Results for 'Armée Roumaine'

39 found
  1. Le rôle de l'Armée Roumaine dans l'acte du 23 août 1944.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    De l'entre-deux-guerres jusqu'à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Roumanie s'est trouvée dans une sorte de labyrinthe géopolitique, dans lequel elle semblait avoir de multiples possibilités, mais elles allaient toutes dans le même sens : l'alliance avec l'Allemagne au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'acte du 23 août 1944 tel qu'il se présentait et le statut établi par la suite par le traité de Paris. Tout au long de cette période, l'armée roumaine a joué un (...)
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  2. La Roumanie entre le 23 août 1944 et le traité de paix de Paris.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Les défenseurs d'Ion Antonescu considèrent l'acte du roi Mihai I comme une erreur tragique ou une « grave erreur politique », affirmant que le roi aurait dû attendre encore un mois ou deux pour que le Maréc lui-même exige un armistice. L'historien Neagu Djuvara a déclaré que ces « conditions plus faciles » qu'aurait obtenues Ion Antonescu « sont de pures fables », en réalité Antonescu avait l'intention de donner aux Allemands une pause pour quitter la Roumanie. Entre le 24 (...)
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    (1 other version)Constantin Negruzzi - un épisode de la traduction du français en roumain.Iulia Cordus - 2014 - In Constantin Negruzzi - un épisode de la traduction du français en roumain. pp. 345-358.
    Le présent ouvrage traite d'un épisode de la traduction du roumain vers le français par l'écrivain roumain Constantin Negruzzi. Nous nous intéressons à la traduction de deux traductions de Victor Hugo, en analysant les procédés et les résultats du transfert linguistique.
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  4. La Francophonie en République de Moldavie.Angela Soltan - 2004 - Hermes 40:66.
    Avant 1812, l'actuelle République de Moldavie, partie intégrante de la région roumaine appelée Moldavie, avait comme modèle et débouché culturel la France. Après cette date, rattachée à l'Empire Russe, elle a dû rentrer, sous le nom de Bessarabie dans un tout autre giron culturel, à la frontière des civilisations. Aujourd'hui, le discours relatif à la culture et à l'identité est-il double ou dédoublé ? Certains Moldaves plaident pour leur identité roumaine, d'autres pour leur identité moldave et ceci sur (...)
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  5. Erinnerungskultur in Vietnam.Vuong Thu Trang - manuscript
    Die neuzeitliche Geschichte von Vietnam wurde von Kolonialismus und Invasion markiert. Von der Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war Vietnam eine französische Kolonie. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden die Vietnamesische Bevölkerung von drei Machte unterdrückt: von der Feudalherrschaft (die damals nur als Strohmann regelt und keine mehr Souveränität hatte), von den japanischen faschisten Truppen, und von der französischen kolonialen Verwaltung (die wegen der Vichy-Regime in Frankreich auch an den japanischen faschisten eine Annäherung machte). Obwohl die Vietnamesen selbst gegen der japanische Armee (...)
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  6. L'acte du 23 août 1944 en Roumanie.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Tout au long de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les services secrets roumains ont collecté des informations sur l'emplacement des unités allemandes dans le pays. Les officiers du groupe complotiste pour retourner les armes contre l'Allemagne augmentent le nombre d'unités roumaines présentes dans la capitale, afin de pouvoir affronter les Allemands. Une mission alliée clandestine a été parachutée à Bucarest et secrètement hébergée par le général Constantin Sanatescu. Suite au succès de l'offensive allemande sur l'alignement Iasi-Chisinau, le groupe complotiste décide d'accélérer (...)
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  7. Face à la crise : le communisme ; à propos de Fréderic Lordon et de son essai Figures du communisme.Arnaud Saint-Cyr - 2021 - Ithaque 29:81-102.
    Dans son plus récent ouvrage, Figures du communisme, l’économiste et philosophe Fréderic Lordon s’attaque au problème brûlant de la double crise, économique et environnementale, actuelle. Lordon désigne le coupable : le capitalisme, qui détruit la planète par son exploitation sans vergogne de la nature, et qui détruit la vie par son exploitation des êtres humains. Face à ce système mortifère, une sortie du capitalisme s’impose. Sortir du capitalisme, certes, mais pour le remplacer par quoi ? Lordon nous présente ici son (...)
