- The Fake, the Flimsy, and the Fallacious: Demarcating Arguments in Real Life.Maarten Boudry, Fabio Paglieri & Massimo Pigliucci - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):10.1007/s10503-015-9359-1.details
Why Fallacies Appear to be Better Arguments Than They Are.Douglas Walton - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (2):159-184.details
The Appeal to Expert Opinion: Quantitative Support for a Bayesian Network Approach.Adam J. L. Harris, Ulrike Hahn, Jens K. Madsen & Anne S. Hsu - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1496-1533.details
Argument Has No Function.Jean Goodwin - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (1):69-90.details
Implicatures as Forms of Argument.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2013 - In Alessandro Capone, Franco Lo Piparo & Marco Carapezza, Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 203-224.details
Argument Content and Argument Source: An Exploration.Ulrike Hahn, Adam J. L. Harris & Adam Corner - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (4):337-367.details
What Students' Arguments Can Tell Us: Using Argumentation Schemes in Science Education.Fabrizio Macagno & Aikaterini Konstantinidou - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (3):225-243.details
A Bayesian Approach to Informal Argument Fallacies.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2006 - Synthese 152 (2):207-236.details
Dialectical Relevance and Dialogical Context in Walton’s Pragmatic Theory.Fabrizio Macagno - 2008 - Informal Logic 28 (2):102-128.details
The Authority of the Fallacies Approach to Argument Evaluation.Catherine Hundleby - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3):279-308.details
The Roles We Make Others Take: Thoughts on the Ethics of Arguing.Katharina Stevens - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):693-709.details
The Limits of the Dialogue Model of Argument.J. Anthony Blair - 1997 - Argumentation 12 (2):325-339.details
Argumentation profiles and the manipulation of common ground. The arguments of populist leaders on Twitter.Fabrizio Macagno - 2022 - Journal of Pragmatics 191:67-82.details
Strategies of Character Attack.Fabrizio Macagno - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):1-33.details
Wrenching from Context: The Manipulation of Commitments.Douglas Walton & Fabrizio Macagno - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (3):283-317.details
Arguing on the Toulmin Model: New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation.David Hitchcock & Bart Verheij (eds.) - 2006 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.details
Defeasible Classifications and Inferences from Definitions.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (1):34-61.details
Evaluating Practical Reasoning.Douglas Walton - 2007 - Synthese 157 (2):197-240.details
A Normative Theory of Argument Strength.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (1):1-24.details
Some Remarks on the Notion of Paradox.Sergi Oms - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (2):211-228.details
Understanding Students’ Reasoning: Argumentation Schemes as an Interpretation Method in Science Education.Aikaterini Konstantinidou & Fabrizio Macagno - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (5):1069-1087.details
The Linguistic Formulation of Fallacies Matters: The Case of Causal Connectives.Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey & Steve Oswald - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (3):361-388.details
Lightening up on the Ad Hominem.John Woods - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (1):109-134.details
Informal Logic: An Overview.J. Anthony Blair & Ralph H. Johnson - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).details
Denying antecedents and affirming consequents: The state of the art.David Godden & Frank Zenker - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (1):88-134.details
Groundwork in the Theory of Argumentation: Selected Papers of J. Anthony Blair.John Anthony Blair - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.details
Populism and Informal Fallacies: An Analysis of Right-Wing Populist Rhetoric in Election Campaigns.Sina Blassnig, Florin Büchel, Nicole Ernst & Sven Engesser - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):107-136.details
Dialogue Types, Argumentation Schemes, and Mathematical Practice: Douglas Walton and Mathematics.Andrew Aberdein - 2021 - Journal of Applied Logics 8 (1):159-182.details
Recognizing Argument Types and Adding Missing Reasons.Christoph Lumer - 2019 - In Bart J. Garssen, David Godden, Gordon Mitchell & Jean Wagemans, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). [Amsterdam, July 3-6, 2018.]. Sic Sat. pp. 769-777.details
Plausible deniability and evasion of burden of proof.Douglas Walton - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (1):47-58.details
Logical fallacies and invasion biology.Radu Cornel Guiaşu & Christopher W. Tindale - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (5-6):34.details
Defeasible reasoning and informal fallacies.Douglas Walton - 2011 - Synthese 179 (3):377 - 407.details
In the Beginning was Game Semantics?Giorgi Japaridze - 2009 - In Ondrej Majer, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen & Tero Tulenheimo, Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag. pp. 249--350.details
Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness: Empirical Research Concerning the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules.Frans Hendrik van Eemeren - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.details
Poisoning the Well.Douglas Walton - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (3):273-307.details
About Old and New Dialectic: Dialogues, Fallacies, and Strategies.Erik C. W. Krabbe & Jan Albert van Laar - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (1):27-58.details
Processing Topics from the Beneficial Cognitive Model in Partially and Over-Successful Persuasion Dialogues.Kamila Debowska-Kozlowska - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):325-339.details
Argumentative reasoning patterns.Douglas Walton & Fabrizio Macagno - 2006 - In Douglas Walton & Fabrizio Macagno, Proceedings of 6th CMNA (Computational Models of Natural Argument) Workshop, ECAI-European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. University of Trento. pp. 48-51.details
Non-cooperation in dialogue logic.Dov Gabbay & John Woods - 2001 - Synthese 127 (1-2):161 - 186.details
Analizzare l’argomentazione sui social media. Il caso dei tweet di Salvini.Fabrizio Macagno - 2019 - Sistemi Intelligenti 3 (31):601-632.details
Is there a burden of questioning?Douglas Walton - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 11 (1):1-43.details
The Argumentative Uses of Emotive Language.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2010 - Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación 1:1-37.details
Presuppositional Fallacies.Fabrizio Macagno - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (2):109-140.details
(1 other version)The Epistemology of Anger in Argumentation.Moira Howes & Catherine Hundleby - 2018 - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (2):229-254.details
Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics.Bart Garssen, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren (eds.) - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.details
Quotations and Presumptions: Dialogical Effects of Misquotations.Douglas Walton & Fabrizio Macagno - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (1):27-55.details
Analogical reasoning as a tool of epidemiological investigation.Louise Cummings - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (4):427-444.details
On the Theoretical Unification and Nature of Fallacies.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (2):189-211.details
Epistemic Coverage and Argument Closure.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):1051-1062.details
Rethinking the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (2):161-182.details