Results for 'communications technology'

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    Human actions and decisions are most of the times not only grounded on emotional reactions, they are irrationally debasing. While such emotions and heuristics were perhaps suitable for dealing with life in the Stone Age, they are woefully inadequate in the Silicon Age. The substitution of traditional news agencies and communication platforms in Nigeria with social media networks has not only increased human capacities, it has aided the common good and further eased communication and increased the human knowledge base. For (...)
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  2. Market of information and communication technologies and place of Ukraine in it.R. Strilchuk & Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2017 - Economic Forum 1 (2):152-157.
    The meaning of “information and communication technologies (ICT)”, “market of information and communication technologies” were clarified in the article. Components and priority areas for capital investment in the ICT market were determined. The relativity of relationship between the placement of supercomputers in the countries and their level of innovation was revealed. The tendencies of world ICT market development were defined. The place of Ukraine in the world ICT market was established.
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  3. Modern information and communication technologies in the digital economy in the system of economic security of the enterprises.Tetiana Shmatkovska, Igor Britchenko, Serhii Voitovych, Peter Lošonczi, Iryna Lorvi, Iuliia Kulyk & Svitlana Begun - 2022 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 12 (01-XXVII):153-156.
    The article considers the features of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of intensive introduction of information technologies in their activities in the process of forming the digital economy. It is determined that digitalization creates important advantages for enterprises in terms of implementing a long-term strategy for their development, strengthening economic security, and achieving significant competitive advantages in doing business. It is studied that the system of economic security of the enterprise is an organized set of elements (...)
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  4. Information and Communication Technology in Elementary Schools: A Comparison Between Hybrid and Face-to-Face Learning Systems.Wisnu Zakaria, Turmudi Turmudi & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - Profesi Pendidikan Dasar 9 (1):46-54.
    At the beginning of 2020, the world was experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic, and Indonesia was no exception. The occurrence of this affects the learning system in Indonesia, the learning system that was originally face-to-face was forced to online form, in this case the teachers are required to provide a creative, efficient and optimal learning system for students. So the purpose of this study is to find out the difference in the average learning result of elementary school students during the pandemic. (...)
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    Information and Communications Technology in Romania - Comparative Analysis with the EU, Social Impact, Challenges and Opportunities, Future Directions.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    The modern global technological landscape is shaped by rapid advances and interconnectivity, leading to a complex ecosystem of innovation, competition and collaboration. Significant developments are being seen in artificial intelligence, telecommunications, biotechnology and energy technologies. Digitalization is redefining industries such as healthcare, transport and finance, while cross-border data flows and 5G infrastructure are accelerating global connectivity. Key players such as the United States, China and Japan are investing heavily in research and development, pushing the capabilities of AI and quantum computing (...)
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  6. Economic and mathematical modeling of integration influence of information and communication technologies on the development of e-commerce of industrial enterprises.Igor Kryvovyazyuk, Igor Britchenko, Liubov Kovalska, Iryna Oleksandrenko, Liudmyla Pavliuk & Olena Zavadska - 2023 - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 101 (11):3801-3815.
    This research aims at establishing the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on e-commerce development of industrial enterprises by means of economic and mathematical modelling. The goal was achieved using the following methods: theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis (to critically analyse the scientific approaches of scientists regarding the expediency of using mathematical models in the context of enterprises’ e-commerce development), target, comparison and grouping (to reveal innovative methodological approach to assessing ICT impact on e-commerce development of industrial enterprises), tabular, (...)
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  7. Towards Responsible Research and Innovation in the Information and Communication Technologies and Security Technologies Fields.Rene Von Schomberg (ed.) - 2011 - Publications Office of the European Union.
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  8. Teachers’ Information and Communication Technology Application Skills Influencing English Curriculum Implementation in Schools in Kenya.Josiah Waiti, Rosemary Imonje & Mercy Mugambi - 2023 - Journal of Education and Development 7 (4):38-51.
