Results for 'Vera Aparecida Fernandes Martin'

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    Sobre o Problema de Platão, o Movimento Retrógrado dos Planetas e os Sistemas de Mundo, Geocêntrico e Heliocêntrico.Paulo César da Rocha-Poppe, Maria Amanda Guimarães Santos, Vera Aparecida Fernandes Martin, Marildo Geraldête Pereira & Nelson Vani Leister - 2024 - Sitientibus Série Ciências Físicas 20:1-22.
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  2. METODOLOGIA E MANEJO REPRODUTIVO APLICADO EM BOVINOS LEITEIROS.Bruna Cardoso Lemes, Gabriel Destefani de Souza, Jaqueline Aparecida Sousa Pereira, Jéssica Elizei Dande, Marcelo de Figueiredo Filiardi Filho, Vinícius de Moura Ribeiro Monticeli & Elizângela Guedes - 2022 - Revista Agroveterinária Do Sul de Minas 4 (1):153-172.
    Resumo: Sabe-se que a pecuária é uma parcela do agronegócio que move a economia do país, e incluso está a produção leiteira, que tem, a cada ano seu desenvolvimento elevado, de forma em que é priorizado a eficiência no aumento de sua produção, com o objetivo de suprir a demanda, e a maior rentabilidade do produtor. Diante disso, medidas de manejo reprodutivo e alimentar são adotadas, sendo estas capazes de elevar a produtividade com o menor custo possível. O trabalho objetivou (...)
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  3. Azeredo Coutinho e a física do voo controlado de balões.José Carlos Corrêa de Andrades, Adriano Martins Moutinho & José Fernandes Pereira - 2019 - Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 41 (4):e20180310.
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  4. "Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom": Preface.Martín López Corredoira, Tom Todd & Erik J. Olsson - 2022 - In M. López-Corredoira, T. Todd & E. J. Olsson (eds.), Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom. Imprint Academic.
    There can be no doubt that discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion or beliefs should not be tolerated in academia. Surprisingly, however, in recent years, policies of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity(DIE), officially introduced to counteract discrimination, have increasingly led to quite the opposite result: the exclusion of individuals who do not share a radical 'woke' ideology on identity politics (feminism, other gender activisms, critical race theory, etc.), and to the suppression of the academic freedom to discuss such dogmas. This (...)
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  5. Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  6. A presença e o lugar de professores negros e negras no IFMT: ações afirmativas, avanços e desafios.Josadaque Martins Silva, Cristiane da Silva Ferreira & Thiago Beirigo Lopes - 2021 - Research, Society and Develpoment 10 (17):e163101724511.
    Este artigo é resultado do projeto de pesquisa ‘Educação e ações afirmativas: um estudo sobre a presença e o lugar de professores negros e negras no IFMT’, desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso. Tem por objetivo analisar, a partir de uma pesquisa quantitativa, a presença e o lugar de docentes negros e negras na estrutura educacional e administrativa do IFMT. Problematizamos especificamente esta instituição, de modo a compreender o locus dela no cenário de implementação (...)
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  7. Crítica à Metafísica.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva & Alana Thaís da Silva - manuscript
    -/- FILOSOFIA: CRÍTICA À METAFÍSICA -/- PHILOSOPHY: CRITICISM TO METAPHYSICS -/- Por: Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - UFRPE Alana Thaís Mayza da Silva - CAP-UFPE RESUMO: A Metafísica (do grego: Μεταφυσική) é uma área inerente à Filosofia, dito isto, é uma esfera que compreende o mundo e os seres humanos sob uma fundamentação suprassensível da realidade, bem como goza de fundamentação ontológica e teológica para explicação dos dilemas do nosso mundo. Logo, não goza da experiência e explicação científica com (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Fisiologia da Reprodução Animal: Ovulação, Controle e Sincronização do Cio.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
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  9. (1 other version)Formulação de Ração Para Ovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Formulação de Ração para Ovinos -/- Belo Jardim 2021 Formulação de Ração para Ovinos Copyright © 2021 -/- Todos os direitos reservados -/- Impresso no Brasil / Printed in Brazil -/- Departamento de Nutrição Animal do IPA – Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco Av. Gen. San Martin, 1371 - Bongi, Recife - PE -/- Presidente do Comitê Editorial Múcio de Barros Wanderley Membros do Comitê Editorial Antônio Raimundo de Sousa Editor-chefe Josimar Gurgel Fernandes Editores de Seção Antonio Felix da (...)
