Results for 'utemeljivanje, metafizika, jedinstvo, metafizičko objašnjenje'

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  1. Tri teorije jedinstva utemeljivanja.Miloš Panajotov - 2022 - Theoria: Beograd 65 (3):65-81.
    Jedna od istaknutih teorijskih koristi pojma utemeljivanja jeste njegova sposobnost da ujedinjuje različite slučajeve metafizičke zavisnosti i determinacije. To pretpostavlja da je sam ovaj pojam jedinstven. Jedinstvo utemeljivanja uobičajeno se prećutno pretpostavljalo među teoretičarima utemeljivanja, ali je s vremenom postalo predmet diskusije usled različitih skeptičkih izazova. U ovom radu ispitaćemo tri najopštije teorije jedinstva utemeljivanja: 1) singularizam − gledište po kojem je je dinstvo utemeljivanja zasnovano na ideji da postoji samo jedna relacija utemeljivanja; 2) generalizam − gledište po kojem utemeljivanje (...)
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  2. Dejlijeva kritika razumljivosti pojma utemeljivanja.Miloš Panajotov - 2021 - Theoria: Beograd 64 (1):129-147.
    Veliko interesovanje za metafizički pojam utemeljivanja poslednjih desetak godina na savremenoj metafizičkoj sceni dovelo je do pojave onih autora koji ne dele isti entuzijazam kao i njegovi zagovornici. U ovom radu osvrnućemo se na skeptičku poziciju koju zastupa Kris Dejli. Osnovni prigovori njegove kritike zasnovani su na ideji da sam koncept utemeljivanja nije razumljiv, odnosno da zagovornici te koncepcije nisu uspeli da to pokažu. U prvom delu rada iznećemo opšti pregled temeljnih karakteristika pojma utemeljivanja i njegove teorijske funkcije, dok ćemo (...)
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  3. Bolcanova teorija utemeljivanja.Miloš Panajotov - 2024 - Theoria: Beograd 67 (3):5-16.
    Cilj ovog rada je razmatranje onih aspekata Bolcanove teorije utemeljivanja koji su značajno anticipirali savremene rasprave o utemeljivanju, i koji su dodatno dali podsticaja da se Bolcanov rad ponovo „otkrije“. Stoga ćemo svaki izneti segment njegovog učenja dovesti u vezu s paralelnim idejama u savremenim teorijama utemeljivanja. Na kraju ćemo razmotriti pitanja o značaju i mestu Bolcanovih uvida u kontekstu recentnih rasprava o istoriji pojma utemeljivanja.
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  4. Vreme, objasnjenje, modalnost (Time, Explanation, Modality).Vladimir Marko - 2004 - Novi Sad, Serbia: Futura.
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  5. Narativno objašnjenje u istorijskim naukama (Narrative Explanation in Historical Sciences).Vladimir Marko - 1989 - In Zbornik radova Instituta za filozofiju i sociologiju. Novi Sad: Institut za folozofiju i sociologiju, Filozofski fakultet. pp. 47-61.
    The article discusses some aspects of the narrative explanation, and its nature and role in explaining the historical entities. The author defends possibility of formulating status of narrative explanation as scientific and adequate for all historical sciences, here defined as sciences concerned with the spatio-temporally restricted entities. lie suggests that uniqueness and particularity of historical objects are not in contradiction with the claims based on the classical model of explanation in the way of logical inferring. Results of discussion are that (...)
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  6. Metafizika lica.Miljana Milojevic - 2018
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  7. The fundamentals of learning a foreign language.Eldar Amirov - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (1):25-44.
    The article examines the basics of learning a foreign language. The fundamental foundations of this process are chosen. These judgments are made at the intersection of philosophical and pedagogical platforms. Therefore, research is of importance in both aspects, both philosophical and pedagogical. A new concept called ”Intuitive language base" is put forward. With the help of this concept, judgments about the fundamental foundations are made. The main issue explained within the framework of the concept is about words. Thus, it is (...)
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    The Idea of Continuity as Mathematical-Philosophical Invariant.Eldar Amirov - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (4):87-100.
