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Fairness as a moral virtue

In Marshall Schminke, Managerial ethics: moral management of people and processes. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocs.. pp. 13--34 (1998)

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  1. Investigating the Effects of Moral Disengagement and Participation on Unethical Work Behavior.Adam Barsky - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (1):59-75.
    With massive corruption uncovered in numerous recent corporate scandals, investigating psychological processes underlying unethical behavior among employees has become a critical area of research for organizational scientists. This article seeks to explain why people engage in deceptive and fraudulent activities by focusing on the use of moral-disengagement tactics or rationalizations to justify egregious actions at work. In addition, participation in goal-setting is argued to attenuate the relationship between moral disengagement and unethical behavior. Across two studies, a lab simulation and field (...)
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  • The Normative Foundations of Unethical Supervision in Organizations.Ali F. Ünal, Danielle E. Warren & Chao C. Chen - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):5-19.
    As research in the areas of unethical and ethical leadership grows, we note the need for more consideration of the normative assumptions in the development of constructs. Here, we focus on a subset of this literature, the “dark side” of supervisory behavior. We assert that, in the absence of a normative grounding, scholars have implicitly adopted different intuitive ethical criteria, which has contributed to confusion regarding unethical and ethical supervisory behaviors as well as the proliferation of overlapping terms and fragmentation (...)
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  • Organizational Justice and Behavioral Ethics: Promises and Prospects.Russell Cropanzano & Jordan H. Stein - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (2):193-233.
    ABSTRACT:Scholars studying organizational justice have been slow to incorporate insights from behavioral ethics research, despite the fields’ conceptual affinities. We maintain that this stems from differences in the paradigmatic approaches taken by scholars in each area. First, justice research historically has assumed that individuals are motivated by a desire for instrumental control of worthwhile outcomes or by a concern with social status, while behavioral ethics has paid more attention to the role of internalized moral convictions and duties. Second, organizational justice (...)
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  • “If Only My Coworker Was More Ethical”: When Ethical and Performance Comparisons Lead to Negative Emotions, Social Undermining, and Ostracism.Matthew J. Quade, Rebecca L. Greenbaum & Mary B. Mawritz - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):567-586.
    Drawing on social comparison theory, we investigate employees’ ethical and performance comparisons relative to a similar coworker and subsequent emotional and behavioral responses. We test our theoretically driven hypotheses across two studies. Study 1, a cross-sectional field study, reveals that employees who perceive they are more ethical than their coworkers experience negative emotions toward the comparison coworkers and those feelings are even stronger when the employees perceive they are lower performers than their coworkers. Results also reveal that negative emotions mediate (...)
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  • Interpersonal Deviance and Abusive Supervision: The Mediating Role of Supervisor Negative Emotions and the Moderating Role of Subordinate Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Gabi Eissa, Scott W. Lester & Ritu Gupta - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):577-594.
    We build on the emerging research that shows aversive subordinate workplace behaviors are likely related to abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model outlining the process of abusive supervision based on the stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior. We argue that subordinate interpersonal deviance prompts supervisor negative emotions, which then leads supervisors to engage in abusive supervision. We also argue that subordinate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is likely to play a crucial role in predicting (...)
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  • When Do Powerful Stakeholders Give Managers the Latitude to Balance All Stakeholders’ Interests?Pushpika Vishwanathan & Flore M. Bridoux - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (2):232-262.
    Research in instrumental stakeholder theory often discusses the benefits of a stakeholder strategy that balances all stakeholders’ interests as if the firm’s managers were not constrained much in choosing a strategy. Yet, through their value appropriation behavior, stakeholders with high bargaining power can significantly constrain managers’ choices. Our objective is, therefore, to understand when powerful stakeholders give managers the latitude to balance all stakeholders’ interests, rather than forcing them to satisfy primarily their own interests. Building on enlightened self-interest and the (...)
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  • How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from the Group Engagement Model.Imran Hameed, Zahid Riaz, Ghulam A. Arain & Omer Farooq - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • (1 other version)Extending the Deontic Model of Justice: Moral Self-Regulation in Third-Party Responses to Injustice.Deborah E. Rupp & Chris M. Bell - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):89-106.