    With English as a universal language and a central player in a globalized digital world, the need for an acceptable level of teacher ICT application skills, competence among teachers of English is necessary. The Government of Kenya (GoK) has put in concerted efforts to propel Kenya towards vision 2030 by investing in ICT integration in curriculum implementation, to equip a professional teacher with ICT skills for quality classroom practices and satisfactory learner performance in national examinations. Despite the efforts by the (...)
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  9. Man Ray and Photography as a Poetic Communication Technology.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio & Marina Colli de Oliveira - 2015 - International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies and Research 3 (10).
    This article wants to analyze how Man Rayin his photographs, engages a poetry of silenceusing this medium as a poetic communication technology. To understand the functioning of this poetic language, we will adopt the Groupe μ analysis method (both the General Rhetoricand the Treatise on the Visual Sign). Whereas the language is manifold as the forms of representation, and it present in all media, whatever the lack of speech -silence -would find its richest form in both directions through the (...)
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  10. The Language of Human-Machine Communication. Technology and Language.Daria Bylieva - 2020 - Technology and Language 1 (1):16-21.
    This essay for the inaugural issue of Technology and Language discusses the problem of finding an optimal form of human-machine communication. In the ongoing search for an alien mind, humanity seems to find it not in the infinities of space, but in its own environment. Changes in the language of human-machine interaction made it understandable not only to trained specialists but to every household. In the course of time, home appliances and devices have developed their language abilities even more (...)
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  11. The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh.Farzana Jabeen Khoso, Dr Najum Nisa & Dad Shah - 2019 - IJAPR 3 (3):1-7.
    Abstract: The usage of ICTs has become essential component of the teaching methodology in the field of Education. ICT can equip the female students of the area with global information and they can meet the challenges of 21st century. The purpose behind the survey is to analyze the current practices of emerging technologies. The title of the study is; “The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh”. Objectives (...)
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  12. Communities of Quantum Technologies: Stakeholder Identification, Legitimation, and Interaction.Steven Umbrello, Zeki Seskir & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2024 - International Journal of Quantum Information 22 (07):2450012.
    This paper focuses on stakeholder identification as per the value sensitive design (VSD) approach applied to the context of quantum technologies (QT). We provide two comprehensive lists of stakeholders as starting points for VSD researchers and practitioners. These lists encompass a diverse range of organizations, including private companies, government agencies, NGOs, partnerships, and professional/trade organizations. Our aim is to facilitate the recognition, legitimation, and understanding of stakeholder interactions in the development of QT. These stakeholder lists can serve as a foundation (...)
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  13. The Role of Digital Technologies in Building Resilient Communities.Asma Mehan - 2023 - Bhumi, the Planning Research Journal 10 (1):33-40.
    This study examines the role of digital technologies in building resilient communities, focusing on data collected during the pandemic. This research aims to explore the impact of digital technologies on community development, assess their effectiveness in enhancing community resilience, and identify key success factors. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups, a review of existing literature and case studies. Preliminary findings indicate that digital technologies have been crucial in supporting community resilience, enabling (...)
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    Technologies de l'information et de la communication en Roumanie - Analyse comparative avec l'UE, impact social, défis et opportunités, orientations futures.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Le paysage technologique mondial moderne est façonné par les progrès rapides et l’interconnectivité, conduisant à un écosystème complexe d’innovation, de concurrence et de collaboration. Des développements importants sont constatés dans les domaines de l’intelligence artificielle, des télécommunications, de la biotechnologie et des technologies énergétiques. La numérisation redéfinit des secteurs tels que la santé, les transports et la finance, tandis que les flux de données transfrontaliers et l'infrastructure 5G accélèrent la connectivité mondiale. Des acteurs clés tels que les États-Unis, la Chine (...)
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  15. Game Technologies to Assist Learning of Communication Skills in Dialogic Settings for Persons with Aphasia.Ylva Backman, Viktor Gardelli & Peter Parnes - 2021 - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 16 (3):190-205.
