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  1. The Practical Origins of Ideas: Genealogy as Conceptual Reverse-Engineering (Open Access).Matthieu Queloz - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Why did such highly abstract ideas as truth, knowledge, or justice become so important to us? What was the point of coming to think in these terms? This book presents a philosophical method designed to answer such questions: the method of pragmatic genealogy. Pragmatic genealogies are partly fictional, partly historical narratives exploring what might have driven us to develop certain ideas in order to discover what these do for us. The book uncovers an under-appreciated tradition of pragmatic genealogy which cuts (...)
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  • The Potential for Plurality and Prevalence of the Religious Institutional Logic.Ali A. Gümüsay - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):855-880.
    Religion is a significant social force on organizational practice yet has been relatively underexamined in organization theory. In this article, I assert that the institutional logics perspective is especially conducive to examine the macrolevel role of religion for organizations. The notion of the religious logic offers conceptual means to explain the significance of religion, its interrelationship with other institutional orders, and embeddedness into and impact across interinstitutional systems. I argue for intrainstitutional logic plurality and show that specifically the intrareligious logic (...)
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  • Sharing in or Benefiting from Scientific Advancement?Cristian Timmermann - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):111-133.
    The intellectual property regimes we have currently in place are heavily under attack. One of the points of criticism is the interaction between two elements of article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the widely discussed issue of being able to benefit from scientific progress and the less argued for position of having a right to take part in scientific enterprises. To shine light on the question if we should balance the two elements or prioritize one of them, (...)
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  • Whither Natural Magic? Science, Witchcraft, and the Decline of Magic in Henry More.Jacques Joseph - 2023 - Isis 114 (2):299-316.
    For Henry More, witchcraft served as an empirical confirmation of the existence of immaterial substances. Yet while he takes great care to make his reports as trustworthy as possible and argues against the claim that the effects of witchcraft are only the illusions of people suffering from melancholy, he almost completely ignores the possibility that such effects may be caused by natural magic. In More’s natural philosophical writings, discussions of magic are very much downplayed, as well. This may seem surprising, (...)
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  • The Coming of Age of the Academic Career: Differentiation and Professionalization of German Academic Positions from the 19th Century to the Present.Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer - 2015 - Minerva 53 (1):43-67.
    In modern academic career systems there are a large number of entry positions, much smaller numbers of intermediate positions, and still fewer full professorships. We examine how this system has developed in Germany, the country where the modern academic system was introduced, tracing the historical development of academic positions since the early 19th century. We show both a differentiation and professionalization. At first, professorships and private lecturer positions were the only formal positions, but later, lower formal academic positions emerged. Over (...)
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  • Axiomatische Überlegungen zu Grundlagen für Maße der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit am Beispiel von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit.Alexander Max Bauer - 2017 - Forsch! 3 (1):23-42.
    Verteilungsgerechtigkeit befasst sich mit der Verteilung von Gütern innerhalb einer Gruppe, wobei verschiedene Verteilungsprinzipien und -ergebnisse als mögliche Ideale einer solchen Verteilung verhandelt werden. Diese normativen Ansätze sind oft rein verbal formuliert, wodurch ihre Anwendung auf unterschiedliche konkrete Verteilungssituationen, die hinsichtlich ihrer Gerechtigkeit beurteilt werden sollen, häufig schwer fällt. Eine Möglichkeit, fein abgestufte Gerechtigkeitsbeurteilungen verschiedener Verteilungen präzise erfassen zu können, besteht in der formalen Modellierung solcher Ideale durch Maße oder Indizes. Die Auswahl eines geeigneten Maßes, das ein gewisses Ideal abbilden (...)
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  • The Managerial Turn in Higher Education? On the Interplay of Organizational and Occupational Change in German Academia.Georg Krücken, Albrecht Blümel & Katharina Kloke - 2013 - Minerva 51 (4):417-442.
