Results for 'Russian diaspora'

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  1. Characteristics of Russian Propaganda in Latin America with Regard to Russian Aggression Against Ukraine: Case of Brazil.Anna Taranenko - 2024 - Empirio 1 (1):55-62.
    Russian aggression against Ukraine has become one of the most serious challenges for the international security system. One of the regions where Russian propaganda has been spread widely is Latin America. And one of the countries especially influenced by the Russian disinformation in the region is Brazil. The goal of this article is to define characteristics of the Russian propaganda in Latin America regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine, particularly, look at the case of Brazil, trace (...)
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  2. Italy as the Kremlin’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Europe: Some Overlooked Factors.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-6.
    As Russian influence in Italy grows, Putin’s ‘Trojan horse’ in the EU reflects several societal trends, molding perceptions of a foreign policy appropriate for Italy.
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  3. Capitalmud, or Akyn's Song about the Nibelungs, paradigms and simulacra.Valentin Grinko - manuscript
    ...If, in some places, backward science determines the remaining period by the lack of optimism only by the number 123456789, then our progressive science expands it to 987654321, which is eight times more advanced than theirs. However, due to the inherent caution of scientists, both sides do not specify the measuring unit of reference — year, day, hour or minute are meant. Leonid Leonov. Collected Op. in ten volumes. Volume ten. M.: IHL, 1984, p.583. -/- The modern men being as (...)
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  4. Chinese Diaspora as People of Their Own Countries and Chinese Philosophy as World Philosophy.Chenyang Li & Hong Xiao - 2013 - Chinese Studies 漢学研究 2:63-84.
    In this essay, we will follow Tang Junyi’s lead in exploring issues related to Chinese diaspora and Chinese philosophy. While we largely endorse Tang’s call for overseas Chinese to establish themselves in their adopted lands, we will argue for a more nuanced view on the identity of Chinese people outside China: they are not marginalized individuals scattered out of “homeland” China, rather they are people legitimately established in their own respective countries. In this connection, we will also advance a (...)
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  5. On Conceptualising African Diasporas in Europe.Michael McEachrane - 2021 - African Diaspora 13 (1-2):1-23.
    The article argues that there are three senses of the term African diaspora – a continental, a cultural and a racial sense – which need to be distinguished from each other when conceptualising Black African diasporas in Europe. Although African Diaspora Studies is occupied with African diasporas in a racial sense, usually it has conceptualised these in terms of racial and cultural identities. This is also true of the past decades of African Diaspora Studies on Europe. This (...)
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  6. The Russian Artist in Plato's Republic.Panchuk Michelle - 2013 - In Л.Ф. Абубакирова Л.Х. Самситова (ed.), Гуманистическое наследие просветителей в культуре и образовании: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (VII Акмуллинские чтения) 7 декабря 2012 года. pp. 574-585.
    In Book 10 of the Republic, Plato launches an extensive critique of art, claiming that it can have no legitimate role within the well-ordered state. While his reasons are multifac- eted, Plato’s primary objection to art rests on its status as a mere shadow of a shadow. Such shadows inevitably lead the human mind away from the Good, rather than toward it. How- ever, after voicing his many objections, Plato concedes that if art “has any arguments to show it should (...)
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  7. Theorizing Mamanuan Diaspora: from Vanishing Mediator to Performative Indigeneity.Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2019 - Rupkatha Journal On Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 11 (2):1-15.
    The Mamanuas of Basey, Samar have been in an itinerant state since the 1950s. Their indigenous experience can be capped in the term ‘diaspora,’ which pictures their plight as dispersive habituation, moving from town to town away from their homeland. In a recent study which this paper hinges upon, the concept of diaspora can no longer work and is argued to imperatively function as a vanishing mediator so that indigeneity must come to mean as a constant identity of (...)
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  8. Pan-Africanism and the African Diaspora in Europe.Michael McEachrane - 2020 - In Reiland Rabaka (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism. Routledge. pp. 231-248.
    This chapter outlines the philosophy of the Pan-African conferences 1900–1945 and situates Pan-Africanism in a European context. It presents Pan-Africanism as part of European history and realities and as a conceptual framework for the African diaspora in Europe. It calls for reframing European histories and realities in ways that are neither racially exclusive nor nationalistic.
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  9. Russian Studies on Abul-Qāsim al-Zahrāwī and His Work Titled Kitāb al-Taṣrīf.Fegani Beyler - 2020 - Jass Studies - the Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 13 (79):431-443.