    Persons with aphasia suffer from a loss of communication ability as a consequence of a brain injury. A small strand of research indicates effec- tiveness of dialogic interventions for communication development for persons with aphasia, but a vast amount of research studies shows its effectiveness for other target groups. In this paper, we describe the main parts of the hitherto technological development of an application named Dialogica that is (i) aimed at facilitating increased communicative participation in dialogic settings for persons (...)
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  16. Technology, community, and the self.William B. Hutchinson - 1993 - Dissertation, Mcgill
    But suppose now that technology were no means, how would it stand with the will to master it? Martin Heidegger.
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  17. Technology’s in-betweeness.Luciano Floridi - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):111–115.
    One of the most obvious features that characterises any technology is its in-betweeness—comprising technologies that stand in-between human users and natural affordances (natural objects, processes, or phenomena). This paper analyses technologies on the basis of their first- second- or third-order nature, and discusses how Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are creating a new externality.
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    Connecting College Town Communities through Immersive Technology and Direct Interaction of Students and Local.Sadaf Alikhani, Seyed Alireza Seyedi & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Outreach & Engagement Texas Tech University (ed.), The 6th Annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium, Texas Tech University. Lubbock, Texas, USA: Texas Tech University. pp. 4-5.
    College towns contain mixtures of students and locals, tied to the intitution’s urban life. Due to students’ health, community engagement must be prioritized in these towns. However, technology is often blamed for distancing people. A paradoxical use of it, specifically immersive technology, a youth favorite, can be the solution by focusing on the technological narratives of the institute-related materials to improve community cohesion. This strategy shaped connections between students and locals and among past, present, and future. In this (...)
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  19. New Technology: Risks and Gains.Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - In Mehmet Odekon (ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications. pp. 1144--1147.
    New technologies are often radical innovations that change current activities across different areas of social and economic life. At the beginning of the 21st century, some of these technologies are information and communications technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These innovations stimulate new opportunities for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and thus can help solve social problems. But they also cause new social risks and inequalities.
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  20. Conflict Management and Communication Styles of Educational Leaders in Guangdong Business and Technology University: Towards a Leadership Development Training Program.Fuchun Lin - 2023 - International Journal of Open-Access, Interdisciplinary and New Educational Discoveries of ETCOR Educational Research Center 2 (1):128-165.
    Aim: This study determined the relationship between the assessed conflict management and communication styles of the university leaders of Guangdong Business and Technology University in China towards a leadership development training program. -/- Methodology: This study adopted a descriptive quantitative- comparative- correlational research design. It was conducted during the second semester of school year 2021-2022. The data gathered were collated and treated using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences or SPSS software. -/- Results: Based on the results, the most (...)
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  21. Espace et temps vécus dans les pratiques professionnelles enseignantes médiatisées par les technologies de l’information et de la communication.Jean-Luc Rinaudo - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):85-91.
    From several researches in educational sciences, the aim of this text is to understand how virtuality questions the professional situation of the teachers, in particular in the unconscious dimensions of the space and of time. The unconscious dimension of professional situation is revealing by the work of unlinking which the context of the information and communication technologies creates. -/- Ce texte tente de repérer à partir de plusieurs travaux de recherche menés en sciences de l’éducation comment la virtualité vient remettre (...)
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  22. Smart, Age-friendly Cities and Communities: the Emergence of Socio-technological Solutions in the Central and Eastern Europe.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk - 2016 - In Francisco Florez-Revuelta & Alexandros Andre Chaaraoui (eds.), Active and Assisted Living: Technologies and Applications. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp. 335--359.
    The chapter aims to introduce an integrated approach to concepts of smart cities and age-friendly cities and communities. Although these ideas are widely promoted by the European Union and the World Health Organisation, they are perceived as separate. Meanwhile, these concepts are closely intermingled in theory and practise concerning the promotion of healthy and active ageing, a universal design, usability and accessibility of age-friendly environments, reducing of the digital divide and robotic divide, and reducing of older adults’ social isolation. The (...)
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  23. Digital Technology and the Problem of Dialogical Discourse in Social Media.Bradley Warfield - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):220-239.
