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  1. Universitatea neoliberală: evaluare, alienare şi dependenţă.Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2023 - In Adrian Netedu, Ştiinţele sociale între angajament şi distanţare: in honorem Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu. Editura Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”. pp. 188-220.
    Instituţiile publice sunt reformate şi reorganizate după modelul managerial al firmelor, filosofia serviciului public este reformulată în termenii loialităţii faţă de interesele antreprenoriale (pentru profit) sau faţă de pasiunile cetăţenilor virtuoşi ce creează în jurul preocupărilor personale asociaţii civice, gestionând o parte din serviciile de interes public abandonate de statul capitalist. Pentru ca aceste lucruri să se întâmple, inflexibilitatea politicilor orientate către impunerea fără alternativă a aşa-numitului „consens de la Washington” trebuie să fie însoţită de o cât mai mare flexibilizare (...)
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  2. What, Exactly, Is Wrong with Confucian Filial Morality?Hagop Sarkissian & Emma E. Buchtel - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (1):23-41.
    Confucianism’s emphasis on filial piety is both a hallmark of its approach to ethics and a source of concern. Critics charge that filial piety’s extreme partialism corrupts Chinese society and should therefore be expunged from the tradition. Are the critics correct? In this article, we outline the criticism and note its persistence over the last century. We then evaluate data from the empirical study of corruption to see whether they support the claim that partialism corrupts. Finally, we report some recent (...)
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  3. Lorenzo Magnani: Discoverability—the urgent need of an ecology of human creativity. [REVIEW]Jeffrey White - 2023 - AI and Society:1-2.
    Discoverability: the urgent need of an ecology of human creativity from the prolific Lorenzo Magnani is worthy of direct attention. The message may be of special interest to philosophers, ethicists and organizing scientists involved in the development of AI and related technologies which are increasingly directed at reinforcing conditions against which Magnani directly warns, namely the “overcomputationalization” of life marked by the gradual encroachment of technologically “locked strategies” into everyday decision-making until “freedom, responsibility, and ownership of our destinies” are ceded (...)
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  4. African Ethics and Public Governance: Nepotism, Preferential Hiring, and Other Partiality (rev. edn).Thaddeus Metz - 2022 - In Abiola Olukemi Ogunyemi, Accountable Governance and Ethical Practices in Africa's Public Sector. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 109-129.
    Shortened and moderately revised version of an essay that initially appeared in Murove (ed.) African Ethics (2009). This chapter is a work of applied ethics that aims to provide a convincing comprehensive account of how a government official in a post-independence sub-Saharan country should make decisions about how to allocate goods such as civil service jobs and contracts with private firms. Should such a person refrain from considering any particulars about potential recipients, or might it be appropriate to consider, for (...)
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  5. Linking ethical leadership and ethical climate to employees’ ethical behavior: the moderating role of person–organization fit.Hussam Al Halbusi, Kent A. Williams, Thurasamy Ramayah, Luigi Aldieri & Concetto Paolo Vinci - 2020 - Personnel Review 50 (1):159-185.
    Purpose – With the growing demand for ethical standards in the prevailing business environment, ethical leadership has been under increasingly more focus. Based on the social exchange theory and social learning theory, this study scrutinized the impact of ethical leadership on the presentation of ethical conduct by employees through the ethical climate. Notably, this study scrutinized the moderating function of the person organization fit (P-O fit) in relation to ethical climate and the ethical conduct of employees. -/- Design/methodology/approach – To (...)
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  6. Do Filial Values Corrupt? How Can We Know? Clarifying and Assessing the Recent Confucian Debate.Hagop Sarkissian - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (2):193-207.
    In a number of papers, Liu Qingping has critiqued Confucianism’s commitment to “consanguineous affection” or filial values, claiming it to be excessive and indefensible. Many have taken issue with his textual readings and interpretive claims, but these responses do little to undermine the force of his central claim that filial values cause widespread corruption in Chinese society. This is not an interpretive claim but an empirical one. If true, it merits serious consideration. But is it true? How can we know? (...)
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  7. Statul neoliberal și misiunea științelor socio-umane în vremuri de criză.Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2017 - In Claudiu Mesaroș, Filosofia în universitatea contemporană. Editura Universității de Vest. pp. 156-173.
    Preocuparea pentru funcția de marketing a topurilor universitare îi face pe manageri să ignore modul neglijent în care ele sunt concepute, deoarece adesea „clasamentele servesc în mod strategic celor care, doritori să reformeze sistemul universitar din țara lor, le folosesc în mod oportunist pentru a justifica politici deja decise”. Ei nu numai că sunt pregătiți să accepte schimbările dramatice în clasamente (care, de cele mai multe ori dovedesc de fapt inadecvarea instrumentelor de evaluare), dar se străduiesc din răsputeri să îmbunătățească (...)
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  8. Factor Affecting Customer Service in Supply Chain Management of Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Study of Jammu Region.Sanjeev Lalhotra & Prof B. C. Sharma - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (JUNE 2014):149-165.
    Factor Affecting Customer Service in Supply Chain Management of Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Study of Jammu Region -/- Author / Authors : Sanjeev Lalhotra and Prof. B.C Sharma Page no.149-165 Discipline : Applied Economics/ Management/ Commerce Script/language : Roman/English Category : Research paper Keywords: Customer services, Supply Chain Management, Small and Medium Enterprises.
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  9. Coruptie - Globalizare - Neocolonialism.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2014 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    O introducere în conceptele interdependente despre corupţie, globalizare prin instituţiile financiare internaţionale, şi neocolonialism înţeles ca exploatarea resurselor şi materiilor prime a ţărilor sărace şi în curs de dezvoltare de unele mari corporaţii multinaţionale. -/- CUPRINS: -/- Globalizarea - Organizarea globală a afacerilor - Comerţul internaţional - - Acordurile comerciale, blocuri economice şi zone comerciale speciale - Paradisurile fiscale - Guvernarea mondială - Mişcări anti-globalizare - - Ideologii şi cauze - - - Opoziţia faţă de instituţiile financiare internaţionale şi corporaţiilor (...)
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  10. The Virtues of Honorable Business Executives.Dan Demetriou - 2013 - In Michael W. Austin, Virtues in Action: New Essays in Applied Virtue Ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 29-38.
    Although most cultures have held honorableness to be a virtue of the first importance, contemporary analytic ethicists have just begun to consider honor’s nature and ethical worth. In this essay, I provide an analysis of the honor ethos and apply it to business ethics. Applying honor to business may appear to be a particularly challenging task, since (for reasons I discuss) honor has traditionally been seen as incompatible with commerce. Nonetheless, I argue here that two of the central virtues of (...)
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  11. The “Cog in the Machine” Manifesto: The Banality and the Inevitability of Evil - The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture and Deviance at NASA Diane Vaughan Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996, 575 pp. [REVIEW]Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):743-756.
    Diane Vaughan’s popular book, The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture and Deviance at NASA, advances a thesis that I termed the “cog in the machine manifesto”: since the Challenger disaster was the result of the determined, mechanistic movement of the parts of the organizational system; once the mechanism was set in motion, the disaster was inevitable, and could not have been prevented. In order to expose the fallacies of the cog in the machine manifesto, I consider an alternative umbrella (...)
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