Results for 'net zero'

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  1. Indonesia chuyển động mạnh mẽ về hướng Net Zero.Observateur Concerné - 2023 - Ocghg.
    Trong khu vực Đông Nam Á, Indonesia là nền kinh tế lớn và cũng là quốc gia phát thải khí nhà kính lớn nhất. Tuy nhiên, Indonesia cũng cam kết mạnh mẽ với mục tiêu giảm mạnh ảnh hưởng phát thải của khu vực sản xuất điện năng của mình, hiện nay đang chủ yếu vận hành các nhà máy nhiệt điện đốt than.
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  2. Analyzing the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function Using Set-Theoretic and Sweeping Net Methods.Parker Emmerson - 2024 - Journal of Liberated Mathematics 1:15.
    The Riemann zeta function ζ(s) is a central object in number theory and complex analysis, defined for complex variables and intimately connected to the distribution of prime numbers through its zeros. The famous Riemann Hypothesis conjectures that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function lie on the critical line Re(s) = 1 2 . In this paper, we explore the Riemann zeta function through the lens of set-theoretic and sweeping net methods, leveraging creative comparisons of specific sets to gain deeper (...)
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  3. A Policy of No Interest? The Permanent Zero Interest Rate, and the Evils of Capitalism.Alexander Douglas - manuscript
    In 1937 Joan Robinson proposed that “when capitalism is rightly understood, the rate of interest will be set at zero and the major evils of capitalism will disappear”. A permanent zero rate would abolish capitalist profit except in limited cases, leaving nearly all output to be claimed by labour as wages. It would allow capital to be allocated on the basis of prospective social benefit rather than short-term profitability and a collateral basis that favours the wealthy. It would (...)
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  4. A Feasibility Study of A Zero Energy Building in Egypt.Nehad Khattab - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (12):36-43.
    Abstract— According to studies, buildings use around 40% of the total energy consumption in the world. Most of this consumed energy comes from fossil fuel, one of the sources of environmental pollution. The Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) is an alternative to this alarming pollution. With its reduced energy needs and renewable energy systems, a ZEB can return as much energy as it takes from the utility on an annual basis. Thus the main objective of this study is to (...)
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    Carbon Offsets and Shifting Harms.Luke Elson - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1).
    Carbon offsets either remove greenhouse gases from the air or prevent emissions thereof. They face questions both economic (is ‘net zero’ really reached?) and moral. I defend the moral permissibility of off-sets. They likely shift climate harms around, but that need not be unjust—and in any case we cannot avoid doing that.
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    Sustainable Cloud Computing: Achieving NetZero Carbon Emissions in Data Centers.Deepak Ramchandani Taman Poojary - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 8 (3):1720-1725.
    Cloud computing is revolutionizing modern computing infrastructure, but as the demand for cloud services grows, so does the energy consumption of the data centers that support them. Data centers, which house the servers that power cloud computing, are significant contributors to global carbon emissions. This paper explores strategies to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in data centers, focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energy integration, and carbon offsetting practices. The paper reviews current technologies, practices, and policies aimed at reducing the carbon (...)
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  7. The ecotheological values of Christian climate change activists.Finlay Malcolm & Peter Manley Scott - forthcoming - Environmental Values.
    Given their large number of adherents, and the land and property they own, religious communities have been identified as groups that could have an influence on achieving carbon net-zero. The theological views held by religious communities relating to ecological matters – their “ecotheological values” – play an important role in motivating their environmental concern and action. But which ecotheological ideas are most, and which are least, efficacious in this respect? This paper presents findings salient to this question from a (...)
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  8. Engaging Consumers in Sustainable Behaviors Using Blockchain Applications.S. Amadae - 2024 - 15Th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems 16:1-15.
    Tracking and goal setting are popular approaches in the personal health and fitness industry. In this paper we use a similar approach to assist users in their journey for a more sustainable lifestyle, starting with food. We employ Action Design Research (ADR) methodology to develop an application and subsequently propose design principles for developing blockchain-based applications for assisting users on their path to eating environmentally friendly food. The path to a sustainable lifestyle can be hard as individuals often do not (...)
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  9. Innovation, Deep Decarbonization and Ethics.Ewan Kingston - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):375-384.
    Deep decarbonization – slashing global greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero – now dominates global climate policy. Two recent books assess feasible routes to achieve deep decarbonization. Bill Gates’ How to Avoid a Climate Disaster explains in depth why deep decarbonization requires significant innovations in tech, and Danny Cullenward and David Victor’s Making Climate Policy Work emphasizes the importance of policy innovation (beyond carbon pricing) for driving clean tech breakthroughs. In this critical review essay, I summarize and assess both books. (...)
