Results for 'S. Kauffman'

985 found
  1. No entailing laws, but enablement in the evolution of the biosphere.G. Longo, M. Montévil & S. Kauffman - 2012 - In G. Longo, M. Montévil & S. Kauffman, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Acm. pp. 1379 -1392.
    Biological evolution is a complex blend of ever changing structural stability, variability and emergence of new phe- notypes, niches, ecosystems. We wish to argue that the evo- lution of life marks the end of a physics world view of law entailed dynamics. Our considerations depend upon dis- cussing the variability of the very ”contexts of life”: the in- teractions between organisms, biological niches and ecosys- tems. These are ever changing, intrinsically indeterminate and even unprestatable: we do not know ahead of (...)
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  2. Beyond Desartes and Newton: Recovering life and humanity.Stuart A. Kauffman & Arran Gare - 2015 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119 (3):219-244.
    Attempts to ‘naturalize’ phenomenology challenge both traditional phenomenology and traditional approaches to cognitive science. They challenge Edmund Husserl’s rejection of naturalism and his attempt to establish phenomenology as a foundational transcendental discipline, and they challenge efforts to explain cognition through mainstream science. While appearing to be a retreat from the bold claims made for phenomenology, it is really its triumph. Naturalized phenomenology is spearheading a successful challenge to the heritage of Cartesian dualism. This converges with the reaction against Cartesian thought (...)
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  3. Taking Heisenberg's Potentia Seriously.Ruth Kastner, Stuart Kauffman & Michael Epperson - 2018 - International Journal of Quantum Foundations 4 (2):158-172.
    It is argued that quantum theory is best understood as requiring an ontological duality of res extensa and res potentia, where the latter is understood per Heisenberg’s original proposal, and the former is roughly equivalent to Descartes’ ‘extended substance.’ However, this is not a dualism of mutually exclusive substances in the classical Cartesian sense, and therefore does not inherit the infamous ‘mind-body’ problem. Rather, res potentia and res extensa are proposed as mutually implicative ontological extants that serve to explain the (...)
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  4. Stuart Kauffman’s metaphysics of the adjacent possible: A critique.Ragnar Van Der Merwe - 2023 - Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 48 (1):49-61.
    Stuart Kauffman has, in recent writings, developed a thought-provoking and influential argument for strong emergence. The outcome is his Theory of the Adjacent Possible (TAP). According to TAP, the biosphere constitutes a non-physical domain qualitatively distinct from the physical domain. The biosphere exhibits strongly emergent properties such as agency, meaning, value and creativity that cannot, in principle, be reduced to the physical. In this paper, I argue that TAP includes various (explicit or implicit) metaphysical commitments: commitments to (1) scientific (...)
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  5. Review of Stuart Kauffman's A World Beyond Physics: The. Emergence and Evolution of Life. [REVIEW]Ragnar van der Merwe - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):279-282.
    Enablement, the adjacent possible and the becoming of the biosphere Book review of Stuart Kauffman: A world beyond physics: the emergence and evolution of life. Oxford University Press, New York, 2019, ix + 151 pp, $24.95 HB, ISBN: 9780190871338.
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  6. Collapsing the Complicated/Complex Distinction: It’s Complexity all the Way Down.Ragnar van der Merwe - 2023 - Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 21 (1):1-17.
    Several complexity theorists draw a sharp and ontologically robust distinction between (merely) complicated systems and (genuinely) complex systems. I argue that this distinction does not hold. Upon fine-grained analysis, ostensibly complicated systems turn out to be complex systems. The purported boundary between the complicated and the complex appears to be vague rather than sharp. Systems are complex by degrees.
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  7. Mathematics, Narratives and Life: Reconciling Science and the Humanities.Arran Gare - 2024 - Cosmos and History 20 (1):133-155.
    The triumph of scientific materialism in the Seventeenth Century not only bifurcated nature into matter and mind and primary and secondary qualities, as Alfred North Whitehead pointed out in Science and the Modern World. It divided science and the humanities. The core of science is the effort to comprehend the cosmos through mathematics. The core of the humanities is the effort to comprehend history and human nature through narratives. The life sciences can be seen as the zone in which the (...)