    The deontic model of justice and ethical behavior proposes that people care about justice simply for the sake of justice. This is an important consideration for business ethics because it implies that justice and ethical behavior are naturally occurring phenomena independent of system controls or individual self-interest. To date, research on the deontic model and third-party reactions to injustice has focused primarily on individuals’ tendency topunishtransgressors. This research has revealed that witnesses to injustice will consider sacrificing their own resources if (...)
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  • One Justice or Two? A Model of Reconciliation of Normative Justice Theories and Empirical Research on Organizational Justice.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet & Marion Fortin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):435-451.
    Management scholars and social scientists investigate dynamics of subjective fairness perceptions in the workplace under the umbrella term “organizational justice.” Philosophers and ethicists, on the other hand, think of justice as a normative requirement in societal relationships with conflicting interests. Both ways of looking at justice have neither remained fully separated nor been clearly integrated. It seems that much could be gained and learned by more closely integrating the ethical and the empirical fields of justice. On the other hand, it (...)
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  • Bridging Diverging Perspectives and Repairing Damaged Relationships in the Aftermath of Workplace Transgressions.Tyler G. Okimoto & Michael Wenzel - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):443-473.
    ABSTRACT:Workplace transgressions elicit a variety of opinions about their meaning and what is required to address them. This diversity in views makes it difficult for managers to identify a mutually satisfactory response and to enable repair of the relationships between the affected parties. We develop a conceptual model for understanding how to bridge these diverging perspectives and foster relationship repair. Specifically, we argue that effective relationship repair is dependent on the parties’ reciprocal concern for others’ viewpoints and collective engagement in (...)
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  • (1 other version)Educating for self-interest or -transcendence? An empirical approach to investigating the role of moral competencies in opportunity recognition for sustainable development.Lisa Ploum, Vincent Blok, Thomas Lans & Onno Omta - 2019 - Business Ethics 28 (2):243-260.
    Entrepreneurship education with a focus on sustainable development primarily teaches students to develop a profit-driven mentality. As sustainable development is a value-oriented and normative concept, the role of individual ethical norms and values in entrepreneurial processes has been receiving increased attention. Therefore, this study addresses the role of moral competence in the process of idea generation for sustainable development. A mixed method design was developed in which would-be entrepreneurs were subjected to a questionnaire (n = 398) and to real-life decision-making (...)
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  • Righting the Wrong for Third Parties: How Monetary Compensation, Procedure Changes and Apologies Can Restore Justice for Observers of Injustice.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Marion Fortin & Miguel-Angel Canela - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):253-268.
    People react negatively not only to injustices they personally endure but also to injustices that they observe as bystanders at work—and typically, people observe more injustices than they personally experience. It is therefore important to understand how organizations can restore observers’ perceptions of justice after an injustice has occurred. In our paper, we employ a policy capturing design to test and compare the restorative power of monetary compensation, procedure changes and apologies, alone and in combination, from the perspective of third (...)
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  • The “Right” and the “Good” in Ethical Leadership: Implications for Supervisors’ Performance and Promotability Evaluations.Chaim Letwin, David Wo, Robert Folger, Darryl Rice, Regina Taylor, Brendan Richard & Shannon Taylor - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):743-755.
    Substantial research demonstrates that ethical leaders improve a broad range of outcomes for their employees, but considerably less attention has been devoted to the performance and success of the leaders themselves. The present study explores the extent to which being ethical relates to leaders’ performance and promotability. We address this question by examining ethical leadership from the two ethical perspectives most common in Western traditions—i.e., the “right” and the “good”—and whether one might be more closely associated than the other with (...)
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  • CSR and the workplace attitudes of irregular employees: The case of subcontracted workers in Korea.Mohammad A. Ali & Heung-Jun Jung - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):130-146.
    In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in organizational trends to hire irregular workers. This inclination, in a time of great flux and uncertainty, exacerbates human resource issues faced by firms. We argue that corporate social responsibility can be an important antecedent to improve the workplace attitudes of irregular workers and as a result reduce the negative impact on organizations of the increased use of an irregular workforce. Hence, we explore the relationship between perceived CSR and unfairness perception (...)
