Results for 'Online Classrooms'

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  1. Language Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations in Integrating Technology in the Online Classroom: Its Effect on Students’ Motivation and Engagement.Russell de Souza, Rehana Parveen, Supat Chupradit, Lovella G. Velasco, Myla M. Arcinas, Almighty Tabuena, Jupeth Pentang & Randy Joy M. Ventayen - 2021 - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (10):5001-5014.
    The present study assessed the language teachers' pedagogical beliefs and orientations in integrating technology in the online classroom and its effect on students' motivation and engagement. It utilized a cross-sectional correlational research survey. The study respondents were the randomly sampled 205 language teachers (μ= 437, n= 205) and 317 language students (μ= 1800, n= 317) of select higher educational institutions in the Philippines. The study results revealed that respondents hold positive pedagogical beliefs and orientations using technology-based teaching in their (...)
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  2. Flipped Classroom and ManyChat Delivering Online-Offline (MCDOO) Learning for Science, Technology & Engineering Curriculum (STEC) Students.Leonifel D. Alforque - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (2):96-118.
    Low physics learning in the Philippines is a prevailing concern the education sector must resolve, so initiating technological interventions in teaching the subject, including flipped classrooms, and introducing a chatbot such as ManyChat Delivering Online-Offline learning could be helpful to improve scientific literacy in learning Electromagnetic (EM) waves. This study aimed to determine the significant learning differences between conventional teaching (CT), Flipped Classroom (FC), and ManyChat Delivering Online-Offline (MCDOO) Learning in teaching EM waves. Previous research showed that (...)
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  3. Struggle Is Real: The Experiences and Challenges Faced by Filipino Tertiary Students on Lack of Gadgets Amidst the Online Learning.Janelle Jose, Kristian Lloyd Miguel P. Juan, John Patrick Tabiliran, Franz Cedrick Yapo, Jonadel Gatchalian, Melanie Kyle Baluyot, Ken Andrei Torrero, Jayra Blanco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):174-181.
    Education is essential to life, and the epidemic affected everything. Parents want to get their kids the most important teaching. However, since COVID-19 has affected schools and other institutions, providing education has become the most significant issue. Online learning pedagogy uses technology to provide high-quality learning environments for student-centered learning. Further, this study explores the experiences and challenges faced by Filipino tertiary students regarding the lack of gadgets amidst online learning. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of (...)
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  4. “Participation” In Online Discussion Forum in Distance Education: An Autoethnographic Inquiry.Job Vincent M. Arcebuche & Mark Nickhole R. Bernardino - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (1):25-37.
    Interactions are important in establishing deep and meaningful learning experiences for learners in a distance education setup. Of all the activities in an online classroom, the discussion forum proved to be the one that had the most interactions. A discussion forum lets learners interact with the content, peers, and teachers. Participation in these learning activities is one important factor. The more the learners participate, the more they learn. This paper uses the researcher’s experience in determining what participation is in (...)
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  5. Synchronous Online Philosophy Courses: An Experiment in Progress.Fritz McDonald - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 18 (1):37-40.
    There are two main ways to teach a course online: synchronously or asynchronously. In an asynchronous course, students can log on at their convenience and do the course work. In a synchronous course, there is a requirement that all students be online at specific times, to allow for a shared course environment. In this article, the author discusses the strengths and weaknesses of synchronous online learning for the teaching of undergraduate philosophy courses. The author discusses specific strategies (...)
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  6. ONLINE LEARNING AND EMOTIONAL PRESENCE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):66-67.
    This study delved into the realm of emotional presence and its potential impact on students' academic performance within collaborative online learning environments. While emotions were recognized as influential factors in the learning process, the specific relationship between emotional presence and cognitive outcomes remained elusive, particularly in the context of virtual classrooms. This research addressed a critical gap by investigating the relationships between emotional presence and students’ academic achievements in online classes. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach incorporating both (...)
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  7. How to induct students into the flipped-classroom model.Jonathan Y. H. Sim - 2021 - Times Higher Education (Campus).
    The flipped-classroom format is a type of blended learning where students are required to do preparatory work – such as watching lecture videos or completing assignments – before coming to a face-to-face class to work on more challenging problems with the facilitation of an instructor. However, one challenge of teaching flipped-classroom modules is that a big proportion of students often come to class unprepared. Either they do not watch the lecture videos or they skim through them before the tutorials. Thus, (...)
