between employees and organizations with (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation: A Review and a Research Agenda Towards an Integrative Framework. [REVIEW]Tahniyath Fatima & Said Elbanna - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):105-121.
    In spite of accruing concerted scholarly and managerial interest since the 1950s in corporate social responsibility (CSR), its implementation is still a growing topic as most of it remains academically unexplored. As CSR continues to establish a stronger foothold in organizational strategies, understanding its implementation is needed for both academia and industry. In an attempt to respond to this need, we carry out a systematic review of 122 empirical studies on CSR implementation to provide a status quo of the literature (...)
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  • Exploring the Curvature of the Relationship Between HRM–CSR and Corporate Financial Performance.Olivier Meier, Philippe Naccache & Guillaume Schier - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):857-873.
    This article contributes to the general literature on the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance, as well as to the emerging HRM–CSR literature, by exploring the curvature of the relationship between HRM–CSP and CFP. We advance conceptual arguments in favor of an inverted U-shaped relationship. Our results demonstrate a significant quadratic relationship between HRM–CSP and CFP. We provide evidence that this relationship is not linear or S-shaped but rather inverted U-shaped.
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  • Participative Leadership and Organizational Identification in SMEs in the MENA Region: Testing the Roles of CSR Perceptions and Pride in Membership.Sophie Lythreatis, Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa & Xiaojun Wang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):635-650.
    The aim of this research is to explore the process linking participative leadership to organizational identification. The study examines the relationship between participative leadership and internal CSR perceptions of employees and also investigates the role that pride in membership plays in the affiliation of CSR perceptions with organizational identification. By studying these relationships, the paper aspires to contemplate new presumed mediators in the association of participative leadership with organizational identification as well as determine a possible novel antecedent of employee CSR (...)
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  • Do employees value strategic CSR? A tale of affective organizational commitment and its underlying mechanisms.Pablo Rodrigo, Claudio Aqueveque & Ignacio J. Duran - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):459-475.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • “It’s Like Hating Puppies!” Employee Disengagement and Corporate Social Responsibility.Kelsy Hejjas, Graham Miller & Caroline Scarles - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):319-337.
    Corporate social responsibility has been linked with numerous organizational advantages, including recruitment, retention, productivity, and morale, which relate specifically to employees. However, despite specific benefits of CSR relating to employees and their importance as a stakeholder group, it is noteworthy that a lack of attention has been paid to the individual level of analysis with CSR primarily being studied at the organizational level. Both research and practice of CSR have largely treated the individual organization as a “black box,” failing to (...)
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  • Ethical Management in the Hotel Sector: Creating an Authentic Work Experience for Workers with Intellectual Disabilities.Hannah Meacham, Jillian Cavanagh, Timothy Bartram & Jennifer Laing - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):823-835.
    The study examines the employment experience of workers with intellectual disability in the hotel sector in Australia. Through a qualitative case study, we interviewed managers and WWID, and held focus groups with supervisors and colleagues at three hotels. We have used the theoretical framework of corporate social responsibility to investigate HR practices that create an ethical climate which promote authentic work experiences for WWID. The study found that participative work practices provide evidence of how WWID fit in at the workplace. (...)
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  • When corporate social responsibility (CSR) increases performance: exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic CSR attribution.Joana Story & Pedro Neves - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):111-124.
    This study investigates whether employees attribute different motives to their organization's corporate social responsibility efforts and if these motives influence employee performance. Specifically, we investigate whether employees could distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic CSR motives by surveying 229 employee–supervisor dyads from various industries , and the impact of these perceptions on in-role and extra-role performance of subordinates. We found that employee task performance increases when employees attribute both intrinsic and extrinsic motives for CSR. Moreover, when employees perceive that their organization (...)
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  • The Impact of Individual Attitudinal and Organisational Variables on Workplace Environmentally Friendly Behaviours.Danae Manika, Victoria K. Wells, Diana Gregory-Smith & Michael Gentry - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):663-684.
    Although research on corporate social responsibility has grown steadily, little research has focused on CSR at the individual level. In addition, research on the role of environmental friendly organizational citizenship behaviors within CSR initiatives is scarce. In response to this gap and recent calls for further research on both individual and organizational variables of employees’ environmentally friendly, or green, behaviors, this article sheds light on the influence of these variables on three types of green employee behaviors simultaneously: recycling, energy savings, (...)
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  • Do Environmental CSR Initiatives Serve Organizations’ Legitimacy in the Oil Industry? Exploring Employees’ Reactions Through Organizational Identification Theory.Kenneth De Roeck & Nathalie Delobbe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (4):397-412.