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  8. La suppression transitoire des pires démons de notre nature -une critique de «Les Meilleurs Anges de Notre Nature: pourquoi la violence a décliné» «( The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined) de Steven Pinker (2012) (revue révisée 2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In Bienvenue en Enfer sur Terre : Bébés, Changement climatique, Bitcoin, Cartels, Chine, Démocratie, Diversité, Dysgénique, Égalité, Pirates informatiques, Droits de l'homme, Islam, Libéralisme, Prospérité, Le Web, Chaos, Famine, Maladie, Violence, Intellige. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 252-256.
    Ce n’est pas un livre parfait, mais il est unique, et si vous écrémez les 400 premières pages ou plus, les 300 dernières (sur quelque 700) sont une assez bonne tentative d’appliquer ce qui est connu sur le comportement aux changements sociaux de la violence et des manières au fil du temps. Le sujet fondamental est le suivant : comment notre génétique contrôle-t-elle et limite-t-elle le changement social ? Étonnamment, il ne parvient pas à décrire la nature de la sélection (...)
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  9. Comment les sept sociopathes qui gouvernent la Chine gagnent la troisième guerre mondiale et trois façons de les arrêter.Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In Bienvenue en Enfer sur Terre : Bébés, Changement climatique, Bitcoin, Cartels, Chine, Démocratie, Diversité, Dysgénique, Égalité, Pirates informatiques, Droits de l'homme, Islam, Libéralisme, Prospérité, Le Web, Chaos, Famine, Maladie, Violence, Intellige. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 347-358.
    La première chose que nous devons garder à l’esprit est que lorsque nous disons que la Chine dit ceci ou la Chine fait cela, nous ne parlons pas du peuple chinois, mais des sociopathes qui contrôlent le PCC -- Parti communiste chinois, c’est-à-dire, les sept tueurs en série sociopathes seniles (SSSSK) du Comité permanent du PCC ou des 25 membres du Politburo etc. Les plans du PCC pour la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la domination totale sont énoncés très clairement dans (...)
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  10. Comment les sept sociopathes qui gouvernent la Chine gagnent la troisième et trois façons de les arrêter.Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In Michael Starks (ed.), Suicide par La Démocratie - Nécrologie pour l'Amérique et le monde. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 48-54.
    La première chose que nous devons garder à l'esprit est que lorsque vous dites que la Chine dit ceci ou la Chine fait cela, nous ne parlons pas du peuple chinois, mais des sociopathes qui contrôlent le PCC -- Parti communiste chinois, c'est-à-dire les sept tueurs en série sociopathiques séniles (SSSSK) de l'E e Comité permanent du PCC ou des 25 membres du Politburo, etc. -/- Les plans du PCC pour la Troiseme Guerre mondiale et la domination totale sont énoncés (...)
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  11. Leibniz and the Sixteenth-Century Controversy over Substance Monism.Andreas Blank - 2019 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 63 (1):157–176.
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  12. A Kuhnian Reconstruction of Kant’s Concept of “Copernican Revolution”.Marius Augustin Draghici - 2013 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 57 (2):215-238.
    The hypothesis that we want to test is whether the Kantian revolution, based on a Copernican-type hypothesis, is a revolution in the Kuhnian sense of “scientific revolution”. By answering it we accomplish the two aims of this paper: to draw a recuperative and justificatory perspective to the fundamental ideas from Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions, related in particular to the refutation of Larry Laudan’s criticism on it and, by our own Kuhn-type reconstruction of the term “Copernican revolution” attributed to (...)
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  13. On the Possibility of Gettier Cases for Modal Knowledge.Alexandru Dragomir - 2022 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 66 (2):315-326.
    Gettier cases are used to show that having a justified true belief is not sufficient for knowledge. They are cases in which an epistemic agent has a belief that is both justified and true, but intuitively cannot be taken to count as knowledge. Modal epistemology is the field of philosophy that tackles questions regarding the sources of our knowledge of modalities (possibility and necessity) and what offers justification for beliefs about what is possible or necessary. Part of the tradition in (...)
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  14. Hope and human longevity, an actual challenging topic.Gabriel Hasmațuchi & Maria Sinaci - 2021 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 2 (65):337-346.
