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Philosophical Investigations

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  1. How Genealogies Can Affect the Space of Reasons.Matthieu Queloz - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2005-2027.
    Can genealogical explanations affect the space of reasons? Those who think so commonly face two objections. The first objection maintains that attempts to derive reasons from claims about the genesis of something commit the genetic fallacy—they conflate genesis and justification. One way for genealogies to side-step this objection is to focus on the functional origins of practices—to show that, given certain facts about us and our environment, certain conceptual practices are rational because apt responses. But this invites a second objection, (...)
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  • Feminist Philosophy and Film: The Conditions of Sexual Violence in Marilyn Frye's Politics of Reality and Joyce Chopra's Smooth Talk.Tamara Fakhoury & Philip Bold - forthcoming - Visions of Peace and Nonviolence in Pop Culture Ed. Kling.
    Eliminating sexual violence requires understanding where it comes from and why it happens. We must learn to detect when the grounds for violence are being built up so that we can promptly take them down. How can we improve our ability to notice the subtle practices of sexism and make them a matter of critical reflection? The aim of this paper is to show how film can enhance critical perception of the social conditions that give rise to sexual violence in (...)
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  • Not a difference of opinion: Wittgenstein and Turing on contradictions in mathematics.Wim Vanrie - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 47 (4):584-602.
    In his 1939 Cambridge Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Wittgenstein proclaims that he is not out to persuade anyone to change their opinions. I seek to further our understanding of this point by investigating an exchange between Wittgenstein and Turing on contradictions. In defending the claim that contradictory calculi are mathematically defective, Turing suggests that applying such a calculus would lead to disasters such as bridges falling down. In the ensuing discussion, it can seem as if Wittgenstein challenges Turing's (...)
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  • Infrapolitical Strategies for Preventing Hermeneutical Injustices Amidst the Global Trans Panic.Nick Clanchy - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Previously proposed strategies for preventing hermeneutical injustices mostly take for granted the interests people have in various things about themselves being intelligible, and aim only to enable them to satisfy these interests. Historically, the pursuit of such strategies has been somewhat successful in preventing trans people from suffering hermeneutical injustices in their interactions with cis people. Yet the widespread anti-trans backlash of recent years has brought to the fore a number of limitations and previously unacknowledged downsides to trans people’s pursuit (...)
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  • Musical Expression: From Language to Music and Back.Eran Guter - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):9.
    The discourse concerning musical expression hinges on a fundamental analogy between music and language. While the extant literature commonly compares music to language, this essay takes the reverse direction, following Wittgenstein’s approach. The discussion contrasts the theoretical underpinnings of the “music as language” simile with those of the “language as music” simile. The emphasis on characterization, performance, mutual tuning-in relationships, the interaction between language and music, and the open-ended effort to reorient ourselves as we draw in significance challenges the “informing (...)
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  • Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society: From Enemy to Adversary.Jason A. Springs - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    US citizens perceive their society to be one of the most diverse and religiously tolerant in the world today. Yet seemingly intractable religious intolerance and moral conflict abound throughout contemporary US public life - from abortion law battles, same-sex marriage, post-9/11 Islamophobia, public school curriculum controversies, to moral and religious dimensions of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements, and Tea Party populism. Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society develops an approach to democratic discourse and coalition-building across deep (...)
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  • Endowing Artificial Intelligence with legal subjectivity.Sylwia Wojtczak - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):205-213.
    This paper reflects on the problem of endowing Artificial Intelligence with legal subjectivity, especially with regard to civil law. It is necessary to reject the myth that the criteria of legal subjectivity are sentience and reason. Arguing that AI may have potential legal subjectivity based on an analogy to animals or juristic persons suggests the existence of a single hierarchy or sequence of entities, organized according to their degree of similarity to human beings; also, that the place of an entity (...)
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  • Wronged beyond words: On the publicity and repression of moral injury.Matthew Congdon - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (8):815-834.
    In this article, I discuss cases in which moral grievances, particularly assertions that a moral injury has taken place, are systematically obstructed by received linguistic and epistemic practices. I suggest a social epistemological model for theorizing such cases of moral epistemic injustice. Towards this end, I offer a reconstruction of Lyotard’s concept of the differend, comparing it with Miranda Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice, and considering it in light of some criticisms posed by Axel Honneth. Through this reconstruction and a (...)
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  • Fact, Fiction and Virtual Worlds.Alexandre Declos - 2020 - In R. Pouivet & V. Granata, Epistemology of Aesthetics. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. pp. 195-219.