    Little is known about employees’ responses to their organizations’ initiatives in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Academics have already identified a few outcomes regarding CSR’s impact on employees’ attitudes and behaviours; however, studies explaining the underlying mechanisms that drive employees’ favourable responses to CSR remain largely unexplored. Based on organizational identification (OI) theory, this study surveyed 155 employees of a petrochemical organization to better elucidate why, how and under which circumstances employees might positively respond to organizations’ CSR initiatives in the controversial (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Outcomes: Interrelations of External and Internal Orientations with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment.Erifili-Christina Chatzopoulou, Dimitris Manolopoulos & Vasia Agapitou - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):795-817.
    We bring together social identity and social exchange perspectives to develop and test a moderated mediation model that sheds light on employees’ perceptions regarding the interrelations between an organization’s external and internal CSR initiatives and their job attitudes and work behaviours. This is important because employees’ sensemaking of CSR motives as being either self-focussed or others-focussed can produce meaningful variations in their job satisfaction and the dimensions of organizational commitment. Also, the consolidation of CSR’s underlying psychological mechanisms can advance our (...)
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  • Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Support for External CSR: Roles of Organizational CSR Climate and Perceived CSR Directed Toward Employees.Jie Shen & Hongru Zhang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):875-888.
    Building on the human resource management behavioral and organizational climate literature, this study explores the linkage between socially responsible HRM and employee support for perceived external corporate social responsibility and the underlying social and psychological process. Multilevel analysis of data gathered over two separate periods confirmed that the relationship between SRHRM and employee support for external CSR initiatives of the employing organization is mediated by the organizational CSR climate. Moreover, the indirect effect is contingent on perceived internal CSR. This study (...)
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  • Too Much of a Good Thing? On the Relationship Between CSR and Employee Work Addiction.Steven A. Brieger, Stefan Anderer, Andreas Fröhlich, Anne Bäro & Timo Meynhardt - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):311-329.
    Recent research highlights the positive effects of organizational CSR engagement on employee outcomes, such as job and life satisfaction, performance, and trust. We argue that the current debate fails to recognize the potential risks associated with CSR. In this study, we focus on the risk of work addiction. We hypothesize that CSR has per se a positive effect on employees and can be classified as a resource. However, we also suggest the existence of an array of unintended negative effects of (...)
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  • Different Drivers: Exploring Employee Involvement in Corporate Philanthropy.Beth Breeze & Pamala Wiepking - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3):453-467.
    Corporate Philanthropy is multi-dimensional, differs between sectors and involves both individual and organisational decision-making to achieve business and social goals. However, the CP literature characteristically focuses on strategic decisions made by business leaders and ignores the role of employees, especially those in lower status and lower paid positions. To redress this imbalance, we conducted a qualitative study of employees’ involvement in CP processes in ten workplaces in the South East of England to identify whether and how they are involved in (...)
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  • Frontline Employees as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ambassadors: A Quasi-Field Experiment.Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Lars Lengler-Graiff, Sabrina Scheidler & Jan Wieseke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):359-373.
    As past research has identified frontline employees as the primary communicators of a company’s CSR, this paper reports on a large-scale quasi-field experiment aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the levers of successful in-store, point-of-sale, CSR communication. In cooperation with a large international retailer, the authors analyzed the effects of varying in-store CSR communication strategies in 48 unique stores, combining data from a customer survey, company records of customers’ real visits and purchases, and interviews with store managers. Taking into (...)
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  • How Employees’ Perceptions of CSR Increase Employee Creativity: Mediating Mechanisms of Compassion at Work and Intrinsic Motivation.Won-Moo Hur, Tae-Won Moon & Sung-Hoon Ko - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):629-644.
    This study aims to examine how service employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility affect their creativity at work and its mediated link through compassion at work and their intrinsic motivation. Working with a sample of 250 hotel employees in South Korea, structural equation modeling is employed to test research hypotheses. The results of this research suggest that employees’ perceptions of CSR are positively related to employee creativity. Second, compassion at work mediated the positive relationship between employees’ perceptions of CSR and (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility, Multi-faceted Job-Products, and Employee Outcomes.Shuili Du, C. B. Bhattacharya & Sankar Sen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):319-335.
    This paper examines how employees react to their organizations’ corporate social responsibility initiatives. Drawing upon research in internal marketing and psychological contract theories, we argue that employees have multi-faceted job needs and that CSR programs comprise an important means to fulfill developmental and ideological job needs. Based on cluster analysis, we identify three heterogeneous employee segments, Idealists, Enthusiasts, and Indifferents, who vary in their multi-faceted job needs and, consequently, their demand for organizational CSR. We further find that an organization’s CSR (...)
