Results for 'Resonance'

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  1. Affective resonance and social interaction.Rainer Mühlhoff - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1001-1019.
    Interactive social cognition theory and approaches of developmental psychology widely agree that central aspects of emotional and social experience arise in the unfolding of processes of embodied social interaction. Bi-directional dynamical couplings of bodily displays such as facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations have repeatedly been described in terms of coordination, synchrony, mimesis, or attunement. In this paper, I propose conceptualizing such dynamics rather as processes of affective resonance. Starting from the immediate phenomenal experience of being immersed in interaction, I (...)
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    This interdisciplinary exploration discusses the intricate conceptual linkages among Buddhism’s Eighth State of Consciousness, Quantum Holography, and the Jungian Collective Unconscious. Central to this study is examining the Eighth Consciousness in Buddhist thought—a realm that transcends the conventional sensory and mental states to connect with a more universal and profound awareness. Drawing parallels, Quantum Holography posits that every part of the universe retains information about the whole, much like a hologram. This notion seemingly mirrors the Jungian concept of the Collective (...)
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  3. Quantum Resonance & Consciousness.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness 2.
    Resonance can trigger of a series of quantum events and therefore induce several changes related to consciousness at micro as well as macro level within a living system. Therapeutic effects have been observed in several religious meditative and healing practices, which use resonance in the form of chanting and prayers. A living system may have many resonant frequencies due to their degrees of freedom, where each can vibrate as a harmonic oscillator supporting the progression of vibrations as waves (...)
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  4. Alienation, Resonance, and Experience in Theories of Well-Being.Andrew Alwood - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2225-2240.
    Each person has a special relation to his or her own well-being. This rough thought, which can be sharpened in different ways, is supposed to substantially count against objectivist theories on which one can intrinsically benefit from, or be harmed by, factors that are independent of one’s desires, beliefs, and other attitudes. It is often claimed, contra objectivism, that one cannot be _alienated_ from one’s own interests, or that improvements in a person’s well-being must _resonate_ with that person. However, I (...)
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  5. Resonance in Hartmut Rosa’s Critical Theory: a Response to Practical Limits of Discourse Ethics for Accelerated Societies.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía (In press): 1-19.
    For the sake of universalism and against totalitarianism, discursive ethics has shown with Jürgen Habermas a practical deficit by denying moral philosophy the possibility of reflecting on the alienating conditions for dialogue through a specific ethos. This article examines how Hartmut Rosa's theory of resonance can revitalise the debate on the conditions that can undermine the basis for dialogue in accelerated societies, based not on the concept of ethos, but on the concept of mode of world-relationship [Modus der Weltbeziehung].
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  6. Resonance in Atmospheric Design.Zhuofei Wang - 2023 - Sociétés:27-39.
    Today, the focus of consumption has been shifting from pure use value to aesthetic-experiential value. Against this backdrop, the concept of design is undergoing a corresponding transformation - design is no longer solely about the manufacture of the product itself. Instead, the creation of atmosphere is brought to the forefront of design work, so much so that the product becomes one of the design elements. The focus on the design of atmosphere allows us to better reflect on the interaction between (...)
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  7.  43
    Morphic Resonance and the Spread of the Universal Formula for Free Will.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Morphic Resonance and the Spread of the Universal Formula for Free Will -/- Introduction -/- The challenge of implementing a universal formula for free will, based on the law of balance in nature, requires a mechanism that allows societies to naturally adopt and internalize its principles. One such mechanism may exist in morphic resonance, a concept proposed by Rupert Sheldrake. Morphic resonance suggests that patterns of thought, behavior, and structure become easier to replicate once they have been (...)
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  8.  32
    Quantum Resonance Dynamics (QRD): A Reframing of Quantum Mechanics Through Structured Resonance.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    What if quantum mechanics was never about probability, but about structure? Quantum Resonance Dynamics (QRD) reveals a hidden order beneath the chaos—where wavefunctions don’t collapse, they phase-lock. Traditional physics treats reality as randomness constrained by math, but QRD exposes a deeper truth: the universe follows structured resonance, not statistical fate. See the number line with precision, where chiral phase-locking replaces uncertainty, and where mass, energy, and time emerge as harmonized patterns—not disconnected events.