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  10. Indonesia chuyển động mạnh mẽ về hướng trung hòa carbon.Lã Việt Phương - 2023 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Trong khu vực Đông Nam Á, Indonesia là nền kinh tế lớn và cũng là quốc gia phát thải khí nhà kính lớn nhất. Tuy nhiên, Indonesia cũng cam kết mạnh mẽ với mục tiêu giảm mạnh ảnh hưởng phát thải của khu vực sản xuất điện năng, đang chủ yếu vận hành các nhà máy nhiệt điện đốt than.
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  11. Đất, sinh thái, carbon và lương tri trong cuộc chiến chống biến đổi khí hậu.Lã Việt Phương & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2023 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Trong nhiều biện pháp chống biến đổi khí hậu thế giới đang nghiên cứu và áp dụng, không phải lúc nào cũng là những thứ tối tân, hiện đại và lớn lao kỳ vĩ. Có những biện pháp thuộc về cải tiến phương thức nuôi trồng, và thực tế đã cho thấy, hiệu quả đo đếm được, bằng những tín chỉ có khả năng quy đổi thành giá trị tiền tệ thông qua mậu dịch carbon. Hiệu quả này có thể (...)
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  12. Category Theory and the Ontology of Śūnyatā.Posina Venkata Rayudu & Sisir Roy - 2024 - In Peter Gobets & Robert Lawrence Kuhn, The Origin and Significance of Zero: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Leiden: Brill. pp. 450-478.
    Notions such as śūnyatā, catuṣkoṭi, and Indra's net, which figure prominently in Buddhist philosophy, are difficult to readily accommodate within our ordinary thinking about everyday objects. Famous Buddhist scholar Nāgārjuna considered two levels of reality: one called conventional reality, and the other ultimate reality. Within this framework, śūnyatā refers to the claim that at the ultimate level objects are devoid of essence or "intrinsic properties", but are interdependent by virtue of their relations to other objects. Catuṣkoṭi refers to the claim (...)
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  13. Không hy sinh rừng để phát triển kinh tế - xã hội: Việt Nam lựa chọn lối hài hòa, cân bằng sinh thái.Vương Quân Hoàng, Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Nguyễn Hồng Sơn - 2023 - Báo Điện Tử Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam (7/11/2023).
    Rừng là một phần cực kỳ quan trọng của hệ sinh thái Trái đất và con người. Rừng chiếm 75% tổng sản lượng sơ cấp của sinh quyển Trái đất và chứa 80% sinh khối thực vật của Trái đất. Sản lượng sơ cấp ròng rừng cung cấp ước tính là 21,9 gigaton (GT) sinh khối mỗi năm đối với rừng nhiệt đới, 8,1 GT đối với rừng ôn đới và 2,6 GT đối với rừng phương Bắc (1). Đất và (...)
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  14. Sinh thái đất trang trại chăn nuôi trong cuộc chiến chống biến đổi khí hậu.Sok Chan - 2018
    Trong nhiều biện pháp chống biến đổi khí hậu thế giới đang nghiên cứu và áp dụng, không phải lúc nào cũng là những thứ tối tân, hiện đại và lớn lao kỳ vĩ. Có những biện pháp thuộc về cải tiến phương thức nuôi trồng, và thực tế đã cho thấy hiệu quả đo đếm được, bằng những tín chỉ có khả năng quy đổi thành giá trị tiền tệ thông qua mậu dịch carbon. Hiệu quả này có thể (...)
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  15.  35
    Carbon Offsets and Concerns about Shifting Harms: A Reply to Mintz-Woo.Luke Elson - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1):318-324.
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  16. Buddhist Thought on Emptiness and Category Theory.Venkata Rayudu Posina & Sisir Roy - forthcoming - In Venkata Rayudu Posina & Sisir Roy, Monograph on Zero.
    Notions such as Sunyata, Catuskoti, and Indra's Net, which figure prominently in Buddhist philosophy, are difficult to readily accommodate within our ordinary thinking about everyday objects. Famous Buddhist scholar Nagarjuna considered two levels of reality: one called conventional reality and the other ultimate reality. Within this framework, Sunyata refers to the claim that at the ultimate level objects are devoid of essence or "intrinsic properties", but are interdependent by virtue of their relations to other objects. Catuskoti refers to the claim (...)