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  • Not all stakeholders are equal: Corporate social responsibility variability and corporate financial performance.Yongqiang Gao, Yumeng Nie & Taïeb Hafsi - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1389-1410.
    The advocates of “doing well by doing good” have advised firms to invest in corporate social responsibility (CSR), but firms may get lost on how to invest their limited resources in it since CSR is a complex concept involving many activities and different types of stakeholders. In this work, we draw upon the perspective of stakeholder saliency and the stakeholder resource-based view (SRBV) to propose that stakeholders may have different levels of expectations for CSR and contribute to firm value creation (...)
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  • How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from the Group Engagement Model.Imran Hameed, Zahid Riaz, Ghulam A. Arain & Omer Farooq - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • The Advertising Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation and Brand Equity: Evidence from the Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan. [REVIEW]Ker-Tah Hsu - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):189-201.
    This study investigates the persuasive advertising and informative advertising effects of CSR initiatives on corporate reputation and brand equity based on the evidence from the life insurance industry in Taiwan. The study finds, first, policyholders’ perceptions concerning the CSR initiatives of life insurance companies have positive effects on customer satisfaction, corporate reputation, and brand equity. Second, the advertising effects of the CSR initiatives on corporate reputation are only informative. Third, the impacts of CSR initiatives on brand equity include informative advertising (...)
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  • Perceived Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Stimulus–Organism–Response Perspective.Weiwei Wu, Li Yu, Haiyan Li & Tianyi Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Drawing from the stimulus-organism-response model, this study examines how and under what circumstances perceived environmental corporate social responsibility affects innovative behavior of employees in the context of environmental protection. Using a sample of 398 employees from different firms in the high energy-consuming industry of China, the results indicate that, at first, perceived ECSR provides a positive effect on organizational identification. Secondly, organizational identification has a positive influence on the innovative behavior of employees. Thirdly, organizational identification plays an important mediating effect (...)
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  • The Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis.Agnieszka Paruzel, Hannah J. P. Klug & Günter W. Maier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although there is much research on the relationships of corporate social responsibility and employee-related outcomes, a systematic and quantitative integration of research findings is needed to substantiate and broaden our knowledge. A meta-analysis allows the comparison of the relations of different types of CSR on several different outcomes, for example to learn what type of CSR is most important to employees. From a theoretical perspective, social identity theory is the most prominent theoretical approach in CSR research, so we aim to (...)
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  • CSR by Any Other Name? The Differential Impact of Substantive and Symbolic CSR Attributions on Employee Outcomes.Magda B. L. Donia, Sigalit Ronen, Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly & Silvia Bonaccio - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):503-523.
    Employing a time-lagged sample of 371 North American individuals working full time in a wide range of industries, occupations, and levels, we contribute to research on employee outcomes of corporate social responsibility attributions as substantive or symbolic. Utilizing a mediated moderation model, our study extends previous findings by explaining how and why CSR attributions are related with work-related attitudes and subsequent individual performance. In support of our hypotheses, our findings indicate that the relationships between CSR attributions and individual performance are (...)
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  • Scrooge Posing as Mother Teresa: How Hypocritical Social Responsibility Strategies Hurt Employees and Firms.Sabrina Scheidler, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Jelena Spanjol & Jan Wieseke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):339-358.
    Extant research provides compelling conceptual and empirical arguments that company-external as well as company-internal CSR efforts positively affect employees, but does so largely in studies assessing effects from the two CSR types independently of each other. In contrast, this paper investigates external–internal CSR jointly, examining the effects of consistent external–internal CSR strategies on employee attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. The research takes a social and moral identification theory view and advances the core hypothesis that inconsistent CSR strategies, defined as favoring external (...)
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  • Ethical Context and Ethical Decision Making: Examination of an Alternative Statistical Approach for Identifying Variable Relationships.Sean Valentine, Seong-Hyun Nam, David Hollingworth & Callie Hall - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):509-526.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational ethical context and the individual ethical decision-making process. In addition, a new statistical approach combining cluster and discriminant analyses was developed to overcome violations of regression assumptions, which are commonly not identified and/or ignored in behavioral and psychological research. Using regressions and this new alternative method, the findings indicated that ethical context does indeed influence the various components of ethical reasoning. However, social desirability was the strongest predictor of (...)
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  • Building the Theoretical Puzzle of Employees’ Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: An Integrative Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda.Kenneth De Roeck & François Maon - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3):609-625.