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  8. Life Processes as Proto-Narratives: Integrating Theoretical Biology and Biosemiotics through Biohermeneutics.Arran E. Gare - 2022 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (1):210-251.
    The theoretical biology movement originating in Britain in the early 1930’s and the biosemiotics movement which took off in Europe in the 1980’s have much in common. They are both committed to replacing the neo-Darwinian synthesis, and they have both invoked theories of signs to this end. Yet, while there has been some mutual appreciation and influence, particularly in the cases of Howard Pattee, René Thom, Kalevi Kull, Anton Markoš and Stuart Kauffman, for the most part, these movements have (...)
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  9. Code biology and the problem of emergence.Arran Gare - 2021 - Biosystems 208.
    It should now be recognized that codes are central to life and to understanding its more complex forms, including human culture. Recognizing the ‘conventional’ nature of codes provides solid grounds for rejecting efforts to reduce life to biochemistry and justifies according a place to semantics in life. The question I want to consider is whether this is enough. Focussing on Eigen’s paradox of how a complex code could originate, I will argue that along with Barbieri’s efforts to account for the (...)
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  10. Bergson, Complexity and Creative Emergence.David Kreps - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is a book about evolution from a post-Darwinian perspective. It recounts the core ideas of French philosopher Henri Bergson and his rediscovery and legacy in the poststructuralist critical philosophies of the 1960s, and explores the confluences of these ideas with those of complexity theory in environmental biology. The failings in the development of systems theory, many of which complex systems theory overcomes, are retold; with Bergson, this book proposes, some of the rest may be overcome too. It asserts that (...)
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  11. Naturalism, Theism, and the Origin of Life. Earley - 1998 - Process Studies 27 (3):267-279.
    Alvin Plantinga and Phillip E. Johnson strongly attack "metaphysical naturalism", a doctrine based, in part, on Darwinian concepts. They claim that this doctrine dominates American academic, educational, and legal thought, and that it is both erroneous and pernicious. Stuart Kauffman claims that currently accepted versions of Darwinian evolutionary theory are radically incomplete, that they should be supplemented by explicit recognition of the importance of coherent structures — the prevalence of "order for free". Both of these developments are here interpreted (...)
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  12. Remarks on the Geometry of Complex Systems and Self-Organization.Luciano Boi - 2012 - In Vincenzo Fano, Enrico Giannetto, Giulia Giannini & Pierluigi Graziani, Complessità e Riduzionismo. ISONOMIA - Epistemologica Series Editor. pp. 28-43.
    Let us start by some general definitions of the concept of complexity. We take a complex system to be one composed by a large number of parts, and whose properties are not fully explained by an understanding of its components parts. Studies of complex systems recognized the importance of “wholeness”, defined as problems of organization (and of regulation), phenomena non resolvable into local events, dynamics interactions in the difference of behaviour of parts when isolated or in higher configuration, etc., in (...)
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  13. Theories of Consciousness & Death.Gregory Nixon (ed.) - 2016 - New York, USA: QuantumDream.
    What happens to the inner light of consciousness with the death of the individual body and brain? Reductive materialism assumes it simply fades to black. Others think of consciousness as indicating a continuation of self, a transformation, an awakening or even alternatives based on the quality of life experience. In this issue, speculation drawn from theoretic research are presented. -/- Table of Contents Epigraph: From “The Immortal”, Jorge Luis Borges iii Editor’s Introduction: I Killed a Squirrel the Other Day, Gregory (...)
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  14. Perspectives on Ethics and Water Policy in Delaware.Gerald J. Kauffman - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):93-126.
    Water is a finite resource held in common by the community yet coveted by individuals and special interests. The water management field is filled with disputes about water allocation, rights, and pollution. Environmental ethics is a basis for equitable water policy making in Delaware. The resource allocation dilemma is examined in relation to conflicting objectives imposed by a market economy between individual self-interests and community environmental well being. Two forms of water law are practiced in the USA—eastern riparianrights and western (...)
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  15. Understanding Critical Variables for Customer Relationship Management in Higher Education Institution from Employees Perspective.Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu Naser & Jehad J. Badwan - 2017 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 6 (1):10-16.
