Results for 'Aeon 7'

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    A Refreshing and Witty Escape Full of Humor and Reflection. [REVIEW]Aeon 7 - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
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  2. The Great Loop: From Conformal Cyclic Cosmology to Aeon Monism.Baptiste Le Bihan - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1:1-16.
    Penrose's conformal cyclic cosmology describes the cosmos as a collection of successive universes, the so-called aeons. The beginning and ending of our universe are directly connected to two other, anterior and posterior, universes. Penrose considers but rules out a different interpretation of conformal cyclic cosmology: that the beginning of our universe is connected to its own end in a cosmic loop. The paper argues that the view, aeon monism, should be regarded as a natural interpretation of conformal cyclic cosmology (...)
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  3. Ο Καστοριάδης και εμείς: 7 κείμενα και 1 συνέντευξη.Alexandros Schismenos, Yavor Tarinski & Nikos Ioannou (eds.) - 2018 - Athens: Babylonia:
    Το πολιτικό περιοδικό Βαβυλωνία ανακήρυξε το 2017 "Έτος Καστοριάδη", με μια σειρά εκδηλώσεων για τα 20 χρόνια από τον θάνατο του σπουδαίου φιλοσόφου. Στην παρούσα έκδοση περιλαμβάνονται 7 από τις ομιλίες που εκφωνήθηκαν σε αυτές τις εκδηλώσεις. Στο επίμετρο δημοσιεύεται η συνέντευξη του Καστοριάδη στην εφημερίδα Εκτός Νόμου το 1990. -/- Συγγράφουν: Γρηγόρης Τσιλιμαντός, Νίκος Ιωάννου, Γιάννης Κτενάς, Αλέξανδρος Σχισμένος, Yavor Tarinski, Γιώργος Ν. Οικονόμου, Κορνήλιος Καστοριάδης. -/- Ο Καστοριάδης διαμόρφωσε μια καινούργια, ανοιχτή πρόταση για τον ριζικό μετασχηματισμό της κοινωνίας (...)
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  4. 中国を支配する7人の社会学者が第三次世界大戦に勝利し、それを止める3つの方法.Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In 民主主義によるスイシドe アメリカと世界のための追悼. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 50-56.
    まず心に留めておくべきことは、中国がこれを言うか、中国がそうすると言うとき、我々は中国の人々の話ではなく、中国共産党を支配する社会学者、すなわち、7人の老人社会病的連続殺人犯(SSSSK)の話だという ことです。e 中国共産党常任委員会、または政治局員25名等 -/- 中国共産党の第三次世界大戦と総支配の計画は、中国政府の出版物や演説で非常に明確に示されており、これは習近平の「チャイナ・ドリーム」である。中国を支配する少数派(おそらく数十人から数百人)だけが夢であり 、他の全ての人(14億人の中国人を含む)にとっては悪夢だ。年間100億ドルは、彼らまたはその人形が新聞、雑誌、テレビ、ラジオチャンネルを所有または制御し、毎日どこでもほとんどの主要メディアに偽のニュー スを配置することを可能にします。 さらに、彼らはすべてのメディアをより多くのプロパガンダを配置し、正当な解説(50セントの軍隊)をかき消す軍隊(おそらく何百万人もの人々)を持っています。 -/- 資源の第3の世界を取り除くことに加えて、数兆ドルのベルトとロードイニシアチブの主要な推進力は、世界中の軍事基地を構築しています。