    This paper represents an attempt to correlate the concept of hope with the notion of human longevity and reflects the actual debates around the problem of life extension. Our analysis combines ideas from philosophy, sociology, bioethics, and religion to illustrate the problem of longevity in the context of biomedical and technological progress, and - at the same time - to show the (possible) consequences of prolonging life over the human body limits. Extending human life through emerging technologies is much closer (...)
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  15. Die Selbstlokalisierung als Grundlage der kantischen Phoronomie.Dragos Grusea - 2022 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 66 (2):279-296.
    In this paper I argue for the following two related claims. First, the science of phoronomy from Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science is grounded in the duplication of space. Second, this duplication is made possible through the self-localization of the subject, as Kant shows in the "Gegnden-Schrift". The thesis of this paper is that the self-localization transforms space into an object that can be cinematically moved and that this action sets the ground for a science of phoronomy, which presupposes (...)
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  16. Virtual Simultaneity in Lessing's Aesthetics.Dragos Grusea - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):386-400.
    This paper aims to show that Lessing develops in his aesthetics a pre-Kantian philosophy of consciousness. The concept of virtuality that the german writer puts forward in his essay Laocoon implies an interweaving of temporal dimensions similar to the threefold temporal synthesis described by Kant in the transcendental deduction of the Critique of Pure Reason. But whereas Kant thematizes an a priori of consciousness, Lessing is in search of an a priori of plastic art. It will be seen that perfect (...)
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    On the Original Content of Kant’s Categories: Metametaphysics, the Analysis of the Understanding in the Synthesis of Experience, and the Discovery of the Metaphysical Concepts of an Object in General.Till Hoeppner - 2024 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 68 (2):319-354.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant develops a metametaphysical view concerning the domain and source of a distinctively metaphysical cognition of objects of experience, which is given in terms of an analysis of our representational capacity for thought, namely, the understanding, regarding its sub-capacities and their constitutive abilities and acts. In the Analytic of Concepts, more precisely, in the Metaphysical and Subjective Deductions of the Categories, Kant develops an elaborate account of the content and formation of those metaphysical concepts (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Brentano and Mathematics.Carlo Ierna - 2011 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 55 (1):149-167.
    Franz Brentano is not usually associated with mathematics. Generally, only Brentano’s discussion of the continuum and his critique of the mathematical accounts of it is treated in the literature. It is this detailed critique which suggests that Brentano had more than a superficial familiarity with mathematics. Indeed, considering the authors and works quoted in his lectures, Brentano appears well-informed and quite interested in the mathematical research of his time. I specifically address his lectures here as there is much less to (...)
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  19. Cioran and the "epistolary mania".Ion Dur & Gabriel Hasmațuchi - 2021 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 1 (65):79-97.
    Besides his philosophical essays, Emil Cioran also maintained a vast correspondence. He sent and received numerous letters; from his parents and his brother Aurel, as well as from various personalities, friends and romantic interests. These represent a part of the philosopher’s personality which deserves to be organically integrated in the corpus of Cioran’s work and writings. Most of Cioran’s letters are inevitably literary; they preserve a productive ambiguity and express attitudes and feelings belonging to both the organic man and the (...)
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    R. M. Chisholm interprets Brentano’s theory of intentionality through the lens of two theses: the ontological thesis, according to which the intentionality of the mental designates the fact that there is an immanent object in the act; and the psychological thesis, according to which intentionality consists of the direction of the mental act toward the extra-mental object. In my paper I interpret Chisholm’s and Brentano’s theses on intentionality from two perspectives: intentionality as the most salient distinguishing feature separating the mental (...)
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  21. Kuhn's Controversial Legacy.Vasso Kindi - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):197-210.
    In the paper I will, first, address certain apparent tensions in relation to Kuhn’s legacy in the history of science. Kuhn was a historian before he became a philosopher of science. He had done and published historical work, he only had history graduate students, he imbued philosophy of science with historical considerations. And, yet, his widely acknowledged influence on the history of science came mostly through his philosophical work which is, nevertheless, brushed off by historians of science as making dated (...)
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  22. Something to Die for. The Individual as Interruption of the Political in Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political.Marin Lavinia - 2016 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 60 (2):311–325.