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  10. Aspectos da reprodução em bovinos.Deivid Marcel Souza da Silva - 2021 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário - Ages
    RESUMO A bovinocultura sempre esteve atrelada ao desenvolvimento do Brasil e, pensando no avanço, as exigências da máxima eficiência nos sistemas de criação foi pautada na forma de como conseguir realizar a reprodução de bovinos com ênfase na eficiência econômica e reprodutiva. O objetivo deste trabalho é elucidar as principais biotecnologias que auxiliam na maior produtividade reprodutiva de bovinos. Dessa forma, o estudo foi realizado usando artigos do banco de dados do Google acadêmico e SciELO, além de livros do acervo (...)
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  11. Can Heil's ontological conception accommodate complex properties?Vera Hoffmann - 2006 - In Michael Esfeld (ed.), John Heil: symposium on his ontological point of view. New Brunswick, NJ: Ontos.
    A central tenet of Heil's ontological conception is a no-levels account of reality, according to which there is just one class of basic properties and relations, while all higher-level entities are configurations of these base-level entities. I argue that if this picture is not to collapse into an eliminativist picture of the world – which, I contend, should be avoided –, Heil's ontological framework has to be supplemented by an independent theory of which configurations of basic entities should count as (...)
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  12. When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom.Vera Hartenstein & Mario Hubert - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (1):245-275.
    We show that in the Maxwell–Lorentz theory of classical electrodynamics most initial values for fields and particles lead to an ill-defined dynamics, as they exhibit singularities or discontinuities along light-cones. This phenomenon suggests that the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force law ought rather to be read as a system of delay differential equations, that is, differential equations that relate a function and its derivatives at different times. This mathematical reformulation, however, leads to physical and philosophical consequences for the ontological (...)
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  13. Ser leve e ser líquido: a modernidade líquida no pensamento de Zygmunt Bauman.Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2023 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 15 (3):32-47.
    This article aims to elucidate, albeit in a preliminary way, the concept of liquidity in Zygmunt Bauman and its effects onsociety. The deductive-inductive method will be used. As for the methodology, this will be of a bibliographic nature. This study is in line with what the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017), in his texts, postulates that Modernity can be divided into two phases: Solid Modernity and Liquid Modernity. The first began in the 15th century and lasted until the 19th century; the (...)
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  14. Ontological Expressivism.Vera Flocke - 2021 - In James Miller (ed.), The Language of Ontology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ontological expressivism is the view that ontological existence claims express non-cognitive mental states. I develop a version of ontological expressivism that is modeled after Gibbard’s (2003) norm-expressivism. I argue that, when speakers assess whether, say, composite objects exist, they rely on assumptions with regard to what is required for composition to occur. These assumptions guide their assessment, similar to how norms may guide the assessment of normative propositions. Against this backdrop, I argue that “some objects have parts”, uttered in the (...)
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  15. Gene Editing, the Mystic Threat to Human Dignity.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):249-257.
    Many arguments have been made against gene editing. This paper addresses the commonly invoked argument that gene editing violates human dignity and is ultimately a subversion of human nature. There are several drawbacks to this argument. Above all, the concept of what human dignity means is unclear. It is not possible to condemn a practice that violates human dignity if we do not know exactly what is being violated. The argument’s entire reasoning is thus undermined. Analyses of the arguments involved (...)
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  16. No “Easy” Answers to Ontological Category Questions.Vera Flocke & Katherine Ritchie - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):78-94.
