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  1. Aristotle’s Considered View of the Path to Knowledge.James H. Lesher - 2012 - In Lesher James H. (ed.), El espíritu y la letra: un homenaje a Alfonso Gomez-Lobo. Ediciones Colihue. pp. 127-145.
    I argue that these inconsistencies in wording and practice reflect the existence of two distinct Aristotelian views of inquiry, one peculiar to the Posterior Analytics and the other put forward in the Physics and practiced in the Physics and in other treatises. Although the two views overlap to some degree (e.g. both regard a rudimentary understanding of the subject as an essential first stage), the view of the syllogism as the workhorse of scientific investigation and the related view of inquiry (...)
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  • Philosophy in Verse: Competition and Early Greek Philosophical Thought.Nicolo Benzi - unknown
    This thesis is a study of Archaic and Early Classical philosophical poetry within the competitive context which characterized the poetic production of that period. In particular, I evaluate the ideas and arguments of Xenophanes, Parmenides, Epicharmus and Empedocles in the context of the social and cultural aspects of Archaic poetic performance in order to evaluate their response to traditional agonism. As I argue, these figures entered the poetic contest not only to defeat their poetic adversaries, but also to transform and (...)
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  • The Human, In Medio.Neal Curtis - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (2):69-84.
    Joseph Vogl recently argued that we should reject the idea that such a thing as a medium (in any predetermined sense) exists, arguing instead that media theory should look at the complex arrangemen...
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  • Heráclito y la vía de la interioridad.Rosario Neuman Lorenzini & David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (38):231-248.
    There are elements in Heraclitus that are enticing to modern readers in that they point toward a certain intimacy of consciousness. Having read the fragments of this philosopher, we propose a reading that harmonizes his assertions about universality with his assertions about self-knowledge, in which we believe we can glimpse the discovery of self-awareness. In Heraclitus’ view, humans possess a soul with an unlimited horizon and a capacity to access the logos. A person must pursue introspection, listen to the logos, (...)
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  • Armonia, concordia e politica in Eraclito e nei pitagorici.Diego Garcia Rincon - 2021 - Eirene. Studia Graeca Et Latina 1 (57):93-118.
    This paper examines the relation between Pythagorean and Heraclitean political views. I argue that for Pythagoras, Heraclitus, and Archytas the cosmological and musical notions of harmony (ἁρμονία) and the related notion of concord (ὁμόνοια) have an intrinsic political significance. These thinkers variously reflect upon political harmony and concord, and agree that a crucial condition for it is law (νόμος), which according to Pythagoras and Heraclitus has a divine origin. I begin with the Heraclitean fragments 22 B51, 54, 72, and 114 (...)
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  • escritura infantil: niñas y niños para filosofía o la infancia como abrigo y refugio.Walter Kohan & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2021 - In Walter Kohan & Magda Costa Carvalho (eds.), Tópicos filosofía educación para el siglo XXI. 88: Voces de la educación, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). pp. 55.
    Este ha sido el mundo infantil – imposible y contradictorio – que sentimos habitar en este escrito, en esta escritura. En ese mundo, como ahora, el inicio y el final coinciden. En ese mundo, que Heráclito llamaría aión, es la infancia la que gobierna. Un gobierno infantil. Por lo tanto, es tiempo de callarnos. De estarnos sin tanta luz y sin tantas palabras. Para dormir y soñar. Es tiempo de terminar. O de comenzar. Los y las lectores infantiles (no) tienen (...)
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  • Heraclitus against the Naïve Paratactic Metaphysics of Mere Things.Keith Begley - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (1):74-97.
    This article considers an interpretative model for the study of Heraclitus, which was first put forward by Alexander Mourelatos in 1973, and draws upon a related model put forward by Julius Moravcsik beginning in 1983. I further develop this combined model and provide a motivation for an interpretation of Heraclitus. This is also of interest for modern metaphysics due to the recurrence of structurally similar problems, including the ‘colour exclusion’ problem that was faced by Wittgenstein. Further, I employ the model (...)
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  • Hope in Ancient Greek Philosophy.G. Scott Gravlee - 2020 - In Steven C. Van den Heuvel (ed.), Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope. Cham: Springer. pp. 3-23.
