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  1. Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paulo Freire - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton, The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
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  • (2 other versions)Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Paulo Freire - 1970 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Myra Bergman Ramos, Donaldo P. Macedo & Ira Shor.
    On the 20th anniversary of its publication, this classic manifesto is updated with an important new preface by the author. Freire reflects on the impact his book has had, and on many of the issues it raises for readers in the 1990s. These include the fundamental question of liberation and inclusive language as it relates to Freire's own insights and approaches.
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  • Codes of ethics.George C. S. Benson - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (5):305 - 319.
    Partly as a result of much recent evidence of business and government crime, a large proportion of major corporations have adopted codes of ethics; government service is also making more use of them. The electrical manufacturing anti-trust conspiracy and 1973–1976 investigation of foreign and domestic bribery were immediate prods. There are also government codes of which the ASPA code is most widely distributed. Corporate codes discuss relations to employees, interemployee relationships, whistle blowing, effect on environment, commercial bribery, insider information, other (...)
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  • Corporate philanthropy in the U.k. 1985–2000 some empirical findings.David Campbell, Geoff Moore & Matthias Metzger - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):29 - 41.
    This paper briefly reviews the theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of corporate charitable donations and then provides a review of the empirical issues that have arisen in previous studies in this area. The findings of an analysis of charitable donations data from the entire U.K. FTSE index for the years 1985–2000 are then reported. These findings include the observation of a time-related increase in charitable donations, which is compared with an earlier study to give a 24 year history (...)
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  • Stakeholder theory, corporate governance and public management: What can the history of state-run enterprises teach us in the post-enron era?Joseph Heath & Wayne Norman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (3):247-265.
    This paper raises a challenge for those who assume that corporate social responsibility and good corporate governance naturally go hand-in-hand. The recent spate of corporate scandals in the United States and elsewhere has dramatized, once again, the severity of the agency problems that may arise between managers and shareholders. These scandals remind us that even if we adopt an extremely narrow concept of managerial responsibility – such that we recognize no social responsibility beyond the obligation to maximize shareholder value – (...)
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  • Self–Interest and Business Ethics: Some Lessons of the Recent Corporate Scandals.Thomas L. Carson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):389 - 394.
    The recent accounting scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and other corporations have helped to fuel a massive loss of confidence in the integrity of American business and have contributed to a very sharp decline in the U.S. stock market. Inasmuch as these events have brought ethical questions about business to the forefront in the media and public consciousness as never before, they are of signal importance for the field of business ethics. I offer some observations and conjectures about the bearing of (...)
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  • Ethical investment: Whose ethics, which investment?Russell Sparkes - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (3):194–205.
    Ethical or socially responsible investment is one of the most rapidly growing areas of finance. New government regulations mean that all pension funds are obliged to take such considerations into account. However, this phenomenon has received little critical attention from business ethicists, and a clear conceptual framework is lacking. This paper, by a practitioner in the field, attempts to fill this analytical gap. It considers what difference, if any, lies between the terms ‘ethical’, ‘green’, or ‘socially responsible’. It also tackles (...)
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  • Stakeholders as citizens? Rethinking rights, participation, and democracy.Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten & Jeremy Moon - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):107-122.
    This paper reviews and analyses the implications of citizenship thinking for building ethical institutional arrangements for business. The paper looks at various stakeholder groups whose relation with the company changes quite significantly when one starts to conceptualize it in terms of citizenship. Rather than being simply stakeholders, we could see those groups either as citizens, or as other constituencies participating in the administration of citizenship for others, or in societal governance more broadly. This raises crucial questions about accountability and democracy (...)
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  • Business and Environmental Ethics.W. Michael Hoffman - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (2):169-184.
    This paper explores some interconnections between the business and environmental ethics movements. The first section argues that business has obligations to protect the environment over and above what is required by environmental law and that it should cooperate and interact with government in establishing environmental regulation. Business must develop and demonstrate environmental moral leadership. The second section exposes the danger of using the rationale of "good ethics is good business" as a basis for such business moral leadership in both the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Trust, reputation and corporate accountability to stakeholders.Tracey Swift - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (1):16–26.
    This paper explores the relationship between accountability, trust and corporate reputation building. Increasing numbers of corporations are mobilising themselves to put more and more information out into the public domain as a way of communicating with stakeholders. Corporate social accounting and stakeholder engagement is happening on an unprecedented scale. Rather than welcoming such initiatives, academics have been quick to pick faults with contemporary social auditing and reporting, claiming that in its current form it is not about demonstrating accountability at all, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Trust, reputation and corporate accountability to stakeholders.Tracey Swift - 2001 - Business Ethics: A European Review 10 (1):16-26.
