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  1. The structure of lattices of subframe logics.Frank Wolter - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86 (1):47-100.
    This paper investigates the structure of lattices of normal mono- and polymodal subframelogics, i.e., those modal logics whose frames are closed under a certain type of substructures. Nearly all basic modal logics belong to this class. The main lattice theoretic tool applied is the notion of a splitting of a complete lattice which turns out to be connected with the “geometry” and “topology” of frames, with Kripke completeness and with axiomatization problems. We investigate in detail subframe logics containing K4, those (...)
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  • An incompleteness theorem in modal logic.S. K. Thomason - 1974 - Theoria 40 (1):30-34.
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  • (2 other versions)Reduction of tense logic to modal logic. I.S. K. Thomason - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):549-551.
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  • Modal logic with names.George Gargov & Valentin Goranko - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (6):607 - 636.
    We investigate an enrichment of the propositional modal language L with a "universal" modality ■ having semantics x ⊧ ■φ iff ∀y(y ⊧ φ), and a countable set of "names" - a special kind of propositional variables ranging over singleton sets of worlds. The obtained language ℒ $_{c}$ proves to have a great expressive power. It is equivalent with respect to modal definability to another enrichment ℒ(⍯) of ℒ, where ⍯ is an additional modality with the semantics x ⊧ ⍯φ (...)
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  • Semantics without Toil? Brady and Rush Meet Halldén.Lloyd Humberstone - 2019 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 26 (3):340–404.
    The present discussion takes up an issue raised in Section 5 of Ross Brady and Penelope Rush’s paper ‘Four Basic Logical Issues’ concerning the (claimed) triviality – in the sense of automatic availability – of soundness and completeness results for a logic in a metalanguage employing at least as much logical vocabulary as the object logic, where the metalogical behaviour of the common logical vocabulary is as in the object logic. We shall see – in Propositions 4.5–4.7 – that this (...)
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  • Tabularity and Post-Completeness in Tense Logic.Qian Chen & M. A. Minghui - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):475-492.
    A new characterization of tabularity in tense logic is established, namely, a tense logic L is tabular if and only if $\mathsf {tab}_n^T\in L$ for some $n\geq 1$. Two characterization theorems for the Post-completeness in tabular tense logics are given. Furthermore, a characterization of the Post-completeness in the lattice of all tense logics is established. Post numbers of some tense logics are shown.
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  • Carnap’s Problem for Modal Logic.Denis Bonnay & Dag Westerståhl - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):578-602.
    We take Carnap’s problem to be to what extent standard consequence relations in various formal languages fix the meaning of their logical vocabulary, alone or together with additional constraints on the form of the semantics. This paper studies Carnap’s problem for basic modal logic. Setting the stage, we show that neighborhood semantics is the most general form of compositional possible worlds semantics, and proceed to ask which standard modal logics (if any) constrain the box operator to be interpreted as in (...)
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  • Preface.Matteo Pascucci & Adam Tamas Tuboly - 2019 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 26 (3):318-322.
    Special issue: "Reflecting on the Legacy of C.I. Lewis: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Modal Logic".
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  • Logics for propositional contingentism.Peter Fritz - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):203-236.
    Robert Stalnaker has recently advocated propositional contingentism, the claim that it is contingent what propositions there are. He has proposed a philosophical theory of contingency in what propositions there are and sketched a possible worlds model theory for it. In this paper, such models are used to interpret two propositional modal languages: one containing an existential propositional quantifier, and one containing an existential propositional operator. It is shown that the resulting logic containing an existential quantifier is not recursively axiomatizable, as (...)
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  • Post Completeness in Congruential Modal Logics.Peter Fritz - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 288-301.
    Well-known results due to David Makinson show that there are exactly two Post complete normal modal logics, that in both of them, the modal operator is truth-functional, and that every consistent normal modal logic can be extended to at least one of them. Lloyd Humberstone has recently shown that a natural analog of this result in congruential modal logics fails, by showing that not every congruential modal logic can be extended to one in which the modal operator is truth-functional. As (...)