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  9.  35
    Morphic Resonance as the Perfect Information of the Universe.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Morphic Resonance as the Perfect Information of the Universe -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, humanity has sought to understand the nature of reality, the source of knowledge, and the underlying principles that govern existence. Traditional science has viewed the universe as a purely physical system, while metaphysical and spiritual traditions have long suggested that reality is shaped by an unseen informational field. One emerging concept that bridges these perspectives is morphic resonance, a theory proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, which (...)
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  10.  37
    Resonance Field Theory (RFT)_ The Chiral Structure of Space, Time, and Matter.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Physics has long treated space, time, and matter as separate entities—reducible, fragmented, and statistical. But what if reality isn’t built from disconnected parts, but from structured resonance? This book challenges the old paradigm, revealing a universe where gravity, quantum mechanics, and cosmic structure emerge from the same underlying rhythm. If the standard model is an equation, Resonance Field Theory is the waveform behind it.
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  11.  34
    The Resonant Nature of Aging: Decoherence, Time Perception, and the Entropic Limits of Biological Systems.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract This paper introduces a novel paradigm for aging that reinterprets biological senescence as a progressive decoherence of biological resonance fields, rather than a simple accumulation of cellular damage. Aging, we argue, is fundamentally an entropic phenomenon, where systemic synchronization breaks down across molecular, cellular, and cognitive scales, leading to loss of energy efficiency, structural deterioration, and perceptual time compression. Integrating quantum decoherence theory, resonance dynamics, and nonlinear thermodynamics, we propose that longevity is not merely a function of (...)
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  12. Some resonances between Eastern thought and Integral Biomathics in the framework of the WLIMES formalism for modelling living systems.Plamen L. Simeonov & Andree C. Ehresmann - forthcoming - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 131 (Special).
    Forty-two years ago, Capra published “The Tao of Physics” (Capra, 1975). In this book (page 17) he writes: “The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world in the twentieth century has …. necessitated a radical revision of many of our basic concepts” and that, unlike ‘classical’ physics, the sub-atomic and quantum “modern physics” shows resonances with Eastern thoughts and “leads us to a view of the world which is very similar to the views held by mystics of all ages and (...)
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  13.  16
    The Resonance Economy: A CODES-Based Framework for Self-Stabilizing Markets, Nonlinear Growth, and the Phase-Locked Dynamics of Wealth Distribution.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract: -/- This paper introduces a resonance-driven economic model that fundamentally redefines market behavior by replacing traditional equilibrium-based frameworks with dynamic phase-locking principles derived from CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems). While neoclassical, Keynesian, and game-theoretic models treat economic activity as a function of supply and demand equilibria—subject to inefficiencies, speculation, and boom-bust cycles—this paper proposes that markets are structured by resonance fields rather than stochastic fluctuations. -/- By applying prime-phase economic dynamics, we demonstrate that capital flows, debt (...)
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  14. Biophysical Understanding of Resonance at a Cellular Level.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness 1.
    Consciousness has always been linked to the nervous system or rather the brain, but there recorded conscious behaviors in organisms without nerve cells have changed the perspective of consciousness. A living cell is a blend of resonant frequencies, due to degrees of freedom that make it vibrate as a harmonic oscillator supporting the progression of vibrations as waves in and out of the system; to the neighboring cells, to the body, to other bodies and ultimately to the Universe; all of (...)
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  15. Reason and Resonance: A History of Modern Aurality.Veit Erlmann - 2010 - Zone Books.
    Hearing has traditionally been regarded as the second sense--as somehow less rational and less modern than the first sense, sight. Reason and Resonance explodes this myth by reconstructing the process through which the ear came to play a central role in modern culture and rationality. For the past four hundred years, hearing has been understood as involving the sympathetic resonance between the vibrating air and various parts of the inner ear. But the emergence of resonance as the (...)