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the critical success factors and investigate the benefits that might be gained once implementing Electronic Customer Relationship Management at HEI from employee perspective. The study conducted at Al Quds Open University in Palestine and data collected from (300) employee through a questionnaire which consist of four variables. A number of statistical tools were intended for hypotheses testing and data analysis, including Spearman correlation coefficient for Validity, reliability correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, and Frequency (...)
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  16. Development and Evaluation of the Oracle Intelligent Tutoring System (OITS).Rami Aldahdooh & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    This paper presents the design and development of intelligent tutoring system for teaching Oracle. The Oracle Intelligent Tutoring System (OITS) examined the power of a new methodology to supporting students in Oracle programming. The system presents the topic of Introduction to Oracle with automatically generated problems for the students to solve. The system is dynamically adapted at run time to the student’s individual progress. An initial evaluation study was done to investigate the effect of using the intelligent tutoring system on (...)
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  17. Design and Development of an Intelligent Tutoring System for C# Language.Bashar G. Al-Bastami & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    Learning programming is thought to be troublesome. One doable reason why students don’t do well in programming is expounded to the very fact that traditional way of learning within the lecture hall adds more stress on students in understanding the Material rather than applying the Material to a true application. For a few students, this teaching model might not catch their interest. As a result, they'll not offer their best effort to grasp the Material given. Seeing however the information is (...)
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  18. Mathematics Intelligent Tutoring System.Nour N. AbuEloun & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2 (1):11-16.
    In these days, there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching mathematics that help students understand the basics of math and that helps a lot of students of all ages to understand the topic because it's important for students of adding and subtracting. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation (...)
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  19. Smoke Detectors Using ANN.Marwan R. M. Al-Rayes & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):1-9.
    Abstract: Smoke detectors are critical devices for early fire detection and life-saving interventions. This research paper explores the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in smoke detection systems. The study aims to develop a robust and accurate smoke detection model using ANNs. Surprisingly, the results indicate a 100% accuracy rate, suggesting promising potential for ANNs in enhancing smoke detection technology. However, this paper acknowledges the need for a comprehensive evaluation beyond accuracy. It discusses potential challenges, such as overfitting, dataset size, (...)
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  20. Predicting Heart Disease using Neural Networks.Ahmed Muhammad Haider Al-Sharif & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 7 (9):40-46.
    Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease, pose a significant global health challenge, contributing to a substantial burden on healthcare systems and individuals. Early detection and accurate prediction of heart disease are crucial for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. This research explores the potential of neural networks in predicting heart disease using a dataset collected from Kaggle, consisting of 1025 samples with 14 distinct features. The study's primary objective is to develop an effective neural network model for binary classification, identifying the (...)
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  21. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care and Medical Practices.Jawad Y. I. Alzamily, Hani Bakeer, Husam Almadhoun, Basem S. Abunasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 8 (8):1-9.
    Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of modern healthcare, offering unprecedented capabilities in diagnostics, treatment planning, patient care, and healthcare management. This paper explores the transformative impact of AI on the healthcare sector, examining how it enhances patient outcomes, improves the efficiency of medical practices, and introduces new ethical and operational challenges. By analyzing current applications such as AI-driven diagnostic tools, personalized medicine, and hospital management systems, this paper highlights the significant advancements AI has brought to the (...)
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  22. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Grammar English Tenses.Mohammed I. Alhabbash, Ali O. Mahdi & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2016 - European Academic Research 4 (9):1-15.
    The evolution of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is the result of the amount of research in the field of education and artificial intelligence in recent years. English is the third most common languages in the world and also is the internationally dominant in the telecommunications, science and trade, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomatic language as most of the areas of work now taught in English. Therefore, the demand for learning English has increased. In this paper, we describe the design of (...)
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  23. AI-Driven Innovations in Agriculture: Transforming Farming Practices and Outcomes.Jehad M. Altayeb, Hassam Eleyan, Nida D. Wishah, Abed Elilah Elmahmoum, Ahmed J. Khalil, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Applied Research (Ijaar) 8 (9):1-6.
    Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the agricultural sector, enhancing both productivity and sustainability. This paper delves into the impact of AI technologies on agriculture, emphasizing their application in precision farming, predictive analytics, and automation. AI-driven tools facilitate more efficient crop and resource management, leading to higher yields and a reduced environmental footprint. The paper explores key AI technologies, such as machine learning algorithms for crop monitoring, robotics for automated planting and harvesting, and data analytics for optimizing resource use. Additionally, (...)
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  24. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Cloud Computing.Hasan Abdulla Abu Hasanein & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Academic Research and Development 2 (1):76-80.
    Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a computer system which aims to provide immediate and customized or reactions to learners, usually without the intervention of human teacher's instructions. Secretariats professional to have the common goal of learning a meaningful and effective manner through the use of a variety of computing technologies enabled. There are many examples of professional Secretariats used in both formal education and in professional settings that have proven their capabilities. There is a close relationship between private lessons intelligent, (...)
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  25. The Role of AI in Enhancing Business Decision-Making: Innovations and Implications.Faten Y. A. Abu Samara, Aya Helmi Abu Taha, Nawal Maher Massa, Tanseen N. Abu Jamie, Fadi E. S. Harara, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 8 (9):8-15.
    Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly advanced, offering significant potential to transform business decision-making. This paper delves into how AI can be harnessed to enhance strategic decision-making within business contexts. It investigates the integration of AI-driven analytics, predictive modeling, and automation, emphasizing their role in improving decision accuracy and operational efficiency. By examining current applications and case studies, the paper underscores the opportunities AI offers, including improved data insights, risk management, and personalized customer experiences. It also addresses the challenges businesses (...)
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  26. Revolutionizing Drug Discovery: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Accelerating Pharmaceutical Innovation".Alaa Soliman Abu Mettleq, Alaa N. Akkila, Mohammed A. Alkahlout, Suheir H. A. ALmurshidi, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - Information Journal of Academic Engineering Research (Ijaer) 8 (10):45-53.
    Abstract: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into drug discovery is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry by accelerating the development of novel therapeutics. AI-powered tools enable researchers to process vast datasets, identify drug candidates, and predict their efficacy and safety with unprecedented speed and accuracy. This paper explores the transformative impact of AI on drug discovery, highlighting key advancements in machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and predictive modeling. Additionally, it addresses the challenges associated with AI implementation, including data quality, regulatory hurdles, (...)
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  27. Advancements in AI for Medical Imaging: Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment.Zakaria K. D. Alkayyali, Ashraf M. H. Taha, Qasem M. M. Zarandah, Bassem S. Abunasser, Alaa M. Barhoom & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research(Ijaer) 8 (8):8-15.
    Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into medical imaging represents a transformative shift in healthcare, offering significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and patient outcomes. This paper explores the application of AI technologies in the analysis of medical images, focusing on techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning models. We discuss how these technologies are applied to various imaging modalities, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, to enhance disease detection, image segmentation, and diagnostic support. Additionally, the (...)
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  28. Photoshop (CS6) Intelligent Tutoring System.Mohammed Z. Shaath, Mones Al-Hanjouri, Samy S. Abu Naser & Rami ALdahdooh - 2017 - International Journal of Academic Research and Development 2 (1):81-86.
    In this paper, we designed and developed an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Photoshop. We designed the lessons, examples, and questions in a way to teach and evaluate student understanding of the material. Through the feedback provided by this tool, you can assess the student's understanding of the material, where there is a minimum overshoot questions stages, and if the student does not pass the level of questions he is asked to return the lesson and read it again. Eventually this (...)
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  29. Forecasting COVID-19 cases Using ANN.Ibrahim Sufyan Al-Baghdadi & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):22-31.
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to global healthcare systems, necessitating accurate and timely forecasting of cases for effective mitigation strategies. In this research paper, we present a novel approach to predict COVID-19 cases using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), harnessing the power of machine learning for epidemiological forecasting. Our ANNs-based forecasting model has demonstrated remarkable efficacy, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 97.87%. This achievement underscores the potential of ANNs in providing precise and data-driven insights into the dynamics (...)
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  30. I didn’t Leave Inceldom; Inceldom Left me”: Examining Male Ex-Incel Navigations of Complex Masculinities Identity Rebuilding Following Rejection of Incel-Culture.Nicholas Norman Adams & David S. Smith - 2025 - Deviant Behavior.