    Important achievements were obtained in the fields of mathematics, medicine, chemistry, astronomy, physics, optics, mechanics, zoology, botanic, mineralogy, geography and etc. in the Turkish-Islamic world between the ninth and thirteenth centuries. According to the leading historians of science, scholars living in different parts of the TurkishIslamic world not only surpassed their Greek and Byzantine predecessors. They also paved the way for development of these fields of science for following centuries. It is possible to mention many physicians that left non-erasable marks (...)
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  10. A Russian Radical Conservative Challenge to the Liberal Global Order: Aleksandr Dugin.Jussi M. Backman - 2019 - In Marko Lehti, Henna-Riikka Pennanen & Jukka Jouhki (eds.), Contestations of Liberal Order: The West in Crisis? Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 289-314.
    The chapter examines Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin’s (b. 1962) challenge to the Western liberal order. Even though Dugin’s project is in many ways a theoretical epitome of Russia’s contemporary attempt to profile itself as a regional great power with a political and cultural identity distinct from the liberal West, Dugin can also be read in a wider context as one of the currently most prominent representatives of the culturally and intellectually oriented international New Right. The chapter introduces Dugin’s (...)
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  11. Russian Geopolitics and Eurasia: An Analytical study of Russia's role in the Eurasian Integration.Shahzada Rahim Abbas - 2020 - World Affairs Journal 2 (24):90-105.
    Throughout history, Eurasia has been central to relations between Europe and Asia. It has been the crossroads of civilizations, contributing to the cultural and ethnic hybridity of the region. However, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and later the Soviet Union in the twentieth century, Eurasia lost its geostrategic importance in the US-led liberal world order. In the 1920s, a group of Russian emigres described the cultural and ethnic ties among the communities living across the vast Eurasian steppes (...)
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  12. Human rights: religious freedom and the anti-racist fight in the Latin American Black Diaspora.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2023 - Sanwad Tradeprints, Pune, India: Bhishma Prakashan. Edited by Yashwant Pathak & A. Adityanjee.
    This chapter is devoted to the discussion of religious freedom and the anti-racist fight in the Black Diaspora in Latin America, considering the historical processes that involve such discussion, including legal apparatus such as Human Rights and local legislation. Therefore, as a starting point, we take the historical conditions of the emergence of Candomblé in Brazil, that are linked to the trafficking of enslaved African peoples and their resistance to keep alive in their memories, their religious beliefs and their (...)
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  13. About Russian version of historical progress / о русской версии исторического прогресса.Pavel Simashenkov - 2019 - Modern European Researches 2:52-58.
    The article provides an analysis of the views of Russian thinkers on historical progress; the concepts of freedom-opportunity, freedom-necessity, time and space are explored. Comparing the western and domestic approaches to the formation of the so-called "national idea", the author formulates his own hypothesis of progress, based on the creativity of the Person as conciliar unity.
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  14. Russian Democrats’ Stance on the LGBT Community: An Attitudinal Shift.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-4.
    Positive social trends around LGBT in Russia has converted into positive political trends, but support for LGBT policies is necessary for a democratic politician.
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  15. Russian foreign policy: The return of great power politics.Alireza Salehi Nejad - 2016 - Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 10 (3).
    In Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Jeffrey Mankoff examines the course of Russian foreign policy since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He provides a comprehensive over-view of both the continuity and the changes in Russian foreign policy from the end of the Cold War to the Putin era, and analyses Russia’s interactions with major global powers. Throughout the book, the author makes use of various theoretical approaches, including theories of international (...)
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  16. Russian Orthodox Church in the Structure of State Administration in the XIX- Beginning XX Centuries.Ershov Bogdan Anatolievich & Fursov Vladimir Nikolaevich - 2017 - In Anatolievich Ershov Bogdan & Nikolaevich Fursov Vladimir (eds.), PhilArchive.
    The article outlines the key areas of the charitable and educational activities of the Orthodox Church, which are analyzed during religious reforms in the 19th and early 20th centuries. in Russia. It is shown that at that time the scale of charity aid and the responsibilities of charitable organizations increased; the control over the distribution of aid has improved, the role of the Church in the social protection of the population has increased. The conclusions made in the article allow us (...)
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  17. Russian Neo-Kantianism: An External Perspective.Vladimir N. Belov & Tatyana V. Salnikova - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (2):90-95.