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  • A Splitting Logic in NExt.Yutaka Miyazaki - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (3):381-394.
    It is shown that the normal modal logic of two reflexive points jointed with a symmetric binary relation splits the lattice of normal extensions of the logic KTB. By this fact, it is easily seen that there exists the third largest logic in the class of all normal extensions of KTB.
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  • Some Embedding Theorems for Conditional Logic.Ming Xu - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (6):599-619.
    We prove some embedding theorems for classical conditional logic, covering 'finitely cumulative' logics, 'preferential' logics and what we call 'semi-monotonic' logics. Technical tools called 'partial frames' and 'frame morphisms' in the context of neighborhood semantics are used in the proof.
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  • (1 other version)The Power of a Propositional Constant.Robert Goldblatt & Tomasz Kowalski - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic (1):1-20.
    Monomodal logic has exactly two maximally normal logics, which are also the only quasi-normal logics that are Post complete, and they are complete for validity in Kripke frames. Here we show that addition of a propositional constant to monomodal logic allows the construction of continuum many maximally normal logics that are not valid in any Kripke frame, or even in any complete modal algebra. We also construct continuum many quasi-normal Post complete logics that are not normal. The set of extensions (...)
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  • Modal logic: A semantic perspective.Patrick Blackburn & Johan van Benthem - 1988 - Ethics 98:501-517.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 BASIC MODAL LOGIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
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  • A splitting logic in NExt(KTB).Yutaka Miyazaki - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (3):381 - 394.
    It is shown that the normal modal logic of two reflexive points jointed with a symmetric binary relation splits the lattice of normal extensions of the logic KTB. By this fact, it is easily seen that there exists the third largest logic in the class of all normal extensions of KTB.
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  • Pretabular varieties of modal algebras.W. J. Blok - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (2-3):101 - 124.
    We study modal logics in the setting of varieties of modal algebras. Any variety of modal algebras generated by a finite algebra — such, a variety is called tabular — has only finitely many subvarieties, i.e. is of finite height. The converse does not hold in general. It is shown that the converse does hold in the lattice of varieties of K4-algebras. Hence the lower part of this lattice consists of tabular varieties only. We proceed to show that there is (...)
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  • Shifting Priorities: Simple Representations for Twenty-seven Iterated Theory Change Operators.Hans Rott - 2009 - In Jacek Malinowski David Makinson & Wansing Heinrich (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy. Springer. pp. 269–296.
    Prioritized bases, i.e., weakly ordered sets of sentences, have been used for specifying an agent’s ‘basic’ or ‘explicit’ beliefs, or alternatively for compactly encoding an agent’s belief state without the claim that the elements of a base are in any sense basic. This paper focuses on the second interpretation and shows how a shifting of priorities in prioritized bases can be used for a simple, constructive and intuitive way of representing a large variety of methods for the change of belief (...)
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  • Contra-classical logics.Lloyd Humberstone - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (4):438 – 474.
    Only propositional logics are at issue here. Such a logic is contra-classical in a superficial sense if it is not a sublogic of classical logic, and in a deeper sense, if there is no way of translating its connectives, the result of which translation gives a sublogic of classical logic. After some motivating examples, we investigate the incidence of contra-classicality (in the deeper sense) in various logical frameworks. In Sections 3 and 4 we will encounter, originally as an example of (...)
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  • Deduction Theorem in Congruential Modal Logics.Krzysztof A. Krawczyk - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):185-196.
    We present an algebraic proof of the theorem stating that there are continuum many axiomatic extensions of global consequence associated with modal system E that do not admit the local deduction detachment theorem. We also prove that all these logics lack the finite frame property and have exactly three proper axiomatic extensions, each of which admits the local deduction detachment theorem.
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  • Axiomatizability of Propositionally Quantified Modal Logics on Relational Frames.Peter Fritz - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):758-793.
