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  1. Who's afraid of a non-adaptable constitution?Terence Rajivan Edward - 2023 - IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 9 (1):26-27.
    Joseph Raz criticizes John Rawls for a procedure supporting a non-adaptable constitution. This paper considers how a non-adaptable constitution can seem not so counterintuitive and also when.
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  2. Religious Reasons and Liberal Legitimacy.Kim Leontiev - 2023 - Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 12 (1):1-16.
    This article addresses the exclusivism–inclusivism debate about religious reasons in law within a justificatory liberal framework. The question of whether religious reasons have justificatory capacity for attaining public justification has increasingly been seen as a matter of how public justification is understood between two rival models: the consensus model being aligned with exclusivism, the convergence model with inclusivism. More recently, however, that alignment has been challenged with attempts to show that consensus can reach an equivalent degree of inclusivism as convergence. (...)
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  3. Sul ‘soggetto costituente’. Autorità de facto, identità costituente e contesto internazionale.Julieta A. Rabanos - 2023 - Notizie di Politeia 150:45-50.
    In questo breve commento a El concepto de «poder constituyente» di Jorge Baquerizo, formulerò tre osservazioni su alcune tematiche e alcuni aspetti della (o connessi alla) sua definizione di ‘soggetto costituente’ (§2). Le prime due osservazioni riguardano alcuni aspetti problematici del rapporto di ‘soggetto costituente’ con ‘autorità de facto’ e ‘potere di fatto’, in particolare la non completa considerazione dell’ambiguità di tali nozioni e delle conseguenze di tale ambiguità (§3). La terza riguarda la possibilità che la definizione in analisi sia (...)
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  4. Natural Punishment.Raff Donelson - 2022 - North Carolina Law Review 100 (2):557-600.
    A man, carrying a gun in his waistband, robs a food vendor. In making his escape, the gun discharges, critically injuring the robber. About such instances, it is common to think, “he got what he deserved.” This Article seeks to explore cases like that—cases of “natural punishment.” Natural punishment occurs when a wrongdoer faces serious harm that results from her wrongdoing and not from anyone seeking retribution against her. The Article proposes that U.S. courts follow their peers and recognize natural (...)
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  5. Normative Ignorance: A Critical Connection Between the Insanity and Mistake of Law Defenses.Ken Levy - 2020 - Florida State University Law Review 47:411-443.
    This Article falls into three general parts. The first part starts with an important question: is the insanity defense constitutionally required? The United States Supreme Court will finally try to answer this question next term in the case of Kahler v. Kansas. -/- I say “finally” because the Court refused to answer this question in 2012 when it denied certiorari to an appeal brought by John Joseph Delling, a severely mentally ill defendant who was sentenced to life in prison three (...)
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  6. Preambuła Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 1997 r. Aksjologiczne podstawy prawa.Marek Piechowiak - 2020 - Warszawa, Polska: C. H. Beck.
    Prezentowana książka jest pierwszą monografią w sposób całościowy omawiającą Preambułę Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 2.4.1997 r. Dużo miejsca poświęca genezie tekstu - czytelnik znajdzie zgłoszone projekty oraz szerokie omówienie prac Komisji Konstytucyjnej Zgromadzenia Narodowego. W centrum uwagi znalazły się aksjologiczne podstawy całego polskiego systemu prawa oraz refleksja nad wartościami fundującymi porządek prawny w ogóle. Autor omawia poszczególne wartości, uwzględniając ich oddziaływanie na orzecznictwo, zwracając uwagę również na przyjęte przez ustrojodawcę rozstrzygnięcia dotyczące pozaprawnego ugruntowania wartości konstytucyjnych. Podejmuje także problem normatywnego charakteru (...)
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  7. El retorno de los límites constitucionales a la primacía: A propósito del reciente rugido del guardián de la Constitución alemana.Joaquín Sarrión - 2020 - Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo 34.
    ecientemente hemos podido asistir a una revitalización del debate sobre la primacía del Derecho de la Unión Europea y los eventuales límites de la misma que algunos tribunales constitucionales defienden para preservar la identidad constitucional y otros principios esenciales del orden jurídico interno. -/- El Tribunal Constitucional Federal alemán ha declarado, en sentencia de 5 de mayo de 2020, que la sentencia Weiss y otros del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE es ultra vires. La reacción mayoritaria institucional y doctrinal (...)
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  8. La Administración Pública ante la primacía y efectividad del Derecho de la Unión Europea.Joaquin Sarrión - 2020 - Estudios de Deusto: Revista de Derecho Público 68 (2):231-255.