    The managerial turn in academia is currently broadly discussed. Based on empirical data gathered from a sample that includes all German universities, we can give a broad and fine-grained account of this turn. What we can clearly see is that whole new categories of administrative management positions have been created over the last years. Furthermore, within the non-academic staff we can see a profound restructuration. Lower-level positions like those for clerical work decreased, while higher-level positions in the administration increased. However, (...)
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  • Uncovering today’s rationalistic attunement.Paul Schuetze & Imke von Maur - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):707-728.
    In this paper, we explore a rationalistic orientation in Western society. We suggest that this orientation is one of the predominant ways in which Western society tends to frame, understand and deal with a majority of problems and questions – namely in terms of mathematical analysis, calculation and quantification, relying on logic, numbers, and statistics. Our main goal in this paper is to uncover the affective structure of this rationalistic orientation. In doing so, we illustrate how this orientation structures the (...)
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  • Between history and system. Heinrich Rickert’s concept of culture.Giovanni Morrone - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (2):349-369.
    The paper reconstructs the concept of culture that emerges from Heinrich Rickert?s neo-Kantianism, uncovering its major historical-problematic, methodological, and philosophical implications. The central theme of the first section is the idea that modern culture is uniquely characterized by?fragmentation?. It also unpacks the programme of Rickert?s philosophy of culture, which pursues the task of reconstructing the lost unity of culture. The second section explains the methodological implications of the problematic relationship between value and reality established in cultural goods and evaluations. Finally, (...)
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  • The return of political theology.Seyla Benhabib - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):451-471.
    Increasingly in today’s world we are experiencing intensifying antagonisms around religious and ethno-cultural differences. The confrontation between political Islam and the so-called ‘West’ has replaced the rhetoric of the Cold War against communism. This new constellation has not only challenged the hypothesis that ‘secularization’ inevitably accompanied modernity but has also placed on the agenda political theology as a potent force in many societies. This article analyzes the contemporary revival of political theology by focusing on the headscarf debate in comparative constitutional (...)
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  • 'Education through research' at european universities: Notes on the orientation of academic research.Maarten Simons - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (1):31–50.
    Traditionally, ‘education through research’ is understood to be a main characteristic of education at the university. In this article we will explore how ‘education through research’ is argued to be of major importance for the European knowledge society, how there is still a reference to the idea of Bildung or liberal education, and what research is presumed to be like if it is to have this edifying potential. It will be argued that the edifying potential of research is related to (...)
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  • Unrestrained Individuation.Stefano Ercolino - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (2):100-118.
    This essay focuses on a little-understood phase of Franco Moretti’s work that spans 1976 to 1986. My aim is to shed light on Moretti’s cultural background as it was formed in that period and to account for the transition from the Trotskyist, politically-militant stance of his first book, Literature and Ideologies in England in the 1930s, to the idiosyncratic, seemingly disengaged character of Signs Taken for Wonders and The Way of the World. Adorno’s concept of ‘unrestrained individuation’ plays a crucial (...)
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  • Technikwissenschaften zwischen theoretischer Erkenntnis und Ingenieurtätigkeit.Thomas Hänseroth & Klaus Mauersberger - 1998 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 6 (1):217-237.
    In no other scientific field is the conflict between theoretical knowledge and practice so intense as in engineering sciences. The characteristic feature of engineering sciences is that it can neither be classified as „applied science nor as a part of technology itself. The special position of technological knowledge and its evolution can be illustrated by the example of civil and mechanical engineering. Here special emphasis is given to the close relationship between science, technology and industry, as well as the development (...)
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  • Crisis and contingency.Michael Makropoulos - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 111 (1):9-18.
    The text reconstructs central theoretical positions in the discourse of modernity in the Weimar Republic in the double semantic context of crisis and contingency. On the one hand, these categories ground the dialectic of destruction and construction, which provides hegemonial evidence for the political and aesthetic concepts of totality in classical modernity. On the other hand, these categories also ground the openness of a thinking in possibilities, which remained marginal in the Weimar Republic but has become dominant in the postmodern (...)
