Results for 'Hafize Celik'

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  1. Civil ulydighed, højrefløjsbevægelser og filosofiens muligheder: Et interview med Robin Celikates.Philip Hoejme & Robin Celikates - 2023 - Eftertryk.
    Interviewet er lavet i juli 2021. Dets formål er at belyse emner, der er centrale i Celikates’ tænkning, f.eks. den voksende højrefløjspopulisme, migration, voldelige versus ikke-voldelige protester, civil ulydighed og den kritiske filosofis rolle i dag. -/- When Celikates and I sat down digitally in July 2021, the interview’s primary purpose was to examine topics central to Celikates’ thinking, such as the rise of right-wing populism, migration, violent versus non-violent protest, civil disobedience, and the role of critical philosophy today.
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  2. Farabi'de Dini Çoğulculuğun Temelleri ve Sınırları.Adem Çelik & Metehan Karakurt - 2019 - In Zuhra Kalakhanova & Ali Söylemez, IV. International European Conference on Social Sciences. Ispec Publishing House.
    Dini çoğulculuk, dini dışlayıcılık ve kapsayıcılıktan farklı olarak, her dinsel inanış taraftarlarının kendi dinleri içinde kalarak ilahi selamete erişeceğini söyler. Temelde, teolojik ve felsefi boyutları olan dini çoğulculuk tartışmasının siyasete bakan bir yönü de vardır. İslam tarihinde Meşşâî felsefenin kurucusu ve mutluluk filozofu olarak bilinen Farabi, bir taraftan hakikate nasıl ulaşılacağı diğer taraftan ise “âlem” adını verdiği kozmopolitanizm nasıl inşa edileceği ile ilgilenmektedir. Siyasal toplumun amacının, insanların uygun ölçekte, en yüce iyi için yardımlaşmalarını sağlamak olduğunu savunan Farabi’ye göre, erdemli bir (...)
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  3. Galen'de Ahlakin Degismesinin İmkani.Emre Çeliker - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):859-876.
    It can be said that both Plato's tripartite soul and Hippocrates' theory of temperament were influential in Galen's perception of ethics. In this respect, Galen, who presents a kind of composition of the effective philosophical and medical traditions of his day, is outside the tradition with his understanding of physicalist psychology. Considering the capacities of the soul as depending on the temperament of the body, Galen generally displays a deterministic attitude towards ethics, that is, the development of the soul. This (...)
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  4. Bios Politikos’tan Homo Economicus’a: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Perspektifle Antik ve Modern Dönemde İnsan, Ekonomi ve Siyaset İlişkisi* From Bios Politikos to Homo Economicus: The Relationship Between Human, Economy and Politics in the Ancient and Modern Periods with a Comparative Perspective.Adem Çelik & Aykut Aykutalp - 2017 - İnsanandİnsan 4 (13):223-241.
    The purpose of this study is to present how ancient and modern thinkers describe politics and to discuss reasons for differences seen in these definitions. In the ancient period, the identification of human being as a political entity by nature caused politics to be seen as the most supreme of all human activities. For the ancient thinkers, politics is conceptualized as a pluralist area in which the common issues are discussed by equals and also which excludes inequality. Ancient thinker Aristotle (...)
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  5. Eğitim Araştırmaları 2022.Hafize Gümüş - 2022 - Konya, Türkiye: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
    Bir toplumun sağlam temellere oturabilmesi, gelişebilmesi ve dünyada söz sahibi olabilmesi için eğitim, şüphesiz ön planda gelmektedir. Eğitime önem veren ülkelerin geleceğe dair daha emin adımlar atacağı ve hedeflerine daha yakın olacağı söylenebilir. Son yıllarda hızla gelişen ve değişen dünya ile birlikte ülkemizde de akademisyenler eğitim ile ilgili inceleme ve çalışmalarına hız vermiştir. Birçok kongre ve sempozyumda sunumlar yapılmakta aynı zamanda makale ve kitaplarla bilgi paylaşımı yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kitap, eğitim fakültelerinde akademisyenlerin birbirlerinin farklı alanlardaki çalışmaları hakkında bilgi edinmelerini sağlamak (...)
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  6. Encoder-Decoder Based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Model for Video Captioning.Adewale Sikiru, Tosin Ige & Bolanle Matti Hafiz - forthcoming - Proceedings of the IEEE:1-6.
    This work demonstrates the implementation and use of an encoder-decoder model to perform a many-to-many mapping of video data to text captions. The many-to-many mapping occurs via an input temporal sequence of video frames to an output sequence of words to form a caption sentence. Data preprocessing, model construction, and model training are discussed. Caption correctness is evaluated using 2-gram BLEU scores across the different splits of the dataset. Specific examples of output captions were shown to demonstrate model generality over (...)