    In this paper, I discuss some prominent features of our use of social media and what I think are its harms. My paper has three main parts. In the first part, I use a dialogical framework to argue that much of the discursive activity online is manifested as an ethically impoverished other-directedness and interactivity. In the second part, I identify and discuss several reasons that help explain why so much of the discursive activity on social media is ethically lacking. And (...)
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  24. Insights about Electronic Technology in Digital Transformation Age & Neutrosophic Data Structure.A. A. Salama, A. Abd ELhamid, Shimaa I. Hassan & N. M. A. Ayad - 2021 - Neutrosophic Knowledge 2 (2):11-22.
    In recent decades, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been advanced and widely spread around the globe in addition to ICT revolution and technological advances are considered the major role in the evolution of modern age, which is called "Digital Transformation Age". Therefore, Electronic Technology (E-Technology) has become one of the most prominent approaches such as Electronic Learning (E-Learning), Electronic Training (E-Training), Mobile Learning (M-Learning), Virtual Lab (V-Lab), Virtual University, etc. E-Technology includes some features, for instance (...)
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  25. Investigating inclusive risk communication in the context of influenza outbreaks.Stina Nygren & Moa Zeidlitz - 2020 - In Clas Lindberg (ed.), Graduating Thesis Södertörn University. Södertörn University. pp. 1083.
    Outbreaks of novel influenza viruses are continually occurring on many places on our planet, with the ultimate and most extreme consequence being a full-scale pandemic. Modern communication technology is widely used for risk communication regarding recommended change in behavior patterns and other precautions in order to mitigate the transmission. However, the assumption and bias that modern communication technology constitutes the norm causes vulnerable groups to be at possible risk of systematic exclusion to correct and updated information. Through conducting (...)
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  26. The Technologies of Isolation.Steve Jones - 2010 - Japanese Studies 30 (2):185-198.
    In this investigation of the Japanese film Kairo, I contemplate how the horrors present in the film relate to the issue of self, by examining a number of interlocking motifs. These include thematic foci on disease and technology which are more intimately and inwardly focused that the film's conclusion first appears to suggest. The true horror here, I argue, is ontological: centred on the self and its divorcing from the exterior world, especially founded in an increased use of and (...)
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    Technology, media literacy, and the human subject: A posthuman approach.Richard S. Lewis - 2021 - Open Book Publishers.
    What does it mean to be media literate in today’s world? How are we transformed by the many media infrastructures around us? We are immersed in a world mediated by information and communication technologies (ICTs). From hardware like smartphones, smartwatches, and home assistants to software like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, our lives have become a complex, interconnected network of relations. Scholarship on media literacy has tended to focus on developing the skills to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media messages (...)
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  28. Online Communication Tools in Teaching Foreign Languages for Education Sustainability.Anna Shutaleva - 2021 - Sustainability 13:11127.
    Higher education curricula are developed based on creating conditions for implementing many professional and universal competencies. In Russia, one of the significant competencies for a modern specialist is business communication in oral and written forms in the Russian language and a foreign language. Therefore, teaching students to write in a foreign language is one of the modern requirements for young specialists’ professional training. This article aimed to study the tools of online communication that are used in teaching foreign languages. The (...)
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  29. The Information Society: Technological, socio-economic and cultural aspects - Prolegomena for a sustainability-oriented ethics of ICTs.Jose Carlos Cañizares-Gaztelu - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Twente - Faculty of Behavioral and Management Sciences
    This thesis studies the enabling properties of ICT and their effects and potential for social change, and prepares the ground for a sustainability-oriented ethico-political assessment of this technology. It primarily builds on interdisciplinary scholarship to describe and explain the multifaceted co-evolution between the global deployment of ICTs and the emergence of the Information Society, understood as a socioeconomic restructuring of capitalism. Beyond the role of ICTs in this regime transition, the thesis delivers other philosophical insights about crucial aspects of (...)
