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  1. Neurocognitive processes underlying heuristic and normative probability judgments.Linus Andersson, Johan Eriksson, Sara Stillesjö, Peter Juslin, Lars Nyberg & Linnea Karlsson Wirebring - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104153.
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  • Mnemonic emotion regulation: a three-process model.Simon Nørby - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):959-975.
    ABSTRACTEmotion regulation comprises attempts to influence when and how emotions are experienced and expressed. It has mostly been conceived of as proactive or reactive, but it may also be retroactive and involve memory. I term such past-oriented activity mnemonic emotion regulation and propose that it involves increasing or decreasing access to or altering the characteristics of a memory. People may increase access to a memory and make it more likely that it will be retrieved in the future, for example by (...)
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  • Naive Probability: Model‐Based Estimates of Unique Events.Sangeet S. Khemlani, Max Lotstein & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (6):1216-1258.
    We describe a dual-process theory of how individuals estimate the probabilities of unique events, such as Hillary Clinton becoming U.S. President. It postulates that uncertainty is a guide to improbability. In its computer implementation, an intuitive system 1 simulates evidence in mental models and forms analog non-numerical representations of the magnitude of degrees of belief. This system has minimal computational power and combines evidence using a small repertoire of primitive operations. It resolves the uncertainty of divergent evidence for single events, (...)
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  • Intuitive And Reflective Responses In Philosophy.Nick Byrd - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Colorado
    Cognitive scientists have revealed systematic errors in human reasoning. There is disagreement about what these errors indicate about human rationality, but one upshot seems clear: human reasoning does not seem to fit traditional views of human rationality. This concern about rationality has made its way through various fields and has recently caught the attention of philosophers. The concern is that if philosophers are prone to systematic errors in reasoning, then the integrity of philosophy would be threatened. In this paper, I (...)
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  • Superposition of Episodic Memories: Overdistribution and Quantum Models.Charles J. Brainerd, Zheng Wang & Valerie F. Reyna - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):773-799.
    Memory exhibits episodic superposition, an analog of the quantum superposition of physical states: Before a cue for a presented or unpresented item is administered on a memory test, the item has the simultaneous potential to occupy all members of a mutually exclusive set of episodic states, though it occupies only one of those states after the cue is administered. This phenomenon can be modeled with a nonadditive probability model called overdistribution (OD), which implements fuzzy-trace theory's distinction between verbatim and gist (...)
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  • : A dual-process approach to cognitive development: The case of children's understanding of sunk cost decisions.Paul A. Klaczynski & Jennifer M. Cottrell - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):147 – 174.
    Only in recent years have developmental psychologists begun advocating and exploring dual-process theories and their applicability to cognitive development. In this paper, a dual-process model of developments in two processing systems—an “analytic” and an “experiential” system—is discussed. We emphasise the importance of “metacognitive intercession” and developments in this ability to override experiential processing. In each of two studies of sunk cost decisions, age-related developments in normative decisions were observed, as were declines in the use of a “waste not” heuristic. In (...)
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  • Base-rate respect: From ecological rationality to dual processes.Aron K. Barbey & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):241-254.
    The phenomenon of base-rate neglect has elicited much debate. One arena of debate concerns how people make judgments under conditions of uncertainty. Another more controversial arena concerns human rationality. In this target article, we attempt to unpack the perspectives in the literature on both kinds of issues and evaluate their ability to explain existing data and their conceptual coherence. From this evaluation we conclude that the best account of the data should be framed in terms of a dual-process model of (...)
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  • What's in a name for memory errors? Implications and ethical issues arising from the use of the term "false memory" for errors in memory for details.Anne P. DePrince, Carolyn B. Allard, Hannah Oh & Jennifer J. Freyd - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (3):201 – 233.
    The term "false memories" has been used to refer to suggestibility experiments in which whole events are apparently confabulated and in media accounts of contested memories of childhood abuse. Since 1992 psychologists have increasingly used the term "false memory" when discussing memory errors for details, such as specific words within word lists. Use of the term to refer to errors in details is a shift in language away from other terms used historically (e.g., "memory intrusions"). We empirically examine this shift (...)
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  • Effect of emotional valence on true and false recognition controlling arousal.Alfonso Pitarque, Juan C. Meléndez, Encarna Satorres, Joaquín Escudero & José Manuel García-Justicia - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):928-937.
    The aim of our experiment was to analyse the effect of the emotional valence (positive, negative, or neutral) on true and false recognition, matching the arousal, frequency, concreteness, and associative strength of the study and recognition words. Fifty younger adults and 46 healthy older adults performed three study tasks (with words of different valence: positive, negative, neutral) and their corresponding recognition tests. Two weeks later, they performed the three recognition tests again. The results show that words with a negative valence (...)
