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  1. Por Una Politica de Lo Común: Entre Espinosa Y Deleuze.Francisco José Martínez Martínez - 2022 - Agora 41 (2).
    Se defiende una política de lo común a partir de las aportaciones ontológicas y epistemológicas de Espinosa y de Deleuze. Una política capaz de articular las diferentes reivindicaciones de las minorías buscando escapar de la caída en los esencialismos identitarios excluyentes que definen de forma rígida quien es un verdadero proletario o una verdadera mujer, etc. Una política de lo común que partiendo de las diferencias se orienta hacia una política “de todo el mundo” y “para todo el mundo”, a (...)
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  • What is a Situation?Mercedes Valmisa - 2021 - In Livia Kohn (ed.), Coming to Terms with Timelessness. Daoist Time in Comparative Perspective. Three Pine Press. pp. 26-49.
    This paper leads us in reflections regarding the ontological status of a situation inspired by two main sources: the Zhuangzi--a multifarious compilation from Warring States China (ca. 4th c. BCE)--and José Ortega y Gasset's (1883-1955) Unas Lecciones de Metafísica (Some Lessons in Metaphysics)--the transcripts of a course on metaphysics by a Spanish philosopher of the early 20th century. Much as other ontologically subjective entities and events, situations do not preexist the intentional subject: instead, they are created alongside our act of (...)
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  • O que Elisabeth da Bohemia perguntou a Descartes? Uma proposta de leitura da carta que inaugura a Correspondência.Katarina Peixoto - 2021 - Seiscentos 1 (1):91-108.
    Em maio de 1643, Elisabeth da Bohemia endereçou uma questão a Descartes que inaugurou uma Correspondência de seis anos, até a morte do filósofo. Ele dedica à Princesa o seu trabalho de maturidade metafísica (Princípios de Filosofia Primeira, 1644) e redige Paixões da Alma (1649) como um dos resultados do diálogo com a filósofa. O silenciamento dos últimos cem anos de historiografia sobre o legado de Elisabeth da Bohemia nesta troca epistolar causou distorções e, em alguns casos, lastreou o viés (...)
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  • Filosofie van het luisteren: partituren van het Zijn.Hub Zwart - 2012 - Nijmegen, Nederland: Vantilt.
    De moderne filosofie lijdt aan muziekvergetelheid. Opvallend is echter dat filosofen, wanneer ze toch aandacht schenken aan muziek, hun aandacht bij voorkeur op één bepaald genre richten, namelijk de opera. Filosofen zoals Søren Kierkegaard en Friedrich Nietzsche lieten hun gedachten over Don Giovanni, Parsifal en Carmen gaan, terwijl omgekeerd de filosofie van Arthur Schopenhauer de opera heeft beïnvloed via Wagner. Diens werk lijkt zich op het snijpunt van het grensverkeer tussen moderne filosofie en moderne muziek te bevinden. Het was zijn (...)
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  • The Other in Deleuze and Husserl.Hamed Movahedi - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (1):93-120.
    There is no consensus regarding whether Gilles Deleuze offers a cogent theory of the Other. Deleuze develops the notion of the Other-structure, but given his scarce remarks on this concept, his treatment of this issue is debated. This article argues that to elucidate Deleuze's philosophy of the Other, his notion of the Other-structure must be analyzed in parallel to Edmund Husserl's intersubjective theory. This comparison, made possible by Natalie Depraz's reading of the Husserlian alterity, reveals nuanced phenomenological traces in Deleuze's (...)
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  • Hybridised materialisms: The ‘twists and turns’ of materialities in feminist theory.Najate Zouggari - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (3):269-281.
    This article examines the conceptualisation of materialities in feminist theory through two paradigmatic examples: (French) materialist feminism and new materialisms. What can be interpreted as an opposition between different paradigms can also be disrupted as long as we define what matters as a relation or a process rather than a substance or a lost paradise to which we should return. New materialisms indeed help to investigate aspects such as corporeality, human/non-human interaction and textures, but the role of feminist materialism is (...)
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  • Demos, Polis, Versus.James Griffith - 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia: Krtika & Kontext. Edited by Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith.
    This is the Introduction to a collected volume.