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  17. A Monetary Case for Value-added Negative Tax.Michael Kowalik - 2015 - Real-World Economics Review 2015 (70):80-91.
    We address the most fundamental yet routinely ignored issue in economics today: that of distributive impact of the monetary system on the real economy. By re-examining the logical implications of token re-presentation of value and Irving Fisher’s theory of exchange, we argue that producers of value incur incidental expropriation of wealth associated with the deflationary effect that new value supply has on the purchasing power of money. In order to remedy the alleged inequity we propose a value-added negative tax (VANT) (...)
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  18. A computational model of affects.Mika Turkia - 2009 - In D. Dietrich, G. Fodor, G. Zucker & D. Bruckner, Simulating the mind: A technical neuropsychoanalytical approach. pp. 277-289.
    Emotions and feelings (i.e. affects) are a central feature of human behavior. Due to complexity and interdisciplinarity of affective phenomena, attempts to define them have often been unsatisfactory. This article provides a simple logical structure, in which affective concepts can be defined. The set of affects defined is similar to the set of emotions covered in the OCC model, but the model presented in this article is fully computationally defined, whereas the OCC model depends on undefined concepts. Following Matthis, affects (...)
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    Beyond Capitalism: Designing a New Economic System for Humanity.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Beyond Capitalism: Designing a New Economic System for Humanity -/- Introduction -/- For centuries, capitalism has been the dominant economic system, driving technological innovation, wealth creation, and global trade. However, its flaws—extreme inequality, environmental destruction, and economic instability—have made many question whether it is still the best model for humanity. Instead of reforming capitalism, perhaps the time has come to replace it entirely with a new system that better aligns with modern challenges, human well-being, and sustainability. -/- This essay explores (...)
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  20. What is time? A glimpse of its Beginning during the Eclipse!John E. Blaszynski - forthcoming - Galilean Electrodynamics.
    Within we prove Time is the potential of omnipotence. It also demonstrates that when we try to control it from a philosophical point of view it obscures us from Serendipity and access to the splendor of the perfect balance between Freewill and the Will of THE Universe as constrained by the Laws of the Universe. It creates Math or the language of the Creator. It is in fact Time that makes everything from nothing while the net sum of time remains (...)
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  21. Rising Industrial Inventories Worry Businesses and Bankers.Vietnamica Net - 2011 - Stratfor Worldview.
    Vietnamese media keep telling the public about the problem of rising financial burdens caused by interest rates and shrinking funds availability, pushing many non-financial SMEs to the verge of collapse. However, little attention was paid to the issue of rising inventories at manufacturing and processing firms, which potentially could lead to more emergent and apparent risks.
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  22. Money talks or why Vietnamese can't simply trust known names.Vietnamica Net - 2013 - Stratfor Worldview.
    Throughout 2012 and the first quarter of 2013, Vietnamese households and businesspeople lived in uncertainty and fears about the nation’s falling economic performance.
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  23. ASP.NET-Tutor: Intelligent Tutoring System for leaning ASP.NET.Msbah J. Mosa, Islam Albatish & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (2):1-8. is one of the most widely used languages in web developing of its many advantages, so there are many lessons that explain its basics, so it should be an intelligent tutoring system that offers lessons and exercises for this language.why tutoring system? Simply because it is one-one teacher, adapts with all the individual differences of students, begins gradually with students from easier to harder level, save time for teacher and student, the student is not ashamed to make mistakes, and (...)
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  24. The NET effect: Negative emissions technologies and the need–efficiency trade-off.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2023 - Global Sustainability 6:e5.
    Non-technical summary: -/- When developing and deploying negative emissions technologies (NETs), little attention has been paid to where. On the one hand, one might develop NETs where they are likely to contribute most to global mitigation targets, contributing to a global climate solution. On the other hand, one might develop NETs where they can help support development on a regional basis, justified by regional demands. I defend these arguments and suggest that they reflect the values of efficiency and responding to (...)
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  25. Intolerance and the Zero Tolerance Fallacy.Sheldon Wein - 2013 - In Gabrijela Kišiček & Igor Ž Žagar, What Do We Know About The World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives. Scholarship at Uwindsor. pp. 132-144.
    When an activity is unwanted, administrators often adopt a zero tolerance policy towards that activity. The background assumption is that, by adopting a zero tolerance policy, one is doing everything that one can to reduce or eliminate the activity in question. Yet which policy best serves to reduce an unwanted behavior is always an empirical question. Thus, those who adopt a zero tolerance policy towards some behavior without first investigating and finding that they are in a set (...)