彼らは、ソ連との冷戦をピクニックのように見せる大規模なハイテク軍拡競争に 自由な世界を強制しています。 -/- SSSSKと世界の他の軍隊は、高度なハードウェアに巨額を費やしていますが、WW3(またはそれに至る小規模な関与)がソフトウェア支配される可能性が非常に高いです。SSSSKは、おそらくより多くのハッカー (コーダー)が彼らのために働いて、世界の残りの部分を組み合わせることで、ネットを介して敵を麻痺させるだけで、最小限の物理的な紛争で将来の戦争に勝つことは問題外ではありません。衛星、電話なし、通信なし、 金融取引なし、送電網なし、インターネットなし、高度な武器なし、車両、列車、船舶、飛行機なし。 -/- 中国共産党を排除し、14億人の中国人囚人を解放し、第三次世界大戦への狂気の行進を終わらせる主な道は2つしかない。 平和的な一つは、軍がうんざりして中国共産党を追い出すまで、中国経済を荒廃させるために全面的な貿易戦争を開始することです。 -/- 中国経済を閉鎖する代わりに、中国共産党の第20回会議で50機の熱圧ドローンによる標的ストライキなど、限定的な戦争が起こるが、それは2022年まで行われないだろう。年次総会に当たる可能性がある。 中国人は、攻撃が起こったように、彼らが武器を置き、民主的な選挙を開催する準備をしなければならない、または石器時代に裸にされなければならないことを知らされるだろう。もう一つの選択肢は、全面的な核攻撃です 。 中国共産党の現在の進路を考えると、軍事的対立は避けられない。 数十年以内に南シナ海や台湾の島々で起こる可能性が高いが、世界中に軍事基地を設立すれば、どこでも起こりうる(しゃがむ虎など)。 将来の紛争は、すべての軍事および産業通信、機器、発電所、衛星、インターネット、銀行、およびすべての軍事および産業通信の制御システムをハッキングし、麻痺することによってサイバー戦争を強調するために、中国 共産党の明記された目的とハードキルとソフトキルの側面を持つことになります。ネットに接続されている任意のデバイスまたは車両。 SSは、中国からの信号を待っているか、さらには米国の船や飛行機の署名を探して休眠しているかもしれない従来または核兵器を発射することができる有人および自律的な表面と水中潜水艦や無人機の世界的な配列をゆっ くりとフィールドにしています。 我々の衛星を破壊し、世界中の米軍との通信を排除する一方で、彼らはドローンと組み合わせて、我々の現在の優れた海軍を標的にし、破壊するために、彼ら(彼ら)を使用します。 もちろん、これらすべてがAIによって自動的に行われるようになりました。 -/- 中国共産党の最大の同盟国はアメリカの民主党である。 選択は、今CCPを停止するか、彼らが世界中に中国の刑務所を拡張するのを見てです。 -/- もちろん、私たちの生活の普遍的な監視とデジタル化は、どこでも避けられません。そう思わない人は、深く接触していない。 -/- もちろん、中国の社会パスが世界を支配することを期待する楽観主義者であり、悲観主義者(現実主義者と見なす)は、おそらく2030年までにAI社会病(または私が呼ぶAS)が引き継ぐことを期待している。 現代社会の狂気の道の詳細に興味がある人は、アメリカのための民主主義による自殺、2019年第3版、21stの自殺ユートピアの妄想など、私の他の作品を参照してください。世紀:哲学、人間性と文明崩壊5位(2 019年) .
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  5. 중국을 지배하는 7 명의 정신병자들이 제 3 차 세계 대전에서 승리하는 방법과 그들을 막을 수있는 세 가지 방법 (2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In 지구상의 지옥에 오신 것을 환영합니다 : 아기, 기후 변화, 비트 코인, 카르텔, 중국, 민주주의, 다양성, 역학, 평등, 해커, 인권, 이슬람, 자유주의, 번영, 웹, 혼돈, 기아, 질병, 폭력, 인공 지능, 전쟁. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 390-400.
    가장 먼저 명심해야 할 점은 중국이 이것을 말한다면, 우리는 중국 인민에 대해 말하는 것이 아니라 중국 공산당을 통제하는 사회병리학자들, 즉 중국 공산당의 7대 노인사회병연쇄살인범(SSSSK)이나 공산당 상무위원 25명 등이다. 중국 정부의 제3차 세계대전과 총체적 지배에 대한 중국 공산당의 계획은 중국 정부의 출판물과 연설에서 아주 분명하게 드러나며 이는 시진핑의 '중국의 꿈'이다. 중국을 지배하는 소수 민족(아마도 수십~수백 명)과 다른 모든 사람들에게 는 악몽(14억 중국인 포함)의 꿈입니다. 매년 100억 달러를 통해 그들 또는 인형은 신문, 잡지, TV 및 라디오 채널을 소유하거나 제어하고 매일 대부분의 주요 (...)
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  6. 7人の中国人殺人者が間もなく第三次世界大戦で勝利する-彼らを阻止する3つの方法 (2020).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In 地獄へようこそ : 赤ちゃん、気候変動、ビットコイン、カルテル、中国、民主主義、多様性、ディスジェニックス、平等、ハッカー、人権、イスラム教、自由主義、繁栄、ウェブ、カオス、飢餓、病気、暴力、人工知能、戦争. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 324-332.