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  • The Trajectory of Targets and Critical Lures in the Deese/Roediger–McDermott Paradigm: A Systematic Review.Patricia I. Coburn, Kirandeep K. Dogra, Iarenjit K. Rai & Daniel M. Bernstein - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm has been used extensively to examine false memory. During the study session, participants learn lists of semantically related items, referred to as targets. Critical lures are items which are also associated with the lists but are intentionally omitted from study. At test, when asked to remember targets, participants often report false memories for critical lures. Findings from experiments using the DRM show the ease with which false memories develop in the absence of suggestion or misinformation. Given this, (...)
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  • The Role of Language Proficiency in False Memory: A Mini Review.Mar Suarez & Maria Soledad Beato - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Memory errors and, specifically, false memories in the Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm have been extensively studied in the past decades. Most studies have investigated false memory in monolinguals’ native or first language (L1), but interest has also grown in examining false memories in participants’ second language (L2) with different proficiency levels. The main purpose of this manuscript is to review the current state of knowledge on the role of language proficiency on false memories when participants encode and retrieve information in the same (...)
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  • Integration of Processes in the Study of Insight and Innovation.Thea Ionescu, Alexandra Marian, Paula Moldovan, Beatrix Perde, Roxana Vescan, Calin Hopsitar, Doris Rogobete & Ligia Suciu - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (T):147-156.
    Humans are known to be able to solve problems creatively, but how exactly this occurs is still a matter of debate. Insight problem solving is one important way to study creativity in adults, but studies that use this method with preschool children are rare. In this paper, we present two studies: one in which the problem is solved with known objects (participants were preschool children aged 4 to 7 years) and one in which new objects were created (participants were children (...)
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  • The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system.Martin A. Conway & Christopher W. Pleydell-Pearce - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (2):261-288.
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  • Recollection rejection: False-memory editing in children and adults.C. J. Brainerd, V. F. Reyna, Ron Wright & A. H. Mojardin - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (4):762-784.
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  • (1 other version)Information disclosure in clinical informed consent: “reasonable” patient’s perception of norm in high-context communication culture.Muhammad M. Hammami, Yussuf Al-Jawarneh, Muhammad B. Hammami & Mohammad Al Qadire - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):3.
    The current doctrine of informed consent for clinical care has been developed in cultures characterized by low-context communication and monitoring-style coping. There are scarce empirical data on patients' norm perception of information disclosure in other cultures.
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  • Mood-congruent false memories in the DRM paradigm.Lorena Ruci, Jennifer L. Tomes & John M. Zelenski - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (6):1153-1165.
    Previous research has demonstrated that people are susceptible to developing false memories, that is to recall events that did not actually occur or recall them differently than they occurred (Dods...
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  • Can quantum probability provide a new direction for cognitive modeling?Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):255-274.
    Classical (Bayesian) probability (CP) theory has led to an influential research tradition for modeling cognitive processes. Cognitive scientists have been trained to work with CP principles for so long that it is hard even to imagine alternative ways to formalize probabilities. However, in physics, quantum probability (QP) theory has been the dominant probabilistic approach for nearly 100 years. Could QP theory provide us with any advantages in cognitive modeling as well? Note first that both CP and QP theory share the (...)
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  • Adaptive redundancy, denominator neglect, and the base-rate fallacy.Christopher R. Wolfe - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):286-287.
    Homo sapiens have evolved a dual-process cognitive architecture that is adaptive but prone to systematic errors. Fuzzy-trace theory predicts that nested or overlapping class-inclusion relations create processing interference, resulting in denominator neglect: behaving as if one ignores marginal denominators in a 2 × 2 table. Ignoring marginal denominators leads to fallacies in base-rate problems and conjunctive and disjunctive probability estimates.
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  • Converging evidence supports fuzzy-trace theory's nested sets hypothesis, but not the frequency hypothesis.Valerie F. Reyna & Britain Mills - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):278-280.
    Evidence favors the nested sets hypothesis, introduced by fuzzy-trace theory (FTT) in the 1990s to explain effects and extended to many tasks, including conjunction fallacy, syllogistic reasoning, and base-rate effects (e.g., Brainerd & Reyna 1990; Reyna 1991; 2004; Reyna & Adam 2003; Reyna & Brainerd 1995). Crucial differences in mechanisms distinguish the FTT and Barbey & Sloman (B&S) accounts, but both contrast with frequency predictions (see Reyna & Brainerd, in press).