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  26. Zero Point.Tine Wilde - 2024 - Amsterdam: Wilde Oceans Publications.
    Publication Zero Point shows the results of a four-years inquiry into the concept of 'measurability'. The book encompasses thirty-eight pictureworks and a philosophical thought experiment. It invites the reader to contemplate and compile their personal 'zero point' as a portrait of God. -/- Measurability appears to be a problematic concept. The boundaries between fixed and fluid; between sharp and vague; between coloured and non-coloured; between love and hate. When does one state of affairs turn into the other? When (...)
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  27. The Ideal of a Zero-Waste Humanity: Philosophical Reflections on the Demand for a Bio-Based Economy.Jochem Zwier, Vincent Blok, Pieter Lemmens & Robert-Jan Geerts - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):353-374.
    In this paper we inquire into the fundamental assumptions that underpin the ideal of the Bio-Based Economy as it is currently developed . By interpreting the BBE from the philosophical perspective on economy developed by Georges Bataille, we demonstrate how the BBE is fully premised on a thinking of scarcity. As a result, the BBE exclusively frames economic problems in terms of efficient production, endeavoring to exclude a thinking of abundance and wastefulness. Our hypothesis is that this not only entails (...)
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  28.  24
    Zero-Day Vulnerabilities.Vaka Pavan Reddy - 2012 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 1 (2):318-322.
    Zero-day vulnerabilities are critical security risks that exploit previously unknown flaws in software systems, making them difficult to detect and defend against. As such vulnerabilities are discovered by attackers before the software vendor is aware of them, they provide a significant advantage to malicious entities. The exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities is a major concern for both individuals and organizations, as it can lead to unauthorized data access, loss of information, and compromised systems. This paper aims to explore the (...)
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  29. Bullying the Bully: Why zero-tolerance policies get a failing grade.H. Theixos & Kristin Borgwald - 2013 - Journal of Social Influence 8 (2-3):149-160.
    Recent studies show that the current punitive approach to bullying, in the form of zero-tolerance policies, is ineffective in reducing bullying and school violence. Despite this significant finding, anti-bullying legislation is increasing. The authors argue that these policies are not only ineffective but that they are also unjust, harmful, and stigmatizing. They advocate a broader integrative approach to bullying programs that includes both victims and bullies.
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  30. Exploring the virtues of zero tolerance arguments.Sheldon Wein - unknown
    The zero tolerance fallacy occurs when someone advocates or adopts a zero tolerance policy towards some activity or behaviour without seeing if there is evidence to support the view that such a policy is the best or most cost-effective way of preventing or reducing the unwanted behaviour. This paper explores the idea that, instead of thinking about what the zero tolerance fallacy is, argumentation theorists should try to characterize what features good arguments for zero tolerance policies (...)
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  31. Net Recommendation: Prudential Appraisals of Digital Media and the Good life.Pak-Hang Wong - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Twente
    Digital media has become an integral part of people’s lives, and its ubiquity and pervasiveness in our everyday lives raise new ethical, social, cultural, political, economic and legal issues. Many of these issues have primarily been dealt with in terms of what is ‘right’ or ‘just’ with digital media and digitally-mediated practices, and questions about the relations between digital media and the good life are often left in the background. In short, what is often missing is an explicit discussion of (...)
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    Zero-Day Threat Protection: Advanced Cybersecurity Measures for Cloud-Based Guidewire Implementations.Adavelli Sateesh Reddy - 2023 - International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 12 (9):2219-2231.
    The contribution of this paper is a comprehensive cybersecurity framework to secure cloud hosted Guidewire implementations by addressing critical security challenges such as threat detection, incident response, compliance, and system performance. Based on advanced technologies like machine learning, behavioral analytics and auto patching, the framework detects and mitigates known and unknown threats, incidentally zero-day exploit. The system does this through micro segmenting, behavioral anomaly detection, and automated patch orchestration in a way that does not render the system unperforming. Key (...)
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  33. Evaluating Future Nanotechnology: The Net Societal Impacts of Atomically Precise Manufacturing.Steven Umbrello & Seth D. Baum - 2018 - Futures 100:63-73.
    Atomically precise manufacturing (APM) is the assembly of materials with atomic precision. APM does not currently exist, and may not be feasible, but if it is feasible, then the societal impacts could be dramatic. This paper assesses the net societal impacts of APM across the full range of important APM sectors: general material wealth, environmental issues, military affairs, surveillance, artificial intelligence, and space travel. Positive effects were found for material wealth, the environment, military affairs (specifically nuclear disarmament), and space travel. (...)