    This paper considers the medium of videogames from a goodmanian standpoint. After some preliminary clarifications and definitions, I examine the ontological status of videogames. Against several existing accounts, I hold that what grounds their identity qua work types is code. The rest of the paper is dedicated to the epistemology of videogaming. Drawing on Nelson Goodman and Catherine Elgin's works, I suggest that the best model to defend videogame cognitivism appeals to the notion of understanding.
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  • Nāgārjuna the Magician: A Flexible Interpretation of the Madhyamaka Position.Rik Pulles - forthcoming - Journal of Indian Philosophy.
    This article proposes to interpret Nāgārjuna’s Madhyamaka philosophy as a flexible philosophical position rather than a fixed position within the metaphysical landscape. Nāgārjuna’s enigmatic mode of reasoning complicates efforts to definitively delineate his position in respect to the status of reality. Instead, it proves more worthwhile to consider his philosophical stance as dynamic, flexible, non-static, and adaptive relative to his philosophical opponents. Presenting Nāgārjuna as occupying a clearly defined metaphysical position fails to capture the full richness and complexity of the (...)
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  • Virtue Ethics and Particularism.Constantine Sandis - 2021 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1):205-232.
    Moral particularism is often conceived as the view that there are no moral principles. However, its most fêted accounts focus almost exclusively on rules regarding actions and their features. Such action-centred particularism is, I argue, compatible with generalism at the level of character traits. The resulting view is a form of particularist virtue ethics. This endorses directives of the form ‘Be X’ but rejects any implication that the relevant X-ness must therefore always count in favour of an action.
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  • Knowledge, Confidence, and Epistemic Injustice.Robert Vinten - 2024 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 11 (1):99-119.
    In this paper I begin by explaining what epistemic injustice is and what ordinary language philosophy is. I then go on to ask why we might doubt the usefulness of ordinary language philosophy in examining epistemic injustice. In the first place, we might wonder how ordinary language philosophy can be of use, given that many of the key terms used in discussing epistemic injustice, including ‘epistemic injustice’ itself, are not drawn from our ordinary language. We might also have doubts about (...)
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  • Why AIs Cannot Play Games.David Koepsell - manuscript
    This paper explores the human experience of game-playing and its implications for artificial intelligence. The author uses phenomenology to examine game-playing from a human-centered perspective and applies it to language games played by artificial intelligences and humans. The paper argues that AI cannot truly play games because it lacks the intentionality, embodied experience, and social interaction that are fundamental to human game-playing. Furthermore, current AI lacks the ability to converse, which is argued to be equivalent to Wittgenstein’s view of engaging (...)
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  • Modal Realism and the PSR.Tarik Tijanovic - 2024 - In Yannic Kappes, Asya Passinsky, Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Schnieder, Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 772-779.
    Peter Van Inwagen argues that The Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) either leads to contradiction or it leads to necessitarianism. Although I agree with Van Inwagen that the relationship between the PSR and necessitarianism is close, I argue that the PSR is compatible with innocent versions of necessitarianism. In this project my main argument is that modal realism can account for the PSR and integrate it within an innocent version of necessitarianism. My main claim will be that each fact in (...)
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  • Tendiendo Puentes: Los Themata de Holton y su Nexo con Marcos Filosóficos Establecidos en la Investigación Científica.Georges Alahou - 2024 - Culturas Cientificas 5 (1):03-19.
    Este artículo examina la rica textura de los themata de Holton. Holton argumenta que dentro de las normas racionales establecidas hay espacio para elementos subjetivos, incluida la imaginación científica. Sostiene que estas influencias entre pares, conocidas como themata, no solo no obstaculizan el progreso científico, sino que también sirven como un conducto para nuevos descubrimientos científicos. El objetivo del artículo es obtener una comprensión integral de su impacto en la academia y la investigación científica, investigando su posible convergencia o divergencia (...)
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  • How Reductive Analyses of Content are Confused and How to Fix Them: A Critique of Varitel Semantics.Nancy Salay - 2021 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 42 (2):109-138.
    The “problem of intentionality” from the vantage point of a representational understanding of mind is explaining what thoughts and beliefs are and how they guide behaviour. From an anti-representationalist perspective, on the other hand, on which cognition itself is taken to be a kind of action, intentionality is a capacity to engage in behaviour that is meaningfully directed toward or about some situation. That these are not in fact competing insights is obscured by the representational/anti-representational framing of the debate. This (...)