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  • Beyond Re-enchantment: Christian Materialism and Modern Medicine.Matthew Vest - 2019 - Christian Bioethics 25 (3):266-282.
    This article explores enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment in reference to modern medicine’s view of the body. Before considering Weber’s enchantment paradigm, I question some core assumptions regarding sociology as methodologically scientific and value-free. Furthermore, I draw on Jenkins who helps to illustrate the difficulty of rooting terms such as enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment; the question remains “which” historical and cultural period is employed as the basis for such sociological terms. Such questions are critical, but not entirely dismissive of modern medicine (...)
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  • The scope and limits of value-freedom in science.Panu Raatikainen - 2006 - In Heikki J. Koskinen Sami Pihlstrom & Risto Vilkko (eds.), Science – A Challenge to Philosophy? Peter Lang.
    The issue of whether science is, or can be, value-free has been debated for more than a century. The idea of value-free science is of course as old as science itself, and so are the arguments against this idea. Plato defended it..
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  • (1 other version)Lakatos und politische Theorie.U. Steinvorth - 1980 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (1):135-146.
    I try to apply Lakatos's metacriterion of the rationality of normative philosophies of science to normative political theories, stressing that Lakatos's metacriterion is not only an extension of Popper's idea of tests by potentially falsifyingdescriptive basic judgments to tests by potentially falsifyingnormative judgments. Rather, its application is a test by demonstrating the tested theory's capability of reconstructing its own history as rational. Finally I argue that the tradition of utilitarian political theories is fittest to be confirmed by a Lakatosian test.
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  • (1 other version)Lakatos und politische theorie.U. Steinvorth - 1980 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (1):135-146.
    Summary I try to apply Lakatos's metacriterion of the rationality of normative philosophies of science to normative political theories, stressing that Lakatos's metacriterion is not only an extension of Popper's idea of tests by potentially falsifyingdescriptive basic judgments to tests by potentially falsifyingnormative judgments. Rather, its application is a test by demonstrating the tested theory's capability of reconstructing its own history as rational. Finally I argue that the tradition of utilitarian political theories is fittest to be confirmed by a Lakatosian (...)
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  • Technology, conscience, and the political: Harold Laski's pluralism in Carl Schmitt's intellectual development.Florian R. R. van der Zee - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):610-624.
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  • On Pluralism, Value Disagreement and Conflict: A Phenomenological Argument for Axiological Universalism.Roberta De Monticelli - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (4):342-355.
    ABSTRACTThe main question addressed in this paper is whether conflict is constitutive of the nature of value commitment, and hence necessarily implied by value pluralism. If this is the case, no resolution of value disagreements, whether on the global level or within modern multicultural societies, is possible via practical reasons, and the only solutions to inner or outer conflicts will be “political”, in the sense of a Realpolitik. Positive and negative answers to the main question are shown to express two (...)
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  • ‘Bildung’ in German human sciences: the discursive transformation of a concept.Julian Hamann - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (5):48-72.
    This article analyses the transformation of the notion of Bildung that is constructed in the German human sciences. From a perspective of field theory and discourse analysis, the article reveals how the notion evolves and stabilizes during a first stage (1810–60), how it comes under pressure because of the contextual changes in a second stage (1860–1960) and how the tension increases before it is resolved by a fundamental change of the traditional notion of Bildung in a third stage (1960–99).
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  • Voiko ihmistiede olla arvovapaata?Panu Raatikainen - 2006 - In Etiikkaa ihmistieteilijöille. SKS.
    Kysymys siitä, onko tiede ja voiko se olla arvovapaata, on herättänyt vilkasta ja jopa kiivastakin keskustelua. Erityisen polttava tämä kysymys on ihmistieteissä. Yhdessä ääripäässä on kuva tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta kaikenlaisten eettisten ja yhteiskunnallisten kysymysten yläpuolella olevana intressittömänä toimintana. Toisessa päässä on väite, ettei tiede voi koskaan olla arvovapaata vaan että tieteellinen tutkimus ja sen tulokset ovat läpeensä arvojen värittämiä. Näiden välille mahtuu monenlaisia maltillisempia välittäviä kantoja.