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  34. Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision.Yulya Danshina & Igor Britchenko - 2018 - Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (5):108 - 116.
    The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in (...)
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  35.  15
    Zero Trust Architecture: A Key Component of Modern Cybersecurity Frameworks.Sharma Sidharth - 2022 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 3 (1):202-208.
    The increasing complexity and sophistication of cyber threats have rendered traditional perimeter-based security models insufficient for protecting modern digital infrastructures. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) has emerged as a transformative cybersecurity framework that operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify." Unlike conventional security models that rely on implicit trust, ZTA enforces strict identity verification, continuous monitoring, least-privilege access, and microsegmentation to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access and lateral movement of threats. By integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence (...)
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    Sweeping Nets, Saddle Maps & Complex Analysis.Yeshuason Yeshuason - 2024 - Journal of Liberated Mathematics 1:320.
    These involved theorems on sweeping nets, saddle maps and complex analysis are a thorough examination of the method an its fundamental mechanics. The basic foundation of this analytical method is useful to any artificer of mechanical programs or development of software applications that involve computer vision or graphics. These methods will have application to further theories and methods in string theory and cosmology or even approximation of environmental factors for machine learning. -/- .
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  37. Ground zero for a post-moral ethics in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace and Julia Kristeva’s melancholic.Cynthia Willett - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (1):1-22.
    Perhaps no other novel has received as much attention from moral philosophers as South African writer J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace . The novel is ethically compelling and yet no moral theory explains its force. Despite clear Kantian moments, neither rationalism nor self-respect can account for the strange ethical task that the protagonist sets for himself. Calling himself the dog man, like the ancient Cynics, this shamelessly cynical protagonist takes his cues for ethics not from humans but from animals. He does (...)
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  38. Zero to Hero” in Mindspongeland.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    Are you an Early Career Researcher (ECR) striving for success in academia? If so, I invite you to explore my unconventional path. My journey to success is wandering in mindspongeland with the BMF analytics workhorse [1]. Sounds weird? It is. Sounds unfamiliar? It is. Sounds good? In a strange manner. But unbelievable? Definitely not. I am living proof.
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  39. Vegan parents and children: zero parental compromise.Carlo Alvaro - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (4):476-498.
    Marcus William Hunt argues that when co-parents disagree over whether to raise their child (or children) as a vegan, they should reach a compromise as a gift given by one parent to the other out of respect for his or her authority. Josh Millburn contends that Hunt’s proposal of parental compromise over veganism is unacceptable on the ground that it overlooks respect for animal rights, which bars compromising. However, he contemplates the possibility of parental compromise over ‘unusual eating,’ of animal-based (...)
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  40. Causal Bayes nets and token-causation: Closing the gap between token-level and type-level.Alexander Gebharter & Andreas Hüttemann - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):43-65.
    Causal Bayes nets (CBNs) provide one of the most powerful tools for modelling coarse-grained type-level causal structure. As in other fields (e.g., thermodynamics) the question arises how such coarse-grained characterisations are related to the characterisation of their underlying structure (in this case: token-level causal relations). Answering this question meets what is called a “coherence-requirement” in the reduction debate: How are different accounts of one and the same system (or kind of system) related to each other. We argue that CBNs as (...)
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  41.  22
    The Role of Zero Trust Architecture in Mitigating Emerging Cybersecurity Threats.Alugoju Narasimha Rao - 2024 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 13 (12):20200-20208.
    The rapid growth of cloud computing has revolutionized data management, providing organizations with unmatched scalability and flexibility [1]. However, this digital transformation has also exposed critical vulnerabilities, especially in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats [3]. As organizations migrate to cloud-based infrastructures, traditional security models are proving ineffective in safeguarding sensitive data. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) emerges as a proactive and robust security framework designed to address these challenges by enforcing strict access controls and verifying every request for (...)
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  42. The Nuances of Deprogramming Zeros.Parker Emmerson - 2024 - Journal of Liberated Mathematics.
    Description In this paper, we propose an advanced mathematical framework centered around the Energy Number Field (E), which fundamentally avoids the conventional concept of zero by introducing a neutral ele- ment, νE. Through this approach, we redefine core mathematical constructs, including limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, and series summation, ensuring they operate seamlessly within a zero-less paradigm. We address and redefine matrix operations, topology, metric spaces, and complex analysis, aligning them with the principles of E. Additionally, we explore non-mappable (...)