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  9. The digitalization process: what has it led to, and what can we expect in the future?Heydar Aslanov & Shamiya Mirzagayeva - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):10-21.
    To date, technology has become so integral to our lives that it is almost impossible to imagine a day without using it. The digitization of society is gaining speed every day, affecting all areas of life: communication with people and the management of entire governments. To one degree or another, the use of digital technologies can be observed in every social institution on which society is built. The process includes social changes associated with introducing modern technologies into society and social (...)
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  10. Jedan svet, i mi u njemu.Jovan Babić - 2014 - Strani Pravni Život 2014 (3):13-29.
    Aspiracija za jedinstvenim upravljanjem svetom je stara koliko i sam svet. Ona u suštini proizlazi iz naše percepcije sveta kao jednog, bez obzira na sve razlike koje se u njemu takođe vide. U naše vreme ova percepcija je pojačana utiskom o sve većoj međuzavisnosti delova sveta, kao i osećajem da su razlike, ma koliko bile velike, sve manje važne u odnosu na ono što je isto ili bar slično u različitim delovima sveta. Ovaj osećaj jedinstva je još više pojačan percepcijom (...)
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  11. Philosophical Methodology and Sources of Sadraddin Shirazi.Ibrahim Baghirov - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (2):96-109.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss Safavid period Islamic philosopher Sadraddin Shirazi’s philosophical methodology and the sources of the school founded by him. The article relies on research conducted on Shirazi philosophy. It shows that Shirazi through synthesizing the methods of the earlier schools that existed in Islam to acquire knowledge devised a new mechanism for acquiring knowledge. Before coming to Shirazi, intellectual movements formed during Islam’s classical period, such as peripateticism, illuminationism, theology and Gnosticism, were of different (...)
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  12. Imperialism and neocolonialism theories of modernization.Lala Bayramova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):174-186.
    The article talks about the emergence of the theory of imperialism and neocolonialism, the reasons that gave rise to it, and its effects on the development of humanity in the current period. Imperialism is a multifaceted, multidimensional problem. It is a political issue, it has philosophical, scientific and technological foundations, it has economic, sociological, geographical, ethnic, religious and educational dimensions. But the fact that it is primarily a human problem makes it a multifaceted problem. Surely we can increase these reasons. (...)
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  13. Activities of armenian military units against Turkey in the first world war.Ramila Dadashova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):140-158.
    Russia took the advantage of the contribution of the Armenian armed organizations in order to possess Istanbul, straits around it, Eastern Anatolia, to weaken Turkey, to be strengthen in the Southern Caucasus, organized the rebellion of the Armenians living in Turkey against the government. Russian ruling circles put forward the Armenian matter in order to take advantage of them. Armenians involved in the war to create their own government by obtaining the territory including Van, Bitlis, Tigranakert, Erzurum, Kharberd and Sebastya, (...)
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  14. The issue of Adam's creation in “Nahj al-Balagha”.Rufat Garayev - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):99-112.
    Among all live beings, created by the God, the human takes the most honorable place. Having created the first human, Adam (pbuh), the God ordered to the angels come to bow before him. His Excellency Imam Ali in his work "Nahj al-Balagha" specified that the human was created of the clay by the God, and the Universe for the sake of his blessing. Unfortunately, some faithless societies still do not trust in creation of the human by the God, and cannot (...)
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  15. Multiculturalism as the main philosophical concept in the social development of modern society.Narmina Gasimova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):77-87.
    The article titled “Multiculturalism is the key philosophic concept of a modern society’s social development” is devoted to analysis of cultural- political concerns taking place in modern societies from socio- philosophic aspects. The article outlines such topics as addressing this matter from the aspect of urgent demand of the time and period, respect to other cultural identities, and prevention of radicalism, terrorism, extremism, religious fundamentalism, and racial discriminatory acts that may upset the equilibrium in the system of ethnic- political relationships (...)
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  16. Traces of Romanticism in the Creativity of Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh.Gunesh Guliyeva - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):113-128.
