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Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (4):692-693 (1987)

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  1. Una ética inmanente y relacional a partir de la interpretación conjunta que Gilles Deleuze hace de Nietzsche y Spinoza.Juan Pablo Esperón & Ricardo Etchegaray - 2024 - Tábano 25:e4.
    Para Deleuze, la ética es un saber experimental: se trata de componer relaciones, probar si una nueva conexión aumenta la potencia del cuerpo o la depotencia. Este artículo persigue un objetivo central: mostrar los elementos necesarios para la construcción de una ética inmanente y relacional que no esté fundada en el modelo del juicio moral, sino como una praxis experimental a partir de la interpretación que Deleuze hace de la ética de Spinoza y la filosofía de Nietzsche.
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  • The Limits of Radical Historicism: The Methodological Significance of Foucault’s Relationship to Transcendental Philosophy.Leonard D’Cruz - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (6):53-76.
    This article examines the methodological significance of Foucault’s relationship to transcendental philosophy. While Foucault presents his work as a historicist transformation of Kant’s critical project, some commentators question whether he succeeds in eradicating the transcendental dimension of critique. In this way, they raise doubts over whether he can sustain his methodological commitment to radical historicism. In response, I argue that Foucault can reflexively account for his use of transcendental motifs while remaining faithful to his historicist methodology. More specifically, I show (...)
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  • Experimental and relational authenticity: how neurotechnologies impact narrative identities.Cristian Iftode, Alexandra Zorilă, Constantin Vică & Emilian Mihailov - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):743-760.
    The debate about how neurotechnologies impact authenticity has focused on two inter-related dimensions: self-discovery and self-creation. In this paper, we develop a broader framework that includes the experimental and relational dimensions of authenticity, both understood as decisive for shaping one’s narrative identity. In our view, neurointerventions that alter someone’s personality traits will also impact her very own self-understanding across time. We argue that experimental authenticity only needs a minimum conception of narrative coherence of the self and that reversibility should remain (...)
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  • Ingrid Olderock and Her Torturing Dogs: On Commanders.Sebastián Alejandro González Montero - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):201-225.
    This article examines an episode of Chilean history during the days of the dictatorship of General Pinochet: Ingrid Olderock’s life and her criminal actions against people such as Alejandra Holzapfel and others. I use a secular framework for ethical evaluations of human behaviour related to armed conflicts in Latin America. In that context, I engage the following steps. First, I describe Ingrid Olderock’s life, briefly summarising some facts about her educational and political environment based on Nancy Guzman’s Ingrid Olderock: The (...)
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  • A Deleuzian Dialogue Between Leibniz and Ruyer: Monads, Absolute Survey and Life.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (2):246–276.
    In The Fold, Deleuze regards Raymond Ruyer as the most recent of Leibniz’s great disciples. This claim is not self-evident, since Ruyer often criticises Leibniz and stresses the divergence of his theory from Leibniz’s monadological metaphysics. Therefore, while Ruyer does not seem to regard himself as indebted to Leibniz, and as his psychobiology is not always reconcilable with Leibniz’s philosophy, it is necessary to explore what is at stake in Deleuze’s recognition of Ruyer as a Leibnizian thinker. This essay foregrounds (...)
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  • The Politics of Orientation: Deleuze Meets Luhmann.Hannah Richter - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    The Politics of Orientation provides the first substantial exploration of a surprising theoretical kinship and its rich political implications, between Gilles Deleuze's philosophy and the sociological systems theory of Niklas Luhmann. Through their shared theories of sense, Hannah Richter draws out how the works of Luhmann and Deleuze complement each other in creating worlds where chaos is the norm and order the unlikely and yet remarkably stable exception. From the encounter between Deleuze and Luhmann, Richter develops a novel take on (...)
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  • The Contiguity of the Continuum: A Kafkian Leibniz.Cristóbal Durán Rojas - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (1):60-80.