    This paper explores the relationship between accountability, trust and corporate reputation building. Increasing numbers of corporations are mobilising themselves to put more and more information out into the public domain as a way of communicating with stakeholders. Corporate social accounting and stakeholder engagement is happening on an unprecedented scale. Rather than welcoming such initiatives, academics have been quick to pick faults with contemporary social auditing and reporting, claiming that in its current form it is not about demonstrating accountability at all, (...)
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  • Globalization and the Good Corporation: A Need for Proactive Co-existence.S. Prakash Sethi - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (1-2):21-31.
    Large corporations are coming under intense pressure to act in a socially responsible manner. Corporations have accepted this notion provided that it is exercised voluntarily. It has also been argued that corporations can do well by doing good, and that good ethics is good business. This paper presents an alternative viewpoint by demonstrating that while voluntary socially responsible conduct is desirable, it plays a rather small role in inspiring good corporate conduct. Instead, (a) it is the external economic-competitive conditions that (...)
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  • A partnership model of corporate ethics.Greg Wood - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (1):61 - 73.
    The stock market crash of 1987 had a profound effect on corporate Australia and the Australian community in general. The fall-out revealed that some of our most respected business figures had not been as ethical, or even as lawful, as we would have hoped. This impropriety produced in Australia an awakening to business ethics. Whilst many companies endeavoured to introduce ethical practices into their corporations, they perceived ethics as a way of minimising damage to the corporation and in some cases (...)
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  • Review of Milton Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom[REVIEW]Milton Friedman - 1962 - Ethics 74 (1):70-72.
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  • Leadership, Moral Development, and Citizenship Behavior.Jill W. Graham - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (1):43-54.
    Abstract:This paper suggests that different styles of leadership arouse different sorts of normative motivation among followers, and these diverse motivational sources in turn are associated with different forms of participant contribution to organizational success. Three interrelated clusters of leadership styles, normative motivation of followers, and organizational citizenship behavior are described. Leadership that appeals exclusively to followers’ self-interests is associated with preconventional moral development and dependable task performance. Leadership styles focusing on interpersonal relationships and social networks are associated with followers’ conventional (...)
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  • The Relationship of Leadership Style and CEO Values to Ethical Practices in Organizations.Jacqueline N. Hood - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (4):263 - 273.
    This study analyzes the relationship between CEO values, leadership style and ethical practices in organizations. The ethical practices of formal statement of ethics and diversity training are included in the study, as well as four categories of values based on Rokeach's (1973) typology including personal, social, competency-based and morality-based. Results indicate that all four types of values are positively and significantly related to transformational leadership, with transactional leadership positively related to morality-based and personal values, and laissez-faire leadership negatively related to (...)
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  • What is business ethics? A reply to Peter Drucker.W. Michael Hoffman & Jennifer Mills Moore - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (4):293 - 300.
    In his What is Business Ethics? Peter Drucker accuses business ethics of singling out business unfairly for special ethical treatment, of subordinating ethical to political concerns, and of being, not ethics at all, but ethical chic. We contend that Drucker's denunciation of business ethics rests upon a fundamental misunderstanding of the field. This article is a response to his charges and an effort to clarify the nature, scope and purpose of business ethics.
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  • Friedman fallacies.Colin Grant - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (12):907 - 914.
    Milton Friedman's article, The Social Responsibility of Business Is To Increase Its Profits, owes its appeal to the rhetorical devices of simplicity, authority, and finality. More careful consideration reveals oversimplification and ambiguity that conceals empirical errors and logical fallacies. It is false that business does, or would, operate exclusively in economic terms, that managers concentrate obsessively on profitability, and that ethics can be marginalized. These errors reflect basic contradictions: an apolitical political base, altruistic agents of selfishness, and good deriving from (...)
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  • (1 other version)Tinged shareholder theory: Or what's so special about stakeholders?Geoff Moore - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (2):117–127.
    This paper contrasts the normative foundations of the stakeholder and shareholder theories of the firm. It demonstrates how the shareholder theory of the firm appears to have at least as much normative support as stakeholder theory and suggests that a way forward may be for a variant of pure shareholder theory to emerge.
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  • Transnational Corporations: International Citizens or New Sovereigns?Dennis A. Rondinelli - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (4):391-413.
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  • Libertarian theories of the corporate and global capitalism.Denis G. Arnold - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (2):155-173.