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  • Brandom on Perceptual Knowledge.Daniel Kalpokas - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1):49-70.
    According to Brandom, perceptual knowledge is the product of two distinguishable capacities: the capacity to reliably discriminate behaviorally between different sorts of stimuli, and the capacity to take up a position in the game of giving and asking for reasons. However, in focusing exclusively on the entitlements and commitments of observation reports, rather than on perception itself, Brandom passes over a conception of perceptual experience as a sort of contentful mental state. In this article, I argue that this is a (...)
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  • Pitch enhancement facilitates word learning across visual contexts.Piera Filippi, Bruno Gingras & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Peircean Semiotic Indeterminacy and Its Relevance for Biosemiotics.Robert Lane - 2014 - In Vinicius Romanini, Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
    This chapter presents a detailed explanation of Peirce’s early and late views on semiotic indeterminacy and then considers how those views might be applied within biosemiotics. Peirce distinguished two different forms of semiotic indeterminacy: generality and vagueness. He defined each in terms of the “right” that indeterminate signs extend, either to their interpreters in the case of generality or to their utterers in the case of vagueness, to further determine their meaning. On Peirce’s view, no sign is absolutely determinate, i.e., (...)
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  • Radical Enactivism, Wittgenstein and the cognitive gap.Victor Loughlin - 2014 - Adaptive Behavior 22 (5):350-359.
    REC or Radical Enactive (or Embodied) Cognition (Hutto and Myin, 2013) involves the claim that certain forms of mentality do not involve informational content and are instead to be equated with temporally and spatially extended physical interactions between an agent and the environment. REC also claims however that other forms of mentality do involve informational content and are scaffolded by socially and linguistically enabled practices. This seems to raise what can be called a cognitive gap question, namely, how do non-contentful (...)
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  • Metaphysical Realism and Objectivity: Some Theoretical Reflections.Aldo Stella & Giancarlo Ianulardo - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (4):1001-1021.
    In this paper we aim to show an intrinsic contradiction of contemporary Metaphysical Realism by focusing on the relation between the subject and the object. Metaphysical Realism considers facts and objects as being empirical, and therefore they are considered in relation to the subject, while at the same time facts are assumed to belong to an autonomous and independent reality. However, if a real object is considered to be independent from the subject, once it enters in a relation with the (...)
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  • Plastic neuroscience: studying what the brain cares about.Joseph Dumit - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Republicanismos de especies: hacer administración pública en tiempos de crisis civilizatoria.Sergio Chaparro-Arenas - 2024 - Animales y Cambio Climático: Reflexiones y Perspectivas Isbn 978-958-508-117-8 (Impreso) 1 (1):205–228.
    El artículo responde a dos preguntas de escrutinio público que apelan a la sensibilidad republicana de ciudadanos lectores y comunes: ¿en qué tiempo vivimos? y ¿qué administración pública hacer hoy? Se trata de las repúblicas de los sintientes, las repúblicas ecosociales y las repúblicas comunes interespecies. Aquí, como no podría faltar, el liberalismo (razón liberal), los socialismos (razón ecosocial) y el comunismo (razón común), colisionan de manera radical e indefectible: son dialogantes entre sí. En el recuento mismo, en esta crisis (...)
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  • Speaking and Translating: Aesthetics, Aspect-Seeing, and Interpretation.Rafael Azize - 2019 - In Alois Pichler, Paulo Oliveira & Arley Moreno, Wittgenstein in/on Translation. Campinas: Unicamp University Press. pp. 281-308.
    The anthropologist James Frazer investigates the ritual gesture in search of be- liefs about the physical world by the native. Wittgenstein considers this a case of aspect- blindness, one that is disruptive of the conditions for understanding the native’s most triv- ial gestures. Unable to cast his glance from within the native situation, this methodological view from nowhere has an arresting effect on experience – in particular, the experience of speaking. This interruption is to be examined by means of a (...)
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  • Morphology as a language for aesthetics. From J. W. Von Goethe to Olaf Breidbach.Ivan Quartesan - 2023 - Aesthetica Preprint 123:209-222.
    The paper aims to understand whether morphology can be framed as a language for aesthetics. In particular, whether Olaf Breidbach’s contribution can determine its fundamental terms. These are related to the notion of forms and images. Hence, the paper is structured into three parts: i) framing of research on morphology in Ger-many; ii) analysis of Goethe’s method and vocabulary from an aesthetic standpoint; iii) presentation of Breidbach’s proposal in relation to Goethe.