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  18. The paradox of the Russian character / Парадокс русского характера.Pavel Simashenkov - 2023 - Samara:
    Recently, the problem of national identity has been actualized, but here is a the question: identity to what? Traditions, religion, mentality? Ideals, perhaps? Inspired by the best examples of national historical thought, the author offers an an original approach to deciphering the Russian "cultural code". В последнее время актуализируется проблема национальной идентичности, но вот вопрос: идентичности чему? Традициям, религии, менталитету? Идеалам, может быть? Воодушевленный лучшими образцами отечественной исторической мысли, автор предлагает оригинальный подход к расшифровке русского «культурного кода».
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  19. Parfit and the Russians.Simon Beck - 1989 - Analysis 49 (4):205-209.
    The paper takes a close look at Derek Parfit’s example of the Nineteenth Century Russian in 'Reasons and Persons'. Parfit presents it as an example which illustrates the moral consequences of adopting his reductionist view of personal identity in a positive light. I argue that things turn out to be more complex than he envisages, and that it might be far more difficult to live in his world than he allows.
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  20. Nigerian Music and the Black Diaspora in the USA : African Identity, Black Power, and the Free Jazz of the 1960s.Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole - 2016 - In Martin A. M. Gansinger & Ayman Kole (eds.), From Tribal to Digital - Effects of Tradition and Modernity on Nigerian Media and Culture. Scholars Press. pp. 15-44.
    This article is the attempt of an historically oriented analysis focused on the role of Nigerian music as a cultural hub for the export of African cultural influences into the Black diaspora in the United States and its anticipation by the Free Jazz/Avantgarde-scene as well as the import of key-values related to the Black Power-movement to the African continent. The aim is to demonstrate the leading role and international impact of Nigeria's cultural industry among sub-saharan African nation states and (...)
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  21. Macro-reasoning and cognitive gaps: understanding post-Soviet Russians’ communication styles.Elena Fell - 2017 - ESSACHESS 10 (1(19)):91-110.
    Russians and Westerners access, process and communicate information in different ways. Whilst Westerners favour detailed analysis of subject matter, Russians tend to focus on certain components that are, in their view, significant. This disparity makes it difficult to achieve constructive dialogues between Western and Russian stakeholders contributing to cross-cultural communication problems. The author claims that the difference in the ways Russians and Westerners negotiate information is a significant cultural difference between Russia and West rather than an irritating (and in (...)
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    Liberty / Freedom and the Russian Federation.Pavel Krupkin - 2017 - Философия И Культура 1 (1):20-24.
    The article overviews all known approaches to formalization of a problem of Liberty / Freedom (« Liberty from », « Liberty for », « being for her/his own sake, not a other's », « absence of sovereign other », individual freeing in a context of the Master-Slave Dialectics, Social Freedom) and problems of emancipation (« restricting privileges of upper class minorities », « giving privileges to marginalized minorities – affirmative actions »). Then, the article discusses a version of formalization of (...)
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  23. O Candomblé e a desconstrução da noção de sincretismo religioso Entre utopias do corpo e heterotopias dos espaços na Diáspora Negra.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2021 - Abatirá - Revista de Ciências Humanas e Linguagens 2 (4):357–388.
    Este trabalho reflete sobre o modo como nossos ancestrais negros resistiram à necropolítica colonial mobilizando saberes para recriar no Brasil outros espaços religiosos sob o nome de terreiros de candomblé. Mas o objetivo principal da discussão é tratar sobre as noções de sincretismo religioso, desconstruindo-a teoricamente conforme a decolonialidade aplica tal conceito derridiano. O termo necropolítica é usado aqui conforme Achille Mbembe o emprega. Como uma forma de contribuir com o debate em voga e, ao mesmo tempo, fazer o diagnóstico (...)
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    Outlines of the Philosophy of Technology 2: Russian Peculiarities of Technical Thinking.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    This essay explores the distinct characteristics of Russian technical thinking within the framework of Yuk Hui’s concept of cosmotechnics. Hui’s proposal emphasizes “good technology,” which aligns with local cosmological perspectives and moral practices, as an essential component of the technosphere’s decolonization. The analysis contrasts Russian approaches to technical creativity with those of the West and China, highlighting the synthesis of collective and individual efforts through archetypal imagery such as the campfire and the reverence for “bookish wisdom.” Central to (...)
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  25. The EU and Russian Aggression: Perspectives from Kant, Hobbes, and Machiavelli.Joris van de Riet & Femke Klaver - 2023 - European Papers 8 (3):1523-1537.