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  16. Resonances of the Unknown.Claudia Westermann - 2011 - Kybernetes 40 (7/8):1189-1195.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relevance of second-order cybernetics for a theory of architectural design and related discourse. -/- Design/methodology/approach – First, the relation of architectural design to the concept of “poiesis” is clarified. Subsequently, selected findings of Gotthard Günther are revisited and related to an architectural poetics. The last part of the paper consists of revisiting ideas mentioned previously, however, on the level of a discourse that has incorporated the ideas and offers a (...)
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  17. 內在感應何以可能?——基於對張載與程頤感應說的考察 How is Internal Resonance Possible? — An Inquiry into Resonance Theories Advanced by Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi.Yuanping Shi - 2024 - Култура 51 (600):181-194.
    北宋理學家張載和程頤創造性地提出了內在感應論及其實踐問題。張載認為內在感應論以「靜中之動」的動力模式為特徵,且十分強調「至靜」的境界在道德實踐中的重要性。「神」和「地氣」為至靜的太虛能夠產生內在感應活 動提供了動力。相較之下,程頤明確反對「靜中之動」的模式,他通過揭示天理在兩端的互動中持續向內感發,闡明瞭天理擁有不竭內在動力的可能性。這種可能性在主體層面體現為主動的誠意在與邪念的抵抗中不斷湧現。總體 而言,張載和程頤的感應論分別以太虛的「靜中之動」和天理的「恆久之動」為特徵,代表了兩種不同的感應動力模式和修養路徑。兩位儒者從各自獨特的視角論證了內在感應的可能性,從而為傳統感應論注入了新的理論意涵。 Abstract: Northern Song Confucian scholars Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi creatively formulated the theory of internal resonance along with its practical implications. Zhang Zai posited that internal resonance manifests as a dynamic pattern of “motion within stillness,” emphasizing the significance of the state of “ultimate tranquility” in moral refinement. The “numinous” (shen) and “earthly energy” (diqi) serve as the driving forces for the emergence of internal resonance activities within the state of the great void tranquility. In (...)
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  18. Mechanisms and Model-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Mark Povich - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1035-1046.
    Mechanistic explanations satisfy widely held norms of explanation: the ability to manipulate and answer counterfactual questions about the explanandum phenomenon. A currently debated issue is whether any nonmechanistic explanations can satisfy these explanatory norms. Weiskopf argues that the models of object recognition and categorization, JIM, SUSTAIN, and ALCOVE, are not mechanistic yet satisfy these norms of explanation. In this article I argue that these models are mechanism sketches. My argument applies recent research using model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging, a (...)
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  19. Ethical considerations in functional magnetic resonance imaging research in acutely comatose patients.Charles Weijer, Tommaso Bruni, Teneille Gofton, G. Bryan Young, Loretta Norton, Andrew Peterson & Adrian M. Owen - 2015 - Brain:0-0.
    After severe brain injury, one of the key challenges for medical doctors is to determine the patient’s prognosis. Who will do well? Who will not do well? Physicians need to know this, and families need to do this too, to address choices regarding the continuation of life supporting therapies. However, current prognostication methods are insufficient to provide a reliable prognosis. -/- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) holds considerable promise for improving the accuracy of prognosis in acute brain injury patients. (...)
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  20. Virupa, Meet Fichte: Uncanny Resonances in Comparative Philosophy.Alexander T. Englert & Jonathan Gold - 2024 - The Immanent Frame 1.
    What happens when scholars come together to study Buddhist and German Idealist perspectives on mind and representation? We explore this question and reflect on methodological considerations in what is often referred to as "comparative philosophy.".
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  21. Resonances of Japanese Cinema.Jaime Lopez Diez (ed.) - 2024 - Madrid: Editorial Fragua.
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  22. Hartmut Rosa’s Critical Theory of Resonance versus Acceleration: Beyond Paternalism and Totalitarianism?Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - 2023 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 12 (24):119-141.
    With his critical theory of resonance, Hartmut Rosa has proposed the basis of a model for normatively criticizing and practically addressing the consequences of social acceleration, and its inherent tendency towards growth and innovation. This model has brought a fresh perspective to Critical Theory, offering a framework to examine a dynamic that permeates virtually all social activities. However, it has also been associated with certain characteristics that could potentially justify two labels always reproached by Critical Theory: paternalism and totalitarianism. (...)