    La primacía y efectividad del Derecho de la Unión Europea se proyecta también sobre la Administración Pública y sobre sus actos. Esto obliga a la Administración, como sucede con el juez nacional, a aplicar el Derecho europeo de forma efectiva, lo que exige realizar una interpretación conforme del derecho interno y de la práctica administrativa. -/- Sin embargo, a diferencia del juez nacional, la Administración Pública carece de la guía interpretativa del Tribunal de Justicia. Esto hace muy necesario tener en (...)
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  9. Wedding Cakes and Muslims: Religious Freedom and Politics in contemporary American legal practice.Jon Mahoney - 2019 - Politologija 1:25-36.
    This paper offers a critical examination of two recent American Supreme Court verdicts, Masterpiece Cake Shop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Trump v Hawaii. In Masterpiece the Court ruled against the state of Colorado on grounds that religious bias on the part of state officials undermines government’s authority to enforce a policy that might otherwise be constitutional. In Trump the Court ruled in favor of an executive order severely restricting immigration from seven countries, five of which are Muslim majority. (...)
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  10. Paganism is Dead: Long Live Secularism.Samuel C. Rickless - 2019 - San Diego Law Review 56 (2):451-496.
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  11. Reformas al Estado Social en América Latina: un análisis desde el desarrollo en el nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano.Juan Daniel Giraldo Hincapié, Daniel Fernando Ramírez Martínez & Brigit Joaly Zapata Muñoz - 2017 - Revista Justicia y Derecho 5:68-102.
    Abstract: The New Latin-American Constitutionalism (NCL) is a new theory represented by the last-two decades constitutions of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia. These constitutional texts share special characteristics in their originality and their comprehension of the features of their societies, which have originated new mechanism and institutions in constitutional theory, in order to advance the development of their nations. This paper analyzes the aspects of democracy, economic regulation, and peace building, as fundamental elements of NCL, in order to prove the (...)
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  12. Common Knowledge, Pragmatic Enrichment and Thin Originalism.John Danaher - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (2):267-296.
    The meaning of an utterance is often enriched by the pragmatic context in which it is uttered. This is because in ordinary conversations we routinely and uncontroversially compress what we say, safe in the knowledge that those interpreting us will ‘add in’ the content we intend to communicate. Does the same thing hold true in the case of legal utterances like ‘This constitution protects the personal rights of the citizen’ or ‘the parliament shall have the power to lay and collect (...)
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  13. The Normativity of Linguistic Originalism: A Speech Act Analysis.John Danaher - 2015 - Law and Philosophy 34 (4):397-431.
    The debate over the merits of originalism has advanced considerably in recent years, both in terms of its intellectual sophistication and its practical significance. In the process, some prominent originalists—Lawrence Solum and Jeffrey Goldsworthy being the two discussed here—have been at pains to separate out the linguistic and normative components of the theory. For these authors, while it is true that judges and other legal decision-makers ought to be originalists, it is also true that the communicated content of the constitution (...)
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  14. From Indignation to Norms Against Violence in Occupy Geneva: A Case Study for the Problem of the Emergence of Norms.Frédéric Minner - 2015 - Social Science Information 54 (4):497-524.
    Why and how do norms emerge? Which norms emerge and why these ones in particular? Such questions belong to the ‘problem of the emergence of norms’, which consists of an inquiry into the production of norms in social collectives. I address this question through the ethnographic study of the emergence of ‘norms against violence’ in the political collective Occupy Geneva. I do this, first, empirically, with the analysis of my field observations; and, second, theoretically, by discussing my findings. In consequence (...)
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  15. Case Comment on Animal Welfare Board of India v. A. Nagaraja (2014).Deepa Kansra - 2014 - ILI Newsletter 16 (2).
    The judgment depicts the strong and compassionate approach taken by the court towards animals, particularly bulls used in bullock cart races and Jallikattu. The case is another addition to the several decisions that have pushed in for a more expansive reading to the expression “life” and “dignity” under the Constitution. With the objective of giving a more inclusive meaning to life and dignity, the case accommodates the duty to preserve the dignity and wellbeing of animals as being a part of (...)
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  16. Metaaksiologiczna legitymizacja procedur a Konstytucja RP [Mataaxiological Legitimisations of Procedures and the Polish Constitution]. Piechowiak - 2014 - In Małgorzata Masternak-Kubiak, Anna Młynarska-Sobaczewska & Artur Preisner (eds.), Prawowitość władzy państwowej. beta-druk. pp. 129-146.
    W niniejszym opracowaniu zmierzać będę do uzasadnienia tezy, że przyj­ mowane procedury prawotwórcze i interpretacyjne nie tylko, co oczywiste, są legitymizowane wartościami typu formalnego, i co więcej, nie tylko war­ tościami typu materialnego, których realizacji służyć ma system prawny, ale także fundamentalnymi rozstrzygnięciami metaaksjologicznymi, dotyczącymi tego, jak istnieją i jak mogą być poznawane wartości. Zmierzając do realizacji tego celu uwyraźnię problematykę metaaksjologiczną w kontekście zagadnie­nia legitymizacji, formułując zasadnicze dylematy, które sprowadzają się do wyboru między koncepcją czystych wartości a koncepcją wartości (...)