    This chapter aims to illuminate ways in which hope was significant in the philosophy of classical Greece. Although ancient Greek philosophies contain few dedicated and systematic expositions on the nature of hope, they nevertheless include important remarks relating hope to the good life, to reason and deliberation, and to psychological phenomena such as memory, imagination, fear, motivation, and pleasure. After an introductory discussion of Hesiod and Heraclitus, the chapter focuses on Plato and Aristotle. Consideration is given both to Plato’s direct (...)
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  • Heraclitus' Rebuke of Polymathy: A Core Element in the Reflectiveness of His Thought.Keith Begley - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (1):21–50.
    I offer an examination of a core element in the reflectiveness of Heraclitus’ thought, namely, his rebuke of polymathy . In doing so, I provide a response to a recent claim that Heraclitus should not be considered to be a philosopher, by attending to his paradigmatically philosophical traits. Regarding Heraclitus’ attitude to that naïve form of ‘wisdom’, i.e., polymathy, I argue that he does not advise avoiding experience of many things, rather, he advises rejecting experience of things as merely many (...)
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  • The Block Universe: A Philosophical Investigation in Four Dimensions.Pieter Thyssen - 2020 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to closely explore the nature of Einstein’s block universe and to tease out its implications for the nature of time and human freedom. Four questions, in particular, are central to this dissertation, and set out the four dimensions of this philosophical investigation: (1) Does the block universe view of time follow inevitably from the theory of special relativity? (2) Is there room for the passage of time in the block universe? (3) Can we (...)
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  • Amour et santé dans le Banquet de Platon : la notion d’harmonie.Lucia Saudelli - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):1-23.
    The structure as well as the themes of theSymposiumsuggest that Eryximachus’ speech plays a fundamental role in the dialogue. The problem is that what he says in praise of love is far from clear and continues to be a subject of debate. The aim of our article is to re-examine this speech to clarify its meaning and determine its contribution to Plato’s theory of love. First, we will analyse thetextof theSymposium, then we will investigate itsmedicalback-ground, and finally we will evaluate (...)
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  • From Hades to the Stars: Empedocles on the Cosmic Habitats of Soul.Simon Trépanier - 2017 - Classical Antiquity 36 (1):130-182.
    > καὶ πῶς τις ἀνάξει αὐτοὺς εἰς φῶς, ὥσπερ > > ἐξ Ἅιδου λέγονται δή τινες εἰς θεοὺς ἀνελθεῖν; > > Plato Republic 521c This study reconstructs Empedocles’ eschatology and cosmology, arguing that they presuppose one another. Part one surveys body and soul in Empedocles and argues that the transmigrating daimon is a long-lived compound made of the elements air and fire. Part two shows that Empedocles situates our current life in Hades, then considers the testimonies concerning different cosmic levels (...)
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  • Naturalism in the philosophies of Dewey and Zhuangzi: The live creature and the crooked tree.Christopher Kirby - 2008 - Dissertation, Usf
    This dissertation will compare the concept of nature as it appears in the philosophies of the American pragmatist John Dewey and the Chinese daoist Zhuangzi and will defend two central claims. The first of these is that Dewey and Zhuangzi share a view of nature that is non-reductive, philosophically liberal, and more comprehensive than the accounts recurrent in much of the Western tradition. This alternate conception of nature is non-reductive in the way that it avoids the physically mechanistic outlook underwriting (...)
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  • A New Empedocles? Implications of the Strasburg Fragments for Presocratic Philosophy.Patricia Curd - 2002 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):27-59.
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  • Four Degrees of Temporal Becoming.Pieter Thyssen - manuscript
    The block universe theory of time is commonly said to be incompatible with temporal becoming. This confuses Maudlin who upholds both eternalism and passage. The aim of this paper is to answer Maudlin’s plea for clarification by distinguishing four degrees of temporal becoming. After discussing their respective compatibility with the block universe, I show that Maudlin asks much less from temporal becoming than most philosophers of time. Consequently, his form of becoming is compatible with the block universe, whereas the stronger (...)
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  • The Battle of psychê and thymos: A Reappraisal of Heraclitus’ Psychology.Andrew J. Mason - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (4):525-555.
    Heraclitus is generally recognised as the first of the Greek thinkers to develop a psychology, but the understanding of his psychology is held back by the assumptions that his soul is a life-principle and is ‘comprehensive’ of the various faculties we regard as psychological. The fragment that best displays the revolutionary character of Heraclitus’ soul doctrine, from a properly psychological viewpoint, is B 85. I offer an extended analysis of this fragment in order to bear out the claims, firstly, that (...)