    Research on employees’ responses to corporate social responsibility has recently accelerated and begun appearing in top-tier academic journals. However, existing findings are still largely fragmented, and this stream of research lacks theoretical consolidation. This article integrates the diffuse and multi-disciplinary literature on CSR micro-level influences in a theoretically driven conceptual framework that contributes to explain and predict when, why, and how employees might react to CSR activity in a way that influences organizations’ economic and social performance. Drawing on social identity (...)
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  • Safety Culture: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development.Sara Hajmohammad & Stephan Vachon - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):263-281.
    The present paper investigates the potential benefits of a strong safety culture. Specifically, we build on the organizational support theory to explore the direct and indirect effects of SC on firm performance. Partial least squares method is used to analyze the data collected from a survey among 251 Canadian plants. The results show that SC is associated with several performance indicators all linked to sustainable development. Importantly, our findings also suggest that the relationships between SC and environmental/safety performance are mediated (...)
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  • Procedural Justice and Employee Engagement: Roles of Organizational Identification and Moral Identity Centrality.Hongwei He, Weichun Zhu & Xiaoming Zheng - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):681-695.
    Workplace procedural justice is an important motivator for employee work attitude and performance. This research examines how procedural justice affects employee engagement. We developed three propositions. First, based on the group engagement model, we hypothesized that procedural justice enhances employee engagement through employee organizational identification. Second, employees with stronger moral identity centrality are more likely to be engaged in their jobs. Third, procedural justice compensates for the effect of moral identity centrality on employee engagement. Specifically, when procedural justice is higher, (...)
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  • When sustainability managers' greenwash: SDG fit and effects on job performance and attitudes.James W. Westerman, Yalcin Acikgoz, Lubna Nafees & Jennifer Westerman - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (2):371-393.
    Sustainability managers represent a key stakeholder in implementing and diffusing sustainability initiatives. However, there is a significant gap in the literature examining the impact of greenwashing on sustainability managers. This research examines the effects of greenwashing on sustainability managers' job satisfaction, commitment, turnover intentions, and job performance from a social identity/person–organization (P‐O) fit perspective. Our sample consists of practicing sustainability managers (n = 125) in high‐ (77%) or mid‐level (23%) positions. Results indicate that perceived greenwashing negatively affects the attitudinal outcomes (...)
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  • Human Resource Practices for Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence From Korean Firms.Se-Rin Bang, Myeong-Cheol Choi & Ji-Young Ahn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resource management in managing environmental, social, governance, or corporate social responsibility initiatives has been recently raised. Yet, little attention has been paid to integrating CSR and HRM. Our primary goal was to identify how and whether certain HR practices are critical for developing employee capability to operate in firms with active CSR initiatives. We first examine the impact of external CSR activities on firm-level work outcomes. Moreover, we attempt to identify a choice of particular HR practices that could be (...)
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  • How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Influence Word of Mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the Airline Industry.Tam Thien Vo, Xinning Xiao & Shuk Ying Ho - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):525-542.
    Our study examines how a company’s engagement in corporate social responsibility influences word of mouth about the company on Twitter, particularly during a service delay. We use the airline industry as the study context. On the popular social medium Twitter, people post tweets about airline services and raise concerns about service delays when flights are delayed, canceled, or diverted. Drawing on the literature on legitimacy and the halo effect, we argue that a company’s CSR engagement enhances its corporate image, which (...)
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  • Top executives' perceptions of the inclusion of corporate social responsibility in quality management.Selina Neri, Ashly H. Pinnington, Abdelmounaim Lahrech & Husam‐Aldin N. Al‐Malkawi - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):441-458.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • How and When Does Corporate Giving Lead to Getting? An Investigation of the Relationship Between Corporate Philanthropy and Relative Competitive Performance from a Micro-process Perspective.Wenwen Zhao & Zhe Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):425-440.
    The corporate ethics literature has considerably focused on whether giving results in getting. However, the relationship between corporate philanthropy and performance and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Drawing on signaling and cue consistency theories, we develop and test a model that specifies whether, how, and when corporate philanthropy benefits relative competitive performance from a micro-process perspective. Using a Chinese sample of 1623 employees, 145 CEOs, and 145 human resources managers, we found that corporate philanthropy could positively influence relative competitive performance (...)