    私たちが最初に留意しなければならないのは、中国がこれを言うか、中国がそうしていると言うとき、我々は中国の人々について話すのではなく、CCPを支配する社会主義者、すなわちCCPの常任委員会の7人の老人社 会病連続殺人犯(SSSSK)または政治局の25人のメンバーについて話しているということです。 CCPの第一次世界大戦と完全支配の計画は、中国政府の出版物や演説で非常に明確にレイアウトされており、これは習近平の「チャイナドリーム」です。中国を支配する小さな少数派(おそらく数十人から数百人)と他の 誰にとっても悪夢(14億人の中国人を含む)にとっては夢です。年間100億ドルは、彼らまたは彼らの人形が毎日どこでもほとんどの主要メディアにフェイクニュースを置き、新聞、雑誌、テレビ、ラジオチャンネルを 所有または制御し、置くことを可能にします。 さらに、彼らはより多くのプロパガンダを置き、正当な解説(50セントの軍隊)をかき消すすべてのメディアを荒らす軍隊(おそらく何百万人もの人々)を持っています。 第3の資源を取り除くことに加えて、数兆ドルの一帯一路イニシアチブの大きな推力は、世界中に軍事基地を建設しています。彼らは自由な世界をソ連との冷戦をピクニックのように見せる大規模なハイテク軍拡競争に追い 込んでいます。 SSSSKと世界の軍隊の残りの部分は、高度なハードウェアに巨額を費やしていますが、WW3(またはそれに至るまでの小規模なエンゲージメント)がソフトウェア支配になる可能性が高いです。SSSSKは、おそら くより多くのハッカー(コーダー)が彼らのために働き、世界の他のすべての部分を組み合わせることで、ネットを介して敵を麻痺させることによって、最小限の物理的な紛争で将来の戦争に勝つことは問題外ではありませ ん。衛星、電話、通信、金融取引、電力網、インターネット、高度な武器、車両、電車、船、飛行機はありません。 CCPを削除し、14億人の中国人囚人を解放し、第三次世界大戦への狂気の行進を終わらせるための2つの主要な道しかありません。 平和的なものは、軍がうんざりしてCCPを打ち切るまで、中国経済を荒廃させるために全面的な貿易戦争を開始することです。 中国経済を閉鎖する代わりに、CCPの第20回議会で50機の熱圧ドローンが1か所に位置する場合、標的型ストライキなど、限られた戦争であるが、2022年まで行われないので、年次本会議に当たる可能性がある。 中国人は、攻撃が起こったように、彼らは腕を下ろし、民主的な選挙を行うか、石器時代にヌックされる準備をしなければならないと知らされるだろう。もう一つの選択肢は、全面的な核攻撃です。 軍事的対立は、CCPの現在のコースを考えると避けられない。 南シナ海や台湾の島々で数十年以内に起こる可能性が高いが、世界中に軍事基地を設置するにつれて、どこでも起こり得る(クラウチング・タイガーなど参照)。 将来の紛争は、すべての軍事および産業通信、機器、発電所、衛星、インターネット、銀行、およびネットに接続されたデバイスまたは車両の制御システムをハッキングし、麻痺させることによってサイバー戦争を強調する ために、CCPの述べられた目的とハードキルとソフトキルの側面を持つことになります。 SSは、中国からの信号を待っているか、あるいは米国の船や飛行機の署名を探している場合でも、休眠状態にある可能性のある通常兵器や核兵器を打ち上げることができる有人および自律的な表面および水中潜水艦または ドローンの世界的な配列をゆっくりとフィールド化しています。 私たちの衛星を破壊し、したがって、世界中のアメリカと我々の軍隊との間の通信を排除しながら、彼らは私たちの現在優れた海軍を標的にし、破壊するためにドローンと一緒に、彼ら自身を使用します。 もちろん、このすべてがAIによってますます自動的に行われます。 CCPの最大の同盟国はアメリカの民主党です。 選択は、今CCPを停止するか、彼らは全世界に中国の刑務所を拡張として見てです。 .
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  7. Self-knowledge in § 7 of the Transcendental Aesthetic.Ralf M. Bader - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 531-540.