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  • (1 other version)Difference as Rhythm and Thought as Subtractive Synthesis in Gilles Deleuze.Enrique Rocha de Souza Lima - 2019 - la Deleuziana 10.
    This article discusses the place that the concept of rhythm occupies within Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy. I present a panorama of different ways to conceptualize thought throughout Deleuze’s writings from 1960’s to 1990’s, emphasizing the discussion about the threshold of thought. In the writings in partnership with Félix Guattari, Deleuze understand thought as an act of confronting chaos, what makes the problem of consistency a point of extreme relevance within his philosophical system. In this framework, the concept of thought is described (...)
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  • Le combat des trois machines de guerres : capitaliste, néo-fasciste et révolutionnaire, en Europe.Quentin Badaire - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:68-86.
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  • La mystique de l’esprit de corps chez Bergson et Deleuze/Guattari.Luis de Miranda - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:177-186.
    « Esprit de corps » is a now globally uttered phrase, which designates the strong inner cohesion of — and attachment to — a human organized group. Since the Encyclopaedists up until Bourdieu, the term is usually critical and pejorative in French thought, used to fustigate the groupthink of privileged social casts. But in their famous chapter on war machines, Deleuze and Guattari proposed a much less well-known yet promising U-turn in the way esprit de corps was theorized. Far from (...)
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  • Représentation du pluralisme: éthique et politique.Hubert Vincent - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (63).
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  • C. S. Peirce and Intersemiotic Translation.Joao Queiroz & Daniella Aguiar - 2015 - In Peter Pericles Trifonas (ed.), International Handbook of Semiotics. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 201-215.
    Intersemiotic translation (IT) was defined by Roman Jakobson (The Translation Studies Reader, Routledge, London, p. 114, 2000) as “transmutation of signs”—“an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems.” Despite its theoretical relevance, and in spite of the frequency in which it is practiced, the phenomenon remains virtually unexplored in terms of conceptual modeling, especially from a semiotic perspective. Our approach is based on two premises: (i) IT is fundamentally a semiotic operation process (semiosis) and (ii) (...)
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  • The White Creole in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea : A Woman in Passage.Imen Mzoughi - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (1):88-110.
    Studies on Jean Rhys have been fragmentary concentrating on one or two aspects of Rhys’s thematic concern with the alienation of the white creole without laying emphasis on Rhys’s exploration of the Creole’s identity. There has been no attempt to examine if the creole has to struggle harder and more than whites and blacks to come to terms with her personal identity until now. The answer is affirmative because the creole is a composite human being. Indeed, the white creole is (...)
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  • Remarks on logic for process descriptions in ontological reasoning: A Drug Interaction Ontology case study.Mitsuhiro Okada, Barry Smith & Yutaro Sugimoto - 2008 - In Okada Mitsuhiro, Smith Barry & Sugimoto Yutaro (eds.), InterOntology. Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Ontology Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 26-27 February 2008. Tokyo: Keio University Press. pp. 127-138.
    We present some ideas on logical process descriptions, using relations from the DIO (Drug Interaction Ontology) as examples and explaining how these relations can be naturally decomposed in terms of more basic structured logical process descriptions using terms from linear logic. In our view, the process descriptions are able to clarify the usual relational descriptions of DIO. In particular, we discuss the use of logical process descriptions in proving linear logical theorems. Among the types of reasoning supported by DIO one (...)
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  • Rhythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts (2016).Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lithuanian University of educational sciences.
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  • Digital Subjectivation and Financial Markets: Criticizing Social Studies of Finance with Lazzarato.Tim Christiaens - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2):1-15.
    The recently rising field of Critical Data Studies is still facing fundamental questions. Among these is the enigma of digital subjectivation. Who are the subjects of Big Data? A field where this question is particularly pressing is finance. Since the 1990s traders have been steadily integrated into computerized data assemblages, which calls for an ontology that eliminates the distinction between human sovereign subjects and non-human instrumental objects. The latter subjectivize traders in pre-conscious ways, because human consciousness runs too slow to (...)
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  • Sobre el debate del historicismo y el anti-historicismo en Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli Marangi - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 42 (1):77-93.