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  • Wittgenstein, justice, and liberalism.Robert Vinten - 2021 - In André Barata & José Manuel Santos, Formas de Vida, Forms of Life, Formes de Vie. Praxis. pp. 205-233.
    This chapter from André Barata and José Manuel Santos´s (eds.) book Formas de Vida, Forms of Life, Formes de Vie involves a critical discussion of the political philosophies of Richard Rorty and Chantal Mouffe. Rorty and Mouffe have both developed similar kinds of liberal political visions and both have taken inspiration from Wittgenstein. However, it is doubtful whether any such vision can be found in Wittgenstein’s work. In fact, it will be argued here that Wittgenstein’s work contains tools for criticising (...)
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  • Response to Critics.Robert Vinten - 2023 - Cosmos + Taxis 11 (3+4):48-67.
    Cosmos+Taxis published a special issue with a symposium discussing Robert Vinten's book Wittgenstein and the Social Sciences. The symposium was edited by Richard Eldridge and it contains contributions from Paul Roth (Distinguished Professor, UC Santa Cruz), Daniel Little (Professor, University of Michigan, Dearborn), Rafael Azize (Associate Professor, Federal University of Bahia), Richard Raatzsch (Professor, EBS Universität), and Rupert Read (Associate Professor, UEA) - with a response by Robert Vinten ('Response to Critics'). Within the issue the papers compare Wittgenstein's philosophy to (...)
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  • PISA and policy-borrowing: A philosophical perspective on their interplay in mathematics education.Ian Cantley - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (12):1200-1215.
    Mathematics achievement in different education systems around the world is assessed periodically in the Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA is deemed to yield robust...
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  • Rule-following practices in a natural world.Wolfgang Huemer - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1):161-181.
    I address the question of whether naturalism can provide adequate means for the scientific study of rules and rule-following behavior. As the term "naturalism" is used in many different ways in the contemporary debate, I will first spell out which version of naturalism I am targeting. Then I will recall a classical argument against naturalism in a version presented by Husserl. In the main part of the paper I will sketch a conception of rule-following behavior that is influenced by Sellars (...)
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  • Insight and Error in Wittgenstein.John R. Searle - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (6):527-547.
    For me, personally, Wittgenstein’s philosophy poses the greatest challenge: if he is right, the sort of philosophy I am attempting to do is impossible. Wittgenstein argued powerfully that there can be no such thing as a general philosophical theory of language, mind, consciousness, society, and so on. I wanted and still do want to do precisely that: to present a general philosophical theory of language, mind, consciousness, society, and so on.
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  • Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.Yannic Kappes, Asya Passinsky, Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.) - 2024 - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
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  • Careful becomings: Foucault, Deleuze, and Bergson.Gordon C. F. Bearn - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (4):400-415.
    This essay argues for a convergence between, on the one side, Foucault’s characterization of the care of the self as a way of overcoming the traps of anthropological sleep, and on the other side, Deleuze’s characterization of initiating becomings as a way of fleeing the traps of organization, a line of flight, becoming becoming. This convergence is defended on the basis of a Bergsonian ontology of becoming, and in particular, Bergson’s opposition to what he calls the retrograde motion of truth. (...)
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  • True Colors, Time After Time: Essays Honoring Valtteri Arstila.Alexander D. Carruth, Heidi Haanila, Paavo Pylkkänen & Pii Telakivi (eds.) - 2024 - Turku: University of Turku.
    This is a Festschrift in honour of Valtteri Arstila, a professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Turku. The book is structured in three sections. The first two—‘Mind and Action’ and ‘Time and Temporal Experience’—include papers focussed on issues particularly close to Arstila's own research specialisation. The final section contains papers on various further philosophical issues. The first section, ‘Mind and Action’, collects together contributions on a variety of topics such as consciousness, content, agency and normativity; encompassing approaches from (...)
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  • A Non-alethic Multi-agent Doxastic Logic as a Solution to Epistemic Conflicts.Xudong Hao - 2021 - Axiomathes 32 (3):413-431.
    The non-alethic systems N1 of da Costa and A of Grana are both paraconsistent and paracomplete. Based on them, a multi-agent doxastic logic NADK can be obtained by logical expansion. The soundness and completeness of NADK are proved and its special theorems are also presented. In this logic, the belief version of the laws of contradiction and excluded middle, as well as the principle of explosion are all invalid. Therefore, it may provide a reliable logical basis for any theory which (...)