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  • Von Schweinen im Kraut und Läufen mit Hindernissen: Ein Versuch über die Ironie in Max Webers China-Studie (On Pigs in the Weeds and Obstacle Courses: Approaching Irony in Max Weber's Study on China. An anthropological reading).Viatcheslav Vetrov - 2016 - Saeculum: Jahrbuch Für Universalgeschichte 65 (2):321-348.
    Objectivity is one of the central themes in Max Weber's work. Weber criticizes uncontrolled mixing up of thought and feeling which is to be avoided in investigations of cultures. At the same time he is convinced that any cultural study is necessarily an expression of some "one-sided points of view" espoused by scholars. This consideration is crucial for Max Weber's method. The paper analyzes the application of Max Weber's methodology to his study on China. Special attention is paid to the (...)
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  • Disputed (Disciplinary) Boundaries : Philosophy, Economics and Value Judgments.Paolo Silvestri - 2016 - History of Economic Ideas 24 (3):187-221.
    The paper aims to address the following two questions: what kind of discourse is that which attempt to found or defend the autonomy or the boundaries of a discipline? Why do such discourses tend to turn into normative, dogmatic-excommunicating discourses between disciplines, schools or scholars? I will argue that an adequate answer may be found if we conceive disciplines as dogmatics, where such discourses often take the form of a discourse on the foundation of a discipline, a foundation in the (...)
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  • Crisis, Dispossession, and Activism to Reclaim Detroit.Gail Presbey - 2017 - In Vasiliki Solomou-Papanikolaou Golfo Maggini (ed.), Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to the Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, Volume One. pp. 121-129.
    The paper discusses the concept of "crisis" in the context of the city of Detroit's bankruptcy under the rule of the Governor-appointed Emergency Manager. In their recent book, Judith Butler and Athena Athanasiou discuss the concept of dispossession in all its complexity, in the context of enforced austerity measures in Europe and a global Occupy movement. The concept of “dispossession” clarifies how we actually depend on others in a sustained social world, that in fact the self is social. I will (...)
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  • Wissenschaft ohne Wahrheit und Erkenntnis. Das Problem epistemischer Verantwortung am Beispiel empirieferner Computersimulationen.Eckhart Arnold - 2013 - In Rafaela Hillerbrand & Florian Steger (eds.), Praxisfelder Angewandter Ethik. Ethische Orientierung in Medizin, Politik, Technik Und Wirtschaft. Münster: Mentis Verlag. pp. 309-331.
    Epistemic Responsibility means that scientists are responsible for their research being suitable to contribute to our understanding of the world, or at least some part of the world. As will be shown with the example of computer simulations in social sciences, this is unfortunately far from being understood as a matter of course. Rather, there exist whole research traditions in which the bulk of the contributions is quite free from any tangible purpose of enhancing our knowledge about anything. This essay (...)
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  • Modernity, Madness, Disenchantment: Don Quixote's Hunger.Rebecca Gould - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1):35-53.
    This essay considers the relation between Don Quixote's hunger and the disenchantment (Entzauberung) that Max Weber understood as paradigmatic of the modern condition. Whereas hunger functions within a Hegelian dialectic of desire in Cervantes' novel, literary representations of hunger from later periods (in Kafka and post-Holocaust Polish poetry) acknowledge the cosmic insignificance of human need by substituting the desire for recognition with a desire for self-abdication. While Don Quixote's hunger drives him to seek recognition for his dream world, modern literature's (...)
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  • Jugend.Johannes Steizinger - 2016 - In Blüher Stefan Willer and Benjamin (ed.), Futurologien. Ordnungen des Zukunftswissen. Fink. pp. 221−232.
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  • Eine Fehlinterpretation mit Folgen: Albert Einstein und der Welle-Teilchen Dualismus.Alexander Bach - 1989 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 40 (2):173-206.
