Results for 'traceability'

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  1. Radiocarbon Dating in Archaeology: Triangulation and Traceability.Alison Wylie - 2020 - In Sabina Leonelli & Niccolò Tempini (eds.), Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer. pp. 285-301.
    When radiocarbon dating techniques were applied to archaeological material in the 1950s they were hailed as a revolution. At last archaeologists could construct absolute chronologies anchored in temporal data backed by immutable laws of physics. This would make it possible to mobilize archaeological data across regions and time-periods on a global scale, rendering obsolete the local and relative chronologies on which archaeologists had long relied. As profound as the impact of 14C dating has been, it has had a long and (...)
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  2. Coloniality, Epistemic Imbalance, and Africa’s Emigration Crisis.Donald Mark C. Ude - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (6):3-19.
    The paper has two complementary objectives. First, it sustains an analysis of the concept of ‘coloniality’ that accounts for the epistemic imbalance in the modern world, demonstrating precisely how Africa is adversely affected, having been caught up in the throes of coloniality and its epistemic implications. Second – and complementarily – the paper attempts to bring this very concept of ‘coloniality’ into the discourse on Africa’s emigration crisis, arguing that Africa’s emigration crisis is traceable, inter alia, to the epistemic imbalance (...)
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  3. Responsibility: the State of the Question Fault Lines in the Foundations.David Shoemaker - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (2):205-237.
    Explores five fault lines in the fledgling field of responsibility theory, serious methodological disputes traceable to P.F. Strawson's "Freedom and Resentment.".
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  4. Leave No Oil Reserves Behind, Including Iraq’s: The Geopolitics of American Imperialism.Edmund F. Byrne - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 2006:39-54.
    Just war theory needs to become a real-time critique of government war propaganda in order to facilitate peace advocacy ante bellum. This involves countering asserted justificatory reasons with demonstrable facts that reveal other motives, thereby yielding reflective understanding which can be collectivized via electronic media. As a case in point, I compare here the publicly declared reasons for the U.S./U.K. invasion of Iraq in 2003 with reasons discussed internally months and even years before in government and think-tank documents. These sources (...)
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  5. Proxy Battles in Just War Theory: Jus in Bello, the Site of Justice, and Feasibility Constraints.Seth Lazar & Laura Valentini - 2017 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 3. Oxford University Press. pp. 166-193.
    Interest in just war theory has boomed in recent years, as a revisionist school of thought has challenged the orthodoxy of international law, most famously defended by Michael Walzer [1977]. These revisionist critics have targeted the two central principles governing the conduct of war (jus in bello): combatant equality and noncombatant immunity. The first states that combatants face the same permissions and constraints whether their cause is just or unjust. The second protects noncombatants from intentional attack. In response to these (...)
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  6. Propositional attitudes, harm and public hate speech situations: towards a maieutic approach.Corrado Fumagalli - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4):609-630.
    In this article, I provide an argument against the idea that public hate-speech events are harmful because they cause a discrete, traceable and harmful change in one’s propositional attitudes. To do so, I identify the essential conceptual architecture of public hate-speech situations, I assess existing arguments for the direct and indirect harm of public hate speech and I propose a novel way to approach public hate-speech situations: a maieutic approach. On this perspective, public hate-speech events do not cause changes in (...)
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  7. Schemes of Historical Method in the Late 19th Century: Cross-References between Langlois and Seignobos, Bernheim, and Droysen.Arthur Alfaix Assis - 2015 - In Luiz Estevam de Oliveira Fernandes, Luísa Rauter Pereira & Sérgio da Mata (eds.), Contributions to Theory and Comparative History of Historiography German and Brazilian Perspectives. Peter Lang. pp. 105-125.
    At the end of the 19th century, most professional historians – wherever they existed – deemed history to be a form of knowledge ruled by a method that bears no resemblance with those most commonly traceable in the natural sciences. The bulk of the historian’s task was then frequently regarded as being the application of procedures frequently referred to as ‘historical method’. In the context of such an emerging interest on historical methods and methodology, at least three textbooks stand out: (...)
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  8. What can Recent Replication Failures tell us about the Theoretical Commitments of Psychology?Stan Klein - 2014 - Theory and Psychology 24:326-338.
    I suggest that the recent, highly visible, and often heated debate over failures to replicate the results in the social sciences reveals more than the need for greater attention to the pragmatics and value of empirical falsification. It also is a symptom of a serious issue -- the underdeveloped state of theory in many areas of psychology. While I focus on the phenomenon of “social priming” -- since it figures centrally in current debate -- it is not the only area (...)
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  9. Path analytic study of factors affecting students’ attitude towards test-taking in secondary schools in Afikpo Education Zone, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan, Bassey Asuquo Bassey & Daniel Clement Agurokpon - 2020 - American Journal of Creative Education 3 (1):10-20.