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  8. The Acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell Session Practice to Tagumpay National High School Teachers.Ann Michelle S. Medina, Mari Cris O. Lim & Aldren E. Camposagrado - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):99-109.
    This quantitative study explores the acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell (LAC) practice as a school-based professional development strategy for Tagumpay National High School (TNHS) teachers. The research was motivated by the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 35 s. 2016 which prompts public schools to comply with the implementation of LAC sessions because it has a positive impact on teachers’ beliefs and practices resulting in education reforms for learners’ benefit. However, in compliance with DepEd’s policy on maximizing Time-On-Task (...)
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  9. Mindset and Levels of Conceptual Understanding in the Problem-Solving of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Online Learning Environment.Ma Luisa Mariano-Dolesh, Leila Collantes, Edwin Ibañez & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (6):18-33.
    Mindset plays a vital role in tackling the barriers to improving the preservice mathematics teachers’ (PMTs) conceptual understanding of problem-solving. As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to pose a challenge, online learning has been adopted. This led this study to determining the PMTs’ mindset and level of conceptual understanding in problem-solving in an online learning environment utilising Google Classroom and the Khan Academy. A quantitative research design was employed specifically utilising a descriptive, comparative, and correlational design. Forty-five PMTs (...)
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  10. Social Connectedness in Physical Isolation: Online Teaching Practices That Support Under-Represented Undergraduate Students’ Feelings of Belonging and Engagement in STEM.Ian Thacker, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva, Nicole T. Duong & Paul Beardsley - 2022 - Education Sciences 12 (2):61-82.
    The COVID-19 outbreak spurred unplanned closures and transitions to online classes. Physical environments that once fostered social interaction and community were rendered inactive. We conducted interviews and administered surveys to examine undergraduate STEM students’ feelings of belonging and engagement while in physical isolation, and identified online teaching modes associated with these feelings. Surveys from a racially diverse group of 43 undergraduate students at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) revealed that interactive synchronous instruction was positively associated with feelings of (...)
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  11. Examining Environmental Challenges in Relation to Online Distance Learning.Jamaica Noscal, Cynic Tenedero & Rejulios Villenes - 2024 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 3 (4):386-393.
    The study focuses on the environmental challenges encountered by grade 11 STEM students at Lopez National Comprehensive High School in Online Distance Learning (ODL). This determines the significant relationship between the demographic profile and the environmental challenges in terms of ICT technical issues and concerns; environmental problems; and physical and digital distractions. The researcher utilized quantitative correlational research with the use of a simple random sampling technique to determine the 90 STEM students at Lopez National Comprehensive High School, Philippines. (...)
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  12. THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF STUDENTS UNDER THE COLLABORATIVE ONLINE INTERNATIONAL LEARNING (COIL) PROGRAM: LOOKING AT SDG 12.Christabelle Jaynee S. C. Acedillo - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):63–77.
    Collaborative learning emphasizes student-to-student interaction and the instructor’s role as a facilitator. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) was founded in 2005 by the State University of New York (SUNY) to help schools adapt their single classroom courses to an online, collaborative format and establish strong collaborations with professors with whom they would join classes and co-teach using SUNY COIL conferences and website, as well as pre-established partnerships between the institutions. However, as the globe becomes increasingly interconnected, educational challenges (...)
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  13. The Humanities Classroom: A Guide to Free and Responsible Inquiry.Carlo DaVia - 2022 - UC Center for Free Speech.
    Should college teachers still teach works with immoral content? What if the works are by deeply immoral thinkers? This guide is intended to help us answer these sorts of pedagogical questions by articulating the pertinent moral issues and then suggesting strategies for navigating them.
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  14. Speech Classes During COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges Faced by the Classroom Teachers.Louie Gula - 2022 - Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning 8 (1):53-70.
    The research study aimed at assessing the various difficulties that speech teachers had in delivering lessons during the distance learning era. The various phenomena and themes that emerged from the survey were determined using a descriptive research design. The survey was conducted to collect information about the various characteristics and behavior of speech teachers. It also explored the factors that influenced their decisions and actions when it came to addressing the pandemic. The repeated themes that emerged, include low motivation, altered (...)
