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  1. Definite Knowledge and Mutual Knowledge.Herbert H. Clark & Catherine R. Marshall - 1981 - In Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber & Ivan A. Sag, Elements of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 10–63.
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  • Referring as a collaborative process.Herbert H. Clark & Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs - 1986 - Cognition 22 (1):1-39.
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  • Contributing to Discourse.Herbert H. Clark & Edward F. Schaefer - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (2):259-294.
    For people to contribute to discourse, they must do more than utter the right sentence at the right time. The basic requirement is that they add to their common ground in an orderly way. To do this, we argue, they try to establish for each utterance the mutual belief that the addressees have understood what the speaker meant well enough for current purposes. This is accomplished by the collective actions of the current contributor and his or her partners, and these (...)
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  • Definite reference and mutual knowledge In Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber, and Ivan A. Sag, editors.Herbert H. Clark & Catherine R. Marshall - 1981 - In Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber & Ivan A. Sag, Elements of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Language and thought: Aspects of a cognitive theory of semantics.David R. Olson - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (4):257-273.
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  • The effect of speaker-specific information on pragmatic inferences.Daniel Grodner & Julie Sedivy - 2011 - In Edward Gibson & Neal J. Pearlmutter, The Processing and Acquisition of Reference. MIT Press.
    Utterances can convey more information than they explicitly encode, and speakers exploit communicative conventions in order to say more with less. However, the burden this places on perceivers is not well understood. This chapter examines the effect of speaker-specific information on pragmatic inferences using data from an experiment which investigated the time course of the use of pragmatic information in language comprehension. Previous evidence suggests that comprehenders who encounter a referential form, including a modifier that commonly indicates contrastiveness, assume that (...)
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  • How Redundant Are Redundant Color Adjectives? An Efficiency-Based Analysis of Color Overspecification.Paula Rubio-Fernández - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • To Name or to Describe: Shared Knowledge Affects Referential Form.Daphna Heller, Kristen S. Gorman & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):290-305.
    The notion of common ground is important for the production of referring expressions: In order for a referring expression to be felicitous, it has to be based on shared information. But determining what information is shared and what information is privileged may require gathering information from multiple sources, and constantly coordinating and updating them, which might be computationally too intensive to affect the earliest moments of production. Previous work has found that speakers produce overinformative referring expressions, which include privileged names, (...)
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  • Overspecification of color, pattern, and size: salience, absoluteness, and consistency.Sammie Tarenskeen, Mirjam Broersma & Bart Geurts - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • The Effect of Scene Variation on the Redundant Use of Color in Definite Reference.Ruud Koolen, Martijn Goudbeek & Emiel Krahmer - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):395-411.
    This study investigates to what extent the amount of variation in a visual scene causes speakers to mention the attribute color in their definite target descriptions, focusing on scenes in which this attribute is not needed for identification of the target. The results of our three experiments show that speakers are more likely to redundantly include a color attribute when the scene variation is high as compared with when this variation is low (even if this leads to overspecified descriptions). We (...)
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  • Talker-Specific Generalization of Pragmatic Inferences based on Under- and Over-Informative Prenominal Adjective Use.Amanda Pogue, Chigusa Kurumada & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • How Distractor Objects Trigger Referential Overspecification: Testing the Effects of Visual Clutter and Distractor Distance.Ruud Koolen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1617-1647.
    In two experiments, we investigate to what extent various visual saliency cues in realistic visual scenes cause speakers to overspecify their definite object descriptions with a redundant color attribute. The results of the first experiment demonstrate that speakers are more likely to redundantly mention color when visual clutter is present in a scene as compared to when this is not the case. In the second experiment, we found that distractor type and distractor color affect redundant color use: Speakers are most (...)
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  • Individual differences in switching and inhibition predict perspective-taking across the lifespan.Madeleine R. Long, William S. Horton, Hannah Rohde & Antonella Sorace - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):25-30.
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  • Stored object knowledge and the production of referring expressions: the case of color typicality.Hans Westerbeek, Ruud Koolen & Alfons Maes - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Little houses and casas pequeñas: Message formulation and syntactic form in unscripted speech with speakers of English and Spanish.Sarah Brown-Schmidt & Agnieszka E. Konopka - 2008 - Cognition 109 (2):274-280.
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  • Reference Production as Search: The Impact of Domain Size on the Production of Distinguishing Descriptions.Gatt Albert, Krahmer Emiel, van Deemter Kees & P. G. van Gompel Roger - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S6):1459-1492.
    When producing a description of a target referent in a visual context, speakers need to choose a set of properties that distinguish it from its distractors. Computational models of language production/generation usually model this as a search process and predict that the time taken will increase both with the number of distractors in a scene and with the number of properties required to distinguish the target. These predictions are reminiscent of classic findings in visual search; however, unlike models of reference (...)
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  • The Role of Metarepresentation in the Production and Resolution of Referring Expressions.William S. Horton & Susan E. Brennan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:168898.
    In this paper we consider the potential role of metarepresentation—the representation of another representation, or as commonly considered within cognitive science, the mental representation of another individual's knowledge and beliefs—in mediating definite reference and common ground in conversation. Using dialogues from a referential communication study in which speakers conversed in succession with two different addressees, we highlight ways in which interlocutors work together to successfully refer to objects, and achieve shared conceptualizations. We briefly review accounts of how such shared conceptualizations (...)
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  • Implicature during real time conversation: A view from language processing research.Julie C. Sedivy - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):475–496.
    Grice's notion of conversational implicature requires that speaker meaning be calculable on the basis of sentence meaning, and presumptions about the speaker's adherence to cooperative principles of conversation and the ability of the hearer to work out the speaker's meaning. However, the actual real‐time consideration of cooperative principles by both the hearer and speaker runs up against severe temporal constraints during language processing. This article considers the role of language processing research in the shaping of a theory of implicature, and (...)
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