    A structural equation modelling approach was used to analyse 32 factors affecting students’ attitudes towards test-taking in secondary schools. Data for the study were obtained from a sample of 1,276 students using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a Rating Scale on Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes Towards Test-Taking (RSFASATTT). Findings of the study revealed a total of 21 factors that significantly affect students’ attitudes towards test-taking in secondary schools. Out of these significant factors, (...)
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  10. Difficult Cases and the Epistemic Justification of Moral Belief.Joshua Schechter - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 12.
    This paper concerns the epistemology of difficult moral cases where the difficulty is not traceable to ignorance about non-moral matters. The paper first argues for a principle concerning the epistemic status of moral beliefs about difficult moral cases. The basic idea behind the principle is that one’s belief about the moral status of a potential action in a difficult moral case is not justified unless one has some appreciation of what the relevant moral considerations are and how they bear on (...)
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  11. Privacy in Public and the contextual conditions of agency.Maria Brincker - 2017 - In Timan Tjerk, Koops Bert-Jaap & Newell Bryce (eds.), (forthcoming) in Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges. Edward Elgar.
    Current technology and surveillance practices make behaviors traceable to persons in unprecedented ways. This causes a loss of anonymity and of many privacy measures relied on in the past. These de facto privacy losses are by many seen as problematic for individual psychology, intimate relations and democratic practices such as free speech and free assembly. I share most of these concerns but propose that an even more fundamental problem might be that our very ability to act as autonomous and purposive (...)
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  12. Prospettive fenomenologiche sul suono. Tracce di un dialogo inconcluso.Elia Gonnella - 2024 - Segni E Comprensione (107):304-318.
    From the very beginning, phenomenology met with sound inquiry. Not only the relationship between Husserl and Stumpf, whose investigations influenced numerous philosophers and twenty-century trends, but a whole musicological thread (Mersmann, Eimert, Güldenstein, Bekker) referred to phenomenology during the twenties and following decades (Besseler, Leibowitz, Schaeffer, Rognoni). From another side, explicit aesthetic reflections are traceable in the Göttingen Circle but also in W. Conrad, Schütz, Plessner, and Anders-Stern. Even Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, up to Smith, Ihde, Dufrenne, Clifton, Ferrara, and Piana, which (...)
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  13. Modals, Contextual Parameters, and the Modal Uniformity Hypothesis.Daniel Skibra - manuscript
    There is a common assumption in the semantics of modal auxiliaries in natural language; in utterances of MOD φ , where MOD is a modal and φ is the prejacent, context determines the particular flavor of modality expressed by the modal. Such is the standard contextualist semantics of Kratzer and related proposals. This winds up being a problem, because there is a significant class of modals which have constraints on the admissible modal flavor that are not traceable to context. For (...)
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  14. “Conducted Properly, Published Incorrectly”: The Evolving Status of Gel Electrophoresis Images Along Instrumental Transformations in Times of Reproducibility Crisis.Nephtali Callaerts, Alexandre Hocquet & Frédéric Wieber - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (2-3):233-258.
    For the last ten years, within molecular life sciences, the reproducibility crisis discourse has been embodied as a crisis of trust in scientific images. Beyond the contentious perception of “questionable research practices” associated with a digital turn in the production of images, this paper highlights the transformations of gel electrophoresis as a family of experimental techniques. Our aim is to analyze the evolving epistemic status of generated images and its connection with a crisis of trust in images within that field.From (...)
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  15. Ontologies, arguments, and Large-Language Models.John Beverley, Francesco Franda, Hedi Karray, Dan Maxwell, Carter Benson & Barry Smith - 2024 - In Ítalo Oliveira (ed.), Joint Ontologies Workshops (JOWO). Twente, Netherlands: CEUR. pp. 1-9.
    Abstract The explosion of interest in large language models (LLMs) has been accompanied by concerns over the extent to which generated outputs can be trusted, owing to the prevalence of bias, hallucinations, and so forth. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in the use of ontologies and knowledge graphs to make LLMs more trustworthy. This rests on the long history of ontologies and knowledge graphs in constructing human-comprehensible justification for model outputs as well as traceability concerning the impact of (...)
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  16. "The Logic of Place" and Common Sense.Yūjirō Nakamura & John Krummel - 2015 - Social Imaginaries 1 (1):71-82.
    The essay is a written version of a talk Nakamura Yūjirō gave at the Collège international de philosophie in Paris in 1983. In the talk Nakamura connects the issue of common sense in his own work to that of place in Nishida Kitarō and the creative imagination in Miki Kiyoshi. He presents this connection between the notions of common sense, imagination, and place as constituting one important thread in contemporary Japanese philosophy. He begins by discussing the significance of place (basho) (...)
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  17. Auditable Blockchain Randomization Tool.Julio Michael Stern & Olivia Saa - 2019 - Proceedings 33 (17):1-6.