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  15. A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Tagumpay National High School Teachers Involved in Online Learning Action Cell Session.Ann Michelle S. Medina, Aldren E. Camposagrado & Mari Cris O. Lim - 2022 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 1 (3):142-154.
    A qualitative phenomenological approach was used in this study to describe the lived experiences of Tagumpay National High School (TNHS) teachers on Online Learning Action Cell (LAC) session. LAC is a school-based professional development for teachers implemented by the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd). Due to teacher’s lack of participation on classroom LAC, a fully-online mode option is explored by offering TNHS teachers Online LAC session using Facebook as a Learning Management System (LMS). To capture the lived (...)
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  16. Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management System (LMS) and the ‘Real’ Classroom: A Case Study of an Indian Higher Education Institution.Digambar M. Ghodke - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (4):1-14.
    The present quasi-experimental study was undertaken to study students’ perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the LMS and the ‘real’ classroom. The data was collected using the online survey method (Google Form), which included questions related to students' perceptions of the effectiveness of both modes in enhancing knowledge, critical skills, and social competence. The study found that although the ratio of students who preferred ‘real’ classroom learning to learning through the LMS was higher, many students were also comfortable (...)
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  17. Gaming Google: Some Ethical Issues Involving Online Reputation Management.Jo Ann Oravec - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:61-81.
    Using the search engine Google to locate information linked to individuals and organizations has become part of everyday functioning. This article addresses whether the “gaming” of Internet applications in attempts to modify reputations raises substantial ethical concerns. It analyzes emerging approaches for manipulation of how personally-identifiable information is accessed online as well as critically-important international differences in information handling. Itinvestigates privacy issues involving the data mining of personally-identifiable information with search engines and social media platforms. Notions of “gaming” and (...)
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  18. Depression in the Classroom.Hang K. Nguyen, Trang T. Le, My Nguyen & Kien Le - 2010 - Review.
    Dеspitе thе prеvаlеncе оf cоmmоn mеntаl hеаlth prоblеms, cоllеgе studеnts sееk prоfеssiоnаl аssistаncе аt а lоw rаtе. Pеrcеptiоns оf sоciеtаl stаndаrds аrоund аid sееking cоuld bе оnе оf thе fаctоrs influеncing hеlp sееking prоclivity. Thе currеnt study lооkеd аt pеrcеivеd pееr nоrms fоr sееking hеlp fоr dеprеssеd symptоms аnd thеir rеlаtiоnship tо оnе's оwn hеlp sееking prоclivity in urbаn cоllеgе yоuth. Thе mеthоds utilizеd wеrе а crоss-sеctiоnаl survеy аpprоаch. Thе mоst likеly sоurcе оf gеtting suppоrt fоr dеprеssiоn symptоms wаs friеnds. (...)
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  19. On Regression Modeling for Students’ Attitude towards Statistics Online Learning in Higher Education.Leomarich Casinillo & Ginna Tavera - 2023 - St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 9 (2):60-74.
    Students during the distance education were experiencing solitude and depression in their studies due to no social interaction which led to psychological suffering. In this article, college students' attitudes toward statistics learning were investigated, and its predictors by statistical modeling. Secondary data was extracted from a current study from the literature, summarized using descriptive statistics, and presented in tabular form. As for modeling the predictors of students' attitudes in learning statistics, it was done through multiple linear regression via the ordinary (...)
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  20. Bizarre solutions to increase Chinese students’ online learning engagement.Ruining Jin - 2023 - Sm3D Knowledge Management.
    In Confucian education philosophy, the teacher is the center of a classroom [6], which has set the tone of the teacher-centered education model in China for thousands of years.
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  21. Filipino Students’ Standpoint on Going Back to Traditional Schooling in the New Normal.Louie Gula, Jayrome L. Nunez, Alvin L. Barnachea, Jover B. Jabagat & Jomar M. Urbano - 2022 - Journal of Teacher Education and Research 17 (1):16-21.
    Schools worldwide have started opening doors to welcome back students who, for almost two years, have been stuck studying at home. This study looks at the standpoint of Filipino students on going back to regular face-to-face schooling. There were 2,274 students of different tiers of education (high school, collegiate, graduate) from different major island groups of the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao) who participated in the study. The study used a mixed-method of descriptive statistics to present the quantitative data gathered and (...)