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  • How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Raises Employees’ Creative Behaviors Based on Appraisal Theory of Emotion: The Serial Mediation Model.Said Id Bouichou, Lei Wang & Salman Zulfiqar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examines the micro-level consequences of perceived corporate social responsibility and hypothesizes that perceived CSR affects the perception-emotion-attitude-behavior sequence. We hypothesized that perceived CSR affects organizational pride, affects affective commitment, and enhances the employees’ creative behaviors by using the lens of appraisal theory of emotion. This study also hypothesizes that the association of perceived CSR and employee creative behaviors is serially mediated by OP and AC. The time-lagged data were collected from employees of only those companies participating in CSR (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility and employee outcomes: The role of country context.Tay K. McNamara, Rene Carapinha, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Monique Valcour & Sharon Lobel - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):413-427.
    This study examined the association between employee perceptions of two foci of corporate social responsibility and work attitudes in different countries. Using data collected as part of a multinational research project with a core team in the United States, we found that perceptions of externally focused CSR enactment were positively associated with employee engagement and affective commitment. Perceptions of internally focused CSR enactment were positively associated with affective commitment but not with employee engagement. Analyses across countries revealed more cultural than (...)
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  • The consequences of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility: A meta‐analysis.Yanling Wang, Shan Xu & Yanxia Wang - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):471-496.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Model of Organizational Identification and Moral Identity.Wei Wang, Ying Fu, Huiqing Qiu, James H. Moore & Zhongming Wang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • A Text Mining-Based Review of Cause-Related Marketing Literature.João Guerreiro, Paulo Rita & Duarte Trigueiros - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (1):111-128.
    Cause-related marketing has risen to become a popular strategy to increase business value through profit-motivated giving. Despite the growing number of articles published in the last decade, no comprehensive analysis of the most discussed constructs of cause-related marketing is available. This paper uses an advanced Text Mining methodology to conduct a comprehensive analysis of 246 articles published in 40 different journals between 1988 and 2013 on the subject of cause-related marketing. Text Mining also allows quantitative analyses to be performed on (...)
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  • The Impact of Corporate Volunteering on CSR Image: A Consumer Perspective.Carolin Plewa, Jodie Conduit, Pascale G. Quester & Claire Johnson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):643-659.
    Corporate volunteering is known to be an effective employee engagement initiative. However, despite the prominence of corporate social responsibility in academia and practice, research is yet to investigate whether and how CV may influence consumer perceptions of CSR image and subsequent consumer behaviour. Data collected using an online survey in Australia show perceived familiarity with a company’s CV programme to positively impact CSR image and firm image, partially mediated by others-centred attributions. CSR image, in turn, strengthens affective and cognitive loyalty (...)
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  • Person–Organization Fit on Prosocial Identity: Implications on Employee Outcomes.Jongseok Cha, Young Kyun Chang & Tae-Yeol Kim - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (1):57-69.
    This study examined the relationship between person–organization (PO) fit on prosocial identity (prosocial PO fit) and various employee outcomes. The results of polynomial regression analysis based on a sample of 589 hospital employees, which included medical doctors, nurses, and staff, indicate joint effects of personal and organizational prosocial identity on the development of a sense of organizational identification and on the engagement in prosocial behaviors toward colleagues, organizations, and patients. Specifically, prosocial PO fit had a curvilinear relationship with organizational identification, (...)
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  • Do Environmental CSR Initiatives Serve Organizations' Legitimacy in the Oil Industry? Exploring Employees' Reactions Through Organizational Identification Theory.Kenneth Roeck & Nathalie Delobbe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (4):397-412.
    Little is known about employees' responses to their organizations' initiatives in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Academics have already identified a few outcomes regarding CSR's impact on employees' attitudes and behaviours; however, studies explaining the underlying mechanisms that drive employees' favourable responses to CSR remain largely unexplored. Based on organizational identification (OI) theory, this study surveyed 155 employees of a petrochemical organization to better elucidate why, how and under which circumstances employees might positively respond to organizations' CSR initiatives in the controversial (...)
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  • Is Deep Acting Prevalent in Socially Responsible Companies? The Effects of CSR Perception on Emotional Labor Strategies.Se Hyung Oh, Yein Hwang & Hwayoung Kim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • How Co-creation Increases Employee Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Engagement: The Moderating Role of Self-Construal.Bonnie Simpson, Jennifer L. Robertson & Katherine White - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):331-350.
    This research merges literature from organizational behavior and marketing to garner insight into how organizations can maximize the benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility for enhanced CSR and organizational engagement of employees. Across two field experiments, the authors demonstrate that the effectiveness of employee co-creation activities in increasing employees’ positive CSR perceptions is moderated by self-construal. In particular, the positive effect of co-creation on CSR perceptions emerges only for employees with a salient interdependent self-construal. Moreover, the results demonstrate that increased positive (...)
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