    Randomization is an integral part of well-designed statistical trials, and is also a required procedure in legal systems. Implementation of honest, unbiased, understandable, secure, traceable, auditable and collusion resistant randomization procedures is a mater of great legal, social and political importance. Given the juridical and social importance of randomization, it is important to develop procedures in full compliance with the following desiderata: (a) Statistical soundness and computational efficiency; (b) Procedural, cryptographical and computational security; (c) Complete auditability and traceability; (d) (...)
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  18. Cloud computing and its ethical challenges.Matteo Turilli & Luciano Floridi - manuscript
    The paper analyses six ethical challenges posed by cloud computing, concerning ownership, safety, fairness, responsibility, accountability and privacy. The first part defines cloud computing on the basis of a resource-oriented approach, and outlines the main features that characterise such technology. Following these clarifications, the second part argues that cloud computing reshapes some classic problems often debated in information and computer ethics. To begin with, cloud computing makes possible a complete decoupling of ownership, possession and use of data and this helps (...)
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    »What We Thought Was Unseeable«: Die mediale Konstruktion der ersten authentischen empirischen Bilder eines Schwarzen Lochs.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Amrei Bahr & Gerrit Fröhlich (eds.), 'Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing?': Formen und Funktionen medialer Artefakt-Authentifizierung. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 19-49.
    The chapter examines how the process of creating the first empirical images of a black hole differs from creating photographic images. She shows that the authenticity of the first empirical black images was constructed through a specifically tailored discursive evidential procedure in which human and non-human actors used statistical modelling methods to produce sufficiently visually consistent image reconstructions from measurement data via a traceable cascade of numerous intermediary images.
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  20. Reflections on Understanding Violence.Jeffrey Benjamin White - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (3):439-444.
    Lorenzo Magnani’s Understanding Violence: The Intertwining of Morality, Religion and Violence is a big 23 book. Not big in the sense of page count or prepublication advertisement, but big in the sense of pregnant 24 with potential application. Professor Magnani is explicit in his intentions, “to show how violence is de facto 25 intertwined with morality, and how much violence is hidden, and invisibly or unintentionally performed" 26 (page 273) while confessing a personal motivation, “warning myself (and every reader) that (...)
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  21. Randomization and Fair Judgment in Law and Science.Julio Michael Stern - 2020 - In Jose Acacio de Barros & Decio Krause (eds.), A True Polymath: A Tribute to Francisco Antonio Doria. College Publications. pp. 399-418.
    Randomization procedures are used in legal and statistical applications, aiming to shield important decisions from spurious influences. This article gives an intuitive introduction to randomization and examines some intended consequences of its use related to truthful statistical inference and fair legal judgment. This article also presents an open-code Java implementation for a cryptographically secure, statistically reliable, transparent, traceable, and fully auditable randomization tool.
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  22. Система знания — от каталогизации к генетизации. Об историческом контексте формирования аналитически-синтетического метода у Фихте.Stahl Jürgen - 2019 - Esse Studies in Philosphy and Theology 2 (4):65 - 97.
    В развитии своего аналитико-синтетического метода Фихте восходил к диэрезису, методически отраженному со времен Платона. Если Платон несомненно указывает на историческое происхождение диэрезис, то у Фихте нет прямого указания на его концептуальную дифференциацию. Таким образом, в эссе исследуется, какие современные научные и философские проблемы привели к возобновлению и новому формированию диэрезиса. Далее показано, как Фихте развил диэрезис в особый трансцендентально-философский метод и таким образом обозначил решающий поворот в философии. Разнообразные методологические и гносеологические размышления о понимании единства и многообразия явлений природы и (...)
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  23. Trust in Food.Andrzej Klimczuk & Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska - 2012 - In Paul B. Thompson & David M. Kaplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 2380--2386.
    Trust is important in the food sector. This is primarily because households entrust some of the tasks related to food preparation to food processors. The public is concerned about pesticides, food additives, preservatives, and processed foods that may harbor unwanted chemicals or additives. After numerous food scandals, consumers expect food processing industries and retailers to take responsibility for food safety. Meanwhile, the food industry focuses on profit growth and costs reduction to achieve higher production efficiency and competitiveness. It means that (...)
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  24. African Unfreedom: An Escapist Excuse for Underdevelopment.John Ezenwankwor & Wenceslaus Madu - 2020 - Open Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):460-468.
    The African continent has played host to various colonizers from the western world. Most of these countries have negative tales of the activities of the colonizers before independence as well as their neo-colonizing activities after independence. On this basis, it is axiomatic for most African scholars to impute the guilt of African woes to the activities of the colonizers. They consider the whole gamut of colonial legacies in Africa as a doom and a problem to the African continent. Some of (...)