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  7. Foucault'da Özne, İktidar ve Şiddet İlişkisi.Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik - 2020 - In Atıl Cem Çi̇çek & Cengiz Ergün, Ulusal Si̇yaset Bi̇li̇mi̇ Ve Kamu Yöneti̇mi̇ Kongresi̇ Bi̇ldi̇ri̇ Özetleri̇ Ki̇tabi. pp. 34.
    Michel Foucault’nun çalışmalarının merkezi noktalarından birisini, Batı kültüründe insanların, özneye dönüştürülmesinin tarihini ortaya çıkarmak oluşturmaktadır. Diğerini ise, özneye dönüştürme tekniklerine karşı verilen mücadeleler, çeşitli iktidar tekniklerinin dayattığı bireysellik ve kimlikten kurtulmanın, özgürleşmenin imkânı oluşturmaktadır. İnsanları, öznelere dönüştüren süreçleri bir bütün olarak ele almak yerine, çeşitli nesneleştirme kipleri üzerinden incelemenin daha akıllıca bir yol olduğunu düşünen Foucault, çalışmalarında insanı özneye dönüştüren üç ayrı nesneleştirme kipine yoğunlaşır. Bunlar; kendilerine bilim statüsü kazandırmaya çalışan filoloji gibi araştırma kipleri, deli ile akıllı, hasta ile sağlıklı, (...)
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  8. Experience of Lung Surgery in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Kubilay İnan, İlknur Aytekin Çelik & Nurettin Karaoğlanoğlu - 2023 - European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (1):32-35.
    Objective: During the pandemic, elective cases other than those requiring emergency thoracic surgery were postponed. Depending on the magnitude of the impact the pandemic posed on hospitals and clinics, there have been changes in the number and variety of cases of thoracic surgery. The intention behind conducting this study was to share the experiences gained by a thoracic surgery clinic during the pandemic period. Methods: Altogether, 214 patients were included in the study. Patient data that were recorded included those on (...)
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    COVID-19 Salgını Sürecinde Sağlığın Korunması ve Hastalığın Tedavisinde Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Uygulamalarının Yeri.ÇELİK Şeymanur - 2023 - Bütünleyici Ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi 4 (4):63-71.
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  10. (1 other version)Politikayı Hannah Arendt'le Birlikte Yeniden Düşünmek.Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik - unknown - In Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik, VI. YILDIZ ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL BİLİMLER KONGRESİ TAM METİN BİLDİRİ KİTABI. İstanbul, Türkiye:
    It is possible to talk about dominant concepts in modern political definitions. Among these concepts; power, violence, hierarchy, security and resource allocation are the prominent ones. For many, politics is how power and authority is distributed and used. When politics is defined in relation to pure power, violence appears to be one of the effective means of politics. Even, with a further extent, violence is seen as an expression of power. As said by C. W. Mills’ “politics is a struggle (...)
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  11. Foucault'da Özne, İktidar ve Şiddet İlişkisi.Metehan Karakurt & Adem Çelik - 2020 - In Atıl Cem Çi̇çek & Cengiz Ergün, Ulusal Si̇yaset Bi̇li̇mi̇ Ve Kamu Yöneti̇mi̇ Kongresi̇ Bi̇ldi̇ri̇ Özetleri̇ Ki̇tabi.
    Michel Foucault’nun çalışmalarının merkezi noktalarından birisini, Batı kültüründe insanların, özneye dönüştürülmesinin tarihini ortaya çıkarmak oluşturmaktadır. Diğerini ise, özneye dönüştürme tekniklerine karşı verilen mücadeleler, çeşitli iktidar tekniklerinin dayattığı bireysellik ve kimlikten kurtulmanın, özgürleşmenin imkânı oluşturmaktadır. İnsanları, öznelere dönüştüren süreçleri bir bütün olarak ele almak yerine, çeşitli nesneleştirme kipleri üzerinden incelemenin daha akıllıca bir yol olduğunu düşünen Foucault, çalışmalarında insanı özneye dönüştüren üç ayrı nesneleştirme kipine yoğunlaşır. Bunlar; kendilerine bilim statüsü kazandırmaya çalışan filoloji gibi araştırma kipleri, deli ile akıllı, hasta ile sağlıklı, (...)
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  12. Adversarial Sampling for Fairness Testing in Deep Neural Network.Tosin Ige, William Marfo, Justin Tonkinson, Sikiru Adewale & Bolanle Hafiz Matti - 2023 - International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 14 (2).
    In this research, we focus on the usage of adversarial sampling to test for the fairness in the prediction of deep neural network model across different classes of image in a given dataset. While several framework had been proposed to ensure robustness of machine learning model against adversarial attack, some of which includes adversarial training algorithm. There is still the pitfall that adversarial training algorithm tends to cause disparity in accuracy and robustness among different group. Our research is aimed at (...)