    This study explores experiences of ex-incels—men who have withdrawn from incel communities—through eleven qualitative interviews analysed using R.W. Connell’s hegemonic masculinity (HM) framework. Findings reveal some ex-incels adopt flexible masculinities, while others struggle with prescriptive norms perpetuated by the anti-feminist ‘manosphere’. Findings spotlight identity reconstructions, where men both reject and remain influenced by rigid archetypes, performing hybrid masculinities. This study deepens understanding of incel ideology, its impact on identity, and interplay between inceldom and masculinities via contributing to hybrid masculinities theorising. (...)
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  31. Colon Cancer Knowledge-Based System.Rawan N. A. Albanna, Dina F. Alborno, Raja E. Altarazi, Malak S. Hamad & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems 7 (6):27-36.
    Abstract: Colon cancer is a prevalent and life-threatening disease, necessitating accurate and timely diagnosis for effective treatment and improved patient outcomes. This research paper presents the development of a knowledge-based system for diagnosing colon cancer using the CLIPS language. Knowledge-based systems offer the potential to assist healthcare professionals in making informed diagnoses by leveraging expert knowledge and reasoning mechanisms. The methodology involves acquiring and structuring medical knowledge specific to colon cancer, followed by the implementation of a knowledge- based system using (...)
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  32. Breast Cancer Knowledge Based System.Mohammed H. Aldeeb & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems 7 (6):46-51.
    Abstract: The Knowledge-Based System for Diagnosing Breast Cancer aims to support medical students in enhancing their education regarding diagnosis and counseling. The system facilitates the analysis of biopsy images under a microscope, determination of tumor type, selection of appropriate treatment methods, and identification of disease-related questions. According to the Ministry of Health's annual report in Gaza, there were 7,069 cases of breast cancer between 2009 and 2014, with 1,502 cases reported in 2014. In an era dominated by visual information, where (...)
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  33. Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring System for learning Computer Theory.Mohammed A. Al-Nakhal & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system developed to help students in learning Computer Theory. The Intelligent tutoring system was built using ITSB authoring tool. The system helps students to learn finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines and examines the relationship between these automata and formal languages, deterministic and nondeterministic machines, regular expressions, context free grammars, undecidability, and complexity. During the process the intelligent tutoring system gives assistance and feedback of many types in an intelligent manner according to (...)
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  34. Teaching the Right Letter Pronunciation in Reciting the Holy Quran Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Alaa N. Akkila & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 2 (1):64-68.
    An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that offers an instant, adapted instruction and customized feedback to students without human teacher interference. Reciting "Tajweed" the Holy Quran in the appropriate way is very important for all Muslims and is obligatory in Islamic devotions such as prayers. In this paper, the researchers introduce an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Reciting "Tajweed". Our "Tajweed" tutoring system is limited to "Tafkhim and Tarqiq in TAJWEED" the Holy Quran, Rewaya: Hafs from ‘Aasem. (...)
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  35. AI-Driven Learning: Advances and Challenges in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.Amjad H. Alfarra, Lamis F. Amhan, Msbah J. Mosa, Mahmoud Ali Alajrami, Faten El Kahlout, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Applied Research (Ijaar) 8 (9):24-29.
    Abstract: The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into educational technology has dramatically transformed learning through Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). These systems utilize AI to offer personalized, adaptive instruction tailored to each student's needs, thereby improving learning outcomes and engagement. This paper examines the development and impact of ITS, focusing on AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and adaptive algorithms that drive their functionality. Through various case studies and applications, it illustrates how ITS have revolutionized traditional educational methods (...)
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  36. A CLIPS-Based Expert System for Brain Tumor Diagnosis.Raja E. Altarazi, Malak S. Hamad, Rawan Elbanna, Dina Elborno & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (6):9-15.
    Brain tumors pose significant challenges in modern healthcare, with accurate and timely diagnosis crucial for determining appropriate treatment strategies. Artificial intelligence has made significant advancements in recent years. Rule-based expert systems (if-then rule-based systems) have emerged as a promising approach for clinical decision-making in brain tumor diagnosis. In this paper, we present "A CLIPS-Based Expert System for Brain Tumor Diagnosis," which leverages a set of 14 if-then rules to diagnose brain tumors with three possible outcomes: 1) Confirm the diagnosis of (...)