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  • Kissing Cousins but not identical twins: The denominator neglect and base-rate respect models.C. J. Brainerd - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):257-258.
    Barbey & Sloman's (B&S's) base-rate respect model is anticipated by Reyna's denominator neglect model. There are parallels at three levels: (a) explanations are grounded in a general cognitive theory (rather than in domain-specific ideas); (b) problem structure is treated as a key source of reasoning errors; and most importantly, (c) nested set relations are seen as the cause of base-rate neglect.
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  • A description–experience gap in statistical intuitions: Of smart babies, risk-savvy chimps, intuitive statisticians, and stupid grown-ups.Christin Schulze & Ralph Hertwig - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104580.
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  • Children’s quantitative Bayesian inferences from natural frequencies and number of chances.Stefania Pighin, Vittorio Girotto & Katya Tentori - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):164-175.
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  • What lies beneath: Reframing framing effects.John Maule & Gaëlle Villejoubert - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (1):25 – 44.
    Decision framing concerns how individuals build internal representations of problems and how these determine the choices that they make. Research in this area has been dominated by studies of the framing effect, showing reversals in preference associated with the form in which a decision problem is presented. While there are studies that fail to reveal this effect, there is at present no theory that can explain why and when the effect occurs. The purpose of this article is to present a (...)
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  • Approximate Number Processing Skills Contribute to Decision Making Under Objective Risk: Interactions With Executive Functions and Objective Numeracy.Silke M. Mueller & Matthias Brand - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:364873.
    Research on the cognitive abilities involved in decision making has shown that, under objective risk conditions (i.e., when explicit information about possible outcomes and risks is available), superior decisions are especially predicted by executive functions and exact number processing skills, also referred to as objective numeracy. So far, decision-making research has mainly focused on exact number processing skills, such as performing calculations or transformations of symbolic numbers. There is evidence that such exact numeric skills are based on approximate number processing (...)
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  • The importance of being animate: Information selection as a function of dynamic human-environment interactions.Rachel L. Bailey & Annie Lang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined whether the stability of highly relevant animate and inanimate information predicted encoding. Participants viewed audiovisual media and completed a change detection task of screenshots taken from the viewing session. The screenshots were either left as originally viewed or a factor was altered. The factors were all motivationally and story relevant. Half were part of an animal and half were part of other environmental information. This was crossed with whether the information was stable or fleeting in the scene. (...)
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  • Ambiguity tolerance in organizations: definitional clarification and perspectives on future research.David L. McLain, Efstathios Kefallonitis & Kimberly Armani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • The Generalized Quantum Episodic Memory Model.Jennifer S. Trueblood & Pernille Hemmer - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2089-2125.
    Recent evidence suggests that experienced events are often mapped to too many episodic states, including those that are logically or experimentally incompatible with one another. For example, episodic over-distribution patterns show that the probability of accepting an item under different mutually exclusive conditions violates the disjunction rule. A related example, called subadditivity, occurs when the probability of accepting an item under mutually exclusive and exhaustive instruction conditions sums to a number >1. Both the over-distribution effect and subadditivity have been widely (...)
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  • Emotion and memory narrowing: A review and goal-relevance approach.Linda J. Levine & Robin S. Edelstein - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):833-875.
    People typically show excellent memory for information that is central to an emotional event but poorer memory for peripheral details. Not all studies demonstrate memory narrowing as a result of emotion, however. Critically important emotional information is sometimes forgotten; seemingly peripheral details are sometimes preserved. To make sense of both the general pattern of findings that emotion leads to memory narrowing, and findings that violate this pattern, this review addresses mechanisms through which emotion enhances and impairs memory. Divergent approaches to (...)
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  • Decision-making competence predicts domain-specific risk attitudes.Joshua A. Weller, Andrea Ceschi & Caleb Randolph - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139420.
    Decision Making Competence (DMC) reflects individual differences in rational responding across several classic behavioral decision-making tasks. Although it has been associated with real-world risk behavior, less is known about the degree to which DMC contributes to specific components of risk attitudes. Utilizing a psychological risk-return framework, we examined the associations between risk attitudes and DMC. Italian community residents (n = 804) completed an online DMC measure, using a subset of the original Adult-DMC battery (A-DMC; Bruine de Bruin, Parker, & Fischhoff, (...)
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  • Heuristics and biases: interactions among numeracy, ability, and reflectiveness predict normative responding.Paul A. Klaczynski - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • The interplay between the importance of a decision and emotion in decision-making.Corentin J. Gosling, Serge Caparos & Sylvain Moutier - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1260-1270.