    Libertarian theories of the normative core of the corporation hold in common the view that is the responsibility of publicity held corporations to return profits to shareholders within the bounds of certain moral side-constraints. Side-constraints may be either weak (grounded in the rules of the game) or strong (grounded in rights). This essay considers libertarian arguments regarding the normative core of the corporation in the context of global capitalism and in the light of actual corporate behavior. First, it is argued (...)
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  • The role of the OECD and EU conventions in combating bribery of foreign public officials.Carl Pacini, Judyth A. Swingen & Hudson Rogers - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (4):385 - 405.
    The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (the OECD Convention) obligates signatory nations to make bribery of foreign public officials a criminal act on an extraterritorial basis. The purposes of this article are to describe the nature and consequences of bribery, outline the major provisions of the OECD Convention, and analyze its role in promoting transparency and accountability in international business. While the OECD Convention is not expected to totally eliminate the seeking or (...)
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  • Toward a model for international business ethics.Nader Asgary & Mark C. Mitschow - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (3):239 - 246.
    This paper briefly examines the topic of business ethics and attempts to suggest a code of ethics for multinational firms. While most companies have basic policies on employee integrity, confidentiality and sexual harassment, relatively few have established policies regarding bribery, exploitive child labor, human rights violations and other issues they may encounter in the global market place (Drake, 1998). Until recently, very few companies had truly global operations. Consequently little attention was paid to the issue of ethical guidelines in a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Tinged shareholder theory: or what’s so special about stakeholders?Moore Geoff - 2002 - Business Ethics 8 (2):117-127.
    This paper contrasts the normative foundations of the stakeholder and shareholder theories of the firm. It demonstrates how the shareholder theory of the firm appears to have at least as much normative support as stakeholder theory and suggests that a way forward may be for a variant of pure shareholder theory to emerge.
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  • (1 other version)The stakeholder corporation.Chris E. Metcalfe - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):30–36.
    The stakeholder debate continues unabated in Britain in various arenas of public life and activity. “While recognising the societal holism of the stakeholder concept this article concentrates on the debate at a business level, discussing whether stakeholding is ethical, attainable, or even appropriate to business corporations”. The author is completing his MBA at London Business School and has a background of consulting in organisational and IT analysis.
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  • Aristotle on the vices and virtue of wealth.Peter Hadreas - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (4):361 - 376.
    Drawing primarily on the Nicomachean Ethics, Book IV, Chapter 1 disquisition of the virtue of Liberality, Aristotle's account of the vices of virtue of wealth is discussed in detail. Historical differences between Aristotle's post-Periclean and modern post-industrial ideas of ownership, finance and trade organizations are introduced so to evaluate the relevance of Aristotle's approach to current investigations in business ethics. It is concluded that the lasting value of Aristotle's approach lies in its capacity to incorporate wealth into a comprehensive ordering (...)
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  • Ethics as a dependent variable in individual and organisational decision making.Alan Lovell - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (2):145 - 163.
    This paper draws upon a recently completed research study of the responses of accountants and HR professionals to actual issues at work that had posed them ethical qualms. The study sought to get beyond ethical reasoning about hypothetical scenarios and to address issues of actual behaviour, focusing upon the interviewees explanations of these behaviours. In general terms there was an observable difference between the attitudes and behaviours of accountants and HR professions, but not in the simple, stereotypical sense. The concerns (...)
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  • Stakeholder influence on corporate strategies over time.Waymond Susana & Gago Rodgers - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):349 - 363.
    Modern management reporting on its company''s performance is influenced by individuals ethical considerations. Stakeholders philosophies have continued to change over the last 75 years affecting reporting systems for companies reporting information internally and externally. These fundamental changes in philosophy have affected how information is conveyed. We are not claiming that only one philosophical viewpoint dominates companies reporting practices, but there does appear to be a changing trend of philosophies building on one another. We use resource dependence theory in relationship to (...)
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  • Dirty rotten CEOs: how business leaders are fleecing America.William G. Flanagan - 2003 - New York: Citadel Press/Kensington.
    Argues that many corporate executives have destroyed the value of their companies, cheated stockholders, employees, and the public, and compromised the integrity of financial markets and accountants while enriching themselves.
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  • (1 other version)A comparison between corporate and public sector business ethics in Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (2-3):166-184.
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  • (1 other version)A comparison between corporate and public sector business ethics in Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics 13 (2-3):166-184.
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  • Business ethics: A sustainable approach.Ken Rushton - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (2):137–139.