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  37. CSS-Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for CSS and HTML.Mariam W. Alawar & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Academic Research and Development 2 (1):94-99.
    In this paper we show how a student can learn the basics of the system databases using (W3school CSS) which was built as intelligent tutoring educational system by using the authoring tool called (ITSB). The learning material contains CSS and HTML. We divided the material in a group of lessons for novice learner which combines relational system and lessons in the process of learning. The student can learn using example of CSS, and types of CSS color. Furthermore, the intelligent tutoring (...)
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  38. Advancements in Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Innovations and Future Directions.Izzeddin A. Alshawwa, Hosni Qasim El-Mashharawi, Fatima M. Salman, Mohammed Naji Abu Al-Qumboz, Bassem S. Abunasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 8 (8):15-24.
    Abstract: Early detection of breast cancer plays a pivotal role in improving patient prognosis and reducing mortality rates. Recent technological advancements have significantly enhanced the accuracy and effectiveness of breast cancer screening methods. This paper explores the latest innovations in early detection, including the evolution of digital mammography, the impact of 3D mammography (tomosynthesis), and the use of advanced imaging techniques such as molecular imaging and MRI. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostic tools is discussed, highlighting how (...)
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  39. AI in Leadership: Transforming Decision-Making and Strategic Vision.Mohran H. Al-Bayed, Mohanad Hilles, Ibrahim Haddad, Marah M. Al-Masawabe, Mohammed Ibrahim Alhabbash, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 8 (9):1-7.
    Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into leadership practices is rapidly transforming organizational dynamics and decision-making processes. This paper explores the ways in which AI enhances leadership effectiveness by providing data- driven insights, optimizing decision-making, and automating routine tasks. Additionally, it examines the challenges leaders face when adopting AI, including ethical considerations, potential biases in AI systems, and the need for upskilling. By analyzing current applications of AI in leadership and discussing future trends, this study aims to offer a (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Development and Evaluation of an Expert System for Diagnosing Kidney Diseases.Shahd J. Albadrasawi, Mohammed M. Almzainy, Jehad M. Altayeb, Hassam Eleyan & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (6):16-22.
    This research paper presents the development and evaluation of an expert system for diagnosing kidney diseases. The expert system utilizes a decision-making tree approach and is implemented using the CLIPS and Delphi frameworks. The system's accuracy in diagnosing kidney diseases and user satisfaction were evaluated. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the expert system in providing accurate diagnoses and high user satisfaction.
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  41. Classification of Chicken Diseases Using Deep Learning.Mohammed Al Qatrawi & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - Information Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (Ijaisr) 8 (4):9-17.
    Abstract: In recent years, the outbreak of various poultry diseases has posed a significant threat to the global poultry industry. Therefore, the accurate and timely detection of chicken diseases is critical to reduce economic losses and prevent the spread of diseases. In this study, we propose a method for classifying chicken diseases using a convolutional neural network (CNN). The proposed method involves preprocessing the chicken images, building and training a CNN model, and evaluating the performance of the model. The dataset (...)
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  42. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Health Problems Related To Addiction of Video Game Playing.Mohran H. Al-Bayed & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2 (1):4-10.
    Lately in the past couple of years, there are an increasing in the normal rate of playing computer games or video games compared to the E-learning content that are introduced for the safety of our children, and the impact of the video game addictiveness that ranges from (Musculoskeletal issues, Vision problems and Obesity). Furthermore, this paper introduce an intelligent tutoring system for both parent and their children for enhancement the experience of gaming and tell us about the health problems and (...)
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  43. Predictive Analysis of Lottery Outcomes Using Deep Learning and Time Series Analysis.Asil Mustafa Alghoul & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 7 (10):1-6.
    Abstract: Lotteries have long been a source of fascination and intrigue, offering the tantalizing prospect of unexpected fortunes. In this research paper, we delve into the world of lottery predictions, employing cutting-edge AI techniques to unlock the secrets of lottery outcomes. Our dataset, obtained from Kaggle, comprises historical lottery draws, and our goal is to develop predictive models that can anticipate future winning numbers. This study explores the use of deep learning and time series analysis to achieve this elusive feat. (...)