    Easy Ontologists, most notably Thomasson (2015), argue that ontological questions are shallow. They think that these questions can either be answered by using our ordinary conceptual competence—of course tables exist!—or are meaningless, or else should be answered through conceptual re-engineering. Ontology thus is “easy”, requiring no distinctively metaphysical investigation. This paper raises a two-stage objection to Easy Ontology. We first argue that questions concerning which entities exist are inextricably bound up with “ontological category questions”, which are questions concerning the identity (...)
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  17. Grammar, Numerals, and Number Words: A Wittgensteinian Reflection on the Grammar of Numbers.Dennis De Vera - 2014 - Social Science Diliman 10 (1):53-100.
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  18. The Defense Of Oral Interaction In The Midst Of Whatsapp Use In The Learning Environment.Fernandes Arung - 2018 - Journal of English Education 3 (1):40-45.
    This research aimed to explain the defense of oral interactions in the presence of information and communication technologies such as WhatsApp (WA) as well as to explore some of the positive contributions of WA used in building the Real Life Communication, especially in the learning environment. By applying the Exploratory design, this research involved 4 participants from various educational backgrounds as a purposively selected data source indicated as WA users at once. Data were collected through Focus Group Discussion, Interview, and (...)
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  19. Bread prices and sea levels: why probabilistic causal models need to be monotonic.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2024 - Philosophical Studies (9):1-16.
    A key challenge for probabilistic causal models is to distinguish non-causal probabilistic dependencies from true causal relations. To accomplish this task, causal models are usually required to satisfy several constraints. Two prominent constraints are the causal Markov condition and the faithfulness condition. However, other constraints are also needed. One of these additional constraints is the causal sufficiency condition, which states that models must not omit any direct common causes of the variables they contain. In this paper, I argue that the (...)
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  20. Freedoms and Rights in a Levinasian Society of Neighbors.Marlon Jesspher B. De Vera - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (2):163-173.
    This paper attempts to argue that a radically different notion of freedoms and rights that originates from the other, that is founded on the infinite responsibility for the other, and that demands an encounter with the other as pure alterity, could be a plausible starting point towards the conception and possible realization of a Levinasian society of neighbors. First, an explication is made on why a radical change in the area of freedoms and rights could be the starting point towards (...)
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  21. How does the Naiyāyika move many fingers at once: A Nyāya theory of action.Joshua Fernandes - 2024 - Philosophical Traditions of the World 1:13-25.
    In the Tattvacintāmaṇi, the Nyāya stalwart Gaṅgeśa (14th century CE) engages in a debate with a Mīmāṃsaka, for whom the manas is ubiquitous while it is atomic for the Naiyāyika. Ubiquitous and atomic substances are both partless. Ubiquitous substances are actionless while atomic ones move. The Mīmāmsaka asks a question on action: if the manas is atomic, then the actions of the body would be absurdly restricted to a bodily region that is also atomic. Or, if it pervades the entire (...)
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  22. Philosophy and Its History.Martin Lin - 2012 - In Stewart Duncan & Antonia LoLordo (eds.), Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses. New York: Routledge. pp. 363.
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    A Compreensão de Exercícios Espirituais Em Pierre Hadot.Cesar Augusto Veras, Marcio Bogaz Trevizan & Alvez Nunes Lucas - 2018 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 10:166-185.
    This article aims to present the understanding of spiritual exercises in Pierre Hadot and its importance. In order to give an account of the proposed object we will resort to bibliographical and documentary research. In the present work, we emphasize that the definition of spiritual exercises is complex, as the author himself says. According to Hadot (2014), this term arose with the ancient Greeks, and not with Christianity and is linked to the practice of caring for oneself. According to him, (...)
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    O si mesmo: entre Pierre Hadot e Michel Foucault.Cesar Augusto Veras & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2021 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 13 (1):62-76.