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  • Rethinking the Machine Metaphor Since Descartes: On the Irreducibility of Bodies, Minds, and Meanings.Charles Lowney - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (3):179-192.
    Michael Polanyi’s conceptions of tacit knowing and emergent being are used to correct a reductionism that developed from, or reacted against, the excesses of several Cartesian assumptions: (a) the method of universal doubt; (b) the emphasis on reductive analysis to unshakeable foundations, via connections between clear and distinct ideas; (c) the notion that what is real are the basic atomic substances out of which all else is composed; (d) a sharp body-mind substance dualism; and (e) the notion that the seat (...)
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  • Poetry, Performativity, and Ordinary Language Philosophy.Philip Mills - 2025 - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    How can Ordinary Language Philosophy (OLP) help us understand poetry? Against John L. Austin’s exclusion of poetic utterances as parasitical, Philip Mills explores how contemporary poetics broadens the aims and scope of OLP. Through the analysis of French and American poetry that reinterprets notions such as illocution, perlocution, and language-games, Mills develops a poetic philosophy of language, revealing its viral and transformative nature. Poetry, Performativity, and Ordinary Language Philosophy bridges philosophy and poetry, showing how poetry contaminates and reshapes our ways (...)
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  • Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Science of Religion: Interpreting Human Nature and the Mind.Robert Vinten (ed.) - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Advancing our understanding of one of the most influential 20th-century philosophers, Robert Vinten brings together an international line up of scholars to consider the relevance of Ludwig Wittgenstein's ideas to the cognitive science of religion. Wittgenstein's claims ranged from the rejection of the idea that psychology is a 'young science' in comparison to physics to challenges to scientistic and intellectualist accounts of religion in the work of past anthropologists. Chapters explore whether these remarks about psychology and religion undermine the frameworks (...)
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  • The Significance of Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Religious Belief.Jan Wawrzyniak - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1767-1804.
    This article aims to show that Wittgenstein’s remarks on religious belief and religious statements can be understood in modest philosophical terms, consistent with the thought that they are neither intended as serving to justify or undermine religious beliefs, nor as the expression of any theorizing about the nature of religious belief or the meaning of religious language. Instead, their philosophical significance is held to consist in their functioning to remind us of what we already know about the latter: such things (...)
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  • Faith, Evidence, and Belief: A Gentle Intro to Reformed Epistemology.Paul Mayer - manuscript
    In this paper, I give a brief overview of ideas from Reformed Epistemology, and the relationship between faith, evidence, and belief. I discuss what makes belief in God rationally warranted, and how reformed epistemology strikes a middle ground between fideism and evidentialism. In effect, reformed epistemology avoids the fideist idea that belief in God must be taken on "blind faith," but also avoids some of the epistemic issues present in evidentialism, such as its self-referential incoherence. The reformed epistemologist says belief (...)
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  • Social AI and The Equation of Wittgenstein’s Language User With Calvino’s Literature Machine.Warmhold Jan Thomas Mollema - 2024 - International Review of Literary Studies 6 (1):39-55.
    Is it sensical to ascribe psychological predicates to AI systems like chatbots based on large language models (LLMs)? People have intuitively started ascribing emotions or consciousness to social AI (‘affective artificial agents’), with consequences that range from love to suicide. The philosophical question of whether such ascriptions are warranted is thus very relevant. This paper advances the argument that LLMs instantiate language users in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s sense but that ascribing psychological predicates to these systems remains a functionalist temptation. Social AIs (...)
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  • Against the Guise of the Good.Bright Dua-Ansah - 2023 - Arche: Boston University 7:53-68.
    The "Guise of the Good" thesis explains the nature of intentional action as one that is aimed at accomplishing some good. This makes sense as an explanation of why people do what they do, since we are less likely to deliberately act upon intentions in which we see no good. Francesco Orsi has argued that an agent's perception of an action as good is a necessary reason for its being carried out. I show that Orsi's thesis is merely a contingent (...)
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  • Descartes on Language: How Signification Leads to Direct Reference.Jani Sinokki - 2023 - In Panu Raatikainen, _Essays in the Philosophy of Language._ Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 100. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica. pp. 55-89.
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  • Tuhan, Manusia, dan Bahasa menurut Ludwig Wittgenstein: Suatu Tinjauan Filsafat Agama.Otniel Aurelius Nole - 2023 - Sanjiwani: Jurnal Filsafat 14 (2):162-173.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein was a man with significant contributions. As a philosopher, Wittgenstein had an understanding of how to respond to God's existence. Through his thoughts on language, Wittgenstein stated that human have language and regarded language as a game. Therefore, this research is intended to explain God, man, and language according to Wittgenstein. Library research based on a qualitative method was used in this research and was reviewed with the philosophy of religion. In this research, the writer showed the unique (...)