    This article aims to question the anti-individualist stance in Carl Schmitt's concept of the political by uncovering the historical bias of Schmitt's anti-individualism, seen here as one of the main driving forces behind his argument. For Schmitt, the political can take place only when a collectivity is able to declare war to another collectivity on the basis of feeling existentially threatened by the latter. As such, Schmitt's framework implies the inescapable possibility of war, as the condition which makes possible the (...)
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  23. A neutral monism based on Kant: C. Rădulescu-Motru.Mona Mamulea - 2015 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 59 (1):73-83.
    Abstract. The neutral monism suggested by Constantin Rădulescu-Motru was a theoretical frame intended to match the general idea of Kant’s apriorism with the results reached by physics and psychology at the beginning of the 20th Key words: transcendental aesthetic; consciousness in general; empirical consciousness; psychophysical parallelism; phenomenal ontology; scientistic ontology.
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  24. The reality beyond: Synchronicity vs. complementarity.Mona Mamulea - 2016 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 60 (1):131-139.
    As an alternative for causality – which modern science found to be rather construed than objective – Jung developed his idea of synchronicity according to the demands of a modern scientific approach of nature. As I will show in the following paper, even if he promised a complementary principle of explanation, he ended by offering a principle of reality. His attempt gave birth to a pretty vast literature that links Jung’s synchronicity to Bohr’s complementarity. I will show that such a (...)
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  25. Kant on Metaphysics as Science.Draghici M. A. - 2022 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 66 (2):297–314.
    My paper focuses on what and how Kant had accomplished with his intended “re- form of metaphysics” through “reason’s entering the secure path of science”. In this respect, I will argue that the influence of (pure) sciences on Kant’s programme was a major one, and this may be best highlighted if one assumes that he developed his mature theory only in the B edi- tion of his Critique (1787), where the influence of the model of pure a priori sciences turn (...)
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  26. Two Modes of Non-Thinking. On the Dialectic Stupidity-Thinking and the Public Duty to Think.Lavinia Marin - 2018 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 62 (1):65-80.
    This article brings forth a new perspective concerning the relation between stupidity and thinking by proposing to conceptualise the state of non-thinking in two different ways, situated at the opposite ends of the spectrum of thinking. Two conceptualisations of stupidity are discussed, one critical which follows a French line of continental thinkers, and the other one which will be called educational or ascetic, following the work of Agamben. The critical approach is conceptualised in terms of seriality of thinking, or thinking (...)
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  27. Adverbial Agreement: Phi Features, Nominalizations, and Fragment Answers.Angelapia Massaro - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 68 (4):353–375.
    We investigate adverbial agreement in Sandəmarkesə (S. Marco in Lamis, Apulia) proposing phase-bound, local agreement relations, reducible to coordination, as in past and absolute participial constructions, suggesting a copulaless analysis where arguments are subjects in a small clause. With disjunct nominals with matching φ-features, the adverb agrees separately with each part in the set, otherwise resulting in ‘non-agreeing’ forms, which we test also with negative polarity items (niʃun-, ‘nobody’ and nentə, ‘nothing’). With fragment answers, the negation scopes over adverbs agreeing (...)
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  28. Du sens comme l’obet de l’esthétique.Mihai Nadin - 1978 - Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales 22 (1).
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  29. The Exotic – An example of a diagonal category.Mihai Nadin - 1976 - Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales 20 (1).
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  30. Authenticity and Enhancement: Going Beyond Self-Discovery/Self-Creation Dichotomy.Daniel Nica - 2019 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 64 (2):321-329.
    The purpose of my paper is to challenge the binary classification of authenticity, which is currently employed in the bioethical debate on enhancement technologies. According to the standard dichotomy, there is a stark opposition between the self-discovery model, which depicts the self as a substantial and original inwardness, and the self-creation model, which assumes that the self is an open project, that has to be constituted by one’s free actions. My claim is that the so-called self-creation model actually conflates two (...)
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  31. Das Manifest für eine neue Ontologie: Metaphysik My 10.Segalerba Gianluigi - 2015 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 59 (2):209-237.