    Tras elaborar una versión de la Historia Universal motorizada por la producción deseante, Deleuze adoptó un viraje anti-historicista, desplazándose a los devenires no históricos y multiplicando perspectivas negativas sobre la historia. En el marco del debate entre quienes le adjudican posiciones exclusivamente anti-historicistas y quienes le atribuyen una filosofía de la historia o una metodología historicista, proponemos elucidar las críticas deleuzianas a la historia sirviéndonos de la distinción entre la historia como realidad objetiva y la disciplina histórica. Además, analizamos la (...)
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  • What is the body without organs? Machine and organism in Deleuze and Guattari.Daniel Smith - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (1):95-110.
    In the two volumes which make up Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Deleuze and Guattari propose new concepts of “machine” and “organism.” The problem of the relationship between machines and organisms has a long philosophical history, and this essay treats their work as a contribution to this debate. It is argued that their solution to this problem is found in their difficult concept of the “body without organs,” a concept that is given some much-needed clarification in the essay. The first section details (...)
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  • Consciousness: A Dualist Philosophy.Hane Htut Maung - 2006 - Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press.
    This is a comprehensively edited reissue of a self-published book, which was partly based on a dissertation I completed in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge many years ago. The book was intended as a personal project to make sense of my own philosophical thinking, rather than as something that would be of interest to the wider academic community. Sometimes philosophy can be done just to fulfil a personal need. I doubt it contains anything that would (...)
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  • Externalité du corps cérébré. Epistémologie de la constitution interactive du corps et du monde.Bernard Andrieu - 2007 - Philosophia Scientiae 11 (1):1-24.
    La matière pensante du corps n'est donc pas une intentionnalité mentale du corps à l'instar de l'intentionnalité cognitive. La pensée n'est plus à définir à partir d'une réflexion consciente par un dédoublement du sujet et de l'objet. Car la matière corporelle produit des processus réflexifs d'intensités différents selon les types d'externalité du corps. Par externalité il faut décrire les éléments non mentaux et non interne au corps qui proviennent du monde extérieur. Le corps est soumis à son extérieur comme organisme (...)
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  • From Hypochondria to Convalescence: Health as Chronic Critique in Nietzsche, Deleuze and Guattari.Sarah Mann-O'Donnell - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (2):161-182.
    In 1886, Nietzsche wrote: ‘I am still waiting for a philosophical doctor in the extraordinary sense of the term’: a doctor who pursues not truth, but an exceptional kind of health. Nietzsche's will to health, his theory of drive organisation, and his insistence that the philosopher put himself at risk, all work together in his overall project, which consists of taking up the very role of the highly revalued physician for whom he is waiting. Deleuze and Guattari engage this same (...)
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  • I, of the swarm.Marion M. Campbell - 2009 - Angelaki 14 (1):137 – 144.
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  • A Minoritarian Feminism? Things to Do with Deleuze and Guattari.Pelagia Goulimari - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):97-120.
    This essay attempts to address the crucial relation of feminist philosophy to minorities inside and outside of feminism. To do so it turns to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, focusing on their concept of “becoming minoritarian” and related concepts. Aided by close readings of two canonical but ultimately negative assessments of Deleuze and Guattari, Alice Jardine's “Woman in Limbo” and Rosi Braidotti's Patterns of Dissonance, the essay outlines and argues the merits of a “minoritarian” feminism.
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  • Intersemiotic translation: Theories, problems, analysis.Nicola Dusi - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (206):181-205.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 206 Seiten: 181-205.
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  • Indigenous and Scientific Kinds.David Ludwig - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (1).
    The aim of this article is to discuss the relation between indigenous and scientific kinds on the basis of contemporary ethnobiological research. I argue that ethnobiological accounts of taxonomic convergence-divergence patters challenge common philosophical models of the relation between folk concepts and natural kinds. Furthermore, I outline a positive model of taxonomic convergence-divergence patterns that is based on Slater's [2014] notion of “stable property clusters” and Franklin-Hall's [2014] discussion of natural kinds as “categorical bottlenecks.” Finally, I argue that this model (...)
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  • Gilbert simondon. Una metafísica de la participación.Pierre Montebello - 2013 - Astrolabio 15.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 La filosofía de Simondon esboza, sobre la base de las ciencias de su época, una nueva metafísica de la naturaleza que engloba los niveles materiales, orgánicos y antropomórficos. El concepto de naturaleza es objeto de una profunda renovación en ella. La naturaleza ya no aparece como un conjunto de cosas hechas, definidas eternamente por su esencia. Ella es más bien la invención de procesos de individuación encajados los unos en los otros, y los (...)