    This Insight examines the stance the EU should adopt towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the basis of the political thought of Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, and Niccolò Machiavelli. Taking as its starting point Josep Borrell’s comment that “we are too much Kantians and not enough Hobbesians” at the 2022 EU Ambassadors’ Conference, this Insight offers a revisionist interpretation of both Kant and Hobbes while suggesting Machiavelli as a third possible inspiration for EU external action. Although he is (...)
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  26. Russian Women Emigrees in Psychology: Informal Jewish Networks.R. Woodward William - 2011 - History of Psychology 13:111-137.
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  27. Socio-Cultural Traits and Gender Elements: An Analysis through Indian Diaspora in Germany (2nd edition).Maya Subrahmanian - 2022 - International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism 12:175-208.
    What makes a culture and what are the cultural traits identified by people are important questions to be developed more within diaspora studies. This article proposes a critical inquiry into the ways of defining socio-cultural traits through the discussions with Indian diaspora living in the context of Western culture. It suggests hypothesis that there is a possibility of hybrid cultures between the Eastern and Western. The ontological status of being ‘Indian’ would be different while living in India and (...)
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  28. Hermann Cohen: Russian Obituaries from 1918.Modest A. Kolerov - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (2):58-63.
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  29. Всеобъемлюдее руководство по Абхидхамме (Russian translation of Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma).A. Anuruddha - 2017 - Moscow: Ganga.
    Современный перевод "Абхидхамматтха-сангахи" ("Руководства по Абхидхамме") предлагает введение в фундаментальную философскую психологию буддизма. Начиная со времени своего написания в XI или XII веке, "Сангаха" служит ключом к мудрости, содержащейся в Абхидхамме. В книге исследуются основные вопросы Абхидхаммы, включая состояния сознания и ментальные факторы, функции и процессы ума, материальный мир, взаимозависимое происхождение, а также методы и стадии медитации. Данная работа представляет собой точный перевод "Сангахи", сопровождающийся оригинальным текстом на пали и комментариями. Этот детальный путеводитель с более чем 40 таблицами и диаграммами (...)
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  30. The Methodological Issues on Al-Jazari’s Scientific Heritage in Russian Studies.Fegani Beyler - 2023 - Bingöl University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 25 (25):160-169.
    Extensive scientific, philosophical and artistic activities were carried out in the Islamic World’s various science and civilization centers during the early Middle Ages. In these centers, noteworthy works of mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine, pharmacology, optics, botany, chemistry and other fields of science, which would later determine improvement paths for these fields, were created. Abu al-Izz Ismail ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari (12th-13th centuries), was a magnificent Muslim scientist known for his work named The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Kitab fi (...)
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  31. Ugnayang Australia at Pilipinas: Mga Natatanging Gunita ng Diaspora at Rebolusyong Pilipino.Axle Christien J. Tugano - 2020 - Tala Kasaysayan: An Online Journal of History 3 (2):119-135.
    Kapwa nakalatag sa heograpikal, ekonomiko, at kultural na aspekto ng Asya-Pasipiko ang bansang Australia at Pilipinas. Bagama’t kaiba sa kontinenteng kinaroroonan, mababakas pa rin ang dimensiyong nag-uugnay sa dalawang estado ng Pasipiko. Kung uungkatin ang kasaysayan, napakatibay ang ugnayang namamagitan sa Australia at Pilipinas sapul pa noong Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig o ang pagpapalaya sa Pilipinas laban sa puwersa ng mga Hapones nang tumakas tungong Australia sina Pangulong Manuel Quezon at buong pamilya noong Pebrero 19, 1942. Ngunit kung tutuusin, sa ganitong (...)
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    Therapy in Turmoil: Russian Psychotherapists Navigate War and Ethics.Arsenii Khitrov - 2024 - Anthropology Today 40 (5):19–23.
    This ethnographic study explores how Russian psychotherapists are navigating professional ethics and politics after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Analysing a conversation between an instructor and students at a psychotherapy training centre in Russia, the study examines how therapists negotiate neutrality, values and therapeutic approaches in a shifting sociopolitical landscape. The author identifies four approaches to delineating the boundaries between professional practice and political engagement and explores how the boundaries between therapeutic and political realms are constantly negotiated through (...)
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  33. Haci Bektash Veli and Bektashism in Russian Sources.Fegani Beyler - 2020 - Journal of Alevism-Bektashism Studies 21 (21):99-132.