    This study aims to deepen the philosophical aspects of the relationship between the work of Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault, with regard to the concepts of "Spiritual Exercises" and "Self-Care". We intend to analyze how Pierre Hadot interpreted the appropriation that Michel de Foucault made of his text "spiritual exercises", when presenting the notion about the definition of "Care of the self". We elucidate the main divergences and convergences present between the philosophical reflections of these two authors, which are of (...)
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    ARE WE STRATEGICALLY COPING WITH FLEXIBLE LEARNING? INSIGHTS FROM ‘FRONTLINERS’ IN HIGHER EDUCATION.Gemma De Vera & Anabelle Caser - 2024 - International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 14 (5):6673-6677.
    At this time of pandemic, people will have to co-exist with the COVID-19. The need to ‘strategically’ cope with this inevitable situation still remains to be explored in various depths, most especially in the area of education during flexible teaching and learning. Using Focus Group Discussion and other forms of instrumentation, this qualitative study found that both teachers and students as ‘frontliners’ employed coping strategies including acceptance, building strong and solid social support, cultivating self-reliance and resourcefulness, practicing self-discipline, and establishing (...)
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  26. O ‘manual para a vida feliz’ de Epiteto: um comentário sobre os fragmentos de 1 a 6.Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2021 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 13 (2):19-36.
    This article aims to analyze some aspects of the work Manual para a Vida Feliz, the result of classes given by Epictetus, and recorded by his student Ariano. We will consider the situations that, according to Epictetus, depend on the individual and those that do not depend on their action. In particular, this analysis will focus on fragments 1 to 6 of the manual, given the length to be analyzed in an article. To account for the proposed object, this analysis (...)
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  27. Sen and Žižek on the Multiculturalist Approach to Non-Violence.Marlon Jesspher De Vera - 2020 - Mabini Review 9:111-134.
    This paper analyzes areas of convergence in the works of Amartya Sen and Slavoj Žižek in their criticisms of the multiculturalist approach to non-violence. First, Žižek’s characterization of the liberal discourse of guilt and fear is presented. Then, Sen’s key ideas on multiculturalism, tolerance, and rational critique are explicated. Next, a synthesis of Sen and Žižek’s notions of universality, freedom, and rationality, as well as of their critical conceptions of globalization and anti-globalization are discussed. Subsequently, Sen and Žižek’s divergences on (...)
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  28. A temática da separação na filosofia platônica.Maria Aparecida de Paiva Montenegro - 2014 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar 34:69-90.
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  29. O contexto político e o surgimento de Oliveira Salazar.Elda Fernandes - manuscript
    António de Oliveira Salazar toma posse da pasta das finanças a 28 de abril de 1928 e, apesar de aceitar o cargo mediante várias cedências do governo a sua persona não é associada ao político de carreira, mas sim ao académico e técnico dedicado à causa pública chegando mesmo a dizer à imprensa que a política não lhe interessava, Contudo ao apor-se ao anterior ministro das finanças, Sinel de Cordes, num empréstimo externo e perante o falhanço deste ganha popularidade, espaço (...)
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  30. The Hardest Paradox for Closure.Martin Smith - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):2003-2028.
    According to the principle of Conjunction Closure, if one has justification for believing each of a set of propositions, one has justification for believing their conjunction. The lottery and preface paradoxes can both be seen as posing challenges for Closure, but leave open familiar strategies for preserving the principle. While this is all relatively well-trodden ground, a new Closure-challenging paradox has recently emerged, in two somewhat different forms, due to Backes :3773–3787, 2019a) and Praolini :715–726, 2019). This paradox synthesises elements (...)
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  31. Os direitos fundamentais nas constituições republicanas de 1911 e 1933 .Elda Fernandes - manuscript
    As constituições republicanas de 1911 e 1933 surgem em períodos posteriores a revoluções e fortemente influenciadas pela panorama político internacional. As seis constituições que Portugal conheceu: 3 em monarquia e 3 em república permitem avaliar a sociedade portuguesa destes períodos históricos e como esta desenha o seu ordenamento jurídico. Pretende-se, neste breve trabalho, clarificar as diferenças em matéria de liberdades, direitos e garantias das constituições de 1911 e de 1933.