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  • The Golden Rule Principle in African Ethics and Kant’s Categorical Imperative.Godwin Azenabor - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:17-23.
    This research attempts to throw light on and show the fundamental similarities and differences between the African and Western ethical conceptions by examining the foundation of ethics and morality in the two systems, using the Golden rule principle in African ethics and Kant’s categorical imperative in Western ethics as tools of comparative analysis. The African indigenous ethics revolves round the “Golden Rule Principle” as the ultimate moral principle. This principle states that “Do unto others what you want them to do (...)
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  • Deleuze, Nietzsche, and the overcoming of nihilism.Ashley Woodward - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1):115-147.
    This paper critically examines Deleuze’s treatment of the Nietzschean problem of nihilism. Of all the major figures in contemporary continental thought, Deleuze is at once one of the most luminous, and practically a lone voice in suggesting that nihilism may successfully be overcome. Whether or not he is correct on this point is thus a commanding question in relation to our understanding of the issue. Many commentators on Nietzsche have argued that his project of overcoming nihilism is destined to failure (...)
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  • Politics in the Middle: For a Political Interpretation of the Dualisms in Deleuze and Guattari.Rodrigo Nunes - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (Suppl):104-126.
    The paper identifies three recent lines of interpretation of the politics that can be derived from Deleuze and Guattari, all of which share a way of reading the dualisms in their work that can be traced back to how they understand the actual/virtual partition, and to an alleged pre-eminence of the virtual over the actual. It is argued that this reading is not only inaccurate, but obscures the political dimension of Deleuze and Guattari's work. Clarifying the latter requires a reinterpretation (...)
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  • Childhood, Education and Philosophy: Notes on Deterritorialisation.Walter Omar Kohan - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):339-357.
    This paper aims to argue how education might be considered and practised if not under the logic of the formation of childhood. As such, it puts into question the traditional way of considering children as representing adults’ opportunity to impose their own ideals, and considering education to be an appropriate instrument for such an end. More specifically, it considers how the purposes of practising philosophy with children might be affirmed as other than in the service of the social and political (...)
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  • In early childhood: What's language about?Liane Mozère - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (3):291–299.
    This paper argues that in daycare centres in France, where children are cared for from four months to age three, the competence of female staff members is usually denied and unvalued vis à vis the expert opinions. The paper highlights empirical research on early childhood and gender, providing pragmatic access to children's languages of desire, a language mostly ignored. Incorporating the ideas of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, the paper draws upon the conceptualization of Fernand Deligny who took care of autistic (...)
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  • From Community to Time–Space Development: Comparing N. S. Trubetzkoy, Nishida Kitarō, and Watsuji Tetsurō.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (3):263 – 282.
    I introduce and compare Russian and Japanese notions of community and space. Some characteristic strains of thought that exist in both countries had similar points of departure, overcame similar problems and arrived at similar results. In general, in Japan and Russia, the nostalgia for the community has been strong because one felt that in society through modernization something of the particularity of one's culture had been lost. As a consequence, both in Japan and in Russia allusions to the German sociologist (...)
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  • Self-Organizing Life: Michel Serres and the Problem of Meaning.Massimiliano Simons - 2023 - In Giuseppe Bianco, Charles T. Wolfe & Gertrudis Van de Vijver (eds.), Canguilhem and Continental Philosophy of Biology. Springer. pp. 209-232.
    Within continental philosophy of biology the work of Michel Serres has not received a lot of attention. Nonetheless, this chapter wants to argue that Serres was part of a group of thinkers – together with Jacques Monod and Henri Atlan – that started to think about biology in terms of second-order cybernetics and information theory. Therefore, this chapter aims to do four things. First of all, it maps the relation between Serres and Canguilhem, one that was mediated by authors such (...)
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  • Modalité et changement: δύναμις et cinétique aristotélicienne.Marion Florian - 2023 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    The present PhD dissertation aims to examine the relation between modality and change in Aristotle’s metaphysics. -/- On the one hand, Aristotle supports his modal realism (i.e., worldly objects have modal properties - potentialities and essences - that ground the ascriptions of possibility and necessity) by arguing that the rejection of modal realism makes change inexplicable, or, worse, banishes it from the realm of reality. On the other hand, the Stagirite analyses processes by means of modal notions (‘change is the (...)