    Deleuze’s philosophy is permeated with the problem of the continuum. The idea that the coexistence of durations is implied in the concept of duration itself allows Deleuze to offer a fresh perspective on multiplicity, which is distinct from Bergson’s approach, and which proposes new perspectives on the continuum. While Deleuze critiques Leibniz’s view on this concept by highlighting the non-uniform nature of the continuum, the infinitesimal still plays a significant role in his analysis. However, in his late reading of Leibniz, (...)
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  • El biomaestro: Foucault y la experiencia de la filosofía.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Olga Buzón García & Carmen Romero García (eds.), Experiencias educativas de renovación pedagógica y procesos de formación del profesorado. Dykinson. pp. 596-613.
    “Hay momentos en la vida en los que la cuestión de saber si se puede pensar distinto de como se piensa o percibir distinto de como se ve es indispensable para seguir contemplando o reflexionando” (Foucault, 2003, p. 8). Esta declaración foucaultiana es la que impulsa la voluntad genealógica que presenta este ensayo, así como su pretensión proyectiva para pensar hoy la educación. El momento filosófico crítico consiste en volver sobre las prácticas que día a día llevamos a cabo y (...)
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  • La función crítica del intelectual foucaultiano: discurso y posverdad en la era digital.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Alberto Dafonte-Gómez & María Isabel Míguez-González (eds.), El fenómeno de la desinformación: reflexiones, casos y propuestas. Dykinson. pp. 130-145.
    La sociedad del siglo XXI ha sufrido una mutación histórica en lo que respecta a los métodos de producción y los impactos derivados de la generación de información. Este período se caracteriza por su inmersión en el entorno digital, donde los individuos, como ciudadanos, se encuentran bajo la manipulación, por un lado, de sus datos mediante técnicas de vigilancia y, por otros, expuestos a cámaras de resonancia mediática. Este panorama plantea desafíos significativos en cuanto a la manera en que interactúan (...)
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  • Fragments, plinths and shattered bricks: Deleuze and atomism.Yannis Chatzantonis - 2023 - la Deleuziana 1 (15):39-45.
    There are two links that stand in the foreground of Deleuze’s treatment of Epicurus and Lucretius: the themes of immanent naturalism and of the externality of ontological relations. However, the links are problematised in Difference and Repetition, which presents an important critique of the concept of the atom. I will argue that this critique reveals the limits of the intellectual affinity between ancient atomism and Deleuzian metaphysics; in particular, that Deleuze’s notions of relationality and spatium respond to problems raised by (...)
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  • Beyond the ‘Last Phenomenology’: Rhythmic Modulations in Gilles Deleuze’s The Logic of Sensation.Iain Campbell - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (3):301-325.
    This article reconstructs Gilles Deleuze’s engagement with phenomenology, and with the phenomenological problematic of sensation, in his Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation. Considering Deleuze’s adoption, from the phenomenology of art, of notions of sensation and rhythm, it examines how Deleuze complexifies these phenomenological notions by aligning them with his profoundly non-phenomenological notion of the body without organs, as well as with the concepts of modulation and the diagram. In mapping Deleuze’s complexification of rhythm and his development of a logic (...)
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  • Los currículos de formación socio-humanística en la Educación Superior.Estiven Valencia Marin - 2019 - Pereira, Colombia: Universidad Católica de Pereira. Edited by Carlos Dayro Botero Flórez, José Helio López Soto, Willmar de Jesús Acevedo Gómez & Dario Fernando Arboleda Hincapié.
    El humanismo cristiano constituye un permanente debate desde que el cristianismo entra en diálogo con la cultura y la filosofía en los primeros siglos, cuando recién formadas las primeras comunidades adherentes a la predicación de los apóstoles y, por tanto, anuentes al Evangelio de Jesucristo, surgen en ellas las primeras inquietudes de corte no solo religioso y teológico sino también filosófico, ético y antropológico, que tocan la esencia misma de esa religión a la cual muchos acaban de ingresar por la (...)
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  • Ensaio sobre Hermenêutica e a práxis das Ciências Humanas.Cristian Marques - 2023 - In Agemir Bavaresco, Evandro Pontel & Jair Tauchen (eds.), Setenário Filosófico. Fundação Fênix. pp. 165-186.