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  32. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism.Martin Kusch (ed.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    Relativism can be found in all philosophical traditions and subfields of philosophy. It is also a central idea in the social sciences, the humanities, religion and politics. This is the first volume to map relativistic motifs in all areas of philosophy, synchronically and diachronically. It thereby provides essential intellectual tools for thinking about contemporary issues like cultural diversity, the plurality of the sciences, or the scope of moral values. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism is an outstanding major reference (...)
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  33. A política em face ao nacional-socialismo: um confronto entre Arendt e a teoria crítica de Adorno e Horkheimer.Simone Fernandes - 2022 - Revista Sofia 11 (2):1-24.
    Pretende-se analisar a compreensão de Hannah Arendt e dos teóricos críticos Max Horkheimer e Theodor Adorno sobre o papel da política na ascensão do nacional-socialismo, em seus escritos das décadas de 1930 a 1950. É proposto um estudo comparativo de suas divergências quanto à importância explicativa da política e de suas motivações para a crítica à política moderna. Serão discutidos os diferentes caminhos explicativos, os sentidos atribuídos à autoridade e à ideologia e a particularidade da discussão arendtiana sobre o terror (...)
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  34. The World of Chronic Pain.Martin Kusch & Matthew Ratcliffe - 2018 - In Kevin Aho (ed.), Existential Medicine: Essays on Health and Illness. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 61-80.
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  35. When Does Evidence Suffice for Conviction?Martin Smith - 2018 - Mind 127 (508):1193-1218.
    There is something puzzling about statistical evidence. One place this manifests is in the law, where courts are reluctant to base affirmative verdicts on evidence that is purely statistical, in spite of the fact that it is perfectly capable of meeting the standards of proof enshrined in legal doctrine. After surveying some proposed explanations for this, I shall outline a new approach – one that makes use of a notion of normalcy that is distinct from the idea of statistical frequency. (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Stances, Voluntarism, Relativism.Martin Kusch - forthcoming - In New Essays on Objectivity. DeGruyter.
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  37. Against legal probabilism.Martin Smith - 2021 - In Jon Robson & Zachary Hoskins (eds.), The Social Epistemology of Legal Trials. Routledge.
    Is it right to convict a person of a crime on the basis of purely statistical evidence? Many who have considered this question agree that it is not, posing a direct challenge to legal probabilism – the claim that the criminal standard of proof should be understood in terms of a high probability threshold. Some defenders of legal probabilism have, however, held their ground: Schoeman (1987) argues that there are no clear epistemic or moral problems with convictions based on purely (...)
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  38. Epistemological Anarchism Meets Epistemic Voluntarism.Martin Kusch - 2021 - In Karim Bschir & Jamie Shaw (eds.), Interpreting Feyerabend: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  39. Restrição ou Qualificação? Uma investigação estrutural sobre as interpretações da resposta de Aristóteles ao problema dos futuros contingentes.Fernanda Lobo Affonso Fernandes - 2015 - Dissertation, Puc-Rio, Brazil
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  40. (1 other version)What is White Ignorance?Annette Martín - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this paper, I identify a theoretical and political role for ‘white ignorance’, present three alternative accounts of white ignorance, and assess how well each fulfils this role. On the Willful Ignorance View, white ignorance refers to white individuals’ willful ignorance about racial injustice. On the Cognitivist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance resulting from social practices that distribute faulty cognitive resources. On the Structuralist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance that (1) results as part of a social process that (...)
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  41. Georg Simmel and Pragmatism.Martin Kusch - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (1).
    This paper offers some brief reflections on pragmatist themes in Georg Simmel’s philosophy. §1 presents a number of assessments – by Simmel’s contemporaries, by later interpreters, and by Simmel himself – concerning his proximity to pragmatism. §2 offers a reconstruction of Simmel’s 1885-paper “The Relationship between the Theory of Selection and Epistemology,” focusing in particular on what the argument owed to von Helmholtz. It was this paper first and foremost that suggested to many that Simmel was close to pragmatism. §§3-5 (...)