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  • Textualidade sonoramente orientada: O caso Heráclito.Marcus Mota - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    Neste artigo apresenta-se a proposta de compreender os textos restantes do livro perdido de Heráclito como arranjos de palavras a partir de padrões audiofocais. Assim, tais textos não apenas conteriam referências a sons como também explorariam criativamente grandezas psicoacústicas. Basilar para a argumentação aqui desenvolvida é a identificação de um movimento oscilatório presente tanto na distribuição dos vocábulos e frases quanto nas referências textuais. Tal movimento oscilatório aproxima a escrita de Heráclito de eventos físicos acústicos.
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  • How to use language to explain the movement: a dispute between Plato and Heraclitus.Sylvain Delcomminette - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:97-104.
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  • Heraclitus, Plato, and the philosophic dogs.Enrique Hülsz Piccone - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:105-115.
    The paper focuses on a neglected instance of the Platonic reception of Heraclitus in the Republic, trying to show that it’s likely that Plato’s passage makes an allusion to Heraclitus’ B97 and B85. The main claim is that Plato’s use of the image of dogs looks back to Heraclitus, which invites an exploration of the possibility that at least some elements of Plato’s kallipolis might derive from Heraclitus – particularly from some ethical and political fragments. A brief survey of these (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads.Giannis Stamatellos - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    _The first book-length philosophical study on the Presocratic influences in Plotinus’ Enneads._.
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  • On the Physical Aspect of Heraclitus' Psychology.Gábor Betegh - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (1):3-32.
    The paper first discusses the metaphysical framework that allows the soul's integration into the physical world. A close examination of B36, supported by the comparative evidence of some other early theories of the soul, suggests that the word psuchê could function as both a mass term and a count noun for Heraclitus. There is a stuff in the world, alongside other physical elements, that manifests mental functions. Humans, and possibly other beings, show mental functions in so far as they have (...)
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  • A Heraclitean Wordplay in Plotinus.Max Bergamo - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (1):105-139.
    This paper is devoted to the analysis of Plotinus’ citation of the Heraclitean saying B113 DK in the second treatise On the Presence of Being (VI 5 [23]). I shall argue that the use which the author of the Enneads makes of this fragment has been hitherto misunderstood by scholars and that, for this reason, the significance of the passage and its role within Plotinus’ argument have been missed. Close attention will be paid to the tool through which Plotinus conveys (...)
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  • The role of sensation in knowledge according to Heraclitus: part two: indirect use of sensation.Celso Oliveira Vieira - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:61-69.
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  • The role of sensation in knowledge according to Heraclitus: first part: direct use of sensation.Celso Oliveira Vieira - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:41-50.
    Dividido em duas partes o artigo tem o objetivo de determinar qual a função das sensações no processo de conhecimento prescrito por Heráclito. Essa primeira parte é dedicada ao uso direto dos sentidos, aquele sem nenhum tipo de mediação entre a coisa percebida e quem a percebe. Após o exame de fragmentos abordando principalmente os sentidos do olfato, paladar e tato são encontrados os requisitos para obtenção de uma sensação direta apropriada. Tudo começa na coisa percebida que para ser reconhecida (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus' Enneads.Giannis Stamatellos - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    The first book-length philosophical study on the Presocratic influences in Plotinus’ Enneads.
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  • From substance to phenomenon: A concept of the ``soul'' for phenomenological psychology.Robert Kugelmann - 1988 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 19 (2):159-178.
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  • Will to Power as Alternative to Causality.Joshua Rayman - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):361-372.
    Nietzsche’s critique of causality has not been taken as seriously as it should be. Nietzschean naturalists such as Ken Gemes, Brian Leiter, and John Richardson carry on with their appeals to causal-scientific forms of explanation as if there were no such critique.1 For instance, Leiter claims that Nietzsche is a naturalist in that he sets forth “theories that explain various important human phenomena … [in scientific terms], but are also modeled on science in the sense that they seek to reveal (...)
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  • Heraclitus on Фύσις.Enrique Hülsz Piccone - 2013 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):179-194.