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  • Differenciating the Depths: A ‘Jungian Turn’ in Deleuze and Guattari Studies.Grant Maxwell - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (1):112-143.
    Although it is not clear that Deleuze and Guattari were simply and unambiguously Jungians, they extensively engaged with Jung’s depth psychology in both affirmative and critical ways. It is striking that Deleuze expresses a strong affinity between his work and that of Jung in several texts; Jung’s influence on Deleuze has not tended to be emphasised by scholars, though there is a rapidly growing ‘Jungian turn’ in Deleuze and Guattari studies. This article briefly extracts the influence of Jung on Deleuze (...)
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  • A Tale of Two Returns.Misha Stekl - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (1):84-111.
    Just how eternal is the Eternal Return? This article examines how Foucault's readings of Nietzsche and of Deleuze critically revise the Return so as to arrive at a concept of contingency that is itself contingent. I argue that this archaeological/genealogical rereading problematises the Return as presented in Difference and Repetition; when the Return is presented as ‘the form of change [that] does not change’, it risks returning eternally to the Same – for all its avowed affirmation of difference. By returning (...)
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  • The Line of Resistance 1.Françoise Proust - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):23-37.
    Proust interrogates Gilles Deleuze's notion of resistance in relation to death as that which is “turned against death.” She questions a concept of resistance which is “no more than impassivity and indifference.” How, she asks, can we know if the force of resistance is on the side of death or life? Characterizing life as movement, she speaks for a concept of resistance as on the side of life.
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  • Machinic Animism in Japanese Contemporary Art.Jay Hetrick - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (4):545-578.
    At the core of Félix Guattari’s ethico-aesthetic paradigm is a conception of subjectivity that somehow relies upon the notion of animism. Even though this apparently Romantic return to animism may seem vague and perhaps even naive, it forms the very framework that Guattari asks us to pass through, at least provisionally, in order to fully grasp his last project. I will therefore attempt to demystify this important concept theoretically before showing how the aesthetic machines of Japanese contemporary art – and (...)
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  • 1956: Deleuze and Foucault in the Archives, or, What Happened to the A Priori?Chantelle Gray - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (2):226-249.
    When Gilles Deleuze, in his book on Michel Foucault, asks, ‘who would think of looking for life among the archives?’, he uncovers something particular to Foucault's philosophy, but also to his own: a commitment to the question of what it means to think, and think politically. Although Foucault and Deleuze, who first met in 1952, immediately felt fondness for each other, a growing animosity had settled into the friendship by the end of the 1970s – a rift deepened by theoretical (...)
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  • Deleuze and the Digital: On the Materiality of Algorithmic Infrastructures.Dennis Mischke - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (4):593-609.
    In his short and often quoted essay ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’, Gilles Deleuze famously describes the structures of power in the dawning twenty-first century as driven by ‘machines of a third type, computers’, as novel and predominantly digital infrastructures. In fact, from a Deleuzian perspective the entire ecosystem of the digital transformation can be described as a larger shift in modes of production and the political economy. This essay proposes to read this ‘technological evolution’ as the power of (...)
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  • Leandro Sánchez Marín. (2022). Michel Foucault y Gilles Deleuze. Sobre la imagen, el poder y la resistencia.Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2021 - Perseitas 10:379-398.
    En este texto nos proponemos abordar la última clase del semanario de Deleuze sobre el poder en Foucault a partir de dos momentos. El primero tiene que ver con el concepto de imagen y la interpretación sobre el cine que ya venía siendo una constante —aunque marginalmente— en estas clases de Deleuze. Seguidamente, el segundo momento tiene que ver con la relación entre poder y resistencia que arroja como resultado una interpretación del pensamiento de Foucault por parte de Deleuze como (...)
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  • Practical and Theoretical Wisdom in Management Scholarship: Re-assesing the Use and Appropriations of Aristotle’s Philosophy.Tuomo Peltonen - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):163-178.