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  17. Rawls, Political Liberalism, and the Family: A Reply to Matthew B. O'Brien.Greg Walker - 2014 - British Journal of American Legal Studies 3 (1):37-70.
    Responding to an article in a previous issue from Matthew B. O’Brien on the impermissibility of same-sex marriage, this reply corrects a misinterpretation of Rawls’s understanding of political liberalism and a misdirected complaint against the jurisprudence of the U.S. federal courts on civil marriage and other matters. In correcting these interpretations, I seek to demonstrate that a publicly reasonable case for same-sex civil marriage is conceivable in line with political liberalism. I conclude the article by arguing that, although the same-sex (...)
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  18. Fraternity.Deepa Kansra - 2013 - In Ajay Kumar Sharma (ed.), Edited Book. Twentieth First Century Publishers. pp. 184-195.
    From the scholarship available we can gather that fraternity has been subjected to several interpretations and linked with several virtues. For a few, it stands close to the actualities of solidarity, humanity, compassion, companionship, and brotherhood. For others, it is the “glue that binds equality and liberty to the civil society” and “presents a sense of continuity with the past and the future”. Omvedt replaces the word fraternity with “community” as an important component of a human vision for the new (...)
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  19. Solidarność – w poszukiwaniu ideowej tradycji interpretacyjnej tej kategorii konstytucyjnej.Marek Piechowiak - 2012 - In Anna Łabno (ed.), Idea solidaryzmu we współczesnej filozofii prawa i polityki. Wydawnictwo Sejmowe. pp. 145-185.
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  20. Vida privada y protección de datos en relación con la polémica de los libros de bautismo.Joaquín Sarrión - 2012 - Ceflegal. Revista Práctica de Derecho 135:71-96.
    La protección de datos constituye un derecho fundamental que, si bien vinculado a la esfera privada de los individuos, goza de entidad propia, y se entiende como un haz de facultades que implican el poder de disposición de los datos, esto es, el derecho a que se solicite el previo consentimiento para su recogida y uso, así como el derecho de acceso, rectificación y cancelación de los mismos. Derecho que en España está basado en el artículo 18.4 de la Constitución (...)
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  21. El planteamiento de la cuestión prejudicial por un órgano jurisdiccional español desde la perspectiva europea y nacional.Joaquin Sarrión - 2012 - Ceflegal. Revista Práctica de Derecho 138:35–50.
    La función de los órganos jurisdiccionales nacionales como jueces ordinarios del Derecho de la Unión Europea es una de las cuestiones jurídicas fundamentales del proceso de integración europea. -/- En el ámbito de dicha función, la cuestión prejudicial es un instrumento esencial para garantizar una interpretación y aplicación homogénea del Derecho de la Unión además de coadyuvar a la cooperación entre los jueces nacionales y el Tribunal de Justicia. -/- Vamos a tratar de estudiar este instrumento del planteamiento de la (...)
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  22. The Reach of Amnesty for Political Crimes: Which Extra-Legal Burdens on the Guilty does National Reconciliation Permit?Thaddeus Metz - 2011 - Constitutional Court Review 3:243-270.
    Suppose that it can be right to grant amnesty from criminal and civil liability to those guilty of political crimes in exchange for full disclosure about them. There remains this important question to ask about the proper form that amnesty should take: Which additional burdens, if any, should the state lift from wrongdoers in the wake of according them freedom from judicial liability? I answer this question in the context of a recent South African Constitutional Court case that considered whether (...)
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  23. En búsqueda de los límites constitucionales a la integración europea.Joaquin Sarrión - 2011 - Ceflegal. Revista Práctica de Derecho 131:81-142.
    Como es sabido el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea ha precisado que las relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho de los Estados miembros están regidas por el principio de primacía del primero sobre los segundos. Sin embargo, la autoridad formal que puede ostentar el Derecho de la Unión Europea en los sistemas jurídicos nacionales no va a depender en exclusiva de la jurisprudencia de dicho tribunal, sino que está condicionada, en gran medida, por (...)
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  24. La ley de memoria histórica: ¿Cuentas pendientes? Sobre la revisión judicial de las condenas dictadas por motivos políticos o sin las debidas garantías durante la guerra civil y la dictadura.Oscar Vergara - 2011 - Revista de Derecho Procesal 3:179 - 229.
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  25. A Transformative Theory of Religious Freedom: Promoting the Reasons for Rights.Corey Brettschneider - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (2):187-213.