    Propositional modal logic over relational frames is naturally extended with propositional quantifiers by letting them range over arbitrary sets of worlds of the relevant frame. This is also known as second-order propositional modal logic. The propositionally quantified modal logic of a class of relational frames is often not axiomatizable, although there are known exceptions, most notably the case of frames validating the strong modal logic $\mathrm {S5}$. Here, we develop new general methods with which many of the open questions in (...)
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  • Proving Cleanthes wrong.Laureano Luna - 2021 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (3):707-736.
    Hume’s famous character Cleanthes claims that there is no difficulty in explaining the existence of causal chains with no first cause since in them each item is causally explained by its predecessor. Relying on logico-mathematical resources, we argue for two theses: (1) if the existence of Cleanthes’ chain can be explained at all, it must be explained by the fact that the causal law ruling it is in force, and (2) the fact that such a causal law is in force (...)
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  • Complete additivity and modal incompleteness.Wesley H. Holliday & Tadeusz Litak - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):487-535.
    In this article, we tell a story about incompleteness in modal logic. The story weaves together an article of van Benthem, “Syntactic aspects of modal incompleteness theorems,” and a longstanding open question: whether every normal modal logic can be characterized by a class of completely additive modal algebras, or as we call them, ${\cal V}$-baos. Using a first-order reformulation of the property of complete additivity, we prove that the modal logic that starred in van Benthem’s article resolves the open question (...)
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  • Technical Modal Logic.Marcus Kracht - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (5):350-359.
    Modal logic is concerned with the analysis of sentential operators in the widest sense. Originally invented to analyse the notion of necessity applications have been found in many areas of philosophy, logic, linguistics and computer science. This in turn has led to an increased interest in the technical development of modal logic.
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  • (1 other version)An application of Rieger-Nishimura formulas to the intuitionistic modal logics.Dimiter Vakarelov - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (1):79 - 85.
    The main results of the paper are the following: For each monadic prepositional formula which is classically true but not intuitionistically so, there is a continuum of intuitionistic monotone modal logics L such that L+ is inconsistent.There exists a consistent intuitionistic monotone modal logic L such that for any formula of the kind mentioned above the logic L+ is inconsistent.
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  • Singulary extensional connectives: A closer look. [REVIEW]I. L. Humberstone - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (3):341-356.
    The totality of extensional 1-ary connectives distinguishable in a logical framework allowing sequents with multiple or empty (alongside singleton) succedents form a lattice under a natural partial ordering relating one connective to another if all the inferential properties of the former are possessed by the latter. Here we give a complete description of that lattice; its Hasse diagram appears as Figure 1 in §2. Simple syntactic descriptions of the lattice elements are provided in §3; §§4 and 5 give some additional (...)
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  • (1 other version)The lattice of modal logics: An algebraic investigation.W. J. Blok - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):221-236.
    Modal logics are studied in their algebraic disguise of varieties of so-called modal algebras. This enables us to apply strong results of a universal algebraic nature, notably those obtained by B. Jonsson. It is shown that the degree of incompleteness with respect to Kripke semantics of any modal logic containing the axiom □ p → p or containing an axiom of the form $\square^mp \leftrightarrow\square^{m + 1}p$ for some natural number m is 2 ℵ 0 . Furthermore, we show that (...)
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  • On Pretabular Logics in NExtK4.Shan Du - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (5):931-954.
    In this paper we prove the pretabularity criteria for the logics of infinite depth in NExtK4. Then we use the criteria to resolve the problems of pretabular logics in NExtQ4 and prove that there is a continuum of pretabular logics in NExtQ4 just like NExtK4.
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  • Completeness and Definability in the Logic of Noncontingency.Evgeni E. Zolin - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (4):533-547.
