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(1 other version)Consciousness, explanatory inversion and cognitive science.John R. Searle - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):585-642.details
How we know our minds: The illusion of first-person knowledge of intentionality.Alison Gopnik - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):1-14.details
Consciousness and accessibility.Ned Block - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):596-598.details
(1 other version)The psychology of folk psychology.Alvin I. Goldman - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):15-28.details
Evidence against epiphenomenalism.Ned Block - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):670-672.details
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Perceptual awareness and its loss in unilateral neglect and extinction.John Driver & Patrik Vuilleumier - 2001 - Cognition 79 (1):39-88.details
Introspective physicalism as an approach to the science of consciousness.Anthony I. Jack & T. Shallice - 2001 - Cognition 79 (1):161-196.details
Is the mind conscious, functional, or both?Max Velmans - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):629-630.details
The function of consciousness or of information?David Navon - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):690-691.details
Begging the question against phenomenal consciousness.Ned Block - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):205-206.details
Ontogeny and intentionality.Philip David Zelazo & J. Steven Reznick - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):631-632.details
Consciousness may still have a processing role to play.Robert Van Gulick - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):699-700.details
Knowledge of the psychological states of self and others is not only theory-laden but also data-driven.Chris Moore & John Barresi - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):61-62.details
Who is computing with the brain?John R. Searle - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):632-642.details
Confidence and accuracy of near-threshold discrimination responses.Craig Kunimoto, Jeff Miller & Harold Pashler - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (3):294-340.details
Consciousness and the varieties of aboutness.Martin Davies - 1994 - In Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald, Philosophy of Psychology: Debates on Psychological Explanation. Blackwell. pp. 2.details
Escape from the Cartesian Theater.Daniel C. Dennett & Marcel Kinsbourne - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):234-247.details
The where in the brain determines the when in the mind.M. Jeannerod - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):212-213.details
Understanding awareness at the neuronal level.Christof Koch & Francis Crick - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):683-685.details
Is there a ghost in the cognitive machinery?Antti Revonsuo - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (4):387-405.details
There's more to mental states than meets the inner “l”.Kimberly Wright Cassidy - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):34-35.details
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On being accessible to consciousness.David M. Rosenthal - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):621-621.details
Developing concepts of consciousness.Aaron Sloman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):694-695.details
Conscious functions and brain processes.Benjamin Libet - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):685-686.details
A lawful first-person psychology involving a causal consciousness: A psychoanalytic solution.Howard Shevrin - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):693-694.details
A curious coincidence? Consciousness as an object of scientific scrutiny fits our personal experience remarkably well.Bernard J. Baars - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):669-670.details
Knowing levels and the child's understanding of mind.Robert L. Campbell & Mark H. Bickhard - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):33-34.details
Theories and illusions.Alison Gopnik - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):90-100.details
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The processing of information is not conscious, but its products often are.George Mandler - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):688-689.details
The phenomenology of endogenous orienting.Paolo Bartolomeo, Caroline Decaix & Eric Siéroff - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (1):144-161.details
Constituent causation and the reality of mind.Georges Rey - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):620-621.details
Developmental evidence and introspection.Shaun Nichols - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):64-65.details
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Unconscious mental states do have an aspectual shape.Howard Shevrin - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):624-625.details
Special access lies down with theory-theory.Sydney Shoemaker - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):78-79.details
Emotion, higher-order syntactic thoughts, and consciousness.Edmund T. Rolls - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies, Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 131--167.details
Towards an ecology of mind.George Butterworth - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):31-32.details