    Within contemporary discussions on organizational wisdom, management scholars frequently turn to Aristotle’s work to conceptualize wisdom as phronesis, or practical wisdom. Contrary to the prevailing view, this paper argues that Aristotle did not propose an exclusively practical or particularistic conception of wisdom but, instead acknowledged that wisdom broadly conceived consists of two types of intellectual virtue: theoretical wisdom and practical wisdom. Aristotle’s ultimate position regarding the relations between sophia and phronesis has remained, however, ambiguous, giving rise to different interpretations, and, (...)
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  • La cuestión Del poder en la obra de Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli Marangi - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:17-43.
    RESUMEN En este artículo abordamos la cuestión del poder en el pensamiento de Deleuze. Según nuestra hipótesis, no hay en su obra un único concepto de poder sino diferentes enfoques no incompatibles entre sí pero que no se dejan reducir a un solo punto de vista. Esta variedad de abordajes puede ser reunida alrededor de dos posiciones generales adoptadas por Deleuze: primero, tiende a relativizar su eficacia respecto de otros elementos más fundamentales, realzando así los límites o la impotencia del (...)
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  • Ideology Critique: A Deleuzian Case.Keunchang Oh - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):388-412.
    It is well-known that Gilles Deleuze (and Félix Guattari) are critical of the notion of ideology. However, it is not very clear why they seem to be so dismissive of it. In what follows, I will begin my discussion by showing what Deleuze means by ideology and reconstructing why Deleuze thinks that ideology is a misused concept and that the misuse of the concept warrants its dismissal. In Anti-Oedipus, the insufficiency or inadequacy of the concept of ideology can be understood (...)
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  • Paisagens Celestes: Imagens-Memórias que refletem n'além-céu.Anderson dos Santos Paiva - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Coimbra
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  • The Other in Deleuze and Husserl.Hamed Movahedi - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (1):93-120.
    There is no consensus regarding whether Gilles Deleuze offers a cogent theory of the Other. Deleuze develops the notion of the Other-structure, but given his scarce remarks on this concept, his treatment of this issue is debated. This article argues that to elucidate Deleuze's philosophy of the Other, his notion of the Other-structure must be analyzed in parallel to Edmund Husserl's intersubjective theory. This comparison, made possible by Natalie Depraz's reading of the Husserlian alterity, reveals nuanced phenomenological traces in Deleuze's (...)
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  • The Ethics of Political Resistance: Althusser, Badiou, Deleuze.Henry Chris - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    A new ontology that forms the groundwork for ethical practices of resistance What and how should individuals resist in political situations? While these questions recur regularly within Western political philosophy, answers to them have often relied on dogmatically held ideals, such as the distinction between truth and doxa or the privilege of thought over sense. In particular, the strain of idealist political philosophy, inaugurated by Plato and finding contemporary expression in the work of Alain Badiou, employs dualities that reduce the (...)
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  • Carcere e sofferenza mentale.Antonio Chiocchi - 2020 - Cartografie Sociali (9):117-138.
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  • Seeing like an algorithm: operative images and emergent subjects.Rebecca Uliasz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    Algorithmic vision, the computational process of making meaning from digital images or visual information, has changed the relationship between the image and the human subject. In this paper, I explicate on the role of algorithmic vision as a technique of algorithmic governance, the organization of a population by algorithmic means. With its roots in the United States post-war cybernetic sciences, the ontological status of the computational image undergoes a shift, giving way to the hegemonic use of automated facial recognition technologies (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Freiheit Als Kritik: Sozialphilosophie Nach Foucault.Karsten Schubert - 2018 - Dissertation, Universität Leipzig
    Wie können Freiheit und Widerstand innerhalb von Foucaults Theorie der Macht und Subjektivierung konzipiert werden? Karsten Schubert liefert die erste systematische Rekonstruktion der sozialphilosophischen Debatte um Freiheit bei Foucault und eine neue Lösung für das Freiheitsproblem: Freiheit als die Fähigkeit zur reflexiven Kritik der eigenen Subjektivierung – kurz: Freiheit als Kritik – ist das Resultat von freiheitlicher Subjektivierung in politischen Institutionen. Der Band zeigt so die Konsequenzen von Foucaults Freiheitsdenken für die Demokratietheorie und die allgemeine sozialphilosophische Freiheitsdiskussion auf.