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  22. VIRTUAL DELIVERY OF ELEMENTARY TEACHERS IN THE NEW NORMAL: PRACTICES AND IMPLEMENTATION.Norcelyn Batalla, Jeneth Day Onan, Rizza Tano & Genesis Genelza - 2023 - Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 11 (12):229-248.
    The online-based learning system is a current policy established by the Philippine government in all schools as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Shifting face-to-face schools with an online learning-based system creates problems, especially for elementary teachers. This study investigates elementary school teachers' practices in the new normal. The BEED - Generalist researchers employed phenomenological research and purposefully selected participants who were thoroughly knowledgeable to gather essential data about effective methods of virtual delivery. The data was collected through (...)
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  23. Effectiveness of Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS)/ Learner Information System (LIS)Data and School Management.Alven Lopez & Rufino Lorejo - 2023 - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies 18 (1):689-707.
    Accessing reliable and accurate information is essential to the proliferation of information through various channels. This can help individuals make informed decisions and avoid misinformation or disinformation. In such a case, creating an online information system should be prioritized to provide available data and information for planning, budgeting, and allocating resources and operational targets. This study assessed the level of satisfaction with the usability of EBEIS/LIS data and school management by the Department of Education among public secondary schools of (...)
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  24. Divulging the Lived Experiences of Public School Teachers in the USA during COVID-19 Pandemic: Phenomenological Analysis.Jaypee Lopres, Glendale Niadas, Geraldine Minez, Greatchie Lopres, Madeleine Gutierrez, Albert Marion Quiap & Saturnino Renante Bangot Jr - 2023 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 22 (5):180-205.
    This research examined the lived experiences of public school teachers in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative design was performed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Twenty public school teachers in the United States formed the sample, with the inclusion criterion being a minimum of three years’ teaching experience, including the pandemic. To meet the safety measure protocols set by the U.S. government, the data gathering was conducted online using Microsoft Forms. The semi-structured interviews comprised two sections: the (...)
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  25. Secondary Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Distance Education in Science: Focus on Learner-Centered, Action-Oriented, and Transformative Learning.Aaron Funa - 2023 - DALAT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 13 (3):156-181.
    The shift from conventional, face-to-face classroom teaching to distance education is a complex process that brings various challenges. To better understand the impact of this transition, the researchers examined the perceptions of secondary science teachers (n = 42) and students (n = 137). Specifically, the study focused on evaluating learner-centered, action-oriented, and transformative learning – referred to as LCAOT learning – in science distance education. The researchers developed a 26-item, 4-point Likert scale questionnaire that was distributed online to the (...)
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  26. Course Design to Connect Theory to Real-World Cases: Teaching Political Philosophy in Asia.Sandra Leonie Field - 2019 - Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9 (2):199-211.
    Students often have difficulty connecting theoretical and text-based scholarship to the real world. When teaching in Asia, this disconnection is exacerbated by the European/American focus of many canonical texts, whereas students' own experiences are primarily Asian. However, in my discipline of political philosophy, this problem receives little recognition nor is it comprehensively addressed. In this paper, I propose that the problem must be taken seriously, and I share my own experiences with a novel pedagogical strategy which might offer a possible (...)
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  27. Parental Factors Related to Students’ Self-Concept and Academic Performance amid COVID-19 and Distance Learning.Nelda B. Caasi & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 1 (4):202-209.
    Parental factors impact students’ self-concept and academic performance during the pandemic. Thus, this study determined the students’ self-concept and academic performance and the parental factors related to it. The research design was descriptive-correlational, and 500 nonrandom college students in West Philippines participated in the study. Researcher-made instruments were used, which were subjected to reliability and validity evaluation. Data were collected online from June 2021 to July 2022 and were analyzed using descriptive (frequency counts and percentage) and inferential statistics (Spearman (...)
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    The Power of Discipline: Unveiling its Impact on Students' Problem-Solving Skills.Regie Bangoy - 2025 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 33 (4):442-447.
    The impact of teacher discipline on student outcomes is a critical area in educational research. However, limited studies have explored how specific discipline styles affect students' problem-solving abilities, particularly in Grade Six classrooms. This study investigates the relationship between classroom discipline styles of Grade Six teachers and students' problem-solving skills in schools within District III and IV of Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental Philippines. Using a descriptive-correlational design, the study involved 34 Grade Six teachers and 170 students selected through purposive (...)