    Decision-making literature has demonstrated that individuals’ preferences are strongly affected by the way in which choices are presented. This cognitive bias, termed the framing effect, is influen...
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  • The influence of schemas, stimulus ambiguity, and interview schedule on eyewitness memory over time.Michelle Rae Tuckey & Neil Brewer - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 9 (2):101.
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  • Offloading information to an external store increases false recall.Xinyi Lu, Megan O. Kelly & Evan F. Risko - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104428.
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  • The influence of working memory mechanisms on false memories in immediate and delayed tests.Marlène Abadie, Christelle Guette, Amélie Troubat & Valérie Camos - 2024 - Cognition 252 (C):105901.
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  • Effects of Higher-Order Cognitive Strategy Training on Gist-Reasoning and Fact-Learning in Adolescents.Jacquelyn F. Gamino, Sandra B. Chapman, Elizabeth L. Hull & G. Reid Lyon - 2010 - Frontiers in Psychology 1.
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  • The tendency of unconscious thought toward global processing style.Jiansheng Li, Fan Wang, Mowei Shen & Gang Fan - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:14-22.
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  • Sometimes it does hurt to ask: The constructive role of articulating impressions.Lee C. White, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):48-64.
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  • On the spontaneous discovery of a mathematical relation during problem solving.James A. Dixon & Ashley S. Bangert - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3):433-449.
    People spontaneously discover new representations during problem solving. Discovery of a mathematical representation is of special interest, because it shows that the underlying structure of the problem has been extracted. In the current study, participants solved gear‐system problems as part of a game. Although none of the participants initially used a mathematical representation, many discovered a parity‐based, mathematical strategy during problem solving. Two accounts of the spontaneous discovery of mathematical strategies were tested. According to the automatic schema abstraction hypothesis, experience (...)
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  • Prospect evaluation as a function of numeracy and probability denominator.Philip Millroth & Peter Juslin - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):1-9.
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  • Novel Approaches and Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on False Memory and Deception.Michael P. Toglia, Joseph Schmuller, Britni G. Surprenant, Katherine C. Hooper, Natasha N. DeMeo & Brett L. Wallace - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The DRM paradigm produces robust false memories of non-presented critical words. After studying a thematic word list participants falsely remember the critical item “sleep.” We report two false memory experiments. Study One introduces a novel use of the lexical decision task to prime critical words. Participants see two letter-strings and make timed responses indicating whether they are both words. The word pairs Night-Bed and Dream-Thweeb both prime “sleep” but only one pair contains two words. Our primary purpose is to introduce (...)
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  • Representational shifts made visible: movement away from the prototype in memory for hue.Laura J. Kelly & Evan Heit - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Deception and Cognitive Load: Expanding Our Horizon with a Working Memory Model.Siegfried L. Sporer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Recollective and non-recollective processes in working memory retrieval.Fiona Laura Rosselet-Jordan, Marlène Abadie, Stéphanie Mariz Elsig, Pierre Barrouillet & Valérie Camos - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105978.
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  • Discourse gist: A window into the brain’s complex cognitive capacity.Raksha Anand Mudar & Sandra Bond Chapman - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (5):519-533.
    Discourse, in general, and gist reasoning specifically, are valuable tools to explore cognitive brain health across the life span. Gist reasoning is a higher-order cognitive function that entails a constructive/integrative process in which explicit content of the stimuli is combined with personal knowledge to generate meaning that is transformed and personally salient. In this article, we discuss gist reasoning ability as a marker of cognitive brain health and its potential in differentiating normal cognitive brain health from brain diseases. We highlight (...)
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  • Choice-Supportive Misremembering: A New Taxonomy and Review.Martina Lind, Mimì Visentini, Timo Mäntylä & Fabio Del Missier - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • A new look at the “asian disease” problem: A choice between the best possible outcomes or between the worst possible outcomes?Shu Li & Xiaofei Xie - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (2):129 – 143.
    The “Asian disease” problem (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981) demonstrated behaviour in contradiction to the invariance axiom of EU theory. However, the risky choice behaviour was simply seen by the equate-to-differentiate model as a choice between the best possible outcomes or a choice between the worst possible outcomes. It was then argued that a way in which frame influences choice is through the perceived difference between possible outcomes. A “judgement” task was designed to examine whether the knowledge of “the value difference (...)
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  • Individual differences in competent consumer choice: the role of cognitive reflection and numeracy skills.Michele Graffeo, Luca Polonio & Nicolao Bonini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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