    Kant's claim that time is a subjective form of intuition was first proposed in his Inaugural Dissertation. This view was immediately criticised by Schultz, Lambert and Mendelssohn. Their criticisms are based on the claim that representations change which implies that change is real. From the reality of change they then argue to the reality of time, which undermines its supposed status as a subjective form of intuition that only applies to appearances. Kant took these criticisms very seriously and attempted to (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Chapter 7 Cryptocurrency, Distributed Ledger Technology and Blockchain Tokens.S. M. Amadae - 2023 - In Sustainable Consumption: Political Economy of Sustainable Food. Aalto University. pp. 199-241.
    This chapter discusses cryptocurrency, distributed ledger technology and blockchain tokens within the context of technological innovation, the history of money and accounting practices, and their multiple functionalities beyond those of standard currencies. This discussion is motivated by the design of cryptocurrencies for specific community needs, and to reflect anti-rival, positive sum value.
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  9. Chapter 7 Introduction.Joel Katzav - 2023 - In Joel Katzav, Dorothy Rogers & Krist Vaesen (eds.), Knowledge, Mind and Reality: An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers. Cham: Springer. pp. 69-80.
    I introduce the key ideas of foundationalist, coherentist and pragmatist theories of knowledge. I then use these ideas as background for presenting the work on knowledge and perception in this part, work by Grace Andrus de Laguna and Marie Collins Swabey. We will see that these authors critique the idea of sense data that was central to the foundationalist theories of knowledge of Bertrand Russel and other early analytic thinkers, though de Laguna’s critique leads to perspectivism about perception and knowledge (...)
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  10. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching the 7 Characteristics for Living Things.Mohammed A. Hamed & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2 (1):31-35.
    Recently, due to the rapid progress of computer technology, researchers develop an effective computer program to enhance the achievement of the student in learning process, which is Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). Science is important because it influences most aspects of everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, leisure activities and more. So learning science subject at school is very useful, but the students face some problem in learning it. So we designed an ITS system to help them understand this subject easily (...)
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  11. 7. Subjektivierung der Erfahrung. Zu Deweys Rekonstruktion der Subjektivität.Jörg Volbers - 2017 - In Michael Hampe (ed.), John Dewey: Erfahrung Und Natur. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 97-112.
    The article offers a close reading of chapter 6 of Dewey's 'Experience and Nature'. It explains how Dewey reformulates the classical notion of the subject in pragmatist terms, emphasizing in particular Dewey's idea that 'experience' is not a priori subjective, but rather has to be appropriated by the acting individual in order to become one's own experience in an emphatic sense.
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  12. Lambda 7. 1072 b 2-3.Silvia Fazzo - 2002 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 23 (2):357-376.
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  13. 7. Epilog: Freiheit, die ich meine.Geert Keil - 2017 - In Willensfreiheit. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 245-266.
    Das Buch verschafft einen Überblick über die neuere Willensfreiheitsdebatte, wobei es auch die Konsequenzen der Hirnforschung für das Freiheitsproblem erörtert. Ferner entwickelt der Autor eine eigene Position, die er 'fähigkeitsbasierten Libertarismus' nennt. Er widerspricht dem breiten philosophischen Konsens, dass jedenfalls eine Art von Freiheit mit einem naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbild unverträglich sei, nämlich die Fähigkeit, sich unter gegebenen Bedingungen so oder anders zu entscheiden. Im Buch wird argumentiert, dass der libertarischen Freiheitsauffassung, die wir im Alltag alle teilen, bei näherer Betrachtung keine Tatschen (...)
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    Kỷ niệm 7 năm ngày ra đời trang Khoảng lặng.Chàng Chẫu - 2024 - Bc 7Th.
    Đúng 7 năm trước, tức tháng 5 năm 2017, trang Khoảng lặng của Tạp chí Kinh tế và Dự báo ra đời.
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    7 hard questions on God and problem of evil.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    This small book consists of discussion of several hard questions on God and problem of evil. This compilation is partly stimulated by discussions with several close friends in a number of occasions. A number of these questions can be called ontological in nature, while the others may touch on philosophical-theology. While surely this small compilation may not address all your questions, hopefully you will find several hard questions are answered, to the best of authors’ knowledge, along with assistance of a (...)