    Hilbert-style axiomatic systems are presented for versions of the modal logics K, where {D, 4, 5}, with noncontingency as the sole modal primitive. The classes of frames characterized by the axioms of these systems are shown to be first-order definable, though not equal to the classes of serial, transitive, or euclidean frames. The canonical frame of the noncontingency logic of any logic containing the seriality axiom is proved to be nonserial. It is also shown that any class of frames definable (...)
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  • Post completeness in modal logic.Krister Segerberg - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):711-715.
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  • Note on Extending Congruential Modal Logics.Lloyd Humberstone - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (1):95-103.
    It is observed that a consistent congruential modal logic is not guaranteed to have a consistent extension in which the Box operator becomes a truth-functional connective for one of the four one-place truth functions.
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  • Nearly every normal modal logic is paranormal.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (189-192):279-300.
    An overcomplete logic is a logic that ‘ceases to make the difference’: According to such a logic, all inferences hold independently of the nature of the statements involved. A negation-inconsistent logic is a logic having at least one model that satisfies both some statement and its negation. A negation-incomplete logic has at least one model according to which neither some statement nor its negation are satisfied. Paraconsistent logics are negation-inconsistent yet non-overcomplete; paracomplete logics are negation-incomplete yet non-overcomplete. A paranormal logic (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Reduction of tense logic to modal logic II.S. K. Thomason - 1974 - Theoria 40 (3):154-169.
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  • An observation concerning porte's rule in modal logic.Rohan French & Lloyd Humberstone - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):25-31.
    It is well known that no consistent normal modal logic contains (as theorems) both ♦A and ♦¬A (for any formula A). Here we observe that this claim can be strengthened to the following: for any formula A, either no consistent normal modal logic contains ♦A, or else no consistent normal modal logic contains ♦¬A.
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  • Rough polyadic modal logics.D. Vakarelov - 1991 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 1 (1):9-35.
    Rough polyadic modal logics, introduced in the paper, contain modal operators of many arguments with a relational semantics, based on the Pawlak's rough set theory. Rough set approach is developed as an alternative to the fuzzy set philosophy, and has many applications in different branches in Artificial Intelligence and theoretical computer science.
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  • A Note on the Issue of Cohesiveness in Canonical Models.Matteo Pascucci - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (3):331-348.
    In their presentation of canonical models for normal systems of modal logic, Hughes and Cresswell observe that some of these models are based on a frame which can be also thought of as a collection of two or more isolated frames; they call such frames ‘non-cohesive’. The problem of checking whether the canonical model of a given system is cohesive is still rather unexplored and no general decision procedure is available. The main contribution of this article consists in introducing a (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Reduction of tense logic to modal logic II.S. K. Thomason - 1975 - Theoria 41 (3):154-169.
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  • The structure of the lattice of normal extensions of modal logics with cyclic axioms.Yutaka Miyazaki - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 489-502.
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  • (1 other version)The Power of a Propositional Constant.Robert Goldblatt & Tomasz Kowalski - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (1):133-152.
    Monomodal logic has exactly two maximally normal logics, which are also the only quasi-normal logics that are Post complete, and they are complete for validity in Kripke frames. Here we show that addition of a propositional constant to monomodal logic allows the construction of continuum many maximally normal logics that are not valid in any Kripke frame, or even in any complete modal algebra. We also construct continuum many quasi-normal Post complete logics that are not normal. The set of extensions (...)
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  • Simulation and transfer results in modal logic – a survey.Marcus Kracht & Frank Wolter - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (2):149-177.
    This papers gives a survey of recent results about simulations of one class of modal logics by another class and of the transfer of properties of modal logics under extensions of the underlying modal language. We discuss: the transfer from normal polymodal logics to their fusions, the transfer from normal modal logics to their extensions by adding the universal modality, and the transfer from normal monomodal logics to minimal tense extensions. Likewise, we discuss simulations of normal polymodal logics by normal (...)
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  • Intuitionistic modal logics incompatible with the law of the excluded middle.Dimiter Vakarelov - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (2):103 - 111.