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  • The city: Rationalization and freedom in Max Weber.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (4):107-126.
    Weber's piece on the development of the north-European Western city has not commanded attention in the recent theoretical literature. This article argues that it can however provide fresh insights into some key problems of Weber's diagnosis of modernity and into his general sociological theory, especially as to his theory of action and creativity. A more open-ended conception of modernity can be gained from its analysis, which is more compatible with Weber's own methodological assumptions. A different relationship between freedom and rationality (...)
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  • Punctuality an Inquiry Into the Psychology of Modern Man.Raymond Melka - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (65):20-48.
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  • The Evolutionary Dimension of Scientific Progress.Alexander Yu Antonovskiy & Raisa Ed Barash - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
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  • El protestantismo como existencialismo cristiano.Ignacio Carlos Maestro Cano - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 47 (2):471-488.
    Diversos trabajos han abordado la influencia del protestantismo en la configuración del mundo moderno. Más allá de la influencia del protestantismo en la sociedad moderna desde distintos ámbitos particulares (la economía, el derecho, la política, etc.), podría considerarse la existencia de algún vector aglutinante de penetración de dicha influencia. Es aquí donde la filosofía se intuye definitiva. La comprensión del ser humano pasa para el creyente por su comprensión de la fe. Este trabajo revisa las coincidencias, similitudes, relaciones o simples (...)
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  • Revolte, Eros und Sprache. Walter Benjamins Metaphysik der Jugend.Johannes Steizinger - 2013 - Berlin, Germany: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
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  • (1 other version)Empirische Studien zu Fragen der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit.Alexander Max Bauer - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Oldenburg
    The role that need plays in dealing with problems of distributive justice is examined in a series of vignette studies. Among other things, it becomes clear that impartial observers make gradual assessments of justice that depend on the extent to which the observed individuals are endowed with a good. If it is known how high their need for that good is, the assessments are made relative to this reference point. In addition, impartial decision-makers make hypothetical distribution decisions that take into (...)
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  • The Mission of the Scientist Yesterday and Today: On the Centenary of Max Weber’s “Wissenschaft als Beruf”.Alexander Yu Antonovskiy & Raisa Ed Barash - 2019 - Social Epistemology 34 (2):117-129.
    ABSTRACTThe idea of a special role of the scientist in modern society was proposed by Max Weber in his lecture ‘Science as a Vocation’. Weber saw the scientific community as an entity possessing th...
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  • Homepage Eckhart Arnold.Eckhart Arnold (ed.) - 2001 - Munich: Preprint.
    This is my personal homepage. Find my philosophical papers under "Philosophy".
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  • Mehr Besonnenheit, bitte! Über Prognosegrenzen und Politikberatung.Gregor Betz - 2011 - Ökologisches Wirtschaften 2011 (2):35-38.
    In einer Welt, in der der Umgang mit Komplexität und Unsicherheit an Bedeutung gewinnt, sind politische Entscheidungsträger immer stärker auf eine wissenschaftliche Beratung angewiesen. Trotz des Bedarfs der politischen Akteure nach konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen sollte seriöse Politikberatung die grundlegenden Werte wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens nicht aus den Augen verlieren.
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  • Where’s the Joy in Secularism?Steven Cassedy - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (3):345-357.
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  • (1 other version)Technik und Erkenntnis.Gebhard Geiger - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):276-286.
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  • Germany's Metaphysical War. Reflections on War by Two Representatives of German Philosophy: Max Scheler and Paul Natorp.Sebastian Luft - unknown
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  • Practices of Informal Education as a Resource for Self-Realization of Self-Referential Identities in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Period.Larysa Marchuk & Olena Yatsyna - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2):99-104.
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  • Wege und Irrwege der Europäischen Rationalität. Das Problem der Evidenz.Natalia Artemenko - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (3):102-123.