    At the end of the 19th century, Turkish romanticism Tevfik Fikret, Namık Kemal, Rıza Tevfik, and Mehmet Ersoy had a powerful impact on the literature that entered the entire Caucasus region. 20th-century Azerbaijan romantics Huseyin Javid and Mohammed Hadi, especially young people, wrote and created in line with their influence and style. The article discusses the aspects of the effect of Turkish and Azerbaijan romanticism on the creativity of Bahtiyar Vahabzade. This study also included the impact of Turkish romanticism on (...)
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  17. Legislative technique.Habil Gurbanov - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):129-139.
    Legislative technique encompasses a system of methods and means associated with the preparation of draft legal acts in the most perfect form in terms of structure and form. In the legislative technique, not only national, but also the established legal practice of foreign countries for hundreds of years is widely used. The special legal means of legislative technique include the following: 1) legal language; 2) legal structures; 3) the procedure for registering a legislative act, the process of lawmaking; 4) systematization (...)
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  18. Socio-Psychological mechanisms of the interactive relationship between ideology and public psychology.Nazakat Karimova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):38-53.
    Social psychology and ideology, which are integral parts of public consciousness, are closely intertwined. While revealing the connection between them, most researchers give preference to ideology, noting that it plays an active role in relation to social psychology, and that social psychology has relative independence in relation to ideology. In the scientific literature devoted to this problem, the preference for the interpretation of ideology over social psychology is due to the complex nature of the latter and the difficulty of studying (...)
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  19. Comparative analysis of modern philosophical and anthropological concepts.Nargiz Medzhidova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):22-37.
    Anthropological problems are among the eternal problems of philosophy. This issue is especially actualized at critical moments in the development of society. This is the period humanity is going through today. The revival of anthropocentric types of research, finding new ways and a holistic approach to human research proves the relevance of this study. Humanity is once again experiencing a paradigm shift in world history. The first quarter of the XXI century showed itself as an intensification of globalization processes, which (...)
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  20. New principles foreign policy of Turkey at the beginning of the XXI century.Zumrud Melikova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):159-173.
    In the 2000s, Turkey began to increase its efforts to transform from a model country to a central country by implementing an active foreign policy in its geopolitical region and neighboring regions. Starting from the 2000s, Turkey defined new principles guiding its foreign policy and implemented the strategies it followed. In addition to the basic foreign policy principles of Turkey in the regional and global arena, principles such as multi-vector diplomacy, proactive foreign policy, “zero problem” with neighboring countries, transition from (...)
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  21. Ustrojstvo stvorenog bica u De enteu Tome Akvinskog.Predrag Milidrag - 2019 - Akademska Knjiga.
    Autor ukazuje na temeljne ideje i teme po kojima će Tomina misao ostati prepoznatljiva u povijesti filozofije: princip aktualizacije, bivstvovanje kao „aktualnost svih akata i savršenost svih savršenstava”, princip individuacije, jedinstvo supstancijalne forme, vrste apstrakcije, odbacivanje univerzalnog hilemorfizma, realna kompozicija (stvarna razlika), „ipsum esse subsistens, esse commune”, umska bića, dokaz za postojanje Boga, itd. … Objavom ove knjige ovo će jezično područje biti iznimno obogaćeno uvidom u relevantnu filozofijsku tematiku u odnosu na pitanje tumačenja Tomina djela, a koje je od (...)
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  22. Assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemıc on economıc growth and ways to remove the economıc damages of the pandemıc.Elshan Mukhtarli & Tabriz Yadigarov - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):187-199.
    The coronavirus has affected almost all sectors of the economy. Some areas have suffered and declined, while others have developed and benefited from the pandemic. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, economies around the world have experienced a downturn. The effects of the pandemic will undoubtedly reverberate around the world for decades to come. The global threat of the COVID-19 epidemic has greatly affected people, families, communities and businesses. Countries have begun implementing a wide range of measures both within and between (...)