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  25. Logic, mathematics, physics: from a loose thread to the close link: Or what gravity is for both logic and mathematics rather than only for physics.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation Ejournal 2 (52):1-82.
    Gravitation is interpreted to be an “ontomathematical” force or interaction rather than an only physical one. That approach restores Newton’s original design of universal gravitation in the framework of “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, which allows for Einstein’s special and general relativity to be also reinterpreted ontomathematically. The entanglement theory of quantum gravitation is inherently involved also ontomathematically by virtue of the consideration of the qubit Hilbert space after entanglement as the Fourier counterpart of pseudo-Riemannian space. Gravitation can be (...)
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    AI-Driven Deduplication for Scalable Data Management in Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure.S. Yoheswari - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):587-597.
    The exponential growth of data storage requirements has become a pressing challenge in hybrid cloud environments, necessitating efficient data deduplication methods. This research proposes a novel Smart Deduplication Framework (SDF) designed to identify and eliminate redundant data, thus optimizing storage usage and improving data retrieval speeds. The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework (...)
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    Secure and Efficient Data Deduplication Framework for Hybrid Cloud Architectures.M. Sheik Dawood - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):623-633.
    The exponential growth of data storage requirements has become a pressing challenge in hybrid cloud environments, necessitating efficient data deduplication methods. This research proposes a novel Smart Deduplication Framework (SDF) designed to identify and eliminate redundant data, thus optimizing storage usage and improving data retrieval speeds. The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework (...)
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    Innovative Deduplication Strategies for Cost-Effective Data Management in Hybrid Cloud Models.P. Selvaprasanth - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):625-635.
    This research proposes a novel Smart Deduplication Framework (SDF) designed to identify and eliminate redundant data, thus optimizing storage usage and improving data retrieval speeds. The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework achieves significant storage savings without compromising data integrity. Real-time testing on a hybrid cloud setup demonstrated a 65% reduction in storage (...)
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    ntelligent Hybrid Cloud Data Deduplication for Optimized Storage Utilization.A. Manoj Prabaharan - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):625-633.
    The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework achieves significant storage savings without compromising data integrity. Real-time testing on a hybrid cloud setup demonstrated a 65% reduction in storage needs and a 40% improvement in data retrieval times. Additionally, the system employs blockchain for immutable logging of deduplication activities, enhancing transparency and traceability. (...)
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    Smart Deduplication Framework for Optimized Data Management in Hybrid Cloud.M. Arulselvan - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):587-597.
    The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework achieves significant storage savings without compromising data integrity. Real-time testing on a hybrid cloud setup demonstrated a 65% reduction in storage needs and a 40% improvement in data retrieval times. Additionally, the system employs blockchain for immutable logging of deduplication activities, enhancing transparency and traceability. (...)
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  31. Nesting Polybia rejecta (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Associated with Azteca chartifex Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Ecotone Caatinga/Atlantic Forest, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte.Francisco Virgínio - 2015 - Entomobrasillis 8 (3).
    Some neotropical social wasps which are associated with some vertebrates and other insects like ants, and these interactions are reported for decades, but little is known about the presence of these in the Caatinga and Atlantic Forest. This study describes the first association’s record between nests of Polybia rejecta (Fabricius) wasp and Azteca chartifex Forel ants in the transition area of the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga in Rio Grande do Norte. The observations were in a private forest in Monte Alegre, (...)
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  32. The Future of Science.Hossein Shirkhani - manuscript
    This article has been written about the explanation of the scientific affair. There are the philosophical circles that a philosopher must consider their approaches. Postmodern thinkers generally refuse the universality of the rational affair. They believe that the experience cannot reach general knowledge. They emphasize on the partial and plural knowledge. Any human being has his knowledge and interpretation. The world is always becoming. Diversity is an inclusive epistemological principle. Naturally, in such a state, the scientific activity is a non-sense (...)
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  33. Welcome to the Fuzzy-Verse.Eddy Keming Chen - 2020 - New Scientist 247 (3298):36-40.
    We expect the laws of nature that describe the universe to be exact, but what if that isn't true? In this popular science article, I discuss the possibility that some candidate fundamental laws of nature, such as the Past Hypothesis, may be vague. This possibility is in conflict with the idea that the fundamental laws of nature can always and faithfully be described by classical mathematics. -/- [Bibliographic note: this article is featured on the magazine website under a different title (...)
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  34. Against Nature; By Lorraine Daston. [REVIEW]Kyle Johannsen - 2021 - Between the Species 24 (1):140-4.
    Lorraine Daston's "Against Nature" seeks to explain why, in spite of compelling objections to the contrary, human beings continue to invest nature with moral authority. More specifically, she claims that our propensity to moralize nature is traceable in part to human nature. Though I criticize Daston for not paying adequate attention to John Stuart Mill's narrow sense of 'nature', I also highly recommend her book.
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