    Religious freedom is often thought to protect, not only religious practices, but also the underlying religious beliefs of citizens. But what should be said about religious beliefs that oppose religious freedom itself or that deny the concept of equal citizenship? The author argues here that such beliefs, while protected against coercive sanction, are rightly subject to attempts at transformation by the state in its expressive capacities. Transformation is entailed by a commitment to publicizing the reasons and principles that justify the (...)
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  26. On Racist Hate Speech and the Scope of a Free Speech Principle.Mary Kate McGowan & Ishani Maitra - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 23 (2):343-372.
    In this paper, we argue that to properly understand our commitment to a principle of free speech, we must pay attention to what should count as speech for the purposes of such a principle. We defend the view that ‘speech’ here should be a technical term, with something other than its ordinary sense. We then offer a partial characterization of this technical sense. We contrast our view with some influential views about free speech , and show that our view has (...)
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  27. Reason's freedom and the dialectic of ordered liberty.Edward C. Lyons - 2007 - Cleveland State Law Review 55 (2):157-232.
    The project of “public reason” claims to offer an epistemological resolution to the civic dilemma created by the clash of incompatible options for the rational exercise of freedom adopted by citizens in a diverse community. The present Article proposes, via consideration of a contrast between two classical accounts of dialectical reasoning, that the employment of “public reason,” in substantive due process analysis, is unworkable in theory and contrary to more reflective Supreme Court precedent. Although logical commonalities might be available to (...)
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  28. Balancing Procedures and Outcomes Within Democratic Theory: Corey Values and Judicial Review.Corey Brettschneider - 2005 - Political Studies 53:423-451.
    Democratic theorists often distinguish between two views of democratic procedures. ‘Outcomes theorists’ emphasize the instrumental nature of these procedures and argue that they are only valuable because they tend to produce good outcomes. In contrast, ‘proceduralists’ emphasize the intrinsic value of democratic procedures, for instance, on the grounds that they are fair. In this paper. I argue that we should reject pure versions of these two theories in favor of an understanding of the democratic ideal that recognizes a commitment to (...)
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  29. In Incognito: The Principle of Double Effect in American Constitutional Law.Edward C. Lyons - 2005 - Florida Law Review 57 (3):469-563.
    Abstract: In Vacco v. Quill, 521 U.S. 793 (1997), the Supreme Court for the first time in American case law explicitly applied the principle of double effect to reject an equal protection claim to physician-assisted suicide. Double effect, traced historically to Thomas Aquinas, proposes that under certain circumstances it is permissible unintentionally to cause foreseen evil effects that would not be permissible to cause intentionally. The court rejected the constitutional claim on the basis of a distinction marked out by the (...)
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  30. Procedural justice.Lawrence B. Solum - 2004 - Southern California Law Review 78:181.
    "Procedural Justice" offers a theory of procedural fairness for civil dispute resolution. The core idea behind the theory is the procedural legitimacy thesis: participation rights are essential for the legitimacy of adjudicatory procedures. The theory yields two principles of procedural justice: the accuracy principle and the participation principle. The two principles require a system of procedure to aim at accuracy and to afford reasonable rights of participation qualified by a practicability constraint. The Article begins in Part I, Introduction, with two (...)
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  31. The Concept of Freedom in the Draft Polish Constitution 1996.Marek Piechowiak - 1999 - In Zofia Zdybicka (ed.), Freedom in Contemporary Culture.
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  32. 'The supremacy of God' does not belong in the Constitution.Paul Russell - 1999 - The Globe and Mail 100.
    The Preamble to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms claims "Canada is grounded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God." This claim is hopelessly confused and it has no place in our constitution. This is true, moreover, whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Pantheist, an atheist, or someone who has never given one moment's thought to "the supremacy of God" -- much less "recognized" it.
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  33. (1 other version)Pojęcie praw człowieka [The Notion of Human Rights].Marek Piechowiak - 1997 - In Leszek Wiśniewski (ed.), : Podstawowe prawa jednostki oraz ich sądowa ochrona. Wydawnictwo Sejmowe. pp. 7-37.
    W opracowaniu tym poszukiwana jest odpowiedź na dwa pytania: „co to są prawa człowieka?” oraz „jakie są zasadnicze elementy konstytucyjnej koncepcji tych praw?” Odpowiadając na pierwsze pytanie, zmierzać będę do wskazania zasadniczych elementów współczesnej – opartej przede wszystkim na prawie międzynarodowym – koncepcji służącej ujęciu tych praw, czyli do eksplikacji pojęcia praw człowieka. Odpowiadając na drugie, będę poszukiwać zasadniczych konsekwencji, które dla konstytucyjnych regulacji ma uznanie tej koncepcji. Analizy mają charakter projektujący. Nie jest moim celem rekonstrukcja koncepcji praw człowieka zawartej (...)
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