    The author proposes sustainability as the criterion for business ethics. The argument here is that in today’s world, business success depends on sustainability. This in turn depends on respect for the environment, employees, customers and stakeholders at large. Thinking about ethics in terms of sustainability involves thinking about ethics in strategic terms. Indeed sustainability could and should be raised to the status of a global ethic. There is evidence to show that corporate social responsibility pays; e.g. the Dow Jones sustainability (...)
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  • Creating a candid corporate culture.Roy Serpa - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):425 - 430.
    In 1982 Posner and Schmidt surveyed the values of 1400 managers. The survey revealed that honesty was one of the qualities that these managers admired most in themselves. An earlier study by Brennan and Molander indicated that managers believed that honesty in communication was their greatest ethical challenge. If honesty is a prevalent value among managers then why is honesty in communication their greatest ethical challenge? This paper presents an insight into the answer to this question and into the beliefs (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Stakeholder Corporation.Chris E. Metcalfe - 1998 - Business Ethics 7 (1):30-36.
    The stakeholder debate continues unabated in Britain in various arenas of public life and activity. “While recognising the societal holism of the stakeholder concept this article concentrates on the debate at a business level, discussing whether stakeholding is ethical, attainable, or even appropriate to business corporations”. The author is completing his MBA at London Business School and has a background of consulting in organisational and IT analysis.
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  • Business ethics auditing – more than a stakeholder's toy.John Rosthorn - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):9 - 19.
    The explosion of interest in responsible corporate citizenship since 1995 has reminded many of the earlier rapid development of interest in environmental management issues. Active stakeholders and lobby groups have successfully exerted pressures on management for improved corporate behaviour. The paper looks at some recent initiatives and draws conclusions about the imprecise terminologies in use. It moves on to consider tools to better manage business risk exposures within the corporation. The example of the Business Ethics Strategic Survey is described, together (...)
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  • Enron ethics (or: Culture matters more than codes). [REVIEW]Ronald R. Sims & Johannes Brinkmann - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (3):243 - 256.
    This paper describes and discusses the Enron Corporation debacle. The paper presents the business ethics background and leadership mechanisms affecting Enron''s collapse and eventual bankruptcy. Through a systematic analysis of the organizational culture at Enron (following Schein''s frame of reference) the paper demonstrates how the company''s culture had profound effects on the ethics of its employees.
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  • The ethics of pressure groups.Peter Whawell - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (3):178–181.
    Are the strategies and tactics that pressure groups use against businesses ethically defensible?
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  • (1 other version)Models of management morality: European applications and implications.Archie Carroll & Michael Meeks - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (2):108–116.
    This article explores the extent to which three models of management morality – Immoral Management, Moral Management, and Amoral Management – are extant in the European business environment. After a brief introduction and presentation of examples of each model, a further description of each model and European applications are outlined. Two possible hypotheses regarding the models’ presence in European business are presented and then concluding observations are made.
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  • Making profits and sweet music.Gordon Pearson - 2000 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 9 (3):191–199.
    This paper seeks to provide a practical theoretical setting for ethics in business. The perspective is that of the strategic practitioner rather than the moral philosopher. It seeks to take account of the currently dominant business influences of rapid technological development and globalisation and the resultant new form of stakeholder organisation.From this perspective it is clear that being perceived as trustworthy is seen as vital to long term business success. There are various corporate actions that are taken to ensure that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Value, business and globalisation – sketching a critical conceptual framework.Asger Sørensen - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):161 - 167.
    Value is a basic concept in economics, ethics and sociology. Locke made labour the source of value, whereas Smith referred to an ideal exchange and Kant specified that commodities only have a market price, no intrinsic value. One can distinguish two modern concepts of value, an economic one trying to explain value in terms of utility, interest or preferences, and an ideal one considering values as ends in themselves. On this basis, Durkheim constructed his theory of value, which was developed (...)
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  • Antitrust, dynamic competition, and business ethics.T. A. Hemphill - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (2):127-135.
    The American Antitrust Institute, a Washington, D.C. think tank, recently completed a study that concludes that competition law and policy plays little if any role in business ethics courses taught in U.S. business schools. To fill this intellectual void, this article makes a case for the development of a business ethics sub-field of antitrust ethics that is synonymous with the ethics of competitive strategy. After reviewing Paine''s Five Principles of Positive Competition and Boatright''s and Hendry''s views on the Moral Manager (...)
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  • Evolution and implementation: A study of values, business ethics and corporate social responsibility. [REVIEW]Brenda E. Joyner & Dinah Payne - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):297 - 311.