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  • Abuse in the name of injustice: mechanisms of moral disengagement.Raymond Loi, Angela J. Xu & Yan Liu - 2015 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):57-72.
    Grounded in Bandura’s social cognitive theory of moral thought and action, we develop a conceptual model linking supervisors’ perceptions of organizational injustice and abusive supervision with moral disengagement mechanisms acting as the underlying process. Specifically, we elaborate why and how supervisors’ experiences of each type of injustice would trigger their adoption of distinctive moral disengagement mechanisms, which in turn lead to their abusive supervisory conduct. The present conceptual model sheds new light on linking organizational injustice to abusive supervision from a (...)
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  • When and Why Do Good People Not Do Good Deeds? Third-Party Observers’ Unfavorable Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.Xing Zhou, Lele Fan, Cong Cheng & Yancheng Fan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):599-617.
    A small but growing body of research suggests that witnessing mistreatment affects third-party observers’ attitudes and behaviors. Based on the framework of belief in a just world theory, this study examines perverse secondary victimization which is particularly pervasive in negative workplace gossip from a third-party perspective but has nonetheless received little attention in organizational research. We present a moderated mediation model and hypothesize that third-party observers’ deservingness judgment would mediate the effect of observed negative workplace gossip and interact with their (...)
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  • An integrative conceptualization of organizational compassion and organizational justice: a sensemaking perspective.Khuram Shahzad & Alan R. Muller - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):144-158.
    Organizational scholars tend to view justice and compassion as incompatible. While both have important functions in organizational life, compassion's affective elements appear difficult to synthesize with the reasoning and impartiality that underlie the concept of justice. We draw on theoretical arguments from the sensemaking perspective to argue that we can integrate organizational compassion and organizational justice conceptually because both are inherently dynamic processes that rely on emotional and cognitive components, and both are shaped by the social context of the organization. (...)
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  • Theory of Virtue Ethics: Do Consumers’ Good Traits Predict Their Socially Responsible Consumption?So Young Song & Youn-Kyung Kim - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1159-1175.
    Drawing upon the theory of virtue ethics, this study builds a decision tree predictive model to explore the anticipated impact of good traits on socially responsible consumption. Using R statistical software, we generate a classification tree and cross-validate the model on two independent datasets. The results indicate that the virtuous traits of self-efficacy, courage, and self-control, as well as the personality traits of openness and conscientiousness, predict socially responsible purchase and disposal behavior. Remarkably, the largest segment of socially responsible consumers (...)
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  • The Face of Fairness: Self-Awareness as a Means to Promote Fairness among Managers with Low Empathy.David B. Whiteside & Laurie J. Barclay - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):721-730.
    Although managing fairness is a critical concern for organizations, not all managers are predisposed to enact high levels of fairness. Emerging empirical evidence suggests that personality characteristics can be an important antecedent of managers’ fair behavior. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to understand how to promote fairness among managers who are naturally predisposed to engage in lower levels of fairness. Building upon self-awareness theory, we argue that increasing managers’ self-awareness can motivate managers with low trait empathy to engage (...)
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  • Unethical peer behavior and employee performance: a moderated mediation model of deontic justice and ethical climate.Chenjing Gan, Linbo Yang, Weixiao Guo & Duanxu Wang - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (3):197-212.
    This study proposes a moderated mediation model based on deontic justice theory to investigate the impact of unethical peer behavior on employee performance. Data were collected in China through two survey studies, with two measurement points (separated by approximately 3 weeks) in each study. The data in study 1 were obtained from 271 employees of 17 firms, and the data in study 2 were collected from 225 employees of 9 firms. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to confirm the factorial validity (...)
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  • The Corporate Samaritan: Advancing Understanding of the Role of Deontic Motive in Justice Enactment.Julia Zwank, Marjo-Riitta Diehl & Mario Gollwitzer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (3):607-623.
