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Wittgenstein on Perspicuous Presentations and Grammatical Self-Knowledge.Christian Georg Martin - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (1):79-108.details
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Delusional Atmosphere, the Everyday Uncanny, and the Limits of Secondary Sense.Tim Thornton - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):192-196.details
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Nonsense on stilts? Wittgenstein, ethics, and the lives of animals.Nigel Pleasants - 2006 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):314 – 336.details
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Gottlob Frege and Gongsun Long in Dialogue.Nevia Dolcini & Carlo Penco - 2023 - Asian Studies 11 (1):267-295.details
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