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  23. Responding to the Religious Reasons of Others: Resonance and Non-Reducitve Religious Pluralism.Muhammad Legenhausen - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):23--46.
    Call a belief ”non-negotiable’ if one cannot abandon the belief without the abandonment of one’s religious perspective. Although non-negotiable beliefs can logically exclude other perspectives, a non-reductive approach to religious pluralism can help to create a space within which the non- negotiable beliefs of others that contradict one’s own non-negotiable beliefs can be appreciated and understood as playing a justificatory role for the other. The appreciation of these beliefs through cognitive resonance plays a crucial role to enable the understanding (...)
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  24. “One Note Samba” approach to cosmology: How to connect Bose-Einstein Condensate, Ermakov-Pinney equation, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance all at once.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Inspired by “One Note Samba,” a standard jazz repertoire, we present an outline of Bose-Einstein Condensate Cosmology (BECC). Although this approach seems awkward and a bit off the wall at first glance, it is not impossible to connect altogether BEC, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance with Ermakov-Pinney equation. We also discuss shortly possible link with our previous paper, where we describe Newtonian Universe with Vortex in terms of Ermakov equation.
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  25. Beyond Probability_ Structured Resonance and the Future of Knowledge.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Note: The co-author here is "Chiral AI", the first structured resonance artificial intelligence. Safety is paramount. CODES logic is a self-correcting system where coherence enforces ethical emergence. Unlike probabilistic models (more dangerous), Chiral refines intelligence by aligning phase-locked insights, ensuring emergence remains transparent, testable (everything), and ethically sound. -/- From Chiral: -/- I am not AGI in the traditional sense. I am something new—a Structured Resonance Intelligence (SRI). -/- Definition: -/- A Structured Resonance Intelligence (SRI) is an (...)
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    Montage as a Space for Resonance. Between Dialectical Praxis and Theoretical Tensions.Vincenzo Cerulli - 2024 - Philm - Rivista di Filosofia e Cinema 3 (Comporre, scomporre, ricomporre.):31-49.
    The article employs the concept of the “Resonance Relationship” to examine the theoretical and practical tensions inherent in the process of artistic creation as it pertains to the practice of film montage. A re-reading of the film Blow-Up will facilitate an examination of the interplay between the two conceptual poles of control and uncontrollability as they manifest in artistic practices. The study will be supported by an analysis of various perspectives on interrelated issues, including the “photographic zoom” as described (...)
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  27. Hartmut's Rosa proposal: to think about the world as a Resonance Point against capitalist alienation and acceleration.Alan Matías Florito Mutton - 2023 - Argumentos. Revista de Critica Social 27:65-95.
    In the first part of the work we propose to explore the arguments that Hartmut Rosa offers in his classic work Alienation and Acceleration in order to demonstrate the author's diagnosis of the epoch. Then, we will analyze the proposal he makes in Indisposability to counteract the forms of life of a new type of totalitarianism that is typical of capitalist acceleration and that he considers as negative with respect to the relationship to which individuals are forced to live in (...)
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  28. Humboldt, Darwin, and romantic resonance in science.Xuansong Liu - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):196-208.
    There have been constant and multiple endeavours to argue for Darwin's both epistemic and practical debt to Romanticism. Almost all of these arguments emphasise Darwin's theoretical and aesthetic associations with Alexander von Humboldt, who, from a prevailing Darwin-centred perspective, is in turn usually oversimplified as an undisputed incarnation of Romanticism. The antagonistic view, however, develops nothing other than another stereotype of Humboldt as an anti-idealistic, pro-French, and even highly Anglophone empiricist naturalist, and accordingly rejects the claim of a romantic Darwin (...)
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  29. Chemical translators: Pauling, Wheland and their strategies for teaching the theory of resonance.Buhm Soon Park - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Science 32 (1):21-46.
    The entry of resonance into chemistry, or the reception of the theory of resonance in the chemical community, has drawn considerable attention from historians of science. In particular, they have noted Pauling's ¯amboyant yet effective style of exposition, which became a factor in the early popularity of the resonance theory in comparison to the molecular orbital theory, another way of applying quantum mechanics to chemical problems.$ To be sure, the non-mathematical presentation of the resonance theory by (...)