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  • Inventing Knowledge: A Global & Historical Introduction to Philosophy.Emmie Malone - 2025 - OER.
    Inventing Knowledge: A Global & Historical Introduction to Philosophy is an open educational resource (OER) textbook designed for a cross-cultural historical-survey style Introduction to Philosophy course. While it was written with an undergraduate academic audience in mind, it should also be suitable for self-guided readers interested in philosophy. It covers ‘western' philosophy from the Presocratics of Ancient Greece through to the present day (and including the Islamic world). It also contains additional chapters on philosophy in India, China, Mesoamerica, and Africa. (...)
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  • Hegemonía de campos catastrofistas: tensiones de la colapsología emergente con los societal collapse studies.Sergio Chaparro-Arenas - 2024 - Dissertation, National University of Colombia
    Adoptando una revitalización de la tradición marxista en los Estudios Sociales de Ciencia y Tecnología (STS) y en la filosofía contemporánea, mi trabajo se ocupa de la emergencia de la colapsología en Francia y Bélgica, Europa y el mundo, sus tensiones constituyentes con el campo hegemónico de los societal collapse studies. La tesis realiza un seguimiento minucioso de la colapsología y sus profetas fundacionales, el ingeniero agrónomo y Doctor en Biología, Pablo Servigne, y el administrador ambiental de empresas y Máster (...)
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  • Another Strand in the Rue-Following Considerations.Antonio Ianni Segatto - 2023 - Ideação 1 (47):140-167.
    In this paper, I intend to show, first, that there is a misconception underlying two opposing readings of Wittgenstein’s rule-following considerations, notably Kripke’s sceptical reading and Baker and Hacker’s reading. I believe that the correct characterization of this misunderstanding is the first step towards the correct way to read the rule-following considerations, since these readings are still subject to a philosophical confusion that Wittgenstein wants to dissolve. Then I present a commentary on the rule-following considerations inspired by the so-called resolute (...)
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  • Essays on Values - Volume 1.João Constâncio & Maria João Mayer Branco (eds.) - 2023 - Lisbon: Instituto de Filosofia da Nova (IFILNOVA) Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
    These three volumes, entitled Essays On Values, bring together fortyone recent articles by researchers at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA). They are a small sample of everything that, in the last four years, the Institute’s researchers have published, in English, in indexed journals and collections of essays with peer review. As a whole, they reflect very well the research work that is done at IFILNOVA. Section I. of Volume 1 gathers six articles that deal directly with the question “what (...)
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  • Wittgenstein: From Realism to Conventionalism.Sher Zada & Shuja Ahmad - 2020 - The Dialogue 15 (3):75-84.
    This paper discusses and brings into light Ludwig Wittgenstein’s early and later philosophical thought as a movement from realism towards conventionalism. Taking into account both his early and later works, one can say that the early Wittgenstein was an exponent of realism- A philosophical position that claims reality to be objective/external and independent of us. We argue that, while language remained the central theme in his philosophy, Wittgenstein moved from realism to conventionalism in his later philosophy. Conventionalism is a philosophical (...)
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  • Essays on Values - Volume 1.João Constâncio & M. J. M. Branco (eds.) - 2023 - Lisbon: Instituto de Filosofia da Nova (IFILNOVA) Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
    These three volumes, entitled Essays On Values, bring together fortyone recent articles by researchers at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA). They are a small sample of everything that, in the last four years, the Institute’s researchers have published, in English, in indexed journals and collections of essays with peer review. As a whole, they reflect very well the research work that is done at IFILNOVA. Section I. of Volume 1 gathers six articles that deal directly with the question “what (...)
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  • Inquiries into Cognition: Wittgenstein’s Language-Games and Peirce’s Semeiosis for the Philosophy of Cognition.Andrey Pukhaev - 2013 - Dissertation, Gregorian University
    SUMMARY Major theories of philosophical psychology and philosophy of mind are examined on the basis of the fundamental questions of ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, semantics and logic. The result is the choice between language of eliminative reductionism and dualism, neither of which answers properly the relation between mind and body. In the search for a non–dualistic and non–reductive language, Wittgenstein’s notion of language–games as the representative links between language and the world is considered together with Peirce’s semeiosis of cognition. The result (...)
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