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  13. Berberine Synergizes with Cisplatin via Inducing Apoptosis on A549 non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells.Merve Becit-Kızılkaya, Şeyma Öncü, Serkan Şen & Sefa Çelik - 2023 - European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (3):480-488.
    Objective: Lung cancer is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality. Platinum-based chemotherapy, which is the primary line of treatment, offers limited benefit due to drug resistance and side effects. Berberine (BBR), which is characterised by its potent and safe anticancer activity, represents a promising combination option in chemotherapy. To overcome the limitations in lung cancer chemotherapy, we investigated whether BBR and cisplatin (CIS) exert synergistic effects on non-small cell lung cancer cell line (A549) based on cytotoxicity and apoptotic (...)
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  14. Selected Poems of Hafiz.Ali Salami - 2017 - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran: Mehrandish.
    Born in 1315, Shamseddin Mohammad, known as Hafiz, grew up in the city of Shiraz where he studied the Qur’anic sciences. In his youth he learned the Quran rigorously and assumed the epithet ‘Hafiz’ which means the one who knows the Quran by heart. Also known as the ‘Tongue of the Hidden’ and the ‘Interpreter of Secrets’, Hafiz utilizes grand religious ideas and mingles them with Sufistic teachings, thereby creating a kind of poetry which baffles interpretation. The poetry of Hafiz (...)
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  15. THE INFLUENCE OF HAFIZ ON WESTERN POETRY.Ali Salami - 2008 - Sarjana 24 (2).
    This article examines the influence of the Persian mystic poet Hafi z on western poets. Interest in Hafiz started in England in the eighteenth century with the translations of Sir William Jones. In the nineteenth century, the German translation of Baron von HammerPurgstall inspired Goethe to create his masterpiece Westöstliche Divan (West-Eastern Divan). The poetry of Hafiz evoked such passion in Goethe that he referred to him as ‘Saint Hafiz’ and ‘Celestial Friend’. Inspired by Westöstliche Divan, a number of German (...)
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  16. Manhaj Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al- Asqalani Fi Al- Aqidah Min Khilala Kitabihi "Fath Al-Bari" Risalah Ilmiyah.Muhammad Ishaq Kandu - 1998 - Maktabat Al-Rushd.
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  17. Can Riots be Democratic? On the Fight for Recognition via Violent Means.Philip Højme - 2021 - Itinerari 60 (Recognition of Life Theoretical,):325-340.
    This essay seeks to examine D’Arcy’s notion of sound militancy to discern whether this term can be fruitfully applied to establishing rioting (riots) as a democratic form of resistance to injustice or negligence. The first part of the essay provides an account of Frazer and Hutchings’ critique of political violence, a critique that perceives violence (used in politics or for political aims) as never being justifiable. In opposition to this position, the second part of the essay posits, through both theoretical (...)
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  18. Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world.Yahya Kouroshi - 2022 - In EOTHEN, Band VIII.
    Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world -/- This essay deals with Hegel's reading (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770 - 1831) of Hafez' poetry (Moḥammad Schams ad-Din Hafez Schirazi, around 1315 - 1390) during his lectures on the Aesthetics or Philosophy of Art at the University of Berlin (1820/21; 1823; 1826; 1828/29). Hegel's writings, Lectures on Aesthetics, were published from his remains by Heinrich Gustav Hotho (1802 - 1873) in three (...)
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  19. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This seventh volume of Collected Papers includes 70 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2013-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 122 co-authors from 22 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel-Nasser Hussian, C. Alexander, Mumtaz Ali, Yaman Akbulut, Amir Abdullah, Amira S. Ashour, Assia Bakali, Kousik Bhattacharya, Kainat Bibi, R. N. Boyd, Ümit Budak, Lulu Cai, Cenap Özel, Chang Su Kim, Victor Christianto, Chunlai Du, Chunxin Bo, Rituparna Chutia, Cu Nguyen Giap, Dao The (...)
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  20. Short Collection: On Major Works of Islamic Civilizations.Wesley De Sena - manuscript
    Short Papers on Al-bayunniyah's "Principles of Sufism," Hafiz's "Faces of Love," Ibn Tufayl's "Hayy Ibn Yaqzan," and Watt's "Islamic Creeds.".
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  21. The Reception of Classical Persian Poetry in Anglophone World: Problems and Solutions.Adineh Khojastehpour & Mirzababazadeh Behnam - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (1):39-49.
    The impact of Persian literature on world culture and literature is undeniable. Persian poets such as Firdowsi, Sa’di, Hafiz, Rumi and Khayyam who deal with universal themes beyond a particular place and time are among the most widely-known literary figures of the world; their works are translated into different languages. Despite the fact that there are different translations of Persian literature in English, it is still not clear whether Persian literature has gained its appropriate place in the world. We study (...)
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