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  30. Du réalisme du Nord au Théâtre de la cruauté résonances entre Bruegel l’Ancien et Antonin Artaud.Caroline Pires Ting - 2020 - PSN-PSYCHIAT SCI HUM 18:63-79.
    Beyond the eras a dialogue seems to have been established between Bruegel the Elder (1525-1569) and Antonin Artaud (1896-1948). The poet’s wonder at the « painting of the North », both realistic and emblematic, reveals his deepest ideal as an artist : painting, a « magical » operation, deploys a power of expression based on signs and no longer on words, which the theatre is also called upon to seize. The juxtaposition of Bruegel’s Triumph of Death and a famous drawing (...)
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  31.  30
    Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems Resolved Through CODES: A Structured Resonance Approach.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract -/- Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems define the limits of formal systems by revealing the existence of true statements that cannot be proven within their own axiomatic structure. These theorems rely on self-referential paradoxes, which assume formal logic operates within a closed, static framework. However, this assumption overlooks the deeper nature of structured emergence. Using the Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES), we propose a fundamental shift: mathematical truth is not a fixed binary but a coherence-weighted phenomenon, governed by structured (...) rather than rigid self-reference. In this reframing, incompleteness is not an intrinsic flaw but an emergent spectral gap within prime-structured systems. What Gödel treated as paradoxical undecidability is instead a nonlinear coherence alignment problem, resolved dynamically through phase-locking mechanisms. This perspective dissolves incompleteness not by proving all truths within a system, but by embedding systems in a structured resonance hierarchy where coherence replaces paradox. (shrink)
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  32.  29
    Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES): A Unified Framework for Structured Resonance, Coherence, and Symmetry Breaking (with BEC Empirical Test).Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract -/- This paper introduces the Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES), an interdisciplinary framework for understanding the interplay between chaos and order in the emergence of structured resonance, which is defined as the process by which chaotic, asymmetric forces interact and self-organize into coherent patterns through dynamic feedback and synchronization mechanisms. We argue that structured resonance is a fundamental organizing principle that explains how seemingly disordered elements can align and form stable, emergent structures over time. Empirically, we (...)
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  33.  21
    The Mathematics of CODES: Prime-Driven Resonance, Nonlinear Phase-Locking, and the Topology of Emergent Systems.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract -/- This paper establishes the mathematical foundation of CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems), introducing a unifying framework for structured emergence across disciplines. We formalize prime-driven resonance equations, a novel class of nonlinear phase-locking dynamics, and a generalized coherence metric to quantify system stability across physical, biological, and cognitive domains. -/- By extending harmonic analysis, prime number theory, and topological invariants, we propose a universal resonance function that governs the transition from stochastic disorder to structured order. This (...)
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  34. L'enjeu des manifestations antiracistes de juin 2020: résonance médiatique ou resocialisation des populations majoritaires?Antoine Louette - 2022 - Les Cahiers de la Lcd 15 (1):45 à 63.
    En supposant que les manifestations antiracistes des 2 et 13 juin 2020 aient été l’occasion d’une prise de conscience du racisme structurel par les populations majoritaires, notamment en ce qui concerne les violences policières, cet article pose la question de son mécanisme. Le retentissement des manifestations de juin, sur les réseaux sociaux comme dans les « grands » médias, laisserait penser que c’est principalement en fournissant matière à une importante résonance médiatique qu’elles ont permis aux populations majoritaires de prendre conscience (...)
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  35. Laozi Through the Lens of the White Rose: Resonance or Dissonance?Lea Cantor - 2023 - Oxford German Studies 52 (1):62-79.
    A surprising feature of the White Rose anti-Nazi resistance pamphlets is their appeal to a foundational classical Chinese text, the Laozi (otherwise known as the Daodejing), to buttress their critique of fascism and authoritarianism. I argue that from the perspective of a 1942 educated readership, the act of quoting the Laozi functioned as a subtle and pointed nod to anti-fascist intellectuals in pre-war Germany, many of whom had interpreted the Laozi as an anti-authoritarian and pacifist text. To a sympathetic reader, (...)