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  43. Arguing about Infinity: The meaning (and use) of infinity and zero.Paul Mayer - manuscript
    This work deals with problems involving infinities and infinitesimals. It explores the ideas behind zero, its relationship to ontological nothingness, finititude (such as finite numbers and quantities), and the infinite. The idea of infinity and zero are closely related, despite what many perceive as an intuitive inverse relationship. The symbol 0 generally refers to nothingness, whereas the symbol infinity refers to ``so much'' that it cannot be quantified or captured. The notion of finititude rests somewhere between complete nothingness (...)
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    The Role of Zero Trust Architecture in Modern Cybersecurity Frameworks.Sharma Sidharth - 2022 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 3 (1):202-203.
    The increasing complexity and sophistication of cyber threats have rendered traditional perimeter-based security models insufficient for protecting modern digital infrastructures. Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) has emerged as a transformative cybersecurity framework that operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify." Unlike conventional security models that rely on implicit trust, ZTA enforces strict identity verification, continuous monitoring, least-privilege access, and microsegmentation to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access and lateral movement of threats. By integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence (...)
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  45. ITS Teaching ASP Dot Net.Islam Mosa & Bastami Bashhar - 2017 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (2):1-7.
    Abstract: ASP dot net is one of the most widely used languages in web developing of its many advantages, so there are many lessons that explain its basics, so it should be an intelligent tutoring system that offers lessons and exercises for this language.why tutoring system? Simply because it is one-one teacher, adapts with all the individual differences of students, begins gradually with students from easier to harder level, save time for teacher and student, the student is not ashamed to (...)
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  46. Formalizing Mechanical Analysis Using Sweeping Net Methods.Parker Emmerson - 2024 - Journal of Liberated Mathematics 1:12.
    We present a formal mechanical analysis using sweeping net methods to approximate surfacing singularities of saddle maps. By constructing densified sweeping subnets for individual vertices and integrating them, we create a comprehensive approximation of singularities. This approach utilizes geometric concepts, analytical methods, and theorems that demonstrate the robustness and stability of the nets under perturbations. Through detailed proofs and visualizations, we provide a new perspective on singularities and their approximations in analytic geometry.
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  47. Toward Incarceration Zero.Marcia Ricci Pinheiro - 2020 - IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 25 (7):10-17.
    Incarceration is a hurdle for The State, the perpetrator‘s family, society in general, the victim, and the perpetrator themselves. Laws, regulations, and rules are as relative, and fragile as their associated human group intended them to be, and it is frequently the case that they change so completely from one location to another that one can be regarded as a hero in one place, and most unacceptable perpetrator in another for practicing the same acts. It is time for a change: (...)
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  48. Brave. Net. World: the Internet as a disinformation superhighway?Luciano Floridi - 1996 - The Electronic Library 14:509-514.
    This article is a modified version of a paper I gave to the conference Philosophy & Informatics - First Italian Conference on the use of ICT in philosophical disciplines, promoted by the Italian Philosophical Association (University of Rome "La Sapienza", 23-24 November, 1995).
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  49. ADO-Tutor: Intelligent Tutoring System for leaning ADO.NET.Ibrahim A. El Haddad & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - European Academic Research 4 (10).
    This paper describes an Intelligent Tutoring System for helping users with ADO.NET called ADO-Tutor. The Intelligent Tutoring System was designed and developed using (ITSB) authoring tool for building intelligent educational systems. The user learns through the intelligent tutoring system ADO.NET, the technology used by Microsoft.NET to connect to databases. The material includes lessons, examples, and questions. Through the feedback provided by the intelligent tutoring system, the user's understanding of the material is assessed, and accordingly can be guided to different difficulty (...)
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  50. The Diamond Net: Metaphysics, Grammar, Ontologies.David Kolb - 2019 - In Jakub Mácha & Alexander Berg, Wittgenstein and Hegel: Reevaluation of Difference. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    In the introduction to his Philosophy of Nature, Hegel speaks of metaphysics as “the entire range of the universal determinations of thought, as it were the diamond net into which everything is brought and thereby first made intelligible. Every educated consciousness has its metaphysics, an instinctive way of thinking”. Both Wittgenstein and Hegel see our many languages and forms of life as constituted by different diamond nets of categories/grammars. I argue that both Wittgenstein and Hegel take a non-reductive attitude toward (...)
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