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Objects and Attitudes.Friederike Moltmann - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
Predication and the Frege–Geach problem.Indrek Reiland - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (1):141-159.details
I want to, but...Milo Phillips-Brown - 2018 - Sinn Und Bedeutung 21:951-968.details
An object‐based truthmaker semantics for modals.Friederike Moltmann - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):255-288.details
Theories of meaning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Jeff Speaks - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
Acts and Alternative Analyses.Arvid Båve - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (4):181–205.details
Truthmaker Semantics for Natural Language: Attitude Verbs, Modals, and Intensional Transitive Verbs.Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - Theoretical Linguistics 3:159-200.details
Truth Predicates, Truth Bearers, and their Variants.Friederike Moltmann - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 2):1-28.details
Getting what you want.Lyndal Grant & Milo Phillips-Brown - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1791-1810.details
Propositions as Structured Cognitive Event‐Types.Wayne A. Davis - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (3):665-692.details
Abstract Objects and the Core-Periphery Distinction in the Ontological and the Conceptual Domain of Natural Language.Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - In José Luis Falguera & Concha Martínez-Vida, Abstract Objects: For and Against. Springer. pp. 255-276.details
Anatomy of a proposition.Bjørn Jespersen - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1285-1324.details
Situations, alternatives, and the semantics of ‘cases’.Friederike Moltmann - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (1):1-41.details
Partial Content and Expressions of Part and Whole. Discussion of Stephen Yablo: Aboutness.Friederike Moltmann - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (3):797-808.details
Demonstrations as actions.Piotr Tomasz Makowski & Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-25.details
That’s correct! Brentano on intuitive judgement.Mark Textor - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):805-824.details
Nominalizations: The Case of Nominalizations of Modal Predicates.Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - In Lisa Matthewson, Cécile Meier, Hotze Rullman & Thomas Ede Zimmermann, Blackwell Companion to Semantics. Wiley.details
That ‐clauses: Some bad news for relationalism about the attitudes.Robert J. Matthews - 2020 - Mind and Language 37 (3):414-431.details
Act‐type theories of propositions.Thomas Hodgson - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11).details
Attitude Reports, Cognitive Products, and Attitudinal Objects: A Response to G. Felappi On Product‐Based Accounts of Attitudes.Friederike Moltmann - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):3-12.details
On Product‐based Accounts of Propositional Attitudes.Giulia Felappi - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):302-313.details
Speaks’s Reduction of Propositions to Properties: A Benacerraf Problem.T. Scott Dixon & Cody Gilmore - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):275-284.details
Perspectival Plurality, Relativism, and Multiple Indexing.Dan Zeman - 2018 - In Rob Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern & Hannah Rohde, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. Semantics Archives. pp. 1353-1370.details
Building Objective Thoughts: Stumpf, Twardowski and the Late Husserl on Psychic Products.Hamid Taieb - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (3):336-370.details
Introduction to the Routledge Handbook of Propositions.Adam Russell Murray & Chris Tillman - 2022 - In Chris Tillman & Adam Murray, The Routledge Handbook of Propositions. Routledge.details
Actions, Products, and Truth-Bearers: A Critique of Twardowskian Accounts.Silver Bronzo - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):297-312.details
Actions, Products, Demonstrations.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (1):102-126.details
The Structure and Extension of (Proto)Type Concepts: Husserl’s Correlationist Approach.Hamid Taieb - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):129-142.details
Committal Question: A Reply to Hodgson.Faraz Ghalbi - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3).details
Having it Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics.Alex Silk - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):197-211.details
Intensional Relative Clauses and the Semantics of Variable Objects.Friederike Moltmann - 2019 - In Manfred Krifka & Schenner Mathias, Reconstruction Effects in Relative Clauses. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 427-453..details
Rich Situated Attitudes.Kristina Liefke & Mark Bowker - 2017 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10247:45-61.details
Phenomenal Intentionality and the Problem of Cognitive Contact.Christopher A. Young - unknowndetails
Three Views On Propositions: King, Soames and Speaks. [REVIEW]Alexandru Radulescu - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):189-197.details