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  29. E-Proceedings International Conference on Innovation in Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Southeast Asia.Cecilia Titiek Murniati & Heny Hartono (eds.) - 2019 - Semarang: Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata.
    The advancement of technology has tremendously transformed today’s teaching and learning. Teachers have a plethora of ways to keep students engaged and empowered. Technology allows both students and teachers to interact better and more effectively. Changing student demography, changing teaching paradigms, and changing needs of today’s students necessitate the integration of technology in the universities. Universities undoubtedly have to seek innovative methods in delivering courses to increase students’ engagement and to attain their teaching goals. This proceeding is a collection of (...)
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  30. Cognitive Skills in Philosophy.Steven James Bartlett - 1978-1979 - Aitia 6 (3):12-21.
    Two fundamentally distinct approaches to the teaching of philosophy are contrasted: On the one hand, there is the “information-oriented” approach which has dominated classrooms and which emphasizes the understanding of historically important philosophical works. On the other hand, there is the “cognitive skills” approach. The two approaches may be distinguished under the headings of ‘knowing that’ as opposed to ‘knowing how’. This paper describes and discusses four perspectives relating to the teaching of cognitive skills: (i) the discovery-oriented approach, (ii) (...)
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    Blended Learning to Overcome Inadequate Infrastructure.A. Arthi - 2025 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (10):1-9.
    Blended learning is a teaching approach that combines traditional in-person instruction with digital resources to create a more adaptable and accessible educational experience. This hybrid model blends the strengths of classroom teaching with the flexibility of online tools like virtual classrooms, e-books, and digital assessments, helping to overcome many of the challenges found in conventional education. Traditional education systems often face issues such as limited access to quality resources, outdated instructional materials, and inadequate teacher support, especially in remote (...)
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  32. Flexible Teaching-Learning Modality in Mathematics Education of a State University in West Philippines.Ronalyn Bautista & Dominga Valtoribio - 2024 - Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal 16 (3):5-24.
    In response to paradigm shifts in education, teacher education institutions have increasingly adopted flexible learning modalities such as online courses, blended learning approaches, and personalized instruction to meet the diverse needs of students and prepare educators for the demands of modern classrooms. This study used a mixed-method research design to gain a comprehensive understanding of the flexible teaching and learning modalities it brought to mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) and learners in a state university in West Philippines. Since ethical (...)
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  33. Technology Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction and Readings.Gregory Robson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    The first of its kind, this anthology in the burgeoning field of technology ethics offers students and other interested readers 32 chapters, each written in an accessible and lively manner specifically for this volume. The chapters are conveniently organized into five sections: I. Perspectives on Technology and its Value II. Technology and the Good Life III. Computer and Information Technology IV. Technology and Business V. Biotechnologies and Enhancement A hallmark of the volume is multidisciplinary contributions both in analytic and continental (...)
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  34. Teachers’ Viewpoint of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in Listening during Remote Teaching in Oman: Challenges and Strategies.Surya Subrahmanyam Vellanki, Saadat Mond, Zahid Kamran Khan & Lekha Gopalakrishnan Nair - 2022 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (7):82-106.
    Research in second language learning has identified the absence of metacognition among learners as one of the major problems contributing to students’ inability to comprehend listening texts. Moreover, the shift to remote teaching due to COVID-19 has made it more crucial for teachers and learners to adapt to new modes of teaching and learning. This accentuates the need for effective listening strategy instruction. This study conducted at a university in Oman, is unique in two ways: first, it seeks out teachers’ (...)
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  35. Behavioural Pattern of School Students towards E-learning Platform during Covid-19 period with special reference to Coimbatore city.R. Manju Priya & S. Dhanabagiyam - 2020 - International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 11 (2):290-298.
    E-learning has taken it full fudged emergence with regards to Covid Scenario. Also, the lockdown of schools and playgrounds, the restriction of outdoor activities, physical and social isolation leads to the behavioural change among school children. Students are more attached to their schools, teachers and friends. But Covid 19 has changed the entire situation changed and they were held in their home itself. Students were not able to meet their friends and teachers, they especially miss their school and class environment. (...)
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  36. DIGITIZED EDUCATION AS TEACHING MODALITIES AS RELATED TO TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN PILA, LAGUNA.Angela Marie T. Martinez - 2022 - International Journal of Research Publications 107 (1):74-91.
