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Philosophical pictures

Synthese 148 (2):469 - 501 (2006)

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  1. Vision.David Marr - 1982 - W. H. Freeman.
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  • Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Richard K. Larson & Gabriel M. A. Segal - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Current textbooks in formal semantics are all versions of, or introductions to, the same paradigm in semantic theory: Montague Grammar. Knowledge of Meaning is based on different assumptions and a different history. It provides the only introduction to truth- theoretic semantics for natural languages, fully integrating semantic theory into the modern Chomskyan program in linguistic theory and connecting linguistic semantics to research elsewhere in cognitive psychology and philosophy. As such, it better fits into a modern graduate or undergraduate program in (...)
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  • (4 other versions)What is a Theory of Meaning? (II).Michael Dummett - 1976 - In Gareth Evans & John McDowell, What is a Theory of Meaning? Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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  • (4 other versions)What is a theory of meaning?Michael Dummett - 1975 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan, Mind and language. Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press.
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  • Knowledge of Meaning.Richard Larson & Gabriel Segal - 2000 - Mind 109 (436):960-964.
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  • Understanding Natural Language.T. Winograd - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (1):85-88.
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  • The New Wittgenstein.Alice Crary & Rupert J. Read (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    This text offers major re-evaluation of Wittgenstein's thinking. It is a collection of essays that presents a significantly different portrait of Wittgenstein. The essays clarify Wittgenstein's modes of philosophical criticism and shed light on the relation between his thought and different philosophical traditions and areas of human concern. With essays by Stanley Cavell, James Conant, Cora Diamond, Peter Winch and Hilary Putnam, we see the emergence of a new way of understanding Wittgenstein's thought. This is a controversial collection, with essays (...)
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  • Semantic theory and tacit knowledge.Gareth Evans - 2010 - In Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel, Arguing about language. New York: Routledge.
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  • Explanation in Computational Psychology: Language, Perception and Level 1.5.Christopher Peacocke - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (2):101-123.
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  • Tacit knowledge and semantic theory: Can a five percent difference matter?Martin Davies - 1987 - Mind 96 (October):441-62.
    In his paper ‘Scmantic Theory and Tacit Knowlcdgc’, Gareth Evans uscs a familiar kind of cxamplc in ordcr to render vivid his account of tacit knowledge. We arc to consider a finite language, with just one hundrcd scntcnccs. Each scntcncc is made up of a subjcct (a name) and a prcdicatc. The names are ‘a’, ‘b’, . . ., T. The prcdicatcs arc ‘F’, ‘G’, . . ., ‘O’. Thc scntcnccs have meanings which dcpcnd in a systematic way upon their (...)
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  • What is a Theory of Meaning?Gareth Evans & John McDowell (eds.) - 1976 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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  • Reply: Semantic theory and tacit knowledge.Gareth Evans - 1981 - In Steven H. Holtzman & Christopher M. Leich, Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule. Boston: Routledge.
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  • (1 other version)Rule-following, objectivity and the theory of meaning.Crispin Wright - 1981 - In Steven H. Holtzman & Christopher M. Leich, Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule. Boston: Routledge.
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  • Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations.Erich Ammereller & Eugen Fisher (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The later Wittgenstein is notoriously hard to understand. His novel philosophical approach is the key to understanding his perplexing work. This volume assembles leading Wittgenstein scholars to come to grips with its least well understood aspect: the unfamiliar aims and method that shape Wittgenstein's approach. Wittgenstein at Work investigates Wittgenstein's aims, rationale and method in two steps. The first seven chapters analyse how he proceeds in core parts of the Philosophical Investigations: the discussion of the Augustinian picture of language, ostensive (...)
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  • How Can the Theory of Meaning be a Philosophical Project?Crispin Wright - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (1):31-44.
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  • Linguistic Creativity: Exercises in 'Philosophical Therapy'.Eugen Johannes Daniel Fischer - 2000 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    How is it that speakers can get to know the meaning of any of indefinitely many sentences they have never encountered before? - the 'problem of linguistic creativity' posed by this question is a core problem of both philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics, and has sparked off a considerable amount of work in the philosophy of mind. The book establishes the failure of the familiar - compositional - approach to this problem, and then takes a radically new start: It (...)
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  • Bogus Mystery about Linguistic Competence.Eugen Fischer - 2003 - Synthese 135 (1):49-75.
    The paper considers a version of the problem of linguistic creativity obtained by interpreting attributions of ordinary semantic knowledge as attributions of practical competencies with expressions. The paper explains how to cope with this version of the problem without invoking either compositional theories of meaning or the notion of `tacit knowledge' (of such theories) that has led to unnecessary puzzlement. The central idea is to show that the core assumption used to raise the problem is false. To render precise argument (...)
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