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  16. Chapter 7: Climate Education for Women and Youth.Chuck Chuan Ng - 2021 - Washington D.C.: Global Youth Climate Network (GYCN).
    CLIMATE EDUCATION FOR WOMEN AND YOUTH Around the world, people still lack basic awareness and understanding of the drivers and impact of climate change, as well as options for reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the climate change impacts. In addition, climate change impacts are not equally distributed. Gender inequalities and development gaps increase the impacts of climate change for women and young people. Driving climate action through educating and empowering women and youth could lead to building resilience within communities. (...)
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  17. Komentarz do kwestii 7 "O nieskończoności Boga" (Introduction to Question 7 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Infinity of God").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski (eds.), Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 491-512.
    This is the introduction to the Question 7 (The infinity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologiae".
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    Джон Дьюї. Досвід і природа. Розділ 7. "Природа, життя і тіло-ум" (пер. з англ. Андрія Леонова).Andrii Leonov - 2024 - Actual Problems of Mind 25:204-242. Translated by Andrii Leonov.
    This is the first Ukrainian translation of the seventh chapter, “Nature, Life and Body-Mind,” from John Dewey’s 1925 philosophical magnum opus Experience and Nature.
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  19. ENHANCING GRADE 7 MATH SKILLS: AUDIO-VISUAL SIM FOR MASTERING INTEGER OPERATIONS.Matthew Cañeda, Raquel Galagala & Melrose Jemio - 2024 - Ignatian International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research 2 (10):391-404.
    This study focused on creating an Audio-Visual Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) to help Grade 7 students improve their skills in performing fundamental operations on integers in Mathematics. The research used an Educational Design Research approach and selected participants through purposive sampling. Data collection involved a checklist and rating scale, and analysis was carried out using frequency and mean. The findings revealed that mastering fundamental operations on integers had consistently been the most challenging skill for Grade 7 students during the first (...)
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  20. Hết tháng 7-2023, đã có 8133 lượt tải bayesvl. [REVIEW]Minh-Phuong Thi Duong - manuscript
    Con số vượt qua mốc 8000 cũng phần nào cho thấy bayesvl thu hút được một lượng quan tâm nhất định của giới nghiên cứu.
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  21. Inference in the mengzi 1a: 7.Koji Tanaka - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (3):444-454.
    In 1A:7 of the Mengzi, Mengzi tries to convince King Xuan of Qi that he is a “true” king. As a reading of Mengzi’s reasoning involved in his attempt at persuasion, David Nivison advances an inferential view, according to which Mengzi’s persuasion involves inferences. In this paper, I consider the assumptions underlying the objections raised against Nivison’s inferential view. I argue that these objections assume a contemporary Western view about the nature of logic and inferences. I propose an alternative characterisation (...)
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  22. Improving Numerical Performance in Grade-7 Students through Effective Remedial Instruction.Pearl Marie A. Legal & Gregorio A. Legal - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (1):1-20.
    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of remedial instruction in improving the numeracy skills of Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School during the school year 2023-2024. Adopting a quasi-experimental research design, the research focused on Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School, Cawayan East District, Masbate Province Division, Philippines, identified as non-numerates, employing pre-tests and post-tests as essential research tools. The independent variable was the remedial instruction in numeracy, while the dependent variable was students' numeracy performance (...)
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    Chapter 7: Trials, Conventions, and Idols.Martin Janello - 2013 - In Philosophy of Happiness. Palioxis Publishing. pp. 115-133.
    Chapter 7 of the Philosophy of Happiness book by Martin Janello. Please see the Table of Contents for its contextual order. An audio version of this and all other sections of the book, an entire on-line review copy, and a host of other pertinent materials are available without charge at the referenced website.
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  24. ITS for teaching the 7 characteristics for living things.Hamad Mohamed & Bastami Bashhar - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2 (1):31-36.
    Recently, due to the rapid progress of computer technology, researchers develop an effective computer program to enhance the achievement of the student in learning process, which is Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). Science is important because it influences most aspects of everyday life, including food, energy, medicine, leisure activities and more. So learning science subject at school is very useful, but the students face some problem in learning it. So we designed an ITS system to help them understand this subject easily (...)