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  • Modelizing epistemologies: organizing Catholic sanctity from calendar-based martyrologies to today’s mobile apps.Gabriele Marino & Jenny Ponzo - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):201-223.
    The Catholic concept of “sanctity” can be thought of as a “cultural unit” (Eco) composed of a wide variety of “grounds” (Peirce) or distinctive features. The figures of individual saints, i.e., tokens of sanctity, are characterized by a particular set of grounds, organized and represented in texts of different genres. This paper presents a semiotic study of texts seeking to offer an encompassing view of “sanctity” by listing all the saints and supplementing their names with a short description of their (...)
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  • El ritornelo: un cristal sonoro.Olga del Pilar López - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:106-123.
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  • Between the Overruns of the Territories: Minor Literature, Towards a Poetic of Displacements in Deleuze-Guattari.Fabián Ignacio Videla Zavala - 2018 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 12:95-113.
    In the deep joint work Deleuze-Guattari there is the demand of consider it as a political theory of literature, a literary politics. The following paragraphs, to some extent respond to that demand, enroll the Deleuze-Guattari micropolitics in a concatenation between the revolutionary and artistic machines, in this case, literary. Considering this conjecture, in this article we propose to address the relationships between the concept of minor literature, the spatial dynamics and the informative order.
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  • Dalla società disciplinare alla società di mercato: Appunti semiotici sull’immagine del lavoro.Giorgio Coratelli - unknown
    In this article I propose a semiotic investigation of images of jobs. The aim is not to analyze the social representation of the job, but to explore if there remains a present-day image of the job, and what are its historical and social conditions of existence. The problem is to study the relation between social structure and the image of the job. First, following Foucault’s studies on disciplinary society, the relation between disciplinary society and the image of labour in the (...)
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  • Camouflage élargi. Sur l’individuation esthétique.Bertrand Prévost - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (2):7-15.
    Animal camouflage is said to be a mode of being negative, implying a setback visibility. On the contrary, we try here to restore all its aesthetic positivity considering the singularity of extremely varied forms it produces. It soon becomes apparent that the camouflage forces us to question the privilege of individuality and traditional drawdown on singularity. The disruptive camouflage, especially, that crushes the individual formal unity provides the argument in favor of an individuation with the environment, and more with the (...)
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  • Postmodern Nomadism and the Beginnings of a Global Village.Rolf Kailuweit - 2008 - Flusser Studies 7 (1).
    This paper comments on Vilém Flusser’s essay on new nomadism as an epochal change. The author takes a slightly critical viewpoint of Flusser’s definition of nomadism as a practice of archaic as well as of mediacentred life nowadays and discusses the rather traditional sedentary form Flusser adopts for his composition. The author bases his critique upon questions such as: is it really the Information Revolution and not the Industrial Revolution that leads to the end of the Neolithic Age? Is it (...)
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  • On therapeutic authority: psychoanalytical expertise under advanced liberalism.Peter Miller & Nikolas Rose - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (3):29-64.
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  • Compleat Contemplators and Pertinacious Schismaticks: Speculations on the Clash of Two Imaginary Sovereignties at Dale Farm and Meriden. [REVIEW]Ronnie Lippens - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (4):565-584.
    In this essay two photographs taken during the events at Dale Farm and at Meriden—both involving issues of gypsy and traveller settlement in rural areas—are analysed and interpreted in some depth. Use is thereby made of Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler . This book, as is argued in this contribution, includes, in embryonic form, a whole imaginary of forms of sovereignty which, it could be said, is still to a significant extent structuring conflicts between gypsy and traveller communities on the (...)
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  • Deleuze and Mathematics.Simon B. Duffy - 2006 - In Simon Duffy (ed.), Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen.
    The collection Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference brings together a range of new philosophical engagements with mathematics, using the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze as its focus. Deleuze’s engagements with mathematics rely upon the construction of alternative lineages in the history of mathematics in order to reconfigure particular philosophical problems and to develop new concepts. These alternative conceptual histories also challenge some of the self-imposed limits of the discipline of mathematics, and suggest the possibility of forging new connections (...)