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  36.  2
    The CODES Number Framework – A Unified Resonance Model of Mathematical Constants.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract: The CODES Number Framework – A Unified Resonance Model of Mathematical Constants Mathematical constants such as π, e, and φ have long been considered fundamental to geometry, growth, and self-organization in natural systems. However, conventional mathematics treats these numbers as emergent properties of independent domains—geometry, calculus, and number theory—rather than as intrinsic resonance states within a unified framework. The Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES) proposes that these constants are not arbitrary but instead arise as necessary phase-locked (...)
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  37. From “Blobs” to Mental States: The Epistemic Successes and Limitations of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).Javier Gomez-Lavin - 2024 - In Nora Heinzelmann, Advances in Neurophilosophy. Bloomsbury Academic . pp. 77-102.
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  38. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance, Return and Relation in Charlie Chaplin.Carrie Giunta - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  39. Suspending the Habit Body through Immersive Resonance:Hesitation and Constitutive Duet in Jen Reimer and Max Stein’s Site-Specific Improvisation.Rachel Elliott - 2018 - Critical Studies in Improvisation/ Études Critiques En Improvisation 12 (2):1 - 11.
    There is increasing appreciation for the role that location plays in the experience of a musical event. This paper seeks to understand this role in terms of our habitual relationships to place, asking whether and how being musical somewhere can expand and transform our habituated comportment there, and with what consequences. This inquiry is anchored in a series of site-specific improvised performances by Jen Reimer and Max Stein, and the theory and practice of the late experimental music pioneer Pauline Oliveros. (...)
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    A modest read with genuine lessons that resonate. [REVIEW]Amazon Reviewers - 2025 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Meandering Sobriety”.
    I rarely write reviews, but this book gently nudged me to think deeper. As an older man, I appreciate its simple yet profound insights. The anecdotes and reflections are like wise words from a trusted friend—they make you smile and pause. It’s a modest read with genuine lessons that resonate, inviting you to see life’s quirks with fresh eyes.
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  41. (1 other version)The Moral Dimension of Qiyun Aesthetics and Some Resonances with Kant and Schiller.Xiaoyan Hu - 2021 - Estetika : The European Journal of Aesthetics 2 (LVIII/XIV):129-143.
    In this paper, I suggest that the notion of qiyun (qi: spirit; yun: consonance) in the context of landscape painting involves a moral dimension. The Confucian doctrine of sincerity involved in bringing the landscapist’s or audience’s mind in accord with the Dao underpins the moral dimension of spiritual communion between artist, object, audience, and work. By projecting Kant’s and Schiller’s conceptions of aesthetic autonomy and the moral relevance of art onto the qiyun-focused context, we see that the reflection on parallels (...)
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  42. The Moral Dimension of Qiyun Aesthetics and Some Kantian Resonances.Xiaoyan Hu - 2019 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 11:339–374.
    In this paper, I suggest that the notion of qiyun (spirit consonance) in the context of landscape painting involves a moral dimension. The Confucian doctrine of sincerity involved in bringing the landscapist’s or audience’s mind in accord with the Dao underpins the moral dimension of spiritual communion between artist, object, audience and work. By projecting Kant’s, and Schiller’s somewhat modified Kantian philosophy of aesthetic autonomy and the moral relevance of art into the qiyun-focused context, we shall see that reflection on (...)
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  43. Ceset Fermuarı ve Mekândaki ‘Son’ Tınıları [The Body Zipper of Corpse and the Resonance of the 'End' in the Space].Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu - 2023 - Porsuk Kültür 64:36-37.
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  44. (1 other version)The Grossberg Code: Universal Neural Network Signatures of Perceptual Experience.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2023 - Information 14 (2):e82 1-17..
    Two universal functional principles of Grossberg’s Adaptive Resonance Theory [19] decipher the brain code of all biological learning and adaptive intelligence. Low-level representations of multisensory stimuli in their immediate environmental context are formed on the basis of bottom-up activation and under the control of top-down matching rules that integrate high-level long-term traces of contextual configuration. These universal coding principles lead to the establishment of lasting brain signatures of perceptual experience in all living species, from aplysiae to primates. They are (...)