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  25. Does Aristotle’s differentia presuppose the genus it differentiates? The troublesome case of Metaphysics x 7.Nicolas Zaks - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    There seems to be an inconsistency at the heart of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: a differentia is said both to presuppose its genus (in vii 12) and to be logically independent from it (in x 7). I argue that the relation of analogy resolves this inconsistency, restores the coherence of the concepts of differentia and species, and gives x 7 its rightful place in the development of the Metaphysics.
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  26. 7. “Book Review: Lewis D. Solomon The Privatization of Space Exploration“. [REVIEW]Timothy D. Terrell - 2012 - Libertarian Papers 4:147-150.
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  27. The Soul-Turning Metaphor in Plato’s Republic Book 7.Damien Storey - 2022 - Classical Philology 177 (3):525-542.
    This paper examines the soul-turning metaphor in Book 7 of Plato’s Republic. It argues that the failure to find a consistent reading of how the metaphor is used has contributed to a number of long-standing disagreements, especially concerning the more famous metaphor with which it is intertwined, the Cave allegory. A full reading of the metaphor, as it occurs throughout Book 7, is offered, with particularly close attention to what is one of the most difficult and stubbornly divisive passages in (...)
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  28. The Cause of Cosmic Rotation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics xii 6-7.John Proios - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (2):349-367.
    In Metaphysics Λ.6-7 Aristotle argues that an unmoved substance causes the outermost sphere to rotate. His argument has puzzled and divided commentators from ancient Greece to the present. I offer a novel defense of Aristotle's argument by highlighting the logic of classification that Aristotle deploys. The core of Aristotle's argument is the identification of the unmoved substance on the 'table of opposites' as simple and purely actual. With this identification in place, Aristotle argues that the outermost sphere activates its capacity (...)
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  29. Disentangling defining and demonstrating: Notes on an. post. II 3-7.Laura M. Castelli - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (4):243-281.
    : In APo II 3-7 Aristotle discusses a series of difficulties concerning definition, deduction, and demonstration. In this paper I focus on two interrelated but distinct questions: firstly, what are exactly the difficulties emerging from or alluded to in the discussion in II 3-7; secondly, whether and in what sense the discussion in II 3-7 can be considered an aporetic discussion with a specific role to play in the development of the argument in APo II.
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  30. Teleology and Nous in Plotinus’s Ennead 6.7.Bernardo Portilho Andrade - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):609-632.
    In this paper, I argue that Plotinus’s critique of divine deliberation in Ennead 6.7 does not seek to banish teleology altogether from his philosophy of nature. Rather, his critique aims to situate teleology within his own metaphysical system so as to reconcile it with the basic principles governing the intelligible universe. In this sense, Plotinus does not propose that we expunge all reference to notions of utility and benefit from our natural explanations; he merely wishes to render those notions coherent (...)
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  31. [La visión de los 7 sabios. Un diccionario intraducible].Aida Míguez Barciela - 2020 - Muy Historia 5:12-19.
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  32. Parmenides' critique of thinking. The Poludêris Elenchos of Fragment 7.James H. Lesher - 1984 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 2:1-30.
    Parmenides may fairly be said to have undertaken two parallel efforts: first, to offer a persuasive account of the nature of ‘what-is’ (to eon); and second, to establish ‘it is’ as the only true and trustworthy way of speaking and thinking about what-is. Fragment 7.3-6 plays a crucial role in this latter effort when Parmenides’ goddess directs the youth to put aside all information obtained through sense perception and instead ‘judge by reason the poludêris elenchos spoken by me.’ Although the (...)
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  33. Elements and Matter in Diogenes Laertius 7.137.Ian Hensley - 2023 - Classical Philology 118 (2):273-281.
    A sentence in Book 7 of Diogenes Laertius’s Lives states that, according to the Stoics, the four elements are “unqualified substance, i.e. matter.” Scholars have noted that this appears to conflict with the Stoics’ distinction between principles and elements. Different solutions have been proposed, from dismissing the sentence entirely to emending the text. This note proposes a new interpretation according to which the standard reading of the text can be retained.
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    Review of: "Grainger, John D. Sextus Julius Frontinus and the Roman Empire. Yorkshire, UK: Pen & Sword Military 2023." In: Res militares – The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians 23.1 (2024). S. 5-7. [REVIEW]Magnus Frisch - 2024 - Res Militares – The Official Newsletter of the Society of Ancient Military Historians 23 (1):5-7.