    In this paper, intuitionistic modal logics which do not admit the law of the excluded middle are studied. The main result is that there exista a continuum of such logics.
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  • An algebraic theory of normal forms.Silvio Ghilardi - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 71 (3):189-245.
    In this paper we present a general theory of normal forms, based on a categorial result for the free monoid construction. We shall use the theory mainly for proposictional modal logic, although it seems to have a wider range of applications. We shall formally represent normal forms as combinatorial objects, basically labelled trees and forests. This geometric conceptualization is implicit in and our approach will extend it to other cases and make it more direct: operations of a purely geometric and (...)
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  • Invariant Logics.Marcus Kracht - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (1):29-50.
    A moda logic Λ is called invariant if for all automorphisms α of NExt K, α = Λ. An invariant ogic is therefore unique y determined by its surrounding in the attice. It wi be established among other that a extensions of K.alt1S4.3 and G.3 are invariant ogics. Apart from the results that are being obtained, this work contributes to the understanding of the combinatorics of finite frames in genera, something wich has not been done except for transitive frames. Certain (...)
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  • Superintuitionistic companions of classical modal logics.Frank Wolter - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (2):229-259.
    This paper investigates partitions of lattices of modal logics based on superintuitionistic logics which are defined by forming, for each superintuitionistic logic L and classical modal logic , the set L[] of L-companions of . Here L[] consists of those modal logics whose non-modal fragments coincide with L and which axiomatize if the law of excluded middle p V p is added. Questions addressed are, for instance, whether there exist logics with the disjunction property in L[], whether L[] contains a (...)
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  • Conditional Excluded Middle in Systems of Consequential Implication.Claudio Pizzi & Timothy Williamson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (4):333-362.
    It is natural to ask under what conditions negating a conditional is equivalent to negating its consequent. Given a bivalent background logic, this is equivalent to asking about the conjunction of Conditional Excluded Middle (CEM, opposite conditionals are not both false) and Weak Boethius' Thesis (WBT, opposite conditionals are not both true). In the system CI.0 of consequential implication, which is intertranslatable with the modal logic KT, WBT is a theorem, so it is natural to ask which instances of CEM (...)
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  • Mathematical modal logic: A view of its evolution.Robert Goldblatt - 2003 - Journal of Applied Logic 1 (5-6):309-392.
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  • Modal Logics That Are Both Monotone and Antitone: Makinson’s Extension Results and Affinities between Logics.Lloyd Humberstone & Steven T. Kuhn - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):515-550.
    A notable early result of David Makinson establishes that every monotone modal logic can be extended to LI, LV, or LF, and every antitone logic can be extended to LN, LV, or LF, where LI, LN, LV, and LF are logics axiomatized, respectively, by the schemas □α↔α, □α↔¬α, □α↔⊤, and □α↔⊥. We investigate logics that are both monotone and antitone (hereafter amphitone). There are exactly three: LV, LF, and the minimum amphitone logic AM axiomatized by the schema □α→□β. These logics, (...)
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  • Properties of independently axiomatizable bimodal logics.Marcus Kracht & Frank Wolter - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1469-1485.
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  • Disjunction and Existence Properties in Modal Arithmetic.Taishi Kurahashi & Motoki Okuda - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):178-205.
    We systematically study several versions of the disjunction and the existence properties in modal arithmetic. First, we newly introduce three classes $\mathrm {B}$, $\Delta (\mathrm {B})$, and $\Sigma (\mathrm {B})$ of formulas of modal arithmetic and study basic properties of them. Then, we prove several implications between the properties. In particular, among other things, we prove that for any consistent recursively enumerable extension T of $\mathbf {PA}(\mathbf {K})$ with $T \nvdash \Box \bot $, the $\Sigma (\mathrm {B})$ -disjunction property, the (...)
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  • Continuum Many Maximal Consistent Normal Bimodal Logics with Inverses.Timothy Williamson - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (1):128-134.
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