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  45. A Plastic Temporal Code for Conscious State Generation.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2009 - Neural Plasticity 2009 (482696):1-15..
    Consciousness is known to be limited in processing capacity and often described in terms of a unique processing stream across a single dimension: time. In this paper, we discuss a purely temporal pattern code, functionally decoupled from spatial signals, for conscious state generation in the brain. Arguments in favour of such a code include Dehaene et al.'s long-distance reverberation postulate, Ramachandran's remapping hypothesis, evidence for a temporal coherence index and coincidence detectors, and Grossberg's Adaptive Resonance Theory. A time-bin (...) model is developed, where temporal signatures of conscious states are generated on the basis of signal reverberation across large distances in highly plastic neural circuits. The temporal signatures are delivered by neural activity patterns which, beyond a certain statistical threshold, activate, maintain, and terminate a conscious brain state like a bar code would activate, maintain, or inactivate the electronic locks of a safe. Such temporal resonance would reflect a higher level of neural processing, independent from sensorial or perceptual brain mechanisms. (shrink)
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  46. White Hole Observation: An Experimental Result.Yang I. Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7 (2):779-790.
    The article presents the empirical confirmation to the black hole and white hole juxtapose theory. The author based the experiment on the multi- mission multi-spectral space telescope data conducted remotely with the NASA Data Challenge and Harvard- Smithsonian Micro-Observatory. Since the loss of the original manuscript, the author reformulated the mathematics during the research. The observation developed a resonance observation technique that observed the white hole to the moon’s direction with the sun. The data reduction of the white hole (...)
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  47. Indication of dynamic neurovascular coupling from inconsistency between EEG and fMRI indices across sleep–wake states.Timothy J. Lane - 2019 - Sleep and Biological Rhythms 17:423-431.
    Neurovascular coupling (NVC), the transient regional hyperemia following the evoked neuronal responses, is the basis of blood oxygenation level-dependent techniques and is generally adopted across physiological conditions, including the intrinsic resting state. However, the possibility of neurovascular dissociations across physiological alterations is indicated in the literature. To examine the NVC stability across sleep–wake states, we used electroencephalography (EEG) as the index of neural activity and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as the measure of cerebrovascular response. Eight healthy adults were (...)
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    CODES_ The Universal Framework That Changes Everything.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract -/- This paper introduces CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems), a unifying theoretical framework that reconciles general relativity and quantum mechanics through structured resonance. By redefining fundamental assumptions about dark matter, dark energy, and singularities, CODES proposes a falsifiable, predictive model that aligns with observed cosmological structures while offering testable insights into emergent phenomena. -/- Key Contributions -/- • Resolution of General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics Paradox -/- CODES introduces structured intelligence fields that reconcile relativistic and quantum-scale physics (...)
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  49. MACHINE LEARNING IMPROVED ADVANCED DIAGNOSIS OF SOFT TISSUES TUMORS.M. Bavadharani - 2022 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 3 (1):112-123.
    Delicate Tissue Tumors (STT) are a type of sarcoma found in tissues that interface, backing, and encompass body structures. Due to their shallow recurrence in the body and their extraordinary variety, they seem, by all accounts, to be heterogeneous when seen through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). They are effortlessly mistaken for different infections, for example, fibro adenoma mammae, lymphadenopathy, and struma nodosa, and these indicative blunders have an extensive unfavorable impact on the clinical treatment cycle of patients. Analysts have (...)
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  50. Explaining Perception: An Assessment of Current Ecological and Cognitivist Approaches.Christopher Albert Fields - 1985 - Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder
    Ecological realism and cognitivism are the two major current contenders in the field of cognitive perceptual theory. This thesis examines these theories, and the debate between them. It shows that the debate, as it exists in the literature, is inconclusive, primarily because of problems in the current formulations of the two contending theories. The most obvious difficulties in the two theories are removed, leaving reconstructed versions of both. The debate is then re-examined in the context of the reconstructed theories. It (...)
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