    Although the literature on organizational justice enactment is becoming richer, our understanding of the role of the deontic justice motive remains limited. In this article, we review and discuss theoretical approaches to and evidence of the deontic justice motive and deontic justice enactment. While the prevalent understanding of deontic justice enactment focuses on compliance, we argue that this conceptualization is insufficient to explain behaviors that go beyond the call of duty. We thus consider two further forms of deontic behavior: humanistic (...)
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  • Justice as a Crucial Formal and Informal Element of Management Control Systems.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet & Josep Maria Rosanas - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):155.
    Management control systems include justice implicitly, as they believe that the market provides what is just or not through the market value. Psychological literature has deemed that people can perceive which procedures and decisions are just or not. In this paper, we argue that management control systems need to include justice criteria explicitly, beyond mere market value, in both their design (formal justice) and use (informal justice). This will increase the probability that organizational members will collaborate to achieve organizational goals.
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  • The Attributional–Counterfactual Theory of Need: Integrating Theories to Predict Need Norm Use.Joseph T. Liu & Maria J. Mendez - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1):103-135.
    The justice literature has coalesced around the notion that actors (e.g., supervisors) tend to utilize the norm of equity for resource allocation decisions because it is generally considered most fair when employees who contribute more to the organization receive more resources. Yet, actors might sometimes utilize a need norm to allocate resources to those most in need. Studies that have addressed need-based resource allocations have assumed a relatively straightforward conceptualization of need. However, research from related areas suggests that multiple characteristics (...)
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  • Leaders' Moral Competence and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Psychological Empowerment and Person–Supervisor Fit. [REVIEW]Tae-Yeol Kim & Minsoo Kim - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):155-166.
    This study examined how leaders’ moral competence is linked to employees’ task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Based on a sample of 102 employee–supervisor pairs from seven organizations in South Korea, the results of this study revealed that leaders’ moral competence was positively associated with employees’ task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors toward leaders (OCBS). As expected, employees’ psychological empowerment partially mediated the relationship between leaders’ moral competence and employees’ task performance and OCBS. Furthermore, person–supervisor fit (PS fit) moderated the (...)
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  • Echoes of Silence: Employee Silence as a Mediator Between Overall Justice and Employee Outcomes. [REVIEW]David B. Whiteside & Laurie J. Barclay - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (2):251-266.
    Despite burgeoning interest in employee silence, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of (a) the antecedents of employee silence in organizations and (b) the implications of engaging in silence for employees. Using two experimental studies (Study 1a, N = 91; Study 1b, N = 152) and a field survey of full-time working adults (Study 2, N = 308), we examined overall justice as an antecedent of acquiescent (i.e., silence motivated by futility) and quiescent silence (i.e., silence motivated by (...)
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  • A framework for exploring the feasibility and fairness of using mediation to address bullying and harassment in UK workplaces.Ria Deakin - unknown
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  • A meta‐analysis of change in applicants' perceptions of fairness.Udo Konradt, Martina Oldeweme, Sabrina Krys & Kai-Philip Otte - 2020 - International Journal of Selection and Assessment 28 (4):365-382.
    Using an event‐triggered multi‐stage framework, this random‐effects meta‐analysis examined the changes in applicants' perceptions of fairness between consecutive stages and throughout the entire personnel selection process. We integrated findings of studies with at least two measurement points, resulting in 45 effect sizes (overall N = 3,038). Trajectories of perceptions of fairness decreased nonlinearly across the process, with a steeper decrease for people who held high levels of initial fairness expectations. Unjust treatment produced a decrease in perceptions of fairness from pretest (...)
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  • Deonance and Distrust: Motivated Third Party Information Seeking Following Disclosure of an Agent’s Unethical Behavior. [REVIEW]Chris M. Bell & Kelley J. Main - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):77-96.
    This article explores the hypothesis that third parties are motivated to seek information about agents who have behaved unethically in the past, even if the agent and available information are irrelevant to the third parties’ goals and interests. We explored two possible motives for this information seeking behavior: deonance, or the motive to care about ethics and justice simply for the sake of ethics and justice, and distrust-based threat monitoring. Participants in a consumer decision task were found to seek out (...)
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