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  • In the Beginning There Was Chaos and Rhythm.Obsolete Capitalism - 2019 - la Deleuziana 10.
    In the 80s of the XX century some philosophical and artistic events marked the irruption of what can be defined as a late-twentieth-century version of ‘divergent subjectivity’. Such subjectivity experimented new forms of life that express political and artistic projects different from those of the revolutionary 70s. These new modes of existence, accelerated by the scandal of truth, became autonomous and radical expressions in the research of an authentic self-organized form of life: “an existence that seeks a physiognomy to reveal (...)
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  • From the perspective of the object in semiotics: Deleuze and Peirce.Roger Dawkins - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):1-18.
    From Peirce, a sign represents something other than itself, an object, for some third; from Deleuze, a sign can create and erase an object, for some third. He makes this claim in the cinema books, without detailed explication. It is a fleeting reference to the Peircean triad developed in his semiotics; moreover, references to “objects” in Deleuze’s discussions of signs in his other work are often generic. In this essay, I explain what it means in Deleuze’s semiotics for a sign (...)
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  • El último provecto de Foucault: Una rehabilitación de la amistad.Francisco Guerrero Ortega - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (1):105-116.
    Para Foucault, a amizade vai além da divisão tradicional entre eros e filía, tomando possível o estabelecimento de uma forma de vida a partir de uma escolha sexual. Os homossexuais em particular possuem a oportunidade histórica de utilizar sua sexualidade para a constituição de novas formas de existência. Os heterossexuais deveriam experimentar um "devir homossexual" que também conduzisse à procura de formas alternativas de sociedade.
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  • So how does it work? - rhizomatic methodologies.E. Honan & M. Sellers - 2006 - In P. L. Jeffery (ed.), AARE Education Research Conference. AARE. pp. 1-9.
    In this paper, we explore two different approaches to the development of a rhizomatic methodology. In a rhizomatic fashion, we map the connections and disconnections between and across these different pathways. Three connections are described: first, writing a rhizomatic text that is non-linear and self-consciously part of the research method; second, using rhizomatic thought to analyse the discourses operating within data; and third, following Deleuzian lines of flight that connect and link disparate forms of data so that plausible readings can (...)
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  • A cut in relationality.Claire Colebrook - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (3):175-195.
    One of the ways in which one might chart the force of various forms of posthuman thought is to mark a reversal in the ways we think about relationality. Rather than distinct Cartesian subje...
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  • Reason, causation and compatibility with the phenomena.Basil Evangelidis - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Vernon Press.
    'Reason, Causation and Compatibility with the Phenomena' strives to give answers to the philosophical problem of the interplay between realism, explanation and experience. This book is a compilation of essays that recollect significant conceptions of rival terms such as determinism and freedom, reason and appearance, power and knowledge. This title discusses the progress made in epistemology and natural philosophy, especially the steps that led from the ancient theory of atomism to the modern quantum theory, and from mathematization to analytic philosophy. (...)
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  • Toward a Social Ontology for Science Education: Introducing Deleuze and Guattari’s assemblages.Shakhnoza Kayumova & Jesse Bazzul - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3):284-299.
    This essay’s main objective is to develop a theoretical, ontological basis for critical, social justice-oriented science education. Using Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of assemblages, rhizomes, and arborescent structures, this article challenges authoritarian institutional practices, as well as the subject of these practices, and offers a way for critical-social justice-oriented science educators and students to connect with sociopolitical contexts. Through diagramming institutional and community relationships using DG’s theory of assemblages, we envision new ontological spaces that bridge social and material entities. A (...)
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  • Biopolítica e Biocapitalismo: implicações da violência do controle.Augusto Jobim do Amaral - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (2):515-543.