    Haci Bektash Veli (d. 1271[?]), considered to be the founder of the Bektashism, is one of the leading representatives of Turkish-Islamic thought and belief traditions. He is a person whose influence continues today, as in the past, not only in Anatolia, but also in many countries such as Azerbaijan, Iraq, Egypt, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and even Hungary, both as historical personality and with his mythical aspects, and his teachings. Haci Bektash Veli and his influence in the entire Turkish-Islamic world, especially (...)
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  34. The History of Russian Empire’s Most Expensive Painting.Nadiia Pavlichenko - 2019 - «Наукові Записки НаУКМА. Історія І Теорія Культури» 2 (13):98-104.
    The article describes the story of painting Nana (1881) by Marcel Suchorowsky known as the most expensive painting sold by a painter in the Russian Empire. But the art piece differs a lot from the general line of the local art market situation, which was defined by special institutions, such as the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg. The main aspects are taken into consideration, such as: critical analysis of the painting, the story of the plot, which refers (...)
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  35. Memorable Fiction. Evoking Emotions and Family Bonds in Post-Soviet Russian Women’s Writing.Marja Rytkӧnen - 2012 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 2 (1):59-74.
    This article deals with women-centred prose texts of the 1990s and 2000s in Russia written by women, and focuses especially on generation narratives. By this term the author means fictional texts that explore generational relations within families, from the perspective of repressed experiences, feelings and attitudes in the Soviet period. The selected texts are interpreted as narrating and conceptualizing the consequences of patriarchal ideology for relations between mothers and daughters and for reconstructing connections between Soviet and post-Soviet by revisiting and (...)
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  36. Preface to the print edition of the New Testament in Russian[REVIEW]Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Enzymes 19.
    Preface to the print edition of the New Testament in Russian, edited and published by Dr. Andrej Poleev in Berlin, 2021, 622 pages.
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  37. On Recent Russian Translations of Salomon Maimon’s Works.Andrei B. Patkul - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (2):96-100.
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  38. Between Physicality and Symbolism: Kyiv as a Contested Territory in Russian and Ukrainian Émigré Letters, 1920–1939.Mykola Iv Soroka - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:143-159.
    The paper deals with visions of Kyiv in the writings of Russian and Ukrainian émigré writers during the interwar period. The city became a focal point of intensive intellectual debate whose participants regarded Kyiv not only as a place of a recent battleground but also as a sacral place and a highly symbolic image. Within the methodological framework of ethnic symbolism, this study attempts to explain how this physical/symbolic dichotomy was used to reinforce continuing claims for historical origin and (...)
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  39. Spirits of Migration Meet the Migration of Spirits among the Akan Diaspora in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Louise Muller - 2010 - African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 4 (1):75-97.
    The aim of this research was to find out what the most popular films among the Akan in southeast Amsterdam (The Netherlands) are and how these films are used by this West African diaspora in the formation of a new religious identity after their migration to Europe. The outcome of this research is that the most popular films among the Akan are those with Pentecostal-Charismatic proselytizing messages. The Akan use these films to create an ‘imagined diasporic community’ to remain (...)
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  40. How Parrhesia in Doing Philosophy with Children Develops Their Touchstones of Reality, Russian translation.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2022 - Социум И Власть 94 (4):58-66.
    Translation into Russian by Dr. Sergey Borisov -/- Аннотация Понятие «парресия» впервые появляется в греческой литературе в V в. до н. э. Парресия — это возможность говорить свободно и открыто, не считаясь с авторитетами, говорить то, что без этого права может привести к наказанию или смерти. Парресия позволяла говорить правду властям, принося пользу тому, кто властвует, кому зачастую не хватает понимания сути реального положения дел. -/- Перевод статьи выполнен С. В. Борисовым по изданию: Tillmanns, Maria daVenza (2022). “How Parrhesia (...)
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  41. Going Narrative: Schechtman and the Russians.Simon Beck - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):69-79.
    Marya Schechtman's The Constitution of Selves presented an impressive attempt to persuade those working on personal identity to give up mainstream positions and take on a narrative view instead. More recently, she has presented new arguments with a closely related aim. She attempts to convince us to give up the view of identity as a matter of psychological continuity, using Derek Parfit's story of the “Nineteenth Century Russian” as a central example in making the case against Parfit's own view, (...)
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  42. Newspeak and Cyberspeak: The Haunting Ghosts of the Russian Past.Kristina Šekrst & Sandro Skansi - 2024 - In Chris Shei & James Schnell (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Mind Engineering. Routledge.