    The objective of this study was to determine the teachers? performance in Digitized Education in Private and Public Schools in Pila, Laguna and their performance at school through different teaching modalities. It sought to answer three basic questions. What is the extent of the digitized education using different modalities as to Online teaching and learning, Modular Teaching/ Learning, Flexible and Blended Teaching and Learning?; What is the level of teachers? performance in terms of IPCRF Individual Performance Commitment Review Form) (...)
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  37. Contextual Effects of Video Tutorials on The Academic Performance of STEM 12 Students.Sherry V. Mecida, Krisna Rika O. Barron, Henry I. I. E. Lemana, Andre Eldridge O. Oberez, Alraiza K. Sampulna, Sheryn Mae M. Huesca, Sabrie K. Bailan, Mike Jones E. Sajorga, Tristan Kyle O. Sarceda, Queenie Rose T. Teniero & Orczy Louis Edniel W. Baculi - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):86-98.
    As schools publicly modernize in response to societal changes, additional teaching and learning methods are developed, observed, and used since learners have different learning styles that make it easier for them to grasp and retain the material. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers require different media to keep the classroom involved while presenting the lesson materials online, one of which is video tutorials. The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent of contextual effects of video tutorials used in (...)
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  38. From boredom to excitement: unleashing motivation with Kahoot in English language learning.Abdullah Noori & Asadullah Azimi - 2023 - Erudita: Journal of English Language Teaching 3 (2):191-203.
    The advent of digital games in language classrooms has ushered in a new era of interactive and dynamic learning experiences. Among these platforms, Kahoot stands out as an engaging and entertaining gaming platform, capturing the attention of both instructors and students. Despite the previous studies on the impact of Kahoot on language learning motivation, they have predominantly focused on assessing the effects of Kahoot before and after instruction overlooking direct comparisons with traditional instructional methods. Consequently, the present study utilized (...)
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  39. Awareness and Utilization of E-Learning Technologies Among Vocational and Technical Education Students.Calister L. Nwadi, Blessing Ijeoma Attah & Esther Chioma Eze - 2023 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2 (2):149-161.
    The study investigated the awareness and utilization of e-learning technologies among vocational and technical education (VTE) students. A descriptive survey research design was used for this study, and the population consisted of 551 VTE students. A simple random sample of 62 VTE students was selected. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha analysis, and the reliability index was found to be within the acceptable limit of 0.70. An online survey (...)
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  40. Diseño pedagógico de la educación digital para la formación del profesorado.Jorge Balladares - 2018 - Relatec 17 (1):41-60.
    This article analyzes the incidence of digital education in teacher training in themodalities of b-learning and e-learning. The research proposed three case studies. The frststudy evaluates the efects of a TIa training course in b-learning mode in the digitalcompetence of teachers in an Ecuadorian university. The second study identifed the keycomponents of the instructional design of a postgraduate program in the e-learningmodality of a Spanish university. The third study established a proposal for instructional re-design of a digital education course through (...)
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  41. STEM Faculty’s Support of Togetherness during Mandated Separation: Accommodations, Caring, Crisis Management, and Powerlessness.Ian Thacker, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva & Paul Beardsley - 2022 - Education Sciences 12 (9):1-14.
    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic initiated major disruptions to higher education systems. Physical spaces that previously supported interpersonal interaction and community were abruptly inactivated, and faculty largely took on the responsibility of accommodating classroom structures in rapidly changing situations. This study employed interviews to examine how undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) instructors adapted instruction to accommodate the mandated transition to virtual learning and how these accommodations supported or hindered community and belonging during the onset of the pandemic. (...)
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  42. The Power of Discipline: Unveiling its Impact on Students' Problem-Solving Skills.Regie Bangoy - 2025 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 33 (3):442-447.
    The impact of teacher discipline on student outcomes is a critical area in educational research. However, limited studies have explored how specific discipline styles affect students' problem-solving abilities, particularly in Grade Six classrooms. This study investigates the relationship between classroom discipline styles of Grade Six teachers and students' problem-solving skills in schools within District III and IV of Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental Philippines. Using a descriptive-correlational design, the study involved 34 Grade Six teachers and 170 students selected through purposive (...)
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  43. Classic Philosophical Questions, 6th Edition. [REVIEW]Jesús A. Díaz - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (3):275-278.