    Como fundamento da constituição de uma crítica política do presente, frente a estratégias biopolíticas do capital que dispõem a vida tanto como sujeito quanto objeto da política, necessário sempre atentar para suas metamorfoses e reconfigurações. Os dispositivos de poder neoliberal, em especial que se exercem sobre a população, a vida e os vivos e que penetram todas as esferas da existência, mobilizando-as inteiramente, ademais, transformam-nas em cativas do medo e da solidão, cenário frutífero para a proliferação de tecnologias de controle. (...)
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  • “The discontinuity in the continuity”. Michel Foucault and the archaeological period.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2018 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 23 (1).
    Undoubtedly, the topic of discontinuity has got to an extent where it has captured the attention of a good number of researchers. These researchers devote themselves to reflect on the philosophy of the French thinker. Focusing on discontinuity promises to open a new line of analysis that, perhaps, will allow the revaluation of its scope in relation to its philosophical contributions. For such a task, first, we will approach the notion of history in Foucauldian thought to study the development this (...)
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  • Memory practices and colonial discourse: on text trajectories and lines of flight.Felicitas Macgilchrist, Johanna Ahlrichs, Patrick Mielke & Roman Richtera - 2017 - Critical Discourse Studies 14 (4):341-361.
    ABSTRACTHow self-evident is a colonial rationality today? This paper begins by tracing a ‘text trajectory’ about nineteenth century imperialism and colonialism through several educational spaces: curricular guidelines, textbook, teachers’ reflections on history education, material discursive classroom interactions and pupils’ communication about the topic. In a first step, we observe how entrenched and common sensical a great-power discourse about imperialism and colonialism is in current educational practices. We suggest that pupils ‘hyperstate’ a discursive position on colonialism which appears shocking when stated (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Freiheit Als Kritik: Sozialphilosophie Nach Foucault - Inhalt und Einleitung.Karsten Schubert - 2018 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    In der sozialphilosophischen Debatte um Freiheit bei Foucault wird das ‚Freiheitsproblem‘ verhandelt: Wie können Freiheit und Widerstand innerhalb von Foucaults Theorie der Macht und Subjektivierung konzipiert werden? Die Arbeit unterscheidet systematisch vier verschiedene Interpretationsstrategien von Foucaults Werk, die es als kohärente sozialphilosophische Theorie konstruieren und dabei das Freiheitsproblem lösen sollen; sie rekonstruiert die Arbeiten von exemplarischen Vertreter_innen dieser Strategien: 1. Foucault ist kohärent (Paul Patton), 2. Foucault korrigiert sich (Thomas Lemke), 3. Foucault kritisiert kohärent (Martin Saar), 4. Foucault ist nicht (...)
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  • Diffusion or War? Foucault as a Reader of Tarde.Sergio Tonkonoff - 2017 - In From Tarde to Foucault and Deleuze. The Infinitesimal Revolution. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The objective of this chapter is to clarify the social theory underlying in Foucault’s genealogy of power/knowledge thanks to a comparison with Tarde’s microsociology. Nietzsche is often identified as the direct (and unique) predecessor of this genealogy, and the habitual criticisms are worried about the intricate relations between Foucault and Marx. These perspectives omit to point to another – and more direct – antecedent of Foucault`s microphysics: the microsociology of Gabriel Tarde. Bio-power technologies must be read as Tardian inventions that, (...)
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  • Entre archéologie et écologie.Thierry Bardini - 2016 - Multitudes 62 (1):159.
    Cet article propose trois graphies pour distinguer trois sens assez différents au sein de ce que l’on fait confusément relever des « médias » en français. Ce faisant, il propose, à la suite de Marshall McLuhan, de considérer la cause formelle comme une catégorie centrale pour comprendre les dynamiques médiatiques. Cela le conduit à situer son approche aux confins de l’archéologie et de l’écologie des media.
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  • Dançarino Nietzscheano imitador obediente.Eraci Gonçalves de Oliveira - 2013 - Encontro Nacional Anpof: Arte, Ciências Humanas, Educação E Religião.
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  • ‘El caballero de la exactitud perversa’. El tiempo histórico y la discontinuidad histórica en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault.Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:119-143.
