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  1. The Future of Human Nature.Jürgen Habermas - 2003 - Cambridge, UK: Polity. Edited by Jürgen Habermas.
    Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. 'Playing God' is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp. (...)
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  • Life, liberty, and the defense of dignity: the challenge for bioethics.Leon Kass - 2002 - San Francisco: Encounter Books.
    We are walking too quickly down the road to physical and psychological utopia without pausing to assess the potential damage to our humanity from this brave new ...
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  • The Future of Human Nature.Jurgen Habermas - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (309):483-486.
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  • In defense of posthuman dignity.Nick Bostrom - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):202–214.
    Positions on the ethics of human enhancement technologies can be (crudely) characterized as ranging from transhumanism to bioconservatism. Transhumanists believe that human enhancement technologies should be made widely available, that individuals should have broad discretion over which of these technologies to apply to themselves, and that parents should normally have the right to choose enhancements for their children-to-be. Bioconservatives (whose ranks include such diverse writers as Leon Kass, Francis Fukuyama, George Annas, Wesley Smith, Jeremy Rifkin, and Bill McKibben) are generally (...)
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  • Phänomenologie des Geistes.G. W. F. Hegel & J. Hoffmeister - 1807 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (3):528-528.
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  • Introduction À l'Étude de la Médecine Expérimentale.Claude Bernard - 1865 - Librairie Joseph Gilbert.
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  • Phänomenologie des Geistes. Hegel & Georg Lasson - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:218-219.
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  • (1 other version)Phänomenologie des Geistes.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1973 - Frankfurt (am Main): Suhrkamp. Edited by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
    Gegenstand der "Phänomenologie des Geistes" ist die 'Wissenschaft der Erfahrung des Bewußtseins', d.i. der Aufstieg der Gestalten vernünftiger Erkenntnis von der Stufe der naiven Wahrnehmung bis zur Höhe des absoluten Wissens. Von diesem ersten reifen Werk Hegels sagte Bloch, es sei "voll Jugend ohne gleichen, voll Überfülle und Glut, dichterisch durchaus, wissenschaftlich durchaus, in einzigartiger, morgendlicher Gärung ... Nirgends kann genauer gesehen werden, was großer Gedanke im Aufgang ist, und nirgends ist sein Lauf bereits vollständiger." – Die Einleitung gibt eine (...)
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  • Du musst dein Leben ändern: über Anthropotechnik.Peter Sloterdijk - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Der Mensch als Übender, als sich durch Übungen selbst erzeugendes Wesen - Rainer Maria Rilke hat den Antrieb zu solchen Exerzitien zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts in die Form gefaßt: "Du mußt dein Leben ändern." In seinem Plädoyer für die Ausweitung der Übungszone des einzelnen wie der Gesellschaft entwirft Peter Sloterdijk eine grundlegende und grundlegend neue Anthropologie. Den Kern seiner Wissenschaft vom Menschen bildet die Einsicht von der Selbstbildung alles Humanen. Seine Aktivitäten wirken unablässig auf ihn zurück: die Arbeit auf (...)
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  • (1 other version)L'Être et le Néant : essai d'ontologie phénoménologique.J. P. Sartre - 1942 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (10):177-179.
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  • (1 other version)Phänomenologie des Geistes.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1841 - Frankfurt (am Main): Grin Verlag. Edited by György Lukács.
    Das Wissen, welches zuerst oder unmittelbar unser Gegenstand ist, kann kein anderes sein als dasjenige, welches selbst unmittelbares Wissen, Wissen des Unmittelbaren oder Seienden ist. Wir haben uns ebenso unmittelbar oder aufnehmend zu verhalten, also nichts an ihm, wie es sich darbietet, zu verändern, und von dem Auffassen das Begreifen abzuhalten.Der konkrete Inhalt der sinnlichen Gewißheit läßt sie unmittelbar als die reichste Erkenntnis, ja als eine Erkenntnis von unendlichem Reichtum erscheinen, für welchen ebensowohl wenn wir im Raume und in der (...)
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  • Die fröhliche Wissenschaft.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Alfred Baeumler - 1990 - Leipzig: Reclam-Verlag. Edited by Renate Reschke.
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  • Visions and Ethics in Current Discourse on Human Enhancement.Arianna Ferrari, Christopher Coenen & Armin Grunwald - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (3):215-229.
    Since it is now broadly acknowledged that ethics should receive early consideration in discourse on emerging technologies, ethical debates tend to flourish even while new fields of technology are still in their infancy. Such debates often liberally mix existing applications with technologies in the pipeline and far-reaching visions. This paper analyses the problems associated with this use of ethics as “preparatory” research, taking discourse on human enhancement in general and on pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement in particular as an example. The paper (...)
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  • Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschlichen Daseins.Ludwig Binswanger - 1942 - Zürich,: M. Niehans.
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  • The use of methylphenidate among students: the future of enhancement?S. M. Outram - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):198-202.
    During the past few years considerable debate has arisen within academic journals with respect to the use of smart drugs or cognitive enhancement pharmaceuticals. The following paper seeks to examine the foundations of this cognitive enhancement debate using the example of methylphenidate use among college students. The argument taken is that much of the enhancement debate rests upon inflated assumptions about the ability of such drugs to enhance and over-estimations of either the size of the current market for such drugs (...)
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  • Ethical considerations in the framing of the cognitive enhancement debate.Simon M. Outram - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (2):173-184.
    Over the past few years the use of stimulants such as methylphenidate and modafinil among the student population has attracted considerable debate in the pages of bioethics journals. Under the rubric of cognitive enhancement, bioethicists have discussed this use of stimulants—along with future technologies of enhancement—and have launched a sometimes forceful debate of such practices. In the following paper, it is argued that even if we focus solely upon current practices, the term cognitive enhancement encompasses a wide range of ethical (...)
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  • Cognitive Enhancement: Methods, Ethics, Regulatory Challenges. [REVIEW]Nick Bostrom - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):311-341.
    Cognitive enhancement takes many and diverse forms. Various methods of cognitive enhancement have implications for the near future. At the same time, these technologies raise a range of ethical issues. For example, they interact with notions of authenticity, the good life, and the role of medicine in our lives. Present and anticipated methods for cognitive enhancement also create challenges for public policy and regulation.
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  • Henrik Ibsen, und das problem der elbstrealisation in der Kunst.Ludwig Binswanger - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (4):454-454.
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  • Pavlov and His School.Y. P. Frolov & C. P. Dutt - 1940 - Science and Society 4 (1):116-118.
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  • Fathers and Sons.Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Constance Black Garnett & Elizabeth Cheresh Allen - 2001 - Signet.
    Considered one of the world's greatest novels, this controversial classic offers modern readers a vivid, timeless depiction of the clash between the older Russian aristocracy and the youthful radicalism that foreshadowed the revolution. Includes a new Introduction. Reissue.
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