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  42. A branch of human natural history.Martin Kusch - 2015 - In Huber Oliver Schlaudt and Lara (ed.), Standardization in Measurement. Pickering & Chatto. pp. 11-24.
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  43. Critique of public reason revisited: Kant as arbiter between Rawls and Habermas.Nythamar Fernandes De Oliveira - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (4):583-606.
    Trata-se de revisitar o debate Rawls-Habermas,em particular, o problema da autonomia política à luz da apropriação que estes autores nos oferecem do procedimentalismo kantiano.Tanto John Rawls quanto Jürgen Habermas, em suas respectivas concepções de "cultura política" e "esfera pública," partem de uma equivocada atribuição de um fundacionalismo moral em Kant de forma a preservar o princípio normativo de universalizabilidade capaz de assegurar a estabilidade de uma "sociedade bem ordenada" e balizar o procedimentalismo democrático enquanto alternativa para os modelos liberais e (...)
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  44. Explanation.Martin Glazier - 2020 - In Michael J. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge. pp. 121-132.
    I survey the philosophical literature on grounding explanation and its connection to metaphysical ground.
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  45. Being Someone Else.Martin Glazier - 2020 - In John Schwenkler & Enoch Lambert (eds.), Becoming Someone New: Essays on Transformative Experience, Choice, and Change. Oxford University Press.
    Could I have been someone other than who I am? Philosophers from Williams to Nagel to Lewis have been tempted to answer 'yes', but how can we make sense of such a view? I argue that to say that it is contingent who I am is to say that it is contingent what perspective I have, in a distinctively metaphysical sense of perspective.
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  46. What Else Justification Could Be1.Martin Smith - 2010 - Noûs 44 (1):10-31.
    According to a captivating picture, epistemic justification is essentially a matter of epistemic or evidential likelihood. While certain problems for this view are well known, it is motivated by a very natural thought—if justification can fall short of epistemic certainty, then what else could it possibly be? In this paper I shall develop an alternative way of thinking about epistemic justification. On this conception, the difference between justification and likelihood turns out to be akin to the more widely recognised difference (...)
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  47. Física e Filosofia antiga em Werner Heisenberg: apropriações do legado clássico por um físico do século XX.Anderson Cleiton Fernandes Leite & Samuel Simon - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:21-30.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os usos que Werner Heisenberg fez da filosofia grega em sua obra. Pretende-se relacionar tais usos não apenas com a argumentação interna presente nos textos do físico alemão, mas também com o contexto histórico, conflitos e debates entre as diversas interpretações da teoria dos quanta durante a primeira metade do século XX. Faremos, inicialmente, uma apresentação geral da teoria quântica e da presença da filosofia na obra de Heisenberg e, em seguida, um estudo de (...)
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  48. Essentialist Explanation.Martin Glazier - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2871-2889.
    Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in metaphysical explanation, and philosophers have fixed on the notion of ground as the conceptual tool with which such explanation should be investigated. I will argue that this focus on ground is myopic and that some metaphysical explanations that involve the essences of things cannot be understood in terms of ground. Such ‘essentialist’ explanation is of interest, not only for its ubiquity in philosophy, but for its being in a sense an ultimate (...)
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    The modifier effect in within-category induction: Default inheritance in complex noun phrases.Martin Jönsson & James Hampton - 2012 - Language and Cognitive Processes 27:90-116.
    Within-category induction is the projection of a generic property from a class to a subtype of that class. The modifier effect refers to the discovery reported by Connolly et al., that the subtype statement tends to be judged less likely to be true than the original unmodified sentence. The effect was replicated and shown to be moderated by the typicality of the modifier. Likelihood judgements were also found to correlate between modified and unmodified versions of sentences. Experiment 2 elicited justifications, (...)
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  50. Introduction: A Primer on Relativism.Martin Kusch - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut (eds.), The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge.
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