    Undoubtedly, the topic of the discontinuity has gone so far as to capture the attention of a good number of investigators who devote themselves to resect concerning the philosophy of the French thinker. To place now the look in the topic of the discontinuity promises to open a new analysis seam and perhaps allow to revalue the scope of its philosophical contributions. For such a task, we are going in the first moment to approach the history notion in the thought (...)
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  • Affective Arrangements.Jan Slaby, Rainer Mühlhoff & Philipp Wüschner - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):3-12.
    We introduce the working concept of “affective arrangement.” This concept is the centerpiece of a perspective on situated affectivity that emphasizes relationality, dynamics, and performativity. Our proposal relates to work in cultural studies and continental philosophy in the Spinoza–Deleuze lineage, yet it is equally geared to the terms of recent work in the philosophy of emotion. Our aim is to devise a framework that can help flesh out how affectivity unfolds dynamically in a relational setting by which it is at (...)
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  • Digital Subjectivation and Financial Markets: Criticizing Social Studies of Finance with Lazzarato.Tim Christiaens - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2):1-15.
    The recently rising field of Critical Data Studies is still facing fundamental questions. Among these is the enigma of digital subjectivation. Who are the subjects of Big Data? A field where this question is particularly pressing is finance. Since the 1990s traders have been steadily integrated into computerized data assemblages, which calls for an ontology that eliminates the distinction between human sovereign subjects and non-human instrumental objects. The latter subjectivize traders in pre-conscious ways, because human consciousness runs too slow to (...)
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  • “El artesano cósmico: una bomba atómica casera”. La estética sublime de Deleuze y Guattari.Stephen Zepke - 2024 - Tábano 25:e6.
    Para Deleuze y Guattari, el arte es una bomba, y el artista es un revolucionario que crea dispositivos incendiarios que explotan más allá de nuestras expectativas, nuestras regulaciones y nuestras normas representativas. Pero, ¿qué es esta explosión del arte? Es la fuerza bruta de la sensación, una sensación que va más allá de los límites de nuestra capacidad para representarla, algo que siempre es nuevo e indeterminado por nuestras condiciones físicas, conscientes o históricas. Esta sensación abrumadora surge de la fascinación (...)
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  • Discursive construction and negotiation of laity on an online health forum.Antoinette Fage-Butler & Patrizia Anesa - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):196-216.
    E-patients are increasingly using the Internet to gain knowledge about medical conditions, thereby problematizing the biomedical assumption that patients are ‘lay’. The present paper addresses this development by investigating the epistemic identities of patients participating on an online health forum. Using poststructuralist discourse analysis to analyze a corpus of cardiology-related threads on an ‘Ask a Doctor’ forum, we compare how patients are discursively constructed by online professionals as ‘knowing’ or ‘not knowing’ with the online knowledge identities patients choose for themselves. (...)
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  • How Can I Become a Responsible Subject? Towards a Practice-Based Ethics of Responsiveness.Bernadette Loacker & Sara Louise Muhr - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):265-277.
    Approaches to business ethics can be roughly divided into two streams: ‹codes of behavior’ and ‹forms of subjectification’, with code-oriented approaches clearly dominating the field. Through an elaboration of poststructuralist approaches to moral philosophy, this paper questions the emphasis on codes of behaviour and, thus, the conceptions of the moral and responsible subject that are inherent in rule-based approaches. As a consequence of this critique, the concept of a practice-based ‹ethics of responsiveness’ in which ethics is never final but rather (...)
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  • Subjectivity, Reflection and Freedom in Later Foucault.Sacha Golob - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (5):666-688.
    This paper proposes a new reading of the interaction between subjectivity, reflection and freedom within Foucault’s later work. I begin by introducing three approaches to subjectivity, locating these in relation both to Foucault’s texts and to the recent literature. I suggest that Foucault himself operates within what I call the ‘entanglement approach’, and, as such, he faces a potentially serious challenge, a challenge forcefully articulated by Han. Using Kant’s treatment of reflection as a point of comparison, I argue that Foucault (...)
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