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  23. Biće — bit — bitak — bivstvovanje. Prilog raspravi o problemu sadržaja i primjene temeljnih pojmova.Luka Perušić - 2022 - In Goran Sunajko, Hrvoje Jurić & Marija Selak (eds.), Praktička ontologija. Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo. pp. 149-194.
    Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu, tragom prethodnih istraživanja, prvenstveno Petrovićevih i Marottijevih, ispitujem sadržaj i primjenu temeljnog filozofijskog pojmovlja zasnovanoga na riječi i pojmu biti, pri čemu je glavna primijenjena strategija filozofijsko tumačenje mišljenja tvorenog putem mehanizama hrvatskoga jezika. U drugom dijelu, tragom Veljakovih istraživanja o metafizičkim utvarama, ispitujem opasnosti usvajanja moguće nepotpuno razumljenog pojmovlja pomoću kojega oblikujemo predodžbe o (društvenoj) zbilji i po njoj djelujemo. Sidrište je razmatranja problem hipostaze jednoga, a u dijalogu s Veljakovim (...)
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  24. The philosophy of Azerbaijan Enlightenment in the studies of Enver Akhmedov: a critical analysis.Zaur Rashidov - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):54-76.
    The article analyzes the views on the philosophy of Azerbaijan Enlightenment, the famous Azerbaijani historian of philosophy of the XX century, Enver Mirzekulievich Akhmedov (1920-1984). E.Akhmedov was one of the first scientists who studied the Azerbaijan philosophy of enlightenment in stages and systematically. He briefly referred to the legacy of almost every author, thoroughly studied by him during the period of Azerbaijan Enlightenment. E.Akhmedov managed to create a general philosophical picture of the era of enlightenment in Azerbaijan, which was formed (...)
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  25. Nekontekstualistička i kontekstualistička verzija teorije relevantnih alternativa kao moguća rešenja skeptičkog paradoksa.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2014 - Theoria: Beograd 3 (57):23-41.
    U ovom radu analizira se rešenje skeptičkog paradoksa koje pruža teorija relevantnih alternativa. Ispituju se i upoređuju dve verzije ovog rešenja: nekontekstualistič- ka čiji je tvorac i zastupnik Fred Drecke, i kontekstualistička koju zastupaju autori poput Kita Dirouza i Stjuarta Koena. Uporednom analizom nekontekstualističkog i kontekstuali- stičkog rešenja, dolazi se do zaključka da, iako oba rešenja imaju i povoljne i nepovoljne implikacije, Dreckeova teorija relevantnih alternativa nudi uverljivije objašnjenje, a zatim i rešenje skeptičkog paradoksa.
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  26. The influx of Armenians to West Azerbaijan and oppression against Azerbaijanis.Sevda Yusifova & Kamina Mamedova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):88-98.
    Historically, the great powers used small nations without a homeland, land and stable moral values as atool for their politics, and the Armenians were one of the few such nations. The Armenians who settled in the Caucasus under the patronageof christian Europe and tsar Russia have repeatedly committed genocide of Azerbaijanis over the past two centuries and facilitated the deportation of the local population. The Armenian atrocities that began in the 19th century and had no analogues in the 20th century (...)
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  27. Je li Matija Vlačić Ilirik zagovornik hermeneutičkog realizma?Jure Zovko & Maja Ferenec Kuća - 2022 - Prilozi Za Istrazivanje Hrvatske Filozofske Baštine 48 (1):151-174.
    Ugledni mislitelji hermeneutičke filozofije Wilhelm Dilthey i Hans-Georg Gadamer okarakterizirali su Matiju Vlačića Ilirika kao klasika hermeneutičkog pristupa filozofiji. Taj sud dodatno dobiva na snazi jer su Dilthey i Gadamer okarakterizirani kao pristaše relativističke hermeneutike, dok je Vlačić inzistirao na adekvatnom razumijevanju i interpretiranju teksta. Uzevši u obzir da je za Vlačića ključno pravilo bilo da tekst treba tumačiti sukladno njegovu imanentnom smislu, razradio je dvije interpretacijske maksime, skop i hermeneutički krug, presudne za daljnji razvoj i konstituiranje hermeneutike kao metode (...)
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