    There is growing recognition that good ethics can have a positive economic impact on the performance of firms. Many statistics support the premise that ethics, values, integrity and responsibility are required in the modern workplace. For consumer groups and society at large, research has shown that good ethics is good business. This study defines and traces the emergence and evolution within the business literature of the concepts of values, business ethics and corporate social responsibility to illustrate the increased emphasis that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Models of management morality: European applications and implications.Archie Carroll & Michael Meeks - 1999 - Business Ethics: A European Review 8 (2):108-116.
    This article explores the extent to which three models of management morality – Immoral Management, Moral Management, and Amoral Management – are extant in the European business environment. After a brief introduction and presentation of examples of each model, a further description of each model and European applications are outlined. Two possible hypotheses regarding the models’ presence in European business are presented and then concluding observations are made.
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  • Economic rationality and ethical behaviour: Ethical business between venality and sacrifice.Marc Le Menestrel - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (2):157–166.
    This paper argues that economic rationality and ethical behavior cannot be reduced one to the other, thus casting doubt on the validity of assertions such as ‘profit is ethical’ or ‘ethics pays’. In order to express ethical dilemmas in a way which opposes economic interest with ethical concerns, we propose a model of rational behavior that combines these two irreducible dimensions in an open but not arbitrary manner. Behaviors that are neither ethical nor profitable are considered irrational . However, behaviors (...)
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  • Illusions of Corporate Power:Revisiting the Relative Powers of Corporations and Governments.Jan Tullberg - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):325-333.
    A common opinion is that power has shifted from states to companies. This article discusses quantitative and qualitative aspects of power possessed by companies and by states. A more adequate comparison than that between company sales and gross national product is the one between company value added and GNP. Also more adequate is the comparison between the public sector and company net profit. These rival measures take down company power to about a tenth of the sales measure. Also in qualitative (...)
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  • Corporate and public responsibility, stakeholder theory and the developing world.David Lea - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (3):151–162.
    It is often argued that multinational companies and other foreign developers have a responsibility to improve the material conditions of the people in whose territories they operate. As a matter of distributive justice it is thought that these companies should be sharing the acquired wealth with these people through the creation of ‘collective goods’ , infrastructure development and compensation disbursements aimed at their benefit. Recently “stakeholder theory” and even legislative changes in the first world have sought to impress on the (...)
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  • Ethics in regulation.Howard Davies - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (4):280–287.
    This paper was given as the opening address at the 13th Annual European Business Ethics Network Conference' held in Cambridge 12–14 September 2000. The Chairman of the Financial Services Authority, Howard Davies, first outlined the background to the present approach to financial regulation in the UK. He described the principle‐based regulatory regime which is now in the process of being implemented, and the role of rules, regulations and guidelines in making this effective. However, compliance is not sufficient; for the system (...)
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  • Ethical compliance programs and corporate illegality: Testing the assumptions of the corporate sentencing guidelines. [REVIEW]Marie McKendall, Beverly DeMarr & Catherine Jones-Rikkers - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (4):367 - 383.
    This paper analyses the ethical performance of foreign-investment enterprises operating in China in comparison to that of the indigenous state-owned enterprises, collectives and private enterprises. It uses both the deontological approach and the utilitarian approach in conceptualization, and applies quantitative and econometric techniques to ethical evaluations of empirical evidences. It shows that according to various ethical performance indicators, foreign-investment enterprises have fared well in comparison with local firms. This paper also tries to unravel the effect of a difference in business (...)
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  • Critical Teaching and Everyday Life.Ira Shor - 1980
    In this unique book on education, Shor develops teaching theory side-by-side with a political analysis of schooling. Drawing on the work of Paulo Freire, he offers the first practical and theoretical guide to Freirean methods for American classrooms. Central to his method is a commitment to learning through dialogue and to exploring themes from everyday life. He poses alienation and mass culture as key obstacles to learning, and establishes critical literacy as a foundation for studying any subject.
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  • Why the protestors are againstcorporate globalization.John McMurtry - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (3):201 - 205.
    It is generally believed by governing political parties, economists, business people and other believers in global market doctrine that those who oppose "free trade agreements" are misled, uninformed and "do not really know what they are protesting against". At the same time, the opponents of these transnational trade-and-investment restructurings have diverse concerns ranging from loss of democratic sovereignty, labour rights and environmental protection of majority-world oppression, the growth of poverty and inequality, and global cultural homogenization. The following analysis integrates the (...)
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