    Due to its concept and methodology, Graingers book on Frontinus is more fact-based fiction than biography. The reader gains an insight into how Frontinus' life and career might have unfolded, taking into account our knowledge of the Roman Empire in his time and the information about him that is confirmed by our sources. The author's assumptions are always plausibly substantiated. However, when reading the book, one learns far more about the Roman Empire, its provinces, its rulers and the political and (...)
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    Quà tặng tuyệt vời của khoa học trong ngày ISR tròn 7 tuổi.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2024 - Isr Memo (1/8/2024).
    Đúng 7 năm trước, quyết định thành lập Trung tâm ISR được ký và gửi đến tôi, người có nhiệm vụ bắt tay vào thiết kế và phát triển ISR, lúc đó còn gọi là ĐH Thành Tây, cho tới khi đổi tên thành ĐH Phenikaa, ISR vẫn giữ nguyên tên như cách đặt ban đầu.
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  36. Letter Regarding Canada's Bill C-7, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) and Disability.Robert A. Wilson & Matthew J. Barker - manuscript
    This letter was submitted to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Government of Canada, on 29th January, 2021, as final debate over Bill C-7 was being undertaken in the Senate regarding MAiD and the strong opposition to the legislation expressed across the Canadian disability community. It draws on our individual and joint work on eugenics, well-being, and disability.
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  37. For Gabriel, on Holiness (a Passover letter to my 7-year-old son).Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    I was inspired to write this letter by something my 7-year old said about the meaning of holiness. In it I reflect on this meaning, in language and terms a 7-year-old might understand and appreciate.
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  38. La fenomenalidad del fenómeno: En torno a § 7 de Ser y Tiempo de Heidegger.Jethro Masís - 2009 - Logos. Revista de Filosofía 37 (111):89-121.
    This paper attempts to show how Heidegger’s question concerning the sense of being implies not only the so called ‘hermeneutical transformation of phenomenology’, but also and most importantly what one might call a ‘phenomenological transformation of phenomenology’. This latter transformation, which amounts to the former, can be conceived of as a Heideggerian confrontation regarding the conception of phenomenology coined by Husserl by means of a discussion of the phenomenality of the phenomenon and thus of the fundamental maxime toward which the (...)
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  39. Scale, Anonymity, and Political Akrasia in Aristotle’s Politics 7.4.Joshua Schulz - 2016 - In Travis Dumsday (ed.), The Wisdom of Youth. Washington, DC: American Maritain Association. pp. 295-309.
    This essay articulates and defends Aristotle’s argument in Politics 7.4 that there is a rational limit to the size of the political community. Aristotle argues that size can negatively affect the ability of an organized being to attain its proper end. After examining the metaphysical grounds for this principle in both natural beings and artifacts, we defend Aristotle’s extension of the principle to the polis. He argues that the state is in the relevant sense an organism, one whose primary end (...)
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  40. Tuổi lên 7 của ngài Bói Cá.Ktdb Editor - 2023 - Kingfisher.
    Nay đã lỡ qua mất sinh nhật chia tay 6 tuổi của Bói Cá. Đó là nhằm ngày 10-5-2017, là ngày khai trương trang Khoảng Lặng của tờ điện tử Kinh tế và Dự báo.
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  41. Lý thuyết MTAM ra đời tháng 7-2023.Gõ Mtam - 2023 - Mtam.
    Ngày 19-7-2022, bài nghiên cứu trình bày lý thuyết MTAM chính thức ra đời trên tạp chí HSSComms, có thể truy cập toàn văn tại địa chỉ như được cung cấp trong references của bài dưới đây.
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  42. (1 other version)BMF Collaborative Project 7: Investigation into the non-linear effects of threat perception and trust behind recycled water acceptance.Phuong Thi Nguyen - 2022 - SM3D Portal.
    The AISDL team discloses the pre-peer-reviewed results of a research project exploring the non-linear effects of threat perception and trust on recycled water acceptance. The research project was contributed by six authors. The project’s outcome has been sent to the academic journal for peer review. -/- .
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  43. A Feminist Interpretation and Reconstruction of John 7:53-8:11 in the Light Violence against Women and Its Implications Today.Ubong E. Eyo - 2019 - International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 3.