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  30. Trust in technology: interlocking trust concepts for privacy respecting video surveillance.Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann & Linus Feiten - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (4):506-520.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to defend the notion of “trust in technology” against the philosophical view that this concept is misled and unsuitable for ethical evaluation. In contrast, it is shown that “trustworthy technology” addresses a critical societal need in the digital age as it is inclusive of IT-security risks not only from a technical but also from a public layperson perspective. Design/methodology/approach From an interdisciplinary perspective between philosophy andIT-security, the authors discuss a potential instantiation (...)
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  31. Technology Ethics: Responsible Innovation and Design Strategies.Steven Umbrello - 2024 - Cambridge, UK: Polity.
    Technologies cannot simply be understood as neutral tools or instruments; they embody the values of their creators and may unconsciously reinforce systematic patterns of inequality, discrimination, and oppression. -/- Technology Ethics shows how responsible innovation can be achieved. Demonstrating how design and philosophy converge, the book delves into the intricate narratives that shape our understanding of technology – from instrumentalist views to social constructivism. Yet, at its core, it champions interactionalism as the most promising and responsible narrative. Through (...)
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  32. Technology-enabled Learning (TEL): YouTube as a Ubiquitous Learning Aid.Mohamed Ahmed Mady & Said Baadel - 2020 - Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 19 (1):2040007.
    The use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in the society has become ubiquitous. The advent of communication technologies alongside other unification trends and notions such as media convergence and digital content allow the users of the social network to integrate these networks in their everyday life. There have been several attempts in the literature to investigate and explain the use of social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp by university students in the Arab region. However, little (...)
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  33. Defining Communication and Language from Within a Pluralistic Evolutionary Worldview.Nathalie Gontier - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):609-622.
    New definitions are proposed for communication and language. Communication is defined as the evolution of physical, biochemical, cellular, community, and technological information exchange. Language is defined as community communication whereby the information exchanged comprises evolving individual and group-constructed knowledge and beliefs, that are enacted, narrated, or otherwise conveyed by evolving rule-governed and meaningful symbol systems, that are grounded, interpreted, and used from within evolving embodied, cognitive, ecological, sociocultural, and technological niches. These definitions place emphasis on the evolutionary aspects of communication (...)
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  34. E-ducation and the languages of information.Luciano Floridi - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (3):247-251.
    Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have transformed education by making information available to learners like never before. However, ICT’s are less successful in making information accessible, and even less so in making it usable. This paper argues that, while availability and accessibility are issues on the side of the providers, the usability and comprehension of accessible information are, in the final analysis, issues that involve the education of ICT users. For this reason, the paper concludes that the demand for e-ducators will (...)
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  35. From Yogic Powers to Technological Powers. Contemporary Yoga and Transhumanist Spirituality.Raquel Ferrández - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (1).
    The ideal of “freedom-as-omnipotence” pointed out by Daya Krishna in his interpretation of the Yogasūtra is undoubtedly present throughout the history of yoga. This ideal of omnipotence is also at the basis of the contemporary transhumanist program through the ideal of human perfection, and there are already transhumanist versions that defend the use of meditative techniques from India as complements to a program of human enhancement. In this essay I argue that transhumanism and bioliberalism seek to free us from biological (...)
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    Emerging Technologies and Research Ethics: Developing Editorial Policy Using a Scoping Review and Reference Panel.Simon Knight, Olga Viberg, Manolis Mavrikis, Vitomir Kovanović, Hassan Khosravi, Rebecca Ferguson, Linda Corrin, Kate Thompson, Louis Major, Jason Lodge, Sara Hennessy & Mutlu Cukurova - 2024 - PLoS ONE.
    Background -/- Emerging technologies and societal changes create new ethical concerns and greater need for cross-disciplinary and cross–stakeholder communication on navigating ethics in research. Scholarly articles are the primary mode of communication for researchers, however there are concerns regarding the expression of research ethics in these outputs. If not in these outputs, where should researchers and stakeholders learn about the ethical considerations of research? Objectives -/- Drawing on a scoping review, analysis of policy in a specific disciplinary context (learning and (...)