    The problem of rationality today means the problem of the inner unreasonableness of reasonableness in the sense of its inner limit. Even the humanistic revolution of the Renaissance gradually led to the replacement of the power of omnipotent faith by faith in the omnipotence of power. It is this general orientation towards power and the cult of power, this new belief in power, that revealed itself more and more sharply in the course of European history and eventually led to extreme (...)
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  • A Horse in the Basement Nietzschean Reflections on Political Philosophy.Rüdiger Bittner - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (3):321-333.
    Political philosophers often see their task in providing a justification of states, with 'justification' understood, in analogy to the theological use of the term, as an argument showing states to be right, or unobjectionable. Political philosophers disagree on what property of a state it is that is required for its being right. In fact, it is difficult to see what could give this or that property of a state its right-making power. Since there is nothing that states as such are (...)
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  • Autobiografía intelectual.Yolanda Ruano de la Fuente - 2010 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:23-37.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of Philosophy within the works written by Wittgenstein if we take into account the ambivalent sense of the term phármakon. Thus, it will be outlined a contest of paradoxes between, on the one hand, healthiness, sanity, and the adaptable confidence produced by western rationality materialized into objective science, and, on the other hand, sickness, insanity, the world of perplexities, and the realm of desire and death, essential to philosophical thought. Bearing (...)
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  • Ethicalisation of higher education reform: The strategic integration of academic discourse on scholarly ethos.Tomasz Falkowski & Helena Ostrowicka - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):479-491.
    The article presents the results of an analysis of the academic dispute about the scholarly ethos, conducted at the time of intense higher education reforms in Poland. Previous analyses of the academic debate on the change of the traditional university towards its entrepreneurial organization emphasize the polarization, that is, the criticism or affirmation of neoliberal reforms. The presented research proves that this discourse loses its dichotomous power when it focuses on ethical issues. The analysis shows the ‘polyvalence’ and ‘strategic integration’ (...)
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  • (1 other version)Technik und erkenntnis.Gebhard Geiger - 1989 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (2):276-286.
    The distinction between sociology of science on the one hand and methodology and systematics on the other, is an established historical fact. Thus, even in modern methodologically orientated philosophy, epistemological analyses still tend to disregard the pragmatic contexts within which scientific knowledge is produced, processed and applied. This situation also reflects the well-known fact that philosophy of science has largely ignored the conceptual and methodological foundations of technology, that is, those disciplines directly and explicitly linked to the practical implications and (...)
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  • Toward a social history of qualitative research.Gordana Jovanović - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (2):1-27.
    There are plausible academic as well as social indicators that qualitative research has become an indispensable part of the methodological repertoire of the social sciences. Relying upon the tenets of the qualitative approach which require a priority of subject matter over method and a necessary socio-historical contextualization, I reconstruct some aspects of a social history that have shaped the quantitative—qualitative dichotomy and the quantitative imperative; these include modern individualism, monological rationality, manufacture operating on the grounds of common human labour, mechanics (...)
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  • ¿ Postmetafísica o postfilosofía? Una cuestión metafilosófica no sólo heideggeriana.Julián Pacho - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:123 - 147.
    There is a consensus that our culture is already "post-metaphysical." Does this mean that the culture has abandoned the philosophy? This question is not separable in fact from the historical-philosophical relationships between science and philosophy. These relationships determine the contemporary metaphilosophical positions, which are analyzed in the first half. The second and third parts address the metaphilosophical question in the light of Heidegger's position on the "end of philosophy." This analysis concludes that the issue " postmetaphysics or postphilosophy?" refers to (...)
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  • Una Lectura de Humboldt. Max Weber y la universidad alemana.Pedro Andrés Piedras Monroy - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731):481-493.
    Especialistas y biógrafos de Max Weber no han considerado demasiado interesante reflexionar sobre la crítica que este autor hace de la universidad alemana. En mi opinión, muchos de los huecos y de las dificultades que seguimos encontrando a la hora de comprender a este autor proceden de este vacío enorme y decisivo. En mi ensayo, trato de comenzar a llenar este hueco a través del estudio del modo en el que Weber responde a los desafíos educativos del fundador de la (...)
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