    Presocratic philosophy as a historical category was defined by Aristotle as physics, or physical philosophy, because φύσις (understood as a single genus of being, among others) was its object of study, its practitioners being since tagged accordingly as φυσικοί or φυσιόλογοι. The central part of the paper deals briefly with the four pioneering Heraclitean uses of the word φύσις (frs. DK B106, B1, B112, and B123), in which the sense of the only Homeric use of the term seems to be (...)
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  • The thermodynamic and phylogenetic foundations of human wickedness.P. R. Masani - 1985 - Zygon 20 (3):283-320.
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  • Φύσις κρύπτεσθαι φιλεῖ: The wonder of the appearance.Georgios Karakasis - 2018 - Otrosiglo 2 (1):55-66.
    The aim of this article is to analyse through an ontological approach the concept of φύσις/nature as the never-ending emergence of the beings and their being kept into steadfast appearance and presence. On the basis of Martin Heidegger’s interpretation, we will try to show that φύσις is not a mere sum of natural objects; φύσις could be better understood via our recognition of its pervading our own being and our own being/presenting as φύσις and through φύσις’ ceaseless eventuation in our (...)
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  • Patterns of Physis and the Self-Making Kosmos in Heraclitus.Jessica Elbert Decker - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (1):54-73.
    Contemporary Western thinkers recognise the destructive effects of long-standing attitudes of mastery over nature and the dualistic and hierarchical thinking that informs them. Heraclitus’ metaphysical position is ideal for reframing these traditional stances for several reasons: first, Heraclitus’ concept of identity is dynamic and relies on a sophisticated understanding of opposites that recognises ambiguity; secondly, his philosophical position produces a model of truth as multiple rather than univocal; and finally, in Heraclitus’ self-making kosmos, human beings are not separate from the (...)
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  • Between Poetry, Philosophy and Medicine: Body, Soul and Dreams in Pindar, Heraclitus and the Hippocratic On Regimen .Chiara Raffaella Ciampa - 2023 - Rhizomata 11 (1):55-76.
    The paper explores the interrelations between Pindar, Heraclitus and the Hippocratic author with regard to ideas of the body, the soul and dreams. I shall consider Pindar’s fr.131b as an overlooked testimony of the poet’s interest in a non-Homeric conceptualization of the soul. I will suggest reading Heraclitus’ fragments B26 and B21 together and offer a new interpretation of the latter. Furthermore, I will compare Pindar’s fr. 131b with the HippocraticOn Regimen(4. 86, 87) and Pindar’s fr. 133 withOn Regimen(4. 92) (...)
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  • Nietzsche and Embodiment: Discerning Bodies and Non-dualism.Kristen Brown - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    In Nietzsche and Embodiment Kristen Brown reveals the smartness of bodies, challenging the traditional view in the West that bodies are separate from and morally inferior to minds. Drawing inspiration from Nietzsche, Brown vividly describes why the interdependence of mind and body matters, both in Nietzsche's writings and for contemporary debates (non-dualism theory, Merleau-Ponty criticism, and metaphor studies), activities (spinal cord research and fasting), and specific human experiences (menses, trauma, and guilt). Brown's theories about the dynamic relationship between body and (...)
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  • Heráclito y Éfeso: filosofía del cosmos a escala urbana.Nazyheli Aguirre de la Luz - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):28-53.
    Resumen El presente artículo, inspirado en la idea de Vernant de que la razón griega es “hija de la ciudad”, aborda el vínculo existente entre las circunstancias políticas y sociales de Éfeso y el pensamiento heraclíteo. En efecto, a partir de la tensión que se produjo entre la realidad histórica en que vivió Heráclito y el resultado de su propia reflexión sobre ella, el filósofo desarrolló una idea de organización de la ciudad, según la cual una pólis debería ser gobernada (...)
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  • Stuart Mill, o Utilitarismo e um problema fundamental.Paulo Fernando Rocha Antunes - 2015 - Clareira: Revista de Filosofia da Região Amazônica 2 (2):99-119.
    O artigo que aqui se apresenta revisita as principais teses do Utilitarismo em escopo ético, tomando-as sucinta e genericamente, na esteira de John Stuart Mill. O presente tentame, mediante a exposição da teoria e a confrontação com algumas das suas principais críticas, procura compreender um problema fundamental que a parece permear. A escolha recai sobre Stuart Mill, como autor privilegiado para trazer à liça os principais traços de uma doutrina utilitarista, uma vez que coube a si a virtude de expor (...)
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