    This paper investigates “A Feminist Interpretation and Reconstruction of John 7:53-8:11 in the light violence Against Women and its Implications Today.” This comes on the heels of the fact that violence against women is not only a fact of the contemporary times but was there in the days of Jesus Christ. The paper using two major theories of Feminist hermeneutics, especially the Hermeneutics of Recounting Tales of Terror in Memoriam and the Hermeneutic of Documenting Cases Against Women in the Bible (...)
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  44. Vài dòng ghi lại lịch sử Trung tâm ISR, nhân ngày đầu sang tuổi lên 7.University Phenikaa - 2023 - Isr History.
    Như thế, hôm nay chính là ngày đầu tiên bước sang tuổi lên 7 của ISR, mặc dù nếu đếm năm, thì đã sang năm thứ 7 kể từ 1-1-2023 rồi.
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  45. Bilim, sözdebilim ayrımı bağlamında tasarlanan etkinliklerin 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin.Gülşah Atasoy - 2020 - Dissertation,
    Bu çalışmada; bilim, sözdebilim ayrımına yönelik tasarlanan öğretim etkinliklerinin, 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sözdebilimsel inançlarına ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerine etkisini araştırmak ayrıca hangi bilimsellik ve hatalı bilimsellik ölçütlerine sahip olduklarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda araştırmanının modeli iç içe karma desen olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma, 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılının ikinci döneminde, Kocaeli ili Başiskele ilçesinde bulunan bir devlet ortaokulunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın nicel kısmında bir deney (n=29) ve bir kontrol (n=30) grubu olmak üzere 59 öğrenci, nitel kısmında ise deney grubunda bulunan 29 öğrenci (...)
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    Bu çalışmada; bilim, sözdebilim ayrımına yönelik tasarlanan öğretim etkinliklerinin, 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin sözdebilimsel inançlarına ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerine etkisini araştırmak ayrıca hangi bilimsellik ve hatalı bilimsellik ölçütlerine sahip olduklarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda araştırmanının modeli iç içe karma desen olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma, 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılının ikinci döneminde, Kocaeli ili Başiskele ilçesinde bulunan bir devlet ortaokulunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın nicel kısmında bir deney (n=29) ve bir kontrol (n=30) grubu olmak üzere 59 öğrenci, nitel kısmında ise deney grubunda bulunan 29 öğrenci (...)
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  47. Mediated Experiences: 1-7. [REVIEW]Meg Stalcup, Bradley Dunseith, Sean Miller & Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard - 2016 - Somatosphere 2016.
    We take this book forum as an opportunity to reflect on Science, Reason, Modernity: Readings for an Anthropology of the Contemporary through our experiences, exploring how these texts served as our tools, and to what end. We discuss a research methods seminar in which we traced one possible variation on the “genealogical line” and “pedagogical legacy” (p. 33) to which this reader is extended as an invitation. The spirit of that invitation is, in our understanding, not to a canon that (...)
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    Reflection of the mathematical dimension of gambling in iGaming online content - A qualitative analysis: Factors influencing the content policies - Technical report no. 7.Catalin Barboianu - 2024 - Philscience.
    With the previous technical reports, we presented the main insights from the qualitative analysis of the reflection of the mathematical dimension of gambling in gambling-related sites, in its structural, linguistic, epistemic, and informative aspects. In this report we will focus on the factors responsible for the patterns that the content of the gambling-related sites exhibit and the way that the mathematical dimension of gambling is reflected in this content, namely the factors that influence the content policies of these sites. The (...)
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  49. On the Alleged Epitome of Dialectic: Nicomachean Ethics vii 1.1145b2-7.Nevim Borçin - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):201-223.
    A methodological statement that occurs at Nicomachean Ethics vii 1 and its implementation in the subsequent discussion has widely been called ‘the method of endoxa’. According to the received interpretation, this method follows some strict steps and epitomizes the dialectical method of inquiry. I question the received interpretation and argue for a deflationary and non-dialectical account which, I believe, conforms with Aristotle’s scientifically oriented general methodology.
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  50. Simplicius: On Aristotle, On the Heavens 3.1-7. Ian Mueller trans. [REVIEW]Sean Coughlin - 2011 - Aestimatio 8:34-40.
    Review of Simplicius: On Aristotle, On the Heavens 3.1-7, trans. Ian Mueller, London: Duckworth, 2009.
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