    Cyberspeak, the language of cybernetics, or its metalanguage to be more precise, consists of words that are both explaining and describing human/animal and machine forms of control and communication, while in newspeak, words were value-laden, which means they had strong positive or negative connotations connected to their use. For example, a 'spy' could only be a foreign agent, while a Russian one was a 'patriot'. First, it will be shown how there are still remnants of cyberspeak in modern science, (...)
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  43. Legal Consciousness at the Early Stage of Personality Development from the Perspective of Russian Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Pedagogy.Maxim V. Vorobiev - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (2):46-57.
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  44. Evolutions of the Mystical Conception of Religion in the Russian Academic Theology of the Nineteenth Century and Today’s Challenges.Vladimir Shokhin - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (2):153--175.
    The Russian academic theological tradition, scarcely known to the West, was the only milieu wherein the development of philosophy of religion in the pre-revolutionary Russia was under way. Philosophical investigation of the phenomenon of religion was being elaborated in the apologetic context, i.e. in critical analysis of non-theistic conceptions of the origin and essence of religion, and the figure of Friedrich Schleiermacher, with his reduction of religion firstly to cosmic feelings and later to the feeling of the ontological dependence, (...)
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  45. “Zionism as Holistic Idea: Mordecai M. Kaplan’s Pragmatic Approach” [in Hebrew], in: Zion and Diaspora: Past, Present, Future, ed. Joseph (Yossi) Turner and Ari Ackerman (Jerusalem: Carmel 2023).Nadav S. Berman - 2023 - In Zion and Diaspora: Past, Present, Future, eds. Joseph Turner and Ari Ackerman. Jerusalem: Carmel. pp. 321-356.
    This book-chapter investigates the pragmatist Zionist thought of Mordecai M. Kaplan, and considers its pluralistic and holistic traits, vis-a-vis monist and fundamentalist approaches to Zionism.
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  46. Central Banks policy under sanctions: critical assessment of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation experience.Vitaliy Shapran & Igor Britchenko - 2022 - VUZF REVIEW 7 (1):6-13.
    The article provides a critical assessment of The Central Bank of the Russian Federation policy in response to the sanctions of the US, the EU, the UK, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea and a number of other countries. The effect of sanctions on the Russian economy and its financial market is viewed through the prism of credit, interest rate, and currency risk, and the risk of a decline in business activity. Special attention is paid to the inflationary component and (...)
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  47. С.Коева, Е. Ю. Иванова, Й. Тишева, А. Циммерлинг (ред.). Онтология на ситуациите за състояние – лингвистично моделиране. Съпоставително изследване за български и руски. Cофия: "Марин Дринов", 2022. [Svetla Koeva, Elena Yu. Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva, Anton Zimmerling (Eds.). Ontology of Stative Situations – Linguistic Modeling. A Contrastive Bulgarian-Russian Study. Sofia: Marin Drinov. 2022].Svetla Koeva, Elena Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva & Anton Zimmerling - 2022 - Sofia: Профессор "Марин Дринов" [Professor "Marin Drinov"].
    The collective monograph "Ontology of Stative Situations - Linguistic Modeling. A Contrastive Bulgarian-Russian Study" includes research carried out within the project of the same name "Ontology of stative situations – linguistic modeling. A contrastive Bulgarian-Russian study", supported by the "Scientific Research" Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria (№ КП-06-РУСИЯ / 23) and from the Russian Fund for Fundamental Research (No. 20-512-18005).
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  48. Noam Chomsky’s Views on Russian Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-6.
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  49. Book Review: Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power. [REVIEW]Rory J. Conces - 1998/99 - International Third World Studies Journal and Review 10:81-84.
    [1] From December 1994 to August 1996, Russia was engaged in the Chechen War, a Vietnam-style quagmire that exemplified, on the one hand, the end of Russia as a great military and imperial power, and, on the other hand, "one of the greatest epics of colonial resistance in the past century.'' No analysis can hope to understand the totality of forces that lend to the stability (or instability) of nations with large minority populations unless it first examines the conditions that (...)
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  50. The impact of the sanctions on the economy of the Russian Federation.Natalia Shapran, Igor Britchenko, Mykola Haponiuk & Vitaliy Shapran - 2022 - VUZF REVIEW 7 (3):13-22.
    The article analyses the impact of the sanctions of civilized countries on the Russian economy. Particular attention is paid to sectoral sanctions on the markets of oil and oil products, in the banking and financial sectors, as well as on the market of transport services. The authors analysed the prospects for expanding sanctions on the oil market for Russia in the context of setting a maximum price for the export of Russian oil by the main buyers. Conclusions are (...)
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