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  • If Not Here, Then Where? On the Location and Individuation of Events in Badiou and Deleuze.James Williams - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (1):97-123.
    This paper sets out a series of critical contrasts between Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze's philosophies of the event. It does so in the context of some likely objections to their positions from a broadly analytic position. These objections concern problems of individuation and location in space-time. The paper also explains Deleuze and Badiou's views on the event through a literary application on a short story by John Cheever. In conclusion it is argued that both thinkers have good answers to (...)
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  • 1973: Memories of a Lesbian Body – Reading Monique Wittig's Le Corps lesbien through Deleuze and Guattari's le corps sans organes.Robin Okumu - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (1):140-162.
    This article reads Monique Wittig's Le Corps lesbien through Deleuze and Guattari's concepts of le corps sans organes and devenir-femme, devenir-animal in order to illuminate both Wittig's formal and figurative concerns and her larger literary objectives. The dismembered and dismember-ing lesbian lovers that Wittig describes in Le Corps lesbien illustrate a process of becoming-woman, becoming-animal and becoming-other that leads to a becoming-minoritarian and a renunciation of stratification and subjectification in the body without organs. This process is a celebration of dispersed, (...)
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  • What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?Abderrazak Belabes - 2020 - Economic Thought 9 (2):55.
    Listening, seeing and reading Gilles Deleuze has had an influence on my thinking more than most of the economic writings I have consulted over the past quarter of a century. This discovery and furtherance of knowledge enriched my reflection and also allowed me to go beyond the general philosopher, as a philosopher opening the way to new horizons. It makes the researcher aware that the most important thing is not the philosopher man but the man philosopher, i.e. the one who (...)
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  • Epistemology and education: from the principles of the art of leading to freedom.Aimberê Quintiliano - 2018 - Ixtli 5 (10):241-259.
    This article presents some issues about the relations between epistemology and education. From an analysis of The formation of the scientific spirit, by Bachelard, The structure of the scientific revolutions, by Kuhn and A discourse upon the Sciences, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, we try to understand how the scientific procedures can determinate some educational aspects. We study, thought, in which measure the epistemological concepts of formalization, paradigm and social construction of science are pertinent to understand the educational processes and (...)
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  • Ritmo sąvokos metamorfozės Gilles’io Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari tekstuose.Jūratė Baranova - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Straipsnyje svarstoma galimybė, ar ritmo konceptas, funcionuojantis Gillesio Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari tekstuose, negalėtų padėti atsekti minties judėjimo linijų nuo filosofijos link skirtingų meno formų ir atgal. Pradedant nuo dinaminės problemų ir sąvokų kartografijos, kurią kaip tinkamą tokiems minties eksperimentams įžvelgė Anne Sauvagnargues, Jamesas M. Buchananas, Ronaldas Bogue, Stephenas Zepke, šiame tyrime siūloma sąvoka ritmas yra tinkama kaip siejamoji galimų filosofijos ir įvairių menų sankabos jungtis. Ritmas Deleuze’o ir Guattari tekstuose tampa filosofine sąvoka ir įgauna ontologinį statusą, transcenduojantį siauras filosofijos (...)
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  • Peppa Pig and Friends: Semiotic Remarks Over Meaning-Making of Some Cartoons Targeted to the Early-Childhood in the Italian Television.Francesco Mangiapane - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (3):451-471.
    This paper presents the first results of an ongoing semiotic research over TV series targeted to early childhood in Italy. In particular, it focuses on discussing and explaining the great success of the animated series Peppa Pig aired in Italy on the thematic channel Rai YoYo, by comparing it with other series available in the same channel, in the period of its first launch. Most of the programs taken into account refers to animals with the purpose of using them as (...)
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  • In the Service of Technocratic Managerialism? History in UK Universities.Mark Donnelly & Claire Norton - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (6).
    This article discusses the conceptualisation, organisation and philosophical orientation of academic history culture in UK higher education. It problematises the extent to which a dominant history culture in UK universities implies and uncritically reproduces normative understandings about the subject; about its epistemological standing, sociopolitical functions, and the presumed cultural value of the discipline practices that students learn to perform. We suggest that current conceptions of history degree curricula are overly thin and organised around a dominant managerialist discourse of skills, personal (...)
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