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  37. Technology and Privacy.Edmund Byrne - 1991 - In Byrne Edmund (ed.), The Technology of Discovery and the Discovery of Technology. Society for Philosophy and Technology. pp. 379-390.
    Emergent technologies are undermining both decisional privacy (intimacy) and informational privacy. Regarding the former consider, e.g., technical intrusions on burglar alarms and telephone calls. Regarding the latter consider how routinely technologies enable intrusion into electronic data processing (EDP) in spite of government efforts to maintain control. These efforts are uneven among nations thus inviting selective choice of a data storage country. Deregulation of telecommunications and assigning operators First Amendment rights invites multiple efforts to profit from preferential treatment of multiple competitors.
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  38. Rethinking the effects of performance expectancy and effort expectancy on new technology adoption: Evidence from Moroccan nursing students.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Dan Li, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Clinical practice is a part of the integral learning method in nursing education. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in clinical learning is highly encouraged among nursing students to support evidence-based nursing and student-centered learning. Through the information-processing lens of the mindsponge theory, this study views performance expectancy (or perceived usefulness) and effort expectancy (or perceived ease of use) as results of subjective benefit and cost judgments determining the students’ ICT using intention for supporting clinical learning, respectively. Therefore, (...)
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    The complex roles of social influence in promoting information technology adoption in nursing education.Geng Li - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    The incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICT) within healthcare education plays a significant role in shaping students’ development, contributing to the emergence of more proficient healthcare practitioners. As the acceptance and utilization of technology reflect human behavior, the challenge resides in the readiness of students to engage with ICT-based systems.
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  40. Coordination technology for active support networks: context, needfinding, and design.Stanley J. Rosenschein & Todd Davies - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (1):113-123.
    Coordination is a key problem for addressing goal–action gaps in many human endeavors. We define interpersonal coordination as a type of communicative action characterized by low interpersonal belief and goal conflict. Such situations are particularly well described as having collectively “intelligent”, “common good” solutions, viz., ones that almost everyone would agree constitute social improvements. Coordination is useful across the spectrum of interpersonal communication—from isolated individuals to organizational teams. Much attention has been paid to coordination in teams and organizations. In this (...)
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  41. Sonar Technology and Shifts in Environmental Ethics.Christine James - 2005 - Essays in Philosophy 6 (1):29-53.
    The history of sonar technology provides a fascinating case study for philosophers of science. During the first and second World Wars, sonar technology was primarily associated with activity on the part of the sonar technicians and researchers. Usually this activity is concerned with creation of sound waves under water, as in the classic “ping and echo”. The last fifteen years have seen a shift toward passive, ambient noise “acoustic daylight imaging” sonar. Along with this shift a new relationship (...)
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  42. Quantum Technologies in Industry 4.0: Navigating the Ethical Frontier with Value-Sensitive Design.Steven Umbrello - 2024 - Procedia Computer Science 232:1654-1662.
    With the emergence of quantum technologies such as quantum computing, quantum communications, and quantum sensing, new potential has emerged for smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0. These technologies, however, present ethical concerns that must be addressed in order to ensure they are developed and used responsibly. This article outlines some of the ethical challenges that quantum technologies may raise for Industry 4.0 and presents the value sensitive design methodology as a strategy for ethics-by-design of quantum computing in Industry 4.0. This (...)
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  43. From tech to tact: emotion dysregulation in online communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.Mark M. James - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5):1-32.
    Recent theorizing argues that online communication technologies provide powerful, although precarious, means of emotional regulation. We develop this understanding further. Drawing on subjective reports collected during periods of imposed social restrictions under COVID-19, we focus on how this precarity is a source of emo-tional dysregulation. We make our case by organizing responses into five distinct but intersecting dimensions wherein the precarity of this regulation is most relevant: infrastructure, functional use, mindful design (individual and social), and digital tact. Analyzing these reports, (...)