    This is a review of Classic Philosophical Questions (CPQ), 6th edition, published in 1989. First published in 1971, Gould alone edited the anthology for many years. About 2001 Mulvaney joined Gould as coeditor; Mulvaney has been the sole editor since ca. 2009. I infer these dates from the Library of Congress online catalog and worldcat. org; these sources list all the editions. The anthology is now (2019) in its 14th edition. My review may be valuable to those considering a (...)
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  44. Digital Tools in Problem-Based Learning for Nursing Students.Agustina Chriswinda Bura Mare - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    In classroom sessions, various student-centered learning approaches, such as collaborative and problem-based learning, are used. Today, incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into nursing education promotes self-directed and personalized learning among students.
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  45. Philosophy for children in Australia: Then, now, and where to from here?Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton - 2016 - Re-Engaging with Politics: Re-Imagining the University, 45th Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, ACU, Melbourne, 5-8 Dec 2015.
    In the late 1960s Matthew Lipman and his colleagues at IAPC developed an educational philosophy he called Philosophy for Children. At the heart of Philosophy for Children is the community of Inquiry, with its emphasis on classroom dialogue, in the form of collaborative philosophical inquiry. In this paper we explore the development of educational practice that has grown out of Philosophy for Children in the context of Australia. -/- Australia adapted Lipman’s ideas on the educational value of practicing philosophy with (...)
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  46. Employment, Employability and Competencies of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Graduates.Manuel Caingcoy, Iris April Ramirez, Derren Gaylo, Ma Isidora Adajar, Elvie Lacdag & Gem Aiah Blanco - 2021 - Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) 12 (6):872-884.
    Tracing graduates has become an imperative for higher education institutions much more during the pandemic. This tracer determined the employment and employability status of the 2019 BSE graduates and identified the competencies they adequately acquired and deemed vital for work. It used descriptive design, and data were collected from the 103 graduates through a google form with open and closed-ended questions administered between November and December 2020. Results revealed that most of the graduates had been employed in teaching and teaching-related (...)
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  47. Evaluation of a student-oriented logic course.Aaron Thomas-Bolduc & Richard Zach - 2018 - ISSOTL 2018 Annual Meeting.
    In Winter 2017, the first author piloted a course in formal logic in which we aimed to (a) improve student engagement and mastery of the content, and (b) reduce maths anxiety and its negative effects on student outcomes, by adopting student oriented teaching including peer instruction and classroom flipping techniques. The course implemented a partially flipped approach, and incorporated group-work and peer learning elements, while retaining some of the traditional lecture format. By doing this, a wide variety of student learning (...)
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  48. The Integrity of Thinking.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2018 - The Blog of APA.
    When we look at our political landscape today, I wonder where has our integrity gone? -/- Teachers want to know how to explain (if that’s the right word) the language and behavior of the current American president to children in their class. He lies, he is rude and inconsiderate; he bad-mouths people and makes fun of people with disabilities. And classroom teachers not only teach certain disciplines; they also teach the need for civil discipline. The latter seems to be lacking (...)
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  49. Active Techniques Implemented in an Introductory Signal Processing Course to Help Students Achieve Higher Levels of Learning.Saharnaz Baghdadchi, Rebecca Hardesty, Paul Andreas Hadjipieris & Jace Hargis - 2018 - Papers on Engineering Education Repository.
    Holding students to high standards and assessing, measuring and evaluating their learning with challenging, authentic problems in the midterm and final exams is the goal of the professors who teach core signal processing concepts. However, the heavy reliance of these subjects on mathematics makes it difficult for students to genuinely grasp the concepts and relate to a conceptual framework. Specifically, analyzing the signals and the functionality of systems in Fourier domain; separating the system level analysis from signal level analysis; and (...)
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  50. Türk dillilere Türkiye Türkçesi öğretimi nasıl olmalıdır.Ali Taştekin - 2015 - International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching.
    ABSTRACT Attributing different titles to the activity of teaching Turkish to non-native speakers is related to the perspective of those who conduct this activity. If Turkish Language teaching centres are sub-units of Schools of Foreign Languages and Departments of Foreign Languages of our Universities or teachers have a foreign language background, then the title “Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language” is adopted and claimed to be universal. In determining success at teaching and learning, the psychological perception of the educational activity (...)
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