    This study is dedicated to the chapter Metaphysics My 10, which, in my opinion, represents an example of basic research as regards Aristotle’s ontological investigations. The aim of my analysis is to point out that the chapter constitutes a manifesto for a new ontology: this new ontology is Aristotle’s typological ontology. The main entities of the typological ontology are universals, on the one hand, and instantiations of universals, on the other hand. The ontological levels, to which these two kinds of (...)
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  32. The Drama of the Human Condition. Notes on the causes and origins of Evil in Plato’s Republic.Gianluigi Segalerba - 2019 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 63 (1):19-35.
    In my analysis I deal with some causes and origins of evil and of moral degeneration in the human dimension. My analysis focuses on Plato’s Republic. The origins and causes of the presence of injustice and of vice lie in the very structure of the human soul. The division of the soul into parts which are at least reciprocally independent of each other implies that there is the possibility that they are in conflict with each other. This is the origin (...)
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  33. Brentano’s Solution To Bertrand’s Paradox.Nicholas Shackel - 2024 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 68 (1):161-168.
    Brentano never published on Bertrand’s paradox but claimed to have a solution. Adrian Maître has recovered from the Franz Brentano Archive Brentano’s remarks on his solution. They do not give us a worked demonstration of his solution but only an incomplete and in places obscure justification of it. Here I attempt to identify his solution, to explain what seem to me the clearly discernible parts of his justification and to discuss the extent to which the justification succeeds in the light (...)
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  34. Unexpected models.Mihail Radu Solcan - 1986 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 30 (3-4):211-213.
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  35. Toward the ‘Never-Born’: Mainländer and Cioran.Bolea Stefan - 2021 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 65 (1):143-153.
    In his Philosophy of Redemption (1876) Philipp Mainländer transforms the Schopenhauerian will-to-life into his own concept of will-to-death, preceding Freud’s investigations into the death drive in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). Mainländer’s post-Schopenhauerian conception that non-being is preferable to being anticipates Cioran’s discussion of suicide from A Short History of Decay (1949) and his vision of the “catastrophe” of birth from The Trouble with Being Born (1973). If, from a Nietzschean perspective, Mainländer’s and Cioran’s obsession with death was a symptom (...)
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  36. Ethics in Responsible Investment: How to Incorporate Ethics into Investment Analysis.Shunsuke Sugimoto - 2018 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 62 (1):15-22.
    This paper examines ethics in finance, specifically related to responsible investment. In recent years, socially responsible principles are becoming the de facto standard not only for socially responsible but also for profitable investing. For instance, the United Nations developed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2006, which require institutional investors to incorporate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes. This raises the following question: can responsible investments be justified from an ethical point of view? (...)
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  37. Could Ross’s Pluralist Deontology Solve the Conflicting Duties Problem?Cecilia Tohaneanu - forthcoming - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 59.
    No matter how it is viewed, as a plausible version of anti-utilitarianism or of non-consequentialist, or even as a plausible version of deontology, the theory of prima facie duties certainly makes W. D. Ross one of the most important moral philosopher of the twentieth-century. By outlining his pluralistic deontology, this paper attempts to argue for a positive answer to the question of whether Ross’s theory can offer a solution to the issue of conflicting duties. If such a solution is convincing, (...)
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  38. Aristotle, Heidegger, and the Megarians.Hikmet Unlu - 2020 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 64 (1):125-140.
    This paper examines Aristotle’s analysis of unenacted capacities to show the role they play in his discovery of the concept of actuality. I first argue that Aristotle begins Metaphysics IX by focusing on active and passive capacities, after which I discuss Aristotle’s confrontation with the Megarians, the philosophers who maintain that a capacity is present only insofar as it is being enacted. Using Heidegger’s interpretation as a guide, I show that Aristotle’s rejection of the Megarian position leads him to propose (...)
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  39. Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Ethics of the Future.Constantin Vica & Cristina Voinea - 2019 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 63 (2):223–234.
    The future rests under the sign of technology. Given the prevalence of technological neutrality and inevitabilism, most conceptualizations of the future tend to ignore moral problems. In this paper we argue that every choice about future technologies is a moral choice and even the most technology-dominated scenarios of the future are, in fact, moral provocations we have to imagine solutions to. We begin by explaining the intricate connection between morality and the future. After a short excursion into the history of (...)
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