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  44. Communication and Variance.Martín Abreu Zavaleta - 2019 - Topoi 40 (1):147-169.
    According to standard assumptions in semantics, ordinary users of a language have implicit beliefs about the truth-conditions of sentences in that language, and they often agree on those beliefs. For example, it is assumed that if Anna and John are both competent users of English and the former utters ‘grass is green’ in conversation with the latter, they will both believe that that sentence is true if and only if grass is green. These assumptions play an important role in an (...)
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  45. How Technology Changes Our Idea of the Good.Mark Sentesy - 2011 - In Laverdure Paul & Mbonimpa Melchior (eds.), Eth-ICTs: Ethics and the New Information and Communication Technologies. University of Sudbury. pp. 109-123.
    The ethical neutrality of technology has been widely questioned, for example, in the case of the creation and continued existence of weapons. At stake is whether technology changes the ethical character of our experience: compare the experience of seeing a beating to videotaping it. Interpreting and elaborating on the work of George Grant and Marshall McLuhan, this paper consists of three arguments: 1) the existence of technologies determines the structures of civilization that are imposed on the world, 2) (...)
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  46. Communing with the Dead Online: Chatbots, Grief, and Continuing Bonds.Joel Krueger & Lucy Osler - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (9-10):222-252.
    Grief is, and has always been, technologically supported. From memorials and shrines to photos and saved voicemail messages, we engage with the dead through the technologies available to us. As our technologies evolve, so does how we grieve. In this paper, we consider the role chatbots might play in our grieving practices. Influenced by recent phenomenological work, we begin by thinking about the character of grief. Next, we consider work on developing “continuing bonds” with the dead. We argue that for (...)
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  47. The Role of Information Technology in Enhancing National Security in Nigeria (2001 -2020).E. Offiong Ekwutosi, Eke Nta Effiong & Etim Bassey Inyang - 2021 - Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies 1 (1):44-53.
    The security problems of Nigeria have continued to stare at her very ominously and intermittently harass her, both within and outside her shores. These have lingered on and have created a clog on the wheel of the country's progress, indeed dramatically stagnating, and to say the least, truncating the mainstay of the country's survival. Several interpretations, theories, analyses, syntheses, and jingoistic conceptualization have been propagated, all producing the same result. From scientific to technological approach, religious to ritualist approach, political to (...)
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  48. Communication ethics and the internet: intercultural and localising influencers.Robert Beckett - 2004 - International Review of Information Ethics 2.
    In the information-technology powered twenty first century a general demand for more effective communication is driving people to question the present, examine the past and to prognosticate the future. The ‘unique global media-information system’ - the Internet- is the central fact of a vast new complexity of communication that is driving social-economic-political-religious- technological change at a rate never experienced before. The premise of this paper is that the Internet can be better understood as the first complex global media with (...)
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  49. Is Human Emancipation through Technology Possible?Kurtul Gülenç & Mete Han Arıtürk - 2016 - Synthesis Philosophica 31 (1):83-103.
    Abstract in English, German, French and Croatian -/- In the paper “The ‘Bubbling Up’ of Subterranean Politics in Europe”, which was published in 2013 in the Journal of Civil Society, Mary Kaldor and Sabine Selchow attempted to reveal the specific qualities of the uprisings which emerged after the year 2010 in some European countries, such as Germany, Spain, Italy, England etc. According to the authors, the mode of organization which forms the main body of these emancipatory movements obtains its basic (...)
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  50. Democratization of quantum technologies.Zeki Seskir, Steven Umbrello, Pieter E. Vermaas & Christopher Coenen - 2023 - Quantum Science and Technology 8:024005.
    As quantum technologies (QT) advance, their potential impact on and relation with society has been developing into an important issue for exploration. In this paper, we investigate the topic of democratization in the context of QT, particularly quantum computing. The paper contains three main sections. First, we briefly introduce different theories of democracy (participatory, representative, and deliberative) and how the concept of democratization can be formulated with respect to whether democracy is taken as an intrinsic or instrumental value. Second, we (...)
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