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The Critique of Intellectuals in a Time of Pragmatist Captivity.Steve Fuller - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):19-38.details
On Heidegger, medicine, and the modernity of modern medical technology.Iain Brassington - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (2):185-195.details
Tradition and culture in Heidegger's Being and Time.Michael Crotty - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (2):88-98.details
(2 other versions)Heidegger: Being and Time and the Care for the Self.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):302-307.details
Hannah Arendt and International Relations.Shinkyu Lee - 2021 - In Nukhet Sandal (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-30.details
Sharing the 'now': Heidegger and the temporal co-constitution of world.Irene McMullin - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):201-220.details
The dark side of socialism.Dick Pels - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (2):75-95.details
Existence and the communicatively competent self.Martin Beck Matus - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (3):93-120.details
Constituting community: Heidegger, mimesis and critical belonging.Louiza Odysseos - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):37-61.details
Thinking, meaning, and truth: Arendt on Heidegger and the possibility of critique.Jennifer Gaffney - 2024 - Constellations 31 (1):3-17.details
Explicating the conception of political obligation embedded in Martin Heidegger’s early treatises.William J. Wallace & Jim Jose - forthcoming - Comparative and Continental Philosophy.details
Por uma ética da precariedade: sobre o traço ético de Ser e tempo.André Duarte - 2000 - Human Nature 2 (1):71-101.details
Dangers of mythologizing technology and politics.John P. McCormick - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (4):55-92.details
A Rebel against the Volk : arendt’s pariah and heidegger’s mitsein.Gilad Sharvit - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (6):97-113.details
De strijd van het zelf met zichzelf. Adorno en Heidegger over de moderniteit.Josef Früchtl - 2006 - Krisis 7 (4):29-41.details
Heidegger and the signs of history.Jonathan Hope - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):567-581.details
L'affaire Heidegger.Norman K. Swazo - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (4):359 - 380.details
Adventures in the anti-humanist dialectic: Towards the reappropriation of humanism.Kieran Durkin - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2):292-311.details
Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler.Aret Karademir - unknowndetails
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Making philosophical thought dangerous again: Heidegger’s attack on journalistic writing.Markus Weidler - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):448-460.details
Alexander Dugin’s Heideggerianism.Michael Millerman - 2018 - International Journal of Political Theory 3 (1).details
Discourse and leadership: using the paradigm of the permanent state of emergency.Ron Kerr - 2008 - Critical Discourse Studies 5 (3):201-216.details
No inner remigration: Martin Heidegger, Ernst jünger, and the early federal republic of germany: Daniel morat.Daniel Morat - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (3):661-679.details
Archeofuturism: the Postmodern Project of the International Alt-Right.Piero Gayozzo - 2023 - Ciencia Política 17 (34):187-215.details
Metontology , moral particularism, and the “art of existing:” A dialogue between Heidegger, Aristotle, and Bernard Williams. [REVIEW]Lauren Freeman - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (4):545-568.details
On Martin Heidegger: Politics and life seen through the apolloniandionysian duality.Glyndwr Stephen Davies - unknowndetails
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Book reviews. [REVIEW]Renate Holub, Johann P. Sommerville, Peter Burke, Babette E. Babich, Jolanta T. Pekacz, Sabine Wichert, Paul Douglas, Richard J. Aldrich, Alan Ford, Vincent Geoghegan, Keith Bradley, Lucia M. Palmer, Donald J. Dietrich, John L. Stanley, John Cottingham, Benjamin F. Martin, Bernard D. Freydberg, Grace Seiberling, Gerasimos Santas, John E. Weakland, Ilana Krausman Ben‐Amos, Charles Senn Taylor, Claire Honess, Jos J. L. Gommans, Ceri Crossley, Hans Derxs, Alexander Ulanov, Georges Denis Zimmermann, David Boonin‐Vail, Ellen O'Gorman, Robert M. Burns, Fredric S. Zuckerman, James A. Aho, Harvey Chisick, Stuart Rowland, Gabriel P. Weisberg, David W. Cohen, Michael Goodich, Ignazio Corsaro, Greg Walker, Keith D. White, Henry Wasser, Noel Gray, Henk de Weerd, Steven Nadler, Joseph P. Ward, Susan Rosa, David J. Parent & Paul Lawrence Färber - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (8):2290-2352.details