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  44. A Proposed Expert System for Vertigo Diseases Diagnosis.Dina F. Al-Borno & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 7 (6):1-9.
    Vertigo is a common symptom that can result from various underlying diseases and conditions, ranging from benign to severe. Accurate and timely diagnosis of the cause of vertigo is crucial for appropriate management and treatment. In this research, we propose the development of an expert system for vertigo diseases diagnosis, utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and the proposed Expert System which was produced to help assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing the cause of vertigo based on a patient's symptoms, medical history, and (...)
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  45. Chances of Survival in the Titanic using ANN.Udai Hamed Saeed Al-Hayik & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):17-21.
    Abstract: The sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 remains a poignant historical event that continues to captivate our collective imagination. In this research paper, we delve into the realm of data-driven analysis by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict the chances of survival for passengers aboard the Titanic. Our study leverages a comprehensive dataset encompassing passenger information, demographics, and cabin class, providing a unique opportunity to explore the complex interplay of factors influencing survival outcomes. Our ANN-based predictive model (...)
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  46. Neural Network-Based Audit Risk Prediction: A Comprehensive Study.Saif al-Din Yusuf Al-Hayik & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):43-51.
    Abstract: This research focuses on utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict Audit Risk accurately, a critical aspect of ensuring financial system integrity and preventing fraud. Our dataset, gathered from Kaggle, comprises 18 diverse features, including financial and historical parameters, offering a comprehensive view of audit-related factors. These features encompass 'Sector_score,' 'PARA_A,' 'SCORE_A,' 'PARA_B,' 'SCORE_B,' 'TOTAL,' 'numbers,' 'marks,' 'Money_Value,' 'District,' 'Loss,' 'Loss_SCORE,' 'History,' 'History_score,' 'score,' and 'Risk,' with a total of 774 samples. Our proposed neural network architecture, consisting of three (...)
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  47. Grape Leaf Species Classification Using CNN.Mohammed M. Almassri & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 8 (4):66-72.
    Abstract: Context: grapevine leaves are an important agricultural product that is used in many Middle Eastern dishes. The species from which the grapevine leaf originates can differ in terms of both taste and price. Method: In this study, we build a deep learning model to tackle the problem of grape leaf classification. 500 images were used (100 for each species) that were then increased to 10,000 using data augmentation methods. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithms were applied to build this model (...)
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  48. Strategic and Operational Planning As Approach for Crises Management Field Study on UNRWA.Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 5 (6):43-47.
    The research aims to study the role of strategic and operational planning as approach for crises management in UNRWA - Gaza Strip field- Palestine. Several descriptive analytical methods were used for this purpose and a survey as a tool for data collection. Community size was (881), and the study sample was stratified random (268). The overall findings of the current study show that strategic and operational planning is performed in UNRWA. The results of static analysis show that there are a (...)
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  49. Neural Network-Based Water Quality Prediction.Mohammed Ashraf Al-Madhoun & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 7 (9):25-31.
    Water quality assessment is critical for environmental sustainability and public health. This research employs neural networks to predict water quality, utilizing a dataset of 21 diverse features, including metals, chemicals, and biological indicators. With 8000 samples, our neural network model, consisting of four layers, achieved an impressive 94.22% accuracy with an average error of 0.031. Feature importance analysis revealed arsenic, perchlorate, cadmium, and others as pivotal factors in water quality prediction. This study offers a valuable contribution to enhancing water quality (...)
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  50. Predicting Audit Risk Using Neural Networks: An In-depth Analysis.Dana O. Abu-Mehsen, Mohammed S. Abu Nasser, Mohammed A. Hasaballah & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) 7 (10):48-56.
    Abstract: This research paper presents a novel approach to predict audit risks using a neural network model. The dataset used for this study was obtained from Kaggle and comprises 774 samples with 18 features, including Sector_score, PARA_A, SCORE_A, PARA_B, SCORE_B, TOTAL, numbers, marks, Money_Value, District, Loss, Loss_SCORE, History, History_score, score, and Risk. The proposed neural network architecture consists of three layers, including one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. The neural network model was trained and validated, achieving (...)
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